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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 22, 2021 10:30am-11:01am EST

10:30 am
ok we'll be going to taylor person in cleveland a lot is going on online right now we had right up to before the american election we have essentially big tech colluding to crush a story that could influence the outcome of the election then we have after the election we have the events of january 6th in washington and a drums banned from most platforms and then we had another platform parlor that was gone and it seems like it's kind of crawling back and taylor what is the state of going what's going on right now because later in the program going to talk about a new platform that's coming up and it's kind of for me it's kind of like weekend weeks came into being because journalists wouldn't do their job media wouldn't do their jobs so others are thinking about challenging be big tech because they're not keeping the promise of a fair playing field where everyone would be able to participate in all voices would be valiant so where do we stand right now because from what i can see it's
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pretty dark go ahead. yes and all of this really kicked off when we saw president trump removed from twitter and i want to make note that this is a huge disservice to the american people and to the public because we do have a right to access public officials and elected leaders and by removing president term from twitter jack dorsey effectively removed at ability to communicate with the president just to i'm tuesday in fact that president issued his last round of pardons unfortunately join a sergeant edward snowden were not among that list of pardons and if trumper on twitter perhaps he could have seen the massive call for a science to be pardoned but it's back to these platforms they are communication tools and communication methods that our politicians do use and we need to have access to that to speak with them now jack dorsey also responded to his decision to ban the president and said that offline harm as a result of online speech is demonstrably real. now that is somewhat problematic
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because it's a very broad statement that can be applied to just about anything in any speech and it also assumes a causal relationship between online speech in real world violence and we've seen a rapid decrease in twitter followings and we have further evidence that this is just beyond trump because in a reach phone call jack dorsey in fact said that they will be removing more accounts about 70000 they said they will remove it this will go on extends beyond the inauguration and the great purge here you know if you know it seems to me that platforms like twitter and facebook and and google what they're doing they're doing is they're substituting their terms of service for the constitution of the united states i mean they make they're above the law because they interpret it and then they will discard with they don't like i mean this is the public square i mean as i said in my introduction if you don't like it you don't build your own well there
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monopolies and they make it very difficult for people to build their own ok and they're in there and they're very devious about it too so if they went from having a great cause to just caring about the bottom line and palmer headley. well yeah a lot of people point out you know the terms of service and of these are private companies but in fact we now live in a nation in to some degree a world that is owned by corporations so the idea that these are somehow separate from the u.s. government is is kind of laughable the like you said this is the public square now we should have the ability to communicate without worrying that because we your are saying something that goes against the corporate talking points that are allowed on mainstream media we won't be banned from those platforms now i know i have this crazy hot take that i believe that it is ok to ban people who have jail jump hands of thousands of innocent civilians so that would include trump or hillary are you
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know a variety of other 5 is obama. but that's not why they're doing it if that's why they were doing it and i might feel differently they're doing it because statements that go against what is considered allowable in our like i said corporate media and they've heard what 70000 they say they claim you are not on followers which look being wrong or in correct is not a reason to take someone off a platform i have many important and interesting conversations with people i disagree with and it will instead they are filtering us all into our tiny little bubbles of allowable thoughts and it is not just the disservice it takes us towards it just so you know well you should read you can for being stupid ok now that's very cruel and i just can't let this pass me i'm here for war you'll never get banned ok that is. exactly ringback what it will get a blood check if you're bored or you know susie you're really being because of the
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new law or i'm thank you why are you doing this i mean there's these huge giants out there and it will be very difficult because they're censoring and control. the public spirit you believe to get to know who you are why gate on this journey is going to. come to this absolutely necessary 1st and foremost before deciding so quite dot com i start to a number of social media uses across a broad spectrum of different generations and to friends types of people in different backgrounds different experience and to her capabilities from a technical perspective and i was amazed to discover that all of them had very advanced awareness and understanding of the ways that they are being manipulated and abused really by the big tech giants the ways the being tracked outside of their browser pages the ways that their relationships and communications are being
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met in commission allies and on so too big data companies to cooperations to governments and sometimes to even to security agencies and those uses talk to me about their feelings about the impacts on their personal lives and on their relationships and their feeling manipulated feeling like they have a total loss of control feeling like their relationships and the real world being directly impacted and if it has by the sense of an online sphere people spoke to me about their relationships in the real world being materially damaged i had and some people talking about how their friends had they not sit with them because they were no longer interacting with a continent of course they weren't seeing their friends content which is why they were no longer interrupting with. human relationships friends things and unfortunately the manipulation of what constantly say is actually impacting the way
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that we feel about each other it's impacting who we relate to who we communicate with and then that has real world affairs you just mentioned about war and how. you weren't me since and for support and war war is the ultimate manifestation of real world violence and so it's an advocate for war online as the ultimate example of carets and real world how but i can tell you that online since the tech some companies are engaging it is itself results and real world across the poet. taylor what would be essentially what they're doing is they're deciding who can produce a bagan line i mean it's extraordinary i mean not only can 8 lately shut your voice but apparently no you can lose your bank account you can't fly i mean this is this is a whole process of giving people you disagree with a scarlet letter and we're going to have to live with it for the rest of their
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lives they're banning people from produce a patient in society. exactly what we're seeing is twitter facebook and these other big tech platforms essentially acting also as publishers as section $230.00 of the communications decency act which was established in 1906 this was still during the early years of the wise for use of the internet it stated that i s p s and other content providers cannot be treated as a publisher and therefore are not held responsible or accountable for 3rd party content it also ensures that no individual or person or platform specifically can be responsible for the speech of another individual this also impacts bloggers as well hell ever there is this good samaritan provision which it does allow for these private companies to moderate content they can block and screen offensive content or harassment or anything that could be deemed even obscene and this is usually laid out in the terms of service of course we all agree to this and also in section
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$230.00 they cannot be held liable for taking any action in good faith to remove harmful contents of the problem. including yes so that's the problem here is that dorothy and zucker go they are removing content and removing users who are going against the accepted narratives and that is the problem here it's being abused however i also want to make note that the movement to repeal section 230 is a very bad mistake because while there is this protection and this being abused by these platforms in these tech giants it's also important to know that if this were to be repealed it's likely that these i s p's in these different tech companies are going to censor content even more and probably not allow even 3rd party content to be on these different platforms because it is unfeasible bull and feasible to actually moderate all of his contacts they could be held legally responsible if
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there's a. a lot of different opinions about that they'd like that to 30 cut out because it saves them an enormous amount of money and makes them completely irresponsible and they will never be held to account and they get to pick and choose winners ok. i've heard plenty of arguments about amending it and that's where i stand with it right now but leave it in this for me that it was so important here is that you know we have legal system a court system or people you adjudicate grievances here but what why should i accept and i do not accept the ideological outlook of someone like jack dorsey or people over at facebook i mean they're superseding what that with is called right in wrong when we have a legal system we have a religion we have a customs to adjudicate that and this is being all cut up with and then you need to have no recourse go ahead. yeah there really is no recourse and you know.
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the fact that they can buy you from these platforms it's not just like oh so why would someone you know doesn't have their twitter anymore so a lot of people spend a lot years building these things up it's like building a restaurant and then someone just old oses it inside there's no recourse it really is just drawings careers destroys lives as soon as he was talking about and it. platforms are they have incredible amount of control and that is you're saying they're deciding what is right or wrong what's allowed to be said they've even admits not besides just opinion there they're deleting things that are just news coverage literally journalists trying to do independent journalism just the other day a reporter was trying to cover a gun rally not saying she was for or against gun control just saying this is happening and literally that gets heard from you too because you can't announce
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that the outside world exists for a certain topics i covered him back to the doctor when in front of the senate where and after that more break we'll continue our discussion of the intern stay with our . best guys are signed into law will place a later developed for. the clergy to use it this is a central plank support diadema is going to cover my doubts i stuck to that. one else seemed wrong. but i'll roll just don't hold. any role yet to see how it does become accountable and it gets rid of the trail. once online and find themselves worlds apart. just to look for
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common ground. up. so rumors are susan davis he's. going to be memphis mccomb the new movie the number you. gave on those you just can't stand for a book if i didn't feel that oh. antarctica is a very international community i. mean a new strain of the truck with only 2 flick. you just got to keep those who keep it as the slow slow slow use of it in new orleans. for the position of the world food which the newkirk of brazil throw their nuclear cooperation in antarctica is everything produced polluted with it in front of t.v. with the above the. 5 they have i would have acted all day out of decided not to
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take people's life. with my goddamn tell you that. right now there are 1000000 people who are overweight or obese it's profitable to self. and sugary and salty and addictive it's not at the individual level it's not individual willpower and if we go on believing that never change this obesity epidemic that industry has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment. so what's driving the obesity epidemic it's corporate profit.
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welcome back across not where all things are considered a belt driven to. talking about the state a big check. ok let's go back to susie here in moscow again with lou to tell us a little bit more about pay and way to because how is it going to be different in the platforms that we're experiencing right now because the kind of echo some of the things that you said when you 1st enter question is that all i hear is people complaining about how. the the hope of these of these problems have been dash ok people are very very frustrated and it's creating this a sense of anxiety you know will you be thrown off too and if you're sold out why and you'll never know why you know i have a very extensive online existence and every day i'm waiting for something to happen because you know. i do hold very strong views and i'm willing to fight for those
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views virtually of course so what is your plan to how it's going to be different than the ones that we have now. i think the pen quite dot com deaf as from conventional to products and almost every conceivable way from nor advertising to turning the years that enter our customer and building our entire product designing our product around and they all our customers the years that as opposed to big kick consent of the customer they use that simply the product which they sell to the real customer which is cooperations advertisement government security agencies so 1st and foremost the use of for us becomes the customer and our whole world is built around so that use that that everything from no cookies on our website no tracking here's a norco it can use that information you can create
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a pen quite dot com user account without submitting an e-mail address or a telephone number we do not. any information not what is code in the quote a client of a model which means they use the data goes from the device straight to the block china where i'm not an intermediary we do not store any of that information being a chain product makes us incredibly transparent because every years it has a copy of the chain which becomes a public record of the public information posted by the user their content straight on to the chime we will obviously be moderating on that we're not going to outshout pornography is to use anywhere however when we moderate content on and every user on the can say on what at what time what use what mucilage was moderated by us and for what reason it was moderate said which is just an amazing new world of transparency by comparison to twitter or facebook who
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a moderating millions of messages without providing any real transparent say around those moderation practices. we're solving for 10 major issues with current platforms way i'm not shutter banning accounts we are not jailing people and what julian assange has called the filter of someone with information coming into you from your friends and followers as they. tell you later or manipulated by the platform and the information that you send out. with us is not being manipulative. i mean you know i mean i suppose and donald's meant there was no malicious online. would he be welcomed on your lot or. and a member of the public are sincere is our platform mayor is a platform and provided that they are not engaged in an act of lawbreaking they're one of the moderates in our platform taylor is one of the things that really
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irritates me and you know i know the politics politics i know susie's politics they know my politics here but i bet you all of us together relatively easy to determine what should not be put on line i think that's common sense more or less dictates what would be ok obviously child pornography not. inciting violence when there is a it's a real impending where it's possible you know simple things like that and i think we in the it is relatively straightforward and political speech well you know the political speech if you don't like it you should counter it with more political speech see what i don't like about these big forms is they a horrid debate they just want consensus and the consensus is what they think i mean when i listen to dorsey and zuckerberg in front of congress i mean they're no moral support of superiors to me ok i don't i don't know what where they get off
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and being you know they they're the mandarins of the universe i mean they're not i mean jack dorsey is a an absolute fool because people are fleeing his platform right now and you know i have to wonder you know just got to get down to the dollars and cents of it how many angry phone calls he's getting from his shareholders because he's been he's breaking is the the spirit of what we're supposed to be doing online right now and he's in charge of you know enid's to go and we need a serious rethink and and how would a decent conversation like we're having on here we have very deep strong different political point of views here. well what is acceptable speech should not be determined by jack dorsey mark zuckerberg or the staff at facebook and twitter and unfortunately that's precisely what is happening right now and there's a separate conversation to have in regards to illegal content that's completely different and censoring information that they do not like one of the things i found
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very disturbing this past year was mark zuckerberg openly admitting to interfering in the election in the united states and he does so by working with a publisher he was working with reuters as well as the f.b.i. in the intelligence community to prevent election interference but that is actually election interference because they change their policies and their behavior and they were restricting content a week prior to the election taking place and that is in fact censorship and this is really problematic that big tank is working with the establishment and i would say probably the establishment democrats in particular is well as the intelligence community it's also a massive insult to the public because it suggests that the public does not have the ability to determine what is real and what is speak and again it is not the job of a state or a private company to be making these decisions and you know you know leading one of
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the things that you know i find really interesting is that if you go back to the founding of the united states. when the constitution was being written and the founders are i guess are not of the most popular figures obviously with the left here i mean what they said to each other about each other in newspapers i mean it was absolutely sick dandle is ok and but the public was able to figure it out ok and they respected the public and taylor is absolutely right when these big tech companies they sneer at the publicly sneer at them ok i mean you know canning the hunter by story i mean. ben that is such an insult in the democratic process as well i mean look you know let the chips fall where they may ok they shouldn't be having an editorial decision about it ok and and the the lack of real reaction to that it's about censoring about story i found really astounding and it really terrifies me about the future in which if things do not change go ahead lee well
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yeah i mean if you think about the time of the founding fathers of the united states the way of communicating those newspapers and pamphlets and if there were pamphlets and if you could be jailed for handing out a certain kind of pamphlet there would be no united states which is basically what we're getting out you know at least people can't hand out the digital i don't flip said they want to to give out their opinions and you know something else i think we need to discuss has is is why we've gotten to this point it's because our ruling elite realize how dangerous it is for people to actually be able to speak to each other it has created large scale change on a relative short period of time it helped create occupy and black lives matter and the bernie sanders movement and even trumps movement so they realized they needed to get it back in the box where they are in control the corporate powers of corporate elites are in control of the message and they have worked very hard to do
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that we're seeing yes banning nowadays but because this shadow banning this suppression you know the number of you is that my videos can get is a tiny fraction of what it used to be so this has been going on 3 years you know but is yeah but it's gotten much more extreme recently now as well you know ali all i can say is that they want this control and they wanted to milk the more stringent because they are completely incompetent ok they run the country into the ground to run a good part of the world into the ground ok and they want to maintain that how ok you know susie that's one of the things that i'm really frustrating is that they do . about all these ideals about you know capitalism in the free market a lot of these people these this is cherami tyranny controlling the economy controlling people's lives controlling people's choices ok and the worst of all is that they completely and completely disappear you i mean that's an agreement among
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your citizenship in money in your aunt gately and i don't want to get political here because we've been wrong nice and each other here but that's primarily coming from the left right now and i find that really disturbing and we need to push back conservatives those that don't allow me to push about i'm sorry go ahead liberals are the last. great no. liberals are not allowed. any conservative is not the g.o.p. . i think the entire political spectrum needs to be represented for it to be a level playing field i think it's critically important and even formative experience particularly for your so you have access to different types of information from different perspectives to be able to talk with people with different opinions and different backgrounds i remember when i was in school we went they are different types of media. portrayed contracting opinions to study i strongly doubt that's happening these days are i would think that type of media
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studies were equipping considered threatening to the assessment as well but it's important for giving people the ability to develop critical thinking skills they must have access to information outside of a narrower siler such as been created for them by the big companies right now and i think that we're just saying more than in take out of supremacy in the online space some of the big tech companies and we're saying more than a decade of incredible. oil and to stabilize action as a result and so when i think back to the paris when it was much more free in the ninety's and the. we don't have the type of substance in stabilization that we have or experience things to companies and taking control so i think that it's time cigar back to the future. and online conversations started out as. well while there was a where before there was any of these tech companies years and can make sense and
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uses and exchange information with other users it was our. viewers that in about 10 seconds how can they find out more about your platform and quite adult company i q you're. home all right that's all the time we have i want to thank my guests in washington cleveland and most going to think our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time remember. like absolutely awful. then a 2nd wave is coming the virus is mutating and i walk 2 blocks away from the apartment and i would get confused. meanwhile patients who recovered from because of it started to report some unusual aftereffects the symptoms were different but.
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my hearing has been ok and i think. one of the things are at play research is all over the walls are trying to determine to many takes pains and other problems. to numbers that in my. place he was. 1113. this is the rap against my hair just. various sources reports that didn't just leave for 35 percent of recovered patients. so you don't pull the bullshit because the push pull. through been many complaints of vision loss. joint pain and fatigue in the us these patients are referred to as post coded long holos i talk to multiple doctors and my doctor and they said we have a feeling that you're going to have a hard time in recovery you're going to be one of those people that they consider a long haul or.
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else look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law. or should be very careful about official intelligence the point is to create trust. conflicts on various chozen with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. a robot must protect its own existence was a mix of. will . take 2 good cults love these one this is my grandfather watch this both particularly good who do you good well who make one a little bit higher wait
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a little bit. and then come back and look at them then looks they don't indicate the same time because there's more time up here the time down there. in the day's headlines pfizer slashes deliveries of its coming back scene and europe and north america after production delays compress up legal action from italy and poland. and serbia under songs to pressure to start its own production of the sputnik the japanese you hear from a we're now in a serbian film director about why he took a backseat. and i'm very happy to be. exposed to the possibility of some good. in the russian vaccine because it's me as i was told by someone from the service of those is one of those good to be used to receive the same style and the same.


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