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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2021 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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but i mean. business leader. is the attorney general says fatalities counted by as much as 50 percent. death threats.
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at last. with the world news we're covering for you this weekend 1st germany is imposing a travel freeze with all countries where new highly infectious strains of been detected france is taking things a step further closing its borders to almost all visitors from outside the e.u. . in addition to the curfew measures which have produced real insufficient results we have decided to stick the following additional measures without delay any arrival in france or any departure from our territory to or from a country outside the european union will be banned except for essential travel to several other states are following suit amid soaring case numbers and the v a shortage of vaccines the czech republic is banning non-essential cross border
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travel and portugal has closed its land border with spain next our europe correspondent peter oliver reports on the latest steps from germany. this weekend tough new restrictions on travelers coming into germany from 7 different countries will come into place from saturday they're already here when it comes to travelers arriving for me you men the states ireland and portugal as well as those coming from the united kingdom brazil and south africa from sunday that list will grow to 7 to include the african nations of s. white danny and lee so too the reason these have been put in place is that these nations have seen rises and the infections of mutated variants of the corona virus the german interior minister the horse and say hoff said before they were officially put in place that germany would have to do they speak because there wasn't a unified e.u. solution on the horizon. in from considering all the information we have we do not
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expect there to be european solution that meet or expect a sions in the near future that is why we are preparing as a nation there are some exceptions for those coming into germany german citizens and permanent residents will be allowed to arrive from those nations on that list transit passengers and those travelling to do with the movement of goods will also be permitted to travel but those are the exceptional circumstances that have been granted by the the german side it hasn't gone down well politically with the opposition here in germany the greens have called it an affront to germany's e.u. partners for berlin to act unilaterally in this way while the free democrats have said that it basically covers up the fact that the vaccination program here in germany hasn't been going as well as people would have liked floods and trouble bird zuko but it's time look these we must 1st of its nation vaccines are the most
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reliable in the only way out of this pandemic it may not be popular with everyone but the travel bans are in place all travelers arriving from 7 different nations here to germany and they will be in place until the 17th of february at least we call mr richard a vendor told us that the travel ban could end up hurting the german economy even more. so it is a copy of the u.k. policies played by. people from tanzania and africa and brazil and they claim that. it's because of this new strain which is not really clear is not really well established. and other countries like germany saw that they believe the u.k. statements government statements and they say well then we ban u.k. travelers as well and the same with the u.k. . but it doesn't make any sense german business is a very international even local small family owned businesses tend to be
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international exporters and to get international deals you do need some travel the further restrictions would of course further damage the economy. as it's being proposed should really include a very detailed analysis of all the costs and all the benefits well let's look at that 1st before we further considers that proposal. woman in the u.s. state of virginia has received death threats online and on her phone after revealing that her husband supports donald trump mary jane hanlin post a photo on facebook of her husband and friends getting ready to go to trump's last rally as president within hours though she was bombarded with messages accusing her of being a domestic terrorist and threatening her with physical violence she's been sharing her story with us. somebody got ahold of that picture off my personal page and i'd imagine somebody that. knows me inside. him and about 5 o'clock
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that night my don't shop started getting some ugly phone calls and it just it just kind of spiraled from there some people took that snapshot and started putting the owners of the shop or domestic terrorists and the phone was ringing in ringing and ringing and i can tell you all day thursday and friday our phone never stopped ringing and the 1st we were inserting it. but when you're hearing things like i hope your building burns i hope you die i hope you rot in hell. one gentleman actually said he was coming to kill me one person threatened my grandbabies and i can tell you that it was bad enough that law enforcement had to get in and give us some advice on how to keep everybody safe off the habit of became the target of a hate campaign she appeared on the local t.v. news and that triggered an outpouring of support from across the country her story reflects a c.b.s. news poll showing how most americans now see their fellow citizens as the country's
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biggest threat just 8 percent think foreign advice or is present a bigger challenge mary jane abbott says the issue boils down to freedom of expression. you can walk through the through the doors of mine down and shut up in no matter what your policies are we treat everyone with the same kindness and love and respect everybody gets treated the same way because this is america and we have the right to think differently in to express our views without being made to be a free without someone saying if you don't think the way we think we're going to shut your business down if you don't admit that you're wrong in now you think the way we think we're going to torment you that is it is not the country re grew up in i understand there's people that may not want to come here because they choose not to support a business that believes one way or another and that's the greatest think a better country you can spend your money anywhere that you. are of new york's
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demanding the truth about covert deaths in nursing homes after an official report revealed the statistics didn't reveal before picture we have to make sense of this we have to get the full truth and we have to make sure it never ever happens again nothing like this happens again and we have to be honest about the numbers report from the new york attorney general concluded the deaths between march and november last year were undercounted by as much as 50 percent and it's likely to have consequences for the governor as kind of open now explained. the nursing home scandal hanging over new york state governor andrew cuomo is head just won't go away a new report from the state's attorney general indicates that deaths in the elderly care homes could actually be 50 percent higher than was originally reported that's up to 13000 lives lost in new york it only tallied up the number who actually died within elderly care facilities not including those who went to the hospital after
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getting infected as the pandemic in their investigations continue it is imperative that understand why the residents of nursing homes in new york and the saudis suffered at such an alarming rate well we cannot bring back the individuals who lost to this crisis this report seeks to offer transparency that the public deserves and to spare increased action to protect our most vulnerable residents the report singled out while most decision to send covert patients to elderly care homes it was an attempt to free up hospital space that may have cost 4800 new york the lives cuomo is office dismissed the report as an accurate the word on the count implies to remove total fatalities than has been reported this is factually rome the department of health has consistently made clear that on numbers reports based on the place of death those words are of little comfort to sabah a local news media rolla just lost both of her in-laws last summer and she couldn't
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hold back her feelings a family was affected and i wasn't seeing the coverage i wasn't seeing the questions being asked of this governor he continued to pass the blame on everyone else democrats and republicans have now lined up to condemn cuomo reports from new york state's handing of crude 19 in nursing homes reveals a profound failure of executive leadership governor cuomo and the new york state department of health cheating our elders as expandable as if their lives were nothing more than the cost of doing business this is shocking and unconscionable but not surprising our governor actually wrote. a book about leadership in the middle of the curve the 19 pandemic but as we learned today and as many suspected he never told the whole story at the start of the pandemic mainstream us media poured the love on to governor andrew cuomo for his handling of the pandemic in new york state but now it seems pretty clear that he made a bad decision and the media's darling is facing a full blown scandal. artsy new york we get reaction from dave lindorff who's the
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editor of the do you site of this company happening and also richard muller who's the executive director of the long term care community coalition. a mother in law died of covidien a new jersey nursing home which was doing the same thing where you know the state was shifting people out of hospitals in new jersey into nursing homes and then presenting those nursing homes which are much lower staffed and much less good at infection control than hospitals are and not surprisingly the disease spread rights for them they did but the eliza nursing homes their risk however i don't think that they required nursing homes to take in residence with coping it probably led to more people being taken in and should've gone and but it was very clear the longstanding federal requirements are that nursing homes can only accept only
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accept residents if they have the staffing and the supplies necessary in the us because the government until very recently would not subsidize. any home care for the elderly the nursing home industry which is mostly for profit has lobbied very intensively with a lot of money to politicians in every state to not provide decent funding for in home care of your elderly parents a lack of accountability when residents are abused even when a state inspector goes in and finds violations the nursing home if i know have any penalty so that's part of the problem and i think not having a really strong minimum staffing level standards in this country and in new york state also exacerbated the problem and there is almost no financial accountability
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in this country for how you nursing homes use the monies that they receive and that's something that is becoming increasingly clear. china's announced that it will no longer recognize british national overseas passports issued to hong kong residents the u.k. had earlier said the i.d.'s would pave the way for millions in its former colony to move to britain a move the beijing blasted as meddling in its internal affairs. this will only end up hurting britain's own interests no forces under whatever circumstances can erode the determination of the chinese government and the chinese people to uphold national sovereignty and security safeguard hong kong's prosperity and stability and oppose external intervention or under the new rules coming into force next sunday the passport holders can live study and work in the u.k. for 5 years after which they can apply for citizenship the new scheme was heavily bagged by prime minister boris johnson. i'm immensely proud that we have brought in
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this new route for hong kong british national overseas passports to live work and make their home in the country in doing so we have honored our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of hong kong and we have stood up for freedom and autonomy valley's both the u.k. and hong kong hold dear the plans emerged in july in response to chinese legislation giving beijing greater powers over hong kong subsequent riots over the mill and the dozens of arrests in london accuse beijing of breaching its pledge in hong kong's 1907 handover to maintain key liberties and autonomy for 15 years britain argues that it's got a moral duty to protect its former subject but international relations are less quick to get out of things hong kong residents are unlikely to take up the offer of moving to the u.k. . now in terms of the old possible now they are talking about giving a lot of people they are talking about millions of people the right to move to
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london or britain and eventually become u.k. citizens 1st of all i don't think a lot of people in hong kong want to do that why because hong kong is one of the most efficient place to live and to do business and it will continue to do so they compare much better than britain as a country secondly what the british government is doing is to give 2nd class citizenship to the hong kong people because it was they move to hong kong they need to live there for 5 years before they have the right to apply for you cases a ship i don't think people really want to do that so i think the british government is really very much double standards and what they are really talking about is very and whole. deal with r.t. from moscow still ahead mass protests had poland over its near total ban on abortions it's our next story when we come back.
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the world is driven by shaped by our own personal there is. no dares thinks. we dare to ask. there's nothing a narcissist hates more than to have their inflated ego car lined with that of another narcissist just like in greek mythology it's
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a long and messy clash of times but on avoidable if healing and order are to be achieved is this just what we're seeing in the current battle between good america ordered by its own exceptionalism and donald trump the ultimate narcissistic. following howland's being gripped by 4 nights of street protests against india total ban all abortions which took effect on wednesday and warsaw thousands marched to the headquarters of the ruling lord justice party defying pandemic restrictions critics say the new law violates women's rights and was forced on the country without public support and some a demanding action from the e.u. . other burden falls on the doctors who have to make a very difficult choice they can be brave in saying that no statement changes the
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law and continue to do abortions and back east there will be sued by the state and we will help them but this is happening inside pretty madison it's scary and the worst thing is that back to the european union the new european community doesn't do anything to help us move there is a don't want to leave pollen because it's my country and i don't want someone to push me out i'm going to fight for the country's future as long as i have strength and the hope that things will change. with a new law bans even terminations due to incurable diseases all risks to the baby's health it means 90 percent of previously illegal abortions have been criminalized and a punishable by prison time the law now only allows terminations due to rape incest or a risk to the mother's life. the amendments were passed by poland's constitutional tribunal back in october but they needed 3 months to take effect because of the scale of public opposition it's been condemned by brussels which says the ruling puts women's lives at risk the e.u.
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accuses the government of heaping pressure on judges to pass the decision and called it a sign of the collapse of the rule of law in the country but poland's top court insists that it's just asserting the right to life the constitutional court once again affirmed that a person has the right to life from the moment of conception human life has the same value before birth as when a person is young and adult or elderly the polish legal system is built on that basis abortion means taking a child's life the eugenic premises for the killing of the unborn violate that constitutional basis nichiren discussed the near total ban on abortions on the a use response with campaigners and i condemn ix. what poland is doing is turning the tide on the barbarism of the rest of the world the rest of europe and saying we're going to value life no matter how injured matter how disabled it may be we're going to probably with some treasure it and look after it's the best of our intention and credit to poland i think poland is going to lead the way on this and
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hopefully the tribe will turn in the rest of europe as well as a result you know i clearly am in a very different position to these gentlemen because i understand the human cost of these laws and the idea that this law is going to stop abortion is ludicrous it's going to start seeing abortions and it's going to star abortions for people who don't have financial means my feeling is that abortion should be a decision between the pregnant person and a medical professional and everybody else can have whatever views they would like to have around map the. source and you know what you. should look. for. so we. should not do.
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the british prime minister is being accused of hypocrisy over his recent visit to scotland officials there are saying that he should be abiding by the lockdown rules that everyone else has to follow reporting next from our. this trip by the prime minister steadily to save the union going down very badly in a number of causes not least because many of deemed it has not been essential your course in the midst of a very deadly 2nd wave of the coated 19 pandemic chad and our sons mason clits is so politicized true north of the border that the welsh 1st minister mark trying to suggest that boris johnson was wrong cite that journey i am only leaving my home or place of work in a genuine image and see and that's because the rules in wales are stay at home work from home we are at level 4 'd of a public health emergency and on the whole i think it is preferable for people who
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make rules that we expect other people to observe to observe them or selves another person within government ranks you come in for criticism as the home secretary pretty to sell she's been criticized for holding a meeting great session with police offices in oxfordshire again questions being raised as to whether that's really essential abyss tightened a law ordinary people are being harassed and harangued by police when they do nothing more for example we've seen scenes of people travelling to work or going to the shops to do their essential shopping and yet being stopped and harassed by police. and about how i would say. i'm hitting on and i already hate islam and i want when i do it right on i'm. getting up to.
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one assume just because you don't believe there is 0 it just don't anyone you want and get it he told the kurds were you need to be really informed about. all of that will only feed into the notion and the perception amongst people in the country that it's one rule for those in government and one rule for everyone else. the messaging app telegram is making the most of a massive influx of users abandoning whatsapp over privacy concerns is now added the ability to import your chat history from the facebook and service and aside from those 2 there is a 3rd option if you want to keep your messages private it's called signal it takes a closer look. none of the articles that you may have forwarded to your mom in an attempt to encourage her to download signals actually explain signals origins and signals origins could be really important because signal is kind of
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lame to the cia there with me because i can explain signal is developed by this signal foundation and this is the stuff you probably already read the signal was set up by whatsapp found brian acton who left whatsapp in 2018 because of concerns over changes to parent company facebook might make to the app in the future so brian and $50000000.00 into signal and he said that his goal was to build the most trusted communications experience on the planet signal is developed by open whisper systems which was founded by this guy this secretive what we see marlinspike that is not his real name he is really into privacy obviously marlinspike is a little eccentric he used to be the head of security for twitter and he's now
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pretty much become a cryptography legend and the co-founder of all those signal foundations and open whisper systems received about $3000000.00 in funding from something called the open technology fund from 22 oiled to 26 the open technology fund aims to support internet freedom worldwide and up until 2019 was actually a department of radio free asia it literally says so here on its website the open technology fund initially operated as a program of radio free asia in 2019 after 7 years of operating as a program. then radio free asia the open technology fund restructured itself from a program within radio free asia to an independent non profit organization radio free asia is a u.s.
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government funded nonprofit that was originally set up by none other. than a c i was examples so why is an ex government agency that flourished out of a cia psychological warfare program blowing millions of dollars on funding privacy tools that are meant to protect the public from surveillance by the government even more surprisingly edward snowden even mosque and twitter found jack dorsey household all behind it well maybe not so surprising in the case of censorship loving jack dorsey i am please please please don't think that this is all a veiled advice for the telegram rica's telegram is also problematic firstly in order to preserve its wide array of features gadhafi emerge you've any long it is an end to end encrypted the way in which signal and whatsapp are it's
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stored data in a cloud which has been argued to be less safe and most importantly it was created by a russian that is dodgy as. encrypted and of choice 25 minutes past midnight here in moscow. and just around 33 minutes or so. survival guide books a single malt to start at. 00 . repatriations look at the us to 70. delegates. record.
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welcome to redact of the night this is the show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents the maze through media talks about nothing but a lot tural politics well where the opposite you come here for the real uncut pure
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high octane straight up the known right or booty bump i thought now would be a good time to go through 2 massive leaks that have received a near media blackout and yet again leaks reveal the reality behind our empire the blue leaks about police departments across the country they came out and the syria p.r. leaks about the p.r. companies trying to create regime change in syria let's start out by taking a leak on the police. so i think as you know i said that no one is the blue leaks thousands of documents reveal corruption wrongdoing and incompetence by american police departments and the department of homeland security d.h. yes some documents show police agencies including v.h.s. share thinly sourced conspiracy theories as if they are truth for example homeland security's office of intelligence and analysis circulated
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a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that anti fire 1 was stashing bricks to fuel protests as manere magazine later reported the original source of the information was a pro trump biker who called himself the wolf man and previously spread conspiracy theories online. so the wolf man can just tweet that dude's are preparing to hit cops with bricks and that's all it takes goddamn it i've been tweeting truth for years and never gets a national police politician what do i have to do to get an over inflated impact on society dressed up like a biker and start going by square oh boy i'll do it oh give us. a substantial portion of the intelligence on black lives.


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