tv Documentary RT January 21, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm EST
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philosophically what's driving the obesity epidemic it's corporate profit. in fact from which. of course. the chief. of police. q . chain reaction process in the reactor a tremendous heat which scientists have learned out of control. really. was so excited about nuclear engineering because i thought it would solve the
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world's energy crisis is exciting science to realize you've got the power of the sun. reactor near seoul or inspiring when everything works. to refute with making energy the problem is that everything to us worked on japan's nuclear nightmare continues a 2nd hydrogen explosion at the fukushima daiichi nuclear complex destroyed the reactor exterior all 3 daiichi reactors have nuclear fuel rods that have been exposed to some degree so they are teetering on the edge of a meltdown i mean you need to sit. down. you know the. first thing more. concerning that situation in japan i'm now joined live from vermont going to some now we're reporting at the moment that they're all suggestions that
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a partial nuclear meltdown is now underway this is not a nuclear chain reaction this is not a nuclear bomb this is the radiation left over after the chain reaction is started sort of story to interrupt but you say this is not a nuclear bomb but would not the effects be the same as a nuclear bomb if obviously it does reach meltdown and there isn't. splosion. the chemicals that are going to be released are similar actually the chemicals released from other the radioactive chemicals released from a nuclear bomb disappear quicker then the radiation that is released in a nuclear power plant all we're looking at an apocalypse this is true and old coal on steroids do you think it's definitely going to happen or do you think crisis could be averted no i don't think crisis can be averted.
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her containment building a big baby space the nuclear reactor could keep that power plant shut down longer than expected 1st energy says it will restart the plants controlled or cracked displaced those who live in the shadow dyspepsy see any problem can be alarming i don't give it a whole line of thought that once in awhile when you hear something wrong like that concerns you. the nuclear regulatory commission is monitoring the situation in indian point nuclear energy center in a condition no one wants to see with black smoke pouring out of these photos were posted on social media as responders on site ones plus these firefighters nearby like went in to find a transformer turning. new york governor andrew cuomo came to see the response up close for himself this was
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a relatively minor situation but we're told your brother nuclear power really minor situation. radioactive tritium is leaking from 3 quarters of all u.s. commercial nuclear power sites and a cancer causing material often seeps into groundwater from corroded beer. hyping that's what the associated press concluded after a year in nam investigation. southern california edison says it will be closing the troubled 7 o 3 nuclear powered by a good landing in san diego county has been offline for months because of a mechanical bill. that led to trace amounts of radiation being a leave of absence the latest in a number of environmental problems of xenophobia over the deal.
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they think of dairy farms. in fields they think of maple trees maple syrup. they think of rivers and pristine lakes. and we got a nuclear power plant right on the southern border. for my yankee welcome to romano . if people think that there is a radioactive problem at this plant in vermont are vermont brand is done. to drink our milk who's going to want to who's going to want to use our sear who's going to want to come here and drive past that.
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they. have no. no no no no no the threat of my doubt as you know right now no yes no no i am not yankees that has to go shut. we know right now. there is no source of energy in this world that doesn't have risk associated with it in nuclear it is very very low so i feel it's a very safe technology our job is to protect public health and safety and never have an accident that jeopardizes public health or safety so that's with us every day people like me come in here in the $650.00 men and women that work here that is
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our focus the safe operation of this plant. i live right across the street from vermont yankee and they've always been a good neighbor i have children that go to the school which is also right across the street from my yankee. you don't move to vernon and live in vernon if you're worried about the point both our girls live in town or 6 grandchildren live in town in fact my my youngest daughter lives down the road here well as the crow flies it's less than a half mile from the point. where we don't worry about the point of being here.
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i live 70 miles from the vermont yankee nuclear power and what that means in terms of any sort of incident or accident that might happen plan is that if it was a serious incident most likely. i would no longer be able to live in my home the whole area would be contaminated if you. i would lose my home my community where i've been for the last 30 years of my life and i would have to relocate to some other place would be a complete disaster. people shouldn't have to live with that sort of risk. that's not acceptable. i have a passion for justice. there's always
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a lot of work to be done our area and that's the way i have lived my life i'm frances crow. and i live in northampton massachusetts i 93 years out and i've been involved in trying to say no to this finding of the adam and all of the consequences of it since night tain 45 when i heard about. the rape. i am a member of the shut it down athanasius group a group of women that came together to shut down. with our baddies and action. is that hot yes. we meet once a month we have a pot like here or my house and wave figure out what we're going to do and then we do it. for my yankee is right now my
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focus because it's a very dangerous oh no prayer power plant and if there is that accident at all by this area at night when you go and and maybe all of the new language and uninhabitable for generations. you started to run in 1972 it only had a license to run until 2012 in 2009 they applied to the nuclear regulatory commission to get another 20 years on their license so they could run it said 2032 the state of vermont asked me to oversee from a yankee and see if it was reliable enough to run for true 20 more years so i was chairman of the oversight panel that's looked into vermont yankee in 2009 we
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found 80 problems but if they cleaned up the problems we all signed a report saying for a minute he could run for another 20 years. there a year later we found out that they were lying to us entergy on a number of occasions including under oath before our public service board. denied the existence of. underground piping carrying radioactive material. forward to talking to. people. must obey the orders given by human beings except where such conflict with the 1st law. should be very careful about official intelligence the point is.
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laid on theory johnson with artificial intelligence will summon the demons. must protect its own existence as. well we said in 2008 right here on this show was that because there was no attempt to reform what the banks had done and the global financial crisis was caused by the banks who were hoarding the cash they were sitting on the cash they were lending it here we are in 2021 exactly as they predicted they did reform the banks in fact they just expanded their credit card they expanded their capacity to print and borrow and give away cash to their friends causing now this huge crisis.
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you see a romance most trusted news source sushma channel 3. more trouble for a vermont yankee a concrete trench at the plant is unexpectedly filling up with radioactive water radioactive water discovered in a concrete ditch at the nuclear plant contains high. levels of tritium the tritium found at the plant is $100.00 times the level deemed acceptable by the nuclear regulatory commission the tritium concentrations are in sky high nuclear expert arnie gundersen says this is yet another indication the aging play it should close this is either a leak in a pipe or a leak in the tank that pipe connects so underground pipes that vermont yankee originally claimed did not exist until after the 1st leak was discovered gunderson was on the public oversight panel made false statements. parent company says it was
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miscommunication nothing more the radioactive warder contained tritium lots of tritium but it also contained other isotopes he contained strontium 90 which is a bone seeker and causes leukemia because cesium $137.00 which is the muscle seeker causes heart disease they contain cobalt 60 which is a very high energy gamma source then a whole bunch of other isotopes minimal all of those started to work their way into the soil and has definitely entered the connecticut river through the human all these radioactive isotopes can cause cancer. why is the treaty and really of concern to us groundwater down there is being threatened and potentially the river water is being threatened
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something needs to be done right now i believe that planners on say we have buried corroded pipes that are way beyond their design life this problem is not only yankee this problem is countrywide maybe worldwide. we were told crystal clear that there were no buried underground pipes that contain radioactivity how many other plants. do not have underground ip you know there are none. i asked for an obscure report i got it and i read and i said oh my god there's a bird in underground pipe you knew when you read that that there was underground piping yes you ben misstatements have been given yes that's right i was stonewall what has happened that remind yankee is a breach of trust that cannot be tolerated in order to move forward on whether or not the plan will continue to operate questions need to be answered changes need to
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be made and the trust of vermonters must be restored we were now being lied to and lied to under oath on record and in vermont and in vermont and especially in the statehouse. your word is all you've got to live by we have a lot of to do and we have to rebuild public confidence and trust we're operating a nuclear power plant and people expect that you know it is an industrial facility you are going to have incidents that's just a fact of life. we drilled approximately 23 wells in this area so that we can triangulate and pinpoint the source of the leak by obviously the highest concentration of trotty aged water in this particular well we just did not do a good job of presenting information complete and accurate information to the
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vermont public service board and that's unacceptable to entergy it's certainly an unacceptable to the public and that shook public trust and confidence and we absolutely understand it and then have a trivium leak to groundwater. adds to a lack of confidence we've said numerous times we apologize for that were embarrassed about that that shouldn't have happened.
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they. were gone oh. my god we're the moderates we're used to all the different seasons you put on some extra clothes it's winter obviously that raise certain challenges but it's not a problem that happen to be january so that's when we're walking. i walking because it feels like a powerful * way to stand on message that it's time to shut the plant down. we're
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really excited to be here we're looking forward to meeting with our legislators in a little while and i really appreciate the opportunity to have democracy in action are walking through the state. i am speaking on behalf of walkers who today completed a 126 mile 11 day walk. and now i'd like to present you with a petition to the members of the remark legislature please retire vermont yankee on schedule no later than march of 2012 and a copy to you thank you peter. thank you to the marchers thanks to all of you in this room for coming to the people's house the greatest democracy in america and letting us hear your voices on this important issue i have concluded that it is in the best interests of the moderates not to
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renew the license step for my yankee and that's how i will vote. but there was an intense. level of organizing and behalf of the citizen activists there or we held public forums these senators match. are key to that we made phone calls would you be able to call them and talk to them about this we wrote an enormous amount of letters to the editor and we engage people from all across the state and all across the political spectrum to call for our legislature to vote no on continued operation of vermont yankee beyond march of 2012.
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deliberately sort of when. i just want to wrap up the debate. is in vermont special interests to operate vermont yankee beyond its scheduled closing date of 2012. if you don't think that leaking tritium and cobalt into the ground water and the connecticut river and the environment of the state of vermont that every single for mano cherishes and holds dear then i don't know what else you can have as an indicator that reliability is a problem with the nuclear power has a place in the future of energy in america. we can debate that to
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a cows come home what we should not be debating is whether we can extend the life of our e.g. nuclear power plants beyond their design life this is crazy stuff and i felt very strongly that it was the wrong thing to do for my clicked on a 2nd. please call the roll to. center star yes and the star was under fight. this is the reason. for the nice 26 was i the senate voted 26 to 4 in favor of closing vermont 80 it's really a testament to all of the work that citizens did over the course of several years over the course of decades our voice as the people as as as the people of vermont
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is what matters. well you know we were disappointed with the vote but not surprised again with the incidents that were happening at the plant did it was understandable. the nuclear powers unhealable were to boil water. what really happens inside a nuclear reactor is of uranium out of pops and in the process it gives off an enormous amount of heat all it does is boil water make some steam turn to turbine and generator and electricity comes out but what's left behind after you've you
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have the use that electricity by these pieces and these pieces stay radioactive for a quarter of a 1000000 years. it is toxic poisonous to humans for 250000 years i keep saying that number 250000 years it's ridiculous it's mind boggling i'd be the 1st to acknowledge that is the achilles heel of the nuclear industry nuclear waste. there is no answer to this they keep telling us oh technology will take care of technology technology is not taking care of it and if you cannot take care of the waste and
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you cannot manage the waste then the only responsible thing is to stop producing the waste. and then you bring it here. where registering. the dimensions like no falling scale so i thought of having a huge nuclear power plant the 1st really trying to get young people excited about clean energy and power in different places so it's a much more local. there is surplus campaign is a student led arena station based out of middlebury college we got together right after the senate voted to close relying because we were wondering what's coming next what are we going to place for my new cube with. the field and the best way to
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coming. from the. confused. meanwhile patients who've recovered from. the symptoms were different. one of the things. over the world are trying to determine the many pains and other problems. to numbers. this is throughout the day. there have been many complaints of vision loss joint pain and fatigue in the us these patients are referred to as post. i talked to multiple doctors in my doctor
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and they said you're going to have a hard time with. one of those people that they consider a long. riots in several u.s. cities just. between democrats and republicans we must end this civil war. the. european union moves a step closer to introducing. passports this resistance from several member states those stories and much more coming up in the program.
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