tv News RT February 15, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EST
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outwardly. patently have no option of it because they were afraid to defend their job. as us democrats cry foul over donald trump's acquittal we ask of impeachment becoming the new norm also this hour an hour see the price of free speech supporting journalists harassed and assaulted this is a black lives massive protests we get her take on life as a reporter in a divided america. i feel that being conservative media is now very physically threatening to journalists. black or white the decision to cast a british actress of jamaican descent is clean and the lead in the t.v. series courses online. the wrong black people who have been
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systematically disenfranchised from participating in other know african queens if you could rub it in a white queen. but also to come we look back at the last 10 years in libya following the arab spring. that afternoon welcome you watching r.t. international pm here in moscow now the fallout from the acquittal of donald trump has seen democrats blame a cowardly group of republicans some republicans claim that democrats have simply used impeachment for their own political ends looking at the impact on american politics his. donald trump no he's the most acquitted president in the u.s. history and no one worked harder to win him the title than the democrats and the realization is doing on them but what we saw in that senate today was that
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cowardly group of republicans who patently have no options because they were afraid to defend their job respect the institution in which they served. these senators have decided to hang their hat on jurisdictional grounds which are not based on evidence which are not based on the facts and they will have to be. a ballistic meltdown is not something you'd expect to hear from a party whose candidate won the presidential election a democrat ego side which even stung through joe biden psyche and it'll take more than a few cute white house lawn decorations to heal that wound what was meant to be a tool of checks and balances system transcended into one party's vendetta against a political opponent the order of the pietschmann now before the senate is an
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unjust and blatantly unconstitutional of political vengeance i hope i will be proven wrong but it seems that impeachment based on partisan differences seems to be becoming the norm not the exception hope against hope all you want but impeachment articles against joe biden were filed less than 30 hours into his presidency it is the norm but when it comes to trump haters impeachment is the least they want for him some would much rather see him swinging from the gallows and if you dare to defend them oh boy your personality will be reduced to being a racist a white supremacist a traitor there are reports your house was graffitied. my entire family my business my law firm are under siege right now it's also feared now that after impeachment humiliation take 2 never trumpeters along with the
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democratic chums simply won't grudge against the former president slide of one of the most bizarre goings it's happened senator tim kaine of virginia my own state senator has proposed. the democrats since they have never been able to introduce a shred of evidence to implicate the president and i need crime or misdemeanor what they should do is introduce a bill of attainder based. on the 14th amendment in which they could simply a boat and punish and sort of convicted punish. tromp for whatever they want and they wouldn't have to go through all of the business of a stab washing guilt or having proof or having due process this is the agent despots like henry be
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a penguin who executed all of his enemies with bills of attainder it just shows the desperation that they have and it also shows you know this is a former president he is not a sitting president and it shows the tremendous visceral fear of the democrats over this man trump may feel like he's out of the woods but with the dems now holding both the oval office and congress they have the power to drag him right back into the swamp. bush donavan not to black lives matter activists have reportedly been charged with harassment and attempted to sold his claim that they attacked a trump supporting journalist who was covering that rally. i don't think that there was some she got mad at me she says. she's right with her program are all these reports this is very true she's
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a pushover to the border patrol from. the translates. as you can see with what had happened to me it is very trying times initially when i saw they were harassing other journalists there and videographers and i went to stand with them as well and they they wanted everybody to be turning off their cameras with our 1st amendment rights which is freedom to the press and also being a public space i kept my camera on and i said no this is public space and i'm reporting the news so my camera will stay on and that's when they started attacking initially or being media and then the 2nd time they came around to attack me when they identified which media i was i feel that being conservative media is is now very physically threatening to journalists so if we had then she was filming a black lives matter rally would demonstrate he's identified as a conservative reporter one point to protest even appears to rub a used nappy in her face the reporter says that nearby police offices ignored calls for help. now in order for true peace to occur you need to have people to have that
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civil discourse it's not it's not true peace when the other side is voices are shut off and so is it may give up a stogie of unity or peace but it's act the detriment of you know $75.00 plus 1000000 americans who had voted and do support donald trump at the expense of basically shutting their voices out so that is not true unity when you're taking out your opponent it's not a fair fight america is descending into something that you know i would never have imagined to really experience in my lifetime i don't condone the violence that happened at the capitol and i can i condemn them along with other the public in the conservatives because because terrorism and and. and destruction and what is going on there has no place in america and i do feel that we are seeing more attacks and violence actually occurring from the left onto the right we see censorship that's going on and it's not even will. occur.
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pro-democrat media are expressing concern that president biden could just be boring compared to his predecessor donald trump as the profits of private networks do depend on viewing figures they're now in a bind as to whether to keep showing the controversial but profitable former leader . gary biden is so 6 boring in a competent i suppose i trust this guy a little bit more with the nuclear codes shined of way which is why the media is clinging to donald trump it's kind of ironic because in talking about how much the media can't let go of donald trump i'm demonstrating just how much the media can't let go of donald trump my hunch is that the orange one twitter less new to isn't leaving the public psyche or the news cycle for that matter is the door.
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joined by. you know the stadium economy going to be i don't see this sort of distraction with. more conventional that is a good question the news media is staring down the barrel of a boring ok a more conventional 4 year is that means less advertising revenue less importance and in order to keep the ratings out the media needs donald trump. because the media's way of keeping you dear of you with entertainment is with stories about donald trump. they are a proven method of getting your attention in the 1st weekend of february for example headlines in the opinion section of the washington post's website mentions trump or trump has them 14 times compared with just 11 for biden
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other things are getting better we can't afford to sit back and be either do or do not do long term that's not. i see enormous in this country while in january stories about trump on websites monitored by the advertising and analytics company to boot or nearly 4 times as much traffic as stories about joe biden so i'm going to i'm going to. trance tories have at least double the amount of traffic almost every single day in january. ratings of news outlets like c.n.n. sky rocketed when trouble ended the political arena. now with biden in the white house the networks have spent the last 4 years battling trump on a daily basis have lost their main attraction meaning that a slumping viewership is very likely it's gotten or news competitors all excited to
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see their discovery channel has reportedly told as investors that news might go back to normal which means that ratings for shows about octopuses or bridges in timbuktu may be about to increase. as well as job cuts in the end user will see careful what you wish for. we go there now the 1st pictures have emerged of the british actress jodie turnus smith as the english queen amber lean in the new t.v. mini series she will be the 1st black woman to patrol the monarch with agree to say that they want to quote challenge conventions about the queen's life with a casting decision has been met with a mixed reaction online black people shouldn't portree white people if you store a color wide stories and vice versa we have our own stories it's not empowering it's really so instead of making stories drawn through
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a neutrino lives of black historical figures across the world human to reproduce is just going to keep casting black actors to play where people and cordovan are still in progress. only a matter of time before martin luther king displayed by dominic west but a similar clash of opinions emerged over a leading black character in the movie adaptation of the 3 musketeers is the french studio producing it says the muscatine named hannibal is loosely based on a real african prince who became the 1st black muscatine in france the original story day by alexander dumas doesn't include characters of african descent my colleague colin bray but the issue up for debate. i think at the end of the day it just makes sense to have the actors portraying the people in a more realistic way we're talking about amber lane the queen of england i mean this is not a black woman it would be the exact same thing if you hate chris pray the guy who plays captain america per train type who it would make any sense at all i would be
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like ok come on let's get it more or less the representation of that particular person in their real person in history let's make it a little bit more accurate shall we an exile is good in a vacuum however if we look at this from a historical lens will remember things like movies like cleopatra and how they were told with elizabeth taylor as cleopatra who was very much a person of african descent and stories like jesus who is played by mel gibson also a person of african descent and so what we find is that historically everyone's been ok we were going to eat the the tower of white supremacy has been ok with the stories being told by white curators however it seems like there's some fragility issues happening will we it's him to tell the stories with actors based on their qualifications in their ability and you know their skill set versus just looking at the color of their skin and up and about cleopatra i mean i'm not necessarily just want to go around the world by a clear pattern was more of a greek
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a north african i mean africa is not just one place you get different parts of africa are you talking about north africa people like gadhafi who was a lab recently he does not look like you and me so a clear pattern was more accurate of the mediterranean and i kind of stove at a particular time van this woman who is clearly of african descent or caribbean descent whatever it is trying to portray the queen of england you don't think that when it comes to historical representation the generations of moviegoers of being brought up on those films which will be regarded as classics and mustn't be interfered with in any way and we look back at them and you see these images of ancient roman of ancient. greece and the embarrassingly white which just isn't true either is it so it's about time that we got was redressed isn't it antony oh it will roll me agrees i may not talk on the boat subsaharan africa roma group says not to look absolutely me that's just the fact that you can say they could be more racially ambiguous and that's by and i mean come on in their pay as we can look at
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the past and say ok some of the movies are right that's by and let's create it's not a story is a path is due to a rabbit and it's over the pace and some of the movie is morally right this is kind of silly it's not about living in the past it's about correcting the wrongs of black people who have been systematically disenfranchised from participating in hollywood and not allowed to be in films across the board that's what we're attempting to correct in south to the end reimagine a world where a person who's black in plate any character pris the simply a queen and to see what that does for a young african-american girl to see a black woman play a queen that's what we're we're looking at the societal that are there know everything recordings are there no african queens that you could play a rabbit in a white queen. and to be had here not international just gone quarter pasta and here in moscow still to come from this i would look at the last 10 to moche where she is near bia following the arab spring that story more just off the break.
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oh. the world is driven by a dream shaped by phone personally those with. no dares thinks. we dare to ask. this is a speculative attack that elon musk is making on the fan right so he's already going to want to sell the s.e.c. is already going toward the f.c.c. and he's shown them to be gained and captured now he's gone to war with spit and
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sand like i buy back my own stock i'm going to take your cheap money i'm going to buy it quite like michael sailors do and now clive 100 other c.e.o.'s in the s. and p. 500 go like you know it that's a darn good idea. welcome back now it has been 10 years since the arab spring preached libya where anti-government protests grew into a full blown civil war which led to a massive night led military intervention to gaza to have examined the full act of the last to moche was decade in the country. 10 years ago the arab spring made its impact in libya back then libya was a wealthy country ruled by a strongman yes but brics one of the most prosperous states in africa but people wanted more they wanted freedom democracy and they were willing to fight for it
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was. a good duffy held power for 4 decades he had outsmarted the intellectuals beat the ease limits to a pulp trash the liberals and ground down every rival he knew how to survive plus he had millions of people on his side. was no no. no no and i would look leave my grandfather's remains in here i will die with him as a mother could i didn't and so did gad one of the 21st century's worst geo political calamities it was careless rather against brother towns and villages for
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and against gadhafi regiments and warlords guards and tribes jew he had out hoover who controls the oil in the cities the roods and the ports and still good doth he wouldn't fool what ultimately led to his devotees was his independence it was a pain in the backside for europe for america it wasn't that he was a dictator that he sponsored terror will that he suppress dissent look at saudi arabia obama crave close allies of the west was that he wouldn't play fetch a given in the middle finger to sue many decades and gotten away. with it until mot 2011 we will deny the regime arms cut off its supplies of cash assist the opposition. and work with other nations to hasten the day when gadhafi leaves power. after what happened in iraq and afghanistan everyone was naturally
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a little concerned about nato rushing in guns blazing so they tricked the un they filed the resolution to establish quote a new flaw exude in libya to protect civilians ugs they go to the proved they then said that gadhafi was the threat to civilians not just the jets q goggins blazing some of the 1st u.s. tomahawk missiles had been launched on libya we are at war once again and this 1st phase is to take out gadhafi air defenses we've just learned that the u.s. has fired its 1st missiles at libyan air defenses nato conducted almost 10000 on libya dropped thousands and thousands of bombs that another late had proved gadhafi forces that were also killed dozens and dozens of civilians according to human rights watch gadhafi was eventually caught he was
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tortured and murdered right there new cool that new trial. we came in we saw that he died and. she wasn't laughing when the same victorious rebels which she helped get rid of gadhafi stormed the american consulate the next year and murdered the u.s. ambassador that is perhaps when they finally realized what they had done it was another iraq another of cadmus star and the flyers that they lit blood to the east day this marks the end of a. chapter for the people of libya. every girl living in disaster disaster disaster disaster. that is. in chaos anarchy if
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you need truth make your jihad is a wonderland this displacement and destruction is it fair to say libya was better off for good to die. 10 years of endless war chaos war crimes today libya's g.d.p. is a 3rd of what it was in 2010 that's democracy school is the same as it was under gadhafi the standard of living is down there is no press freedom and there's even more corruption it's a den of islam it's terrorism of narco traffic and the world's capital of slave markets you can buy a black male refugee as a rule shit for as little as $200.00 and these day and age what we know is that migrants who fall into the hands of smugglers faces systematic malnutrition sexual abuse and even murder we're hearing about mass graves in the desert. migrants are
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being sold in the market as a commodity if you go to the market and you can pay between $2500.00 to get a migrant that will work with you on your daily jobs or support your work the war still rages warlords and islam it's gangs and drug traffickers and slavers still lasted you know and the oil giants italy's any francis' to tell today matthew new problem pumping oil in the middle of a civil war i did forget to mention did not libya also happens to have the largest oil reserves in africa and that few years before they bombed libya into the ground gadhafi had hinted it potentially nationalizing all the oil production but no that's crazy talk isn't it. what are ghastly if they're now attending a mandatory quarantine has come into effect for travelers returning to carry from
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covert hotspots but by your own gang restrictions and sometimes conflicting holiday advice from the u.k. government british travel agencies have reported just in demand for trips away. i'll fold my 1st holiday of 20 sunny warm. summer holidays. i'm going to cold and except before i think we're going to have a great british summer. i'm afraid it is just too early for people to be certain about what will be able to do this summer they want to book a holiday i thought where. if you. let me try to not live right here i got. this far too
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early for us you're against the future about i mean you'd be very dangerous growing government instance again you know she's making comments about people summer holidays but i'm optimistic that i'll just on the reasons for being optimistic but some things are going to go right for us people should be completely whole days right now not domestically or internationally but i've got 2 months ago i would say yeah that's what i'd really hoped that we could do it. on house or agree that the government has been sounding very mixed messages with different instance saying totally different things the british government has not made it there and yet how british people should make money for the summit in
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principle the prime minister barak's john's mother announced the 22nd the favorite what the situation will be but the phantom menace isn't saying different things even the health minister saying he's booked a holiday in. cornwall already while others are saying there should be no summer holidays even in britain means that basically this is total chaos and not surprisingly people are very confused and also very angry because they want to know firmly and decisively what is the situation. that was stoney has called on the european union to hurry up and impose more sanctions on russia the repression of its opposition leaders a shuttle to meet in march to discuss the issue but russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has has his doubts about the impact of the measures we've got to we are ready militarily we have already become completely self-sufficient what we
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heard from a russian arms producer to see what the threat of more sanctions could actually make. and i found it on the show if you care about import substitution didn't begin just yesterday but the tendency has been there since the last decade almost a 100 percent of what we do is import substitution clearly national defense is a rather sensitive secure and you need to have everything of your own for civilian products we actually started in 2008 when we began making materials for civil aviation and in just 7 or 8 years we managed to substitute all foreign made systems at this point everything but some small computers are made in russia by this group of companies. 3 years ago we started diversifying our production to try selves across the sectors where you can see a compressor which simply speaking fuels calls with natural gas which is both more ecological and cost effective is the way to go into cereal production over there is a central part of the subsidy gas production system also in cereal production potentially the market capacity is enormous and only 3 companies in the world are producing this. watching r.t.
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thank you company this afternoon that brings you up to date with one you say fall back again at the top here. in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. at the risk of i know now russia us the uk but us yes it. was her on things. back home like american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. is that the real. one bayelsa. so they decided to leave everything behind and start
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a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the american. crew prove your new. ground great progress. to move a few prone to corps. and now almost a 100 years later history is repeating itself my great grandfather shorts time went to russia. probable worst time to go anywhere why not me. when i come here.
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oh and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle russia e.u. relations got a reality check last week russia's foreign minister said again love it off read the riot act to the blog also washington never ceases to lecture the world about democracy and the rule of law how are both doing in the u.s. . to discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my guest marcus papadopoulos in london is a historian and analyst and author of the new book a rise to make sure of russia 2 world politics and in budapest we have george semi well he's a podcast or at the gavel which can be found on you tube. ari channeling oh stop was an effect that music can jump any time you want and i was appreciative of it is going to budapest 1st a job.
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