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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2021 12:00am-12:31am EST

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with artificial intelligence will some of the. most protect its own existence. and add lies this hour major muslim federations in france rejected. the charter designed to come about radical islam president of the islamic federation tells us why. it's drawn many paragraphs anyway asking muslims explicitly to clarify their position on subjects of the subject that they have respected in the us and so this after checking a few items they basically just told me that the majority of this you can't take through because it was processed vegetables and taste of things to come for u.k. trouble is. confiscated at the spanish border crossing because it contained
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food stamps. and the poll suggests that trust in the media was fall in america in the wake of the elections that is the mainstream media joe biden and the us remains divided. for good morning to you thanks for joining us here on r.t. . 3 muslim federations in france have refused to back him on your microphones and extremism charter the president's been touting this charter as a way to fight radical islam. we regret that this charter was signed before getting approval of all components of the french council of the muslim faith we believe that some passages in warnings of the texts submitted i have been each a tweak in the ties of trust between the muslims of france and the nation in
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addition some of the declarations infringe the honor of muslims with an accusatory character and marginalizing a number of other muslim federations did sign up to the charter though after intense and drawn out discussions the charter and visions the setting up of a new national council responsible for vetting and moms practicing in the country that rejects polarized brands of islam and reaffirms equality between men and women is the mystery over it so he had again in france 2 months ago when a teacher was beheaded for showing his class cartoons of the prophet mohammed. on the park and patrick was the victim of an islamist terror attack. at the. establishment islam is
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a religion that is in crisis today all over the world is on the we don't just see it in our country year that don't you listen maliki thunder will live the islamists is precisely to turn our citizens in easy republic using only religion and we cannot let that happen the model joining the attack on samuel t. triggered a crackdown against extremist mosques and islam is the so ca sions we heard from fatty sara kier president of the islamic confederation in paris which we jacks micron's charter he told us why. it is look at that humans we disagree on a number of matters one being the group this charter was to be addressed at the beginning it was about drafting a charter republican principles of the national council of the suit was supposed to concern. you we find ourselves with the charter of islam that's france and if they do it to make the proper distinctions many paragraphs anyway asking muslims explicitly to clarify their position on the subject is that all of this subjects
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that they have respected for years and years those any problems for them as for the principles of the french republic the french people of the muslim face in this country and surrounding sin in respect of the values of the french republic the gatos all we do not have to ask them explicitly to measure their religious convictions to prove how respectful they are to the values and principles of the french republic it is certain that the right and to muslim baggs we call that islamophobia we're not going to get into semantics we have a commission called fight against islamophobia so we call it that the reason d. to name chris and these acts especially in light of current events now i also don't want to say the risen institutionalized islamophobia in france and i really think it's 'd all cancer is doing its best to fight against and to muslim acts against islamic go be but that does not mean that these kinds of acts are not increasing. he said. a new variant of that which was 1st detected in the u.k.
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is now believed to be not only more infectious than other strains but more deadly showed he had a stash to reports from london. of course we always knew that the virus could mutate and we know her latest strategy is more transmissible but now we have the confirmation it's more that in addition to spreading more quickly it also appears that there is some evidence that the new variant the varian that was 1st identified in london in the southeast may be associated with a higher degree of mortality and i want to give some context if you took somebody in their sixty's a man in their sixty's the average risk is that for a 1000 people who got infected roughly 10 would be expected to unfortunately die with the virus. with the new variant for a 1000 people infected roughly 13 or 14 people might be
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expected to die well the latest statistics are incredibly worrying today's daily cases is now well over 40000 and deaths also continue to rise day by day far as johnson also saying that 70 percent more likely to for people to be in hospital with 19 than there were at the peak of the pandemic in april but it is also worth mentioning that the data isn't very clear at this point as we heard from patrick violence there is a degree still of uncertainty as signs of the lock down will be relaxing any time soon in fact there's much speculation mounting that this lockdown could even move well into the summer months as well still the government today trying to reinforce that key message of stay at home as that is really where things can get taken in control of bars jobs and then moving on to talk about the vaccination program as well we are now at the 2nd week of the government's road out of the vaccination he says of the u.k. is well on track to deliver 15000000 doses by mid february of course many people
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have long said that's quite an ambitious target especially considering now we're only at 5400000 people being vaccinated so the government will have to get a move on. we spoke to health policy analyst roy lilley who says he's not too optimistic about how the coby situation will unfold. it was an worrying user earlier this morning as well from that of the professors at the university of east anglia who was saying that the even though we're flat out that's an 18 people we want that's enough people with that with a single dose of vaccine to accomplish herd immunity and that's worrying as well because that push eased hoed immunity if we were vaccinate everybody twice a long way down the road it looks to me like we're in for a long haul i think people traps opportunistically believing that well you know march april around easter time things might change abnormal to. really.
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puzzled by the prime minister's intervention tonight and i'm not at all want to mystic to the future. a taste of the things to come down the britons left the e.u. hey britain living in spain and working in the u.k. controlled enclave of gibraltar herders shopping bag empty by spanish border guards and was forced to leave behind much of its contents of the border an individual case that highlights a change of roles for britons crossing the blocks from here is usually you just walk straight through well they may be out check it. out call it whatever but this time they showed them a bag and they say to the times it looks a little bit more cafe than my normally carry and they started back probably the cycling of putting out after checking a few items they basically just told me that the majority of it's you can't take through because your house processed vegetables and i'm saying that they were going
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to essentially just put them in the bench. the conversation was in keeping with the travel guidelines which prohibit travellers from bringing meat dairy products and process votes to bills from non member states among the things that got the brits we spoke to into trouble was processed onions in a spicy sauce source he tried to make the best of a bad situation no eventually selling the prohibited products at a loss on line but that it's reasonable i had a brief conversation with one of the guards in the office there and i've made my point but if i can't take these items it seems to me that would be more like a large export once t's not snow items and there was no documentation to support a fact at least to my knowledge at the time that i can take these things over so. if this is already happening on in the 1st week after bret's it then yeah probably enters a bait a few a few other issues. german chancellor angela merkel is threatening to close the
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country's borders further e.u. members fail to take better precautions against the spread of the virus due to all of the reports. well during the height of the 1st wave of the coronavirus pandemic last spring european member states did shut down across border travel in germany was one of those that did that now there's a huge effort taking place right now to stop that happening again on thursday night there was a summit of e.u. leaders that took place of the truly where they they tried to work out what the situation is regarding this following that we heard from on the line the e.u. commission president who said that all nonessential travel around the block must be put to a stop saying that anybody who didn't need to make a journey shouldn't be making that journey there's also a new color coded system mapping system for the e.u. with a dark red section now being introduced for those areas that have the highest infection
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rate of covert 19 is also new rules from people for people traveling from bo's areas you'll have to have a covert test before you set off and you'll have to quarantine when you arrive at your destination there's a lot of concern across europe and here in germany in particular we've heard senior figures from the chancellor herself to senior members of her cabinet as well saying how worried they are about the mutated strains of covert 19 that have been doing the rounds mutations from the u.k. from south africa from brazil that have been prominent ones that have been discovered so far what chancellor merkel has said is that she's willing to keep the borders open for now but that could change in the future we can do anything we like but we will not succeed if others are not working in parallel we need to make sure that everyone around us is doing the same otherwise we have to look at measures such as entry restrictions or one of those neighbors is looks and burgh one of the
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smallest member states of the european union their foreign ministers being on the race. you know here in germany pleading with angela merkel to keep border to cross border travel open saying that if that was closed down then looks and berg's health service would grind to a halt saying 60 percent of those working in hospitals and other frontline medical services in looks and burke well they commute in from other e.u. states france or germany or elsewhere what we've also heard is from the european council president sharma shell he said on thursday night as he wrapped up the summit that was taking place that the borders would stay open for now at least. we have to keep borders open to keep the internal market functioning but at the same time they need to be restrictions on non-essential travel closing borders is being viewed as
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a last resort by european leaders but every zot that they're willing to go to should they feel it be needed now african center for disease control and prevention is sounding the alarm as the covert 19 death rate on the continent has surpassed the global average. seba system or you has become the 3rd top official in zimbabwe to die of covert in the past 6 months mr moore years served as foreign affairs and international trade minister and his passing is yet another sign of a growing coronavirus crisis in africa the continent's total number of registered cases might not look too dramatic if you compare it with other parts of the world 3300000 infections but the fate talent from coburg 19 has gone through the roof of surpassing the global average to reach 2.5 percent so when the african union announced the pre order of 270000000 doses of western vaccines it felt like
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a ray of hope these are historic times for the 1st time in history africa has secured access to millions of vaccine doses in the middle of a pandemic but as with most western countries there's still a huge shortage of vaccine doses and that's why this continental collaboration has designed a fan allocation coupled with timely and equitable access of coded 1000 vaccines across the continent so far none of the promised western vaccines have been supplied to africa almost 2 months after the 1st doses were rolled out in europe according to world health organization officials that's partly because rich nations care about themselves 1st and foremost in those they speak the language of equitable axis some countries some companies continue to prioritize bilateral deals bypassing kovacs driving up prices and the time to jump to the front of the queue given the vaccine left overs that african nations are hoping to get invention we
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will probably cost them more than the rich countries need the south african health ministry claims for instance that it was offered doses of u.k. pharma giant astra zeneca as vaccine at a price $2.00 times higher than in the european. union but supply shortages and price gouging are not the only problems for the poor african nations when it comes to getting jobs what we're seeing in the roll out is some of the high income countries if that is complicated it needs to be resourced and properly planned and there haven't been enough global resources to lower income countries in other words most african nation simply can't afford the sophisticated infrastructure needed for vaccine distribution even if they receive the actual doses is especially true for the fires or by one tech shot would have to be stored and transported at minus 70 degree celsius the plan to save africa from than that make it look good on paper
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but the reality is very different constantly rushkoff r t you see the certain leftover of colonialism and showed his racism was a mouth people think that well we should get it 1st and africa maybe we'll get a vaccination in 2022 that would be. a deadly deadly mistake we have to vaccinate africa it's quickly we vaccinate the rest of the world and we have to give the vaccine for free that's what we should do because that's the only moral and intelligent thing to do to fight this deadly pandemic this virus has spread faster than any virus we've seen in a century this virus is deadly and they have poor are not to the sure that every country has if you have an idea you're only going to protect your country. then you are actually in to be committed murder is really stupid
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you're still going to be killing yourself because until. that snake. we know that is. very easily through a number of different ways from one country to another from one continent to another so i would call it deadly stupidity because it will lead to even crease in death into a person if that. recent poll suggests that trust in the media has fallen in america among both democrat and republican supporters that's despite a general upward trend among the 26 countries in the survey. digs deeper after became clear in november that trump had been ousted from the oval office no one was more relieved than his greatest enemy the media i don't dare speak for my colleagues but i can tell you how difficult it has been as
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a journalist to cover this dark part of our history let's hope the attack on journalists journalism and everyone and time to move into the light while don lemon who bravely soldier through those dark years has got has a way as joe biden was and we went to the 42nd president of the united states t.v. screens across america one magical filled with the rainbows and unicorns those lights that are that are just shooting out from the lincoln memorial i look it's like almost extensions of joe biden's arms embracing america president elect joe biden and vice president harris called. to grease the regret out of the privacy of our hearts just for a moment so that we all could share he doesn't keep a lot of things secret when it comes to his emotions and his and his family and his love for his family now report says might have taken it easy on biden during the campaign trail but that john and mystic integrity demanded that they ramp up the
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pressure during his phosphates in office earlier who he borrowed from air force $1.00 each this is such a good question i such a good question because while america might be staring down the barrel of unprecedented political polarization civil unrest racial inequality a raging pandemic the annihilation of small businesses and sky high unemployment it's the future of the false one color scheme that really keeps people up at night but if john does do decide to ask about one of the other insignificant challenges the us face says the head of state is only too willing to give a thorough answer who. may be. for hire the people who were the u.s. is right now. we're down to your city's no come on give me a break. young man give him a break it's his 1st day on the job he's tired probably could do with a nap anyway what do you think this is
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a press conference meanwhile over in florida donald trump goldfinger his way back into civilian life is probably feeling a bit hard done by because just months ago a study showed that 95 percent of u.s. broadcast coverage of trump was negative and to make it was he could even tweet about it. could be embarrass himself any further he looks small he just looks like a small man. we all lived through a president who was assisted in his elevation to the white house by illegal assists . it's from a hostile foreign power with so much glaring bias is it anyone to trust in mainstream us media has hit a record low reporters that probably patting themselves on the back they survived the don't care as they aren't it a holiday right but does it show nuts like apart from a softball question here in la for the byington fun club sorry the mainstream media
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the next 4 years will be spent kicking back and taking it easy the media is supposed to be the the state and it's supposed to be the watchdog they're not supposed to be in the public relations 'd business the trust in the media in the us is is has declined it's been declining for many years. the public is correct to suspect that journalists are not being fair what we need to see is a robot have all of the principles that facts count and you know what you need to hear both sides to a story and what's going on going on right now is just the opposite of that and some of the so-called for at checkers are anything but they're basically trying to tip the scales in again in favor of 11 side and they're not looking at it objectively the fall in trust in the media comes hot on the heels of the us
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elections we saw divisions violently spill over in the capital scenes clashes also breaking out in portland seattle and just hours after joe biden's you know address . was on he's chris had he spoke with philosopher noam chomsky he believes that deep division in america is nothing new we were always at war united states is one of those who are countries that's been who are almost every day since its founding oh we just saw we have the most wonderful military system in the world to defend america. and if you look at the oath of office the chief of staff transdermal the joint chiefs takes that to defend america against enemies foreign and domestic was unable to defend the capital couple of the under nurse x.
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not that i noticed one of the most remarkable things that trump has done was to dismantle the entire arms control regime how we perceive reality and i want to discuss that that how is our cultivated perception of reality a form of social control of course you refer to graeme cheney well we're seeing pretty dramatic examples of that right noam united states is always trying to do good things but makes mistakes here and there we have to correct these mistakes and that everything is fundamentally wonderful and so this assault on the couple of shows the power of american democracy because we didn't collapse into a version state very much like the reaction after watergate. oh good still the magnificence of the democratic system when right after the demonstration of corruption and even in the effort to conceal what happened.
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the interest of your communique has removed an image of the 3 wise monkeys from its website have a phase some could see it as a racist stereotype. upon reflection we strongly believe that our 1st post is not appropriate as it's i cannot gates a longstanding legacy of oppression and exploits racist stereotypes popular in japan in the 17th century the 3 monkeys represent the old proverb see no evil hear no evil speak no evil a spokeswoman for the uni says that the picture was used to call for research papers for an art history conference including quote papers that represented black indigenous and people of color we discussed situation with columnist and radio host john gaunt i don't know how anyone i just do not understand how anyone can see the 3 wise monkeys that in any way that represents black people or is racist
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it clearly isn't it's 3 wise monkeys when i see a black person i don't think although like a monkey the only people who see that are people who are looking for racism or in fact perhaps hold racist attitudes themselves it's not even one coach or in a sense it's nonsense culture it's complete and utter drivel and oh you know what this actually does or undermines your real racism there's plenty of racism in the world that we need to confront without looking for it where it isn't there. to the netherlands now where a young designer has already sold $1500.00 decks of a special range of playing cards he says that what sets them apart from the usual run than a bike of cards is they're free of sexism. we have this hierarchy the king has a voice more than the queen and then this subtle inequality influences people in
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their daily life because just another way of saying hey you're less important. to. the. technically the queen card is worth more in a game of queenie. gender neutral deck of cards there's the cure for all those biggest problems when it comes to gender inequality king of spades sure kept me up at nights. i'm pretty triggered by souter being a lower rank than gold. but hope you enjoyed it i'll be back with more in half an hour see and.
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see. such konami for months my fight on my coming for the middle of the month one of them for appointments in november on one side of the fence about. 6. blocks up was. i just i think that. she was you making. noise you are your friend. john but summed up son no my book you go to the british course that's enough of them roughed up. i
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mean you got. to. take a. sweet taste awful like absolutely awful 1st game coded then a 2nd wave is coming now the virus is mutating and i'd walk 2 blocks away from the apartment and i would get confused as to holly gets not. meanwhile patients who recovered from covert started to report some unusual aftereffects the symptoms were different but. my hearing has been ok i think. that's one of those things where at
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like research is all over the world are trying to determine the many aches pains and other problems and then turn it all into numbers showing my hair. if you would care to date the 1113 there this is throughout the day my hair just freakish. various sources reports that couvade didn't just leave for 35 percent of recovered patients. so you don't look at the bush white. house there have been many complaints of feral vision loss joint pain and fatigue in the us these patients are referred to as post coded long holos i talked to multiple doctors in my doctor and they said we have a feeling that you're going to have a hard time in recovery you're going to be one of those people that they consider a long haul or.
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amanda. were maybe will go somewhere. never mind for me. just amanda finley has lost her driving confidence i have not driven my car in the last 3 months. i've just been there. it looks like someone took some ground and then put it in your life. and i had on both sides of the smile. that he is going tracting coronavirus twice in spring and autumn is want to lift up with own 2 shoes like rushes in vision impairment in her left eye i still do have postcode and sometimes the big one is fatigue i do take a medication that helps otherwise i would be asleep right now. and then when i heard from one of my best friends that their sister was also still having problems
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and then a friend and.


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