tv News RT February 13, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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breaking news on arch international donald trump's 2nd impeachment trial ends with a 2nd acquittal with the u.s. senate voting to clear him of inciting the capitol hill riot. america appeals britain's decision not to extradite julian assange to the united states despite growing calls for president biden to drop the case against the wiki leaks founder. washington has sold more than a 1000000 barrels of oil seized from iranian tankers raising questions about who actually gets the money. and new york's governor comes under increasing pressure over massive under-reporting of care home deaths during the pandemic we speak to the daughter of
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a victim the sad part is that the seniors and everything that the what's going on with that. to their political advantage. are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r t international i'm sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us now we go to our breaking news the only u.s. president ever to be impeached twice has again been acquitted in a senate trial now the vote was 572-4310 short of the 2 thirds needed to convict donald trump of inciting the capitol hill riots last month and was watching it unfold. well it takes 2 thirds of the u.s. senate you can dictate presidents in impeachment proceedings so now that donald trump has been acquitted they failed to get the votes necessary to convict him
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we've actually heard this statement from the former us president about the proceedings here's what he said it is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in america has given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law and defame law enforcement chair mops excuse writers and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance and persecute blacklist cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree is certainly been a colorful few days during the impeachment proceedings a lot of very emotional and heated words were exchanged many looked on it kind of the shocking theatricals that took place from both sides as the debate went on here's some of what we've seen over the past few days during the proceedings on capitol hill this cannot be the future of america as one senator said they could have killed all of us with this trial you will open up new and bigger wounds across the nation he didn't just tell them to fight like hell. he told them how where and
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when the majority in the house of representatives does not want to face donald trump as our political rival in the future donald trump surrendered his role as commander in chief and became the insider in chief now the trial itself cost roughly $2000000.00 however much greater than that is what joe biden is referring to as the political cost $75000000.00 americans voted for donald trump and throughout the proceedings donald trump's attorneys made the point that the results of this trial are ultimately going to be the further division of the country the country is going to be much more polarized with trump supporters feeling that the establishment is out to get them and. not allowing their voice to be heard here is some of the points we heard from trump's attorneys they tell us that we have to have this impeachment trial such as it is to bring about unity but they don't want unity and they know this so-called trial will tear the country in half leaving tens
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of millions of americans feeling left out of the nation's agenda. as dictated by one political party that now holds the power in the white house and in our national legislature this trial will tear this country apart perhaps like we've only seen once before in our history now many republicans are saying that this was essentially a show trial this wasn't so much about actually convicting donald trump actually taking office action against donald trump to prevent him from running for office but more about the democrats trying to run donald trump's name through the mud and trying to put on a show of the fact that they are now in power they do have the majority in the senate and the house and they do control the white house and this was the democrats making clear that they're in charge now and many are looking on at this and saying this is only going to inflame donald trump supporters only going to reinforce the notion that trump was fighting for them against the status quo and so the divisions
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in the united states remain thoroughly intact donald trump is acquitted he will be allowed to run for office once again he is banned from social media that's pretty clear he's not on twitter now the statement he gave did not announce a new presidential run but there was an interesting line towards the end of it about trump having a vision for the future of the united states not exactly clear what that means but it appears that we haven't heard the last from donald trump. for more on this let's cross the live now to jennifer to master who is a legal analyst and international law attorney ok jennifer we're going to break it down right now ultimately. has this really been worth it for the democrats i mean it framing this at the start of biden's term or was it necessary to sort this out and you know for the sake of the country's future. it was it was not necessary no that was one of the main talking points that really this was a giant waste of time and not only as you stated that only did it accept the trauma
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bays but it's their lot of the biden base as well lot of the people that voted for biden that listen to someone who worries about who thought that biden was going to come in and be this uniting flora's he knows how the you know the game is these ladies going to give us you know $2000.00 checks on day one none of that's happened in technicians of jobs in lost cause of insulin is going higher and congress is going all of their time on this and this really it was a show and it was a show it was probably one of the worst shows that you could have ever seen because it didn't look good for anybody involved it didn't look at for the democrats all their case was completely obliterated i mean donald trump's lawyers could have taken 2 days 2 days up to 16 hours to argue their case it took them about 120 minutes and legally their legal standpoint you know you had the supreme court chief justice that wouldn't even preside over it so people saw through it right away very low voter very low viewer turnout and so if it was supposed to be a show for the democrats i don't know what it helps because it just point america
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kind of gets the democrats and the media don't like trump now i'm going to put a pin in that we're going to come back because i you wouldn't appreciate this conversation if i didn't push back on you just a little bit but put him on that. let's go to the witnesses 1st why do you think they decided against calling witnesses at that last moment they have the votes or have we heard the whole story on the timeline of what trump knew and when. and see that's you know i would have actually been interested to hear and it's as i know a lot of people became against lindsey graham but i got i think i don't think trump's side was has caught off guard one of the things that people were kind of question 1st of all and again we're not going to know this we weren't there none of us were present here but people there stated that there was chaos amongst the democrats schumer had no idea they're going to be calling witnesses you have lindsey graham voting with the dems are cracked supposedly for witnesses all the republicans voting against it now of course there hasn't been a time when people don't know what happened with this insurrection i think chimes
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team laid it out pretty good but they really didn't get into the specifics of the timeline and and so what i actually think happened is that what ended up going fire old was after they voted the initial vote for witnesses they have this new mission of the when this is go forward is suddenly one of chums top advisers comes out there with a witness les it's a huge thing this is witness list the number 301 on it for now or something and so and more to come answered suddenly this picture is going viral of this person that already has over 300 names that trump is going to call as witnesses including speaker of the house nancy pelosi a lot of democrats in the house thing that they had said likely some of the incendiary remarks that they've made. and then suddenly after this picture was viral within 30 minutes you know suddenly there's not going to be witnesses called anymore and we're just going to go to acquittal so i think you know if they they weren't sure or they weren't sure how many they were going to have if they didn't
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want to drag this on if that was a trial tactic who knows but but something happened that we really don't know about yet that made them change their minds within a quick 90 minutes all right now jennifer here's the promised pushback all right you trump's political future. he's made a statement saying you this is just beginning the whole magen movement however. you know could he run again for the presidency he's. pretty old number one number 2 in the last few days nikki haley who was touted as a front runner in the future she's come out she's quick trump all together and even mitch mcconnell who said that he would vote to acquit came out immediately afterwards and said yeah he's guilty he did it he did everything that he said. what does that mean for the man himself. i don't know you know i think what we're looking at is a movement starting in the us i think there is a movement that's coming in with the trump base i think it's less of the trump base
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and more of a populist base is the base of people that are tired of the status quo and quite frankly it's gone from being this big g.o.p. support turn out for trump to the populist base that now hates that a lot of a lot of people in the g.o.p. just as much as they hate democrats i mean people have been coming out against nikki haley even before she came out against tom mcconnell they haven't trusted and so you're seeing this lead a very noticeable split and what's what's been you know since the creation of this nation a tea party state but you're seeing a noticeable split and if you're looking at you know say average of $74000000.00 voters if you're looking at even just $70000000.00 of those voters who just might be the lesser of 2 evils that $70000000.00 this maggot's wrong looking at rally members at a turnout even a turnout in videos that some puts out as opposed to the white house videos you know you're looking at a very large populist movement so i think well but this means for the future the republicans mcconnell haley others that have come out strongly against trump because essentially they're coming out against trump's base they're coming out
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against the voters because it wasn't all the people that showed up on january 6th that that you know rioted at the white house many of these people were absolutely peaceful and so when you talk about this over and over and over people are going to start to get angry maybe people that wanted to be there are now feeling personally attacked like i wasn't going to riot so i think you're seeing this populous split off from them and we could see this continue to go continue to take root you don't know what's going to happen with this as far as transplants i don't know i really don't know i know he hasn't you know put it out of the 3rd out of his mind yet if it was my opinion i don't think the man himself is going to go in there and 2024 i think there are some people that are still you know wondering what happened in 2020 but i. i think he's probably going to look more for private endeavors social media platforms and i don't think he's going to stop trying to take on rhinos some of the g.o.p. and democrats because it's seen that even a word from him you know helps those numbers and so it's going to be interesting to see you know trump 1st the g.o.p.
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in general briefly about that split republican leader mitch mcconnell could have changed a lot here with his vote he said early on that he was going to vote not guilty but then again we talked about briefly mention that speech how influential do you think that vote was on his colleagues. yes you know it's tough to say i think if i think there are a couple colleagues there are a couple of people that were that will fall in line with mitch mcconnell they need his support on whatever legislation they're looking at or whatever they're trying to do with the senate is less the senate is less in need some of the majority things because they're not. they're not doing some of the the writing up or some of the more legislative things of the house the senate legislation is sometimes more investigatory in nature and so i don't think they feel they need it as much as they would in the house and in your caucus is need your approval. but there are definitely some people i don't think he would have gotten the numbers they knew from the start because there were already 35 and you know that number to
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drop that there were 45 that said that this is an unconstitutional ph but what's interesting to me is that 2 of the men that said this was an unconstitutional impeachment in general still voted to convict so i don't know what that says about their political careers i think it's actually says less about about what what influence mcconnell might have had and more about what kind of people are we voting into the legislature that don't even understand a lot of or can actually have the gall to say this isn't constitutional. it's we're still going to say these are guilty or mcconnell himself to say not guilty an arcane everything that's not of law but then come out later and basically say his vote was stupid and needy and less because of course trump is yeah i mean these people clearly don't understand what they're talking about any lawyer worth their salt united states that actually went to legitimate law school would clearly see that this made absolutely no sense and these are supposed to be law makers lawmakers representative people and so it's embarrassing on both sides of the aisle and i think some of the attorneys made that there bill it out to both sides
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a valid think we have to go all sides of the aisle now jennifer to master legal analyst and international law attorney in the midwest wisconsin i'll be coming your way soon looking for our next conversation very much looking for thank you shannon . all right now the u.s. has lodged an appeal against a british court decision not to extradite julian assange that is despite a petition sent to the u.s. department of justice demanding that the case be dropped altogether signatories include rights groups like amnesty international and the american civil liberties union the indictment of mr sunshine threatens press freedom because much of the conduct described in the indictment is conduct that gen the single routinely and that they must engage in in order to do the work the public needs them to do in our view such a precedent in this case could effectively criminalize common genetic practices will last month and a ruling that surprised many
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a british judge blocked us on his extradition over concerns for his mental health nevertheless days later he was still denied bail and media freedom groups were also left dismayed as the judge widely supported america's case against the whistleblower now america has indicted him on 17 counts of spying and one of conspiracy to hack a government computer he faces up to 175 years in prison if found guilty as exposed what some have characterized as u.s. war crimes whistleblower and former cia analyst john kiriakou says convicting a songe would pose a threat to journalism. you know this is not unusual actually even in my own case amnesty international and the american civil liberties union asked the obama administration to drop the case on me and they would even discuss it they don't want to look weak and at the same time they really don't have respect for the wishes of these human rights groups and civil liberties groups i agree that the
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justice department does not think this is about press freedom i think it is about press freedom but the justice department refuses to acknowledge that julian assange is a journalist were a publisher but i think the real disappointment here and the real danger here is the fact that mainstream journalists in the mainstream media especially organizations like the new york times the washington post the wall street journal have not come out in support of julian assigns that's where the danger is because of julian assange is convicted then any reporter in america doing his or her job is in danger of being charged with espionage for publishing information that is embarrassing to the u.s. government. the united states has sold more than a 1000000 barrels of oil that was seized from iranian tankers last year as part of washington sanctions program and another captured a vessel is currently on its way to a u.s. port the seizures and have become standard practice for the u.s.
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as punishment for tehran's alleged nuclear plans washington claims all income generated will go to its fund for victims of state sponsored terrorism but is that really the case here's our trees on quarter. made an idea for a side hustle put sanctions on a country pirate its oil exports and sell it that's what the us did with a 1000000 barrels of iranian oil seized under its sanction regime last year and suffice it to say there were some handsome profits to be made while the value of the seized fuel has not been announced compared to european gasoline prices the sale could equate to tens of millions of dollars while washington says the revenue will be used for the greater good the u.s. victims of state sponsored terrorism fund cording to its website victims are embassy workers who were held hostage in iran in 1989 and anyone who won a lawsuit against those who the u.s. considers state sponsors of terror but who exactly are these people has anyone ever
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seen them we're talking about tens of millions of dollars here don't worry until we find out who gets the money washington says it will be safely in the hands of government agencies and as for what effect this all has on iran the world's 4th largest oil reservoir taran claims it's not flinching in the face of u.s. sanctions. the enemy and trump one of us to perish and our experts to reach the room we set the highest record of exports in the history of the will industry during the embargo period still the country is fighting tooth and nail to get those sanctions lifted and revive the iran nuclear deal which the trumpet ministration pulled out of in 2018 biden though seems no more willing to cooperate than his predecessor will the us lift sanctions 1st in order to get iran back to the negotiating table. now the international court of justice is claiming it has jurisdiction over iran challenging u.s. sanctions the same ones that were imposed under former president donald trump but
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washington is telling the court to mind its own business and why not for he who controls the seas it's a never ending feast of someone else's oil and mountains of profit international oil economist dr mom do solomon told us that actions like this undermine america's status. well that's true it's. the same chance as a general said to see these sanctions. has not intel national where 32 lou that. you know is. around and janet said we have this sort of little memes. there are other countries around its world and of course that will happen if the u.s. coalition with the united states and. tries the right. in terms. of the certainly. the
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in the response i'm going to serve but i think it is ill suited for. the response agreement is larry sauce. lawmakers are demanding an investigation after a lead to messages suggested a top aide to the new york governor admitted withholding the correct figures on a covert deaths in care homes. basically were froze because then we were in the position where we were unsure if what we were going to give to the department of justice was going to be used against us while we weren't sure if there was going to be an investigation well the scandal escalated 2 weeks ago when the new york attorney general's report accused the cuomo administration of undercounting cover deaths in nursing homes by some 50 percent the state health department then revealed nearly 4000 previously unreported victims who had later died in the
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hospital or another facility one grieving daughter who lost her mother says new york's vulnerable elderly are being used as political pawns. you know the sad part is that they used our seniors and everything that they it was going on with death that death toll to their political advantage they were covering up for in order to remain in power and that's that's a travesty that they did that not only to seniors but say that to their loved ones when we've been calling for a monster for answers and accountability and all we we've been met with insults and with stonewalling so we're happy that this is starting to come out and we just believe this is that step of the dice work and senior cuomo advisor has promised an investigation but blames the trumpet ministration for what it presented as a politically motivated smear campaign vivian says an unbiased probe is essential to revealing the truth the reality is that we needed an independent investigation
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with subpoena power to be able to get to the communications that were happening before the election if they're going to play political football with our seniors and with this information then we're still not hopeful that they'll be held accountable governor cuomo just press conferences has said who cares where the seniors die we care we continue to say that we care where they die we care where they die and we hear how they died. this is our 2 international coming up hospital chiefs in britain are under fire for putting effort into adopting new gender neutral language rules during the pandemic we will explain that among our other stories after a short break stay with us. so
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sit down and talk. welcome back to r t international now facebook is being compared to big brother after admitting it shared private data of people thought to be involved in the u.s. capital riots the social media giant has disclosed it cooperated with law enforcement to hand over messages from those who allegedly broke into the seat of government last month. we were monitoring this out in real time and made appropriate referrals to law enforcement this includes helping them identify people who posted photos of themselves from the scene even after the attack was over we're continuing to share more information with law enforcement in response to valid legal requests as they continue their investigation number one snitch in america big brother is facebook surreal farce the storming of the capitol building has
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already seen a reported 221 people charged and facing up to 20 years in jail democratic party officials and media are calling the offenders domestic terrorists and the f.b.i. is identifying the suspects with the help of more than 200000 photos and videos mostly from social networks and that has not gone without consequences for facebook and has lost more than $30000000000.00 in market value with investors spooked by the platform's coziness with the f.b.i. analyst and commentator earl rasmussen warns that innocent people could have been caught up in the sweep but of people both realize that being a lot of your own feet your data is why don't the other thing is that. facebook changes your policy. what may have been acceptable. 6 months ago may not today and when they may come back and go oh you did this and that's against
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our policy so we're banning for most people i would say hundreds of thousands of people really did nothing illegal whatsoever there you had if you had some absolutely but but the majority of people in fact some people that are being turned in and turned over investigator were not in the capitol they were perhaps on the capitol grounds but that's a completely equal eat well until recently completely legal and open and public space so there was really no violation of any type of war whatsoever but we kind of twisted that and interpreted differently and facebook seems to be and i would gather other social media platforms are turning over extensive amount of information and probably you've probably got a lot of business probably review of a lot of c.c.t.v. drone footage is or other types of video information is probably being looked at as well. the national health service trust in southern england is facing backlash
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from many sides over new gender neutral language requirements while some think the pandemic is hardly the time for a huge politically correct overhaul even those it is meant to benefit such as trans groups are critical of the timing taylor comments. do you think the national health service in a country in lockdown in the middle of a you raging pandemic would have other things to do than go on a rampage of political correctness but no you'd be wrong in fact here's a list of the new lingo you need to brush up on. and i just trust has come up with a roadmap to increase of it and apparently this is just the start fast off so many
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revelations so tons out that all those people since the very beginning of time who thought they had breast the were no mark this wrong man could easily have been doing the midnight chest feeding all these years out of the rubble to be a row way ahead of his time but irony of ironies this trans friendly policy didn't even win over all the people it specifically set out to include this is an absolutely classic case of a public sector institution trying to be woke and succeeding only in making life much harder for the very people on whose behalf with resumes to speak and the 34000000 in the u.k. who identify as one well they were not impressed excuse me housing racing women's words to describe their lives experience anything other than exclusive i breastfed my children with milk from my breast not from my chest by
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testing things my heart and lungs a concious house seen breastfeeding affronts anyone enough of removing women women exist when menstruates give birth and have breasts can we keep our terminology for saw and this was just the cherry on top of the gender fluid biology question in cape big by. and companies terrified of being canceled i meet a few years back the summit you product always removes the female gender symbol so that transmat what does it feel dysphoric scientists know not gods to nadya's and gentle one to take their seats melia female toilets are so out self selection facilities are in i don't know what shows a modern abortion to female and male categories because and how well says non-binary sam smith supposed to when everything so you know more men never women no more chav manal manholes me no my kind is the
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love that's going to change the future of mankind so we'd like you to work with me i'd like to see people coming not necessarily mankind well i'm just waiting to hear what j.k. rowling says about with us i mean she's got nothing to lose really sure what is suggested the people who menstruate all women in margin and you called the council twice. or just before we go an update on that mine accident we reported last hour one person has been killed in a rock slide at a coal mine in the camero region in siberia which is around 3000 kilometers east of moscow $98.00 people were underground at the time of the incident most to have been brought to the surface which is good news but the russian emergencies ministry says 5 are yet to be rescued and there is no indication yet as to what caused it. all right that does it for me this hour i will be back well say in 30 minutes with
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