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tv   News  RT  February 4, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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well we do something. that's good for markets it's not good for the global economy. headline story taking off china's flagship. in the u.k. . it urges the e.u. drugs regulator to be of. europe continues to be plagued by. shortages we speak to the head of. it with my whole family received. a high level of antibodies we know that russia has great scientific traditions so we have no doubts about taking the russian. 'd police for help. we are the future of this evil.
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somebody who lives been found dead in the. detention back in the house. just after 10 at night in. here in moscow this thursday february 4th welcome to the news hour in r.t. i'm going to. china's flagship news channel has been taken off or in the u.k. . license revoked by media regulator ofcom over concerns the company was ultimately controlled by the chinese communist party. can tell us more. well city t.n. has found itself in deep trouble and its future is incredibly unclear as china's
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state owned broadcaster has had its license revoked by the british regulator the media watchdog of commodore follows an investigation by the founder of the license used by trying to global television network had been wrongfully held and therefore doesn't meet their legal requirements here in britain now essentially the company that owns the u.k. license for c t n which is start china media ltd doesn't have day to day control over the channel essentially it doesn't oversee any of the output of the channel again that is totally against the rules now released a statement shortly after the move and said that the company that owns the license didn't have this editorial responsibility we are only able to approve the application to transfer the license to the china global television network corporation because it's ultimately controlled by the chinese communist party which is not permitted under u.k. broadcasting law we provide a c.d.n. with numerous opportunities to come into compliance but it has not done so we now
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consider it appropriate to withdraw the license for c.g. to broadcast in the u.k. so while this all may read as a technicality the regulator does explain that any company needs to have that editorial control and it cannot be controlled by a political body the revocation though isn't necessarily political in essence but it does read it as such in the technicalities but looking deeper into all of what this means c.d.t. and is a division from china central television which is controlled by the chinese communist party obviously that is a political body and obviously that is why the company and the channel is now there for disqualified by and it's not as simple as simply transferring the license on to a suitable body because again of confound the crucial information was missing from the initial application so therefore that wasn't an option on the table for either of them though did accept that the start. china media ltd was found to be the distributor but not the producer and that none of key stakeholders all senior
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editorial personnel were found to be employed by the company either the house and yet been a comment from c.g.i. nor has there been a comment from c.c.t.v. either so as a result the broadcaster will essentially likely face separate sanctions on this matter there is interesting timing in all of this many people would look to the international relations between the united kingdom and china you only have to look at last year to see the numerous mip mishaps from wall way to the hong kong protests and uprisings there so the move is likely to meet with some sort of retaliation and will certainly stoke the tensions between the 2 countries and superpowers once again but just finally there's also a key question here about the freedom of press in the united kingdom as well and what could happen to other media outlets or guests that we've spoken to see politics played a part in the decision knowing it's a move as well in the wrong direction. these are pretty cold these young and in
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many facets of police of news use is will be a huge impact on the major of. people now in china we can't hear the news from b.b.c. from c.n.n. but. it's very difficult to hear the voice on. it so that's a why many people us and do not understand and. china it's a very it's right i think we should have its isolation of media regulation generally so we. see as many channels as we can possibly have can have a proper view of you know different countries from different perspectives that short of what a democratic. media landscape looks like that's why or why worry about and and how it operates and the pressures that are put on. the u.k. he is no longer as independent nation as before it has to come to the pressure of
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the united states in france there are also many broadcasters in the u.k. with very strong inference from us and it is and they were not prosecuted and it's becoming so intrusion that the praetorians are afraid of it it is very important to hear different voices does the essence of free speech beyond just a pro causing license is. a 3rd coronavirus wave led to almost 5000 deaths in portugal last month what the western europe nations health care system are critical levels germany sent a plane with military medics and hospital equipment to help the aircraft transported around 20 doctors and nurses along with ventilators and hospital beds german medical staff will spend 3 weeks treating critically ill covert patients in the country's capital list before being joined by another team. well with europe's mass vaccination program still plagued by job shortages italy is now urging the
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e used drugs regulator to fast track the evaluation of russia's sputnik v. vaccine we must not be afraid of the origins of vaccines what's important for us is the transition to the european medicines agency we have urged the e.u. to scientifically evaluate the russian vaccine and those from other countries the situation in the country has been exacerbated by maternal saying it would deliver fewer doses than expected in february the italian government has already said it's planning to take legal action against both pfizer and astra zeneca over corbett 19 . earlier one of the world's most prominent medical journals now once it published a study which said sputnik v. was 91.6 percent effective was also safe for the elderly with no serious side effects though we heard from the president of an italian ngo which is urging the
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e.u. to approve a russian jump. ever know they know in november my whole family received sputnik the jobs back in november and now we have a high level of antibodies my family and i trust science science has no borders we know that russia has great scientific traditions so we had no doubts about taking the russian job as of today many european countries including germany france italy would like to receive the russian vaccine numerous requests have already been sent these days it is particularly clear as we see pfizer has to seneca and other companies delaying vaccine supplies and fortunately the virus has no limits as well so these countries have been forced to opt for the russian vaccine whether they want it or not in italy for example despite an unfolding governmental crisis news about sputnik the covers the front pages of virtually all the italian newspapers giorgio polo the chairman of the italian medicines agency which grants permission
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for the use of vaccines in italy praised sputnik v in one of his latest interviews . or. the e.u. has been determined to participate in the huddling of the pandemic the block has demonstrated it however unfortunately this political will has not been successfully put into practice furthermore there is an issue of vaccines they turned out to be a very expensive trading commodity he gave rise to huge competition germany signed a bilateral contract with pfizer for 300000000 doses it certainly did not go down well with other e.u. countries the deals which the e.u. made with various suppliers are still being kept secret we still don't know their terms and why there are delays in the last few days supplies hit the gas though apparently they are trying to overcome these delays related to the deadline which have partly been caused by virus so confusion. right 10 minutes into the program let's bring you know to the chinese city of war where
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a world health organization team is continuing its investigation into the origins of the coburg 1000 pandemic a russian member of the mission a lot of dead cough sais that beijing is providing a high level of cooperation and that some of the speculation surrounding the virus may soon be dispel. there was a recent article by chinese scientists about the presence of live virus in imported frozen food but this food was produced after the pandemic began so it only shows that people who touch the packaging had already been infected with the virus this could be considered to be one of the ways the virus is transmitted in general but it's not an indication of how the virus came to china only a working theory. where team visited key sites in will home including a seafood market where the 1st ever cases of corporate 19 were clustered they've also checked the institute of are all edgy according to some theories a lab leak varick could have caused the outbreak like we're dead cough again sees
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that 2 weeks of research hasn't been enough to find definitive vultures. there was a recent article by chinese scientists about the presence of live virus in imports of frozen food but this food was produced after the pandemic begun so it only shows that people who touch the packaging had already been infected with the virus this could be considered to be one of the ways the virus is transmitted in general but it's not an indication of how the virus came to china only a working theory. the story will became a close eye on throughout the day let's take you to the u.k. where london has been accused of neglecting vulnerable groups by not giving them the necessary assistance they need touring the. benefits for many disabled people in the u.k. have not increased in line with payments for other types of welfare david allen is one such person who's been left out of pocket he says he felt abandoned after multiple sclerosis led to him being bedridden sometimes we hear
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a really bad new storm and somebody who lives alone has been found dead in the home for several days. potentially that could have happened to me and nobody would have checked up on even if i did have a carer who would cut we could coming and how we would be allowed to unless it was formally recognize a social care as a result of the pandemic of the lock down but really we've had to rely on giving out food shopping delivered to us my shopping little normally comes to between $25.35 pounds per week if you're shopping mordor is less than 40 pounds you get whacked with a somehow deliberate that's not going to certain pounds i've not budgeted and bearing in mind i did not increase my income i have to find it from someone so i have to give something else up in order to get my food to the the reality.
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people living with long term conditions the abbey lincoln this is a benefit it's natural to have not kept pace with the rising cost of living. and that was even before the pandemic his friends and has been compounded even more now we have a 2 tier system so 11 people who get the universal credit being given the additional support but those of us with legacy benefits have been given nothing. or the majority of the civil people in the u.k. say they've spent more than usual and shopping and utility bills joining the pandemic nearly 70 percent have gone without essential almost for falling behind on their financial commitments david told us he's even served in the dark to save electricity believes it's the most vulnerable groups who've been hit hardest by the pandemic i've left feeling abandoned and forgotten about. and it
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seems quite convenient for the government to forget people like us and want to find really hard to understand is the mixed messages that we get from government that have been statements about it's cheap it's on the craft of people with long term conditions in their own home rather than putting them into care but we don't get support to the small we actually need to remain around homes there are those people that really struggle has been documented people have taken their own lives as a result of this too many people have been left behind there's too many people really really struggling to make him a hard decision nor do you have the heart the lights on do i have a me who don't have the heating on for a country believe we're somewhere around the 5th 6th richest country in the world it's outrageous i'm sorry i think our government should be ashamed of themselves
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david allen was the world's richest man jeff bezos stepped down as c.e.o. promising to dedicate his time to charity we've been looking at the mixed reaction it is generating we bring it to the shore separate. my. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. theory dramatic to follow only closely. i don't see how will be successful very critical time to sit down in.
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time says the wall street was one of the last bastions of power to be run by the populace because the high barriers to entry and that's right those barriers to entry have been eliminated because of free online trading because the stimulus made a lot of people lots of free cash to have available to do something like this. apparently $65000000000.00 in the war chest of the biggest health plan in the world which is right and. so they've got a lot. and energy and expertise to go after targets out there that they perceived to have stolen their money in 2008. let's start the program back in france where crowds gathered in paris on thursday as part of a nationwide strike against government economic policies the protesters are demanding changes to a stimulus plan which they say will impact wages working conditions to name
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a few. off the rally most of the day she filed this report. brother protesters in paris. protest as you can hear they're very noisy behind major need to get a sense of what's going on these are. the power there are about the situation here from just a little bit away from clapped out around 3 to 4000 to have come out in france in paris indeed this is one of around 70 or 80 protests of the taking place across the country many people are unhappy continuously about issues over wage over working conditions in france but particularly there is this new context also of issues surrounding the health situation here in france with many of the unions who've called for today's protests saying that they're unhappy about the fact that they don't think enough is being done to prevent the situation like it was above 7 you
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didn't have enough medical equipment didn't have enough mosques when the start of the pandemic hits now they demanding that the government does something in feature to ensure that things like that see products medical products all made fronts in the future and the france doesn't have to rely on other nations now this is a nationwide strike and this is one of many protests that we've seen in the last few weeks people fed up with the conditions the sun she conditions in france they still fear that we may go down into the local time that's no i never travel according to the government but many people just say they are suffering and they call and take any more we've spoken to restaurant in recent weeks or speaking to students we've spoken to teachers say that they are feeling impacted by what's going on we also spoke to health workers who say that just not enough is being done to help them cope with the situation they're saying that you know they badly
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underpaid so this is sort of what seems to be like a multitude of issues coming together not swine the c.d.c. one of france's biggest unions in all the unions. have come today to cool for this nation why did they have strikes there's a huge police presence here in paris but for the moment things haven't been very well as you can see though it does seem like people want to make a noise and the point is to make the government had once again that there is not enough help now the government would say there's a solidarity fund and people who impost cafes restaurants and all of the business is have been able to access the funds but they were supposed also this track to the restroom to start to open up in defiance of the current health regulations that was due to happen this week but many of them decided not to do that they have opened up they doing it in secret and that's because the government us threatened that any restaurant that was poor type thing there would not be able to access the solidarity fund for one month and if they were called
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a 2nd time they would be denied access that so much of the funds that's who are as you can see the most 7 gathering here in paris this is one of many protests around the country is takes part in a nation we say of strikes. the u.s. says to hold to its planned withdrawal of 12000 troops from germany while the pentagon conducts a review of the europe plans the news comes just ahead of president biden's 1st major foreign policy speech getting our global force posture right making sure that our global force posture is consistent with our national security and diplomatic priorities today he will announce that secretary austin will lead a global force posture review and during the pendency of that review will freeze any troop redeployments from germany. it was donald trump who ordered the removal of american troops in germany he accused berlin a fellow nato member of making
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a fortune off u.s. soldiers and also of not contributing enough to the alliance but plans were islam by germany which the scribe it is weakening europe security infrastructure. this week military officials announced the arrival of more than 200 u.s. air force personnel in norway the 1st ever deployment to the country will to include a squadron is reported to the 2 assists bomber training flights in the region. well to discuss the developments i'm happy to welcome live on to the program brian becker from the war coalition brian good to see you donald trump's plans for troop withdrawal their own hold know what direction do you think the new u.s. administration is going to take regarding overseas military adventures is what's happening today a pretty big clue. it's a very big clue let's let's think it what's about what's at stake here the united
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states was going to with drug 12000 troops from germany why are they in germany world war 2 ended 75 years ago 75 years ago the us is still occupying germany 75 years later i mean germany was an occupied country by britain france and the soviet union that was part of the post-war agreement in 1905 here we are 2020 u.s. is still there the us unlike earlier empires that had colonies all over the world the united states has military bases in installations as a way to guarantee american power the extension of american power in all of these countries and so the quid pro quo with the nato allies that the resuscitate it both analyze in defeated and risk their is at the end of world war 2 was that they would agree that their countries would be occupied supplemented basically under the control of the united states and the quid pro quo was the united states would grant
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them access to different parts of the world market so for the elites in europe it was fine but what's the point what's the point of american troops in germany also afghanistan the u.s. has been fighting in afghanistan since october 7th 2001 it's going to be 20 years this october and the u.s. troops are still there the taliban controls more territory now than it did at the time that the us invaded and again all of these military operations are an extension of american power to maintain the empire while another is not 1st ever deployment and in norway bryan what kind of signal does it send are we talking about interest in the arctic region what what's your take on the. yeah i mean the big new areas of military competition between the united states and russia or the united states and china or both is the arctic and of course the ultimate high ground outer space and so the us has created a space for us to in contrast and in violation of the 967 outer space treaty which
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said that the space should be only used for peaceful purposes the u.s. is now saying explicitly that both parties agree that the united states should have military supremacy in outer space and the other high ground of course is is at the poles and the arctic and so of course the deployment of american military forces to norway 1st time is all about gaining military supremacy on the planet earth and in the skies in the heavens again the american people don't gain anything from this militarization it's very good for corporations it's good for big business but it's a drain on the national treasury at a time when millions of americans don't have jobs millions have lost their health care 50000000 according to official statistics are hungry and waiting in food lines why spend money deploying troops elsewhere occupying the arctic or planning to end outer space this is crazy literally this week i was speaking about the latest
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diplomatic breakthrough we thought regarding the new start nuclear treaty between russia and the u.s. peculiar timing to say the least right. well you know the treaty was coming to an end very little had been done in terms of pretty pre deadline negotiations so what what's happened is that the u.s. and i think the american military whether it was trouble or by would want this the extension of this particular arms agreement for 5 years in the meantime now the united states is working on a whole new generation of more usable smaller yield nuclear weapons including being able to place nuclear weapons in outer space which would not be covered by the start treaty so yes start treaty is good arms agreements are good but they're not really designed to extinguish the the new arms race which is going on sort of on the sidelines and in parallel with this disagreement with star brian always
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appreciate your take thanks for taking the time to come on the program brian becker from the antiwar unser coalition speaking to us from new york thank you for. the world's richest man and funder of amazon jeff baseball says he's stepping down as c.e.o. to dedicate more time to among other things doing charity work but his departure also comes amid accusations he ignored the plight of his own workers during the pandemic years to me treat polk's take. everyone likes convenience but in this weird time where the pandemic the stores are all closed and nothing is as convenient as amazon we all use it but let's face it it's becoming harder and harder to ignore the teensy fact that there really a giant soulless monopoly and who better to represent that monopoly and everything that is wrong with having too much money and power then amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos well apparently he has seen the error of his ways and decided to change
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basis is officially stepping down as amazon c.e.o. so focuses attention on nobler causes like philanthropy spaceflight journalism and given his track record these ventures are bound to be a huge success i mean the guy is full of life and optimism a firm a work meaningful and fun i get to work with the smartest most talented most ingenious teammates when times have been good you've been humble when times have been tough you've been strong and supportive and we've made each of the laugh. it is a joy to work on this team and look how happy amazon workers are. will you. be the 4th or false promises with the words that they haven't released or did
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he tell you that's it's too late but you trust the virus is not enough to give you . a relief or it is about protections as well pete wasn't providing back yeah ok maybe not all amazon workers but c'mon it's understandable why a basis is stepping down i mean just imagine how tired he must be from all these workers strikes protests congressional grillings and throughout the years there's been a lot of very ungrateful amazon workers give us p p e stop treating us like robots give us bathroom breaks shut up and work right either way basis should be stepping away from all this negativity it's bad for business and morale and i'm sure his dedication to full length should be another virtuous ventures will produce a much better monopoly next time lazzara stories are shaping up for no i'll be here
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keeping the updates coming at the top of the hour but sit tight note for more great programs they get their start in moments. a dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them under-age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge if you're going to exploit a child here in los angeles there we're going to. see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trades. that see. this is. i will not even. while. we. can all of that you know me
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it's not. that simple math to tell. us it debbie. yes this is. all stuff we. got together. with a highly. shape that was about to suck my dick sure i am. all set to be asked. to do if i go. in the top 10 to see. something bob i call it god inspired by love. let me tell you. why i call it the why don't. you show this was actually. the only thing this.


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