tv Redacted Tonight RT February 6, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EST
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anyway on top of the scary label you to plaster the episode with letting you know lee harvey oswald was a marxist whether it was or not the video has also been suppressed in many other ways and my co-host graham elwood channel has been completely de monetized this censorship doesn't just promote the official government narrative it also makes sure to solidify the dominant narrative all the time so think about that that means that in the 1940 s. if twitter had existed it's quite probable that if you posted a video saying black and white people should be able to get married you too would have had a warning label underneath it stating interracial marriages are legal in most states and the resulting children often have a tail and bleed from the eyes when shown photos of the christ if twitter and you tube and facebook had existed in the 1920 s. and you posted that a woman can do anything
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a man can do oh then they would have put a giant label saying this information is false or misleading women are fragile creatures who excel at kitchen duties selling things and firing babies out there for jay jay's furthering of the disinfo that women are somehow equal to men can cause societal breakdown drug addiction psoriasis gum disease to burke yellow stuff the sphincter and general rot. but this is not just about the truth about j.f.k. this is a far more sinister and pervasive era of censorship other independent outlets have been de monetized in the past week including ford fisher convoke out and the progressive soapbox and some people want to only make this about trump's twitter ban but it's hard to defend the twitter account of a war criminal responsible for tens of thousands of deaths i think all murderers should be banned from twitter trump and obama and hillary the green river killer my palm pilot george w.
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bush that guy that had 35 bodies in the bin in his basement oh oh that was put that was bush anyway they should all be banned but not on killers who aren't calling for violence it's a different story the other day twitter banned a 70000 people for sharing q anon garbage since when has been. since when has being an idiot been a ban of all offenses on top of all this banning twitter recently announced birdwatch a community based approach to misinformation many are saying this will be similar to how wicked pedia edits their pages well that is great soon you'll be able to turn to twitter's fact checkers to tell you what i do know is the official president of venezuela the us military is a peacekeeping force and kentucky fried chicken is made from gooseberries and leprechaun farts. yes wycombe p.d.f.
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has become a balance of full of budget and bullshit for example last year ben norton detailed how on wickham pedia a small group of regime change advocates and right wing venezuelan opposition supporters have blacklisted independent media outlets like the grey zone on explicitly political grounds violating the encyclopaedias own guidelines governments intelligence agencies and large corporations maintain significant influence over wycombe pedia editing the encyclopedia to push their agendas while carefully monitoring articles and policing new edits wow so twitter is telling us this level of imperial propaganda will soon be on twitter to know i could hardly contain my excitement. this level of liberal bull love fascistic censorship is also growing and
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increasing a self censorship culture where independent journalists stop covering topics because they fear their channels will be deleted the outlet status kook created by jordan shared and covered it pro-gun rally recently in richmond virginia as matt taibbi reported despite the seeming unremarkable ness of the event the video shut down abruptly bid feed chaired and said that i got an email from you tube telling me we violated their firearms policy that's right you can't acknowledge that a gun rally happened or else you could lose your youtube channel that you spent years building it also goes beyond the us a photographer was arrested in the u.k. for photographing a protest outside an asylum camp called napier barracks the protests which saw demonstrators holding signs reading close napier now and there will be blood on your hands came in response to mounting concerns about poor living conditions in
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the barracks what we're witnessing is no less than a quiet coup over the pursuit of and dissemination of knowledge of fascist control of our thoughts our reality our access to information is happening under a so-called liberal president and it's being celebrated the most by liberal media outlets of course many republicans also seem fine with it and it's all being done under the guise of cracking down on dissent from asian this coming from the networks that brought you the w m d lie they brought 2 decades of lies to justify the war in afghanistan they brought you to carry laws to justify and cover up government surveillance programs they brought you but now debunked russia new clues in conspiracy they brought you the endless lies about venezuela and iran they brought you the endless lies about
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julian assange and of course fox news brought you. oh god i missed something about jews shooting lasers in california to create a mutant immigrant disk. to disk. and now those same entity those same news organizations which are largely just state department sanaa gofers are telling us what counts as truth on social media platforms while banning and suppressing those who say otherwise we must fight back we must build up the alternatives like pan quick rock band poly piglet fidget waddle and sure sure some will argue that i made up half of those but that doesn't change the point. the only way we stop this corporate censorship death spiral is to make truth too big a shadow banking too big to shut down company remarks in d.c.
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the belly the basis is redacted tonight. welcome i'm lead campanella take the news from behind by now your are all well aware of the game stop saga on wall street in which a bunch of small time investors were able to cost mega hedge funds billions of dollars by inflating the price of game stop stock for those of you out of the loop game stop is like the radio shack of video games we're all still amazed it's in business but if it weren't huge mess the sex trafficking they do out of the back room so a bunch of reddit bought stock in game stop and then the trading app robin-hood
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suspended trading thereby protecting or trying to protect the wall street titans look folks people think this is all fun and games but this has really undermined of confidence in the stock market before this game stop fiasco wall street was all very cut and dry you buyers jr all of a company and then they pay you a little piece of their profits later on ok they don't usually pay you their profits but what they pay you a piece of what their stock is worth later on oh ok they don't pay you at all the the markets pay you for it for your for your time or. oh this stock exchange pays you ok here here here's what's happened the you
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buy you buy a piece of ok and it says a company name on it and you get paid when you do get some other person to pay you for it because they are also on the misconception that it means anything at all when in fact it has no connection to reality whatsoever say simple all so that's what regular investing is but futures trading is when things get things going to labs track here follow me you take that piece of paper that has no connection to reality and you'll grant that it will be worth less or more in the future then people think it will be worth in the future because they mistakenly believe that any of this means anything at all and dads. that's about it when it's all functioning properly only the ultra
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wealthy are able to win at the game because they can make up the rules but when things go ahead a wire sometimes people who aren't rich and up getting some money and that cannot be allowed to continue ok so so when that happens you know it's time for a new regulation basically the engine of the stock market needs to take are going to make sure that the on washed masses stop getting any of their money back it's really really not that complicated. you see it's moments like this game stop chaos when we really see how things work the guy behind the curtain is revealed the goal of congress and really most of our systems is to protect the rich or elites against the we have news of everybody else and yes when you want something it's a whim when the rich want something it's called a critical adjustment speaking of protecting the rich you remember
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a former governor of michigan rick snyder right you know the rat faced with the boy who helped poison tens of thousands of people rick snyder was finally after 7 years charged with 2 misdemeanors for neglect in the flint water crisis this wasn't neglect neglect when you leave your dog inside all day accidentally and then it's all over your bedroom or when your toddler says he wants to ride around the dryer so you put him in there and forget until the bell goes off 45 minutes later and he never trust you again that's to go and. i have never done that i don't have a toddler. i don't think anyway what happened in flint was not neglect what this mother did was poison the people of flint michigan and misdemeanor yeah yeah i put poisoning tens of thousands of people in
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the same vein as you know jay walking or doc taping a flyer for your band show on a board that says post no. the charges are misdemeanors punishable by imprisonment of up to one year or a maximum fine of a $1000.00 ha something tells me the former governor will not serve that year in prison he'll pay the 1000 dollars and be on his way because that's the same amount he spends every time he gets his nipple hair shampooed and braided he won't spend he won't he won't spend the night in jail because generally the ruling elite do not allow their fellow ruling elite to end up in prison but this was not neglect this was a choice by this governor and his emergency manager to switch the flip water supply over to the incredibly polluted flint river if you're by the way forever in the area and you want to see some nature every autumn the use diapers come up river to
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spawn. beautiful beautiful sight. so when it turned out the new water sort was called water source was causing the lead poisoning snyder and his allies do not stop it and leaked documents prove they knew what was happening and they did not raise the alarm they just made sure bottled water was delivered to the state house so they themselves wouldn't have to drink the swill they were forcing others to drink the wealthy owners of michigan society view the people of flint as the detritus of capitalism they are what gets left over after the exploitation of the city is complete they are the burnt ashes of the campfire after it is already provided as much heat as it can be flint was once a vibrant successful worker town but now it's the shell of its former self and the people don't matter the community doesn't matter their health and happiness doesn't matter expecting to get any justice for the poor and the downtrodden from our
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criminal justice system is like the mafia community expecting justice for nascar following the death of their friends across the car windshields. we're to go to a quick break but if you missed yesterday's redacted v.i.p. i talked with none other than bernie sanders former press secretary briana joy gray you can watch that interview any time that portable dot tv and if you want to listen to the j.f.k. assassination episode that i was talking about earlier my podcast is called government secrets and it's free wherever you get your podcasts at least for now i'll be right back a lot more. so
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only personally. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. to progressives the left wing are failing continuously to impact any social reform that would satisfy their objectives because they refuse to look at the money itself
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yes believe in the fianna money they believe the central bank they. they believe they believe they believe the words coming out of their mouth that's the 1st fail and then every single fail comes after that that foundational failure to understand the money itself when it's not backed by anything it's just paper and only a few people control. welcome back i'm still the camp after witnessing a deadly siege of the u.s. capitol corporations are trying to distance themselves and their donor dollars from donald trump i am certain members of congress but there are many reasons why it's simply too late for these companies to claim the moral high ground for more we go
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to our troops not only mcgill. you may be wondering why my christmas tree still up over a month after the holiday is it because i'm still trying to hold on to the holiday spirit. is it also because i'm too lazy to bring it out to the curb. also yes but in the wake of offspring and ex-wives publicly outing the identities of loved ones who looked like they were wearing an american flag that exploded inside of a microwave we have another holiday to celebrate. this and if you snitched on people you storm the capitol with better bombed you already throughout your christmas tree the not to worry with as much ammo cammo and weapons you had on you i'm sure your duck blind will do you want to pitch snatch missiles
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the holiday we're everyone's throwing everybody under the bus even the q. went on shaaban just flipped on. and corporations who are responding by pulling the plug on their campaign donations. themselves by admitting that not only were they flooding all of our lawmakers pockets with cash but that they gave money to at least $3.00 of them who helped plan the whole see each one of whom is such a bag that his entire family appeared in a political ad endorsing his opponent when he ran for office so as corporate c.e.o.'s saw the destruction unfold on their t.v.'s they did the one thing that the fathers of these patriots should have done years ago to avoid this whole mess pull out corporations such as mary. paul mark raytheon and northrop grumman either cut off the nation's the congress members who
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lied about election fraud or suspended all contributions from their political action committees regardless of party affiliation well of course raytheon and or for grumman are going to be on board with what happened they're not going to condone the use of any explosive device found in the capitol that they didn't manufacture themselves if anyone's going to set off a bomb near a bunch of bystanders it's going to be them 1st. plus i'm convinced homework is only using this opportunity to create its own set of apology cards called the insurrection collection where you can send a loved one you embarrassed by being a 3rd rate g.i. joe with an i'm sorry i smeared inside the capitol card but in case you don't know why a greeting card company has a political action committee it's because of the supreme court's 2010 ruling on the case citizens united vs the federal election commission which decided that denying corporations the right to donate political dollars violated the 1st amendment
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thereby treating corporations as people this plus other cases open the floodgates to political donations that frankly didn't show any signs of coming to trickle in till now. but it's the capital insurrection was the turning point for corporations given they still donated the federal lawmakers who didn't want to vote for a stimulus check during a pandemic voted against impeaching president trump the 1st time approved billions in defense money to bomb innocent civilians around the world let the 26 year old violence against women act expire and align themselves with leadership that led bills that could protect voting rights and the. community from discrimination climb out of cobwebs nesting in senator susan collins brain since she actually thought the white nationalist storming the capitol were iranians instead which is obviously dumb and racist but at least now they'll get
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a taste of what it's like to be iranian in america now that lawmakers want capital attackers added to the u.s. no fly list money talks and it said that corporations were perfectly fine donating money to politicians that maintain the status quo before him literally hit the fan inside the u.s. capitol you can bet that anyone who warned us about the impact of citizens united is saying we told you so. and you can also bet that if representative paul goes are tries to run again for office that is probably will release another attack ad saying the same thing reporting from my snatch mystery this is natalie mcgill for redacted tonight and now let's get to some of the stories we've been good to hear with regard to correspondent with your running thanks for having me on the show yeah. so i want to go well there's some enthusiasm for an iraq war reenactment not exactly that the cia
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a former cia director of counterterrorism said that we should deal with the right wing extremists in our country like we did insurgents in afghanistan and iraq because it's gone so well yeah. yeah take one failure from somewhere else just grafted on to our situation at home and militarism always comes home to the empire and now it's just going to replicate itself anyways i guess he means like we're going to bomb a wedding in idaho because like the groom sold a truck to a proud boy or something because of the way they saw him walking on a blurry. exactly but really he's not saying that he's saying that we need to target the people that give support to these right wing extremists and so like their families i guess their supermarket. targets also what i mean by that. but you're right about the superorganism schools because
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like they want to act like these are just militias but it's like a lot of these people have regular jobs yeah i feel like a few wal marts are just going to disappear from the math. but interestingly he also says which a lot of people agree with that we need to take out the charismatic leader from the top he doesn't really explain what he means by that but i guess like saddam hussein we need to you know. pull down a statue somewhere so somebody build that statue so we can tear it down but there's that he wanted to. rushmore so we should put it up there yeah. all right you know more. yeah this is also an interesting story a federal appeals court said that a police officer is not entitled to qualified immunity when they target the press so this happened this was a case from a long time ago that justice is slow we know it and this one police officer
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basically shot a rubber bullet towards the press in 2014 and ferguson and i just thought once that yeah just just once and then and then they were like hey we're journalists and then he took out his gun like and and sprayed pepper spray on them and spray and like shot a canister at them so he willingly he was like like a story i was using the bullets i didn't realize you were pressed and. worse yet so he was obviously targeting the german cities like i hate a b. c. . and. so the court case is he's he's not he doesn't and he does not have immunity so basically what qualified immunity is as you know it's when a police officer is basically blocked from civil suit so you can't sue them for damages but now in this case the press can or the people who were shot with canisters of
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tear gas canisters can say like actually you do own me and i this is. so well thank goodness for us justice you know we're we will bring you justice maybe 14 years from now yeah we're going to 14 years from when it matters and when we're all talking about it you know exactly thank you. and here are your headlines from the future or next tuesday you'll hear. youtube announces all content creators must submit handwritten requests to upload each video then await approval that should be fun and next wednesday we'll learn janet yellen insists her time taking millions of dollars from wall street will not cloud her future decisions to take millions more from wall street good news there and a week from today in bold pro immigrant move by dint of ministration clears the way
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for festive ribbons to be placed on top of all cages containing children thank god thank god that's our show but you can get more portable dot tv and on my podcast government secrets with graham elwood as long as they let it continue to exist until next i'm goodnight and keep fighting. that i would have that they're not they're not not out of luck though they're not that cut out of the money out of the money that they'll let them.
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this was a good time to. try to move. the lot that i want to know how to lead not why not. why it generated the all people we believe just a little bit here. all of my kids i don't want them up with johnny but i already have the moment of mother how do it all because there is a little i'm a little white kid maybe a little little of the people i don't want to put out a lot more cardio and i don't know the mother while the. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived within this 0 song there were 2 view houses were allowed to leave prison was located and only cia people had
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access to the story for investigators sure hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. you graded nor in. hockey seem a bit of sore knee for. crying for justice on o.t. . that the belief is smear those who really can show you. show it thank you just be suitably. flat with that i suppose you noticed us they have something back. no no risk of being a bull episode. good to see you. she's. doing your force well you
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could be near my stuff in this thread if not thoughts about spirit i pity you it was more sinister experiment than you know. if de gea could. show us the stress of school issuance for you to post here top up by some sort of move to willow's rest of. the story unless you they will but. i don't think there's any perception united states of russia has been clear superiority over the united states and i think you see there's a fairly balanced relationship. in the nuclear story or and i think why do you mean by the ministration wants to have negotiations for what we talk about strategic stability they want predictability they want they want to secure situation in europe in asia and with russia and they want to be able to focus on other issues to a certain extent bilateral relationship
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a more general. french president islam for failing to secure a vaccine from france which is now destined for the u.k. as paris struggles to obtain supplies off any traps it is a shame. for us we have missed a good chance in france it's all because we have the priority is given to the united kingdom england is better managed because it has been liberated from the european union all the government and here all are feeling that everything. american italian town violence locals from getting sick in an effort to draw attention to their complete lack of doctors told me no i did it as a provocation my ruling can hardly be enforced i mean that getting sick or not it is not down to ones who wish and individual can certainly take steps to avoid falling ill.
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