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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  February 13, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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below the 90th percentile would have been $2.00 trillion dollars higher anough to more than double median income anough to pay every single working american in the bottom 90 percent an additional 1144 dollars a month every month every single year till you get the richest people in america are stealing over a less than $100.00 from you personally and everyone you know every single one every single month and yet every time the most modest tax increases are proposed on the richest americans every time someone so much as mumbles about putting in a public jungle gym for poor kids or a filter to take out the metal chunks out of the water in the public found or were fixed a holes in the bridges that are bigger than the ones that maria bartiromo said the elites of our society who own the media outlets and the leverage of the state and
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the law enforcement in the courts they start screaming from their winds job orgy gal goodies that's wealth redistribution that's class war that's what they say let's hope they take a moment to withdraw from whoever they're currently or being before they yell those things meanwhile most don't called progressives tiptoe around the subject going well we just we we all we want to slightly increase the taxes on the giant swimming pool filled with money of the wealthiest people in the world i am would only impact people over the over $20000000000.00 which is only a few people we're sorry we're starting to mr boss man play for get us. no. that i want true full on wealth redistribution were taken years and we're giving it back to the society that you stole it from we're taking your cars and your marble statue you own and you and your boats that park inside of other boats and your wine
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cellars and you and your emerald bathtubs filled with naked man servants and your inbred cross-eyed ugly ass dogs but you keep your children we don't want those sociopath in training but other than that we're taken it. because this level of inequality is not just but out of this i will give one caviar will only steal everything over $10000000.00 it's estimated that there are about $1400000.00 american households who have over $10000000.00 so that means what i'm proposing would impact less than one half of one percent of americans the average american has never even met someone with over $10000000.00 in less you should jim carrey's hand one time on a sidewalk in new york so we the 99 percent would take everything over $10000000.00 from the people who have over $10000000.00 and we would give it out
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with the bottom 50 percent getting the vast majority of it so 99.5 percent of americans would benefit from this redistribution of wealth. i kind of like the 99 percent that's kind of cool expression which is that more often so before you argue against this idea remember you better for it you would get money under this situation because i promise there is no one no one with over $10000000.00 watching this right now unless one banker is like stuck in an airport in morocco and can't change the channel. do you need more numbers to get the point the billionaires in this country have increased their wealth by $1.00 trillion dollars just since the beginning of the pandemic one out of every 3 people in america have had trouble paying their bills during this pandemic over 15000000 people have lost their health care coverage since the beginning of this pandemic
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redistribute the goddamn wealth and if you are one of the one person with over 10 $1000000.00 watching this right now don't give me the horse about i worked hard for that money i am dad money now you didn't you did not earn over $10000000.00 it's impossible it's authentic nonsense it's madness it's gary busey inside of charlie sheen. there is no way on this planet that you work a 1000 times harder than a janitor or a garbage man or a low paid nurse or a black boy or a philosopher or a philosopher of check and it's just a fluffer in turn fought for and yes that job has to blow it's impossible that you want a 1000 times more than those people so you merely took advantage of a system that is set up to exploit the vast majority of the society while they don't even know what's happened that's what you did and yes most of the americans
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with over $10000000.00 are sociopaths they would kick a puppy down a flight of stairs into the teeth of a wolf thresher if it meant they could make an extra $100.00 but i will acknowledge that not all of them are sociopaths some of them are relatively ok people inside a very very corrupt system so for the ones who are sociopaths why should we feel bad for taking their wealth over $10000000.00 redistributing it their. path or that they take a poppy thank you. and then for the for the other ones who are not sociopaths but still have over $10000000.00 they're not going to suffer at the end of the day they still have $10000000.00 goddamn dollars is that it's not like they'll have to close their children in cardboard boxes with shirts and bow ties painted on the outside so the next time someone says to you you can raise the taxes on the top one percent
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that's class war that's redistribution of wealth don't respond the way most squishy liberals respond well. i'm sorry instead of responding you have goddamn right it is i want redistribution of wealth i want a nonviolent class war because it has been done to the rest of us for the past 50 years at least we have been exploited and abused beaten down and defeated kicked and 5 from scratch to drive it stock dry and extract it and even birds. do i hate being burgled and now it's our time fight back because this terrible machine that has allowed this level of exploitation screwed this system that allows some people to have enough money to and do world hunger and yet not do it while other individuals sleep on a bench hoping no one steals their one box of cereal in the night. that
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and if you think saying that is too harsh and there's really something wrong in your head ok well when you stick your finger in your ear you should stop when you meet resistance this is an abusive relationship and it's time to get off the ride coming from washington d.c. the belly debases redacted tonight. welcome cameos take the news from behind people continue to struggle across our country tens of thousands of businesses have collapsed but not to worry the
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official unemployment rate is only 6.7 percent. that sounds pretty good considering one of the middle band damage to the economy is held together with 2 pigs enjoying gum but there's a reason it sounds good it sounds good because it's what we call in the bit is a lot. the 6.7 percent number doesn't include anyone who has stopped searching for work because after looking for months they took a moment to reassess and they thought oh. this it also doesn't include those who are underemployed meaning someone who was will looking for work as a teacher or a graphic designer or something like that and they ended up only finding a part time shift standing over the cheese got a taco bell so rather than making $60000.00 a year their make it $39.00 a day plus a pack of dental floss. that person is at best under employed but in our system they're counted as fully employed there is however another more accurate number as
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eleanor goldfield talked about in her article from press this other and unemployment number includes the underemployed and those working part time hours it includes those who have gone back to school or of become disabled as of december of 2020 that number was at 11.7 percent holy. almost a 12 percent unemployment rate that's worse than the unemployment rate on the debt scape in mad max where the only job opportunity is a blood collector feces for a mentor and the guy who smudges sit on people's faces oh wait that 12 percent number is still not the reality because the official number of unemployed is miscounted in the best of years made far worse than the age of covert 19 back in june the bureau of labor statistics admitted to a glaring misleading error in the may jobs report the u.s.
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may be at 20 percent unemployment and that doesn't even include the ones who are employed but getting royally screwed just last week we found out amazon guys caught stealing millions of dollars from its workers since at least 2016 the company had been secretly confiscating tips customers sent using their contributions to reduce their own wage payouts in total amazon stole nearly one 3rd of drivers tips to pad its bottom line so you're telling me it's not enough that these drivers had to deliver scented candles nose hair trimmers door to door to get in coughed on by super spreaders bit by dogs and farted at by the elderly while being paid slave wages on top of all that. they also had their tips stolen by the richest man in the world. maybe being employed isn't all it's cracked up to be
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anyway moving on i hope you enjoyed the super bowl is a positive note but i can tell you didn't enjoy the super bowl roughly 700000000 chickens the national chicken council recently bragged that americans would need a record 1420000000 chicken wings during the super bowl 1420000000 wings. they say laid end and that number of wings would encircled the earth 3 times which is repulsive and down at the coal and really rather sticky and i imagine there was also enough blue cheese dressing to fill the great lakes there is a thing i'm not here to tell you never eat meat ok that's up to you your family and your interior decorator but even if you do eat meat maybe that's maybe you should
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consider the fact that if we eat this much meat there will be no future on this planet our ecosystem will collapse and we will all die and guess what once we're all dead you'll be eating your own chicken wings not the one you have any idea how many fewer 0 is than 1420000000 mean either but i bet it's a lot. furthermore even if you eat meat no one who's not a straight up sociopath should be cool with factory farming aka torture farming where animals spend their entire lives crushed mangled and strangled you know you shouldn't even wish that treatment on your worst chicken anime's and i mean your worst chicken enemies like the one that stole your car took it for a joyride seduced her boyfriend and then impregnated them with a chicken babies you know the one research shows that without meat and dairy
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consumption global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75 percent an area equivalent to the us china european union and australia combined and still feed the world lost of wild areas to agriculture is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife it's increasingly clear that we can either keep behaving this way or we can still exist in 20 years but we can't do both so which is it we are literally eating ourselves to death yet people respond to any mention of the harms of meat production with. you can't tell me what to do you bastards just don't phase testicles mudflaps car 1st i don't like your tone ok secondly i'm not telling you what to do i'm just telling you the ramifications of what you're
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doing kind of like if you knew a friend you have a friend and he was a murderer and people and you said you know less than than me killing all these people you almost definitely going to end up in prison for the rest of your life that's not telling him what to do don't tell him the consequences. joseph poor of the university of oxford who ran the study said of the kids diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet earth not just greenhouse gases but global acidification utra for cation land use and water use it is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car he said as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions step one in this process might be for the pieces. like national chicken council 'd to stop bragging about killing 700000000 animals besides i looked into this national chicken council and there is not even
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a single chicken on it so it's hardly a chicken council is it that would be like give the brotherhood of retired firefighters was made up entirely of hedgehogs that had never fought a fire point being we humans are uniquely and impressively destructive another study found that humans are just point 01 percent of all life on earth but have destroyed 83 percent of wild mammals i don't run around saying people must be very good i just say maybe if you want to have a future for your children decrease the amount you scarf down the corpses of anything that had parents. we have to go to a quick break but don't forget you can get all of our content anytime at portable dot t.v. you also listen to all my content as a free podcast it's called moment of clarity on any podcast platform i'll be right back with a lot more. a
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3 headed vigilante coming our way you got the bond vigilantes are coming back they're stranded drug dealers shorting bonds now it means day she is going to try to force bond collapse like we saw in 1993 so he the bond vigilantes back big he's talking about gold then so others just
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a golden jewel empties and the big coin vigilantes have been here since 22009 and they're growing exponentially now in the price of course as it goes under a trillion in this year 2021 it'll be worth more than 4 trillion so those are the 3 headed vigilantes that are now coming for the dollar the dollar is just sitting ducks. in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of the descendants still live in russia. and you. know no one. gets to be. when things in your bios at the. back of the black american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. of the deal and i'll be a loser and show them one by else a store on but by doing. so they decided to leave everything behind and start
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a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the american reared who were too thrilled if you're in the. ground. you're going to go on. you. know almost a 100 years later history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time went to russia. probably the worst time to go anywhere why not me. when i come here. welcome back of the biden administration is asked about the future of space force some are worried about the future of space itself being dominated by unaccountable private corporations for more we go to our correspondent from the future anders
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louie anderson anders lee here from a lunar colony in the year 2062 what's with the helmet oh yeah don't mind this i had to take up a side job playing space rugby anyway lee i am pleading with you to please do everything in your power to stop space x. space x. musk's company y. it all started at the tail end of the 1st trump administration. when wade what i mean the 1st front of this. you mean the only drama administration. we talk and donald marron. anyway on april 28th when he went president donald trump sr issued an executive order giving americans the rights to engage in commercial exploration recovery and use of resources in outer space you could hear the cheers mostly from moon shot corporations that have claim or
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dissuade away the patchy on regularized cold war era space law in favor of new unregulated corporate plunder of the solar system one of those companies was space x. which now pays me $0.05 an hour to shoot waste into the sun it's true there is no sound in space but believe me there is smell the commercialization of space has been a boondoggle for large corporations space force the international space station and nasa have all been given over to private companies like space x. ray theone amazon ikea ship bonnie so basically they've taken all of the power the corporations have now and multiply by infinity yes but as we're learning infinity isn't quite as infinite as we thought at 1st we were tossing all our trash satellites and mobile space homes up in the low orbit think it would be a ok but now we know that was a huge mistake outer space maybe infinite but near space is not this is earth's
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atmosphere we're talking about we can't treat it like wisconsin all the space junk has created tons of satellite collisions to the point where it's not possible to launch new ones so how are you going to get home to earth we don't but that's more than ok with his holiness ilan musk who's used the opportunity to build a space x. colony on the moon. isn't there a visible the work is grueling the pay is low the living quarters are cramped the food is well actually i i think the food's pretty dull but i'm the exception i just really like freeze dried centipede patties. space private things it's. terrible the problem is that it allows corporate c.e.o.'s to make up their own laws for everyone else up here to follow they control our work and living conditions our civil rights even the very air we breathe you say something illegal down there you just get d. monetized i do that up here i get d.
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testicles ised look i know it's probably a lot to hear all the stuff at once about how awful the future is but you still have time 2001 is the perfect year to get going on stuff like saving your environment stopping the line must. 202-0210 really am i i was going to warn you about 911 and do not let them remake dirty dancing so what if you want to stay in the to late. to late is it yeah totally is but look on the bright side what. i don't know i just thought that was something that earth people said sees this thanks vendors. all right now let's get to some of the stories that slipped through the cracks here with me as a dad correspondent natalie mcgill and i would see what's up i'm in this so yeah so
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anyone who thought that no trump meant no more border wall maybe disappointed but maybe not surprised to hear that biden is interested in a different type of wall over thank god yeah so is the mission is leaning toward the smart wall in this this is the type of investment in technology that border area democrats were already kind of totally fine live for on board with our wall sounds like an oxymoron i think all of these walls are double yeah no but yeah we're talking about the use of drones facial recognition software artificial intelligence motion sensors infrared cameras and this has obviously has immigration rights activists on edge because they know that this type of surveillance isn't just going to be limited to the actual water it could take place within 100 miles of any border it's going to corner on private property on highways is also making activists especially worry because we already know that the department of homeland security tries to skirt due process by using 3rd party tech companies to get our
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data such as lego location data from like our cell phones so they don't need a warrant to get that info so you know so everybody is kind of like watching or highly scrutinizing like bite into in future picks like it is it ministration like whether or not they're going to be like super friendly towards silicon valley or basically any company that's part of the border industrial complex which is already overlapping with their defense contractors course they're going to be good buddy buddy was going to. do that with a number of do. so katie porter or a congresswoman kay porter says he recently released the report about the greed of big pharma it's called killer profits how big pharma takeovers destroy innovation and harm patients and its focus on how large companies are merging together or swallow. up smaller competitors and how that stifles innovation because there's no incentive to invest in research and development never heard of such a thing yeah exactly so so yeah so instead of them spending money on research and
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development these companies are spending more money on stock buybacks and that's when you buy back a stock to reduce the number of outstanding shares it increases the value of the share price makes the stock more attractive in obviously that's really more advantageous big pharmacy it's well yeah it's kind of enriching them mostly yeah because all of their fortunes are tied up in stocks so so the report specifically says that after that huge tax cut that the rich got back and like 201720 team 12 of the largest big pharma companies spent more on buybacks than they did on research and development. so you're saying they were more interested in following their own pockets and actually getting better medications yet reckons as the funny thing is like they're our message whenever they have these mergers it's like oh we we consolidated because we want to become more efficient at developing life saving drugs it's like no you want to be more efficient getting rid of the situation well
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i'm glad people are at least to report on that i imagine that a report avoided the word capitalism this is just how it works. people to enrich the already rich thank you so much no thank you. and here are your headlines from the future in 2 days you'll read it since stepping down as c.e.o. jeff bezos devoting self fully to writing bad reviews of walmart dot com it's going to he has a hobby and one month from now. in surprise move top one percent decide to return 50 trillion dollars they stole to one man teddy putting can apply fitter in to be a. way to go daddy and finally in april you'll hear the revolution has begun nation's chickens announce they ate 1300000 human arms last week don't seem chicken that's our show but you can check out my book bullet points
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and punch lines at leat kam book dot com and also check out the podcast version of all of our content called moment of clarity until next time goodnight and keep fighting. no insulin would see that and who didn't bother you but i'll blog good that. i know you're back in a can matter a canard while. on a bad national. trend i mean i. just thought well you'll see i'm miles on a pull on the limb with a human level. and
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a him i know how much much how she. must know how to set the community into the lab at all small a lot of us so what it. does not give us the impetus that all of you in the nose you know help me get a feel of a good. shot and know it when i'm. in my name and your other. a dog industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them under-age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge if you're going to exploit for a child here in los angeles oh there we're going to come as you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight 6 trade.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century what are the chapters called gun violence school shootings. first it was my job it was my field bill it was my savings i have nothing i have nothing and it's not like i don't throw aloof or resources i look for jobs i look for everything i can to make this house. annoying the doing is. the road to the american dream paved with good refugees it's this very idealized image i want. americans to look possed the deaths that happen every single day this is
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a history of the usa america. donald trump's 2nd impeachment trial ends with a 2nd acquittal within the u.s. senate voting to clear him of inciting the capitol hill riot. washington has sold more than a 1000000 barrels of oil seized from iranian tankers raising questions about who actually gets the money. and in new york's governor comes under increasing pressure over massive under-reporting of care home deaths during the pandemic. those are your top headlines at this hour stay with us now for the crash report up next.


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