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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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question wait so the game had the scale say the change oh you don't like the sacred as sacred as the break investor put in on your plate and given the store so to time tax to break camp there right now by 1st place frank i want to play a role in helping to raise the awareness of the american people about the impact of these drugs called sugar on the mental and physical wellbeing of our communities. don't say i'm addicted to pastor william or of an delman coats at mount annan baptist church in clinton maryland are suing coca-cola and the american beverage association. writers do this. the warhead moved to the court room
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delman coat stand to sink the law on the coca-cola corporation. we know that the consumption of sugar in these products exceed the american heart association what are you asking for from coca-cola well what do you want this company we want coca-cola to in their deceptive marketing practices they have spent $120000000.00 in 5 years between 201-2015 falsely advertising their products. the multinational retaliated by accusing the pastors of freedom of speech violations. and after suing for legal expenses a threat with several $1000000.00 coca-cola now demands that the case be dropped. coca-cola statement. the allegations here are likewise legally and factually
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meritless and we will vigorously defend against them. the allegations are that coca-cola misled. out the science of sugar sweetened beverages because several of their executives with the press made statements like there is no link between sugar sweetened beverages and. that is not the case. whenever the soft drink industry is in the dark it adopts the same line of defense just gonna be hard to explain. to me. it's a. complete. the rhetoric is so small that it seems like a broken record. just because some research shows you know have shown
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between their consumption of sugary beverages and visiting. with that amount the. lowest. energy questions we meant different researchers many of them the fight against the consumption of sugary beverage of tobacco what do you. know. for 20 years the soft drink industry has denied any link between its products and disease to maintain the illusion it employs all sorts of methods. since 2015 leaks has revealed that the lobby puts pressure on journalists keeps discredit studies it dislikes finances favorable research and hob nobs with political leaders
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. to ensure this results contact was established within the senate we will actively campaign to register that it's. offering tax is discriminatory regressive and will not address the challenge of obesity we have commissioned the economic institute to complete a study which will prove the inefficiency of such tax it will be ready in 15 days which will give us another tool to communicate both to the media and to avoid it gains ground within the party called the new york times that. people see. and it does expect. sugary drinks fast food causing all these health problems i mean look at that which is just a look at. the times revealed that between 20082015 steve blair had received over 3 and
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a half $1000000.00 in research funding from coca-cola. appointed to serve as a scientific expert by the city and county of san francisco dean she must untangle the truth from falsehood when we did the analysis of these studies we found that every study that found that there was no association between sugary beverage consumption and obese in diabetes was funded in some way by the industry. whereas among all the studies that found that there was an association between the consumption of soda and sugary beverages and obese and diabetes except for one were independently funded so we now know and there's other evidence that industry has been. influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment to create controversy over the question of whether their products cause disease.
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junk food industry is cornered all over the globe activists are demanding tighter legislation. to protect consumers the battle has now become political. in the 30 years since warning labels and other forms of regulation were placed on tobacco. over 1000000000 the lives have been saved thanks it's a pretty good day at the office for people who make policy. illegal cohen and one of her fellow supervisors have made san francisco the 1st u.s. city to declare war on sugary sodas. when people realize how much sugar they are consuming in one can of soda they stop and they think so we had testimony right here in this chamber of doctors of nurses
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of researchers that talk to us about the effects of sugar in our body and it was through these ongoing dialogues for years that we came up with that idea to begin to tax. imposing a tax is virtually revolutionary in the united states. industry reached its sad speech the line that the government was interfering with grocery shoppers feeding a family is difficult enough in today's economy now some politicians want the government telling me how i should do it they want to put new taxes i'm on a grocery side by the beverage the sugary beverage and history came out they hired lawyers they hired lobbyists they found people within the community to come out and say please don't tell us what to eat or what to drink this is not a nanny state we want to make decisions on our own they spent millions of dollars as a matter of fact they outspent us almost $6.00 to $1.00 to me a break i can decide what to buy without government help the government is just
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getting too involved in our personal lives tell the community government is to to image both public. health advocates were able to mobilize citizen protests against the recalcitrant industry we're going to. this bad doctors and politicians lining up outside of san francisco city hall framing the sugar sweetened beverage debate as the people versus big soda you no longer can sit back and let a big show to end a streak target and hurt our community. the tax was finally voted in but the victory was bitter. when san francisco moved to require health warnings on soda containers like the ones on cigarettes the soft drink lobby sued once again and won on appeal. the warning labels were shelved. the same method had been used in new york city mayor michael bloomberg suggested
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along limiting the size of jumbo so those sold in restaurants. bloomberg was mocked as a scolding ninny and the courts ruled and the industry's favor. in this faceoff between corporate freedom and consumer protection. once again seemed to be the private property of the most powerful i represent a part of san francisco that was emigrate people people who speak english as a 2nd language people who live in subsidized housing public housing tenements and the one thing that we all had in common was that we were dying from preventable diseases dying. and you know.
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i was just really hard to accept. seem like. people didn't care the industry didn't care they continue to target. their money and their resources to get people addicted. so that. they become wealthier. so. what brings me to this entire conversation. is that. i don't want people to die. and if it means changing policy. just changing educating people so that they are aware of the choices that they have in bringing more choices to people then that's what i'm about that's what i'm fighting for and we can at least
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sit by and let them kill us. so. that's why i'm involved. in the world because the markets no longer were growing in europe in the u.s. so coke and pepsi and all the clones all the local companies that do the same thing exploded in marketing and in the low and middle income countries. mexico was the 1st country to be colonized by these agribusiness conquerors. will those who would be most impacted by having unrealized gains tax the so-called
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wealth tax would they not be incentivized to do agre style collapse and profit from the credit default swaps but on america we always said that once they were successful in destroying greece they would move on to other countries in europe and it would eventually get to the us is that day now approach. konami smoke if i don't make an important moment in mud tomorrow the one who's been brought up the influence you know them both the center of focus of stuff that i. was not up on. just that they had i think.
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she is or was you make the. journey from the. book you go to the british. family. i mean. today 73 percent of the population is obese or overweight 10 percent have diabetes which has become the primary cause of death.
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on the consuming. sugar imperialists attacked one of mexico's greatest treasures its cuisine valued by unesco as part of our world heritage. to the schedule think up or seemed. to make you. or you me join you may view. their brains out. those are for me that you're. giving me now to listen to the police are fed up with after us. each mexican drinks a whopping $144.00 quarts of soda per year on the average a world record. is really junk food imperialism
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where you know it's big western countries going spreading their job throughout the world and obviously they've been welcomed with open arms it's cheap in style used to be convenient what's not to like. at the corner grocery store an apple costs more than a bottle of coke. is the folk income that i'm most and lothian. last seen those 3 asked by the n.s.a. to must. obey asset. value mental stuff. that me he got. to meet us but is very. very. jealous bay must think of a scheme not dead look the internet spit so nasty parcels by in the us dept. that
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obvious comes out of the. argument that. in a country that elected a former coca-cola executive to the presidency challenging the food industry might appear to be impossible but not for the 100 kind of. this double check the proof that i get that yes i do believe that frank it's easy for the shut up or you to go but i've been told that over throughout. the day where they don't really care that the leadership outrage over here for. a small consumer advocacy group. the under. organized the resistance. he found a precious ally within the health ministry itself simon back at a researcher in nutrition. gave that interest doesn't know it is the. economy who is going to win.
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it took 11 years of fierce struggle battling censors who rejected clip after clip before the researcher and the activist finally succeeded in taxing sodas and junk food in mexico. it was the 1st soda tax in north america. i do them watchable. so they mustered out one medal and they. called. it a soul they said in the middle of the radicals and what if it's. encouraged by the success of the tax 20 associations join the effort led by cal did you come back era they demanded a nutritional labeling system and they also hope to raise the tax from 10 to 20 percent. apparently these demands were unacceptable to mysterious nameless opponents.
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your disagreements argument therefore no one is. giving you an early go. joy you sick leaking this how do you jimmy i would feel. they left in the shit by the idea they make the call. joy when i mean. cmon. nobody they me. and the one that's. in the last big. state that they use you don't. think. simon your daughter is just had an accident it is very serious come quickly she's been taken here if see him because i am more chill then me familia and. simon you fool while you're at work i sleep with your old lady here's the photo.
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be i don't know your scent on. you on that i don't kid i was his famous panache big ass was already in place. in the show what do you care when this was just a mess i don't know will be. able to be said only i mean but our computer gleaming or going to. see him bought a sister i will give you. can go in there and with that he said would i mean it but i know that important must allow you to do. all drills distributable that buddhist. police are still trying to identify the suspect who sent these threatening text.
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it was the level of viciousness was way beyond what they've done before they have attacked us in the media they've attacked with 2 other scholars but they had never done something to threaten our children to threaten our families to do what they did in mexico that was a new level of attack. in the end the tax increase failed and the bottled mineral water veronica buys at the corner store costs more than a bottle of some kind was no city. this . evening he sold. a week. during. the revolution came from a country at america's southern tip chile despite the fact that for 30 years it has been the darling of free market enthusiastic the anti-obesity movement is led by
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a senator. for years he has been fighting to dislodge his people from their rank as 3rd world wide in overweight and obesity. you know if you. don't go. and it's obvious. i mean. this video we won't know which. moment and then we'll go through this we're going to put. in the past several years. a former pediatrician has attracted the industry's ire he has been a fearless crusader in public health protection. first he prayed to billionaire president sebastian pinera official veto then he had to overcome the industry's
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campaign to denigrate him. finally the law passed in 2016 it was the type of bomb agribusiness dreads most. 950 mostly men to come in there see if you can. see that real estate is what he wanted them to be made of a single idea. if then it would. simply be for the matter of your. going to see it that it will. go to you it will be to. get a young woman you'll say son you. are. going to steal. what then don't get it and i'm going to leave is that the little doubt in with you know you know. you need to seek it out why doesn't get it fixed when it
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isn't and then clearly yes i think the national guard is discerning subtle see us all in that i live that is not that was limited it was in memphis. you know what you see didn't go well. where then it will be said that he. you know i think of want to see another you should know where that it was heading from that no point in it where it was not within this to just move within it are going to foresee that you will know where the native bit of a goes into winter but i mean you'll remember said you know through t.v. we have to. be in the pool seeing the newel so you're going to reach someone who have been going to pull the plug those who progress will not it just will keep us from this we're there for inciting to you know us and what mean you and he said below for those. who come in. in you what. do you go from to should move them to the group of. the industry argued that the legislation would be
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ineffective and would penalize the poor but only 2 years after it would in to effect a virtuous circle for. the set of a mammal he. looked up and saw him in the novel that i felt more laughs about killing devil having of the child about the beggarly coming impulse he would let our down but how it's all go on but how is that to get me money sick i mean. he ought to for more now. i think i love it when it's simple if i suppose the least that i'm that. going to say you have a textbook. chemical memory. and that same 18 month we saw 25 percent reduction and purchases of sugary beverages and shoulder. that's unprecedented and we're seeing large reductions of all the
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ultra processed junk foods as well as of the community that is the 1st time we've seen the glimmer of a country that might change the norms toward healthy eating. the chilean food revolution has inspired action in neighboring countries peru has instituted the same labels and uruguay is about to do so and dramatically mexico is joining them and its new president and congress have just passed new they're just lation requiring the same kind of labeling rice chili with my job. on the other side of the atlantic the contrast is striking europe's nutri score labeling a sparely tenet compared to the black labels in chile only a few countries have adopted it and it is not even mandatory. but it is a need to steer close of. i always say a. dash. into the hall idea. because
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i mean i'll go. back there will be a talk. to a steel source another winning strategy for corporate interests in germany has been to play the role of allies in the fight against obesity. this commercial produced by a supermarket chain promises a commitment to promoting healthy foods to help children make their dreams come true. but is it really wise to trust the industry. and tsunami a bit of salt to put it to clear dismissed bob get us especially are not fussy about us and as it was it was 3 not 2 and does the same goddamn but i step closer to one so what should at least it is. does hurt him to go in the dusty virchow
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after man has asked are could all be and does much have to shit in 2000. who are given added benefits goes on type here but. the german government counts on the industries the bill. need to regulate itself it does not impose either taxes on sugary beverages or restrictions on advertising. via bottom just try toes and filters to both of you and mention it to be addressed as spending it and it's a shadow. this is come out to show. us .
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those of us who watch carefully the russia gate hoax always worried that it would eventually become the foundation for policy the biting ministration has done. what to do with strong supporters our american liberals have been bracing this opening. in 2040 you know bloody revolution here to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always put him in your list book video clued me in the new bill is an idea pulling me to the former ukrainian president recalls the
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events of 2040. of those who took. invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. was a pandemic no certainly no borders to nationalities. has emerged with the we don't look back seeing the whole world needs to be. judged as commentary crisis with this sentence. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been so
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many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. it's 3rd night of violence that breaks out in the netherlands as riots again flare up over new curfews following a weekend of unrest over the country's tough lockdown. after countries that face a shortfall in deliveries of vaccines the supplier astra zeneca the latest to warn it can only provide 60 percent of what it had promised prompting some even states to look for alternatives. people are forced to find a new source in order to get foster a reliable vaccine we have concluded a treaty today under which russia will deliver a vaccine to hungry in 3 stages.


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