tv News RT January 25, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EST
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in the headlines this monday morning riot police beat back mass and to lock down protests across europe to cope with restrictions or tell you. that comes the states are not getting the vaccine boost they'd hoped for key supply astra zeneca now warning of a 60 percent shortfall in deliveries and some members are already looking for alternatives. you're forced to find a new source in order to get fast liberate a reliable vaccine we have concluded a treaty today under which russia will deliver a vaccine to hungry in 3 stages. elsewhere amid a raft of huge challenges right now to the u.k.
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including the pandemic and post complications now the scottish national party unveiling a road map to a referendum on independence. and i would like to know the sounds and smells of the french countryside gain legal protection of for growing numbers of visitors and a new arrival. there for good morning she has just turned 10 am moscow time the 25th of january live from russia international with kevin owen here at the helm for the next hour from now over in county of companies to take you through those headlines in more detail and starting with this protests sweeping across europe over the weekend thousands hitting the streets against tightened covert restrictions on violence breaking out between protesters and police at times too.
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so european states had pinned their hopes on vaccines but now manufacturers are warning of massive delays covering that the smaller europe correspondent peter oliver. supply chain issues with vaccinations are causing headaches for e.u. officials we've heard from the e.u. health commissioner acknowledging that there is a problem and saying that manufacturers need to provide some casting guarantees when member states will receive their jobs the leader of the irish government may
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come martin has said it's there could be a delay in the vaccine rollout in his country due to the knock on effect of the delay that they're not getting the jobs from the vaccine manufacturers on time while the italian prime minister just sepic come to is accused vaccine manufacturers of breach of agreement and putting lives at risk these delays in deliveries constitute serious contractual violations which cause enormous harm to italy and other european countries with direct repercussions on the life and health of citizens no astra zeneca puts every problem in our midst we're going to deal with it i think over seventy's more generally will be delayed because of our stress on 2. depends on these negotiations and earlier this month pfizer announced a 3 to 4 week delay in their vaccine arriving in a u. member states while astra zeneca the u.k. based manufacturer that vaccine could well be approved for use within the e.u. by friday of this week have said that there will be
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a 60 percent reduction in the number of vaccines arriving in european union member states in the 1st quarter of this year. well there is no jewel delay to the start of shipments of our vaccine should we receive approval in europe initial volumes will be lower than originally anticipated due to reduced yields at a manufacturing site within our european supply chain this is prompted some nations to look elsewhere hungary has purchased enough doses of the russian sputnik v. vaccine to inoculate 1000000 of its citizens budapest's saying they want vaccines not excuses about why they're not coming. due to the slow delivery of the vaccine we were forced to find a new source in order to get fast slivery of reliable vaccine so it is a great honor and a great pleasure to inform you that we have concluded a treaty today under which russia will deliver a vaccine to hungry in 3 stages sputnik very could well be set for approval for use
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across the european union by february the infrastructure to give out vaccines is in place in most member states the problem is they've not got the jobs to put in people's arms. other news this morning britain's facing fundamental challenges right now ranging from some of his worst coded figures in the pandemic to post trade hold ups are now on top of that they're on the streets been hit with another major headache after the scottish national party as unveiled a roadmap to a referendum setting out a pathway to independence if it's m.p. when the scottish election in a few months training or the proposition of giving people that choice they or democrat you're right in that we have that. independence party says that if it wins a parliamentary majority the election shows you for may just as soon as the
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pandemic ends it wants a plebiscite on ending the union the s.n.p. added that any legal challenge from britain's government will be quote vigorously opposed british prime minister boris johnson as of course repeatedly stated his position on another referendum after the one that happened in 2014 a new poll out anyway suggests a majority of scots want an independence vote we got opposing views about it from former scholarship b.p. david coburn and 1st yes m.p.'s angus macneil. not the consent of westminster that's the most important yet what is important is the extent of the scottish people and establishing the legitimacy of their view that's why westminster very anxious to keep so we from the ballot box is what we asked that question established and the and that's why westerners that were voted to send will not eating it because the if you and the view of the scottish people through the ballot box. that is why we should be using the ballot boxes and need to start. and westminster whether the do or they don't want scottish independence can't go on
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disagreeing with the people in a democratic nation and that nations for optimism you know at the moment there and 20 opinion polls one after the other and the scottish people want to leave the union and become an independent country not be a denver or iceland the only other normal country a vast majority of people in scotland are against having and support because of the problems and not only that but we had one recently and we decided that we were going to remain in the union so the whole thing has been decided for generate the scottish national party should want to keep on pressing and pressing and pressing but the people me brought for the scottish national party but that doesn't mean to say they're going to vote for our independence in the referendum every time it comes to a referendum or discussing the matter people want to state united kingdom because an independent scotland is an economic catastrophe for scotland. it's elise
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labatt on tick talk users who haven't verified their rage after a 10 year old girl died in a riff it black challenge on the video sharing out the online game involves people choking themselves to temporarily pass out but the sicilian youngster was found dead in a bathroom. carrying that diana flap the medics did everything they could to bring the child back to life but unfortunately although the heart immediately started beating again the brain had been starved of oxygen for too long due to the strangulation after a few hours of irreversible chama we concluded she was a brain dead. tick tock insists that uses safety is a priority that bans any dangerous behavior but nataly and lawyer specializing in online cases says that social networks must in his view do much more to get. lost clearly the story of this little girl is truly tragic it makes us reflect on the role of social networks in the lives of minors yes parents must pay attention
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and control their children but there must be social control of the constant the mind is can see on these networks a social network cannot just say a minor has stated that they are old enough to use the up they should check it if very for cation a child access is the platform and sees violent content the social network would be responsible in this case is necessary to determine whether the tick-tock social network really has some responsibilities when this video of the child was actually viewed by tick-tock or not but the italian data protection authority has opened an investigation against tick-tock into this because it's trying to understand whether access to minors is actually legitimate and legal about it so what is in brief next . first it is you see from israel all through talks jews fighting with police over extended lockdown restrictions police fire water cannons to break up those crowds have been throwing projectiles back at the offices it was the latest round of
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skirmishes between the 2 groups with local authorities struggling to force restrictions among the religious community. and more fighting over a different thing next here police firing tear gas at protesters in the u.s. city of portland over the country's deportation laws demonstrators used umbrella's to protect themselves and confronted offices outside the immigration and customs enforcement facility in the city demanding its closure. begging for help here around 300 migrants breaking into an old school building in paris demanding shelter they say they need protection in this coldest time of year and the pandemic authorities have promised to help re housed them elsewhere warning them that building the moment is dilapidated dangerous. now is a bit different if the pissing cock a doodle doo of a neighbor's rooster ruffles feathers in france it's going to be harder to stop
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that if the french senate has just approved a bill to make it more difficult to sue people over countryside in smiles shall they do belsky reports. city life can be so hard so many cause so many people so much noise it's just too much yes that's better hardly any cars new people to be seen and saw tranquil just soak that in. how do you think what is that you know. i won't be joking i love the countryside but it seems so many people in the city the so-called good life the charm wears off there have been complaints from some meeting too noisily roosters crowing the top of my voices in the morning and the cows are smelly while the church bells are also a bit of a nuisance we met up with one for my. experienced similar problems.
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it was about a year ago my neighbors moved to our region and they asked me whether our animals live here year round because they found the noise of sheep intrusive i told them the sheep are being grazing here for 20 years and there's no way i was right into another place because here i have enough land to feed them i think they just get used to other noises engines subways car horns the sound of countryside life is new to them so i told them it's a matter of habit and 6 months time you won't notice them. so what do locals make of city dwellers who come here and complain so stupid either they are stupid or the village is what it is with it sounds animals bells and if people come here and they don't like it then they should go back and leave us alone he says eleanor jenny most in 6 noises all this is the beauty of nature if they can't leave with that they should stay in the big cities and only come to the countryside on holidays in fact some french regions have already taken matters into their own hands one
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department in britain we decided to add a clause to house purchase contracts the beneficiaries declare that they are aware of activity. he's professional or otherwise of any nature exercised in the environments around in the building susceptible to cause sound of factory visual or other difficulties well now they are being backed up after years of legal wrangling france's senate has doorstep a bill that would make complaints about well that trial countryside noise is much harder a bill to define and protect the sensory heritage of the french countryside was adopted by parliament a posthumous victory for the merissa a symbol of reality because our rural territories and not just landscapes these are also the sounds smells activities and practices that are part of our heritage and that is mirza to people's ears here but i am happy about the new law i think the countryside should remain countryside if people don't like our way of life they can
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live in cities to fit in this has to be done i recently heard about a farmer who was forced to bury poland because toes there were making too much noise the plant has been there for years but the corps decided it needs to be burned because of the new leader after people the warning is that if you move to the countryside you'd better be prepared to get up close and personal with the real neighbors charlotte even. ever know when to. turn 40 the morning moscow time either. one of the stories kind of the breaks this one facebook's been criticized after giving the f.b.i. personal messages of use is involved in this month's capital right.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura maybe in the shallows. those of us who watch carefully the russia gate hoax always worried it would eventually become the foundation for policy the by the ministry has done. what to
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do with strong supporters are american liberals be bracing this. morning side these came in over the weekend you may have caught it our colleague and legendary us t.v. and radio host larry king died in hospital at the weekend at the age of 87 of course over the many years and interviewed so many famous people around the world during a lustrous career but in 2015 the tables were turned arties going underground host afshin rattansi was one of the people foreign questions in him as part of our channel's 10 year anniversary celebrations. over the years i've been blessed to have it of a great presidents. and has so many one i mean the good jackie robinson the model of the caine. but the most emotional interview.
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was with the new york city cop. this cop. we booked him and i had i've been know what the story was i just knew that he was on the new york city police force and that he was shot. in an incident in central park and he was in a wheelchair and and paralyzed for life and he had a little child who he couldn't feel so i was 3 years old and there was a series of. a bike that said central park some people were stealing bikes and he was on patrol driving in a squad with his fellow patrol and they spotted this black kid with a brand new schwinn bike. and he got out of a car and was approaching a kid and the kid shot. to shot. he really didn't feel pain he remembered a puff of smoke coming out of this thing the him of the falling down remember the
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ride in the ambulance they gave him the last rites of the catholic church. and he thought he was going to die anyway survived but he paralyzed that down his with his wife was pregnant and he wondered why did this boy shoot. and the boy was in jail. when as a minor he was 17. when he was in for attempted murder. we don't know what the sentence was but anyway he went to visit the kid. and the kid came out in the cell meeting and he said to the kid why did you shoot me. and the kid said. i've been saving for this bike for 4 years i worked doing a groceries. in a student. and i finally got my bike. and you with the
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10 cops to stop me that day. the temp come to stop me what are you doing with this black. would you have stopped me if i worked. the cops or we had to think about it in just the 1st billy have a think about it. made him understand is a kid start 10 terms of course you have a new right. just because you work and frustration. and. they're. the top. became the kids big bro. any government you. and the kid can. 1000.
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facebook is facing new privacy concerns after revelations they gave the f.b.i. private messages of those who discussed storming washington's capitol building the intelligence agency revealed the information as part of its probe into the january 6th riots one such complaint been filed against new york president christopher kelly that facebook provided the f.b.i. with his log in history revealing that kelly had been around the capitol on the day of the assault award for his arrest is no been issued recent analysis reveals the vast majority of criminal cases filed by the u.s. justice department uses social media information indeed online data forms part of more than a 3rd of all convictions but house democrats are also demanding radical changes to facebook twitter and you tube to stop them being used to plan criminal activity technology expert roger k. and internet lawyer cohen discussed who they think should be held responsible for online content. the social plan one of the under pressure anyway the keys are there
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there are we're going to get they have not been disciplined properly you know they go out pretty fast and lose with people's information and they're being chased down now by. various federal authorities another thing with you guys that come back into line but also because social media platform to sell struggling for a rule in the future are changing so i think it's a different environment than it was before to raise the question and now it's know what at the end it is going to be saints no twitter facebook it's going to be $22.00 doing to fear out i mean they use this previously but always going to do it is 1st is is censorship going to be derived of government or censorship is going to be the role of say facebook what's interesting is section $230.00 that so far protecting these platforms from being responsible for what's on their sites and there is kind of the understanding in u.s. laws that if you touch it you own you know if you carry this packet you're not
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obliged to know what's inside of you the sooner send something illegal then they're the ones who are in trouble not you the carrier so the carriers will be protected but i think the story in this world now is that it's soon as you touch it you're editing it now you become a publication and you have a whole different sort of watch that you are so i think we get the platform to be very reluctant to touch their content one because he's slowed down the velocity of their content enough that they live on and the other is once you touch it you own it and you become responsible for the content that's coming under sites media companies and web site operators that are allowed to go to to filter through content allow to remove conte and to change content in scale not in steel i received the protection of section 230 i think the question is is is a much bigger the question is who is in charge who is god the ability to decide what to call. it should be disclosed what goldman should be published and shouldn't
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be published. this is new info as across brazil of held motorcade rallies demanding the impeachment of president hu's call kovar just a little flu protesters are fuming over president both scenarios distrust of vaccines as well as an overwhelmed health system in many parts of the country he's already agreed to ramp up the national plan but demonstrators say it's not enough and it's too late to honk their horns as they drove slow in more than 20 brazilian cities. are supporters the claim is light touch responses protected brazil's economy the president's son called the rallies embarrassingly small and exaggerated by the national media investigative media group read fishhooks a growing polarization over it all there. brazil was once a rising global star. today
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it has descended into crisis under president bush not a. big agricultural corporations are making huge profits from record exports of solway coffee and meat but while that food is sent abroad at home brazilians are increasingly going hungry food prices are spiking hunger in brazil has risen by more than 40 percent in only 5 years as balsa noddle and his predecessor temblor have gutted the country's social safety net. for me if they spoke in part or king part that well very busy day so was going to be. it's not by accident that paulson udell has been pushing privatizations and embracing powerful multinational corporations and the united states the u.s.
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helped lift into power and that relationship is key. unless the way things look at it from moscow so far this one day with me kevin 0 in from me and the rest that same here docs international thank you for watching and have a great. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport i'm showbusiness i'll see that. the world is driven by
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of off but i did just that they had a feeling. she was even a. gentleman but from the sun on my book you go to the british courts that's enough of them. i mean the guy. that doesn't want any of the. victims. in 2040 you know bloody revolution to to clear the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always here but i mean your list put video at the . you pull
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a needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2040 and. those who took. it in the state over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these another call that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i'm after a time she welcome to a special edition of going underground the king is dead legendary broadcaster larry king passed away in the past 48 hours after being diagnosed with coronavirus today we're going to look back at an interview i conducted with him at the i.c.a. in london when he launched a brand new show on our team after a lifetime spent within the confines of nature nation media larry king talks to me
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and bianca jagger in front of an invited audience about before the state new liberal inequality and the race for the white house. i spoke this week to someone who has interviewed every president since nixon it was part of our tease celebrations of a decade of international broadcasting that reeking his shows politicking and larry king now come to r.t. on british t.v. from next week spoke to me in front of an invited audience at the institute of contemporary arts in london larry let's begin with that something that malcolm forbes said the owner of forbes magazine the founder at least said you created a vacuum and then you filled it one of them i don't remember either. being our dinner in new york and not conform said been on my shelf quite a bit the only forms. my radio show had really taken off and we started on $36.00 stations and we were then on about $600.00 stations and i just started on
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c.n.n. and i had written like 12 books at the time so he says i guess he meant that i had there was nothing there i created a vacuum and then filled it i guess they all left perhaps he was getting at the idea that you change formats just when formats are getting going like for instance obviously cable television new zealand satellite is so much of. of life is timing and luck what right turn left turn if you went out here you made that move and didn't make that move and so i was there at the right at the right time anyway so then along came national radio which was unheard of there was no network national talk show and the mutual broadcasting system the owner of a like my work is another thing we have to like you this is very subjective business so they like me and i got a national radio talk show and then ted turner used to be on that show.
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