tv Documentary RT February 7, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm EST
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his name might have been announced in this hole along with nobel prize winners whose discoveries were largely based on his work sadly the nobel prizes given posthumously while he lived instead of awards and praise for his discoveries lives the reward was to be arrested 3 times even while confined he continued his work for the sake of the soviet state that had tried to destroy him over all silver lived through 8 years of incarceration but thanks to his nature and support from the people who loved him he and the really are those who really can still. take this just because suitable. they need since the lack of down with his new couch. washed his posts joker really is a sick bed of a crook you. know none of his trippin or bow episodes didn't. go to scene just you sure to see. if de gea cruel to.
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show us a screen schumann's for you to post it to a place to move it to. the full story. of what is ringback ringback ringback. here to visit me should we be able to read the book this agency the editor of the issue riteish is it better. who is here is a good nutrition really is a good. unified tisha skills really only. when we think of the plague we imagine the middle ages but outbreaks still occur to this day any information on plague epidemics was classified by soviet authours ease and the people who work to fight the disease received no plaudits for heroism but instead will like. to be sent to prison that's exactly what happened to the silber
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in 1930 when he experienced his 1st 3 months behind. he was charged with sabotage after fighting a plague of demick in azerbaijan. one of those nights the people's commissar for health in azerbaijan called and said that sample cases had been recorded in the small town of 100 long with the other staff had to leave for the epicenter and one more thing the commissar added a new reporter used the word all instead of playing. the hazmat team left in such a hurry that when they arrived zilber was the only one who'd remembered to take a pair of skates rubber gloves with him despite the risk of infection he felt compelled to give them to his assistants. in both the shooting. of their free i'm sure your predator must go over your office but is ringing
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a book that our board is this. instinct because oprah if someone used them on but it was sure it the. instant that she could that was instinct. it was a new moniker plague it could have been eradicated instantly it was only a matter of breaking contact between the infected and uninfected and isolating those who had contacted the infected all of that was done quickly however the 2nd and then a 3rd outbreak occurred one night when n.k.v.d. agent walked into my apartment diversion ist groups from abroad are active in the area that opening up plague stricken dead bodies and cutting out the hearts and livers to spread the contagion with body parts can you immediately initiate grave digging and examine all the burial sites you'll have to do it quietly at night because the locals might consider it a desecration of graves and it could cause a disturbance it all seemed insanely surreal can see 3 out of 10. in dreams we
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examined that night we found beheaded corpses without hearts and livers zilber had his doubts about the plague being the result of foreign sabotage why would spies desecrate graves and remove organs from the dead if the plague agent could easily be isolated in a lab but for the security officials it was imperative to pick up a foreign trail and it was dangerous to argue with them on the shoulder in the crates than it is a. remove. in this approach so no where with such as show. the. suddenness that i'm me it's you know the scars of the rooster on the. deal with the disks is showing up rather than them clear is population is retrogressive religiously developed continually question is complicated but in one village i managed to find a person who spoke a little russian and he told me that in those parts there was a legend the members of
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a family die one by one the 1st who died was alive you had to cut off the head and give the heart and liver to their relatives so this whole grim picture became clear to me we stripped the whole population naked and put them into tents thankfully it was warm and special military teams use clora pickering to treat the whole building codes everything was we kept the whole neighborhood under lockdown for 2 weeks we did manage to eradicate the plague. he was welcomed with the honors and then put in jail the serviette all thora these were obsessed with espionage mania at the time everyone was suspected of being a foreign spy or diversion zilber was charged with spreading the play that was the 1st but not only time family had to get him out of prison. and it was always get immorally of his 3rd wife in fact ex-wife at that time who was the dry. enforce
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. simmons if he is in the is the. but ark of. the blaze near the city and you know more coming your way to school or be it's in the. name in the. superstition you mean it's in school no she just says then you need to be true what's you said there for both the you were in you should be so in the 1st 2 for your rights in the cockpit but a good image you're more than ever in the piece in the priesthood is your own thank you. you've gotten some sleep through the book but it's. nice to. get a model of head to main passions in her life science and still but for the forma she had once deliberately infected herself with the strain of cholera there was
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hardly anything she wouldn't do for they have still but either when they split up zenaida felt very ill for a while they both went on to have families but the moment her ex-husband was in jail she always came to the rescue she wrote to senior party officials and convinced famous scientists to sign letters to beria and stalin even still because mother had told his brother to watch out for xena she might throw you into a fiery furnace as well as me or anyone else just to get live out of prison that 1st imprisonment in azerbaijan turned out to be his shortest only 3 months all subsequent jail terms were much longer and the prisons were even more terrifying because then you as the new put caylee. in the. jewish will you see them is the mission that is stands if sales maybe by the will be from the south. near there yes there are several. yes they are here or if it
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should the rest of it. that would that are supposed go. back he suffered broken bones after his 2nd arrest and during interrogations of bianca and. because he refused to give the statements investigators needed he was thrown into the most terrible prison so. basically a torture chamber he was charged with treason espionage and sabotage after discovering a virus that caused encephalitis. for a beautiful creature there was bridges. are both to boost the milage this spurs were. in the stupid you know we get that was due to your
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pirro door. then your vaccine but. more insofar as. the research institute director reported to the n.k.v.d. that fire religious had spread the encephalitis under the guise of combat it's. the nickname for commissions presiding over a speedy trials with sentences were handed down in record time condemns ilbert to 10 years of solitary confinement. family again began to work for his release and i . had to plead for a former and current husband who was also a scientist. a. city made you. know the commish c.v.s. . and then.
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by steve way. they needed a. coup. unsafe of a husband but legs was released in 1939. so many years his name was emitted from references to the discovery of tick borne encephalitis but he only stayed out of prison for a year. even though both of these sit through to. get there so that. if we accept z. a bit of these old beautiful you dislike the school but it totally the up up all the bush will lloyd. bush won the french quarter which at the belair you will bluefin through gets. at the slimming you kiss at the roots of silk gold are still futile civilian lives either pretty handily chalion efficient use it but it's the it's in got the idea of we. not delist a free cuz had
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a speech said the world would live in the woods your bush one that if we did you fear of we with. that be a little. stylish as. it's a lot of them use the other when you deposed and fitzy though shook up the smi stop occurred so you should. really put it in the unit in the summer of 940 they came for professors silber for the 3rd time out of fear for his loved ones lives he denied having a family he and valarie a concerned over his 4th pot down one to officially married and that had the foresight to give this son his mother's last name there's a sense there that your macarthur park or your ship their prey do it once you have made it to them good news. and. since in the. movies it's. up at the moment because it's. see me yeah so company mind slow ok good move for. me you
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a good time to. try to move. most of them want to get my money not why not. all people we believe just hope again. all of my kids i don't want them up with the johnny will they are the moment i want to tell them all the how do it all because there is a little i'm a little white kid might be old enough to go out to the people i don't want to put out a lot more party without all the mother bloodletting. that term in prison was the hottest silber almost died of exhaustion from back breaking
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labor many years after his illness released from the pitcher labor camp family friends wanted to introduce him to his neighbor from the dutch a next door the famous soviet film director alexei dickey immediately issues them as it is if mama negotiated. his years in the sense of what. you do ok you can and superior this. new management group through good would really monday. if you still think we're. actually if you start work. sure. they'd keep each. the door was a mess goes on them play says newschannel. because you'll know
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with good sampling you made. a legacy of bill mr a in 5 ash in there so you buy him a minute. in the graces news a great. no love the show separate noons thin lizzy away. be your. what she is this lady. this is our crew boo hoo and then us is go home. in his 1st year at the pitcher a labor camp inside the arctic circle a virus researcher had to chop wood successfully delivered the camp wardens baby
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and he was soon put in charge of the infirmary where he established a small research lab to find. a vitamin deficiency condition. but if it would show there's a clue. but the group would know what to do work. through some crap like this is consumed through. the tour and. ideas it's pushing. toward should be thrown in the complex a bridge. well it's a creature in the sky through the mist and the ideals spur us by to jump if i jump on this just to. see the good and go with it. but. i was summoned and offered a job at a bacteriological the bar
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a tree i refused they offered it to all times they held me with criminals for 2 weeks then summoned me one more time i refused again. each scream of a new it. is a sky mall with. in the approach of just. eventually it is still what was transferred to a chemical shell russia during stalin's purges that was the informal name for purpose built prison labs it's where thousands of soviet scientists like zilber continued working for the good of the country after being arrested following absurd tipoffs it was in a shot and zilber developed his fire a genetic theory about the origin of cancer. during your force where it would be near my stubbornness to smoke through. this not broad support spirit i believe was
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more sinister experiment done in the old. keeping it secret from security gods and other inmates who in exchange for tobacco helped him catch test mice he wrote down his theory and passed it to the outside world through zinaida you to morley of us and his brother william in coventry and they managed to convince the greatest soviet scientists to sign a joint letter to stalin saying that the country needed a viral the gist of his caliber out of prison and the difficulty is of the 2nd world war. suggested the new ca pena. and humanity. in e bay. you may hear the. anthem. for. that doesn't work stalin ordered the professor's release and went but he was all alone his family had been captured by the nazis he kept finding
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his wife's possessions and his children's toys but he had no idea if they were alive. there as the worship of their fear of events they had to throw looks at them go away. and instead of saying we're going to need it we're going to exhibit. and you had. this idea that the fog in the skies that folks took was that yes for your question of time which gives both the priestly bed any split screen just an ocean with a with nearly. as up on the record that i did it's on the sky as a character. in the. kid played this it would move it to the food in the sydney a good reading. in the c.b.s. sophie look back at the but you know bill a month after the fact that i have. invited some points to go back.
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and get the a discovery. that that motion my lupus might that it might lead to say and then get the s.o.u. some smoke there on the. net to give me 3 of really neat release can prove you have been you miles. though more from the good notes here should be d.c. 'd snidely even sleep or. look when you made you look at the machines. after world war 2 was over soup was mother and water brought a postcard from a camp this family was alive. benchers rick and then you have notice that can then move business queer millions at the moment is sort of sitting room would. you believe mine you may see a big navy h books
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a yet seals room board and use machine will move to. the issue of was it was that to observe dubious grindstone and the results in the years at which the skirts christie chilly away at the chilly it. was such a shock when doris sure storms you'll one of the stories she'll go through with us that's just gushed over to syria who wish it still does could give us is this city of sports did feel secure or should it come back there with the vision pick a mistress and oh i don't wish yeah but i also agree with your character she was. approachable and nash. is. the sun maid post is a home produced plays a still on disk. not the camps no war could take away his family's life.
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with the troops there is over them. no more don't believe its own. kind. never. will move the saladin the polarize the value of. brazil were. near it won't be to see a good play vs the india. must be true. here. and may see all of the real. reasons to part of this is just. simply. screeched in their own particular. the gear is $950.00 to the time of the doctor's plot and the anti cosmopolis and campaign was ill but
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it seems that forgot to lock me up after the war but he kept a bug out bag handy he used indian ink to redact some names in his notebook people who might also be arrested if he was sent to prison again. this is war of this. but the most. on the rich sure. look at those shoulder for i mean the serious skin. sort of movie chilled can you reach some. that is liberation to move. on as a. lady a month quote the. butchered this is from the 1st doris
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study i mean is there to get started only on those. that are just as. they have. said he hasn't the code to commence uniform the kind of early but those commute cleared the. job. throughout the post-war period live zilber and his stuff experimented to prove his fire a genetic cancer theory 2 he was eager to complete his work. is back breaking work in labor camps had failed to destroy lives filled with talent all make him bitter but they did undermine his health. border when you go below the bill is that it's pretty crass the assads 2 would good to choose to it's that they choose to it's simple and general steele. still will call just and so it was all of the
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yellow boys that it's ok yes they will still play and if that does really slow so to a person was a medium serious old will tell you. you were at this will be a cooked of studies show that equated. to get taking seriously via osa shells. or aborted its you may stay true to pl are still pretty good. but yet 3 of em your company abuse really different sounds also. they should pull you over with a good deal cause a shit what you are doing can lead to a motivation to put relates to an option the new. new new allusion. on your board showing the more we're going to do it's. just the. one well the norm is that you're going to put our name but best you could hear who was sort of there for exxon's best you could before it became useless to you just missionary disappear you couldn't belward him when the lord keep on coal or you're going for
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the dollar to be good no are you bill slow in the end lives ill but did complete his life's work he compiled experimental data that contributed to our current understanding of the origin of cancer. roughly 20 percent of all human team has a caused by a certain cause an edge in a viruses the fundamental difference between cause an agenda viruses and common infections is that you can contract the disease from contact with the person who has it you know none of it is to be in or blow up a source didn't know how slow you go to see the chiefs to cure the disease go to the summit by sleeping in the risk of premium for the moment but our doing is us as then you aren't seeing the fruits of our countries too much c.f. or the skew. but it busts through q through. this procession then you have done your part seeing that you open when you're put the in this there's always room for the temperatures rise except. the storm still you. are seem able to stay in
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europe in the lizard sixties thing of so much weight it's. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived within this 0 zone there were 2 view houses were allegedly prison was located and only cia people had access to the story for investigators show how they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. you go ahead of norm in.
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d.c. maybe a sore knee for. trying for justice on r.t. . i don't think there's any perception united states that russia has nuclear superiority over the united states and i think you see there's a fairly balanced relationship. in the nuclear streeter and i think. the by the ministration wants to have negotiations for a while we talk about strategic stability they want predictability they want they want to secure situation in europe in asia and with russia and they want to be able to focus on other issues to a certain extent the bilateral relationship a more general.
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mellowing so it would seem that there could be little but i'll give them. i knew about it in a can matter. of national and of that national. cannot deny. not just us but still some miles on a couple. on the model that has human level an eye on my public eye for how you. and i show him the national association. must know how to set the community into and out of it all small and lovable so what is. there not a few neat was not given by the live shows it missed out on of you in the number of mean you know the feel of a good. shot and know it when i might. be my name a few 100 of.
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the week's top stories oh lord see western countries soften their style and sort of rushes corona virus vaccine after a study in a top medical journal points to its efficacy we hear from the c.e.o. of the fund overseeing the global rollout of sputnik me when you come by to see the price the logistics to really help what i believe is the best of experience the world and me scientists in the world agree. french restaurant owners opened their doors in defiance of code restrictions saying it's the only way to avoid financial ruin also.
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