tv News RT February 12, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EST
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friday morning's headlines from r.t. tensions rise between britain and china after beijing's banned b.b.c. world news no alleging false reporting on the week of muslim population comes just a week of u.k. regulators by the way revoke the license of a chinese international t.v. network. i see no reason for the chinese side to hide anything. member the world health organization expert meantime telling us about the u.s. claims that beijing hid the facts for investigators about the origin of the virus. french media are outraged at the paris opera vowed to diversify performances after
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complaints from black fueling heated debate on the claimed dangers of importing at american values. i think there's a kind of laziness of the intellectual process where they say well we're going to copy and paste and they come and they tell us how wrong we all. know one of the morning here good morning from russia kevin and here with the headlines for you this friday from international moscow 1st the we start with a developing story we're talking about the last couple of hours. ago security guards being rescued from the rubble despite the mass after a massive explosions told through a supermarket in southern russia no these are new pictures in the course of this blast is yet to be established i think it might be gas no this is the 1st time we've seen these obviously just after this explosion. in lots of pictures with the
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emergency services going through the rubble there with the place is absolutely flattened local authorities say some people may still be stuck under the debris emergency services are at the scene we reported before that i was some was injured yeah ok that there the more lots of pictures now you're seeing that we showed you last interesting you see those 1st one so the scale of that explosion there this morning there's literally leveled a shop in cars which is around about 1800 kilometers south of moscow to get your handle on it still within the russian federation but that's what's left of a shop this morning that went up they think in a gas explosion will keep you posted fingers crossed nobody killed there. elsewhere version of the headlines tensions growing then today between the u.k. and china after beijing banned b.b.c. world news accusing the t.v. channel of false reporting about we get muslims britain's foreign minister criticize china's move branding it and then acceptable curtailing of media freedom
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. joiners decision to ban b.b.c. world news in mainland china is an unacceptable curtailing of media freedom china has some of the most severe restrictions on media and internet freedoms across the globe and this latest that will only damage china's reputation in the eyes of the world the dispute heaps further pressure on the relationship already deeply damaged by the situation in the former u.k. colony of hong kong following the riots that escalated there last year 2 weeks ago beijing stopped recognizing british national overseas passport holders in the title tree isa rally wraps all up this morning's troubled times. such practices seriously violate professional journalistic ethics are totally inconsistent with the facts and deviate from an objective balanced and impartial reporting position is full exposes the b.b.c.'s malicious intent to confuse the public and smear their
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week or region through rumors that announcement by chinese all thorough it sees that b.b.c. wallet need not be allowed to continue their service within chinese territory coming in the wake of our reporting on how china has held the corona virus pandemic in the country saying that they dispute how the b.b.c. of cover the issues and that they simply do not tolerate fake news and it follows in the wake of the u.k.'s forecasting regulator taking away the license for c.t.s. and the chinese broadcaster and saying that they've taken up my sins away because the channel when the editorial line dictated by the chinese government we are unable to approve the application to transfer the license to the china global television network corporation because it's ultimately controlled by the chinese communist party which is not permitted under u.k. broadcasting law we provide a c.d.n.
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with numerous opportunities to come into compliance but he says. not done so we now consider it appropriate to withdraw the license for c g t n to broadcast in the u.k. now the chinese decision to ban b.b.c. well may not have many message consequences that is the channel that isn't great to be watched around china over in chinese hosts it's the channel that's mainly broadcast or watched by visitors in the hotels but it just goes to show that even in the wake of donald trump leaving the white house in the hopes that many have the west in general and china may begin to rebuild their relationship with this type of tit for tat action when it comes to the opposing sides media outlets certainly doesn't build confidence for the future. and we discuss the situation with our guest political analyst chris bambery and the u.k. based politics lecturer dr parkman wong. sure i'm sure the c.t.a. has got weeks to change its government but the b.b.c.
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foreign service is run funded by the foreign office that's well known british secret a very aggressive policy over how and why various other things in one of the united states the traditional british rule in that situation we're talking about soft power so powers that use the media you know these to influence events in other countries to change. yes it was serious of course this is an escalation but once the british got actually in c.t.f. this response was sure sure to follow its neighbors to fold we'll talk about more of the popular c.e.o. when we see about government control of the media control of the media is rife not just in china you know taking i think from the kind of more strategic point of who are engaging in the hope it will information war on the on the british side are trying to pick on the chinese side on the and on the chinese side. of things that affect me was annoyed but also pick on hong kong and other can read the british
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representation of china in general after china signed these europe china investment deal last year the relationship between china and google has significance and importance but because the president. of the europe and the u.k. has to find a way to work with to buy than a miscreation and it's all china would naturally you see in the you will be u.s. side of the u.s. from i know on. the right track in this next morning the world health organization expert team probing the origins of covert a question everyone's answers to is continuing its dispute with the us which is accused china of hiding facts were investigated is. science needs to lead us out of this pandemic and in preventing the next one geo political battling has already made that path harder is to learn to trust in the global systems we set up after
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world war 2 and give them a chance china gave them very controlled and limited access and got a report that was inconclusive and supports narrative. just returned from the city where that virus was 1st detected back in december 29th its initial findings debug claims that the disease originated in that research lab there that was so often speculated about we spoke to a w.h.o. team member about what they found. spiritual how successful was our mission i believe that we have fulfilled our program this was only the 1st part of our investigation and we didn't expect to determine the origin of the pandemic already w.h.o. team and chinese specialists work together as scientists it was something like a huge conference where we shared opinions and information analyzed scientific literature that already exists discussed hypotheses and assessed possibilities i
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see no reason for the chinese side to hide anything they probably didn't do that because in the scientific world it is very difficult to conceal something information could be hidden from the public but it is more difficult if it's people who really understand the issue. yes. there are 2 hypotheses about how the virus appeared the 1st is that the virus may have been induced the suspicions have already been refuted says we're not even considering this the 2nd is that a natural virus came from the lab we were at the institute of uralla ji observing the work with viruses and concluded that everything meets safety standards and leakage could not have occurred this lab is far enough from the market if there was a leak and we'd see signs of it there for such a leak is practically impossible we looked at hypotheses in the probability
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category it is likely that the virus came from space so it's impossible. we know from past epidemics for example sars covert and mare's cove that bats are the source of the epidemic moreover they contain genetic cells close to the ones that cause the pandemic but we also know that the transmission of the virus did not occur directly from the bat the previous time sars was transferred from a civet cat mers from a camel so there must be some other intermediate animal it is the most likely have potus s. based on our knowledge. jerusalem's threat to buy and unvaccinated muslim residents from attending mosques the call comes amid growing concerns over low vaccination rates in some parts of the city hall asli is more. it's an unusual
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3 it's the 1st of its kind the jerusalem a has this kind of warning for unvaccinated muslims whoever does not get vaccinated won't be able to return to a normal routine if arab presidents don't want to be vaccinated they won't be vaccinated but they won't be allowed to enter hotels they want to turn to remarks they won't be allowed to enter schools officials fear a spike in infections during next month's ramadan commemoration when muslims gather in large numbers but are such measures illegal well that remains a question local arabs are against it. a mosque is not the only place to pray i can pray at home i do not want to take the vaccine i am not afraid of corona i am afraid of the vaccine no one can stop me from praying at home she's in the kitchen there are people who are afraid of the vaccine i don't want to take this vaccine and well i don't know what if someone wants to go abroad they have to
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take a vaccine but to pray why does the mayor here and i have not heard that anyone went to prayer and got karuna. i cannot work without a vaccination they should close all the places half of the people are out they will get paid they should pay us the man doesn't care about people. here in east jerusalem the code that vaccination rates are the lowest in the country only 13 percent of people have reportedly received the 1st inoculation out of the required 2 and that's despite the fact that israel has the fastest vaccine of all out in the world but things are starting to slow down and now only harf of the estimated $200000.00 vaccinations that are planned each day are being administered this is prompted some politicians to voice some pretty radical ideas of making vaccinations mandatory i learned we are in the if the government says i must get vaccinated then i will because i have no choice. if someone who hasn't been vaccinated is not
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allowed to go to the old city to pray or to the market or to do certain other things i think that's ok. i mean i know you don't care but you're there today i received the vaccine certificate i cannot go abroad or to the mosque without this certificate this is what the government is doing for our people in our places people pay for it and we get it for free that's the difference it's another issue that troubles the country is ultra-orthodox communities and their opposition to covert $19.00 of restriction is just over this week we saw pictures like these.
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i was told the docs communities have been among the hardest hit by co on a virus in israel that their opposition to lockdown measures has only increased with intensity and looking at the reaction of arab communities to possible restrictions there are growing fears of possible tape elance as the country continues its rollout program i think all cook relations have to be. the books to me it's very important in order to prevent the use of the media and because it's. it's going to be are so. very very so unknown and ali they i think it is not an easy. question to answer because again i don't want human beings to be discriminated against there and but i would say that it's very important and i know that if they don't want of these acts in i think some people who are not that say that because of consequences. and the authorities.
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people in. france is stepping up its attack on what it calls american values with growing numbers of lawmakers and intellectuals claiming u.s. imposed ideas about race gender and post-colonialism now pose a threat to this is citee friendship and is told us what she thinks is at the heart of the issue i think there's a kind of laziness of the intellectual process where they say well we're going to copy and paste and and and they cam and they tell us how wrong we are or some french think is blame the us them for mass protests across france against police brutality of late similar to the black lives matter movement in america there's america's me to campaign on says awareness about sexual abuse there's also gain traction with french feminists a new york times story warns how more and more french people are rising up against what they condemn than as wolk leftism even president m l m
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a crohn's expressed concern 'd over the import of social science theories from across the atlantic charlotte to penske picks up the story. french intellectuals and politicians are said to be up in arms over the cancelled culture ideology seeping over from the united states and spoiling well the french way of life even the french education minister weighed in the reason battle to each against an intellectual matrix from american universities black lives marked me to our examples of movements that flew over the atlantic and spread their wings here now that's led to debates over race gender france's crackdown on islam is still going on is asians and demands for the country to fess up to its colonial past they come and they tell us that we all racist. phobic about our universal values on nothing. and quite frankly i mean there's
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a combination of incredulity and annoying noise i wouldn't say anger because we don't think it's run of that europe has existed for a long time. i think we can live without american crystal theory for a few few years and it seems the french should really had enough of council culture so when the director of the paris opera issues it diktats saying that he wanted to diversify staff and black face the editor in chief of one of france's biggest daily papers and took issue making works of art disappear echoes the cancel culture which has been a national sport for america and aims to wipe off the map culture and creators symbolizing the domination of the white male and the oppression of minorities some say this problem it's much deeper it's a threat to its political identity is
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a threat to the republic and to french democracy and to the functioning of the state it's not a matter of cultural identity i do think that there is. a big threat to civilized life and obviously freedom of speech and so on by these kinds of movements while imposing ideas on race inequality feels for many a little bit rich coming from the u.s. considering the state to race relations in america right now it doesn't look like there are solutions work so well so i'm not sure we need them really but the other thing is that there's this whole speech discussion about how colonialist it is to impose a different culture on the unsuspecting populations on the french are saying well you are imposing something that may or may not work for your country but it's not working for france i mean after all isn't the whole point of freedom of speech also having some respect for the point of view of others what is actionable in
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this room is the idea that instead of having a discussion or a debate or even an argument about it that there should be should somehow be counselled and so we are dealing sorry to say this it sounds rather rude but we are dealing with the difference between intelligence and stupidity it's just stupid to talk like that of course we can all disagree about napoleon or any other historical figure but that's what makes us a civilization that is what civilization is there's a claim that this fight back comes from a small frightened republic that's in decline but isn't it just possible that perhaps france a country with a long proud tradition of intellectual debate the country where the enlightenment movement was birthed is perhaps still ahead of the curve well at least compared to america and for now it appears that the left culture just isn't cutting the must it
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in france so let's even ski r.t. paris. the paris opera diversity scandal we heard about it when black performers complained about almost exclusively white tusks the use of black face in performances the organizations artistic director agrees to is a problem. we're not here promoting a climate of censorship or dictatorial actions from the leadership the whole point of this initiative is we want to put on opera and ballet by 21st century artists for 21st century audiences pledged to hire more people of color as part of a 66 page report by the theater and alexander naif you just heard from there was also quoted by le monde newspaper warning that some performances would disappear in his view from the repertoire if deemed insensitive but the plans aspired condemnation from traditional commentators in french media and from nationalist politician marine le pen you accuse the opera of anti racism gone mad she said we
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put it up for debate. this year is really political correctness gone mad because they actually do have 5 bloc ballet dancers in there so i really don't know what the people who are calling for change here are worried about we have some talented people here who are forced to leave france to express that the one where this is a huge problem and what alex underneath is saying now is he's take the he's taking the problem to the roof that's mean that in the recruitment he's changing the way of for a christmas cripple and it's a very new thing in france because we know that this is a very elitist well what you should do in every case is pick the best person for the job the most talented the most skilled person for the roles the parasol they have their ballet school and they've changed their admissions procedure to let people in from ethnic minorities and black people to come in and as they come in through the system they're actually going up into the opera so this is already
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happening and hopefully the people that come through will be selected because they are talented and skilled we need of course the best then said to be in but before that we need to open the door the thing is to did the door close for the and the minority this is the right reality is to have the most the wanted people in this new joint so for example what he's doing he's a low black man so for example to have the dress who much with the corner that sit lotsa because a lot of young dancer west pushed away just because they didn't fit to do to do white tour we can say we need to adapt the density of the people who own and was wondering about that the whole debate here is that they're actually talking about reducing the repertoire and changing the kind of performances they put on because some people have chosen to be offended about things that have been there's been no problem with for decades or centuries the region of the classic is the right this is origin but we have to say that france and england and u.k.
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and germany and do you. today in 2021 it's not the same friends. or friends of the u.k. and the population in europe is different to i wouldn't agree at all i don't think that we need to change performances in the way that they've been written this is this is a conservative opera house conservative company it is there to put on classical performances they shouldn't be changed just because a few people this year decide they should be changed in a certain way what will happen in 20 years time 50 years time someone else might come along and say oh well we need to change them again and again and again look they should stick to the classical way it should have been done the way that they've always been done that's what audiences want and that's what they should be sticking to. disney stars falling victim to so-called camisole culture after being sag for social media post and failed to toe pro-democrat anti trump line. taylor
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reports next to those who demanded firing were caught sending identically provocative messages to disney's finally realizing that life is no fairy tale it can stick to douse a lot of nights and cause all that pumpkins now know it hat take out political and its fans are switching off i'm canceling my disney plus subscription right now they want to cancel us i will cancel them i don't normally post but if you find there's khurrana for have freedom of speech i promise i will cancel my disney plus subscriptions cancel culture is going to far. cancels disney plus if you were ever tricked into giving the money in the 1st place why instantly now facing backlash not a bunch of happy smiling kids saying i'm going to let it go well a film company it owns of crumbled under the pressure of woke laureus up fired you
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to corrado out to the star of the disney plus so the mountain noria. notices her child apparently because of her apart and unacceptable social media posts which include being skeptical of mustering thinking that trumps impeachment is well out a bit of a hoax refusing to put her pronouns in her twitter handle the most recently comparing the prosecution of republicans in today's america with out over food jews in nazi germany which was one of the doctors to pages and human history obviously while it was not a hit because i mean you want to go around calling people fascists and nazis but if you voted for trump you voted for the person who the klan the supported you voted
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for the person who nazis supported by the jews. and we are raised to say nothing. is happening here as the republican party has a personalized power like we haven't seen it's a cut deal it's a series or it's a fear her and it's also entirely inappropriate to combat genocides to current political tensions right on the same we've seen it in bosnia we've seen it in rwanda where radio was telling people do you know who jews are telling the radio listeners that you are cockroaches and you see them in these videos also did you know miss this memo about bots healing and unity and something. supported camps i don't think we go to a tree here is a terrorist the way we do actual terrorists i think we need to consider all all all i possibilities i'm not against sending these people to get mouth. democratically elected fool or presidents from speaking out the impeachment trial hearings of our
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free speech. now for those job to see approves of the constitution so processing anyways so young disney on the rocks the people who are up against council culture want to cancel disney for daring to cancel jena who believes that she of the michael peeps are being counseled by society it's all very. metta of the probably should have stuck to fairytales. right cover story for go 1st off more of this morning's massive explosion at all through that supermarket in southern russia we started off with it dramatic pictures blast took place is just obviously as after it happened you see the scale of it invited katz that's the capital of republican the caucuses which is south of moscow about 2000 kilometers to give you have the word is these the images of the plumes of billowing smoke just stuff the explosion there underneath all that was
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a supermarket i say was because those who have pictures of what's left a preliminary probe is blaming it on a gas leak well ok those pictures are coming up now of what we really saw after it this is a couple of hours ago it leveled the building fortunately there are no casualties unbelievably the store was closed at the time let's hope it does stay that way as well emergency services are at the scene and there's another big bit of breaking news coming on the. wrong course this week about the ramifications of the foreign policy chief joseph borel's trip here to russia or what he said about the future relations maybe is in his view we're now hearing from the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov lavrov saying that moscow is ready to sever ties with the e.u. if it imposes sanctions that harm key sectors of the country's economies that's very strong talk there the top diplomats words coming after e.u. lawmakers defended a clamp down of the kremlin following the e.u. foreign policies chief's trip to moscow which didn't go down too well as you can
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seize those big news of tyrian of relations let's see where that goes will be across it for the rest of the day this is our. take folks next up this will be i love this guy david character you know from the ron burgundy movies i think he's around the goldbergs now jeff garland show over there. he's got a new rom com coming out with another young comedian mr spooner and hill explained his part i think he plays the big boss who comes down from corporate to tighten up the margins but we'll talk to him but his new rom com the right one david right after this dennis miller plus what.
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hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one assembly funny this cat makes me laugh a lot david character best known for his roles as taut packer i think they kind of let him keep the name for god. go in your last name is correct there and they want to change the packer i guess. champ kind from the legend of burgundy which so it can't is it's become the unlikely godfather of shawshank where if i'm flipping through and it's a can't. it is currently plays the louis an a b c's the goldbergs and folks if you've ever seen anybody happier to get the $75.00 episodes and resa gelatinous jeff garlin he must. like us share a while for a guy and there are $173.00 now it's print money over there isn't a neuron common it i just watched the trailer it is a comedy it's the right $1.00 and it's.
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