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tv   Going Underground  RT  February 10, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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that means the more nice will be lost so i think that it is a moral responsibility of owning to do us good to seem on the collective to create a system whereby as many vaccine as possible are distributed and on governments to approve and a lot of expansion program as quickly and effectiveness was only a moral question do you think elites fully understand why the dispossessed as it were do not trust elites when they tell them to take vaccines after you know arguably being repeated and they lied to over so many things whether it be the economy whether it be hadn't of the iraq war i agree so there is a lot of mistrust also within despondingly there's been a lot of i didn't misinformation or lack of clarity around certain issues in the last 10 months for example around whether mosques were effective or not i don't know whether looking down is effective or not it is a lot of conflicting information i think it's quite understandable there is
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a lot of distrust that at sobeys isn't bishan to dieppe normal and background and sentiment that has been growing in the last months so i think these are quite of dangers approach. building up the public's trust is a priority or it is a moment because. as a set. like lowered your chin up dig means more than ice we lost well i should say obviously the british government still gives no mandatory advise about having to wear masks outside famously the world health organization they weren't effective up until relatively recently what do you make though of the fact that the so-called mainstream media that always talked about anti vaccine and fake news itself has been saying questions over the astra zeneca vaccine because of the south african variant questions over this or that vaccine when well sometimes like in the south african variance cases not even peer reviewed a study over apparent allegedly lack of effectiveness now i think personally that
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demister me as being all still quite irresponsible you respond to me around a number of issues and one is the one you mentioned so on of oxidation. for example there were these headlines a few days ago about one 3rd of the people who are going to be. seen are reporting a side effect oh sure it is headline sounds like the vaccine is actually dangerous . there zombies are most of us majority of cases these are very very mild side effects every rock scene has some mild side effects and not sports for permission to flu vaccine for example so you should not be the most sore in your arm it comes a side effect but is there not a big deal so this kind of reporting is a bit irresponsible and the south african body and it seems that yanks are vaccine is less effective you see anything less effective on your body and to that of the virus as you said these are not peer reviewed yet but the important thing is that again how you report information makes
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a world of difference so what what what we what it seems is that it's not as affective. preventing the content as mission of the virus of prevent infection but it seems that it's still very effective at preventing the most serious case of preventing hospitalization so is that your strength of yours or what seem even if it doesn't prove eve is not as effective as your mary can be seen at preventing infection it is very very effective at preventing a serious symptoms and hospitalization and these seems to be the case for the south african variant as well so it is still quite a fact significant effective at preventing and afterward that is really all we need to keep this virus under control and we it is not so much about limiting infections and is about limited to see it as it is that the result has been the musicians and have so we need to be a bit more balanced in the way we perceive it and we are poor is going to be from asia especially since as you said it's the look not peer review i mean. when do we
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get to the stage where we start calling calling these variants not coven 19 because i mean it seems amazing that they still call covert 19 of a mutant can attack someone who already has the antibodies for over 19 and make them ill. yeah that's a good question how that is very much a scientific question but. that's that's. not too relevant i would think as long as we know that we're going to succeed we have now can always be tweaked and changed to adjust to the new body and so to be effective against humanity so it seems that so listen to the consensus that peace will always be possible you might think sometimes i take a few months to do that but as long as i have the same pixie that we have developed can be changed and tweak it and be adjusted accordingly variance i think that even though we might want to call discovery $21.00 and but then you know sort of x.
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even let's call it you know a square box in 21 and as long as we can catch up with that i would think that is a major issue and i do moment it seems that we are we are in that i will assume in assuming the existence of tests that only detect changes in a particular bot of the genome sequence actually detect elements of the new variant . new variants genomic sequence i would i would assume but i mean these are i suppose complex epidemiological issues that haven't been established yet yeah you're right some of you think think these are new virus and we don't we somebody behind so that you know it's always about catching up with the virus how it spreads how it was how to mutates unfortunate deaths this question. because it's a pandemic we've got your battles and i've seen we have testing technology we have developed everything in the last 10 months so we don't it's always about catching up so and that that somebody unfortunate about an impression going to get it pretty
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well well a prime minister of ours johnson said really world we thing but you've written about this subject but did it not even surprise you how quickly the european union immediately it seemed sought to endanger peace in ireland over. access to vaccination. yes so i personally am a big us order but i have to say in the specific case. the e.u. conduct was a bit embarrassing i think they're probably going to be a stat they have a delayed vaccine approval for too long which would cost price and they probably signed a better deal with from a secret companies so what it tried to do it was to protect their own. interests. using rexx it were using receive court there it is in their right to do so they had a right to do that but it would have been a bit. irresponsible in a way i don't mean necessarily jus single out the european union because similar
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battles of taking those geopolitically whether it be obviously the the elephant in the room being africa and the and the very devil that the nation's given there but how do you see the geopolitics playing out in this country belatedly after laughter about russia's think 5 vaccines in the mainstream media here 0 reporting it appears to be would be albeit less effective as far as we know sign of a chinese vaccines how do you see it playing out in this information battle where it's a problem because. so there is this now isn't it independent school boxing nationally and so. each country tried to program their own season their own interest the u.k. is doing that europe is doing that every country is doing that and the result is that certain countries have a large availability of many vaccines the u.k. was had 5 but since i made about many countries don't have an accent because of their resources likes them to political power to strike
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a deal with some of the company is that he's got phone calls callbacks that does rituals to target to government. x. the blocks the vaccine worldwide but it's not really working very well because it's countries who commits to that are not really living up to their commitment so the geopolitical factors would play a huge role in their way in the speed at which we get out of this and to me it will be a very uneven way out some counties will get better it will get out of emergency much quicker wealthy countries so that's a problem because it's a global pandemic so we need a bit more of consistency in the way but see certainly if the good were right well for ethical reasons but also because it is in each country interest to make sure that the box is at least if we were right because otherwise the virus we come back once again and you did it for you don't keep it under control going to work given the speed of development vaccination programs and so on is it obvious now that when
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of when an epidemic breaks out in a country the response is going to be dependent on whether that country is seen as important in the mainstream media let alone within power structures yes unfortunately that. things go we saw it with bridges and they make we have the ability to make a break in. western africa we did develop like scene it was not as fast as it happened in our previous outbreaks of other coronavirus in creedence sarce 1000 that didn't result in a vaccine wondering why we didn't have a scene now is that. when a previous coronavirus emerge. and we didn't put much effort to develop a vaccine because you managed to contain a virus that can get you to locally you know so they were aware when a major concern but once it calms the virus comes into you know western country a rich country and that's where. course we are more concerned it's very important
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because as we saw it. is very much better because. if you can we should be required to address. because progress what i would advise but also because these things backfires so the reason why we don't have a car seat now is that when we had a previous can about as we know with enough effort to develop a vaccine back then. albeit that the big pharmaceutical companies will say actually we didn't do badly that should say there's been a new outbreak this week well that's in the news headlines in parts of africa ultimately what do you make of the it seems a direct correlation with class war why is there this direct correlation within the rich countries of death and class many explanation have been given one is that. people from lower switch are coming backgrounds and to the jobs that would limit high risk. mortgage we can access in half through services larger programmed out of
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pre exceeds the pandemic but when major crises occur there any kind of social economic inequality that creates these things to become more marked so it is often the case that those who are really well off are not much affected by any kind of crisis economic crisis to say we're now there will be an economic crisis there is an economy cries that would be one as a result of underneath measures enough so again goes from forced from my background would be most affected and they have been affected the 10 richest billionaires on earth now have all money to they could solve world poverty overnight apparently in vaccinate the entire world basically do you see the epidemics like there's pandemics like this is just enriching the top of society even more and that they're actually very good things for the richest and has. got through it whether
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so before it is always the case that the top and 50100 people in the world who to solve any kind of crisis or it could solve the problem of. people starving or not even before they've been desperate a case even before the pandemic one problem we have at the moment to be what c.s. is not so much about. financial resort. it's not so much about well it's about doubt it's about the fact that we don't have enough vaccines at the moment to attribute to everyone in the long run of course we might want to think about. it distributing where this pressure whether grewal is proportionate is probably going to make you know wave that benefits those who are worse off because there's something to excess will be the most obvious way of doing that you can think of other measures could do that dr alberto jr lenny thank you after the break we examine the ways britain's empire in which the sun never sets shines on and its internal colonies is covered continues its disproportionate kill right against the
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poor the rich get richer. internet censorship is happening at an accelerated pace conservatives and progressives i mean democratized any platform more times than not the censorship is never really explained we are left to assume when the phrase community standards is invoked we somehow were threatening but that's what dissent is all about. seems wrong all rolled just don't all. get to stamp out just to. add to. an engagement. trail.
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when someone find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women cells are bodies on the street many of them under-age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if you're going to exploit for a child here in los angeles there we're going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight 6 trades. welcome back today marks 115 years since care hardy's british labor party was formally named now run by knighted care starmer but the patriotic divide in hardy's opposition to world war one seemingly lives on the leaked internal strategy
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documents recommend labor embracing flags the military and dressing up smartly at war memorials the game of national identity politics and union flag known by some as the butcher's apron are explored in dr james trafford's new book the empire at home internal colonies and the end of britain he joins me now from london james welcome to going underground what a what a week for me to be talking to your business in the past few days the labor leader has a guest star is being told by focus groups are wrapping himself in the flag and the entire country has been mourning the loss of an iconic coronavirus figure captain tom a veteran of a colonial war in moore. you say that the union flag is redolent of colonial violence just intrinsically when when one sees the flag which makes it all more ironic perhaps that we're seeing the flag again again joins . yeah absolutely i think. it's not by accident that
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it's that the flag is known as the purchase apron in ireland for example. an outbreak of black has this increased symbolic role which we've seen used to crave these kind of ideas national collective belonging. or a strength or roots in colonial endeavor so they the requirement the way he produced forms of national belonging against another for example the racialized either through 3 clone your wars through 3 cléo extraction through empire and the way that we use those strategies at the end the formal end when you lose and home and brits. i mean we want to explore we want to explore some of those attitudes about imperialism but given coronaviruses is the big issue what do you think about the invocations of world war 2 in the battle
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against coronavirus and the use of a flag as armor against microscopic biological phenomena up slowly i think it is it's quite telling the way that coronaviruses immediately processed through this lens or insurgency and threats and enemy right and then boris we saw 'd with this supposedly churchillian moments and using this kind of british exceptionalism it's almost laughed off the idea that it would affect us as badly as it could see as in china. or in 2 way we dealt with. was to put in place incredibly strict load downs calls for authoritarian policing across across the board politically together with the continuation of work for those who couldn't work couldn't be furloughed in service of the protection of the citizen and protection of the economy so there's a kind of yes certainly
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a kind of covert nationalism that we've seen stoking the stouter for empire. as our response insofar the way that we respond as a country with the way that we've dealt with responding to threats as if they're always from outside it's we can see this now in the way that we're talking about south african variant for example this new kind of super virus. barons in fairness we did mention the can't there e. and then try to call it the can vary enormously over seas call the british mutant mutation but you all asleep think the coronavirus response and certainly the issues you were talking about as regards are a civil defense response are redolent of something or britain's internal colonialism. yeah absolutely i mean this as the do it the way that we differentiate and i archive people in science research in
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a way that certain people. are clear become closer more carious to farms and. the inability to survive and in the case of cove it's so literally soup soup that black people are 4 times more likely to die in britain off of it yet absolutely and we know why that's the case we know that this is because of overcrowded housing and conditions of it see almost half of black children in the u.k. are in poverty it's an. alliance of charisse work so in jobs you know coming from home necessarily and require commuting long distances i should just say you know very well that the windrush scandal where people were being deported to the caribbean briton british black people the government. journalist said this is an outlier and it was that's why it was
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a scandal you see the wind rush scandal as emblematic of this yes absolutely and i think that one of the ways that we told this story about rickson being non-racist multicultural. one of the ways that we continue to do that is why drawing attention to the most burial acts of racism supposedly outliers to draw attention to them as if they're an anomaly rather than looking at the wider systems which are supports it and make those things. there's no there's no wind rush for example without a hostile environment. equally there's no one fresh without all kind of ways that we develop citizenship and nationality acts since the 2nd world war to the internal colonialism i mean we soon act has been accused johnston's chancellor of privilege and those who own property to those who rent it again you see echoes of
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imperialism over centuries so what i mean one thing i'm tracing in that burke is the way that wealth was available for accumulation primarily 3 things like home ownership all largely white middle class and ways it was absolutely impossible like a nation explain your migrants to access for a long long period of time and this is hashish not on impacts where you know you have something like 30 percent of white households saving their own properties out rights and only around 80 percent right now so it's in the same position. so you know this is and we see part of this is related to the way in which we can accumulate wealth really. inheritance so the way that well builds up 3 families and 3 communities and this has not been impacts on the ability
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to control what you are able to do right so for example if you're living in a primarily black community and london. which becomes. possible for developments that becomes the objects of a kind of managed decline put into the hands of property developers. so make possible accept so gentrify always other people are called socially plans you're not in a position and see to sort of. fight against that in the same way that you might be if he owned property safe rents go up and there's very little you can do if you're incapable of meeting the rent demands then you'll be pushed out further out since this outskirts of london. and you really see justification for instance the coersion the grazing surveillance state all these factors as. you
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can draw a line from i don't know the 800 year occupation a while and to. some math or to the boer war you can draw a line to that to now and our current response absolutely we're using very similar strategy so using strategies for example of financial extortion that were used in the restructuring of the world that until your resistance and decolonisation. the strategies of debt for example are really important in a way that we've extracts it wealth extracted over and above the wages. as always i make it public intentionality everything as it is i took us a little bit in the book it's one of the problems with the way that we've understood racism is we make it into an individual acts of
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prejudice or bias or exclusion. or is this thing on colonialism requires us to let the material exchange the way that policy works the way our legal system works policing works in a way that all 6 together these things add up to produce hugely differential impact on certain communities inside the chaos the outside as well and just finally and briefly of any one's getting depressed by all of this in years or hundreds of years or whatever pressure and yeah you do mention the heathrow 3rd runway where there have been protests during coronavirus you believe that the existential crisis of climate change as well as the importance of trade unions they plummet change activism can do something that will return century old hello new legacy it's this is this is tricky it's difficult we've seen one of the major movement very same
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active in the u.k. is the next thinking about it and i was very critical of that stance from the outset. because they were hit they made me implicit nationalism exploits if you like. so they talked about the way that we needed to protect ourselves our children and generations against the threat of climate change maybe they connected it now threats with climate refugees. so there's a kind of we as we know there's been what's been called an unequal ecological exchange to create for all nations so we know we don't we don't waste we extract. liquid natural gas we extract resources and so we police and we you know we replant huge trees and or so. carbon emissions right. so as
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a result of some of these things that there's this climate catastrophes i mention. the cyclon i die and mozambique is one of them. and when and with we're seeing climate refugees increasingly as you would imagine there's a kind of perfect storm of seat and inappropriate pun. climate crisis and. economic instability which is leading to a massive massive migrate migration and as we know europe in britain has been involved in attempting to soften him and particularly from. southern areas of africa up to which the north and through an insurgency you're. so extension rebellion and they're making this connection between climate refugee crisis and the survival of our children and they're speaking about is incredibly nationalists what's which draws our attention away from the way that we produced these problems
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across the global south. and i think our naturalizes our ability to. see that that is just somehow either their own fault or it's somehow down to natural disaster somehow that they just happen to be in a position that's that's nearer to see climate instability the way our. and the notes joins on to this idea that you know recalled taking in all these refugees. we need to look after the i wish we mean british people the continuation on using this kind of thing so it seems really not being quite critical of police reasons i'm sure they'll than i would say they're all internationalist in that the colonial dr james traffic thank you will be back on saturday with one of the world's greatest antiglobalization scholars book of i'm going to shiver until then join the underground by following us on twitter facebook instagram telegram into.
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our smart individuals are dying and smart corporations are dying and increasingly now countries are dying is stockpiling big calling by using flaring gas tricks to convert it into harvest money ever known in the engine ministry that is in decline . imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century what are the chapters called gun violence school shootings homelessness 1st it was my job it was my field bill it was my savings i have nothing i have nothing there's no record of trust aloof or resources i look for jobs i look for everything i can to make this pass. a law in the doing is. the road to the american dream
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paved with good refugees into this very idealized image of. americans look pasta the deaths that happen every single day this is a modern history of the usa in america. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. a new gold rush is underway. thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich. as. children are torn between galled. my family was very poor i thought i was doing my
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best to get back to see which side will have the strongest appeal. a world health organization scientist investigating the origins of covert 1000 questions and the reliability of u.s. intelligence after washington says it wants to conduct its own probe in china. the european commission president admits the block was too late in authorizing covert vaccines as e.u. states struggle with supply shortages we heard from w.h.o. advisor it's not a matter of grace between countries who should get 1st and which block should get to earlier countries and the european union need to plan for a forest population to be covered by a certain period of time. germany extends its lockdown until march as fears grow that new 1000 variants could undermine.


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