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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  February 3, 2021 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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people we believe there's a. lot of i can say they're not them up with johnny the audio the moment i don't know that you know that there are a lot of them on the i could not be old enough to go out to the demolition of put out a at the moment i mean i don't know them of the brothers. greetings in salutation. while all of the keyboard warriors in the twitter verse prove you don't need character to waste characters and the talking heads keep wasting all of our oxygen in the game show of political punditry the real world problems that affect you and i wealth inequality pandemic infections and environmental collapse
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well my friends they are continuing to multiply multiply like the digits in a jeff bezos offshore bank account and boy my friends did those digits multiplied things to our real world problems this week as the world's economic oligarchs kicked off the world economic forum in davos the green greed addicks version of coachella the global charity organization oxfam international crunch to last year's numbers and reports that quote the world's 10 richest men have seen their combined wealth increase by half a trillion dollars since the pandemic began that is more than enough to pay for a cope with $19.00 vaccination for everyone and to ensure no one is pushed into poverty by the pandemic i want to make sure that you understand that let that sink in 10 people just 10 people out of the 7000000000 who inhabit this small blue planet could solve a world full of economic pandemic problems using only the wealth that they are
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earned and gained in the last $365.00 days of the year. and tragically we know you won't find that note in their daily planners see while not physically meeting in davos the world economic forum is meeting virtually from january 25th to the 29th under the public relations theme of a crucial year to rebuild trust. trust they they want us to trust them again soon as oxfam's executive director told the media we stand to witness the greatest rise in inequality since records began the deep divide between the rich and the poor is proving as deadly as the virus extreme any quality is not inevitable but a policy choice yes my friends we are the victims of their choices and now now they want us to trust them again. as the apostle paul once
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wrote all wrongdoing can be traced to an excess of attachment to material wealth so let's drop our attachments to their material addiction and rebuild trust in ourselves. as we start watching the hawks. on a city street you want to. see see that this is joyce state. graves see this least systemic deception is so which. brings up the old. world we're going to watch in the. gutter and i'm a. boy oh boy i mean should this is this is nasty when you see numbers like this commit i mean we've seen these numbers kind of slowly trickling out over the last year of how much money the upper crust of the world made while the rest of us
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suffered in this pandemic but when you break down the number that's just 10 people in this world of 7000000000 the wealth that they made in one year alone last year could actually pay for you know a vaccination for everyone that's that staggering now i mean it just goes to show us in real terms how grossly you know this amount of money they've made it is especially when the world is in crisis when we're at the backdrop of this pandemic that it's called economic upheaval all over the globe that there are. too i guess to hand people who have made a killing really off of the backs of a lot of people who are you know unemployed right now off of people who couldn't do any better and many of them are also part of industries where their folks weren't given industries that have you know pushed back heavily against not being able to unionize another thing so this is really that the pandemic is actually. regarding economics if you look at the end of the day money makes the. world go round so we
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got to talk about it but it's ushered in the worst job crisis in over 90 years with hundreds of millions of people now underemployed or out of work and it's interesting because when you look at the analysis recent analysis by the institute for policy studies and the americans for tax fairness america $660000000000.00 billionaires have seen their combined force and sort of $4.00 trillion dollars that's an increase of 40 percent since the pandemic started they also know that these 2 groups the i.p.s. me a.t.f. noted that the pandemic profits from america billions could fund a stimulus check of more than $3400.00 for every one of the roughly 331000000 people living in the united states today he i mean again these numbers are crazy you see people you know begging to get 1200 dollars and that being a one time payment and we see these guys who are good making billions and the question remains one when is america going to get back to work but also why do we
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continue to allow this crazy wealth gap that increases even in times that are extremely harsh for people around the globe i tell you know why is because i feel like we don't want to believe that there's something fundamentally wrong with the capitalism that this country is based on you know and i think we like to kind of delude ourselves and think well they're over here and they got lucky they worked hard and they earned it and all that kind of thing and why should we take away from them. if they didn't work hard and they are and they worked hard at stealing the money from everyone else below them and in a century practicing socialism for the corporations and then capitalism for all the rest of us that's how they got all this money and we have to have to think about the people who actually work for them in the factories the people who make their industries work while our people who are barely getting minimum wage and in most cases aren't even counted it full time employees they're doing contract work and they're not getting health care or anything else so all in all the backs of their billions are built off of people who now are applying for food things and this is
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an. problem either this isn't a us problem this is a global problem because when you look at oxfam's numbers a simple temporary tax one simple temporary tax on excess profits made by just 32 global corporations just 32 that have been the most during during the recent pandemic that could raise $104000000000.00 in just the last year just a little bit a tax of $32.00 companies c4b1c4b could provide unemployment benefits for the world's workers if foot in the right places financial support for children and elderly and people of low income and middle income countries around the world do you think that this is actually going to help us to finally realize that this isn't some great american work that makes these people billionaires they are not you know doing more than anybody else they're not more entrepreneurial how do we get to and will it ever happen where we actually just limit the amount they can make that's what we need you need it's not about a minimum wage i think you need a maximum wage and my dad also agrees with me on this my father just we need to
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talking about a maximum wage a cap on what one person can make in a given year because honestly anything above 12. i don't know $16000000.00 what more do you need after that. i'll never know the government neither will i. where there's smoke there's fire in proceed b.s. the fire burns wild after falling under a microscope of scrutiny after former c.b.s. chairman liz moon's was fired in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations the network sought to turn the page they double down on emphasizing their commitment to protecting women in the workplace they spread while we messages about diversity of people of color hires the corporate offices but it seems everything that glitters isn't gold and c.b.s. once again has to come to grips with allegations of racism sexism and a toxic work environment in fact this week 2 c.b.s. local television executives were placed on administrative leave within hours of the
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national association of black journalists demanding their firing this came on the heels of a bombshell l.a. times investigation into the allegations that uncovered the depths of how c.b.s. cultivated a hostile work environment. the story accuse c.b.s. television president peter dunne of making racist sexist homophobic and discriminatory comments his colleague and the senior vice president of news for t.v. station david friend joined done and being placed on leave pending the results of a 3rd party investigation into the issues raised in the l a times report and the issue will make your head spin 2 former employees in management positions at c.b.s. philadelphia said dunn used the word jive to describe a black anchor and journalist in another allegation he directly attacked a black female anchor saying i hate her in addition to making fun of her accent and look dunn was also accused of saying a job applicant was too gay for philadelphia done this singled out for his efforts to block the recruitment and hiring of black journalists at various stations in a
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b j posted this on their website it is clear that there is a massive problem among c.b.s. owned and operated stations and in order for the company's culture to be transformed it must begin with the firing of dunn and friend. the big question is how was this level of workplace violation able to go on for so long that is the big question but you know i tell you this working in hollywood for many years before i took this job and worked in the. news and entertainment world you know it's because it's entrenched into the system i mean look let's move on because of these issues will the top dog will mean that i mean if you boot him out you've got to expect that everybody underneath those folks is going to hire similar and like minded people bingo and i think that's my frustration when delving into the research of this story because it seems like c.b.s. put all of the honoris on with move and then acted as though they had basically gotten rid of that bad apple and know nothing else existed even though they had
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several allegations of people beneath legs move as well of those who were at the executive level and no one paid attention i mean these are serious allegations we're talking racism with strokes that we're use priest of all rights movement we're talking sexism we're talking people who literally were hired because 8 because they were believed to be gay we're talking you know and i told you b.p. hiring practices across the board and particularly there's a spotlight on philadelphia because philadelphia is one of the largest affiliates of them largest news news affiliate in the country the 4 largest market and it's one of the most diverse cities in america so to have a newscast that doesn't reflect that is problematic for many reasons but we also have a guy who went out of his way to say that if you were black on air that you were basically shucking and jiving like he made fun of black people and he refused to hire when he was when he did hire them he would basically let them go within 3 days so we watch that happen over time and these people have always raised raise reports and allegations and many times the whistleblowers were actually fired them so
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nothing happened to him we're seeing this play out in all avenues i like it's interesting because to me was when you look. at the kind of the purging of. through me too and all these other things that kind of come forward your you hit the nail on the head what it's like there was so many people said ok well we got rid of harvey we got rid of this c.e.o. we got rid of him out lauer we got rid of this person well now we're good that. you know unless you hold people truly accountable it will continue to fester regardless of how many you know big names you fire because there's a whole lot of other people that worked underneath them and around them that had to are household names that are just as guilty and c.b.s. clearly has a entrenched problem with this they do but i would argue that you know i hope that this shines a light on media organizations in general make and small because as a minority i personally have you know experience these micro aggressions from leadership when it comes to being a black talent in multiple places but also 8
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a punishment when you actually report what's going on so i think that the problem here is that these organizations will do it and get away with it for as long as possible because they like to silence the people who are actually making the claims against them i give credit to the individuals who step forward and the fact that the l.a. times actually ran this story because without it i feel like it would have been swept under the rug like so many stories have when people of color as well as people of varying sexual orientations make claims that are legitimate and the reason that swept under the rug is because all these organizations like you said big or small the do this kind of action that instead of listening to the person's complaint or taking what they're saying seriously they are they all worry about what we don't want to look like that to the outside no we're good we care about everyone but we don't want to actually deal with any of the problems rotting at the core of the business so that's why it gets kind of swept under the rug even to this day which is mind boggling in today's day and age mind boggling in the areas we've just walked out of you know one of the biggest uprisings in american history with all the protests last year and what we got from c.b.s.
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and other media affiliates was shining language about their commitment to black lives matter meanwhile you're not hiring them and you're putting them on the back burner when they're making allegations against very entrenched racist behavior that so corporations do it. throw money at the problem rather than solve the problem all right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand through the brand new portable exportable t.v. app which is available on all platforms you have no excuse definitely download it and check it out all right coming up we examine how they cope with backseat roll out well off and roll right off the tracks or do this with the always some social dr bob arnot state to watch and see. how best to describe the events being played out in the financial markets david versus goliath the rise of populist finance or the corruption of the financial
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system being exposed again one thing is for sure there is a strong demand to democratize the financial world the little guy demands also participate will be finance and government. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation will community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. aura maybe in the shallowness. really q. sneer those who really can show you. that a surprise. no no no the stupina bull episodes didn't go to see you joy the. slayer during your force wake would be near my stuff mysterious now that's the spirit i put it was a more sinister experiment than you know. google should. show. for you to. sort of move.
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the story keep lists to they were bogus. it's no secret that former president donald trump bungled plans for covert 19 leaving the incoming biden administration with a mess to clean up us go because those are growing by the hour there are issues with the supply of a bad thing and with the emerging variance of code in the u.k. and africa anyway turn to normalcy seems pretty farfetched. the anti vax and anti the mass crowd isn't making things any easier one of the residual effects of trump's presidency is far too many americans fighting against wearing masks but the biden administration has made masking a top priority biden calls wearing masks a patriotic act he signed an executive order last week asking americans to wear
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masks and requiring them on federal property but until in 95 masks are available to everyone the latest recommendation is double masking not worry one but 2 masks president biden 5 point plan to speed up vaccine distribution is gaining traction not only because of prioritizing getting the vaccine into the arms of millions of americans but also because it places an emphasis on community health centers right now limited vaccine supply is a primary issue but once it's released the next issue is tackling vaccines hesitancy head on i'm not talking anti-bacterial but particularly those people in under-served black and brown communities that suffer from distrust fear of the illness and literacy barriers and this is a huge problem according to a university of michigan poll only 40 percent of older black adults and 51 percent of hispanics that they were likely to get the vaccine compared with over 63 percent of white people this plays out in early vaccine dissemination to whites have
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received the vaccine at up to 6 times the rate of people of color. distribution is so uneven that dallas county texas plan to prioritize vaccinating communities of color only to be met by the state threatening to slash the county's vaccine supply entirely. new york city once the epicenter of the virus was eclipsed by los angeles where everything that could go wrong did joining us now with more is infectious that these expert dr bob arnot welcome. thanks to measure great for well it's always exciting to have you back i want to get a few to tell us a little bit more about the new math recommendations and why l.a. is now the epicenter of the public crisis in america it's so bad that thousands have signed a petition to recall governor gavin newsom at this point. to leaders in the assist is it to say things that people are missing in terms of control and the other one is if you look at too is proper mask which we can get to but you know there are enough of these and $95.00 maps or $100000000.00 places like china so
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easy not to do but you know the so just us about it oh is that we're still required which is you know it's the line workers and they tell them to go and you know stay home and isolate with your pack and parables out there and as we talked about before it's all about monitoring your c o 2 level c o 2 is the best overall indicator of whether you have enough circularly air to be able to prevent this now airborne virus sitting in lingering there so it's literally as if you have these people who are this walk into reverting going tens of thousands of day without smoke detectors so i think that's the main problem there you know what would you say you know when you look at black and brown people terrible that they haven't been a priority for the sexy when i look at the overall vaccine strategy here there is
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a strategy in our tactics now strategically you say hey you know the dakotas have a 60 percent of people infected the vaccines are going to help us to have much in terms of lonia about from only 10 percent negative here so strategically you might react. different places and i think tactically it's terribly important look at those people who laugh and die lose many years of productive life by not pay the backseat and that's going to be you know like hispanic communities frontline workers diabetes obesity high blood pressure you know the overwhelming majority over blacks now have my blood pressure and that puts them in tremendous risk so we ought to be saying you know what most lives are going to say how many years are we to say for the proper tactical uses accedes instead of 40 pound chappies you see you are kind to say that the truck i've seen in a whole life. did dr wood with the newco would strain is
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now the word we're seeing these new variants emerging in the u.k. and more importantly what seems to be a stronger variant in south africa do you believe the bided ministrations new travel regulations will reduce the spread of that here or is a kind of way too late to go into too late into after the back and then how effective is do we know yet if at all is the madonna or the pfizer vaccines now johnson and johnson has another one coming down the pipe against these more dangerous variants like the ones we're seeing coming out of south africa. so for us a great question you have to go back to you know when they shut off the air traffic from china you remember back in the spring there they left a cabin if she had seen him in europe that's all a case that came in from so it's kind of the bag we were 8 cases come in from brazil so bad that the cat is a bat he has a great question about you know what about this that the virus he's very maxie to be clear let's say that this is the receptors in your body to or separate the code
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viruses you're attacked i would say this is the tactic this attachment here so a spike looks a little like a spike that then goes in there are a lot of it it's actually so dear to him and the. bicep actually both are they make spikes artificial spikes put the are in a are body your body makes these spikes your body seasons as oh i recognize that i'm going to attack now what's so fascinating about it is that they call these are he maurice was the king of errors because every couple weeks they make a mistake there's a lot mutational place that david stripped most of the time it's not since it doesn't do anything but now unfortunately it means that one there are more places on this flight that your immune system may now not recognize and that's why i would care about is making a boost for humans you know booster back seat so is your effective sure's going to be subjective as they thought it would be no it's probably not to be that it's
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a chicken we worry about it absolutely because it's new to you. that puts it gloms onto your cell there its whole ackley display there for a longer period of time it's much more likely to affect you so just as without the end of the tunnel it's like there's a a turd that own the oil is trading and dr arnot the importance of community health centers i believe can't be underscored i was actually working in them during the rollout of the affordable care act during the obama administration those community health centers are often staffed by members of the community who resemble the community who speak the language who live down the street they have more staff that are people of color and are known for providing wraparound services for family thing communities that are in need in what ways can the thinners be used to combat that thing the earth and increase trust. built by a wonderful work you have to worry about that are about your time in the white house. arrest. so this community also just as you point out we have a right here. and you know they know the individual patients and i hope the local
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schools are coping measures you know to look into actually she status looking to test you out and we're always talking about who those people are most at risk and that's the course the community hausner can best ask who are actually mean. you know who is of cholera may have some had a terrible disease who is recovering from cancer who may have some auto immune disease was a child there really deserves not to have that actually has we really have to look at this not in a population wide basis we have to look at this look at were doctors and nurses community health workers how do we save lives here i worked for years in many different parts of africa and it's a clearinghouse that is the heart of it i mean they care for the bleeding cry for these people you know such it is such a joy to watch this and i think you're right that it's a solution is they need to roll it out because they know actually it which flies most need most of us. you know it's interesting a mission you mentioned dallas county tried to lead with an equity lem's and
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prioritizing the vaccination of people of color and that instead the state came in and flipped the idea it's had doctor what can local governments do to make sure that the most vulnerable populations are getting the vaccine and there isn't such a vast divide among the bunk you know white folks getting the vaccine and people of color when it comes to assessing who needs what when and where and how in the most . well you know we see scout leaders the ships at least. texas arizona florida course through the opening up so he 'd up like crazy there with you know 101520000 excess as we don't expect any better leadership now but nonetheless the leadership should come to the top tier of. our governor. he was offered a back seat as opposed to grandstanding like these other volunteers has said i'm going to take my place in line i don't want any special place i taken that stance you know i'm not going to go and try and jump the place a lot of the watts of people who were serving so i think it's going to stop start
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at the top and it doesn't you just have to look at how effective this tamara city was what it was all stolen from us you can be highly effective in the local level you know you need to yell and scream we get on your show and tell people lead was stories so they realize how disadvantaged people and you know it's not just that you know poor communities you know may have more interim diseases are on the front row and are a force more the disease but we never taken the initiative it terms of having a proper housing for so their gender in this stuff scared as a much more what is the wires are all church it's amazing how much covert is really uncovered so much in this country that many people warning us about for a long time with our housing and with our issues with dr bob i want to thank you so much for coming on you're always a pleasure i would i'm certainly. all right everybody about is our show for you today remember in this world we are definitely not told we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tired roven to anatomy to crop keep on watching all
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those hawks out there and have a great day and like a. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived. investigators covered the darkest dealings of the secret services.
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for justice. a dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them underage. reveal a taste of their daily challenge if you're going to exploit for
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a child here in los angeles they were going to come out to see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the trade. from no chance to giving in to shots western countries change their children on russia but make the vaccine for a leading medical journal publishes a study about it-i africa see. you on the spot away fault the president of the european commission refuses to apologize for the block slow vaccine roll lauds. u.k. . leading up. to the fishing i. didn't see. him.


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