tv News RT February 3, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EST
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from no chance to giving it a shot western countries change that you don't rush to put make the vaccine up to a leading medical journal publishes a study about its high ethical sea we have from the c.e.o. of the fund parking job. when you go by sea you know the price of the logistics you really believe is the best over to the world and scientists streams of wealth agree. meanwhile despite a wave of criticism european commission president refuses to apologize for the plotters slovaks even rolled out. the russian court sentences opposition figure saying a volley to 3 and a ha here is
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a. parole violation moscow says the west should mind its own business after some countries are called for his release. 247 live from the russian capital this is all to international a very warm welcome to the program. while stopping off but it's in the south mexico has become the latest country to officially approve the russian covert vaccine with millions of doses set to be delivered in the coming months now that comes hot on the heels of a new study in the law and magical jonell which has found sputnik seed to be more the 90 percent effective meanwhile over in europe hungary which was the fust e.u. country to approve c. has already received its fusspot the shot as part of a $2000000.00 deal other key states in the block france and germany are awaiting
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a decision by the regulator. and anyone who plans to the european medical agency food approval is welcomed i talked with the russian president exactly about this we noted the good data today and the russian vaccine for any vaccine is wanted in the european union but only ones that give the necessary detail to the european medicines agency will be approved. several weeks ago i sent a scientific mission to russia in order to exchange data with the teams the we saw today data indicating a very strong efficiency of the sputnik vaccine but we can't distribute it in front until the russian producers submit a request to our authorities it's normal it's a matter of health care responsibility where even before the lancet article russian scientists had been insisting that sputnik the was space safe and effective and that didn't stop it from receiving a wave of criticism in the west though but as more audacity of explains even some staunch critics are now having a change of heart and are finally ready to give sputnik a shot. barely
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a few months ago the cure was sold to us is worse than the disease they mocked sputnik we they don't ride did it they tried to turn it into a joke but without a phase 3 mass trial completed it sounds like the process hasn't run its course here america's top researchers say russia cutting corners to develop its coronavirus vaccine they're still trying to figure out safety and there they've approved it the irony is of course that these same people the same people who accused russia of spreading vaccine conspiracies and of discouraging people to get the job the irony is often lost on these sorts this is c.n.n. in a tube so you know that they're trying to trash talk it when they start by calling it putin's vaccine which was apparently dangerous and unreliable reading between the lines this is c.n.n.
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now and somehow sputnik has become safe and potent one of only 3 vaccines with an efficacy of over 90 percent that's cheaper it's easier to produce and to transport and side effects don't include catatonic allergic sieges what the trials showed this 91.6 percent episodes of exceeding 91.8 percent efficacy for actually people older than 60 years old and also in the lab the important part of the vaccine it's affordable and it's easy to distribute around the world we call it humankind big scene because it can be supported plus 2 plus 8 versus minus 70 degree celsius required by some us machines and of course the powerful one 3rd of the u.s. would seem so when you combine safety advocacy price and logistics you really have what i believe is a best of a cure there's a world and many scientists in the world agree the lancet medical journal has
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published preliminary results for things 3. trials of sputnik and their good mild side effects if any doesn't require a deep freeze so more widely available to poorer nations when russian scientists said all of this it was met with our roles and mockery but when other scientists say the same thing they all nod sagely in agreement this is clearly good news as these dual formulation vaccine is comparatively easy to manufacture and to deploy i mean they anticipated global shortage of vaccines and logistical problems in vaccination rollout it's interesting timing to now that maternal pfizer vaccines are experiencing shortages and disruptions sputnik isn't so bad after all it never was but politics is politics and a vaccine isn't immune to political trash talk a sad as that is around 50 nations have already preordered sputnik jabs and europe
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hungry was the 1st european nation to greenlight it and now the czech republic is looking to follow and its footsteps i know that sputnik is already i suspect being used in hungary and i have no objection to this vaccine being used in our country if the experts so decide he's still better than people dying here just because of a lack of vaccines so after months of denial and derision the pundits too are coming around it was easy to mock russian scientists it's harder to mock international studies hard science and that was enough of a jolt to convince even pundits to give scrutiny we shot in late january i took a test for coated 19 antibodies the results according to an interpretive scale provided by the clinic indicates you took my antibody levels were probably sufficient to prevent illness the odd struck me as high but my own personal
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pandemic was nearing its end if you are asked. the average person before this pandemic how they thought the world would react to this this huge global health crisis they would probably have said by united we now know that that would have been the wrong answer if anything the past year was a chaotic free for all rat race where everyone is for themselves and starts to see that at last good sense and reason are starting to prevail over propaganda and politics where the director of the investment fund behind the washing job that's cruel to me trav who we just heard from the previous piece also stressed the need for equitable vaccine access. we have lots of countries and let's and america in middle east and africa who will be using sports you can be back see it's very important to only reach countries get told those over it seems this is really not equitable for the world i think politicians overreach countries will try to do so
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but there should be a mechanism storyless have much more even and much more equal distribution or function the rounds the world and sputnik the is committed those of us we can already delivered what seemed bolger real ready delivered what seemed too good in the air so we had delivered what seemed like in america at the places i really now there are served by as a big scene of producers already make these registered in 16 countries by the end of next week i think it will be registered and 25 countries we do have some production constraints so this year we can probably supply only around 700000000 people doses so that means 101400000000 of those or so is a big scene and countries approach and right now we can oliseh plight as a big scene in may or june so basically we will not be the only flexing of the world of course with the open taiwan those of best but countries need to have a portfolio of different but seems and the board was of excellence as well for
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example work disasters and to increase africa so they have a keen and we believe the spirit of partnership and works in cooperation with some boredom. in other news the european commission chief is being buried by pressure oversalted you've code fact scenes in the us you have on demand there has defended the blocks right it's a very slow rollout saying it would not compromise on safety but even how predecessor song called deal cut was as doubts. i believe it all went too slow it hasn't all been done with the maximum transparency even though that would have been a difficult task the e.u. vaccination program is widely perceived to have moved at a glacial pace we heard john claude younker there saying that he thinks it could have gone faster the person it seems that doesn't think it's moved far too slow is the current incumbent of the job of e.u. commission president on the line she says that it's being purposeful that it's moving in the right direction she certainly doesn't think that it's being slowed
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that any delays have been because the e.u. didn't want to compromise on safety some country stary to vaccinate a little before europe it is true but they resorted to emergency 24 hour marketing authorization procedures the commission in member states agreed not to compromise with the c 50 an advocacy requirement linked to the authorization of the vaccine well that comment is being seen as a bit of a dig at the united kingdom which approved with the urgency measures both pfizer and astra zeneca vaccines in record time the prime minister's spokes person in london has said that at no point were more safety compromised in all of the corrective measures were followed. new coolness were cooked and new students really left unturned and the coming was based on an extremely thorough evaluation of all the data from the clinical trials the european medicines agency the a.m.a.
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greenlit the astra zeneca vaccine for use for everyone over the age of 18 in the e.u. just last friday however some member states of raised questions over it being given to those age 65 and over that's based on the data all the the lack of data for that demographic that was provided to the e m a germany was the 1st to suggest that they didn't want to give it to that age group poland have now followed and perhaps the most shocking comments of come out of france where the french president emmanuel might call in as described the vaccine is quasi in affective against the coronavirus in those age 65 and above well that those claims of being rubbished by scientists question where mr micron is getting that from and suggesting that the french president may be engaging in a bit of demand management with those type of statements. some
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western governments have been quick to condemn a moscow court's ruling to jail russian opposition figure. over parole violations prompting moscow to say they should well mind their own business artie's equal start off has more. but certainly gain some traction internationally has been covered in russia for sure but the amount of attention it's getting from international sources it is almost like they the russian media within minutes after the ruling we started to receive statements from all over the world from the u.k. from the u.s. from germany france the council of europe really you name it all of them who've been following the same the very same time template all of them calling putting alexina value on a pedestal and calling for his release we reiterate our call for the russian government to immediately and unconditionally release mr no vani as well as the hundreds of other russian citizens wrongfully detained in recent weeks for
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exercising their rights including the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly today's verdict against gelatine a violent is a bitter blow against fundamental freedoms and the rule of law in russia alexina valley must be released immediately the u.k. calls for the immediate and unconditional release of alexina vali and all of the peaceful protesters and journalists arrested over the last 2 weeks when it comes to international support really this hearing it has been like no what no other one in russia has been unprecedented not because only because of its magnitude but also because the international community they got to witness the hearing itself right before it started we saw a motorcade of embassy cars taking foreign diplomats to the to to witness the hearing just imagine for instance a russian embassy car going to witness a julian assange hearing in london so that would that would raise quite
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a number of eyebrows in the west but this it was not one embassy guy it was a whole motorcade from all over europe when it comes to the reaction from the russian foreign ministry well it was it was quite. expected i should say the spokeswoman marie is a hair of a she called it a essentially foreign meddling in russia's internal affairs it was in the process of mischa this is no longer just a theory has been internal affairs of the sovereign state it is the south exposure of the west in its attempts to contain russia in an unappealing and illegal way for russia its internal matters a russian citizen being world being sued under russian law in russia and for the international community it's almost like a like a lever to be pulled against russia and like to be used against russia and to get some political gain on the diplomatic arena however say this is an internal issue so why is it that western nations have come out and it been so quick to condemn the
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verdict of a sovereign country well it was a quite expected because for them alexina volleys a hero the the are hailing him as of the opposition leader if you are a volley supporter then of course you will view it as unjust yeah you will you will hear his arguments and you will disagree with the court but the court sided with the prosecution completely and here's an important detail the court didn't really give a new sentence or just reverse the previous ones the federal prison service in russia the realest their own statistics showcasing their collection of ali it's not he's not getting special treatment here of course he stands out of the crowd of other thousands of people who have their suspended sentences reversed because he strives to be a politician he is an outspoken critic of the kremlin so there's also that there's always that but at the same time again thousands of people yearly if they get their
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suspended sentences reversed for various violations it's important to stress that we're not talking about just the period of time when he was receiving treatment and berlin and upon his return to russia up until his return to russia it. way before that apparently he was violating his will parole conditions for 4 years and the government the government they treated it well they kind of got away with a slap on the wrist while not this time and while the judge decided to side with the prosecution. following the fire technophiles porters took to the streets of seattle moscow to protest the ruling the area was quickly cordoned off by riot police deployed red square many of the protesters were detained us for demonstration had not been approved by the authorities but sometime trees including the u.s. have already suggested imposing sanctions on russia over the violence case specht want guess that thoughts on what. is just the hypocrisy of the west as we know it
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and this is its finest how can the west give lessons that to russia when we see the way for example the youngest movement was treated in france 3000 political opponents during these demonstrations were condemned in france 1000 political opponents were imprisoned in a murder american state saying is that the only must be released why did he start himself by releasing cringe political prisoners and his political opponents not only should those countries those western countries respect the independence of the russian federation but they should also respect the independence of the russian judicial system and so this of thora t. of the russian courts must be respected not all of the by the russian government but also by governments around the world and they cannot ask for a government intervention and at the same time demand that russian courts have the freedom to decide in traditional matters various governments or come out to
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criticize the ground war with russia and take them to war. or as we could have predicted just as the government was that it was too. by placing him in prison which is everything possible he does or the west meaning particularly the united states. and to a lesser degree germany or ring leaders you know up again to move if you will fire russia and to draw attention away. from the scene of the political developments in the west going back to the storming the capitol which was quite monstrous compared to what it can get stuck in there washington the last few weeks. off to the break with problems simply each one tall to strong the poor some already predicting a political comeback house republicans call for a conviction fades bill took office.
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dearest thing. we dared to ask. welcome back while with his impeachment trial looming donald trump's political future might be on the line the u.s. senate is due to start proceedings next monday that president donald trump was impeached by congress last month that's the 2nd time in as many years this time he's been charged with incitement insurrection over the storming of the capitol however his lawyers have tonight that the former president whipped up his base some will argue that his trial is unconstitutional as he's already left office well as if convicted would be barred from holding public office ever again he will also
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lose the financial benefits given to 4 presidents as well as secret service protection but while some predict trump's career is over for good others are to make a comeback is just a matter of time. well i think it's important to understand exactly why democrats are still going through with this impeachment a lot of people might see that the president trump is no longer in office and think that it's pointless but i think they're being very calculated here don't forget that if democrats successfully impeach donald trump he will be ineligible to run in 2024 and i think that's what this is all about so people might be talking about donald trump being over in politics but the democrats i think clearly do not think that and we also need to remember that a majority of republicans still think that the election results in 2020 were fraudulent you know donald trump being on the ticket in elections has made a huge difference difference for republicans and we just look and see what happened in the georgia runoff when trump was not on the tickets and republicans by and
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large stayed home so i think if anyone is trying to count out donald trump whether they be on the right or the left that's a mistake the reason why trump is hated so much within his own party is he's hated by the part of the party that's within the washington beltway he's hated by the elites of the party because the elites of the party are terrified populism they're terrified of a populist leader because they themselves are actually not liking the fact that trump is very well liked by millions of americans terrifies them couldn't come back yes he will not be impeached the votes are not there we already know that from a procedural vote that senator paul called for last week when only 5 republicans peeled away and the republicans are starting to feel the heat from americans for turning on trump so the votes are not there are running plea as has happened throughout the last 5 years or so every car in the democrats' attempts to do something to destroy trub it out he only makes them stronger and i think this impeachment fiasco the sham will have the same effect for trump it will actually
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make them stronger in the end kevin is right they're trying to push. this populism out of the republican party bloodstream and they really want to get rid of it for them it is tremendous destruction because a tramp. represents something that they don't have any interest in they don't have an interest in him in populism or the. basic. principles that trump supports which is america 1st they really only put up with trump because they had to because of his past. support so i think that it's going to be quite it's going to have quite an impact going to stick in fact inside of the party if he should try to run again even in 2016 week we can't forget that the republican party was not united behind donald trump in terms of the insiders donald trump was a pick that was purely by people else mainly with primaries in 2024 it's not going to be up to the establishment to choose who the next candidate will be dull trump
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is the from most major social media platforms they were his main political tools he cut out the middlemen the media he went straight to the people will not prevent him getting his message out in future it is quite difficult now that he's been in all of the major social media platforms and really the media and general and there are the filter for the media so you know with all of these forces aligned against him it's going to be quite difficult to really emerge to reemerge i should say as a viable option he's running against the entire political establishment the entire media establishment the social media establishment would be running against basically all the powers that be and i just don't know that he has that kind of force to overcome such awful what are they afraid of why are they so afraid of him you can't have social media can't be on the media they're fraid of allowing him to speak they're afraid of allowing him to appeal that means there is a huge appeal that trump reclaims to this day he's still very dangerous to his
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enemies both within the democratic and the republican party he will be a force to be reckoned with in the future if you desire to be. a british man giving out free soup and a local park has found himself and hall. water after being arrested by police apparently on the grounds that he was violating covert 19 rules nick smith had been serving soup to vulnerable people at a makeshift kitchen he'd set up at his local skate park but the sa 6 police force that stepped in saying that he was encouraging 2 or more people to gather breaking current coronavirus cubs smith though claims people doing charity or volunteer work are exempt from that rule but the police disagree. offices in with the parties involved explain the restrictions in relation to the look at them and encourage compliance with the government guidelines re woolford all thought of food bank britain believes that in this case the u.k. police were over solace. there is a clear guard in the restrictions of the means to the fall and she said to those of
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us that in the cold feeding people in a crisis all reeks from the regulations but the most of the public are have to adhere to people arriving for soup catching kitchen is acceptable as long as they get the shoot and then they move on this was an open environment the sheriff environment it was within the guidelines of the full the voluntary sector and frontline services i work with another organization called street kitchen and street kitchen operates a cross 7 different district signalled them on the street feeding people in crisis in exactly the same way that this man was helping his neighbors in his local community what's really happening here is that the police in different areas do not seem to be aware all what's happening is out the river is so that all the standing
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the regulations. to finish off a quick look at all the stories from around the world starting in the tuchis capital which saw intense clashes between police and students on tuesday tear gas was fired protesters were chased down streets reports near 150 arrests were made some dramatic scenes that some people even decided to buying pots and pans from the windows in a show of support for the students has actually been hit by rallies and recent weeks across major campuses hoping triggered by president to one's possible appointment of a new director at a local prestigious university usually that decision is made by the instance himself which is why many of the students say that this is undemocratic while let's head on over to germany and specifically the city of culture lands in the west scenes of people waiting through high waters and wellington boots because it's been hit by serious. floods pulled by torrential rain strong winds apparently water
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levels even roast almost 7 meters and to try and protect the most at risk streets in this historic town on the rhine river barriers like sandbags were arrested in the erected and they've been preparing for that emergency since last friday. and here slightly different water seen a bottle nosed dolphin because a star on this january day because he's made a prediction for this year's super bowl that's the annual championship game of the n.f.l. in america who's he putting is but on the kansas city chiefs apparently his give and give and he's had a 6 prediction street on accusing the winning team i'm sure there are some out there who will be taking his advice and heading down to the bookies will find out of course where the next nose on this year's super bowl winner is right on sunday when the tampa bay buccaneers on the kansas city chiefs battle it out for that famous. ok. well it's all from me for
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this hour thanks for joining us coming up next here on r t it's what works and joy. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. greetings in salutation. while all of the keyboard warriors in the twitter verse
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prove you don't need character to waste characters and the talking heads keep wasting all of our oxygen in the game show of political punditry the real world problems that affect you and i wealth inequality pandemic infections and environmental collapse well my friends they are continuing to multiply and multiply like the digits in a jeff bezos offshore bank account and boy who my friends did those digits multiplied things to our real world problems this week as the world's economic oligarchs kicked off the world economic forum in davos the green greed addicks version of coachella the global charity organization oxfam international crunched the last year's numbers and reports that quote the world's 10 richest men have seen their combined wealth increase by half a trillion dollars since the pandemic began that is more than enough to pay for a covert $1000.00 vaccination for everyone and to ensure no one is pushed into.
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