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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 25, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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i'm actually returns the welcome to a special edition of going underground the king is dead legendary broadcaster larry king passed away in the past 48 hours after being diagnosed with coronavirus today we're going to look back an interview i conducted with him at the i.c.a. in london when he launched a brand new show on after a lifetime spent within the confines of nature nation media larry king talks to me and bianca jagger in front of an invited audience about the 4th estate new liberal inequality and the race for the white house. i spoke this week to someone who has interviewed every president since nixon it was part of our tease celebrations of a decade of international broadcasting very king as shows politicking and larry king now come to artie on british t.v. he's from next week spoke to me in front of an invited audience at the institute of contemporary arts in london larry let's begin with that something that malcolm forbes said the owner of forbes magazine the founder at least said you created
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a vacuum and then you filled it one of them i don't know what it meant. and i was being on a dinner in new york and not conform said been on my shelf quite a bit the only conforms and. my radio show had really taken off and we started 36 stations and we are 600 stations and i just started on c.n.n. . and i had written like 12 books at the time so he says i guess he meant that i had there was nothing there i created a vacuum and filled it i guess they all left perhaps he was getting at the idea that you change formats just when formats are getting going like for instance obviously cable television news alert satellite news so much of. of life is timing and luck where right turn left turn if you went out here you made that move and didn't make. and so i was there at the right at the right time anyway
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so then along came national radio which was unheard of there was no network national talk show and the mutual broadcasting system the owner of a like my work is another thing we have to like you this is a very subjective business so they like me and i got a national radio talk show and then ted turner used to be on that show and he liked me and he had an opening and he called and that led to c.n.n. and that lasted. 25 and a half years at the same time on the same network which set a record. and then when i came to an end i really thought i could retire and then artie came along do you think all these different formats are going to influence the 2016 presidential race now they already have the social network helped elect barack obama it was the 2 greatest campaigns ever in american history where obama's campaign says he hadn't won the 2nd time before it even
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started because of the social networks and the way they think that they did it around the country they had networks of people young people working hard in all cities and even after the 1st debate which romney had won i had a republican insider tell me. kimmel mean he said you know the race is over and i said yeah romney was very effective is obama's one already they knew already so social network the whole rigamarole donald trump i mean series adam we just had him on politics i mean only seen as a father to god or serving we do my wife and i do a podcast a little what do you think and it was a lot of it isn't like i was his 1st pod cast and he's going to be on larry king now in november on larry king politicking donald's an old friend we go back a long way he said the more things about mexicans donald is donald i disagree completely with that statement but it forced him ahead and donald is what he is you
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know he's he has an incredible ego. and it's not surprising anyone you know. donna was a kind of guy who was his wife one night said god it's cold and he said for me doll. you know what donald trump is i don't think it's going to last but he has certainly said you know i started ross perot back in 1992 which was incredible page american probably they say going to be comfortable which is a way inadvertently said he was running for president so what happened was i kept i asked them early in the show but he will cause he been outspoken about some public things and he was a very famous businessman and he said no but this was all instinct right nearly embellisher all i said was asked was are there any circumstances
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by which you would run. any anything and he said well if they put me on the ballot in all 50 states. you got to put me on about an offer to say as an independent and as we were leaving he says you think this is going to go i said this is i think it's really or and he called me a week later when it started to boom and c.b.s. started covering it me came on my show so many times when he went back to his hotel room the bellman gave him a $10.00. contribution to this campaign and he said boy that you know he didn't need the $10.00 but is able to sign to someone i mean one of the almost 20 percent of the world you can get it you can get quite angry when a guest is on the phobic racist that always i always wonder i mean you do that you call those moral issues that is wrong or a class a moral issue i can't help myself in
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a moral issue so. if it's racism i could not step back when someone for some interviewed governor wallace of alabama he changed later on went completely 180 degrees but he was like you know. he came in it was like i don't see any blacks here at the station i bet i said well they on the station are up to lunch. and so on that issue the race issue and on the issue of the holocaust awkward in a drought he drove me nuts. he he drove me up for i really had i liked him it was something about him that was likable but his opinions. so we're discussing israel of course and there's all these arabian guys around and. i said to him well what is your gripe against israel he said what israel should be in poland. because that's where the
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crimes occurred the crimes that the germans committed did not occur in the middle east so why didn't they take a big part of poland and make that israel rather than put israel in the middle east . and i shit well i'm ok you got a point we could discuss that as the land people and many said and if there was a how it forced and i stop if i said i wouldn't get off it so he kept trying to go on one other thing and i kept saying if there was i would personally and it drove me nuts so those kind of things you go over the line but all my life i would say 98 percent of the interviews i've done you didn't know what i thought welfare abit and issues are going to be in the 2016 campaign because you yourself when i was told yours were innocent of a tax credits it will britain big issue it will be
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a part of an issue of of. where you focus your energy in a budget and the republican side of it is that we should have we should to our 1st concern to be about defense and the democratic side is the 1st concern should be about health and welfare and they clash over that the bench really what happens is as lyndon johnson once said you have to give a little on both sides so the defense side you can spend billions has been a little less than that the give and take that's what it is the best argument i ever heard for the social side of the question was mariel home of the lake mary home of was a dear friend he was the 1st guest on c.n.n. . i've i counted him just one of the great benefit of unknown. and i said give me the difference in your philosophy and this could well work in britain too with your new head of the labor your philosophy versus your opponent's
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philosophy with it and he's all ok. i'll put it down in human terms and think of this image human terms is a lot of crime in the neighborhood. and this plainly of for man a woman son the daughter they need a new lock on the door. and the lot was 25 years you got to get a lot less crime than to get a law. the daughter. has a severe flu. and he's got to get medication. and the medication costs the same as the law anybody else crime. or anybody. said i by the law.
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so on that simple question i bottle out how i knew from a person was when my father died we were on we call it relief. now it's called welfare but we got the new york city bought my 1st pair of lessons they paid our rent for 3 years was one mother i was 9 to have my brother was 6 of the have she couldn't work. i knew what it was like to see an inspector come to the house to see what kind of meat my mother was buying he would open the refrigerator the icebox open the icebox and see what what are you buying fried meat she would spend more in private means spend less on herself so i remember those days and we didn't like them. but we appreciated them. i appreciate that new york city came through for me. you mentioned defense versus
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versus well for teach have a feel in these thousands of inches of views with politicians and that you're interviewing puppets with a good intention and it was k. street the big lobbyist some of the maybe the defense companies that are behind it all and you were just the public masses of there in k. street and you're talking to the puppets yeah i don't look good you're looking at motives i don't try to. the people aren't a street i knew them the lobbyists they said would lobbying for a good cause you know we you need that extra ship you need that destroyer because they'd come from a place they may be getting paid for it but i never i never tried to insinuate that there was a motive behind their operator i believe their believes are what they are or is i don't question a person stands up and says what they believe i don't question i question them but i don't question that they don't believe what they're saying going to them at all
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in all cases. well some of it. i'm not there to find out the wire. if i know it's a lie i'm going to go in and investigate it but i don't. i'm not right all the time you know i don't you know something we're doing russell the great philosopher nobel prize winner when he was 95 years old he was the dinner and so national morning you know and he said the only thing i know is. i don't i try to get as is i ask questions i have opinions. but at the core of it what do we know. all we know is to s s r t says question more. after the break larry king on has a question for bianca jagger on america's bizarre voting system and he tells us
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about the most powerful interview of his career so far. now look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. i robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification or should be very careful about artificial intelligence and the point of use the is to create a trance. like state on theories johnson with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. the obama must protect its own existence as.
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with. those of us who watch carefully the russian gate hoax oh yes worried it would eventually become the foundation for policy the by the ministry has done things we want to do with strong supporters our american liberals have been bracing for so. in 2040 you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no war here i mean your list put me in the. scrolling needle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. those who took. i've invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other it will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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in the 2nd half of our r.t. 10th anniversary event with larry king we threw questions over to the floor of the i.c.a. and 1st up with council of europe goodwill ambassador bianca jagger saya hirsch great journalist of course most of them arriving at my lai massacre i don't doubt it again story was he he's written controversial stuff about syria. he called it published in the new yorker so hirsch's banned from the new yorker and he said he was on going underground actually when he when he explained it was already on syria they just didn't want it was about what did he say he was talking about chemical the claims the syrian government used chemical weapons against their own people i'm surprised i'd like to talk to. one because it's a great job was sent to the new yorker i've never known them to back off. on something if you had good evidence that well site said the accusations were wrong
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according to sources yeah but you know the new yorker and ahmadinejad's get back to us i think we benefit open p.-i janet here. oh you dear and well and very happy to see you haven't seen you in a long time and i know we missed you. but i want to know who do you think is going to be the kind of the day democrats bernie sanders oh hillary clinton i love bunny. i know hillary alone why i'm going to be many times because she's got. is the best financed she has it in credible resume bernie sanders is a wonderful guy and a lot of things he says need to be said and amazing appeal to the is an example of them as a guy but hillary is so well entrenched on so if she's not indicted if they don't
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get her on something from she's going to run and she's going to get the nomination and in my opinion she be the heavy she's a heavy favorite now in las vegas to win because the republicans haven't found the new ones right guy probably you know the you know the giver of time trump if you were of time because he speaks the truth in his forceful way he would be rock the bay have all it can raise every candidate has weaknesses but hillary is well entrenched and we have an electoral system in america that i don't necessarily agree with but the state votes or what whoever wins in that state you get their full electoral count so i live in california my vote is meaningless hillary clinton will win california this debate she will win the california electoral votes if you're a democrat living in utah your vote is meaningless the republican candidate will
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win the nomination to win the election in will in in utah so it comes down to ohio and florida those 2 states will decide the election and whoever wins those 2 states and i would make hillary the favorite the most disappointing candidate has been jeb bush i know jeb a long time used to be on my show in miami and i can't believe that he's lost all of gravitas it is a little something's missing which of his bright for this something that i love is this was a great guy that is too liberal for the republicans. he's trying not to be liberal they used to be a big liberal version of the party big moderately one of the greatest politicians i met was george romney mitt's father who was a liberal republican governor in michigan. that they were of average can't
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find a liberal republican of the republicans case it is probable liberal high yelled he came from the b.b.c. . for many years you worked for scene and iconic american all american network and now you all embarking on working for the russian network was that conflicting for you know was inflicting one they distribute our program they have the r d i will say this they have never interfered with. half the shows it could critical of food they have never taken anything out i've never heard anything from them don't do this don't miss this don't interview that person. so i'm i'm ok i'm a communicator and in my whole career i've got a serious 58 years i have never. had a boss a general manager a program director come over to me and say don't have this guest don't ask that question and that never happened after the b.b.c.
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when i worked there. catherine wiley from the press association and i just want to play you thought piers morgan was in the successful and c.n.n. as you were and does you watch many of his shows i watch a few of my problem with pierce was nothing personal but he was the end to this is what i was as and so there of it was all about him. so he used the word i a lot and i just so when i was asked by an artist i was as i said whether i like them personally but that's not my type of show i don't i don't break gas and i don't i don't make it about me the guest isn't a prop i didn't enjoy it and i would say that about any host who i felt didn't serve his audience well i think piers did not do that i didn't like that type of
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interview i understand he's back in london. how does your peers will you. larry is there anybody that you didn't get to meet that you would love to have met it's right your career is that one person that stands out clearly other than me that you think. i really james garfield and then look like you. fidel castro i would have loved to with castro i want to have benefits to again. he ran his he had his country along even any person ever i don't think anybody ran a country for 60 years and he's a fascinating person to be a revolutionary came down from the hills i was on the radio the morning he marched i was on the radio in miami the morning he marched into. and i've always had a fascination with him i went to heaven it's
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a beautiful silly and we still haven't been able to work about ted turner tried to get him for me because ted ted fish with him. and he's a baseball guy and i like baseball odds are most tried to make something of with that but it would have been castro i missed. asked well no you still can. oh i would go tomorrow to. pitch and i will work up the road to my home. and all the interviews you've done which is moved you the most emotionally whether it's a spiritual leader you matter or probably less likely but a politician or somebody who's given a personal testimony of war crimes whatever what sort of what's in your memory what's the most powerful there's very little question of. i've had some great over the years i've been blessed to have it of you know 8 presidents. and has so many one i mean of it jackie robinson and martin luther king. but the most
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emotional interview. was with the new york city cop. this cop. we booked him and i had i didn't know what the story was i just knew that he was on the new york city police force and that he was shot. in an incident in central park and he was in a wheelchair and and paralyzed for life and he had a little child who he couldn't feel so i was 3 years old and he came with his wife in the child and to tell his story and his story was that his father was a cop his grandfather was a cop he wore he's the worst of the police in uniform public relations for the city of new york and i says what happened he said he was there was
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a series of a bike that fits in central park some people were stealing bikes and he was on patrol driving in a squad car with his fellow patrol and they spotted this black kid with a brand new schwinn bike. and he got out of the car and was approaching the kid and the kid shot. he really didn't feel pain he remembered a puff of smoke coming out of this thing him of the falling down remember the ride in the ambulance the game last rites of the catholic church and he thought he was going to die anyway survived but he paralyzed that down as his wife was pregnant at the time gave birth to this little boy who has never been able to touch and what happened was he. he wondered why did this boy shoot.
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and the boy was in jail and when as a minor he was 17 and he was in for attempted murder. i don't know what the sentence was but anyway he went to visit the kid. and the kid came out and in the cell the kid and he said to the kid why did you shoot me. and the kid said. i've been saving for this bike for 4 years work deliver groceries. i'm an a student i finally got my bike. and you with that tend to stop me today that tend. to stop me what are you doing with this bike. and then become said i asked him. well would. what is would. we do and then the kid said to him.
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we do have stopped me if i were white. and the cop said he had to think about it and just the fact that he had a think about it. made him understand who was wrong the kid had a gun it was his brother's gun he was holding it wasn't meant to have anything wrong with him. but he is a kid stopped 10 times because he had a new bike. just because he was black and frustration and up pam. and the cop. is the fart at the top. became the kid's big brother. and he got him out of jail and the kid came because.
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alan. i cried ali and i thought that's so i am glad us that person you know they think you're just in news and everything just flows for a viable it. like you crowd. the legend that was larry king speaking to me back in 2015 before the birth of black lives matter protests across american cities during the obama administration and the trumpet ministration condolences from all the team here and going underground will be back on wednesday when we continue to bring you stories not on so-called mainstream media we'll be speaking to the united nations relief and works agency in gaza about whether israel is breaking the 4th geneva convention over coronavirus vaccination but also be speaking to a member of the trumpet 20 advisory board a former intelligence officer until then you can talk but it's because for example
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. telegraph mutual. right now there are. people who are overweight or obese. and sugary and salty and. not at the individual level it's not individual willpower different go on believing that never change this obesity epidemic that industry has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific. what's driving the obesity epidemic it's.
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so you cannot move from one smoke i don't like going to the mini mart the moment one of them for the insurance you know demos of satellite photos of stuff that i. was. just as. she was you make an. agreement to your friend. john barr from the sun on my book you go you go british bush doesn't know them well. i mean the guy was a. small. fish. to
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. you. i am. the headlines this hour riot police beat. down protests across europe over the restrictions the time. comes off the country's space the shortfall in deliveries of covert maxie key supply astra zeneca born it can only provide 60 percent of what it had promised prompting some states to look for alternatives. to force a find a new song skin or just get fast of reliable vaccine we have concluded a treaty today under which russia will deliver a fax.


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