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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2021 7:00am-7:30am EST

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those who. live in this state over 5000000000 dollars to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i the headlines this hour riot police beat back protests across europe after coded restrictions tightened it comes after countries face a shortfall in deliveries of vaccines a supplier astra zeneca the latest to warn it can only provide a 60 percent of what it promised prompting some e.u. members to look for alternatives. and were forced to find a new source in order to get forces to liberate a reliable proxy we have concluded a treaty today under which russia will deliver a vaccine to hungary in 3 stages and construction of the north stream 2 gas pipeline regimes despite u.s.
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sanctions with bertha in taking a stand against foreign interference and also to crack down on take a 10 year old italian girl dies filming a black cat challenge shared far the popular social network. hello there just gone 3 pm in moscow you're watching r.t. international now look down protests have swept across europe in the netherlands thousands hit the streets weekend against titan cope with restrictions and violence broke out between protesters and police.
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well as we can see police fired water cannon as protesters refused to leave and started throwing projectiles around 100 demonstrators were arrested the rallies were sparked by the government's extension of lockdown restrictions by a further 3 way summit also said it was considering a curfew the dutch prime minister condemned the riots is criminal idols of thousands also marched across spain in denmark with dozens of arrests there protesters shouted they were tired of authorities mismanagement of the k.v.
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crisis things also turned violent say with clashes with police. meanwhile european states had pinned their hopes on vaccines to ease the pandemic but some manufacturers and i warning have huge delays our europe correspondent peter all of has more on the story. supply chain issues with vaccinations are causing headaches for e.u. officials we've heard from me you health commissioner acknowledging that there is a problem and saying that manufacturers need to provide some casting guarantees when member states will receive their jobs the leader of the irish government may come martin has said there could be a delay in the vaccine roll out in his country due to the knock on effect of the delay that they're not getting the jobs from the vaccine manufacturers on time while the italian prime minister just sepic come to is accused vaccine
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manufacturers of breach of agreement and putting lives at risk these delays in deliveries constitute serious contractual violations which cause enormous harm to italy and other european countries with direct repercussions on the life and health of citizens no astra zeneca puts every problem in our midst we're going to deal with it i think over seventy's more generally will be delayed because of our stress on 2. depends on these negotiations and earlier this month pfizer announced a 3 to 4 week delay in their vaccine arriving in a u. member states while astra zeneca the u.k. based manufacturer that vaccine could well be approved for use within the e.u. by friday of this week have said that there will be a 60 percent reduction in the number of vaccines arriving in european union member states in the 1st quarter of this year. well there is no jewel delay to the start of shipments of our vaccine should we receive approval in europe initial volumes
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will be lower than originally anticipated due to reduced yields at a manufacturing site within our european supply chain this is prompted some nations to look elsewhere hungary has purchased enough doses of the russian sputnik v. vaccine to inoculate 1000000 of its citizens budapest saying they want vaccines not excuses about why they're not coming out on your book due to the slow delivery of the vaccine we were forced to find a new source in order to get fast delivery of reliable vaccine so it is a great honor and a great pleasure to inform you that we have concluded a treaty today under which russia will deliver a vaccine to hungry in 3 stages sputnik very could well be set for approval for use across the european union by february the infrastructure to give out vaccines is in place in most member states the problem is they've not got the jobs to put in people's arms. that russia's anti doping agency says it will not challenge the
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court of arbitration for sports 2 year ban on the country taking part in major international sporting events that is despite usada pointing to a fraud and one sided assessment of the facts artie's it as more details. it could be that we finally reached the end of the so-called russian doping scandal for moscow this isn't the worst case scenario but isn't the best case scenario either well after the court of arbitration for sport or cas turned down an appeal against a 4 year ban of the russian sport and its full status the russian side still had an option to challenge that decision and the swiss supreme court but it decided not to go for it i can tell you that recently cas reduced the baton from 4 to 2 years during which we still won't see the russian flag or hear the russian anthem such
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major sports events ask for instance the upcoming summer olympic games in tokyo this year or the winter olympic games in beijing and 2022 and the world cup in qatar and 2022 as well the russian anti-doping agency or rw saddam maintains that it's not guilty of the manipulations it's being accused of but it wants to turn the page and begin work to finally restore the proper status and its full rights for the regret the result has been deemed noncompliance with the world anti-doping code although it did not commit any wrongdoing as expressly acknowledged by the result it considers that this decision not only contravenes basic principles of fairness but is also warranted in lots of the significant progress made by responder during the reinstatement process and which has been again expressly acknowledged by wanda after years of the so-called russian
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doping scandal when the authorities were accused of running a doping program one of the officials to restore the russian anti-doping agency and its proper status was that the russian side was supposed to hand over the lib oratory data. on the test samples of the russian athletes to the world anti-doping agency and once that handover happened water said that it found manipulations with the database and so this was something that eventually led to the punishment against the russian team plus at that time the international anti-doping officials said that they were in possession of a copy of the moscow aboard 3 database from a whistle blower i can tell you that the russian side though says that while the international anti-doping officials had loads of time to study all that data in
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fact they were doing it for almost a year the russian side it didn't have enough time to do the same thing to produce a proper response and its defense plus the russians are saying that they never received or got access to that copy of the database from the whistleblower which they say isn't a fair thing and the course of the trial result was unable to verify the authenticity and integrity of the data received from the whistle blow on which want to rely on it to support its case however despite all that the russian side is accepting the decision even though it disagrees with some of the conclusions but the russians are happy that it's a 2 year ban instead of a 4 year ban and besides this is welcoming the approach towards innocent russian athletes that will still be able to compete and they're happy about the fact that there is no collective punishment so like i said no further appeals from russia the
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punishment stays as it is as it's been ruled by cas 2 years and following that this could be the end of it finally we spoke more about this but the writer and broadcaster ana more and also at this cashmore who's a sport and media expert. seemed. to take not too good. to you appealing i think it's it's very good common sense it's various you mean it's athlete center and also it's mainly since age you know what we put our hands and say yet there were issues here we are dealing with there and we've dealt with them and we're moving forward so i think that it's a good show of partnership between were. and this what we really need this time to try and eliminate that people like change of its own who are so involved in dalby just to get rid of the sport and to make it better for these recite it has to take it on the chin but it's only
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a 2 year ban it was reduced from 4 years remember 4 years is still in of the most severe punishment ever in the history of sport to yearth it is still quite severe but nevertheless at this time in history i think russia was quite sensible just to say we're maintaining our innocence we don't agree with that but we're taking on the chin. construction of the vast gas pipeline from russia to germany has restarted after u.s. sanctions had force in suspension the project should not be completed by the summer it was done of brings us up to speed. a special pipe laying a vessel called for tuna has been spotted in the territorial waters of denmark now why this is important it is because this particular ship along with the company that owns it what got on the list on the latest on the newest list of u.s. sanctions that are aimed at de reeling this whole project now if russia is to
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succeed and to complete this pipeline it would allow it to double the amount of natural gas supplies to germany berlin has been saying that these sanctions are effectively foreign interference into something that is strictly a subject of relations of russia and germany have a listen. they consider these extraterritorial sanctions to be inappropriate. as we've reported several times these the sanctions direct to do german and european companies and we fundamentally opposed them. by putting this vessel and some other vessels in the region under the sanctions essentially it's not the 1st time when the united states are trying to just completely derailed the north stream to project and also russia is saying that it is political pressure and effectively washington is trying to push out a competitor russia out of the market washington itself finds quite
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a lowering because washington has been promoting the idea for quite some time that europe should be buying natural gas from the united states and not from russia but according to the russian president vladimir putin he recently expressed hope of that with a new president in the white house washington maybe soon will become more understanding and world play a more fair game when it comes to the country's economic pursuits. i hold the new administration of the united states will treat its. it's allies with respect and will not be trying to force them into neglecting their own national interests and i hope your administration will work following the principle of competition so the work on the pipeline has resumed completely in defiance and in spite of all the efforts and all the measures that washington is taking to prevent
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it from happening just to give you an idea as to how little there is left to be well done and constructed this fortuna vessel is expected to lay only 120 kilometers of the pipeline in the danish waters that by the end of may and that would complete the project in the territorial waters of that country and from that moment on all that will be left is some 28 kilometers of the pipeline in the german territorial waters and that said from that moment nothing can stop north stream 2 from going operational but obviously we'll have to see if washington will take any more last ditch efforts to world collapse the project. italy has slapped a ban on tick tock uses you haven't verified their age after a 10 year old girl died while trying to complete a dare on the video sharing app where the online game called the blackout challenge involves people choking themselves to temporarily pass out however the youngster
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was found dead in her bedroom. getting that diana of the medics did everything they could to bring the child back to life but unfortunately although the heart immediately started beating again the brain had been starved of oxygen for too long due to the strangulation after a few hours of irreversible comma we concluded she was brain dead or to talk doesn't sis use a safety is a priority and bans any dangerous behavior but natalia lawyer specializing in online cases does say that social networks must do much more. get i mean last clearly the story of this little girl is truly tragic it makes us reflect on the role of social networks in the lives of minors yes parents must pay attention and control their children but there must be social control of the content the mind is can see on these networks a social network cannot just say a minor has stated that they are old enough to use the up they should check it if
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after very for cation a child accesses the platform and sees violent content the social network would be responsible in this case is necessary to determine whether the tick-tock social network really has some responsibilities when this video of the child was actually viewed by to talk or not but the italian data protection authority has opened an investigation against to talk into this because it's trying to understand where the access to money actually legitimity and legal. still to come in r.t. this hour another fight for freedom of speech in france is a new bill which stands up for the rights of farmers temperatures bad countryside smiles and noises explain more just opted to. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of
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the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation whole community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is a place in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or i'm a bit loose shallows. welcome
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back to our police of fire to take gas at protests in the u.s. city of portland against the country's deportation demonstrates as you some brothers to protect themselves and come from to offices outside the immigration and customs enforcement facility in a city it does follow similar protests know the same building shortly after president biden's and or gratian this is a snapshot if they like to spy. on. the right. thing. was.
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facebook is facing new privacy concerns after revelations that it gave the f.b.i. private messages of the. you see discussed storming washington's capitol building intelligence agency reveal the information as part of its probe into the riots this month one such complaint has been filed against new york resident christopher kelley facebook provided the f.b.i. with his log in history revealing that kerry had been around the capitol on the day of the a sold a warrant for his arrest has now been issued or recent analysis does reveal the vast majority of criminal cases filed by the u.s. justice department use social media information and online data does form part of more than a 3rd of all convictions but house democrats rules are demanding radical changes from facebook twitter and you tube to stop them being used to plan criminal activity technology expert katie thinks though the social media platforms lack
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discipline. social class one of the under pressure anyway to choose your they're there or we're going to get you have not been disciplined properly you don't go out pretty fast and loose with people's information and are being cheated on are trying . various federal authorities and others saying look you've got to come back into line mode oh absolutely social media platform to sell going for rule in the future are changing so i think it's a different environment than it was before doing research which is interesting to search into it certainly not so far protecting these large warrants from being responsible for what's on their sites and there's kind of the understanding in us lives that if you touch it you are on a platform to be drool mark and to touch their content want to be close it slows down the velocity of the content not what it looks on and the other is once you touch it you own it and then you become responsible through content that's coming out or slow. now with the pandemic cam breaks it britain is facing major
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challenges at the moment and another has just been added to the list after the scottish national party set out its plan for another referendum on scottish independence if it is empty when the scottish election in a few months training or the proposition of giving people that choice they ought democrat choose your rate and in that we have that so the prayer independence party there says that if it wins a parliamentary majority at election shuttle for may and as soon as the pandemic ends it wants a plebiscite on ending the union yes and pay added that any legal challenge from britain's government will be quote vigorously opposed british prime minister boris johnson has repeatedly stated his opposition to another referendum after that the one that took place in 2014 all that said a new poll does suggest an independence vote is favored by scots we got opposing views about it from former scottish any pay david and also 1st the s.
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and pays angus mcneil. not the consent of west listeners the most important yet what is important is the extent of the scottish people and establishing the legitimacy of their view that's why westminster is very anxious to keep so we've from the ballot boxes what we asked that question an established and the and that's why westerners that were voted to send will not eating because they fear the view of the scottish people through the ballot box. that's why we should be using the ballot box and need to start. a westminster whether they do or they don't want scottish independence can't go on disagreeing with the people in a democratic nation and that nation stockmen is a union at the moment and in 20 opinion polls one after the other and the scottish people want to leave that union and become an independent country not be a democrat or a sling the only other normal country a vast majority of people in scotland are against having it at the moment because of the problems and not only that but we had one recently and we decided that we
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were going to remain in the union so the whole thing has been decided for generation the scottish national party should want to keep on pressing and pressing and pressing but the people meet vote for the scottish national party but that doesn't mean to say they're going to vote for our independence or the referendum every time it comes to a referendum or discussing the matter people want to state that united kingdom because an independent scotland is an economic catastrophe for scotland. finally this hour if the pacing cock a doodle doing sound of a navy 3 star ruffles feathers in france it will now be harder to stop because the french senate has just approved a bill to make it more difficult to sing people like the countryside signs and smells shell it's been scary explains city life can be so hard so many cause so many people so much noise it's just all too much we have that's
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better. ugly any cause new people to be seen and so tranquil just soak that in. how does it. is that no. i won't be joking i love the countryside but it seems so many people in the city for the so-called good life. is off they have been complaints from some meeting too noisy roosters crowing. in the morning and the cows are smelly what the church bells are also a bit of a nuisance we met with one for my. experienced similar problems. about a year ago my neighbors moved to our region and they asked me whether our animals live here year round because they found the noise of sheep intrusive i told them the sheep are being grazing here for 20 years and there's no whales right in to another place because here i have enough land to feed them i think they just get
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used to other noises engines subways car horns the sound of countryside life is new to them so i told them it's a matter of habit and 6 months time you won't notice them. so what do locals make of city dwellers who come here and complain. they are stupid the village is what it is what it sounds animals bells and if people come here and they don't like it then they should go back and leave us alone is the energy any malice in 6 noises all this is the beauty of nature if they can't leave with that they should stay in the big cities and only come to the countryside on holidays in fact some french regions have already taken matters into their own hands one department in britain we decided to add a clause to house purchase contracts the beneficiaries declare that they are aware of activities professional or otherwise of any nature exercised in the environments around in the building susceptible to cause of factory visual or other difficulties
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well now they are being backed up after years of legal wrangling france's senate has indorsed a bill that would make complaints about well natural countryside noises much harder . a bill to define and protect the sensory heritage of the french countryside was adopted by parliament a posthumous victory for the maries rooster a symbol of reality because our rural territories and not just landscapes these are also the sounds smells activities and practices that are part of our heritage and that is to people's ears here but i am happy about the new law i think the countryside should remain countryside if people don't like our way of life they can leave in cities to fit this has to be done i recently heard about a farmer who was forced to bury poland because toes there were making too much noise the point has been there for years but the court decided it needs to be burned because of the newly arrived people the warning is that if you move to the
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countryside you'd better be prepared to get up close and personal with the real neighbors charlotte. ever. and i think shops like the one you set for this out here are not he don't forget there are plenty of stories as ever on our website you can find that you don't.
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see. such going on there for months smoke by the mechanics of the moment in the morning one of them before the influence november so it's done well so doesn't something about. luck but. i just let it go as. she is or was you make an issue grandma of the industry in. general but from the sun on my book you go to the british course they're going up themselves. i mean
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they got the word out and of course i don't want any of the. mall to. pick up. it's ok. the obesity epidemic is the most important international health problem. let me though that. this will enable me to thing. just from the fact that it. and made tragedy.
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earlier my life. i thought that my way it was all my fault. i felt like a failure. and frankly unworthy. and it took me a while to really start questioning only ifs and challenging those thoughts like well are you really a failure and the answer is no i'm not i'm not but it took awhile to get to that point. obesity a blob of our era's fantasies caught in a web of prejudice it prompts scolding for poor choices and accusations of laziness . genes provide an alibi. but what if obesity were a collective failure not an individual one the symptom of a free.


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