tv Watching the Hawks RT February 9, 2021 10:30am-11:00am EST
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over but the bigger game for the financial future of those of us living here in the united states of america. that is only just begun i'm talking of course about the recent ups downs lefts and rights and diagonals of $2000.00 stimulus checks in the fight for a $15.00 an hour minimum wage and well understandably many governments and countries around the world to them the thought of keeping their citizens financially afloat and viable during times of crisis well it's without question. but here in the united states of america we our leaders prefer a different approach you see they prefer the old pull yourself up by your own bootstraps approach to financial aid namely making sure that our boot straps are not only too short but tied around our neck so tightly that the harder we try to pull ourselves up the less oxygen we received over the weekend u.s.
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president joe biden announced to the press that despite many a campaign trail promise it is unlikely a $15.00 federal minimum wage provision makes it into the next code 19 relief package and tragically that isn't the only promise on the verge of being broken it appears that many so-called conservative democrats are as i like to call them pro-choice republicans are taking issue with the $2000.00 i'm sorry for teen 100 plus these $600.00 we apparently already gave you but nobody remembers getting stimulus checks the washington post is now reporting that quote the latest proposal democrats are considering would send $1400.00 payments to individuals earning $50000.00 or less and $2800.00 to married couples earning $100000.00 or less and that while no final proposal has been released democrats have explored basing
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eligibility for the stimulus payments on prior year income meaning you're more than likely getting a stimulus check if you made $50000.00 or less in 201-9020 which i guess is like your doctor basing your cancer treatment on the year before you actually got cancer. so my friends let's strangle ourselves as we pull ups post ourselves up by our bootstraps and dive in to the u.s. government's very begrudging attempts to help its own citizens as we start watching the us. on a cd the streets. are so let's see the prices you always state. rice praised suggests least systemic dissent says the late show which. some don't.
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welcome are going to watching the hawks i robot and i'm across so measure why are the democrats in the by the ministration in the us congress just so tripping over what should be an easy thing to do. it has become a lot more frustrating and powerful than it probably should be part of this i think that the american public needs to know is that you know biden is in the white house obviously he won that election fair and square we have a democratically controlled house and senate however those are very slim margins so in order to actually get this passed without going through the filibuster filibuster process we just saw last week that that was a boy did i however a lot of concessions had to be made republicans have for the longest push to decrease the amount of money that the democrats actually want to have given out no checks but they've also added several riders to this bill that democrats didn't necessarily want to see and i think that at this point this just goes to show that
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there needed to be more of a majority of democrats in the house and senate to get some of the things passed from the robust plan that biden initially went with but in addition to that there are some democrats who basically already thrown in the towel when it came to fighting for things that they wanted i think that that's when the bigger issue that a lot of progressives have with the bill is this thing one that's the real dangerous thing is that while the democrats. for people to give a majority of the bottom line is with the midterms coming up if they don't you know provide. doing to me start of the whole like well it's 1400 now was 600 but we said 2000 but oh but we meant 14 because you're only getting 6 don't get me started on that that's a mess anyway but if they don't get that passed or they don't get $15.00 minimum wage in the next 2 years they're not going to survive midterms and any real way to actually then get a proper majority is they always kind of say well we need a little bit more we need a little bit more in order to act like the republicans do when they're in charge and that is where this whole thing falls because there are times where we've seen
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republicans who have definitely stampeded over democrats want to see certain parts of their bills passed it's another issue where it comes to people are already talking about how many executive orders that president biden has put into action i think that in some of these instances he's going to have to do a b. or similar thing because it's either there or he's going to have to force some some pieces of this package down the throats of republicans because right now they're interested in running basically a campaign of obstruction because their eyes are on the prize of these midterm elections meanwhile democrats the only reason the only way they can bring their boat out again is on those progressive policies and on progressive action that they've seen during the administration and right now we're seeing that they're progressives who are waving that leg asking what the heck is going on because they want to see these things they got them out to vote this past november any you're very right on that i mean when you look at represent a bill on omar's she tweeted cutting the income cap to we're talking about dropping it from 75 to 50000 will poison this bill it already lacks republican support it will lose progressive support democrats with
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a slim majority in congress can't pass this bill without progressives journalist david sirota who you know at one time worked for the burning sanders campaign he tweeted you know senator warner who just won that he won on the promise of $2000.00 checks and he's up for reelection in less than 2 years his reelection bid is being imperiled by all these dems 1st pushing for $1400.00 checks to set up 2000 checks and now pushing to means tie. but checks to see if it makes us people here the means testing thing but it's basically like washington's way of kind of saying we need to test everything and figure out everything works instead of just making something happen right away for all americans correct. 100 percent correct it's frustrating because i do think the democrats have done it many cases a level best effort to try to make this happen the structure from the republicans is real i think that in your opening you described it very well with honestly people who solved the militia checks from the top administration and year ago are going to see if the militia checks now based on that based on the way that this is now set up specifically with the income levels that have now been established which
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are quite different so there are many folks who received stimulus checks who very much needed them last go round who still need them now who will not ever see that it. just. people wonder why i don't have a lot of hair on my head anymore. in your wildest dreams private companies create their own local governments sounds pretty bizarre back and soon become a reality in the state is considering approving a bill that would allow tech companies to effectively form separate local governments while establishing new business parties natasha's sweet as more. state of nevada which is heavily dependent on tourism has been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic which is why gov steve says a lot wants to create innovation zones that can run on smart technology funded by blocked change says a lot proposed tech companies should have the power to create their own local governments in his state according to a draft bill obtained by the las vegas review journal it reveals these local
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governments would be equipped with the same authority as a county this includes everything from collecting taxes government services creating school districts and even courts however there are few requirements so it's not just open to any tech company those applying are required to possess 50000 acres of undeveloped land outside of an existing city or county applicants are to have 250000000. dollars as well as a plan to invest in additional $1000000000.00 to the zone over the next decade governor says a lot outlined the idea during his state of the state address i'm proposing the creation of innovation zones in nevada new companies creating groundbreaking technologies can come to nevada to develop their industries this will be done without tax abatements or public financing following the passage of what univision zone legislation blocked l.o.l. c. has committed to make an unprecedented investment in our state to create a smart city in northern nevada that would fully run on block change technology
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making the better the epicenter of this emerging industry and creating the high paying jobs and revenue that go with it in a tweet governor says the law said he was glad the plan was getting national attention as a top tech agenda he believes the idea will help strengthen about its infrastructure and economy and help generate new jobs now these local governments would completely utilize smart technology it would run on block change paving the way for these governments to use cryptocurrency meantime officials in some counties remain skeptical of the innovations owns saying they're not sure if they'll be good for existing communities and the bill has yet to be introduced into the state legislature reporting for watching the hawks natasha sweets r.t. . you know those science fiction dystopian movies where the corporation room's all you know way when new to me in the alien universe and things like that that's exactly how to get started you can't give with the way corporations of raped and pillaged our lands and our governments and now we're going to say hey guess what
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we're going to let you be your own government yeah i mean this is a this is so this is a horribly thought out plan and i get it nevada and several other states particularly those who their economies rest on tourism have been decimated by 1000 so i get there wanting to have some private sector bolstering of things but what we know about is that in most places where they reside. outside of silicon valley they actually moved their silicon valley people so this isn't necessarily going to be something that includes recruitment from the nevada area in and of itself we also know that they're already under fire for several things a lot of weight issues particularly for people of color but also discrimination against women and not to mention all of the security issues and other things that take has big tech has come over under the past few years and how is that going to look how is this going to work so so big basically gets the same rules as a county of their own government they can tax anyone who lives in this area that they own they can create schools they can do all that you know that smells like to me and saying hey workers come work for this company will build you bunkers right
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on our property oh guess what by the way you're only going to be able to spend money within our property that drips to me and i. don't use the word lightly to me that feels like yes and then in 1020 maybe 30 years of like practice of this suddenly you have indentured servants or even slaves because once you're living on that property and you pay taxes to that corporation they can do with what you would what you will have every legal right over you essentially it sounds like a technology thief been waiting to happen and think that there are some very serious concerns not only in terms of human rights and things like that because we've seen and we've seen certain companies try this abroad in the in the individuals impacted are never impacted in a good way you know you know and look i understand the right now city governments and state governments give up way too much in tax breaks and things like that to corporations will begin to speak and disperse i say what you mentioned earlier with the idea of like are we need these jobs we need these job and then we're going to
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basically give up the whole kit and caboodle you saw was a trumpery in wisconsin do that with that whole you know mess with the making of the t.v.'s smell that that never happened you know but but this just seems over the top to me they're not trying to make this work because it and the case that you mentioned in wisconsin but in chicago and several other places we've seen private companies come in as soon as they get that tax break when that tax break is over which is you. 7 years and then they're gone they have the money they made everything else is gone and those communities are left to figure things out on their own i think with this whole build a theory out of this the idea is that they'll stay longer and they'll be a stronger investment but i don't think that they've thought about the long term consequences no because who rules over that county how do you how do you how do you redress a government because if they're considered their own like city or state then they get all the they get all the protections of the u.s. government at that point or this or the state government and you know how hard it is for a system to redress that and then there's the citizen vote for the c.e.o. no stockholders decide who the c.e.o.'s are who is in charge them the board i mean
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this is one of those like same ideas that like looks good on paper but the execution of it does it i'm sorry call me paranoid it makes me feel like oh good this is the beginning of that dystopia that all those science fiction writers warn us about now i think you're a 100 percent correct. all right as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand for the brand new portable t.v. which is available on all platforms coming up while by now everyone is well aware of the covert 19 recession how many of you have heard about the she said the covert 90 has also state to box office by.
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let's discuss. stoppable source tries to. sounds interesting. knowing through the woods that i am. doing. good. and i don't buy that in a can matter i cannot. pass on a bad national. trend i mean i. just bust book deals on miles on the model that has human. and machine in the national association. must know how to set the community.
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good all small and. they're. not given by the impetus on a given the most minute let me get a feel good. shot and know it then when i'm. in my name a few of the. l. look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. i robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about official intelligence and the point is to trace every one of the shia. plates on various shots in with artificial intelligence will summon the demon.
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must protect its own existence his own nexus. with. the coronaviruses game demick effect have expanded to every single facet of life in america the health care system proved in affective and revealed decades worth of inequity and structural deficiencies and for the daily lives of people across this country the economic fallout from the pandemic has led to another type of death job loss specifically for women this group has seen substantive growth in the ointment for nearly 2 decades and nearly all of it has fallen apart due to cope at 19 and the sheepish and as it's been deemed shows no signs of stopping the scale of the
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economic crisis is unlike anything since the great depression and this crisis has predominantly a nonwhite female face last year women accounted for 55 percent of the job loss in april that's $20500000.00 jobs in the rate of unemployment for black and hispanic women is in the double digits outpacing every other demographic the biggest reason women of color are hit with a death blow is because the industries they work in were predominately leisure hospitality education and other areas that experienced the largest the climb for years those industries were among the fastest growing and employed the largest number of minority women according to jasmine tucker a researcher at the national women's law center women were making real gains now there is a huge step back this crisis wiped out all of the job gains women made in the past decade to top it all women have less of a financial life left because hospitality childcare and the like because of pay low
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wages many of the unemployed women are now nearly destitute and matters are worse for single moms a 3rd of whom are already below the poverty line pre-pay endemic. president biden last week addressed the issue facing women's unemployment as well as to how pregnant and how this economy is ravaging families. but partisan infighting continues to delay the comprehensive public 19 relief package women and families need help and quick the long term long term consequences of the sea session or serious addiction not being able to afford food electricity pharmaceutical drugs and that's not all the longer someone is out of work the harder it is for them to get a job joining us now is lisa dated president and c.e.o. of the chicago foundation for women welcome felicia. thank you for having me well you know i have missed you for so last believe with my home girl from chicago you have led something pretty amazing over the past the weeks the series of discussions breaking down the stick he session and its unique effect on women of
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color specifically what are some of the issues facing this group and in what ways can policy meet their needs. this is a really important question because what we are seeing a generation or 2 of women are really being set back at an unprecedented rate overall in the country this year since the pandemic started there have been 5500000 jobs lost by women but the thing is when you dig into the details you have you understand how that loss how those job losses are really impacting women of color latinas and particularly flash women so black women have been hardest hit and part of that is that the industry is the segregation of occupation so part of it is as you spoke to in the show it's where the workers were working prior to the pandemic so that's a part of it there's another piece to this which is around caregiving as the pandemic has ravaged on in another country someone said in other places they have
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safety net and in the united states we have women and so overwhelmingly when and women of. black women are giving and providing the care that allows for. business to really operate and that includes child here senior care as many women are falling out of the workforce caring for young children as they are for aging parents and other people who are sick and their families police are right now it's estimated that over 11000000 women are currently out of work money because of the layoffs and business closures we've been talking about due to the pandemic but some are also forced to leave work simply due to lack of childcare options we talked about kind of what position congress has been in earlier in the show and in the fight for 15 and passing the stimulus tracks and the troubles they're having their do you see these troubles that women are facing this session will it push congress to address the crisis of child care costs and accessibility to responsible and good
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child care. well i hope so chicago foundation for women and we are part of a number of coalitions that are lobbying for those changes to be made for congress to act and at quickly we know that in order for this to be an equitable recovery the women and particularly black women and women of color need to be centered and their needs need to be centered in childcare is a huge piece of it the whole infrastructure of child care in the system needs to have a hard look we need to look at how the funding is provided as well as reimbursement levels because on the other side of the childcare the overwhelmingly number of providers are women and also women of color so this is a double edge sword if we aren't able to pay those women equitably or increase $3.00 reimbursement rates it continues this conundrum we have and the spiraling
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down that's happening in our country right now for economic security for women and particularly women of color black women. appalachian women. made substantial gains in the workforce over the past 2 decades black women still in america are often the sole provider in their households can you explain the strain this economic environment has had on single moms and what type of target resources these families need to get back on track. thank you you know the reality is there are about half of the families with children black families with children there is a black woman who is the head of household so this has significant the numbers are startling and we go back to like some of the structural reasons when you're already in segregated occupation it depresses your wages when you are not being paid equitably compared to white male counterparts or white female counterparts it depresses your economic security and your ability to withstand any kind of economic
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pressure so the pressures that are being faced right now and so whether that's just maintaining rent and maintaining. transportation and then the other factor is now the number of these women are in front line positions themselves about 52 percent of frontline workers are women and you can go through the numbers of hospitalities restaurants and so forth and in the health care field so when you have so many women who are essential workers they're also making choices between child care and . what work and so without a comprehensive child care structure in place we talked about and without addressing some of the pay equity issues that have plagued us for a very very long time we will not see these women be able to be resilient and to be able to withstand the continued economic pressures of the pandemic. you know we've talked a little bit about putting pressure on the government and what the government can
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do to help this issue but there's also you know what can the community do as well the chicago foundation for women has 3 pillars work economic security and freedom from violence and access. health care each of these objectives is tied to a job that provides a living wage in what ways does your grant funding organization and manage those priorities in this current environment and when what are your plans moving into the future to help. thank you so we've had a series of conversations as we've talked about we also are hosting a series of hands on workshops to help women who are in that between stage right now managing all of these different factors remote work for those who are able to work remotely but also managing remote learning and giving them some skills because women are really being run dry but are grant making has been going to organizations that are overwhelmingly on the front line there has been an increase and mutual aid
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where organizations are helping across a whole range of services even those things that weren't necessarily in their mission or in the center of their missions before because right now or as the pandemic kind of unfurled it was really about sustaining life and how giving you know maintaining shelter and providing access to food and and and medicine and where possible so 1st see a jump you we really centered our grant making our response grants. in a significant way over a $1000000.00 to make sure that women and girls in chicago were being centered and we also highlighted organizations that were led by black women it's really important that in our communities a lot of the people who are leading this charge in helping communities recover are just surviving this pandemic are black women and women of color and so we really center their leadership and our grant making your felicia thank you so much for the
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good work that you're doing out there in chicago and for and for and for and for and for educating our viewer. today on this very important subject thank you so much for lisa davis president c.e.o. of the chicago foundation for women. thank you for having me. powerful information on a truly overlooked part of society that many people are paying attention to right now absolutely it's pressuring to me to know just how many women are out of work right now but particularly the horrible effect that it's had on women of color because they feel like it's not getting the news coverage it should it's definitely not getting the care and the catering that it should and there is has to be targeted policy specifically for this because as long as it took for these women to actually get in those positions where they were you know largely in the workforce that took decades it's going to take even longer to try to rebuild this economy. out of our show for you today remember in this world we are not told that we are so
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i tell you all i love you i am tired and i will keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and might. join me every. time i'm sure and i'll be speaking to us in the world of politics. i'm show business i'll see you then. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led. direct. what is truth what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maid in the shallows. a dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them under-age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if you're going to exploit a child here in los angeles they were going to come out to see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight 6 trade.
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shows seemed wrong but all in all just all. me. get to shape out this day become active. and engagement because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those words. the day or thinks. we dare to ask.
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in the headlines on our t.v. dozens of european parliament members called on the e.u. foreign policy chief to resign claiming he was too friendly with moscow on his recent trip. also this hour the european medicines agency starts reviewing a russian request to approve the scrutiny of meat vaccines for human job a step closer to widespread adoption and the u. . and protests spread out across france calling for tougher laws protecting children of the country's top quartile the case of a 13 year old girl who was allegedly raped by 20 firefighters.
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