tv News RT February 11, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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headline news the head of the u.k.'s parliamentary health committee admits mishandling the response prime minister boris johnson reveals the country will need to vaccinate all over again in the autumn. fears of the new. government to slow its response to the 2nd wave of the pandemic. china bans b.b.c. world news accusing the t.v. channel of false reporting. the british regulator has revoked the chinese networks like.
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the friday. february. bright welcome to your world news from r.t. international. likely to require a complete review of the british population later this year the warning coming from prime minister boris johnson. but i think we're going to have to get used to the idea that revaccinated. as we as we come to place these new where it's almost 4000000 covert cases have been confirmed in the u.k. since the start of the pandemic and nearly 115000 people have died that's the worst toll in europe the country is now accelerating its track and trace scheme with volunteers going door to door to check whether people have the disease studies show the u.k.'s astra zeneca job only offers a limited protection against the new coronavirus variant but some researches want to continue to use all of that shot arguing that at least it helps protect against the worst effects of the new tensions when it comes after the head of the parliamentary health committee said the cope would response have been mishandled
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former health secretary jeremy hunt added that above all the government should have reacted quicker. as a country we have not got everything right in our pandemic handling we need to learn lessons and the biggest lesson of all is that in a pandemic you have to act faster than the virus despite the inoculation push one covert vaccine center in london has shut early because of a low uptake. nursing chief has said ethnic minority communities in particular a form of anti vaccine myths are to escape partridge as the details. the u.k. has the highest coronavirus death toll in europe and research says ethnic minorities are up to 3 times more likely to die but this vaccination harbin the multicultural area of happening in east london had to reduce its opening hours because minorities are more reluctant to get the job due to mistrust of the government i was kind of one assured them out of this is they're put on this and so
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called. for go away or be. plenty of statistics reflects the mistrust a report on behalf of n.h.s. england claims that almost twice as many white overate is have had their 1st injection compared to elderly black britons while an overwhelming majority of black people said they were are likely to get a vaccine if offered want a race equality think tank says the lower numbers aren't about vaccine refusal that fear is often based on past experiences where the incidence of simple misunderstanding cultural confusion or in the case of some patients now trade fear of perceived hostility and racism but concern is also fueled by just information circulating online get people into avid various reasons what they've seen in social media you know they believe that this vaccine was made too quickly. too quickly not enough try for them to really test the vaccine some believe officials have been too
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slow to shut down myths i can send you at least 10 videos of my whatsapp that have been circulated from since about last march with doctors other professionals you don't know where they've come from but all you can say about them is they're clearly and vaccines and they claim to be protecting the minority community from something that will harm them and the u.k.'s medical chiefs say they're committed to combat in misinformation and admits it's not community could do rail only if it's in the fight against the pandemic if one particular community right. vaccinated and the virus will seek them out and it will go through their community like wildfire it's not something any of us wish to see which is why we're spending a lot of time and a lot of resources in this area the big message i have for everyone is this virus just doesn't care what ethnic background you're from it just doesn't care about the color of your skin or where you live in the world the virus does not discriminate
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the u.k. has made significant progress with its vaccine rollout which has been faster than most other countries but to see the program completed a key obstacle needs to be overcome convincing the most vulnerable communities to take the job of b.c. you see a continuing nation of the existence of the virus that people are already disproportionately affected by by this virus so these 5 clean alternates in the communities all need rest to make sure that they do get vaccinated to stay safe to get them to the telling i think simply telling it this is even your own best healthy jessi's not a not because it was doesn't take account of fish huge history of blood across the league communities in the state and that's why they'll need to work with the leaders on the ground should it she's holding nice ations moving little scene communities on the ground who are all credible alternative. communities.
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who will follow. germany's extending its lock down to march amid concerns over the new strains of covert knighting comes after chancellor merkel admitted that the government was too slow in its response to the 2nd wave of the pandemic. that of our minister for justice didn't want if we were not careful enough and not fast enough we don't shut down public life early and consistently enough and that science of a 2nd wave and warnings from various scientists it has been a year of learning together how the virus works and what works against it learning means not always doing everything right from the start but correcting our assessments. germany shutdown was due to expire on february 14th but it's now going to run for an extra 3 weeks there are some exceptions schools and daycare centers can gradually reopen depending on decisions by local authorities restaurants will have to stay shut but hair salons can reopen their doors for march the 1st opposition groups have branded the measures inconsistent and urge the government to
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present a plan for leaving the lockdown meantime a leading german newspapers dropped a bombshell claiming that the government hired scientists to come up with research that would justify harsh coronavirus measures which had already been decided by ministers it cited hundreds of pages of correspondence between the interior ministry and a research group dating back to last march german journalist a political commentator thomas fassbender thinks the story highlights the lack of clarity of the way policies are being decided. these revolts concerning the last years decision and obviously to this date the government prefers to be hiding behind scientists and there is a very little willingness and courage on the side of the government as the general perception when it comes to decision making after each year now we have not yet had say a crisis comedy we are not up to dealing with the crisis and this is the responsibility of our top politicians we certainly did not do our job on the 2nd wave as the
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chancellor rightly admitted the vaccination does not go ahead at the necessary speed at the same time we have prolonging the the lockdown which in many respects does not make sense for many people but because why is it had been in a small shop is not. vcs global t.v. news channels being blocked in china it comes a week after british regulators took china's english language channel c t n offer as he said reports. that announcement by chinese all thought sees that b.b.c. world news will not be allowed to continue their service within chinese territory coming in the wake of our reporting on how china has held a corona virus pandemic in the country saying that they dispute how the b.b.c. of cover the issue and that they simply do not tolerate fake news and it
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follows in the wake of the u.k.'s for causing regulator taking away the license to c.t.'s and the chinese broadcaster and saying that they've taken up my sins away because the channel when the editorial line dictated by the chinese government we are unable to approve the application to transfer the license to the china global television network corporation because it's ultimately controlled by the chinese communist party which is not permitted in the u.k. broadcasting law we provide to c.d.t. and with numerous opportunities to come into compliance but it has not done so we now consider it appropriate to withdraw the license for c.d.t and to broadcast in the u.k. now the chinese decision to ban b.b.c. well may not have many massive consequences that is the channel that isn't great to be watched around china over in chinese hosts it's a channel that's mainly broadcast or watched by visitors in hotels but it just goes
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to show that even in the wake of donald trump leaving the white house in the hopes that many had the west in general and china may begin to rebuild their relationship will this type of tit for tat action when it comes to the opposing sides media outlets certainly doesn't build confidence for the future. of british based politics electorate overpacked young woman told me last hour how the move reflected waning relations between china and the game. i think from a kind of more strategic point of view it. in the hope it will information will all and on the british side be trying to pick on the chinese side on the and on the chinese side on various things that affect me was on a leg up but also the con hong kong and other kind of british representation of china in general and aspect of the war was already. foretold i think doing the call no barriers and of course this is a continuation of the trauma mystery and after china signed these you wrote china
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investment deal last year it looks like the relationship between china and google has significant import but because the press it. was the fall of the euro and then the u.k. has to find a way to all work with that by the administration and salt china would naturally be seen the. side of the u.s. from now on. this is our tail the way celebrities psychologist and jordan peyton is locked in a better field with a leading british newspaper one of our stories when we come back.
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all over again the japanese government has said that millions of vaccine doses are likely to go to waste because of a lack of specialized syringes the health minister explain the problem which relates to the pfizer biotech job the syringe is used in japan can only draw 5 doses we will. we have that control 60 he says but it will of course not be enough is more shots are administered the government is requesting medical equipment manufacturers step up production of the special searches. japan support of enough of the fires the shots to inoculate $72000000.00 citizens that assurance that the medics can administer the entire contents of each vial that requires so-called dead space syringes without those the countries only able to vaccinate 60000000 people jacqueline bouvier spoke with jiang who's a professor of molecular wrong color he thinks the syringe problem should have been anticipated. in a way this isn't a surprise but it's
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a terrible thing if it's going to end up in wasting doses of that precious vaccine those calls some problem here in japan and it's also causing problems in europe we know there are going to be shoes about the supply of syringes and did. other aspects of the scenes that we're going to need to to roll out the vaccine across the world as you're pointing out earlier the same problem is being reported in many countries not just ended in japan do you think the manufacturer should have anticipated this problem or is this something that just came about i think we should have it out has made it in a way it's not unlike the problem we all had at the beginning of the pandemic we need people with personal protective equipment there were not enough face masks gloves suitable suitable plastics for cover for covering covering yourself and i think this isn't an issue that came up because we just weren't expecting that pandemic and p.p. now in terms of manufacturer in the world has increased enormously in an enormously
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i guess we should have predicted. canadian psychology go jordan peterson has cancelled a string of media appearances after accusing a british newspaper of distorting his words in an interview in a blog post the bestselling author said the sunday times and show cruelty and spite and it right up on that now from pony boy go. put yourself in jordan peterson's shoes you're offered an interview in none other then the times and you've got a book coming out soon so your publishers suggest that you do it your commissioning editors celebrating you as an article that celebrates your life and even office to clear up any factual inaccuracy that may have been doing the rounds while you struggle through a harrowing near death health crisis wait i can even read you a bit of the letter from that. offering pietersen the interview i like to think we
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tell difficult stories with generous space time and objectivity we run long form features telling the whole story rather than short flashy headlines so poor out your heart and soul to a nice lady on the result you get a hit piece that talked with a new flashy headline does lifted with factual inaccuracy this story was written by this woman. the head she's the chief interview at the sunday times and judging by this article she's not a final of jordan peterson or his daughter. the peterson's have been so good by the article that they've hosted the audio of the entire interview online as well as a transcript of the interview with katie at peterson's done a reaction video to the article as well that all certainly differences between the
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recording and the resulting article take for example the sensationalist claim in the paragraph where. it is daughter is what it is like a horror movie a movie in which her father gets hooked on benzodiazepines becomes suicidal is hospitalized for his own safety and then diagnosed with schizophrenia dad does not just to be clear and has never had schizophrenia he had confusing which is a very deadly and severe side effect of some psych medications and originally started with benzodiazepines used to treat insomnia and depression associated with an autoimmune disorder here's the preinterview telling a can head about the the zia. was suffering from it's a crawling sensation that makes you not want to stop moving and so it's commonly misdiagnoses schizophrenia because they don't know what it is. and in order to
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treat schizophrenia you get put on psych meds and that causes worsening arca future and by the way the interview makes absolutely no attempt to expand on this topic of . which jordan and mckayla pietists and all clearly trying to raise awareness about so he was misdiagnosed multiple times mis diagnosed when we finally found a competent doctor he was diagnosed with that which is what i tried to make clear in the interview because lots of people with our confusion are misdiagnosed and it kills them there are some videos of what could these it looks like online and i have to warn you you may find what you're about to see distressing. the woman in this video committed suicide from the relentlessness of the symptoms
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but here's the thing about inaccuracy in reporting when 8 compared to peterson's misdiagnosis of schizophrenia as a bonafide diagnosis in the times article it doesn't just cement that error in one newspaper article because of the way we journalists try out stories that one launched a slew of all the news stories after the daily mail published jordan peterson claims he was suicidal and hooked on drugs or. after that. new york post publishes jordan peterson says he was suicidal addicted to bed zones and has schizophrenia. join peaks and displayed some real vulnerability and that candid interview the recording feels. as if you haven't. yes definitely it's not only that you feel like
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you're being. used to situation or that's certainly how it appears grotesque for sure. and you feel incredibly self-conscious about it. after a while i just like being self-conscious it was so awful that being so the problem of being self-conscious still way down the. if you're in enough pain you no longer self-conscious and yet the overall tone of the all that's a code was generous to say the least there's an obsession with likening the peterson family to the trumps and similar tamia sleek how about this comment about mchale as a pair and. i've been recognisable from the ordinary looking brunette from photos just a few years ago today is a glossy pouting blonde and talks with a zealous spiky conviction of a president press spokeswoman his response to that by the way i can't believe
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pouting barbie blah and. there are lip injections one then you can get them to. the offical continues to trump the trophy with another analogy then she compares him to donald trump because why not parallels with donald trump come to mind another unhappy man closed off from his emotions projecting strongman mythology while hunkered down in a bunker with his family against the world jordan peterson closed off from his emotions a man loves nothing better and a good cry harry is crying in a previous interview it is only the individual after all who suffers so overwhelming. there's be no. depression or. question that comes close to the bone you know they don't give encouragement and people need so little in kersti. i mean here he is crying during the
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times interview just 10 minutes into it in fact. we've even had him crying on our t. well if you heard 2 or 3 would. bring you to tears the sad truth is that the times that a cynical and biased article will have no effect whatsoever on what is probably one of the world's biggest newspapers it can go on printing lies with absolutely no consequences and it all still get to interview the biggest stars because that's just how the universe works but the triple pronged clamp back from the peterson's the order of the into the left is to and from the times and mchale is reaction video to the article i scored an equaliser for the canadians moreover with this
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the reason triggering this study and the reason it's. most controversial and still important is that it demonstrates the power of social situations and playing roles that can lead to see good ordinary people to do really bad takes. imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century what are the chapters called gun violence school shootings. first it was my job it was my field bill it was my savings i have nothing i have nothing it is not like i don't trust aloof or resources i look for jobs i look for everything i can to make this house.
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in oil and i'm doing this. the road to the american dream paved with good refugees and this very idealized image of. americans look pasta the deaths that happen every single day this is a modern history of the usa america on our t.v. . shows seem wrong why don't we all just all. i mean you won't get to shape out these days because attitude and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when we choose to look for common ground .
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a new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich here is a good. day. children are torn between gold and education from me was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. no insulin would see that and neither could the blog but i'll blog. i knew about it in a can matter a canard wa. s. and about national climate that cannot deny.
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us book deals on miles on the lawn them on the highs or malaysia. and initiation on the numbers much. less national how to set the korea russia but out of it all small a lot of the so it is. another of those in the south of the nose you know. a good. shot anyway if they want to earn money. in my name a few other. animals we did you beat you might have hit you and really good on you thats the way
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i miss how did he get it out as i made up a video like it but the stuff that i did was set up. for. life out of habit because health artist nazia titled the sculpture after the explosion she worked extensively in beirut streets helping victims with their damaged homes she built her woman out of rubble and day breathe she collected babies they are cheap though they stayed and phenomenon to. the. that kind of looks wouldn't that have the temperament to live that fast that the it was so but. this was the moment that froze many clocks in beirut. this is the exact time of the blast on august the 4th 2020 a warehouse containing nearly 3000 tons of ammonium nitrate blew up the material
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had been confiscated 6 years earlier and kept at the poll to have a sense of the customs service gave several warnings about the potential danger but nothing was done almost $200.00 people died in the massive explosion and another $6000.00 were injured. enough said i'm proud of that. to be and yet there's so much the culture of some of that i'll back up the militia that led. up to the. mob that. if i. can leave what's going to have any. minister made the location for defection i don't know but it would be the man. you . once stood in beirut told but recent events forced the artist to find a new hiding place for it that's unlikely. but the da
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da da da da. da da da. da da but that may be a nod and say you he said. this was melvin before the poll to explosion she hosted a lebanese t.v. show young and vicious she had gray. plans for a future. break up is that it is for us. to step up. and walk upright and norm grounded and the hopelessness in it. as well with this team in standing on the submarine twenty's and. she said and there are specific. want to track down the crow and i got a question about the last say you watch south park has that part. if i haven't said
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