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tv   Documentary  RT  February 1, 2021 1:30am-2:00am EST

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it's devastating to me that these men say that they feel like a woman and they will not ever know what it's like to feel the loss of a baby to keep training through that. term meaning biological realities that they will never face they do not know what it is to feel like a woman. can simply feel our genders. my name's dr h. mackinnon and my sport is track cycling. the
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debate about trans awfully focus is almost entirely on trans women debate is is it fair for trans women athletes to compete in women's categories in the sport i have become the poster girl for. everything wrong with trans women in the world. every single story that has a thing to do with trans women are very trans women athletes i get mentioned every time. i think tori a woman who won a world championship in math or cycling have been hit with a wave of backlash including death threats. you broke the world record how'd that happen with happening here is your break chilled mckinnon who was born male finished 1st in the race in los angeles this sunday becoming the 1st of a transgender woman to win gold in the competition. i'm wrong. champion in the
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master's track cycling sprint event as far as we know i'm the only trans woman world champion in olympic event. even though it's a masters event and on the beat of. that one podium photo is what everyone focuses on unfortunately people looked at me being bigger than the girls that i was racing and said oh well it must be unfair look how much bigger she is. people who i meet david they do not know one trans despite what people love to think online so people see a picture of me when i had much much shorter hair because i cut all my hair off the air and say oh well she obviously she's obviously trained she looks like a man. i've received hundreds of thousands of messages of this point mostly on twitter.
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just the other day. so i posted that picture on instagram with so when we were before we get on to get into the pedals and strapped in we have to be held. and they always hold on to the saddle and someone posts in this room comment being like is the checking your sat. just like. of course these comments get to me to some degree. i have a lot of therapy i have a therapist a psychiatrist that i see to handle exactly this. my name is jennifer wagner so i'm a cyclist i started writing in 2005 and i definitely didn't do. not think that it's
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fair for athletes that were born as biological males to compete in the women's category. so that was me on the right in the podium photo. so i decided i wasn't going to disrespect the race organizer or my country on the world stage and i smiled for the podium photo. but i knew i needed to start fighting to change the rules i definitely don't think that that contest was fair because the winner had been born male and had gone through male puberty and had retained all the advantages that that entails if mckinnon hadn't been there i would have faced the 2nd place rather at a later round and possibly could have beaten or because i had more confidence later in the race. i felt that wind was not earned and so i tweeted that i was the 3rd place writer and it's
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definitely not fair so after that twitter exchange i did find myself the target of some online hate it was really stressful time for me and my family and we actually feared for our safety. yeah jennifer she came 3rd in the sprint event she responded to pretty much a hateful tweet on twitter saying that it's not fair for me to compete but what value in the quack's is that. she has beat me in 10 to 13 races we've ever raced with each other. i don't know how it's unfair when she beats me 10 out of 13 times . but i did finish in front of mccann and several times but that does not mean. that's not have an unfair advantage if you and i were
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running and one mile race. and you started 500 feet in front of me. i might still win but that doesn't mean you didn't have an unfair advantage. opposition to transfer when athletes is pretty much always irrational fear which is the dictionary definition of transphobia entrenched phobias irrational. i do believe that transgender people have rights however sport is one thing that's always been based on. and i definitely don't see a reason that we need to start changing that now because of somebody stealing. my name is j.c. cooper. powerlifting
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is a sport is 3 let's swap and. basically the goal is to lift as much as much weight as you can in those 3 lifts. i am a trans woman and i am more than that some people might describe it as like by gender or something like that but for me transforming in feels good transwoman it feels good but there's more pieces to my identity than that i think sense for sporting purposes. that's different because i have to actually declare it but in my
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personal life clearness for me is. is just as much political as it is personal. my name is beth stelzer i'm a housewife and amateur power lifter. i meant to see cooper at the 2001000 minnesota women say championships and. this was just 2 weeks after he won the minnesota women's u.s.p. a women's championship and broke a minnesota women's state bench press record. and yes i do refer to jason cooper as a male that is our reality we are dimorphic species and we cannot change that x.
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if you ask me that she sees a title in the u.s. p.a. is fair there's 2 sides to that it is technically fair she seems follow the voles the us p.a.a. allowed him to compete with the doping females. however i do not feel that those rules are fair it is not fair for a male to take in women's championship after impala lifting the male abandoned huge bone structure muscle mass they play a role with every single lift in fact i have a female friend who's 11 time world champion in their forty's and her 15 year old son is now close to breaking her records.
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today we're at the park necklet clinic and i'm going to get some blood panels done so what they'll do is they'll draw a few vials of blood and they'll test for testosterone. testosterone is something that does lots of different useful things in our bodies and people think that it plays a vital role in the muscle and strength development we also know quite confidently that if you take someone's natural level to stop and lower it they will probably get slower weaker. right now my personal bests
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are 215 in the bench. my squat is 3 or a little under 215 for bench and then about 364-3654 the deadlift i don't know what the best ever records are for power lifters but i know for nico for our food is in my weight class cheese lifting $1400.00 pounds plus of him and her me it's i'm lifting about just under $900.00. that's it's a significant difference and not that don't play over that i don't think they will achieve that but in the grand scheme of things i'm still pretty in the middle of what. i think people are looking at it very purposefully. as a way to eliminate tradespeople participation. without really looking at the numbers
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. treated with men's sports for a good reason know all amount of transition and by taking the morning testosterone can magically change you into a. testosterone has been used by a proxy for womanhood and it's not we're not our hormone levels we deal with pregnancy ministration men upon us and these affect our every day lives they affect every minute of our training schedules. i myself know what it's like to have to live through having a cramp. i've even gone through a miscarriage is the homestar me from training i have as hard as it is to get out
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of bed. powerlifting has empowered me through that and i'm. for more than 4 years trump was called putin's puppet yet by cave to russia's demands to continue with the new start arms agreement also a legacy no bombing and why is he so or. is your media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. tyson nation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led to. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the death. or a made in the shallows. by the pandemic no certainly no borders and just plotting to nationalities. has emerged we don't come with you we don't look like seen the whole world needs to be. people. judge you. come in
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a crisis like this descent into modern times we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been must so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. who
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dares thinks. we dare to ask. you. there's no such thing as a level playing field if by level playing field we mean that competitors don't have the advantage over each other every single elite athletes especially at the olympic level the world championship level we all have biological advantages over each other. so people like michael phelps for example. the many time gold medal swimmer his body proportions are ridiculous he's got very long arms for his body size he has feet they are exceptionally big for his body size so they're effectively flippers. so you're born with all these ridiculous
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advantages that effectively make him a fish and we celebrate the. you know why are we making rules why are we making rules that people that are like michael phelps but for some reason trans people are treated differently not to this like to argue that normal variation in human bodies makes up for the male advantage but this is simply a red herring we can easily luck in america at the high school track records and see. he that the best boy he's in high school beating the women's olympic record. i agree in sports there is no true level playing field however as a society we have decided to categorize sports based on sex there's no sporting categories for arm length or foot size we categorize by sex for the reason that men
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and women are different. and. i think it's a legitimate question why do we have gendered support do have gender categories in sport because we do treat men and women differently so because women aren't giving is good coaching opportunities or women are ashamed to be this particular in this country for being right women with muscles get called men the way that we play with children is different we're rougher with boys than they are with us we let boys climb trees and break their bones and we try to protect girls these social differences a matter to performance throughout our lives. males have larger. they have stronger muscles they're able to grow those muscles easier and hold on to that muscle mass from bonds or. if you look at sports
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across the board that are power based there's consistently a 10 percent difference between the fastest men and the fastest women if there were no separate female category in sports it would be very difficult for any woman to be a man in a lot of competition and there be no medals prizes or celebrations for women again that's a social differences not biological so we don't know how much the difference between men and women is social and how much is biological. besides he says. i'll have to ask. if your transition. there is a social fascination with for example our genitals so it strikes us as people
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as a little weird that people want to know what generals we have when they have no intention of sleeping with us for example so. it's irrelevant to my day to day life for example what genitals i have so it should be irrelevant to how society treats us as well the. males competing and the female sports it carries off of the field and goes into the bathroom and locker rooms it's a very private space for women. look at self reported studies males who identify as transgender the vast majority over 90 percent. do not have surgery they are intact males. the. surgery. i don't think i don't think i have to answer that. there are
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people in our society that don't want trans people in bathrooms and they don't want trans people to participate at all and something like as small as you know having access to. is enough for some people to get aggressive. they're worried that trench women. commit some sort of crime or sexual assaults against this woman and we know the dots and unfounded fear. doesn't. trends. women are far far more likely to be the victims of assaults you know when it's about through it insists women are at the hands of a trans woman. it's not that i feel like all transgender people are a threat but by allowing them into our bathrooms in locker rooms we're training young girls to feel comfortable with male bodies in their private spaces this is
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a right. calculated how many olympians there have been since the 2003 policy so that goes through the 2004 olympics in athens through the 2018 olympics in south korea and there have been over $54000.00 olympians in that time 0 turns out wouldn't have even qualified to medal. it doesn't matter how tiny a proportion the transgender athletes are just ask the women who they're beating and whose records they're taking. i'm going back to my man chad and oh yeah. she's this also from canada but lives here at the united states.
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they are on campus transgender athlete and i think it's great that she's out here briefing and suspect we're able to compete against her. i don't think that it was her being transgender having out there advantage that she being very cynical i think it was a bit of an experience down my part i thought to go as a writer and get faster as well so. well we are only seeing a small percentage of males who identify as transgender entering the women's competitions currently it has increased dramatically and in my eyes one woman losing a title is too many when these rules were changed there was not enough time for the athletes to qualify with this new role in the 2016 olympics that's why we haven't
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seen men on the women's podium yet it's coming in tokyo. it. are the thing means a lot to me and i think what are those that complete a. little unfair because i love to do it a good. experience a good mental space for really you know a good place for me to. manage some of the like negative sides of what society throws at you i put on girls sports team since i was 8 years old sports mean a lot to me i develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of
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hard work and dedication. current salary basically saved my life they have helped me through some of the most difficult times and i can imagine my life without paro lifting now sport played a massive central role in societies and many of our lives so to exclude a group of people for who they are from something so socially important is fundamentally unfair trans women are not that we're not men in dresses. works so hard day after day year after year doing everything i can optimize my performance and i know that i can never compare to somebody that's going through puberty. it's like banging your head against the wall do they really think this is fair.
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i believe the solution to males competing in female sports is seen. in the male category or an open category for them to compete or for anyone who'd like to compete in it as far as having a separate legal entity for trans people no i don't agree with that it's basically saying that you know you are not a woman and i think that the idea of having an other category is really based on fear fear of trans people maybe succeeding because nobody has issues with trans people in sports and told someone when it's transgender women are males . to compete in female sports they will no longer have female sports to compete and allow men's arts.
1:57 am
secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however he even the most prosperous can be deceived we've been busy roads all the way to view houses were allowed to leave prison was located and only cia people had access to the story to investigators show how they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean there you go read it nor in.
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hockey see maybe a sword yes or no for. trying for justice on. the world is driven by. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. direct. what is truth what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. so join us in the depths. or a made in the shallows. seemed wrong when all rolls just don't call. me. yet to shape out just comes out ahead and in games red equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
2:00 am
the ongoing route between the e.u. and u.k. or vaccines intensifies where france and germany proposing penalties if the company gives the u.k. preferential treatment. 7 a fresh wave of demonstrations bret's frog's over a controversial new security bill a french police union claims a legal loophole is giving the radical testers a get out of jail free card. that sort of promised himself in this year to do debates and to see bruce said the eagles will learn through 2 services if you go to register them in the fall and put them on.


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