tv News RT January 29, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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to go to hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean . in. for. for justice on. the e.u. slaps export controls on coded vaccines amid a feud with british pharma giant astra zeneca is a move some euro skeptics see as a sign of policy failure in brussels the european you failed it seems that they lead in the 1st place and they're both jealous of the speedy official role of the u.k.'s most of. the livia and argentina become the latest latin american states to get hundreds of thousands of russian povich doses as the head of the un heralds the role sputnik the can play in the battle against the pandemic. the struggling
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videogame retailer is caught up in a battle between small time investors trying to save the 3rd wall street giants betting on its collapse. very well luckily watching r.t. international with meaning. the european union has announced its imposing export controls on coronavirus vaccines made in member states amid a rout over supply shortages brussels has also just given the green light the drug at the heart of the dispute made by a british firm astra zeneca artie's has the story. european union has confirmed that it's taking this extraordinary step of introducing export controls all it could get vaccines this means that any vaccine that is manufactured within the block that's the $27.00 countries will not be able to be exported outside the block
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and this comes amidst a huge drought that's been blowing up of the last few days delivery shortfalls of the dose this revolution concerns to the transport in sea and export of for 90 minutes each. as a protection and the safety of our citizens physical therapy. that is companies to increase production and knowledge we expect and it didn't work well for this huge public spat that's been playing out over the last few days and it really comes down to the call that this is between the european union and astra zeneca as you mentioned and andrew swedish form a company that's been producing one of the qubit 900 back saying it's now astra zeneca has said that it wouldn't be able to supply the full amount that it takes agreed on paper with the european union saying that it was actually going to be delivering around 25 percent of the $100000000.00 doses and then said to the
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european union local trying priests that at to about 30 percent that the e.u. has rejected they still say that that offer just wasn't acceptable and that they needed to fulfill the contract they've even gone as far as on friday publishing a redacted version of all thought contact between themselves and astra zeneca from their perspective they want to show that that contract has been broken now astra zeneca says that's not the case that u.k. signed its contract with astra zeneca 3 months before the e.u. didn't but astra zeneca says that you know it's trying to make up the shortfall and it's a little table too because the production issue at its facility in belgium now this comes at mit's the. that the investigators we even sent to astra zeneca is production plant in belgium to check to see if it actually was a problem with the production and miss rumors that some vaccine had been shipped to the united kingdom now one german m.p.'s said this entire spat is astra zeneca is
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full astra zeneca will suffer if they treat people in the world's biggest market as 2nd class citizens this is also now likely to cause problems for the united kingdom which of course recently officially net the european union for all breaks it it was expecting at delivery of some $40000000.00 doses of the pfizer bio on tech vaccine that are being produced all suited facility in belgium there is now question as to whether that vaccine would be allowed to leave the european union and go to the u.k. as it was originally planned now the e.u. has been struggling to obtain enough back seat doses despite placing huge orders over the last year or so so much so that some areas of europe are either having to delay the rollout of the program or having to hold to temporarily all together it really feels as if protectionism is now being ramped up in essential what is
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turning into a war over access to a drug and a vaccine that is supposed to prevent 19 but we discussed the dispute with bill etheridge a former member of the european parliament for the u.k. independence party he thinks brussels is covering up for its own errors in vaccine procurement. the european union failed correctly to order the vaccines that they need in the 1st place and they're both jealous of the speed inefficient rollout of the u.k.'s most to do without having the e.u. bureaucracy how previous it is in the case of it being more important it's a case of the fact that we placed our orders 1st we planned better and we do it more efficiently and the being found out was being a completely inefficient the news organization and instead of. understanding the us and trying to find a way to talk prose and work alongside of. it to throw its toys out of the problem
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and reboot and we were warned in the u.k. we were told if we live the we would so we wouldn't get medicines we wouldn't get supplies but it looks like it's the other way round doesn't it looks like it's there you have the issue the problem you know what's true for the people of europe the answer for me would be that they leave the store dealing with things probably of it if we were fishing on the road like we have. moscow has sent hundreds of thousands of doses of it sputnik the vaccine to latin america as the region increasingly bets on the russian job for argentina it's the 3rd delivery of the russian short with 5000000 doses in total expected by the end of the month but livia has received $20000.00 doses the u.n. secretary general has said sputnik the can play a key role in fighting the virus as the e.u. stuff is huge delays and shortages from other vaccine manufacturers if you're trying to reports. news on vaccine distribution challenges delays in deliveries you
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may be sick and tired of it but this is the reality around the world even the trust between e.u. countries is being put to the test as the scramble for vaccine doses intensifies concerns over how cash strapped governments in regions like latin america will be able to secure enough jobs for their nations in time are even more serious the ultimate remedy for it is more vaccines cheaper vaccines this explains why the head of the u.n. is counting on the russian vaccine and wants to get the green light for it asap we hope to double your show will approve russia's covered 1000 vaccine as soon as possible it can play a very important role in the fight against a pandemic it seems though for some latin american countries. waiting for the final w.h.o. approval may prove to be way too costly while corona virus infections in russia are pivoting bag down skepticism for sputnik v.
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has all but vanished demand is on the up and moscow's keen to help. the 1st shipment of the russian jab is only intended for 20000 bolivian medics but it's still crucial for those on the covert front line the 1st 20000 doses of the vaccines have arrived in bolivia to stop the 2nd wave of the covert 19 pandemic the bolivian president luis r. say has personally welcome to shipment at the international airport eventually bolivia will get enough sputnik the doses to immunize 2600000 people the president wants to cement confidence in the vaccine by getting the job to. the russian creation is set to become the most used vaccine in mexico in the 1st 3 months of this year and the country that is just about to certify the use of sputnik the january house proved to be disastrous with the worst spike ever in new covert cases
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the president tested positive last week but the leaders happy has been able to seal the deal with moscow to immunize 12000000 people we spoke with the president of the russian federation vladimir putin and he was genuine and cool deal i invited him to visit mexico and thank him for the decision to send us 24000000 doses of the sputnik the vax and over the next 2 months. argentina was the pioneer in trying out sputnik among latin american countries the 1st jabs arrived and when osiris at the end of december and after getting the data on side effects only one percent of those who received the shot had some sort of issues but us august went on to order 22000000 doses with the. this badge having just arrived the president and the vice president have both taken the russian vaccine argentina has been dubbed the global
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testing ground for moscow's vaccine dr well so far so good and the infamous curve in the country has gone past its peak and you know that going to more people but in a lot in america. how we call that box in the only person of the workers because we have only to find the details on bugs scenes in the flu send the need to so much now we are receiving $5000000.00 more and we're spoke to complete the box initial problem with $25000000.00 used or join us at the trend is more and more evident you probably shouldn't shy away from what they call walk or not also in spanish if you want a quicker escape from the red zone for your country. a video game retail in the u.s. has found itself at the center of a trading battle with small time investors pitting themselves against wall street
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giants game stops or its share price all this week after amateur traders got together on online message boards and agreed to save the struggling company at them plunged after brokerage firms intervened at restricting trading although we've since recovered but the market intervention course an outcry among small investors who accused the trading platforms of defending the big investment banks who were trying to crash the stock artie's dimitry poke takes a closer look. so by now you've probably heard of the whole while should game stop credit fiasco but if you're one of the many people whose mind goes completely numb when you hear the words stock hedge fund short selling well don't worry here's a short teal the our version of what's going on game stop it's a chain of video game stores some people love him some people hate him but their business has been kind of badly melvin capital a bunch of guys from wall street who have formed a hedge fund that essentially makes money off of businesses failing stocks or
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shares representations of ownership of a company so if a company is doing well then the cost of these stocks are shares goes up if it's failing they go down so in this case a bunch of guys from wall street in a hedge fund decided to make a bet that game stuff will fail which it kind of was already they did this using a term called short selling it's basically when you borrow a bunch of stock sell it which lowers the price of the stock then wait for it to become dirt cheap buy it back return it to whoever you borrowed it from and while up profit this was supposed to be the stop in game stop but they must then really go according to plan a bunch of crazy guys from reddit essentially decided to give the middle finger to wall street they did this using what's called a short squeeze they started buying a bunch of game stop shares which made their price skyrocket like thousands of
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percent and now these poor hedge fund guys have to return all that stock they borrowed at a huge loss they're going bankrupt because they lost billions of dollars and wall street is very mad so are the politicians behind them but the internet sees this whole thing as karmic justice because wall street has been playing this game for literally years hence all the means. being the sore losers that they are wall street is now trying to make a point that regular people should not be allowed to buy or sell stock only wall street robinhood in online stock trading platform has already barred its users from
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buying any more game stop shares and now they're getting sued regular people are just now buying bad stocks all over the place and adding more fuel to the fire celebrities and politicians are also joining in on the fun the moral of the story seems to be that if wall street wants to screw over businesses and make billions of dollars well that's fine that's business as usual but if regular people want to do the same thing to wall street well we've got a problem max kind the hosts of the aussies kinds are a poor sales the small investors that should be praised for exposing the questionable practices of big will street trying to us. so what these traders have done what these reddit traders have done is exposed or shine a light on the eve legal practices of hedge funds and this should have been addressed many years ago because de objective of hedge funds like melvin capital which is associated with citadel that has on their board ben bernanke the former fed chairman is to put these companies out of business and to profit on their
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collapse and that of course doesn't help the economy at all and people lose jobs so we have to applaud their reddit and the wall street bets people for bringing back some law and order and some equilibrium to these markets they're doing the absolute right thing and we need to support them if we believe in free markets and if we believe in capitalism if we don't and the objective is price fixing and to go to a command and control economy in america then that's what we're going to end up with if we let hedge funds dominate the price discovery and engage in this massive price fixing that the reddit people have exposed what is coming up after the break .
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics or business i'm show business. no one else seemed wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to shape out does this become educated and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. what does the let stand for today not long ago the let's stick with working people and civil liberties now it appears to prioritize again a jury trial it takes over issues we hear the word would be
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a lot but not be quality and is there a place for merit in a politics anyway. welcome back the mare of new york city is austin to reveal the number of deaths that occurred in nursing homes in the state during the pandemic that's off that report from the state attorney general called out the official statistics as misleading we have to make sense of this we have to get the full truth and we have to make sure it never ever happens again nothing like this happens again and we have to be honest about the numbers when new york state's official numbers stand 8000 deaths but according to the attorney general they could be even higher as ati's caleb maupin explains. the nursing home scandal hanging over new york state governor andrew cuomo is head just won't go away a new report from the state's attorney general indicates that deaths in the elderly
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care homes could actually be 50 percent higher than was originally reported that's up to 13000 lives lost in new york it only tallied up the number who actually died within elderly care facilities not including those who went to the hospital after getting infected as the condemning their investigations continue it is imperative that understand why the residents of nursing homes in new york and the saudis suffered at such an alarming rate well we cannot bring back the individuals lost to this crisis this report seeks to offer transparency that the public deserves and to spare increased action to protect our most vulnerable residents the report singled out while most decision to send covert patients to elderly care homes it was an attempt to free up hospital space that may have cost 4800 new york the lives cuomo is office dismissed the report as an accurate the word on the count implies to remove total fatalities than has been reported this is functionally rome the
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department of health has consistently made clear that our numbers are reports based on the place of death those words are of little comfort to solve a local news media rolla just lost both of her in-laws last summer and she couldn't hold back her feelings my family was affected this is never a role i thought i would ever be in harris but i was so grateful to dave and we just might be served democrats and republicans have now lined up to condemn cuomo reports from new york state's handing of crude 19 in nursing homes reveals a profound failure of executive leadership governor cuomo and the new york state department of health cheating our elders as expandable as if their lives were nothing more than the cost of doing business this is shocking and unconscionable but not surprising governor actually wrote a book about leadership in the middle of the code. pandemic but as we learned today and as many suspected he never told the whole story at the start of the pandemic mainstream us media poured the law on to governor andrew cuomo for his handling of
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the pandemic in new york state but now it seems pretty clear that he made a bad decision and the media's darling of speccing a full blown scandal. artsy new york. discuss this further with i guess dave lindorff founding editor of the news thought this can't be happening thank you for joining us on the program at the how do you react to the findings of this report. well you know i think a lot of that is politics because you've got you know republicans complaining about it primarily and i think they're missing they're missing the bigger issue which was that cuomo says real failing and where how i think he's he may have actually done damage instead of just not admitting the number of people who died in nursing homes or because they got sick with covered in nursing homes is he was spending transferring people with coded out of hospitals and into nursing homes the other direction. and exposing the patients in those nursing homes who
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weren't sick with cove it with the coded you know serious covered infections of the people that were being moved from the hospitals to get them out of the hospitals and make more room for more patients so i think that's a much more serious problem. and i i may be personally sensitive to that because my mother in law died of covidien a new jersey nursing home which was doing the same thing where you know the state was shifting people out of hospitals in new jersey into nursing homes and then presenting those nursing homes which are much lower staffed and much less good at infection control than hospitals are and not surprisingly the disease spread right through them. infecting my book my mother in law who died in the nursing home you know a lot of nursing homes were not sending people to the hospital because they figured
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that. you know they would probably get more infections and mord disease by being in the hospital than just staying in the nursing home and being treated so i don't know i think it's complicated but i think the worst thing cuomo did was the opposite was sending people from the hospitals into the nursing homes infected with cove it. was sorry for the loss. is there any way for those that who have lost family members like you stopped you to officials actions to get some form of justice though compensation no because you know congress has passed bills that are and also some of the states have passed bills that holds the they're called hold harmless laws where the they're saying that the decisions made by the institutions in caring for covert patients can't be sued for so for example in my mother in law's case she was given. quinine treatment which is completely
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bogus it was something trump was pushing that doesn't work has no validity it's a malaria drug has no impact on a virus and and it may have contributed to her failing and dying that she was given that we were never told it was happening so we can't sue because of that because the doctor and the institution are held harmless as you pointed out it's not just a new york state similar situations are occurring in other states to. absolutely all across the country this is this was a common problem i think the thing with with cuomo that makes it particularly egregious is that cuomo as you your reporter said was being held up you know sort of as the anti trump that he was the guy who was doing it right and he really wasn't doing it right. what do you think this says about the nursing home
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industry in the u.s. oh it's horrible i mean i don't think you have this problem so much no in most countries stone in the u.s. because the government until very recently would not subsidize. any home care for the elderly. and we don't have big families living together it's usually like to know me and my wife after our kids grow up they move out and then you know you have your elderly parents who don't want to be or can't be taking care of by you so you would normally what you would want to do is how hire somebody to come into the house each day or maybe even live in the house take care your elderly parents. and you couldn't get a subsidy from the government to do that says very expensive to do to pay for because you have to pay minimum wage you have to pay health care benefits and all of that the nursing home industry which is mostly for profit has lobbied very
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intensively with a lot of money to politicians in every state to not provide decent funding for in home care of your elderly parents they've done that's unconscionable they've got to tell the new site this combat thank you for your time. thanks for having me. the u.k. is cracking down on trips abroad travelers will now be turned back at the border if they can provide a valid reason for travel the home secretary's announcement comes after britain's that 2nd highest daily death toll from curve it the rules are clear people should be staying at home unless they have a valid reason to leave going on holiday is not a valid reason but there's also announced 5 new rules for travel from what it calls a high risk countries people flying from 30 listed nations must quarantine in a government approved hotel at their own expense yet there are calls to go even
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further with a top official denouncing a mouse failure to follow rules not just borders and monitoring news stream but time to fix the biggest flaw in our current strategy namely that 3 quarters of those with symptoms do not so far it's only jeremy hunt wants to use g.p.s. tracking through people's mobile phones to make sure they self isolate he cited poland and taiwan successfully using the policy i discussed that idea with our guests that like to know your thoughts on the their proposal for g.p.s. tracking what you think of that. or just the i guess i'm not sure i mean i think that's a bit over the top really i think what we haven't done through all this process is get out test race and isolate work if you want to get a domestic market economy back on the up and running you do australia or new zealand have done 0 cove in the got 0 go bit by chance in their borders good tech to test trace and isolate by quarantine and by providing support for people into
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isolation what we've got what we've got to do is we've got to accept that this disease will exist that this disease is probably not going to be seasonal forever we have got to protect the elderly and the vulnerable and britain has done incredibly well with the vaccination program but in terms of people who are not clinically vulnerable those people need to be sent back to work and we certainly need to open up the schools the idea of g.p.s. tracking people is for the personnel never implemented in time anyway we know that most of the introductions of the virus into the u.k. during the 1st wave of the pandemic and indeed you in the 2nd were travelers returning from mainland europe and i think it might be too late now but nevertheless we are faced with a new virus variants and i guess this strategy is to try and stop the introduction of these more worrying variants of the virus that has been in all of piety within the british government when the matter how crazy the idea is somebody comes along
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and says they want an even more crazy and draconian rule broadhead we have that these people run absolutely right and what has happened we are the public sector debt is now 2.13 trillion in the sense that we borrowed 38000000000 pounds he's absolutely bananas we've got to get back to work we've got to get back to work now because they'll be nothing to come back to if we let this continue much longer while that's most of that's ridiculous isn't it so we're going to let all these early people die out we were going to let this virus spread and there in fact is donated by the 58 vaccinated by the 15th in february as you well know as making . an assumption the vaccines are going to work and they are going to transmit your make you make you so sure that the economy can exist if you lock it down for a year justified after you know we're going to have to learn some very seriousness and this will not be the last pandemic and i think we are many other countries we're not alone in this we're not prepared for this we learnt some hard lessons over march and april but we have did far too much we didn't delay got the balance
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wrong we need to stop debating only about the medical issues and we need to start seeing it in the wider context and accept the brics and those need to continue was a country on the has to be a balance between keeping people safe and also maintaining the wealth and livelihoods and educating should all this culture of thanks to chasing aussie international we're back in 30 minutes. but the pandemic no certainly no borders just flying to nationalities. doesn't work we don't come with the we don't look like world needs to be. judged as coming very close as. we can
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do better we should know better. everyone is contributing to each her own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been met so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together. stocks bonds commodities and currencies everywhere you look in the world you have price discovery is broken and the ability to make markets has been shattered because access to free money is now ubiquitous and virtually infinite.
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