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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 1, 2021 3:30pm-6:57pm EST

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l.z. uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but about me perhaps a name for the great of north in dog born on sunday in. d.c. maybe a sore knee yes or no for. crying for justice. hello and welcome to cross talk are all things considered i'm hearing about for more than 4 years trump was called public yet by cave to russia's demands to continue with the new start arms agreement also a lesson of only and why is he so unimportant. to
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discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my guest george samueli in budapest he's an author of you tube or at the gavel and here in moscow we have dimitri biopics he's a political analyst and editor at you know just me internet media project telling us topples in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciative when i was going to georgia in budapest as i said in my introduction george you know during all of the rage of russia gate the fake hoax that the public had to go through during the entire trump administration that trump was too cozy with putin though when the new start agreement the last remaining major arms control agreement between the russian the united states his administration had very strong demands claim that russia was cheating without showing any proof and then we go in the 2nd week of the biden ministration and apparently the american position
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is completely collapse how do you explain that go ahead. well this is an excellent question because. if you recall the trauma administration. imposed 3 conditions on the russians wesley said that there would only be a one year extension of a 5 year extension. it said that the russians had to 2 impose a freeze on their 2 nuclear weaponry. and so it would then and in all of these it months the russians said i did as i've said i meant to mention and they said the chinese had to take part as well. the russians said no to all 3 and. and i was at and then the people came in and essentially caved all of them said they went for a 5 year extension they said they didn't say anything about the freeze and they dropped the demand about the chinese so the russians got everything and the amazing
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thing is that the u.s. media at the plate and the conative up as i said earlier of this is this is good you know chose by means doing things they can only imagine as if it had been a trump who just simply accepted all of russia's the month but i do think it's important to emphasize this is not any kind of a signal that the by and it is ministration intends to pursue friendly relations with russia i think there were various reasons why they caved to these russian demands of the something we're going to go into but basically for the 1st time since the start of the cold war russians have developed a strategic superiority over the united states and this is causing great anguish in the united states and they need time to catch up so that's i think the reason why they decided that that well you know we've you know we need to sign an agreement
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now whatever the condition of the russians impose a new. deamon there is a george just got to jump on me because i know that's exactly where i wanted to go skeet because we have we can jets opposed to this immediate agreement to russian demands on this very very important arms control agreement but at the same time demon this is the 1st administrator shouldn't since the end of the cold war that is coming out overtly aggressive towards russia it's a very interesting dynamic going on here agreed to this arms control agreement being extended but at the same time we do know from late the readout of the call between putin and biting is that they went through the litany of hacking and all of these things that you know if it involved russia is involved in domestic american politics so we'll talk about the new bomb the situation the 2nd half of the program so it's a very it's very odd mixture isn't it diva well it just shows that evil has many faces i mean you're can get crazy you know to waste all that just on weight and it
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is just amazing you know trump's chief negotiator his special envoy for nuclear talks marshall being silly he came out recently with criticism of biden i think it's the 1st criticism that i am reading in the mainstream press it don't just 24 hours for by didn't you to squander the most significant leverage we have all what russia beating sleep tweeted and it was scolded by the wall for joy which is already a victory because you know an open trump supported coulter without criticism involved you don't know what i would just explain it it'll be top of your what george just said you know this egremont was signed in 2010 and it would cap on the number of warheads that 2 sides can have some odd month 1000 $500.00 and yes i make and so i'm trump made this new month 1st you know basic human can be extended for the period or up to 5 years but you can extend it for one year for 2 years for 3 years
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so. wanted to extend it for just a minute here on a very tough condition which george just mentioned you know that china would be included china with its tiny $300.00 warheads would be included and the and and also russia would have to put a freeze on all of its nuclear development trash of course. refused because. the united states has just you boxed or huge new clearly element program which is estimated at the amount of money that's official between of on point $2.00 trillion dollars and bond on the 5 trillion dollars they would have been used to teaching ballboy you know that go into krav minuteman. replaced by new but he stickney's silo in the course of the next 10 years that was going to cost at least $100000000000.00 and they already had a plan you know to maintain this me so i do you wait to solve them 75.
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minutes would cost as another few $100.00 so audience 0 dollars so what kind of course just you know by having just quote too late the things to be and he saw that it was just too expensive so what he suggested was ok we keep pressure on russia of let's make it to be cheap you know ok let's retain the agreement that we have right now there was a position to it from 2 crazy people bond was john bolton who said that the united states was given up on its you know superiority jumbo above and the other one who was a new up who is now a deputy secretary of state and it just shows you know people can go get crazy in many ways you can be a tough american nationalist like trump or you can be a liberal interventionist like by them that their results is the same huge danger and possibly 'd a new war that would and i await the mankind you know it's very interesting george that again the what makes this even ministration different than others is that we
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have some ugly. jake sullivan. in a position of great power and these are in plain can as well these are russian gators ok they were they propagated this hoax here so as we have worried over the last years that this hoax would seeped into policy and it is seeping into policy. the apparently during the readout of the the 2 presidents the conversations the the the afghan bounties was mentioned which was completely debunked by the the us military but it's still in the discourse right here so we have this we have this russian gate mentality bleeding into policy here so it's going to be very very difficult because then there are critics going to turn around and say that you're being soft on russia instead of being good on policy go ahead jerome you know that's a very important point 2 because you concretely have meaningful ounce control.
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1 1 without a general policy of detente any which is why the angst control ball treaties of the 1970s subsequent in the 1980 s. were a success because they were constant also of a general policy of rapprochement so back in the seventy's when with the signing of the salt agreement and then the negotiate of the soul to agreement that was at the time in which there was a partnership between the united states and the soviet union and why the united states played it did to support us assad domestic policy there was indeed a polish ip on sorting out of global problems and. ending the war in vietnam. negotiating a peace settlement in the middle east and signing a variety of very important treaties including the chemical and biological weapons
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conventions and so on so that was a. probably shipment control were part of that now the the biden people and of course it was the same thing with obama before that where they think they can we could just separate os control that's a good thing we'll just have lost a joke but a series of these hostile aggressive policy in other areas level us it doesn't work . that out of the troll just fails and which is you know why the obama policy sort of an obscene troll agreement with iran in which you know iran gives up your reign even richmond in return and the sanctions went no at because obama didn't visit this as part of iraq or from with iran so that's how it seems with the biden mentality because they obviously we all stop policy in other areas towards russia so i think this this extension of a new start up will ultimately be doomed if it deem it remains to be and
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to be resolved insists if this can function in a in a vacuum because if you look at lincoln's. testimony from during his nomination process i mean the. extreme. liberal interventionist i mean talking about continuing nato expansion georgia was focused on considerably quite a lot of leaves talking about democracy in venezuela considering what's going on in the united states here i mean this is just a blast from the past and we know that there was a change of power in 2002016 for because a lot of people were sick and tired of these policies now in the way where we're back to the future here all over again and it really shows that these leads don't understand how the world is changing and these elites are demanding the maintenance of american have gemini when that that that moment of gemini and the unocal moment is long long over i mean they're swimming against the but the current year go ahead
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. well i just thought i'm going to you know a gorgeous. absolutely right you cannot have a real design movement without get up and that reminds me of the state she traced with the soviet union in the late eighty's you know when we had this excellent ambassador from the united states jack matlock. i think he's leaving to hold a trade you're right now because he really believed in the united states and went to hear you presented the united states in the soviet union it was a different country so you know now he's seen how that country is destroyed by a you ideology so matter that when he was asked by russians in the late ages ok we have these geneva accords which have i'm sorry mr what is there the prevents us from having a good relationship and you know from bugan you accordingly and you say that the soviet union has to change in society it has to be count and you can treat if you want to hire will join asians with us and we became a new country the same story with the united states no you cannot have a dodge or it's not actually and i'm sorry dr to what happened was that the it
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greed to have a cap on their m on the water answer that they that they can have bought obviously you cannot be a peaceful person and have the. biden hess i mean victoria nuland is personally 2 responsible for what happened in ukraine she said added that yeah it's a new quest to be the hand of the new government that was recorded and she didn't deny it but he again he's personally responsible for a lot of thinks table things that happened in the middle east ok you know what i already know what you're getting that are great in there that margaret you were discussion and some real needs. loud enough things are gone topsy turvy the markets are undergoing
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a severe. inflection point and those on the periphery are now driving this center. it's whacko time but much hated let's get into it. was a pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. has emerged little time with the we don't look like seeing the whole world needs to be . judged as coming every crisis sleaze christensen's. we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is grateful to response has been much so many good
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people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome to cross up there all things are considered i'm about to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok let's go back to the here in moscow. a a figure a russian citizen has been profiled quite
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a bit in western media over the last few months and as we speak right now there are protests in moscow and i would imagine other major cities here and it's all focused on him a gentleman named alexi. kook is not only explain to our audiences and explain why western audiences are being told is not true. well 1st of all i would start my story and by the what's that there is nothing new under the sun i asked maher an american viewer stool look at the papacy you know the names like andre but beach key and you know a soccer or under star was actually of being female but all of these tiny figures that just popped up and disappear you know the same story with no holly you know andre but because he was no less important to the united states when he was taken into u.s. from terrorists in chechnya in the ninety's and he was portrayed as hero and the
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united states says that if he's detained he was detained for a few days that means the trash areas are bad contraband will go ahead will do a ship nowadays but the skin off the cranium he joined russia. this development and he was booted out though the free radio free europe next morning and go on and on as they scare us what type of story but. he is actually a very good job just like normally because barbie is a professional she is a professional don't know how many east sound. quite the drunkeness not to public figure she started his career asked sam why no minority shareholder that was his profession you know you have a big company and you buy one percent of the stock and then you make the life of the company an unbearable and you you your let go with a certain amount of money that was his strategy and he's very good at that and he did exactly that we've with the stage here because the 1st few spot of s.
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an extremist nationalist you know he said that he's against illegal migration there are too many more steps and more school if you call them names you know that is all recoil that then he realized that there were many people in that market so he tried liberal values like freedom elections and then he discovered that these nice was also taken by the older guys like you have this who have such a law he's in with the west you cannot break it so he decided to concentrate on corruption and the problem is that you know these new documentary that supposedly millions of people have seen it is no 4 in a clot because it turned out that he used you know any major we have seen it right it was all imbedded you know that that was doesn't get won't do. this story started 10 years ago it was not started by a human it was started by other jonas but this is you know the strength to own a holiday isn't making scandals and megan the wife of people on bearable he's
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a classical radiate he is a classical minority shareholder who makes the life of a company miserable and she did exactly that you know and she traced to each use by and haven't you know she was to be at the same time a political emigre in germany who was followed poisoned by russia then she was to be a political figure inside russia if you want to be a political prisoner and at the same time to be competing in their own prussia she has a suspended she has a. 22 suspended sentences and he was allowed to travel abroad for pro around russia in fact to campaign for several years although people were very dismayed by this because another person would not be allowed to know but he had special people and all to hear you don't have germany find it the same hole was a price to him as to are the russian citizens in russia if you are on a suspended sentence and you don't show up. you know at a certain time you go to jail you hope that's what happens you know the guy just
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you're on probation let me d.m.'s i mean let me go to george here i mean i'm assuming considering that his background and his behavior is that he wanted to he came back to be arrested so protests can start so western media can talk about their guy in in in russia i mean it's so patently obvious i mean also the. only with that has some kind of western education he studied for a while in the united states i mean it seems kind of you know correct me if i'm wrong george exams like saakashvili it sounds like one white oh it sounds like this is the kind of scenario here that's being played out go ahead george yes that's that's exactly right 3 dean has given an excellent summation of the funniest korea that. he's role is to provoke trouble. 1 in the in russia i mean that's that's what his goal handlers in the west in visit
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for him they don't really visit him as organizing any political movement because they know that he doesn't really enjoy any kind of support for it within russia yet and it's a lot of very tedious hard work to build a serious political organization that can compete in the elections so his role is to provoke trouble within russia now let's hold demonstrations for which. the seeks official permission. of the police come they break up the demonstrations there the western media other to film all of this and then the western media portrayal of this and the usual western voices screaming at the top of their voice is that of the crackdown fascism again in russia. putin is showing is his jack boots and so on michael mcfaul is on hand to be on on every
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single t.v. show that's that's the the how the western visit is his role in that i mean if not funny. kind of a serious political figure in russia if you had any real political weight we would have witnessed it during the whole constitutional referendum of last year i mean that was his is big moment i mean no it's not you can make an impact but in fact the constitutional referendum came and went it was a big success for putin not funny mate no real showing so so that you know that just shows what a fundamentally what a lightweight he is in russia but you could look useful you and i have talked about it before i mean i'm i'm still going to understand if he's he makes the claim that he was poisoned by some kind of novacek agent inside of russia he was allowed to be for russia to go to germany for treatment he could maintain that claim and then we
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have for some bizarre reason what western intelligence are somehow confirming this instead of should have been kind of the other way around with his the positions they treated him and so he comes back to the country that claims that tried to kill him i can you explain to me how that works i mean if you're being hunted down why do you go back in the country the torments you go ahead well obviously the home. he does not believe that there julio would try to poison him because otherwise he will not have return to such a dreadful place you know russia haunt you just feel one him that he would be arrested when he returns on purely legal grounds like any other person if you always state you know. even if you have a suspended sentence and you will have brought that's already a huge gift from the state is specially during the been de mint you know when people cannot travel and then you always state that period and you want to return
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and because of no holiday no there are sanctions imposed 'd on russia. they're going to freeze they're going to try to freeze not steam to project which costs hundreds of fans more that that that forbidden palace that we have seen on that on television so for all of petro to crushing you of course not only is more harmful than the any. corrupt officials in russia if you costs more money to the country. and i would continue onward or just said if no money had real support he would ask for a real legal demonstration he would be given permission at some big square in a more school at some big stadium he was offered that you know he was over that but you know he would have a 1000000 people that would make an impression that brought him if he doesn't have a media people so he's people when they were offered legal squares in russia in
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moscow they refused they said pushkin square well if you're so pushkin square it's basically a tiny space on both sides of the main street almost there sky have where dissidents to ages 7 just used to have small protest actions like 6 or 7 people right arrested by police so it's famous historically but it's not feat for a big demonstration so they deliberately wanted a calash with police you know they deliberately wanted some people to get the rest of. and yes to make these publicity in the west yes ultimately it will be bad for action in position because yes not only is because of the number one figure but the problem least he is unable to make the nation's he's an absolutely dictatorial person you know she is way is my way or highway even though given he will just try that but if you can you address the issue that. some of these protests we saw last week they brought minor children knowing that there could be violence here is this
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an intentional act to get more western media. with small children i think are going to be a main reasons about why the teenagers who come i can tell you the reason why that come they're not there with the older generation but even people who they were stooges and forward yes they remember how the theme of preventing just podgy privileges was played out in the end of the soviet union and how shamelessly yeltsin used it and then in the ninety's with corruption on the continent dime swar spent go on out of the soviet union people remember it so these chicks like belgian has a mansion next to the black sea they don't walk with the people who have any experience and who have a need to know to chill russian history but for the teenagers like boys and girls 141516 years of age they don't know that so they watch the video the air they join each other all know these dog and other social networks there are some grown
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up people telling them or it's going to be cool who is going to be interested in going to challenge the police you know come to the pushkin square is going to be fun and they show up thinking that it's going to be fun because we cover that scene but he's violence and we haven't seen real street violence in russia for many years rush essentially a much more peaceful country in that sense than france or germany and also look at the context you know or kate the west is so enraged. of all people most of all to come out of moscow the pushkin square at least moment in for out you can log all it off to see circle ok in the evening they have a curfew of between 6 pm and 6 am even though i may need to hang out here and i needed more they. grow most out of time but george i guess one deal when the obama administration had was a riot as there is a sarah good in russia the biden ministration will use enough only gentlemen which run out of time i want to thank my guests in budapest and in moscow i want to thank
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our viewers for watching us here at the sea in x. time remember. when i was so seems wrong. why don't we all just don't call. me i'll get to see how this thing comes back to. and in detroit because the trail. went on to find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. is you'll be via reflection of reality.
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in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led to. direct. what is true and what's his face. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura made in the shallowness. the world is driven by shaped by. the barriers thinks. we dare to ask.
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to eat. gluten.
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louis. go.
6:56 pm
louie louie. louie louie. go.
6:57 pm
to. luke. go.


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