tv News RT January 21, 2021 11:00am-11:31am EST
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unrest is seen in several u.s. cities as the new president joe biden out of bounds to overcome the deep rift between democrats and republicans we must end this body should be your. pitch ready just blew. that message of unity gets a gushing response from the mainstream media look at whether the enthusiasm is justified the worst shackling this is an adult nonsense. and the european union makes a step closer to introducing coded passports despite resistance from several member
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states. good evening and welcome to the program this is arts international coming to you straight from the russian capital bring you a live news update. joe biden has been sworn in as the 46th president of the united states bringing to a close donald trump's 4 years in office but amid deep divisions in american society just hours after the inauguration people took their discontent to the streets. in portland protestors faced off with riot police officers fired tear gas into the crowd earlier a mob descended on the democratic party's offices in the city where they smashed windows so also saw clashes with protesters creating barricade. it's and starting
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fires in the streets you know all over in colorado protesters set fire to a large u.s. flag in the state capitol scuffles broke out as counter protesters tried to put out . the inauguration itself was like no other security so high that d.c. resembled a war zone an unprecedented 25000 national guard members have been called in to avoid a repeat of scenes like the one seen 2 weeks earlier during the capitol hill siege in racine across the u.s. came just hours after biden stressed that he would strive to bring about unity. we must end this civil war pits red against blue rural versus urban or rural versus urban conservative versus liberal we can do this if we open our souls so to harden our hearts if we show a little tolerance and humanity and if. we're willing to stand in the other person's
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shoes as my mom would say just for a moment stand in the shoes really this is something that joe biden tries to put on this cloak of a peacemaker someone in a surgical mask you know tending to and mending the wounds of the american democracy but the society is not stitching together that easily because in effect what joe biden is doing so far his actions have boiled down to dismantling everything that donald trump has done in the past 4 years this includes bringing america back into the world health organization into signing back the purse climate accord dismantling the infamous border wall that trump just kept throwing money at and still failed to erect and so on and so forth there's plenty of policies that joe biden has a big problem with but one thing that joe biden does have and what donald trump didn't and still doesn't have is the world overwhelming support of the mainstream
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media those flights that are that are just shooting out from the lincoln memorial i look it's like almost extensions of joe biden's arms embracing america president elect joe biden and vice president harris told. to grief and regret out of the privacy of our hearts if just for a moment so that we all could share it he doesn't keep a lot of things secret when it comes to his emotions and his and his family and his love for his family some very passionate words just putting it diplomatically like joe biden's arms reaching out yeah very very passionate very passionate but again just imagine so the very 1st day this is the kind of slack that the mainstream media are giving joe biden because well they just they just giving him credit for just being there for just getting into the white existing just for existing the already love him and cherish him with trump the media war with against him started
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instantly like with various outlets were comparing his inauguration crowd with the obama's inauguration crowd and someone like you know getting down to the very single to single person you know nit picking in the smallest of details because sometimes he was criticized very rightly so by the media but very often they were just you know what you need straws and with joe biden it isn't happening and more on top of that some media analysts and media figures they already have a well. planned those who voted for trump there are millions of americans. somehow we need to be deprogrammed they are members of the cult there are republican members of congress i know who clearly have lost their minds who just will not accept reality when it comes to the facts about donald trump i'm comparing the words of. individual who would incite them radicalize somebody
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as osama bin laden did to what president trump did right now with such love the joe biden gets from the media he has risking. not being the peacemaker that he seems to want to be but rather deepening the crisis by failing to understand why tens of millions of people more than 70 millions of people voted against him. media coverage of the inauguration left a bad taste in certain people's miles including legal and media analyst lionel i've instructed my family in the event i were to somehow ingest some poison and you rushed me to an emergency room and you had to induce emesis vomiting for those at home if you don't have any syrup of ipecac please played today's media coverage because i think i would upchuck it was the
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worst saccharin this does an a dying nonsense the best of the best was a fellow by the name of chris wallace who was on fox news facts news much which used to be considered conservative whatever that means and he said that he's been covering inaugurations since 1961 says j.f.k. ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country when we had stentorian oratory the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and chris wallace said with a straight face this was the best inaugural address he's ever heard. i'm in a parallel universe imagine every cliche everything you've ever heard thrown into a hat and just pulled out and read and this this finding this almost. cult
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like it is incantations up the stage at the u. unity and what did he do within the 1st he went straight to the white house walked in and basically reversed a number of serious executive orders the president trumpets initially so in the day when he wanted to say we're all coming together we're all coming together the 1st he does is give me that pen and there you go there's your unity despite biden sweeping changes to trump's domestic policies some are wondering if there will be the same dramatic shift in america's foreign policy. has more. it all depends on where you stand for some biden's inauguration maybe the beginning of 4 sad years for others it's a light at the end of a dark dog tunnel the united states is back and europe stands ready to reconnect we
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don't old and trusted partner to breathe new life into our cherished alliance if only it were that simple trumps raid cond be easily undone old bones have been broken some irreparably so but some and only some can be salvaged we do have. a big task ahead of us in restoring revitalizing those relationships i do think it starts with showing up again some of our allies and partners question the sustainability of our commitments based on the experience of the last recent years and that's going to be a hard hard hill to climb anyone hoping for a revolution a rethinking of american foreign policy a sadly going to be disappointed in the new administration has inherited and braced trumps hostility to china for example so if you were hoping for an end to the trade war the tariff hikes or saber rattling you're outta luck i also believe that
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president trump was right in taking a tougher approach to china i disagree very much with the way that he won about it in a number of areas but the basic principle was the right one the nominee for secretary of defense lloyd austin very much agrees with the nominee for secretary of state highlighting 2 primary potential threats to america clearly the strategy will be arrayed against. china is is presents the the most significant threat going forward because china is ascending russia is all sorts right but it's it's in decline they are. also approve of trump's middle east policy specifically a huge diplomatic push to get muslim nations to establish relations with israel oh in the new year recognize capital of israel jerusalem abstain too as is the rift in a 2 caused by turkey buying things it shouldn't such as russian missile systems
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turkey is an ally that in many ways is not acting. as a now i should and this is a very very significant challenge for us and we're very clear eyed about it they also approve of trump's middle east policy they've already said they'll do everything in their power to stop the new gas pipeline being built by europe and russia which presumably includes sanctions against european nations no mention of the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan there presumably staying for a 20th year or 2 trumps record spending in the military no sign of that going away in fact the new administration believes defense capability should be increased even further there is one stark difference between trump's and biden's foreign policies it's iran. in my judgment the way for whatever its limitations
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was succeeding on its own terms in blocking iran's pathways to producing for some material for a nuclear weapon on short order there you have it the only stark difference between america's old and new foreign policy is donald trump may be gone but his political spirit lives on in the new administration joe biden a terrifying i think to a lot of countries that will hope that his presidency does not mean a return to war. as was personified by barack obama in his libya and venture i think another thing that we all fear is that biden was part of an obama administration that accelerated the. ideas the diffusion of fundamentalist islam ism in the middle east i says al-qaeda so i think that is very worrying perhaps lincoln and others are thinking ok try and make some deal with
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iran civil tenuously fight iran by defacto helping islam ism but of course the big danger here is we're back to back to readers when the united states was supporting the mujahideen in afghanistan which led to the destruction of the twin towers and these are the sorts of foreign policy mind i guess was that return to stack the senate foreign relations committee so it had to back the iraq war and then see it all changed because we heard from that speech full of the usual platitudes redolent of obama and they all change because of biden is saying and rule unless you're changing glueing blinken and all the rest of them that he's appointed around. europe is moving closer to introducing coronavirus passports with greece and italy saying the scheme could provide a way out of the current restrictions and not on. all countries are onboard as peter over explains as the e.u.
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looks to present a united front when it comes to the fight against covert 191 measure we could well see coming in sooner rather than later of vaccine passports as more people are vaccinated the documentation in mutual recognition of vaccination become of up most important though it is premature to envisage the use of vaccine certificates for other purposes than health protection and a your approach may facilitate other cross border applications of such that if it gets in the future the idea certainly isn't to everyone's taste but the loss of another summer season would be unthinkable for nations whose tourism industries of already being ravaged by coronavirus so covert passports may be the only way to go greece isn't going to let the idea get caught up in pyroclastic navel gazing they've already got the certificates in place we are starting to issue digital vaccination certificates this is not
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a restriction on the contrary it will help us get rid of the restrictions that covered places on travel for european citizens spain is also in support for the idea of an vaccination document while the italian travel and tourism federation is pressuring rome to act on their behalf we have vaccinated over 1000000 people so far and this number will reach some 10000000 by spring it would be a real shame not to take this opportunity to bring back to safe travel for a fairly large number of people those who lobby on behalf of the airline industry are also won't understand a really came to get this idea off the ground when the european mutual recognized vaccinations are to figure that would be an important step towards giving governments the confidence to safely open their borders and passengers the confidence to fly without the barrier of quarantine while this is certainly up for consideration the stated goal of the e.u. commission remain. bucks in a 70 percent of the population by the end of the summer but not everyone sees
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covert per sports as a panacea the president of roumania has suggested that vaccine passports would divide europe's population in 2 while the world health organization is calling on people to be a bit more thoughtful when it comes to travel and not clamor to get back on planes all over the world as soon as possible i asked people here on the streets of berlin what they thought about the proposal it's a big problem for me because i don't want to be vaccinated so they have to catch me and vaccinate with with force the main point should be the focus not on travel but people we have to think about the community and that should be the main reason for certificates but at the same time sensitive because might encourage people to get vaccinated thus helping society i think it's unfair because only the people who are vixen will be freed to travel to work to go to the cinema everything and the people
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who are not so there will be discriminated by doing fascination of the you will allow us to get back to normal and do things i choose will for the e.u. it does seem that some kind of vaccine document will be the way forward we'll know more after thursday's virtual summit but the mood music coming out of brussels seems to suggest that a plan could well be in place by the end of this month peter all over r.t. berlin. we spoke to richard werner a professor of banking at the u.k.'s demand for university who believes that there's a lot more at stake than just travel. if such covert passports are introduced and actually then used in order to discriminate against people then this would of course mean that people who have refused to take some experimental injection that has not really been properly tested and has been rushed through they would not be
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allowed to use some public services that they're paying for as taxpayers even though they're healthy and there is actually a fundamental legal problem with this because actually that's a violation of e.u. law we have european union and earlier european community law which guarantees freedom of movement of people it certainly is it would be a violation of human rights because you know why restrict the movement of healthy people and you can't simply say that anyone who hasn't done x. y. z. we will declare as potentially dangerous well that is a massive discrimination and you can't treat healthy people like this. you lawmakers are pushing for sanctions against russia over the alex and of on the case european parliament has just passed a resolution demanding the release of the opposition activists it was given a 30 day jail term after flying back to moscow from germany earlier this week we
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cannot possibly live and get all the calls from our to zillah patricia tell us more about what was in this resolution. jacqueline hi there well the europe is getting increasingly involved and the 1st step is the resolution from the e.u. parliament yes it's been passed like you said and the 1st element of it is the demand for opposition activists to like saying a volley to be released from behind bars immediately but something else that the european lawmakers want is an extended version of some kind of sanctions document against russia that means boosting the sanctions that are already in place but also introducing new ones against a very soon dividual is that include russian officials so-called all the guards and the so-called people behind the propaganda against the like saying the volley plus
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the blocking of the north stream to pipeline project like you said jack while in the kremlin critic was arrested immediately after his passport was stamped at the border control at the moscow airport after alexei in the volley came back from germany and we remember that the issue why he's in trouble with the russian lawmakers is because of the violations of his probation period several years ago alexei no volley was convicted for embezzlement for which he received a suspended sentence but this case is much more complicated alexina vali is calling his trial politically motivated but there are so many elements to this story and this brings us to why they came back from germany after several months in the 1st place we remember that he fell severely ill while he was on the plane from
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siberia to moscow then he was. flown to berlin and after that western countries started blaming russia for poisoning him with the infamous nerve agent of the novacek a group that's something that russia denies completely and russia demands proof of this russian authorities are saying here in moscow that so far they're completely satisfied with what they've gotten from berlin so far and lately we heard from the russian prosecutor general's office that they sent out another request to german officials get a warning about germany has taken a formal approach in responding to russia's requests and in fact has not provided anything which could shed light on the alleged poisoning the well it seems that the clear intention of our foreign colleagues is to conceal the true circumstances of
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the incident in order to continue with the unfounded accusations against russia. but as all this political fraction unveiled between russia and the west when it comes to the case of a like cena volley one side demanding proof the other side saying that it's clearly russia and the russian government to blame for it like saying a volley suddenly announced that he was ready to come back to his country and this is something that really caused the stir now as we can see western officials are trying to get involved with the with how the russian law enforcement agencies are dealing with alexina volley but they've already received a warning from russia's top diplomat who said that it's russia's all one business how to deal with alexina volley and with accusations that russian officials have against him. no volleys cases got so much international complicity
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and everything that happens in a vulnerable god in his return in detention is the business of law enforcement agencies we are talking about enforcing laws in some of the countries simply mentation of their own laws is considered to be of secondary importance to achieving some geo political goals this is their problems in our case law enforcement agencies have made their position clear. because now there was also mention of the nord stream to gas pipeline in that resolution coming from the european parliament tell us about that. shirt jacqueline nord stream 2 very important thing in terms of geopolitics in terms of russia's relations with europe and with america and another complicated story that's new pipeline that has not been completed just yet but it's nearing its completion that was intended for direct natural gas deliveries from russia to germany but this project has
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its enemies and also there are some countries in the in the european union that are you. looking forward to its completion that is germany in particular i can tell you that there are politicians in the e.u. including angola merkel that are saying that politics and the like scene of on these caves shouldn't be mixed with europe's economic interests in fact this is one of the latest comments by the german chancellor. that i consider these extra territorial sanctions to be inappropriate. but besides this we understand there's a different very important player in this case that is the u.s. and they have their own economic interests they want their companies to keep selling liquefied natural gas to europe and this is the point in which russia is
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at which story russia is accusing washington of not playing by the rules of fair competition because all long the u.s. was keen to stop the nord stream to pipeline project by throwing sanctions against the companies that were involved in the construction etc etc so this is the point at which the european parliament is hinting that the project could be blocked because of alexina volley and this is perfect news for the incoming u.s. administration because they were looking for any kind of ways to stop this project and to somehow make sure that it's not being complete this is what we heard from one of joe biden's advisors earlier the european should stop the construction of north stream too and the american should suspend the sanctions that would give the new u.s. administration the opportunity to speak confidentially calmly with the german government and the other countries involved. so what happens next is unclear on the
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one hand we have germany's own economic interests and those of the other proponents of this project in the you then at the same time we have a like scene of ali's case and that resolution from the european parliament that among other things says that north stream too should be blocked because of the opposition critics arrest and we have extended pressure from the u.s. so let's wait and see what happens next several stories intertwined very complicated but we're here to tell you the story r.t. if you were trying to breaking down that story for us thank you. the united arab emirates has joined a fast growing list of countries that have approved russia's vaccine against covert 19 the move has been welcomed by the head of russia's direct investment fund which is behind the global rollout of the sputnik the shot. sparked arctic. ocean washing up almost this partnership means disputant vaccine will be available in the
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united arab emirates and that's very important not only for the u.s. and russia but for the entire middle east and the rest of the world i would like to highlight a few crucial points firstly the decision was made after speak was registered in more than 10 other countries it was based not only on clinical trials in russia but also on data that the u.a.e. received from its own trolls was. secondly the tests have shown the high safety and efficacy of speech. today we received the important news that hungry has become the 1st state of the european union to register the speed with the vaccine so we can see that it's being approved not only in the middle east latin america africa and asia but also in europe. in india the russian job has been authorized for phase 3 trials dr reddy's the pharma company behind the indian trial says it hopes to get full approval by march if all goes well sputnik be will be used alongside the astern seneca jap and india's faxon which have already been rolled out we spoke to
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dr reddy's managing director about why they chose sputnik feet. the 1st reactions which are coming out in india i deserved for the government. of public workers and all that but there are many many many people who need access to these vaccines and hence more better and i do believe that the sputnik is also a very odd ones vaccine and really hopeful that it will work with the well received we're very pleased with the science behind the act seen as your noise as a humanized. are used but this which is an odd one dates then you have are 2 different recto to see your dives for the made vaccine and the booster doors that's the mother one day age of me also saw the safety data and also some if you can see
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data and the science behind how this vaccine was deadlocked and the platform which was in the ad if you want to know why it is like they're based on. the platform was considered but it's saying the if you can see a good day don't look very good soul give a very privileged and honored to part of a donor should come but a russian company r.d.f. to bring dislikes into india. that's our breakdown of the day's top headlines for this hour thanks for tuning in. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura made in the shallowness.
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