tv Watching the Hawks RT February 12, 2021 8:30am-9:01am EST
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and there was one of those in the south of you in the north you know me going to. the toilet and you know it and when i'm. in my memory you had that. imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century what are the chapters called gun violence school shootings. first it was my job it was my bill it was my savings i have nothing i have nothing it is not like i don't try i look for resources i look for jobs i look for everything i can to make this house. in the doing is. the road to the american dream paved with dead refugees it's this very idealized image i want makes americans look pasta the deaths that happen every single day this is
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a history of the usa by america. greetings and sal you take. hot hot hot on the heels of amazon founder jeff dr evil bay's all stepping down from his position as c.e.o. in a soon to be much less glamorous position of executive chair which you know you got to love the random important sounding titles which people get themselves executive chair all right while the $1000000000.00 company is now my friends they are now taking resumes no no no not for the recently vacated c.e.o. slot that position is now filled by andy jazzy shout from the prize brands now i am as. has been in
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a hiring frenzy bird's rapidly expanding global security center based out in arizona and just what type of person is this tech industry titan collecting linked in resumes from will it appears former u.s. government agents f.b.i. agents in fact leaf bag and ada chavez report for the intercept that quote the company is staffing up with former f.b.i. agents with a focus on security and intelligence gathering ability. to go on to write that from 2017 to 2020 of the $1.00 trillion dollar technology but he moved hired 20 former f.b.i. agents at least 2 of whom appear to be responsible for monitoring the labor organizing activity of its workers to keep unions out. yet keeping unions out and surveillance up appears to be one of the many reasons that led to nearly $6000.00 ballots going out this week to union eligible amazon for film and summer workers in bessemer alabama in what has become the largest u.s.
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union election in amazon's 26 year history as wired magazine reports if the labor organizers win the best summer warehouse not yet a year old will become the country's 1st unionized facility and potentially a bellwether for the industry nationwide. you know we most certainly can have worker drones in the united states 2nd largest employer realize that they have rights on the job i mean what could happen that that could then catch on to other workers in other industry tech giants like facebook or google or worse workers across the nation from mcdonald's to television newsrooms could begin to unionize over low wages and dangerous working conditions that would be chaos for the gilded class of this country so with amazon now reaching into the murky pool of former
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u.s. government g. men security state operatives and intelligence agents i think it's time we start watching the hawks. if you will let's go on a city street. there so let's see the prices you always stay. great to see this least systemic deception as the late show. with some things as. well to move on to watching the hawks i am tyrrell's and. so the usual look at this the amazon is reaching out hiring up some x. f.b.i. agents all because they're that of rate of worker unions and this it's. trading think that obviously we know now amazon c.e.o. just step down somebody else is there now but the pressuring part here is that we're coming off of a year in the past 2 years and they consider the year that unions what we saw was so much union progress but we also saw many organizations as well as
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a lot of good economy workers like you know your drivers and such who are also you know trying to build toward unionizing i think that for amazon to take this track at this point in the nation's history where we're fighting a war you know fighting for a fair wage buying for benefits and things like that with the backdrop of a pandemic and amazon making so much money over the course of the past year it's just a really sad thing to see it is i mean look it's it's interesting because look they've they've hired at least 26 f.b.i. agents and employees currently work at amazon they hold positions in everything from security to software development human resources they get their on the board of advisors and that's all according to reviews you know journalist reviews of linked him. what blows my mind is how much we like unions have done a lot over the years to make themselves look bad you know we can't ignore that there's a lot of been a lot of corruption things like that but this country and the workforce is in this
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country were built on the backs of unions in those unions you know fighting to get workers' rights of thing you know from the robber barrons back in the early one $900.00 and now it seems like we've we've done everything we can to to attack unions and say oh it's horrible i mean amazon put out a thing was like you know don't pay your dues or don't be a doer but still. do you eat i mean it's just absolutely nuts to see this happening when unions have meant so much to this country but absolutely i think we've come so far out of that historical context of the importance of unions that you know fought for fair wages that fought for better working conditions that fought for the 5 day work week i also feel like at the end of the day we also have moved away from their purpose to a certain extent. and i say that just because across the south mean many states we have seen the right to work states that get a lot of credit because they provide jobs for in some instances people who don't have college degrees and such but those people are literally working in some of the
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worst conditions that sometimes conditions that look like there will countries right here in the united states because they don't have any union to go to i think that we have to do a better job of elevating why it's important to add unions but unions also have to do a better job of explaining their story themselves oh i couldn't agree more and centrist thing too because these big conglomerates now are like going right to the f.b.i. because in 2012 it was reported the wal-mart developed the central i's surveillance system headed by a former f.b.i. officer and this system was used to track employees activities sentiment and political sympathies because they realized if you want surveillance of employees go to the u.s. government but this isn't the the f.b.i. going back to the 1919 the agency established its general intelligent division and used the red squads to disrupt labor organizing a once again unless the rubber is going into that era that resulted in what was called the palmer raids a little known piece of u.s. history of 199020 that so roughly 10000 people arrested by the f.b.i.
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over suspected ties to communists and labor radical groups like we just cannot stand organized labor in this country we've been doing it for a long time what we can't stand is people actually having their voices heard and demanding change what we want to do is essentially a lot of our private industry has always wanted to treat their workers like slaves no places your coggan the will you do it we tell you go home and be quiet and i think that as people solve that they have power and there was power in number and that these unions had strong representation more and more folks wanted to have one the issue we have today is that we have a larger consultant class of people who don't necessarily qualify under what has normally been deemed as appropriate for unions but also we have a large amount of gig economy workers and i think that for most of the amazon employees what people don't work nies is that these are not full time workers many of the. folks are working this is their part time gig and they are you know they're not being they're being subject to very illegal practices not only because of lack of p.p. in many cases but also because of the hours that they're being forced to work in the conditions they're being forced to work under. your exactly right exactly.
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president trump pardon his friends and cronies before leaving office though granting clemency cases are typical on the president's way out trump passed along the largest backlog of unresolved cases in united states history there are 14000 people in limbo counting down the days hours and minutes to find out if their convictions will be erased or reduced the biden white house counsel's office is already reaching out to legal experts and advocates on policy reforms but advocates worry that biden's team lacks a comprehensive plan for whittling down the backlog over $100.00 groups are asking to do more they want clemency fast tracked and the abundance of cases to be resolved the a.c.l.u. launched an ad campaign to push the by the administration to grant clemency 225000 people making his pledge to tackle criminal justice issues a reality where trump granted 237 pardon commutations he denied 180
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cases the current backlog though it isn't trump's cross to bear alone for president obama waited till the 2nd half of his final term to move his own clemency initiatives forward he had over 36000 requests and acted 122000 of them though that work is impressive obama still left behind 13000 cases before he left office. and on a promising front senators dick durbin of illinois and chuck grassley of iowa have introduced bipartisan legislation to reform elderly detention and compassionate release. sooner durbin said quote my legislation with senator grassley would help ensure that the most vulnerable prisoners are quickly released or transferred to home confinement for the remainder of their sentence just as the 1st step act intended this is especially critical during the cold 19 pandemic to protect against the spread of this deadly virus which we know thrives in places like prisons. and this matters because from 1909 to 2016 the number of people 55 or older in state
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and federal prisons increased 280 percent older inmates are more prone to illness and have a higher likelihood of preexisting conditions covert 19 could turn their prison sentences into death sentences. you know we've talked about the effect that covert . prisons on the show for a very long time of the detrimental how sport they are of society and when you have you know covert team in the mix and it becomes truly a torture chamber for a lot of these people especially the older no it definitely has and just to go back a bit we consider for criminal justice purposes elderly at an earlier age than the general population so for criminal justice in the system they consider 55 the start of your senior years particularly because being incarcerated is your age in many cases and your health just because you don't have access to certain things or mental health begins to decline there are a lot of other things that go on their way i don't think most people realize is
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that the majority of our prison system are people who are elderly and in many cases that is because these are individuals who got convicted to you know 2030 plus year sentences back when the war on drugs was just kind of getting revved up in the eighty's and ninety's and now they're elderly they don't pose any type of risk to anyone these are individuals who by and large weren't even arrested or incarcerated based on violent crimes and it only makes sense that not only with over 1000 but also simply because they do not pose any risks that they should be released and it's really they should be really but it's also the cost that they're putting on the system to absolutely so $1.00 of the things that we also want to point out is that elderly persons in the prison system cost per person between $6070000.00 per year so a 97 percent increase in medicare funds and medicaid funds have gone towards taking care of the elderly people who happen to be in prisons because it is extremely costly as as we know just same as on the outside and elderly people cost more to
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take care of the non elderly individuals that's incredible and so the number 607-0000 people are lucky to get paid 60 or 70000 a year but we're you know we're heading up the bill to this to like yourself a lot of people that don't even want to suppress 5560 years old what threat they pop. to society at that point is pretty incredible i want to ask about the clemency thing because what is it like just so people understand at home clemency is essential when someone writes to the president or writes to the authorities saying look i want my sentence commuted right correct so it's either a commutation or it is a so it's a reduction in sentencing or you automatically get released so there are 2 options that end up happening there in presidents typically and this isn't just a trump issue obama issue as well they typically wait until the end of their term to do this there is nothing in our constitution or in our laws that says that you can't you can't grant clemency at any point during your administration we just historically have always waited to the bare in before we actually see it happening
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i think that there is a there is an extreme backlog one because of what we saw happen from the obama administration honestly at no fault of his own because he had 8 in it that was very difficult to whittle through and consistently was against criminal justice reform a lot has changed in the past 4 years we've seen the 1st act passed this is the 1st major piece of legislation that republicans have been pro on when it comes to criminal justice reform and ideas that may be because they are a little bit more you know in the grain on criminal justice reform today that will see some things before we know what i think of the clemency board either going a lot of people think of clemency in regards to the president the 1st thing comes to mind is them helping out their buddies you know it's always that's a 1st thing that pops to mind but that's not the case a lot of times it is truly helping people who were wrongfully imprisoned or who have you know over served their time you know really have been in there too long and have already served or are being punished who are actually you know you're absolutely correct so typically speaking most presidents have about 57 bodies that they help working orders of friends of campaign donors or you know bob father in
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law a brother whatever those people at all or some of those people who are the most part that's only a handful of people the majority the hundreds that they grant clemency for the thousands in some cases or every day individuals that difference with truck was that everybody who he granted clemency to was the most part they were either people who. who paid heavily to get their clemency granted or they were people who were on his campaign or you know people who helped him in some of his shady business dealings well all right bob is going to work that out for $14000.00 us a lot that's a lot of catching up to do art everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on the man through the brand new portable t.v. app which is available now on all platforms coming up we delve into the mysterious case of and recreate barrios the leader of the so called the proud boys who was recently outed as an f.b.i. informant don't want to miss this story stay tuned to watch the whole.
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was my building was my savings i have nothing i have nothing it is not like i don't try i look for resources i look for jobs i look for everything i can to make this house. and i end up doing is. the road to the american dream paved with dead refugees and this very idealized image i want. americans to look pasta the deaths that happen every single day this is a history of the usa by america.
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stand back and stand by former president trucks message to the white supremacist group the proud boys the extremist group known for its dangerous and hateful rhetoric on social media its rallies that feature confederate flags men with guns and signs the promote racism and anti-semitism was never really rebuked by truck in fact he seemed to enjoy a lot of what the prob ways came to represent. after members of the extremist group helped organize and participated in the fatal attacks on the u.s. capitol january 6th the danger many advocates fear the proud ways prison it became a reality. just a couple short weeks later we learned something else about the group their tried and true leader in. a latino leaving an organization that expressed its hate for people of color was an informant for federal and local law enforcement he reportedly worked undercover for investigators after his own arrest and 2012 tauriel helped authorities prosecute more than
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a dozen people in drug gambling and human trafficking cases when question tauriel denied any relationship with law enforcement like any good snitch would do but court transcripts tell a different story after his arrest and 2012 taria received a reduced sentence in a fraud case where he labeled and resold stolen diabetes kits charles lawyer referred to him as a prolific informant terrio was arrested in d.c. 2 days prior to the insurrection charged with possessing 2 high capacity rifle magazines and burning a black lives matter ban or the revelation of past engagement with law enforcement and their reliance on him as an informant begs many questions how did an f.b.i. and local police informant become the head of a hate group does his informant past affect how law enforcement views the problem. with racism and discrimination running rampant in law enforcement itself it shouldn't be too surprising that an informant might like to lead a hate group then again the u.s.
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has a long history of supporting guerillas spies and others who eventually turn on the very ideals they were supposed to be committed to. ok to break it all down for us international law attorney jose petty air welcome say. thank you good to be with you and great to have you tell us criminal background in the threat of hard time led him to ultimately become an informant for law enforcement at multiple levels can you explain how informants are chosen and what the cost benefit is for him for them and law enforcement in general. there are many different ways in which the f.b.i. or the cia can recruit informants one of them is of course if you've been them of arrested for a particular crime prosecutor sometimes make a deal in the deal is you cooperate with us and we'll reduce your sentence or we will drop some of that charges against you other times and this is a particularly good thing truly pam. the f.b.i.
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or the cia recruits exiles in miami or equal who are the children of excitement to perform tasks for the government out of a sense of patriotism or of a sense of getting back at the country for which they came from because of that in the in the number of grievances that they have against it for example in the case of cuban exiles in miami. a lot of folks were recorded with the thought that they would beat up instruments bring out a changing. of cd. and and then to their surprise they end up doing other things for the f.b.i. or the cia the largest cia operation in the united states was called j. unweight and it was done i don't i am in there was principally a number of cuban exiles through that there was also an operation called operation
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on boots in the early 1960 s. and a lot of the folks who'd be that were created by the united states government to ostensibly bring up all the violent overthrow of the cuban government ended up performing acts of terrorism on u.s. soil. and also appear on. the list for example donors the osama bin lot of latin america was. a cia guy who is own lawyer told the federal court everything my plan ever did he did on behalf of the united states government and on behalf of the cia this man was responsible for blowing up on other things a passenger plane 73 people on board killing everybody and or just because the passenger plane was
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a cuban plane that and his passengers were maturity you. know that centers i've heard about the case and i've heard of operation mongoose i'm glad you brought them up it's interesting when you look at this kind of current situation with tardio and you know becoming president of the proud boys back in 2018 you know the group already had a spotlight due to a lot of its brazen acts of street violence and broken terror in a way it paid all mage to anti-semitism and racism my question is not that you could answer but in your opinion why would an f. . our local police informant suddenly decide to lead a group like this and how to pass as an informant dictate how long foresman would respond to his leadership of this group and dealing with this group of they know that he's been informant for them for years. well i don't know what's in this guy's head as to why he he joined or he became an f.b.i. informant or even why he started trouble it's what i can tell you that the kind of
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immigrant or the kind of child of an immigrant in miami is totally different from the kind of an immigrant or child of an immigrant in california no texas i mean these guys in miami 1st of all the immigration there was immigration of people of needs in their countries. they were upper middle class mean the of them and and they came because of the votes that they had with with socialist governments in latin america and they they usually are very right wing and there's an affinity between them and in u.s. authorities be it f.b.i. or cia. many of them are racists. and i know some of mutal who already there are all black or. all of indigenous
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roots and they. say they think they're white or than the no then wonder bread in this spike lee used to call that one a b.s. and look ever saw that movie but it's a famous description i'm going to get since i'm to a t. they want to be american in their definition of a bit of an american there's a white guy in the in the coal mines of pennsylvania and they don't you know they don't understand this is a country of 'd many different hues and it's surrounded by blacks and browns and in asians and all kinds of people. and do you think the spotlight on taria and his role in assisting the f.b.i. will lead to greater scrutiny of potential informants i mean from the history you spoke about earlier we've had a problem with informants for a minute at this point do you think that they will change that be i and other and other law enforcement organizations will change who they actually choose or how they choose their performance. well if they do they're simply to do that because
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these guys are domestic terrorists and what you saw in general since in this country was an attempt for a coup on the capital and the authorities themselves have branded these guys as them that's the paras on the other hand there is a history in this country of having terrorists on their payroll. i mean that a lot of the the. that cuban terrorists who have been american terrorists who have terrorized latin america were on the cia payroll. i don't know if you've heard of operation condor in south america that was led by being a chair and others you were people were disappeared people were tortured so close that the conduct or cubans miami cubans. and you know it's been going on for many many years this time however 'd they did that back to the presidential
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palace and sent. back. it capitol hill it was it it's really incredible and i want to thank you for coming on today and educating our audience on that history and what we're seeing happening to do today thank you so much international law attorney jose perper a pleasure and honor having you on to there sir thank you thank you for the honors mine. already about as our show for you today and remember in this world we are definitely not told we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tyro but for an island nation keep on watching all those talks today and have a great day. how do you define the word reality something like this the state of things as they exist as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them to say the least this is
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a philosophical definition. is there one political reality can and should one be enforced with this in the end east a ministry of truth. the reason to go in this study and the reason it's. those controversial and. important. is that it demonstrates the power of social situations and playing roles that can lead to see good ordinary people to do really bad takes. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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the new gold rush is underway and gonna thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich here is a good day our 1st day oh by those that work children are torn between gold. my family was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. seemed wrong all right all rolled just all. me to call yet to shape out this day because as a kid and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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the headlines this russia's foreign minister borns that moscow is ready to end ties with the european union but i mean if. this new sanctions on key sectors of the country's economy. we don't want to distance ourselves from the international community but when we need to be ready for it because if you want peace prepare to war. also become a member of the world health organization just back from the coronavirus a century in china tells the schumann's probably didn't catch the virus from bats but from other animals instead and outrage from. american values being forced on the country that is the renowned paris to diversify performances after complaints from black dancers point here.
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