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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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as you can see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight straight. from. giving in to show western countries changed. you all this by the way. the president of the european commission refused to apologize for. u.k. .
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russia the u.s. official. reduction treaty for another. states it's a positive step towards international stability the reaction coming. from the russian capital t pleasure to have your company my names you know neal our top story. in mexico are among the latest countries to the russian. it comes hot on the heels of a new study in the lancet medical journal which found sputnik beach to be more than 90 percent effective meanwhile in europe hungry which was the 1st e.u. country to approve sputnik has already received its 1st batch of the shots part of
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the 2000000 other key states in the block including from germany are waiting for the regulator to approve the 1st. anyone who applies to the european medical agency for approval is welcome i talked with the russian president exactly about this we noted the good data today about the russian vaccine any vaccine is welcome in the european union but only once that give the necessary data to the european medicines agency will be approved several weeks ago i sent a scientific mission to russia in order to exchange data with it seems that we saw today data indicating a very strong efficiency of the sputnik vaccine but we can't distribute it in front until the russian producers submit a request to our thora says it's normal it's a matter of health care responsibility or following extensive trials russian scientists have been insisting that sputnik be was safe and effective but that
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didn't stop a wave of criticism from the west however some of the skeptics are now having a change of heart. explaining. barely a few months ago the cure was sold to us is worse than the disease they mocked sputnik we they don't ride that they tried to turn it into a joke and with out of these 3 mass trial completed it sounds like the process hasn't run its course here america's top researchers say russia cutting corners to develop its corona virus vaccine they're still trying to figure out safety and there they've approved it the irony is of course that these same people the same people who accused russia of spreading vaccine conspiracies and of discouraging people to get the job the irony is often lost on these sorts this is c.n.n. in a tube so you know that they're trying to trash talk it when they start by calling it putin's vaccine which was apparently dangerous and unreliable reading between
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the lines this is c.n.n. now and somehow sputnik has become safe and potent one of only 3 vaccines with an efficacy of over 90 percent that's cheaper it's easier to produce and to transport and side effects don't include catatonic allergic sieges what the trials showed this 91.6 percent episodes of exceeding 91.8 percent efficacy for actually people older than 60 years old and also in the the important part of the vaccine it's affordable and it's easy to distribute around the world because humankind big scene because it can be stored at plus 2 plus heat versus minus 70 degrees celsius required by the u.s. but scenes and of course a one 3rd of the u.s. we've seen so when you combine safety africa's sea price and logistics you really have what i believe is a best of acute in the world and me scientists in the world agree the lancet
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medical journal has published preliminary results for things 3. trials of sputum and they're good side effects if any doesn't require a deep freeze more widely available to poorer nations when russian scientists said all of this it was met with our roles and mockery but when other scientists say the same thing they all nod sagely in agreement this is clearly good news as these jewel formulation vaccine is comparatively easy to manufacture and to deploy i mean they anticipated global shortage of vaccines and logistical problems in vaccination rollout it's interesting timing to now that modern pfizer vaccines are experiencing shortages and disruptions sputnik isn't so bad after all it never was but politics is politics and a vaccine isn't immune to political trash talk as sad as that is around 50 nations
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have already preordered sputnik jabs and europe hungry was the 1st european nation to greenlight it and now the czech republic is looking to follow and its footsteps i know that sputnik is already i suspect being used in hungary and i have no objection to this vaccine being used in our country if the experts so decide he's still better than people dying here just because of a lack of vaccines so after months of denial and derision the pundits too are coming around it was easy to mock russian scientists it's harder to mock international studies hard science and that was enough of a jolt to convince even pundits to give sputnik we a shot. sputnik v. was waiting for me at my neighborhood clinic the job was quick and almost painless 3 weeks later i had my 2nd injection in late january i took a test for covering 1990 bodies the results according to interpretive scale
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provided by the clinic indicated that my antibody levels were probably sufficient to prevent illness just struck me as high that's my own personal pun demick was nearing its end if you are asked the average person before this pandemic how they thought the world would react to this this huge global health crisis they would probably have said by united we now know that that would have been the wrong answer for anything the past year was a chaotic free for all rat race where everyone is for themselves it's nice to see that at last good sense and reason are starting to prevail over propaganda and politics rocked as the year of meanwhile the rock over vaccines between britain and the european union is continuing the u.k. cabinet office minister michael gove no saying the blocks recent actions have undermined trust between the 2 sides because issues move has provoked and and
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concern across all parties and throughout civil society in northern ireland as well as international condemnation trust has been rooted damage has been done and urged action is therefore needed. it comes after the european union threatened to restrict exports of vaccines their countries outside the block including northern ireland to a shortage but the u. a use of quickly backed are now in the meantime european commission chief vonder lyon defended the blocks slow rollout saying it would not compromise on safety but even her predecessor shopper younger. i believe it all went too slow it hasn't all been done with the maximum transparency even though that would have been a difficult task the e.u. vaccination program is widely perceived to have moved at a glacial pace we heard john claude younker there saying that he thinks it could have gone faster the person it seems that doesn't think it's moved far too slow is
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the current incumbent of the job of e.u. commission president on the line she says that it's being purposeful that it's moving in the right direction she certainly doesn't think that it's being slowed that any delays have been because the e.u. didn't want to compromise on safety some country stary to vaccinate a little before europe it is true but they resorted to emergency 24 hour marketing authorisation procedures the commission in member states agreed not to compromise with the c 50 in advocacy of requirements linked to the authorization of the vaccine well that comment is being seen as a bit of a dig at the united kingdom which proved with the urgency measures both pfizer and astra zeneca vaccines in record time the prime minister spokes person in london has said that at no point were more safety compromised in all of the corrective measures were followed. new coolness and new students were left unturned and the
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coming was based on an extremely thorough evaluation of all the data from the clinical trials the european medicines agency the a.m.a. green lit. the astra zeneca vaccine for use for everyone over the age of 18 in the e.u. just last friday however some member states of raised questions over it being given to those age 65 and over that's based on the data all the the lack of data for that demographic that was provided to the e m a germany was the 1st to suggest that they didn't want to give it to that age group poland have now followed and perhaps the most shocking comments have come out of france where the french president emanuel much as described the astra zeneca vaccine is quasi in affective against the corona virus in those age 65 under both well that those claims of being rubbished by scientists question where mr
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micron is getting that from and suggesting that the french president may be engaging in a bit of demand management with those type of statements peter all over meanwhile world leaders including the french president on the european commission head publish the joint article calling for a coordinated approach in fighting the pandemic and making sure a global recovery reaches everybody in need the pandemic calls for a strong international response that rapidly expands access to tests treatments and vaccines recognizing extensive immunization as a global public good that must be available and affordable for all. sounds very laudable but my colleague under former discuss that statement with independent journalist luke rivera a he said is that before talking about international solidarity e.u. leaders should 1st learn how to handle the situation inside the plant. the thing is that one news you hear my point is that i am on french channels or
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a vandal i am saying and speaking about it i mean the suspect in this town not the ones to talk they should get to work and facts in 8 1st their own population then they can talk about the other internationally this is incredibly bad management on the side of the e.u. i think even the subsidised press you know the good press is salient now about mr micawber way in an office that was very badly managed simply they didn't signed a contract right contracts. you know dick they were completely wrong in every count now about 2 percent of the european population as being fascinated with the 1st those so it's it's not functionally sort of the defense that we're hearing because look safety 1st we want to make sure that these vaccines are safe before we approve them including sputnik they know it was contracts 1st they wanted to get
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a rebid and that's what they said in the press that said all week the great argument was that together we could obtain a better price the problem is that the loss incurred every day lost is is so high that it was best to do like the straightest debate the high price 40 percent more to get it in time and to vaccinate as they do as they did 55 percent of their population yet another story getting a lot of people talking today a british giving out free soup in a local park is find i'm self in hot water after being arrested by police apparently on the grounds that he was violating 1000 restriction. it's an abuse of power. do you think another thing to the love for his place that makes humans next myth
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serving soup to vulnerable people at a makeshift kitchen he'd set up in his local skate park but the sussex police force stepped in saying he was encouraging 2 or more people to gather brick incurring corona virus measures mr smith claims people doing charity or volunteer work are exempt from that rule the police the bank the different offices in both the parties involved explained the restrictions in relation to the look and encourage compliance with the government guidelines. wrote the book food bank britain and believes in this case u.k. police were overzealous. there is a clear guidance in the restrictions and that means the voluntary sector those of us that involved with feeding people in a crisis are exempt from the regulations that the most of the public are have to adhere to people arriving for soup catching kitchen is acceptable as long as they
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get the soup and then they move on this was in an open environment a safe environment it was within the guidelines of full the voluntary sector and frontline services i work with another organization called street kitchen and street kitchen operates across 7 different districts in london on the streets feeding people in crisis in exactly the same way that this man was helping his neighbors in his local community what's really happening here is that the police in different areas do not seem to be aware of 'd what's happening in other areas so they're all misunderstanding the regulations. the new start nuclear arms reduction treaty between russia and the us has been officially extended for 5 more years moscow praised the deal as a step in the right direction towards international stability with more years
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artie's from lung cancer. the treaty is considered to be the only remaining arms control agreement between the world's sue greatest nuclear powers and importance of this extension is the paramount of the already received phrase both in moscow and in washington and the agreement itself was implemented back in one c. 11 and it's called the new strategic arms reduction treaty or the new start if you want to keep it short now the agreement itself it limits the number of nuclear warheads and their delivery methods as well that's both the u.s. and russia are allowed to have now the extension went into effect this wednesday and it will last for 5 years until february 5th 2026 not russian foreign ministry according to them the treaty was signed without any amendments and cold is
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a cornerstone of international security. with a new storage extension this quarter mechanism for maintaining strategic stability is preserved on a strictly reciprocal basis limiting the 2 country's nuclear arsenals considering the special responsibilities the trosch and the u.s. carry as the world's largest nuclear nations the decision guarantees a necessary level of predictability and transparency in this area while strictly maintaining a balance of interests to live near putin signed a bill extending the agreement just last week following talks with his united states counterparts joe biden now the new start treaty was indeed at risk of expiring after former u.s. president donald trump refused to extended without making amendments that were unacceptable to moscow now u.s. state secretary anthony blinken described this signing as the 1st step toward
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restoring u.s. leadership on arms control and nonproliferation and he also said that the treaty will make the u.s. its allies and the whole world safer. well the u.s. is on the brink of a nuclear war with russia and china that's the stark warning from 4 star admiral charles richard the u.s. strategic command chief the u.s. military must shift its principle assumption from nuclear employments is not possible to nuclear employment is a very real possibility and act to meet and deter that reality. let's delve into all of it with former united nations weapons inspector scott ritter who we welcome to the program scott good to see you last aspect a pretty blunt a pretty shocking statement from the admiral could he be right though. well i mean it could be if the united states continues on the you know in the direction that it
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currently is where it is identified russia and china as sheer adversaries requiring the buildup of conventional military power. to adequately contain the threat they pose both in europe in terms of the russians and in the pacific in terms of the chinese as things currently stand the united states does not have the conventional military force necessary to successfully engage with the guarantee of conventional big 3 either russia or china which means that should there be a conflict. nuclear weapons would probably have to be employed on the part of the united states we see this not his theory but reality with the recent deployment of the w $76.00 dash to move nuclear weapon. 5 kilograms of nuclear destructive capability on a submarine that was deployed into the pacific into the european theater assistance
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simply to warn russia not to try and make a move on the baltics or poland so you know richards is clearly putting a marker down to the incoming biden ministration that it will have to take into account realities had a time when the bight administration says we want to change fundamentally the nuclear posture of the united states looking for greater reductions in nuclear weapons so they don't applaud scott is that because you had the admirals article just before the extension of the u.s. russian new start treaty for another 5 years. yet it was articles published in the naval institute magazine proceedings. your yeshu his article had to have been submitted for a review sometime in december right most likely his article was was conceived in the aftermath of joe biden statement in september that he seeks radical reductions in america's nuclear arsenal so this is. a commander
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a strategic command you know a stance of playwriting you know a professional paper but it's really he's getting involved in domestic politics he's he's putting a marker down saying we need to have nuclear weapons we need to prepare be prepared for nuclear war at a time when the by the ministration is is leaning in the exact opposite direction it could be a pretty redundant question after what you've just said but do you think the cold war rhetoric will ever be put the rest i hope it will be but it's not going to be for any time soon you know the issue the fundamental issues between the united states and russia are going to be resolved in the next 4 years 8 years perhaps even 12 years so it will take some time but you know we have ventured to get through the cold war and i'm hopeful we will eventually get through this and just to put the point q. from what the american scientists federation they say that a u.s. warhead deployment of 2020 was a not inconsiderable 200 units more than russia so why is it scott that moscow
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quote challenges the world stability according to the outline. because it's. when you have when you're you're commanding an arsenal of nuclear weapons that are very expensive to maintain and require a multi-trillion dollar investment to modernize. at a time when the american economy is go undergoing difficulties there will be pressures on the budget across the board you need to raise the specter of a threat worthy of the investment the american people are making into your weapons because if you don't raise that threat people are going to ask the valid question why do we have these weapons what are the what are they good for should we not be looking to eliminate them or reduce them significantly to save money that's a good question hopefully joe biden is going to be asking that question and it's
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the admiral's job to defend his his turf and that's what he's doing all this food for thought when former united nations weapons inspector scott ritter is on the program scott thanks thank you for. the kremlin has said that western governments criticism of a moscow course the signal to jail russian opposition activists alexina of only accusing them of foreign interference he was sentenced this week to just under 3 years for parole violations artie's even said i'll have spoke to saskatoon or about the fur tick then subsequent reaction. well it certainly gain some traction internationally has been covered in russia for sure but the amount of attention it's getting from international sources it is almost like they the russian media within minutes after the ruling we started to receive statements from all over the world from the u.k. from the u.s. from germany france the council of europe really you name it all of them almost following the same the very same time template all of them calling it putting
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alexina value on a pedestal and calling for his release we reiterate our call for the russian government to immediately and unconditionally release mr no vani as well as the hundreds of other russian citizens wrongfully detained in recent weeks for exercising their rights including the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly today's verdict against gelatine a violent is a bitter blow against fundamental freedoms and the rule of law in russia alexina valley must be released immediately the u.k. calls for the immediate and unconditional release of alexina vali and all of the peaceful protesters and journalists arrested over the last 2 weeks when it comes to international support really this hearing it has been like no what no other one in russia has been unprecedented not because only because of its magnitude but also because the international community they got to witness the hearing itself right
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before it started we saw a motorcade of embassy cars taking foreign diplomats to the to to witness the hearing just imagine for instance a russian embassy car going to witness a julian assange hearing in london so that would that would raise quite a number of eyebrows in the west but this it was not one embassy was a whole motorcade from all over europe. but. the rest of the 1st often i hear you. know if i don't read that. when it comes to the reaction from the russian foreign ministry well it was it was quite expected i should say the spokeswoman marie is a horrible as she called the essential foreign meddling in russia's internal
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affairs it was in the process of mischa this is no longer just interference in the internal affairs of the severn state it is the south exposure of the west in its attempts to contain russia in an unappealing and illegal way for russia its internal matters a russian citizen being world being sued under russian law in russia and for the international community it's almost like a like a lever to be pulled against russia and like to be used against russia and to get some political gain on the diplomatic arena however say this is an internal issue so why is it that western nations have come out and it been so quick to condemn the verdict of 4 sovereign country well it was a quite expected because for them alexina vollies a hero the they are hailing him as the opposition leader if you are a supporter then of course you will view it as unjust yeah you will you will hear
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his arguments and you will disagree with the court but the court sided with the prosecution completely and here's an important detail the court didn't really give a new sentence or just reverse the previous ones the federal prison service in russia the release their own statistics showcasing their collection of ali it's not he's not getting special treatment here of course he stands out of the crowd of other thousands of people who have their suspended sentences reversed because he strives to be a politician he. he is an outspoken critic of the kremlin so there's also that there's always that but at the same time again thousands of people yearly if they get their suspended sentences reversed for various violations it's important to stress that we're not talking about just the period of time when he was receiving treatment and berlin and upon his return to russia up until his return to russia it goes way before that apparently he was violating his parole conditions for
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4 years and the government the government they treated it well they kind of got away with a slap on the wrist while not this time and while the judge decided to side with the prosecution and reminder to have your say in any of those stories why not leave a comment or 2 on earth facebook page lively there of an evening you know neal this is r.t. international. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you there. how best to describe the events being played out in the financial markets david versus goliath the rise of populist finance or the corruption of the financial
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system being exposed again one thing is for sure there is a strong demand to democratize the financial world the little guy demands also participate in big finance and government. this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss i'm going to bore in washington coming up we are several weeks into the copen 1000 vaccine rollout how do the drugs stack up against one another well straight ahead we're going to give you a full breakdown on the efficacy of various vaccines and where we stand in the an occupation process this market volatility continues to roll to roil stocks as the game stock saga seems to be cooling off but global markets are popping on renewed
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stimulus hopes to break it all down and global economies have taken a major hit over the past year as the crow virus continues to take a toll later on today we'll take a look at how the european economy is faring as the chaos continues with a packed show today so let's dive right in. and we lead the program with the latest data regarding kobe 1000 back scenes russia's sputnik vbac seen showed high levels of efficacy and safety according to a peer reviewed study released in british medical journal the lancet set tuesday now the 2 shot vaccine was shown to be 91.6 percent effective against symptomatic coppa 19 and protects against severe cases of the virus so how does the russian vaccine stack up against some of the leading coping 1000 vaccines out there let's take a look.


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