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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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still there is the school of the. chief. least steve. would be ok pat leahy have no option because they were afraid to defend their jobs. some republicans killed by should be impeached but the middle class is becoming the new political. price of free speech journalist. she covers a protest to get her take on life like a reporter in a divided america. i feel that being conservative. now very physically threatening to journalists. with measures firmly in place in the u.k.
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new rules of troops from 30 red list countries to pouring tea for 10 days in selected hotels but concerns remain over how it's going to be. joining the program from today welcome to moscow and to r.t. international i'm you know neal if you're. fallout from the acquittal of donald trump democrats point the finger of blame at a quote cowardly group of republicans while some g.o.p. party members themselves are not seeking to impeach the new president joe biden so is the courtroom even more than before 0 for american politics you've been looking into. donald trump no he's the most acquitted president in the u.s. history and no one worked harder to win him the title than the democrats and the
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realization is doing on them but what we saw in that senate today was that cowardly group of republicans who patently have no options because they were afraid to defend their job respect the institution in which they served. the senators have decided to hang their hat on jurisdictional grounds which are not based on evidence which are not based on the facts and they will have to be. a ballistic meltdown is not something you'd expect to hear from a party whose candidate won the presidential election a democrat ego side which even stung through joe biden's psyche and it'll take more than a few cute white house lawn decorations to heal that wound what was meant to be a tool of checks and balances system transcended into one party's vendetta against
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a political opponent the order call of the pietschmann now before the senate is an unjust and blatantly unconstitutional of political vengeance i hope i will be proven wrong but it seems that impeachment based on partisan differences seems to be becoming the norm not the exception well hope against hope all you want but impeachment articles against joe biden were filed less than 30 hours into his presidency it is the norm but when it comes to trump haters impeachment is the least they want for him some would much rather see him swinging from the gallows and if you dare to defend them oh boy your personality will be reduced to being a racist a white supremacist a traitor there are reports your house was graffitied. my entire family my business my law firm are under siege right now it's also feared
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now that after impeachment humiliation take 2 never trumpeters along with the democratic chums simply won't let their grudge against the former president slide one of the most bizarre goings it's happened senator tim kaine of virginia my own state senator has proposed. the democrats since they have never been able to introduce a shred of evidence to implicate the president in any crime or misdemeanor what they should do is introduce a bill of attainder based. on the 14th amendment in which they could simply a boat and punish and sort of convicted punish. tromp for whatever they want and they wouldn't have to go through all of the business of a stab moshing guilt to having proof or having due process this is the agent to
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despots like henry be a penguin who executed all of his enemies with bills of attainder it just shows the desperation that they have and it also shows you know this is a former ringback president who is not a sitting president and it shows the tremendous this year all fear of the democrats over this man trump may feel like he's out of the woods but with the dems now holding both the oval office and congress they have the power to drag him right back into the swamp. the influence of major social media platforms politics and our personal life is really out of the headlines these days culminating really with the bombing of donald trump's a cunt's than those of his supporters we spoke with the co-founder of cyber security firm. about the concept of private censorship and data safety on the
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net. well if you're buying it it just you know the concept of private censorship by social media is kind of a myth in fact it doesn't exist because all those companies are totally state controlled it's just that the u.s. has split and the media has found itself under the thumb of one party well the other didn't want to engage with the media in the same way for one reason or another it's still unclear why they didn't just set up their own outlets but the fact that their arms were twisted is obvious it's clear that severe measures taken by themselves one part of the country is censoring the other and the fact that this amazing step was taken a real breakthrough well actually trump has been blocked before but during the electoral process all the mosques had been taken off already and when the election campaign started the question was only who would win democrats or republicans the
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democrats wanted to win so badly that they didn't care about decency anymore. in other words shirts and said make no mistake all platforms collect as much data as they can and even buy it from other platforms too so from this point of view they're all alike i would take a variable approach to the issue of information people need to understand what kind of information they can safely share on the web in general you can say that on some platforms your data is better protected than others but the information isn't safe from the platform itself therefore all platforms are absolutely identical from this point of view they all try to collect data and profit from it because all these platforms have free registration they have the following one it is ation model they sell data analyze it propose targeted advertising etc as for some simple recommendations the easiest one to remember is not to do a publish anything on social networks you might regret it doesn't matter whether
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you're doing it just for your friends or just for. one person once you upload this in full to in the electronic device or digital service you can consider it to be leaked it's easier than thinking that you're protected in the 1st place. and living in the program to block it lawyers mutter activists have reportedly been charged with harassment to attend to the sold footage appears to show them attacking a trump supporting journalist who was covering the rally bugs i go to bed well there was some sort of going out the speaker. should write her program are who are these reports are superb are very true she's a pushover you better do what's right for. the times right. as you can see with what had happened to me it is very trying times initially when
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i saw they were harassing other journalists there and videographers and i went to stand with them as well and they they wanted everybody to be turning off their cameras with our 1st amendment rights which is freedom to the press and also being a public space i had my camera on and i said now this is public space and i'm reporting the news so my camera will stay on and that's when they started attacking initially or being media and then the 2nd time they came around to attack me when they identified which media i was i feel that being conservative media is is now very physically threatening to journalists. tara was covering the rally when demonstrators identified her as a conservative reporter but journalist also claims nearby police ignored her calls for help at one point a protester even appears to be used enough to injure her face. now in order for true peace to occur you need to have people to have that sum of discourse it's not it's not true peace when the other side is boyce's are shut off and so is it may give up a start of unity or peace but it's act the detriment of you know $75.00
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plus 1000000 americans who have voted and do support donald trump at the expense of basically shutting their voices out so that is not true unity when you're taking out your opponent it's not a fair fight america is descending into something that you know i would never have imagined 3 experience in my lifetime i don't condone the violence that happened at the capitol and i can condemn them along with other republican conservatives because because terrorism and and and destruction and what is going on that has no place in america and i do feel that we are seeing more attacks and violence actually occurring from the left onto the right we see censorship that's going on and it's not even being. a current. prime minister boris johnson has told all britain to be optimistic but patient as he spoke about the 1st results of the nation's vaccination program announcing that
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a return to normalcy is still some oil because we can all be sitting out a road map saying as much as we possibly can about the route to normality and even though some things are very uncertain because we want. this looked on to be the last. who's out london's heathrow airport we just heard the words almost certain use there isa something else is uncertain is this plan for people tourists coming from those 30 red list countries to quarantine for 10 days in selected hotels but a lot of issues over how it's going to be implemented what else can you tell us. absolutely since today is the 1st day of those measures being implemented 33 so-called bradleys countries where the so-called south african or brazilian strains
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of the corona virus are prevalent people traveling from those countries will have to quarantine in those designated hotels all of them close to the vicinity of heathrow airport here just on the outskirts of west london so that has been in place since this morning around 4 am u.k. time and it involves passengers getting off their flights and being in school to through special lanes the special queues in the ports being done loaded onto buses which have been specially commissioned the process being go over soon by g 4 s. and other private companies and then being taken to those hotels where they must remain for 10 days they'll be tested on 2 occasions within that stay in people who are tested positive will have to stay a little longer in those hotels now they have been concerns because. of course with people flying good on connecting flights they might be mixing with passengers who want coming from so-called red list countries and then that could be the risk of
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a so-called super spread the events of people falling through the cracks and those strains coming into the u.k. and higher numbers and heathrow airport themselves saying that there are some issues that really do need to be ironed out if this policy is to be implemented properly. ensured successful implementation of the policy from monday but some significant gaps remain and we're yet to receive the necessary reassurances. now one of the concerns is that there aren't enough border force agents to see people through all the possible checks which of course could mean long queues more people standing in close proximity and again those threats of things being passed of the back seat of the virus if you will being passed from a passenger to passenger now another issue of course is what to do about people
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telling the truth about where they've been of course direct flights have been banned from certain countries so passengers are getting connecting flights and the government have implemented measures to find people who even imprison them if they lie about where they are originally traveling from but even so concerns have remained for some unions us that the safety of some of these measures. to what extent a border for is going to be checking to be sure people have been noticed we're hearing a lot of concern from people who are concerned about encountering someone who has been in the red this country and hasn't declared it could they face abuse are they expected to detain them. now there are some of the opposition benches for example the labor leader who filled out these measures don't go far enough whereas of those on the government's own backbenchers the conservative backbenchers some m.p.'s who feel like these measures are somewhat draconian and they want to see them eased once the country of course gets back open or once the vaccine has been rolled out
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on a wide enough level. he said thanks very much for bringing us through all that the live from outside heathrow airport artie's. a spot is brewing within the european union after the blockbuster rated germany for closing its borders to austria the czech republic now the move by berlin was part of its possible to stop the spread of new variants of coronavirus but that explanation didn't wash with its neighbors. 4 weeks but varies minister president marcus sorta hasn't missed a single opportunity to take a pot shot at her all these constant pressure it's of remarks of disgraceful and don't be fit a minister president that's not the way to treat neighbors the truth is that the virus cannot be stopped by close borders i think it's wrong to return to europe with close breast like we had in march $20000.00 and we're battling the mutated virus on the borders with the czech republic in north strip the e.u.
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commission should support us and not throw a spanner in the works with their cheap suggestions involve the introduction of border controls holes cause massive traffic jams up the german check front here under the restrictions that take effect on sunday german citizens on truck drivers are allowed to enter germany provided they test negative for krone virus though they'll still be quarantined for at least 10 days on arrival political commentator jump respond told me it's not realistic to expect countries to act as one despite the ideals of the. piece of fiction you obviously are legion these are believe that you can build this you have been union and make it into a single county eventually but it doesn't seem to work that way there in the media t.v. unit in the sense that the different people you know about still as different as they used to be the germans and the fans know french and of the italians it's a time and then those are going to be doing to these areas of the people to control
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their country their police and so on if only they're all the us and this meat the drilling to build a european union that we really do need to see that's when you know mother they want us as ideally native. now and that there will be people that's as simple as that the basic thing that we have that one people and we have not changed was. you need to if you want to go. the 1st pictures have emerged of british actress jodie turner smith english queen lynn in a new t.v. mini series the black woman will play the white monarch in a larger set of taishan on new kid t.v. the creators say they wanted to challenge conventions about the queen's life queried however if it would be acceptable the opposite way around for example a white person playing a block historical figure such as nelson mandela here's some of the reaction that followed the casting of the actress black people shouldn't portray white people if
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you start a color white stories and vice versa we have our own stories it's not empowering it's silly so instead of making stories drawn through and intriguing lives of black historical figures across the world human to be producers are just going to keep casting black actors to play when people and color diversity in progress only a matter of time before martin luther king displayed by dominic west a similar clash of opinions emerged over a leading black character in the movie other taishan of the 3 musketeers the french studio producing it sees the musketeer and humble is loosely based on a real african prince who became the 1st black musketeer in france the original story be alexander dumas however doesn't include characters of african descent my colleague colin brake put the show up for debate. pick at the end of a day it just makes sense to have the actors portraying a people in
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a more realistic way we're talking about amber lane the queen of england i mean this is not a black woman it would be the exact same thing if you hate chris pray the guy who plays captain america portraying tigers who it would make any sense at all i would be like ok come on let's get it more or less the representation of that particular person in their real person in history let's make it a little bit more accurate shall we axons good in a vacuum however if we look at this from a historical lens will remember things like movies like cleopatra and how they were told with elizabeth taylor as cleopatra who was very much a person of african descent and stories like jesus who is played by mel gibson also a person of african descent and so what we find is that historically everyone's been ok we were going to eat the the tower of white supremacy has been ok with the stories being told by white curators however it seems like there's some fragility issues happening we'll be at soon soon to tell the stories with actors based on
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their qualifications in their ability in you know their skill set versus just looking at the color of their skin and up and about cleopatra i mean i'm not necessarily just want to go around the world by a clear path or was more of a greek a north african i mean africa is not just one place you get different parts of africa you talking about north africa people like gadhafi who was a lab recently he does not look like you and me so clear patrick was more accurate of the mediterranean and i kind of stove at a particular time van this woman who is clearly of african descent or caribbean descent whatever it is trying to portray the queen of england you don't think that when it comes to historical representation the generations of moviegoers of being brought up on those films which will be regarded as classics and mustn't be interfered with in any way and we look back at them and you see these images of ancient roman of ancient. reese and the embarrassingly white which just isn't true either is it so it's about time that we got was redressed isn't it anthony oh it
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will roll me agrees i may not talk on the boat subsaharan africa roma group says not to look absolutely me that's just a fact now you can say they could be more racially ambiguous and that's why i mean come on in the players we can look at the past and say ok some of the movies are right that's by and let's create it's not a story is a path is due to a rabbit in time over the pace of some of the movies or it's all the right this is kind of silly it's not about living in the past it's about correcting the wrong black people who have been systematically disenfranchised from participating in hollywood and not allowed to be in films across the board that's what we're attempting to correct in south to the end reimagine a world where a person who's black in plate any character pris the simply a queen and to see what that does for a young african-american girl to see a black woman play a queen that's what we're we're looking at this is filed are there no everything queens or are there no african queens that you could play rabbit in a white queen. russia sees brussels is deliberately
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destroying toadies with moscow foreign minister sergei lavrov did say however he wants to develop mutually beneficial relations with the e.u. but is ready for any scenario as tensions worsened in recent weeks over the case of political activist alexey novelli dull of quarter us the story. lover of seemed generally pessimistic about the current state of relations between russia and the european union after his meeting with the finnish foreign minister but he said that responsibility for this actually live with brussels so let's take a listen to what exactly he said got accustomed to the framework of the relations between russia and the youth has been deliberately destroyed by brussels we must be a group of developments it's up to the e.u. to choose if they decide that relations must be rebuilt or reversed will also be ready food level statement comes on the backdrop of a general worsening of relations with europe last week the russian foreign minister said that moscow is ready to sever relations with europe if it deploys sanctions
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against it now these sanctions in question that brussels is considering of course are connected to the recent imprisonment of opposition activist alex a new volley who was arrested for violating parole and accuses the russian government of poisoning him now moscow denies any involvement in this but many e.u. officials are behind in of all needs narrative things also didn't go so well after the euro the european union's foreign representative just of burrill visited russia his return to the e.u. was greeted by a split european parliament with anti russian representatives calling for his resignation and others pushing for more reconciliation with russia so what we're seeing really is a situation in which officials can't come to a consensus about where to move forward from here. testimony is proof independence parties have extended their presence in the semi autonomous regions parliament after elections on sunday they won more than 50 percent of the vote for
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the 1st time hold $74.00 of 135 seats however they party which is proof union help the poles the leader of the pro independence republican left party and current vice president says it's a new chapter for customer. i don't want to mess up catalonia made history today independence movement is more than 50 percent of the vote this means that this country starts a new chapter we have enormous schools. determination to achieve the freedom of the political prisoners and the return of the self exult we have a huge fool stood she refers to the catalan republic. sunday's elections so low voter turnout choo-choo the ongoing health crisis and 3rd wave of the pandemic there a failed independence bid in 2017 by then president carlos puts them on spark spain's worst political crisis in decades while
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a recent survey suggests some 47 percent off catalans are against independence and 44 percent in favor let's try and make sense of all i'm delighted to welcome on to the program r.k. from the international commission of european citizens are always good to have you on the program is this really a new chapter for catalonia as we've just heard you know you had a pro union party the socialist winning the election orally but nevertheless top the vote and you've got the right wing vox party entering parliament for the 1st time what do you read into it all well good evening and certainly. the. connection issue there with we will try and make connect with her in just a moment just to recap that story we heard kathleen he is pro independence parties
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extending their presence in the semi autonomous regions parliament after elections on sunday. ok let's say trying connect again we've got a new line with i believe union here in moscow you can hear me. yes ok yeah and i just that point again we got cut off just in your prime there is this a new start how do you read into those figures. yes well it's not really and new style because we have been continuous managed to have absolute majorities in the catalan parliament but certainly is a new victory once again that shows up with the term initial and that will of people to. to apply the mandate the referendum that was selfish one binding 2010 so this time we've not only again absolute majority of seats in the
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parliament but also with her parents the 50 percent plus one boards so we are running really of. for ways of democratic ways to show ourselves. we are complicit and to be cut and i mean the state but it's very closely at the moment it's it's on tender hooks really you've got the socialists as i say a pro union party who have the right to form a government it's going to be difficult because they did it with a very small majority topping the vote but nevertheless they did it do you expect a standoff between pro union parties now in catalonia. well it's true democracy and that the referendums ride that north. you win and the one that can go on for and the government and that is what did happen and this have the chance to do once again there are tensions between the
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different blocs dad unfortunately is not in the catalans hand so we've seen always in history and in the risks of this history and the spanish the spanish to the violence attitude against in devon and i will write a solution and that's people want to to be an independent ride and other than the state and the ones that decide either to to use again violence or not when it's always for sure is that cattle and a we are always now where the democratic. manners. are always in a democratic basis but what is true is that we are legitimate to defend our stance. in whatever manner the spanish state decides to confront us what do you think of the wireless of a socialist party leader he was quite open wasn't he said he would vote to
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unite catalonia if elected president could he managed that. well it's. art that. belongs to the political by the days ruling the spanish state and that have political prisoners and people forced to exile and had rats of cattle and citizens being repressed by the spanish jittery system. about 8 or $9000.00 cattle and how how how he managed to do that under these circumstances the. plants are his 2 boards or a deal. of this ad wages situation at cotton and we are really good night now what really unites the fabric of our society as we know is democracy and the exercise of democracy and that means to apply
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and to will be what catalan people has declared time after time and then he is dead we are ready to be an independent state so if he wants to unite cattle. which. which actually does not major problems unless they instigate with a police and they do this is the system this confrontation but if not they only need to sit down and they will shape the terms of well in that underneath and it is it is a bit of a mother isn't it because we've only got 30 seconds left but catalonia is spain's wealthiest region whoa how can we ever consider giving it up how far are you supporters of independence willing to take this we have a 32nd. economic cannot be a problem we offer and he said we don't want the spanish state we will help as we are doing now the only thing is that we.


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