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tv   News  RT  February 4, 2021 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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takin china's flag ship. in the u.k. . ship also coming up to. reach. europe continues to be plagued by cold shortages we speak to the head. of the received. high level of antibodies you know the bush has great scientific traditions so we have no doubts about taking the. food. police for help from these most vulnerable are the fears of.
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sometimes we. know. somebody who has been found dead in. detention. for the. around the clock across the world this is our pleasure to have your company my names you know me well our top story. china's flagship news channel has been taken off air in the u.k. c.g. its license revoked by a media regulator off calm over concerns the company was ultimately controlled by the chinese communist party the network expressed its disappointment at the decision in an official statement. well city t.n. has found itself in deep trouble and its future is incredibly unclear as china's
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state owned forecaster has had its license revoked by the british regulator the media watchdog of commodore follows an investigation by the founder of the license used by china global television network had been wrongfully held and therefore doesn't meet the legal requirements here in britain now essentially the company that owns the u.k. license for c t n which is start china media ltd doesn't have day to day control over the channel essentially it doesn't oversee any of the output of the channel again that is totally against the rules now off them released a statement shortly after the move and said that the company that owns the license didn't have this editorial responsibility we are only able to approve the application to transfer the license to the china global television network corporation because it's alternately controlled by the chinese communist party which is not permitted under u.k. broadcasting law we provide a c.d.n. with numerous opportunities to come into compliance but this is not done so we now
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consider it appropriate to withdraw the license for c.d.t and to broadcast in the u.k. so while this all may read as a technicality the regulated does explain that any company needs to have that editorial control and it cannot be controlled by a political body the revocation though isn't necessarily political in essence but it does read it as such in the technicalities but looking deeper into all of what this means c.d.n. is a division from china central television which is controlled by the chinese communist party obviously that is a political body and obviously that is why the company and the channel is now therefore disqualified by off and it's not as simple as sipek transferring the license on to a suitable body because again off confound the crucial information was missing from the initial application so therefore that wasn't an option on the table for either of them though did accept that the start. china media ltd was found to be the distributor but not the producer and that none of studio key stakeholders all
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senior editorial personnel were found to be employed by the company either so as a result the broadcaster will essentially likely face separate sanctions on this matter there is interesting timing in all of this many people would look to the international relations between the united kingdom and china you only have to look at last year to see the numerous mip mishaps from wall way to the hong kong protests and uprisings there so the move is likely to meet with some sort of retaliation and will certainly stoke the tensions between the 2 countries and superpowers once again but just finally there's also a key question here about the freedom of press in the united kingdom as well and what could happen to other media outlets or guess we've spoken to say politics has played a part in the decision but i think it's a move in the wrong direction. pretty called these young and in many of elite news this will be huge impact on.
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people now in china we can't hear the news from b.b.c. from c.n.n. but. it's very good to hear the voice and. that's why many people us and do not understand and china it's a very it's. you should. it's isolation regulation people generally so you know it's hard to be what he is many channels as we can possibly have can have a proper view of you know different countries from different perspectives that's sort of what a democratic pluralistic media landscape looks like that's why i'm worried about and and how it operates and the pressures that. the u.k. is no longer an independent nation as before it has to come to the pressure of the united states in fact there are also many broadcasters in the u.k. with very strong inference from us and it is and they were not prosecuted. becoming
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so intrusion that the britons are afraid of it it is very important to hear different voices this is the essence of free speech beyond just a pro causing license is. a 3rd coronavirus wave led to almost 5000 deaths in portugal last month and what the western europe nations health care system really a breaking point germany has now sent a plane with military medics on hospital equipment to help the aircraft transported around 20 doctors and nurses along with ventilators hospital beds german medical staff will spend 3 weeks treating critically ill patients in the country's capital lisbon before being joined by another team. but with europe's must vaccination program still plagued by job shortages italy is now urging the e.u.'s drug regulator to fast track the evaluation of russia's sputnik fever. we must not
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be afraid of the origins of vaccines what's important for us is the transition to the european medicines agency we have urged the e.u. to scientifically evaluate the russian vaccine and those from other countries yet the situation in the country has been exacerbated by modernity saying it will deliver fewer doses than expected in february considerably fewer as well the italian government already said it's planning to take legal action against both pfizer and astra zeneca over covered 19. but earlier one of the world's most prominent medical journals the lancet published a study which said sputnik 3 was 91.6 percent effective but was also safe for the elderly no serious side effects either we heard from the president of an italian ngo which is urging the e.u. to approve the russians. in november
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my whole family received sputnik v. jobs back in november and now we have a high level of antibodies my family and i trust science science has no borders we know that russia has great scientific traditions so we had no doubts about taking the russian job as of today many european countries including germany france italy would like to receive the russian vaccine numerous requests have already been sent these days it is particularly clear as we see pfizer astra zeneca and other companies delaying vaccine supplies and fortunately the virus has no limits as well so these countries have been forced to opt for the russian vaccine whether they want it or not in italy for example despite an unfolding governmental crisis news about sputnik the covers the front pages of virtually all the italian newspapers george will pull through the chairman of the italian medicines agency which grants permission for the use of vaccines in italy praised sputnik v in one of his latest interviews. the
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e.u. has been determined to participate in the handling of the pandemic the block has demonstrated it however unfortunately this political will has not been successfully put into practice furthermore there is an issue of vaccines they turned out to be a very expensive trading commodity he gave rise to huge competition germany signed a bilateral contract with pfizer for 300000000 doses it certainly did not go down well with other e.u. countries the deals which the e.u. made with very suppliers are still being kept secret we still don't know their terms and why there are delays in the last few days supplies hit the gas though apparently they are trying to overcome these delays related to the deadline which have partly been caused by virus so confusion. league u.k. government has been accused of neglecting vulnerable groups by not giving them the necessary assistance they need during the pandemic benefits for many disabled
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people in the u.k. have not increased in line with payments for other types of wealth for david is one such person has been left out of pocket he says he felt abandoned after multiple sclerosis led to him being bedridden. sometimes we hear really bad news stories where somebody who lives alone has been found dead in the home for several days potentially that could have happened to me and nobody would have checked up on even if i did have a carer who would cut we could coming and how we would be allowed to unless it was formally recognize a social care as a result of the mc of the lock down but really we've had to rely on giving out food shopping delivered to us my shopping will normally comes to between $25.35 pounds per week but if you're shopping mordor is less than 40 pounds you get
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whacked with a somehow delivery charge that's not going to certain pounds i've not budgeted and bearing in mind i did not increase my income i have to find it from someone so i have to give something else up in order to get my food to the the reality. for decades people living with long term conditions the abbey lincoln racism benefits i should. have not kept pace with the rise in the cost of living. and that was even before the pandemic his hands and has been compounded even more now we have a 2 tier system so 100 people who get the universal credit have been given the additional support but those of us with legacy benefits have been given nothing. the majority of the sable people in the u.k. say they've spent more than usual and shopping utility bills during the pandemic
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nearly 70 percent of gone without essential so almost for falling behind on their financial commitments david told us he's even sat in the dark to save electricity i believe that's the most vulnerable groups who've been hit hardest by the pandemic. i've left feeling abandoned and forgotten about and it seems quite convenient for the government to forget people like us and want to find really hard to understand is the mixed messages we get from there have been statements about it cheaper to look after a people with long term conditions in their own home rather put him into care but will not get support to the small we actually need to remain around homes there are those people that really struggle has been documented people have taken their own lives as a result of this too many people have been left behind this too may be people
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really really struggling to make him a hard decision nor do you have the heart the lights on do i have a me who do not have the heating for a country believe some around 6 richest country in the world it's outrageous i'm sorry i think our government should be ashamed of themselves. popular video sharing let where tick-tock is given in to demands of a tell you no for a tease and agree to block children under the age of 13 from using it the concession comes after the death of a 10 year old girl who was allegedly playing a hold your breath game on the plot for the case sparked outrage in italy when it came to light in january the girl died in hospital in polar after being discovered in the family bathroom with her cellphone according to her sister the girl was participating in an online blackout challenge the case but be up under scrutiny with the telly and prosecutors launching an investigation to talk said it failed to
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detect any harmful content on its platform but agreed to cooperate with authorities . well separately to talk tense of 5 a crackdown on misinformation on its site it will start informing its users when they come across videos with validated content viewers will still be able to share pictures flagged on verified but they will not be seen in the overall let's delve into this story and its ramifications with a number of guests delighted to welcome onto the program and canny a psychologist ellis cashmore professor of sociology at austin university in the u.k. . a technology expert you're all very welcome to the program ls can we kick off with you to talk agreed with italian authorities to block all users who who give their ages under 13 is that correct and should apply globally. well 1st
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of all you know i don't think it's going to be in the slightest bit affective that people want to use to talk in the same way as they want to use any other social media they'll find a way that means just lying about their age or force for certification of some kinds they'll find a way if they want to used to talk they'll do it so it's completely ineffective so tick tock can say what they like frankly they might act responsibly and there may be making the right noises but effectively they must realize that the success of their phenomenal needs is a phenomenal social media the growth has been fantastic over the past couple of years there must realize that it's in the users hands rather than theirs bill host significant is what's happening in italy to 2 other markets does does it open the door to for instance other platforms where their content maybe has led to tragedy in one way or another now getting further regulated more intensified
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regulation and even by an example if a stab someone making threats on facebook except could it be done to underage teens previously it had some thinkable is it still. well there is no logical reason why one rule should be applied here in italy and a similar rules shouldn't people are applied anywhere else with say facing the sign platforms with the same challenges and the same under age children in every single region. parents need to take significant responsibility i speak to a large number of parents who when their children reach the age of say 13 which is the threshold for a number of social media platforms they tell their children well you can now have a social media accounts only to find that their children and all of their children's peters have had social media accounts for some of years already and have simply lied about their age and that boards important that parents take some
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responsibility in being aware of what their children are up to especially during lockdown when we're spending an enormous amount of additional time in front of screens on devices and satcher and that's the thing is their social media is part and parcel of social life for adults to know children as well just put the thing about to talk it's quite an act of physical up i don't know much about it but i see it from time to time another time when rates of said to treat children and teens are on the up to just stop i suppose all under thirteen's from having this site but it seems extreme. well especially just meant to be that you get really get on that and to get the team is a base that tends to be the age on isis i was in the. beginning and even with respect i think it's quite you know i understand it's a really connected well i really agree with that individuals who took in that by 6 people put it quite clearly that the company we call is that young people that have
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the same stuff like the life of adult the believe me out of trouble in lots of different ways on social media so to some degree you're thinking about a child casement have this consciousness and understanding of the ramifications when you're on social media. and i think that while. you know there's lots of research that says that social media used in the right like not the increase of mental health everything absolutely so many problems with it as well as no teacher can call on it and really respond to dealing with not a parent being educated and i think one of the big problem is that lots of parents essentially don't understand how powerful it but also how damaging it is i mean we've seen so many cases not just let children of any different to a she high last night beginning at that but chose a simple it's to a point where the taken their life so i think having no understanding about how these are amazing they can also be incredibly troublesome yeah listen we've talking
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before about how many negatives there are but social media provides room for nearness development creativity it would be unfair to deny kids the chance to take advantage of its benefits would not and even if you try to take advantage of a car you disagree so they've ever said i just had the most parents don't use social media and this speaks back to bill's point the parents come up with any good conscience say to the kids do not use the social media because the kids just going to turn around and say well you do it on a whole day so we should not underestimate the power of social media. crossed all demographic groups only last week before the phenomenon known as game stop brought wall street to a staggering hot after reddit uses decided to all mass take their assault on it and start. going to the technicalities of shorting but it's a phenomenon that means that you borrow shares short term and it brought wall
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street to a standstill and this is the power of social media and it's something that i think we've only glimpsed the power of it so far but it's going to be so important for the rest of the 21st century if you stop kids using tech talk simply jump ship and go to another social media bill should there be greater regulation is that the answer when it comes to protective measures for children and social media is it more education is there a will for the for the tech giants to actually do that should schools get more involved as the final stop of the parents i know it could be a mix of all of them but which is the most significant and you're right. i obviously the parental responsibility is significant and we've talked about that already but the platforms have to carry an enormous responsibility themselves but we can't rely on them being responsible in self-regulating for starters much of the technology that is now being used to try to take action as we've just been
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announced with the tick-tock all of this the technology has existed for some time and then just simply hasn't been the will amongst the social media platforms to make this move we have recently seen a spate of actions taken in the run up to the election in the us against donald trump to censor some of his tweets and eventually ban him but the dog will simply wasn't there amongst the so soon media platforms to take any of these actions and in terms of children there could be social media platforms could very easily have a form of registration where they managed to check ages and managed to validate this they simply don't have the will to do this because they want to encourage people to use their platform and they want to be put to encourage children especially to start as early as permissible and therefore they are not interested in making any more difficult for people to join the social platforms and therefore
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simply because these social platforms aren't taking these responsibilities or being very late to the table to destroy and show some willing to largely to the new u.s. administration and i think it's going to be for a long regulators in the u.s. in europe and here in the u.k. to actually take that step on and force a greater level of responsibility upon the social platforms because they've already made a mockery of our privacy of our safety and child protection and people move monitoring and and moderating content but i am a further crackdown in something that's an open platform it's it's just another restriction is it not. i mean i think the social make is highly weaponized now so i do think that whichever way we look at it it's fair it's kind of like this is going to continue to be that way i think it has been real benefits nothing. really honest
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and i think that's a really much as there is a very dark side to the web we know 95 percent of the web isn't what we say. so to some degree even though we know this is all about yes we have all this information i agree with you a few things that i think we do need to educate people more kids think that they want things that are really bad for them jumping on g.p.s. if i say to help them build that resilience and also know what appropriate for them i'm sorry i'm a general but that's my point it's if you read a book or a movie that's not suitable for children you don't bomb them from completely using movies or books but in this case you're completely banning them from using this very very popular website or whatever they need a platform for understood things but i keep going. back to challenge the tension going on a left whether we accept or otherwise if you that they don't take a look let me tell you you don't want is the senior older
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a 12 year old or 11 year old could acquire the information because it's a terrible it's not a brilliant job for what it does but let me tell you don't want young kids don't it because there are things they're going to say that you want them to say i mean some really awful so our job as a parent as a professional is to make sure that the best thing that we can do is educate people to understand the gravity and also the potential of the talk because once something is on the inside that is absolutely correct and you know those social media would be careful. before of a 60 the main thing in life for me was to get into x. rated movies. like. the very fact. x. rated the more attractive banning something instantly makes it more attractive. and at another point it's going to get really good at in an area that's not going to be the response to could you no more leverage i don't know what i'm saying let's get on this platform. great to have a warning it's going to then we've got
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a regulation coming through in europe in the digital markets act the digital services act in the u.k. we've got the digital market unit and we've got the new u.s. administration and there is inevitably going to be a crackdown and there are rules i mean there will be sanctions against sentiments that let people in under range to watch movies there will be. sanctions against bugs that let people drink under age need to actually force the social media platforms to take some more responsibility to how they regulate and i'll get back on that and take well actions that they've been very like to take and there's a lot more that they could be doing go ahead our list bills just. 5 minutes ago it was telling us that there was no political will to impose any kind of regulation now is telling us there's going to be a crackdown you can't have it both ways bill and in any case if the word to be
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a lot some restrictive order and you limit the supposed access that young people have to social media they'll find a way around it it's the opposite of what emma was saying that early on the parents have to teach the children we have to learn from the children i think i never said there was no political will i said that was part people will on the part of the platforms to self regulate what is it coming along that is the case government that's what we need to force their hand and regulation is coming well where do you think we as a political will coming from. i'll do you have you seen the draft which the markets at the trial you don't serve here that have been going up in iraq really it's almost as if so full of loopholes that the likes of book twitter and the other big hermits of the social media world can really have license to tinker with it as they like and whatever you try to the only way you can possibly i would.
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use the word control but the only way you can control social media is to destroy them because that you know i think we've seen with g.d.p. all that regulation can be effective i know that he. can force a far greater responsibility in regard we haven't achieved everything yet but we're moving in the right direction and there's no reason why we can't use similar regulation to enforce a level of content moderation and playtimes i want to because i want to bring it along and. ok. just a point you said earlier children tend to lie about their religion so as to get access to social platforms to talk ses it's mulling over using artificial intelligence to detect underage accounts are you happy in anywhere by that you think that might be an answer will help plug the cracks enabling children to slip through. well you see i think i work in tech and while ago i think i think that ai
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is amazing in so many ways but let's be honest if they know their opportunity they grab it much they need to work they do is they can possibly help it because that so so many here is about it's about selling it's about communicating that getting kids young girl and then chipping away at the self-esteem of their entire life that if i kind of like or i mean say history i or day that yeah that like exactly that we the people who would kill to hit the guy that actually because. there's a connection and a i in protection it will be about a 3 ok we've got it well we've literally got a minute left if you want to offer up a last sentence just to summarize what you're saying alice starting with you well i'll say i think as you said early on that the promise of social media is fantastic i do think it opens up it's like a movable encyclopedia for children i don't think we should underestimate his value
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but at the same time i think we also have to recognise that by censoring it we make it more attractive ok every protocol we had back to try to regulate social media is about to fail well. we have seen the g.d.p. all the regulation can be in fact i think we just need to enforcement to follow that we need similar regulations and they are coming for up through all of the basis for social media and beyond social media the rest of the web in terms of content moderation in response abundance again and we simply do the enforcement to follow that up and the very last word to you. and social media that she now social power very powerful and that if you're a parent well this is great what we're talking about and trying to regulate the point trying to get from them what we children know and try to have to kind of moderation is great because they will you but your quickly and i would. make any psychologist ellis cashmore professor of sociology at austen university in building new technology expert excellent discussion thank you all very much and. a pleasure
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. to go straight to the breakdown is one more time this is art interest. hi i'm max kaiser this is the kaiser report max and stacey i've been talking about the global insurrection against banker occupation now for more than 15 years it's coming to.


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