tv Watching the Hawks RT February 5, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm EST
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all those visions of dollar bills were dancing in those short sellers heads and that my friends is when the more than $2000000.00 subscribers on wall street bet stepped in and they started buying up game stop stock in droves driving the price of the stock way up forcing these short selling vultures to start bleeding money as c n.b.c. reports amid game stops explosive rally short sellers have accumulated losses of more than 5000000000 dollars this year to date in the stock including a loss of night 117000000 on monday and 1600000000 on friday now naturally the wall street elites were they were a little livid you know with professional investors and economic experts just crying foul and hilariously calling for government regulations and interventions to stop the action of these on line traders these these you know these rabble who who
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live on main street and use trading apps like robin hood those terrible people and of course the mainstream media they jumped all in they don't protect the wall street a leaks and put out the revolutionary fire and change the narrative surrounding the wall street but subscribers a good example washington post writing quote right it's on line mob brandishes an us against them rhetoric that echoes the populism of former president donald trump supporters just painting these people with that evil trumpery and rhetoric getting the reader to think that the 2 are the same well as one wall street you know and then let me ask this question what was this evil rhetoric that they were supposedly putting out well as one wall street bets poster wrote i can now write my mom a check and put my sister through limes treatment this has been a very rough year but i'm so thankful for every single one of you wow that's not
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some trumpery and rhetoric i don't know what it is no it is i think it's time my friends to roll up the sleeves and let us dive into this game stop revolution as we start watching the. in a city. like. this. state. great city this least systemic deception is a late show which. some. welcome or wonder watching the hawks i am. and i will be so misa look at this man revolution time it looks like online through the other group wall street bets they are they are pushing the game stock came stop stock through the roof and it's causing wall street to lose its marbles you know i didn't see this coming but i am very thankful that it did this is the one thing that i think from you know all
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social media accounts we would have expected alexander. jr to basically have similar tweets about how messed up this is when we are watching wall street big leagues try to basically shut out everyday americans from getting these stocks i think that at this point it shows that hey the rich get richer and when an average person tries to get richer they will try to use the system to shut you out yeah shut you out is exactly that was what we were seeing happening on thursday as you saw this whole you know monday through wednesday of last week as well like you know that stock just skyrocketing because they're buying and buying and buying would just call the short sellers to be like oh my gosh i'll break in with you know basically what was interesting with that is that that's when you know trading like robinhood t.d. ameritrade charles schwab and others started restricting users from being able to actually buy game stop stock and other stocks that also were being looked at as short sells that the other group started saying driving up the price of what i am
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seeing things like that it's pretty incredible robin who claim this was due to recent volatility in the market over listen to this. week and many posters on wall street pointed out that quote one hedged. the suffering i'm in the game stop surge was melvin capital management which another hedge for and citadel has since bailed out in these losses so that those founders can grip and who also founded so they'll securities a big investor in robin hood up that also works with t.d. ameritrade and charles robb the companies that were cutting these people out and saying you cannot buy game stop on our apps anymore. are companies that actually have connections to to melvin management who is losing money because of what was happening and it all comes full circle i think that what this goes to show is that one there is the mechanisation behind all of this drive to shut people out and once they saw that so many people had gotten involved and engaged in that raid it had basically taken over to a certain extent and they were
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a to stop it immediately and now you know these organizations as well as those who actually bought the stocks are calling on congress for 2 very different things one you know the the the stocks and sells there they just want this to you know it in the individuals they're saying well this is the this is how the game is play this out the big boys have been playing it for ever so why are you changing the rules now exactly you've you know you've raided and pillaged against us all day long all year long i mean you see these same people got away with a slap on the wrist coming out of the 2008 and when they did very similar things to the american people and to the world in 2800 cars or cortez tweeted this is unacceptable we now need to know more about robin hood obstetrician to block retail investors from purchasing stock will hedge funds are freely able to trade the stock as they see fit as a member of the financial services committee i'd support a hearing if necessary ted cruz come along and agree with her on this one so this is very interesting to see how this happens you know will will the politicians on capitol hill here in the u.s. actually kind of back you know retail traders the little guy or will they go with
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their kind of you know lobbying paymasters of big wall street that's that's the big question now we're all waiting to find out and see what happened was interesting that this is the thing that we might finally think some bipartisanship. not everything else that's going through congress right now but this issue right here and i think particularly for republicans this is important because all of this is happening with the backdrop of a pandemic they have to be very smart where their allegiances live because midterms are just around the corner and they're they're putting the heat they're putting fire to the biden administration as well because you have to remember the treasury secretary janet yellen as you know pulled out about $7200000.00 in speaking fees from wall street large corporations including goldman sachs citibank and citadel the company i mentioned earlier she earned actually $800.00 some odd $1000.00 from sort of though it not so big deal because then if she rules against the retail investors if she rules against a wall street bets are make some kind of thing to stop this from happening everyone is going to point to that and say oh oh that's how the system works you get paid
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for them speaking do it you're absolutely correct and in this is where the speaking good big come back to bite you always always. with one of america's biggest sports holidays on the horizon the national football league is in the news for something they'd rather not be the turning headline for the n.f.l. right now isn't the super bowl it's how the league will respond to yet another domestic violence and assault case against one of its athletes prosecutors on wednesday charged former seattle seahawks offensive tackle with 1st degree domestic violence assault and domestic violence unlawful imprisonment after he allegedly attacked his girlfriend both charges are felonies and come on the heels of wheeler with a wrist within hours after the criminal activity came to light the seahawks issued a statement distancing themselves from him stating that he is now a free agent and is no longer with the team will was officially cut on wednesday ironically the same day the charges came out per usual the team encouraged wheeler
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to seek help and shared information for domestic violence victims be it social media channels and press release. the gruesome details of willow's alleged attack on his girlfriend include beating her strangling her and forcing his bigger into her mouth and down her throat all squeezing her throat with his other hand she briefly lost consciousness and once it was regained she locked herself in the bathroom calling police and family members. and while attempting to salvage its image the n.f.l. has invited 7500 health care workers to tampa bay florida for the super bowl to thank and honor them for their continued extraordinary service during the pandemic . these health care workers will be joined 514500 fans filling a 3rd of raymond james stadium is capacity our team sports producer regina hamm joins us latest. hi there bad news again. story good big story this is again we noticed these types of stories come out of the n.f.l. more often than anybody would like i guess. they're growing stronger as to domestic
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violence continue to raise questions we saw this most prominently just a few years ago in 2040 with ray rice when he beat his girlfriend in there was a videotape of that incident and we saw the fallout from that now we have chad will or who beat his girlfriend and is claiming mental illness does this those little leagues domestic violence policy carry any weight and we continue to see these same types of incidents happen over and over again i think that's the that is the big question you've seen 2 very notable cases you know with ray rice we had a video footage we saw her hit him drag her out of that elevator and mercilessly beat her in his to chad wheeler he was surprised she woke up he was surprised she was alive the n.f.l. is internally investigating they have not put out a statement they're not publicly spoken they're just going by their domestic violence policy which at this point he says be like who maybe don't do it and have people find out at this point and that's of the price of the bigger issue is the fact that apparently with mr wheeler this is not the 1st time he's that incidences
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where he's been abusive towards his domestic partner this is not the 1st time he's had to deal with suppose it issues and the fact that the seattle seahawks are standing kind of gets me they say they're saddened not outraged or angered they're sat in and as much as you can say oh well that's a word choice that word choice means a lot to this alleged victim it means a lot that they are just saddened that he did this not they're angry that he does to the point where she could have legitimately lost her life i think that the seahawks do it for their part feel as though because they have released him now they don't have to say or do anything and again this is one of those cases where of course you know where we're going to see this play. in terms of legal remedy one of my bigger issues with it is that this guy who doesn't have a history of mental illness at all is now claim a mental illness hopefully in his case he or at least his defense thinks so to help him not have to really face these charges that are felonies which in all honesty only increase of the stigma against people who actually do have mental illness who less than 2 percent are actually by let's against anyone and that's the thing is now you're not only you're trying to use a defense that
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a lot of people live with every day that experience mental health issues every day and going oh i'm so sorry i was manic ok i would see the doc and i see the paper where you were diagnosed by a doctor that you are manic i want to see if you are you on medication for it which a rumor had been floating he just didn't take it so you're looking at all these factors and the fact that after he was like he got caught he needs a defense and he was sent home on bail for a $2000.00 bail and honestly we'd be lucky see if anything actually comes out of it in court and it's sad because the victims are day of justice. this isn't the only kind of bad image people are saying you know day and for what are you thinking. they invited 22000 fans out of those 7500 are vaccinated health care workers. you know this is one of those things where your kind of way you can still carry the disease whether or not you're vaccinated or not that's that's putting all these health care workers in this big stadium we hope they're all vaccinated but you're putting them all in this big stadium and still
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a crush of 22000 people. is this bad p.r. and how desperate is the n.f.l. to get any kind of good p.r. the sport the super bowl is an interesting event you know it is the pinnacle of the n.f.l. season you know you have the end the best team that has the a.f.c. boom find out the fact that you're having people in a pandemic 22000 of them in a stadium granted it's florida and the rules are a lot different in florida they are in say wisconsin in the stadium only about a quarter maybe a 3rd of them are vaccinated you're saying ok we're ok risking 7500 for the other 14500 that are going to be. there were ok with this and to top it off you're not having amanda gorman if you want to get to that angle read a poem at the super bowl which doesn't normally happen and that comes late among all the racial issues that the n.f.l. is facing a look it's just like a perfect storm of you have chad wheeler you have what's happening with having fans at a stadium and you have just a whole perfect storm of a mess and they're trying to just play it off and how well will it actually come
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off as a good question but i thought they signed the big deal with jerseys that all right well we think that the pentagon everything better miami dade when they will a c.p.u. the national urban league a lot of people walked away with cash and nothing changed the money talks doesn't mean money talks it's interesting it's all much money the hoping to make up the super bowl this year well you know the number fluctuates between a couple $1000000.00 you mean the answer to play though if you look at them they've lost $600000000.00 so if the n.f.l. doesn't look we can always come away with some money everything's good right make certain battery interesting we're going to thank you always for coming on and illustrating us today on the scope of problems the n.f.l. is facing right now no problem goodness gracious all right as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on the bounds of the brand new portable t.v. ad which is now available on all platforms you have no excuse although to check it out coming up we delve into the far right extremism of the u.s. military and what is being done to bring it out into the light you don't want to
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miss the story so stay tuned to watch. at the bo diddley kiss near those who really can show you. show it take these just be suitably. store that would that was supposed to notice that's there something that. no numbers could be in a bull episodes didn't go to see you just skew your do it think you slither in your
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force way would be near mushed up in this thread not thoughts about spirit i didn't do it was a more sinister experiment don't you know. if de gea crew will ship those. shows to a special school schulman's for you to post the a top up by some sort of move to willow's vulnerable couldn't go full story king live so they will bow out is. ringback ringback one of the demick no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. as might be caught up with reality we don't have the facts seem to be starting to shift. judging. commentary crisis with this system tends to modern times we can do better we should be doing better. everyone is
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contributing each or our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together. no it's really what you. did was illegal but i was good with. your body and it can matter a canard while bad night and a bad national moment that should have not been i. just thought. you know someone else like them because you will lead
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a night on mobile because for how you. and him the national association. should not have said they could be to ensure that all small little bits so what is . there in the not good but the sound of you in the middle you know me going to be really good. charlotte and there would be one on my route in my name and you have the. january 6th 2021 is a day that will live in infamy the very foundations of america's democracy were under siege as insurrection a storm the capitol equipped with weapons bombs and driven by december mation
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americans from across the country took part in an attempted coup to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election what we now know is by people were killed folks from various income levels participated law enforcement and even some congressional leadership or in bold in not only riling the crowd but possibly assisting them with mapping out the attack. but what many people find surprising is that military service members those sworn to protect the democracy americans hold so near and dear were among the domestic terrorists most notably ashley babbitt who spent 14 years in the air force was killed by capitol police as she attempted to breach the house floor of all the insurrectionists she received a lot of media attention due to the radicalization she received as a member of the u.s. military but it turns out military recruitment for both active duty and veterans isn't exactly new and the decider mation campaigns that gained traction among this patriotic group well they aren't going anywhere a recent article in roll call highlighted that disapprobation experts and data
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scientists believe veterans are particularly vulnerable targets though this may be surprising to many black veterans aren't surprised that far right extremism is targeting and consistently breeding military members in a provocative article published yesterday by the root richard shire a black military veteran and advocate wrote about how history has shown white supremacy and discipline mation has been a part of the u.s. military for years. he noted how american soldiers casually read man come while in uniform use confederate symbols and arm themselves with right wing conspiracy theories richard co-founder and executive director of the black veterans project force us now welcome rich. pretty good we all recently read your article and in it you mentioned some pretty startling statistics one of them was that in early as in 20171 in 4 reported having white nationalist sentiments espoused within their units we know that congressional efforts were used to work this in 2020 under
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the national defense authorization act as a provision calling for the screening of all new recruits for any types of nationalist white nationalist sympathies but that was beaten by president trump now we have new leadership at the white house do you think that a bit the bench department will prioritize white supremacy and the active recruitment of military service men and women as well as veterans. what we're hoping. there are. seriously that it will start to be taken seriously i mean it's an effort of good. but ultimately i think when we talk about the radicalization that's happening. disapprobation campaigns what we are not talking about is the fact that there are white americans are propagating this information as well and we have to be mindful of that right now that you mention that cyber warfare is not going anywhere this is a kind of new territory in some respects and you know we can talk about how this or mission is certainly inciting you know perhaps. instances
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of violence but ultimately if we don't get at the root cause of the fact that there's a why miseducation with that before they even get into the military and that there are americans that are it's just appearing in the active project of white nationalism that european countries are also having to do with as well this isn't isolated but this is the american power. hassidic seriously most definitely you are surprised by white supremacy in the military nor the proliferation of conspiracy that there is the kind of run out the political to the democratic debate over the country you've written about this for quite some time after the inner circle insurrection we saw in january 6th what concrete steps do you believe can be taken to address this information on the threat posed to black military members who serve beside those who who take you in this kind of dangerous separates ideologies. and become term. emerton are not ground 0
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martin are here. over a year ago right we have to make sure that there is a screening mechanism so they don't even enter the military it's a it's a distinction in order to be able to serve the country and we have to treat it as such and the military has to be even more proactive about serving the end actually paying attention to the results of surveys like their own projects and advocated for the release of confidential racial bias data that just came out this past december and it had damning kind of statistics and the unfortunate part about it is it was only partially right they only looked at one year of service and lack of black service members are affected that minorities service members immigrant service members they're affected by these environments it's something that has to be taken seriously and but we have to see that in the command climate in the military we have to see the desire to address this in the in the recruitment
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climate right these are the more proactive steps because this of formation is not going to change and foreign actors are doing it but domestic actors are doing it as well we have a propagation of this country so. i appreciate your honesty there richard because domestic actors are also a very big problem and i don't think that that gets enough of the mainstream media attention and that probably should the proud boys you know non. in thousands of other white supremacist groups and this information groups are often homegrown right here in the united states their creators are here and they're driving these domestic terrorist attacks we saw in the capital just 2 weeks ago why do you think military service people in general are more vulnerable to these campaigns i mean they say that we're more vulnerable i mean i think that there is a certain radicalization that may happen in the military that's borne out of the fact that you're you feel the need to defend and so you can be easily coerced into
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wanting to trade one battle for another right and we see the allegiances shifting right and the january 6th insurrection proves that but there's an inherent distrust that is happening especially you know when. it's a conversation yes oh answer the question. let me let me finish with those i mean look when we talk about our military we often forget the fact that we're taken you know 18 year old you know men and women and we are conditioning them to kill for their country you know that to me is where kind of conditioning begins because you're already kind of setting that mind up to say hey we got to make you think and we got to make you be brave enough we're going to make you do all these things just to charge this hill or do you know follow the mission without question and that to me kind of such that precedent that makes it i think easier for people like yourself that you brought up a really great point there that once they're in that defensive mindset that can be turned really quickly. in moving forward you know ken do you see the military kind
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of getting a hold on this moving forward. oh we have to get the battery ministration see the secretary of defense an opportunity to seriously address this i think there's a willingness to amend his testimony in front of the senate confirmation hearing but i actually don't know i mean this isn't a new this isn't the country's been dealing with for 50 some odd years and we certainly have it you know adequately dealt with the racism problem that also permeates the civilian landscape my last one i think is an even more important point is that this is a global thing that's happening the german military european military has done dealing with this as well and so its members are banding internationally right and so what does but does that pose as they start to really form an organized or ferment and organize that in the coming decades it's a complicated task but i believe that we have a military that's smart enough to tackle it well if it has the courage to do so does not have the courage to want to do it but is the biggest thing the courage to want to do with meds for both military and civilians here in the united states and
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around the world thank you for coming on the barium educating our audience richard brooks our co fire and executive director of the black records project thank you so much sir thank you. and tonight let's end the show with the moon no not back on the moon i know what you're thinking i'm talking about a full moon no i'm talking about the one in the sky on friday january 29th 2021 there will be we will this friday will be one full moon and this year there will be 12 all together that includes 3 yes 3 super moons in april the night sky will give us the full pink moon in may a full flower moon in june a full strawberry moon but it's may's full moon that is garnering the most attention while those moon worshippers and star gazers that may moon will actually be what's called a total super blood flower moon eclipse yes total super blood flower moon eclipse and what is a total superbug flower moon eclipse well just as it sounds a made super moon that will turn a very reddish color for those in the west coast about it states for about bit to
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the minute so here's to the moon all right everybody that is our show for you today remember in this world we are not told we are loved up so i tell you all of you i am a robot and i'm a mission from watching all those arcs out there ever great day and night ever. i might. show somebody an accident where a car goes through a i kneel sign at the intersection. suggest to the witness said they saw a stop sign instead of a eel's sign. in these experiments many people will adopt the
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suggestion we call it misinformation and claim it as their own memory. and that i would have that aspect on other hand not out of the dugout at that time not out of the amount of money that they are planning to make. this was a good time to. try to move. that out loud. funny not why not act and then again why x. chanting in the old people we believe is of the o.p.'s. bottom of my case i don't want them up with a johnny whole lot of the moment on account of mother having
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a lot of kids or is it a lot of the bottom of the white community will do nothing about the things i don't want to put out a are the most hardy when i know them of the blood that it. is you will be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being so. direct. what is truth what's his face. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths.
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or in maine in the shallows. expels diplomats from germany poland and sweden for their alleged attendance up. leads in support of position next enough probably. the global rollout of russia's sputnik the coronavirus bike scene continues. no longer seems it's 1st . still fighting for justice the parents of her british teenager killed in a road accident involving a u.s. woman demand down stories up through a court was told that she was working for american intelligence a revelation that could impact earthly diplomatic and. we need to find out some more in from a.
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