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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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leap. to. china the u.s. question the findings of a world health organization. with. people traveling in from countries to quarantine for 10 days in selected hotels. remains. to. be good. for a reporter in a divided america. i feel that. now larry.
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thanks for joining us this morning on. the program. that china has accused the u.s. of. the coronavirus pandemic. over the findings of a recent world health organization probe into the origins of the virus in china. schooling for more transparency from beijing and is supported by the u.k. . reports. well we've got the scientific community trying to find out the origins of the global coded 19 pandemic so team from the world health organization was dispatched to go to war han however at this point we've got the biden and ministration questioning those findings and washington is saying they read politics into this here's what we heard we have deep concerns about the way in which the early findings of the coded ninth's investigation were communicate to and questions
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about the proofs is used to reach them now you'll recall that donald trump had pulled the united states out of the world health organization but when biden assumed office the new administration in washington d.c. returned the united states to the world health organization but it seems that some of the trumpet ministrations attitudes and assumptions about china are still intact at this point we've got china shooting back at the united states and saying that essentially they seem to not be recognizing that the onus is on them to restore the confidence in the united states that has been lost around the world due to present trends leadership here's what we heard from china what the u.s. has done in recent years has severely undermined multilateral institutions including the w.h.o. and gravely damaged international cooperation on covert 19 but the u.s. acting as if none of this has ever happened is points in fingers at other countries who have been faithfully supports in the w.h.o. and at the south with such
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a track record how can it win the confidence of the whole world so at this point we've got the report from the world health organization team saying that there were 13 different strands of coded 19 that were out there and furthermore indicating that it was probably basically not being detected and was being passed on in a manner that was not detected earlier before the alarm was raised now that report from the world health organization has been. to widespread and quite political attention western media has been harshly critical of the report and critical of china then we actually had a situation where members of the team actually responded with rather strong words too were reports that were circulated by the new york times about their investigation here's what we heard this was not my experience and w.h.o. as leader of animal environment working group by phone trust and openness with my china counterparts we did get access to critical new data throughout we did in
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group understanding of likely spillover pathways we did build up a good relationship in the chinese international epidemic team allowing for heated arguments reflect a deep level of engagement in the room our quotes are intended lee to restate kostin shadow over important scientific work now the team from the world health organization pretty much debunked the virus lab leak theory that was being promoted by. donald trump and the administration this idea that somehow coded 19 was a chinese bio weapon that went wrong or something to that effect that's been pretty much debunked by the world health organization now biden has certainly used a less shrill tone when talking about china however at this point it seems like the united states and the united kingdom are continuing to push the idea that china is not blameless in the pandemic and somehow china is to blame they're not using some
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of the extreme allegations and tones we heard from the trumpet ministration but the narrative that china is to blame for coated in china should be held responsible for it that narrative seems very well alive the biden ministration continues to push the notion that china is to blame we've got u.k. officials backing up their words so while some of the harsh rhetoric and shrill words of the trumpet ministration have not been continued we are continuing to see a narrative that is hostile to china coming from washington and from london. china joe discovering mahoney believes the origin of the pandemic will remain a political issue for some time well it's absolutely the case the united states hyper politicized the pandemic. now it encourages unfounded and anti-scientific conspiracy theories demonize china and withdrew from the world health organization and that these actions in tandem with trans america 1st perch proved profoundly destructive to international cooperation we know that biden will not go soft on
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china but he aims to compete we know that he has to play to american voters who are deeply suspicious of china we know that he's trying to rally allies in a new coalition to push back against china the problem we face is that it's often practically impossible to pinpoint scientifically when and where an outbreak like this started and the best we can do is rule out unlikely scenarios and consensus builder around well grounded theories what this means unfortunately is that the outbreaks origins will probably remain respectable to the politicization and demonization for a long time to come. britain's prime minister says he wants the current national knock down to be the country's last but boris johnson couldn't guarantee how quickly it will be lifted next week i'll be sitting on a road map saying as much as we possibly can about the route to normality and even though some things are very uncertain because we want this
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lockdown to be the last from minister and his words came with new rules again forced anyone of arriving from a number of redness countries to quarantine the 10 days in selected hotels at their own expense he said reports from london's heathrow apple. any trouble is coming from the so-called red lace countries being forced to isolate soon the hotels the government quarantine the hotels so upon a rival at the airports like this one heathrow one of the busiest ignore the busiest airport in the walls passengers will be taken through the airports by specify should be assigned star they will go through special queues and checked in with their passports and then taken on to buses and put into quarantine for 10 days now of course those countries that they're traveling from include countries where the so-called south african brazilian strains of the corona virus are more prevalent and that policy controversial for
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a number of reasons people not being allowed to leave their hotel rooms they'll be tested twice when that this and perhaps most importantly they will have to bear the cost themselves up to $1750.00 pounds for a 10 day as stay in that state could extend longer if somebody tests positive for the virus while they are in the hotel now he through airport themselves saying that there are some issues that really do need to be ironed out if this policy is to be implemented properly we've been working hard with the government to try to ensure the successful implementation of the policy for monday but some significant gaps remain ministers must ensure there is adequate resources and appropriate protocols in place faith stamp of the full and when process from aircraft to hotel to avoid compromising the safety of passengers and those working at the airport now one of the concerns is that there aren't enough border force agents to see people through all the possible checks which of course could mean longer queues more people
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standing in close proximity and again those threats of the virus if you will from being passed from a passenger to passenger now another issue of course is what to do about people telling the truth about where they've been of course a direct flight. have been banned from certain countries so passengers are getting connecting flights and the government have implemented measures to find people even imprison them if they lie about where they are originally traveling from but even so concerns have remained for some unions us that the safety of some of these measures to what extent a border for is going to be checking to be sure people have been noticed we're hearing a lot of concern from people who are concerned about encountering someone who has been in the red this country and hasn't declared it could they face abuse are they expected to detain them now there are some of the opposition benches for example the labor leader who feel that these measures don't go far enough whereas of those
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on the government's own backbenchers the conservative backbenchers some m.p.'s who feel like these measures are somewhat draconian and they want to see them eased once the country of course gets back open or once the vaccine has been rolled out on a wide enough level. a spot is brewing within the e.u. after germany closes for us to austria and the czech republic there was part of bunnings battle to combat a new covert variants by that explanation didn't wash with its neighbors for weeks but various minister president marcus soda hasn't missed a single opportunity to take a pot shot at her all these constant pejorative remarks and disgraceful and don't be fit a minister president that's not the way to treat neighbors the truth is that the virus cannot be stopped by closed borders i think it's wrong to return to europe with close boris like we had in march 2020 we're battling the mutated virus on the borders with the czech republican or strip the e.u.
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commission should support us and not throw a spanner in the works with their cheap suggestions. well meanwhile the introduction of border controls has caused massive traffic jams at the german check from out of restrictions that took effect on sunday german citizens along with truck drivers all are allowed to enter germany provided they test negative for covert though they will still be governed quarantined for at least 10 days on arrival as a commentator john brickwall believes it's not realistic to expect countries to act as one despite the ideals of the european union. fiction you're obviously religion is to believe that we can build this european union and make it into a single county eventually but it doesn't seem to work that way devon he achieved unity in the sense that the different people in europe are still as different as they used to be the germans and the french and the french and italians etc and in. these areas of the people to control their country their police and so on if only
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they're all the us and this meat going to build a european union that really do need to see that's when you know mother they want. it will be. people. that the basic things that we are different people and we have not changed to was a gauge of unity if you want to go. to black lives matter activists of reportedly been charged with harassment an attempted assault for disappears the show of attack a conservative journalist who was covering the rally. bugs i think that well there was something going on that these people around you could write whatever drugs are approved guruji accord was your god you're very truly she's a pushover you regarding the truth of her yeah that's right. i think as you can see with what had happened to me it is very trying times initially when
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i saw they were harassing other journalists there and videographers and i went to stand with them as well and they they wanted everybody to be turning off their cameras with our 1st amendment rights which is freedom to the press and also being a public space i kept my camera on and i said now this is public space and i'm reporting the news so my camera will stay on and that's when they started attacking initially or being media and then the 2nd time they came around to attack me when they identified which media i was i feel that being conservative media is is now very physically threatening to journalists. toran was covering the rally when demonstrators identified as a conservative reporter a journalist also claims they have on police ignored calls for help at one point to protest or even appears to read reviews for nothing thanks. now in order for true peace to occur you need to have people to have that simple discourse it's not it's not true peace when the other side is voices are shut off and so is it may give up
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assad of unity or peace but it's act the detriment of you know $75.00 plus 1000000 americans who had voted and do support donald trump at the expense of basically shutting their voices out so that is not true unity when you're taking out your opponent it's not a fair fight america is descending into something that you know i would never have imagined truly experiencing in my lifetime i don't condone the violence that happened at the capitol and i can i condemn them along with other the public in the conservatives because because terrorism and and and destruction and what is going on that has no place in america and i do feel that we are seeing more attacks and violence actually occurring from the left onto the right we see censorship that's going on and it's not even being. occur. u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi has called for the capitol hill storming to be investigated along similar lines to how the $911.00 terror attacks will probe
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democratic representative eric swalwell has offered to create both an investigative commission and a white nationalism taskforce. it is from the impeachment trial that we must get to the truth of how of these happened to establish an outside independent $911.00 type commission to investigate the domestic terrorist attack upon the united states kept the complex interfering with the peaceful transfer of power and they're going to be i believe in the department of justice very white nationalism a task force to make sure that they are understanding that the earliest of ages out or be radicalized will follow from the acquittal of the old trump has seen democrats point the finger of blame at a cowardly group of republicans that says some g.o.p. party members themselves are all seeking to impeach the new president joe biden so is the courtroom now ground 0 for american politics egos that off investigate donald trump now is the most acquitted president in the u.s.
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history and no one worked harder to win him the title then the democrats and the realisation is dorning on them but what we saw in that senate today was that kerry wordly group of republicans who patently have no option because they were afraid to defend their job respect the institution in which they served. these senators have decided to hang their hat on jurisdictional grounds which are not based on evidence which are not based on the facts and they will have to be judge that a ballistic meltdown is not something you'd expect to hear from a party whose candidate won the presidential election a democrat ego side which even stung through joe biden's psyche and it'll take more than a few cute white house lawn decorations to heal that wound what was meant to be a tool of checks and balances system transcended into one party's vendetta against
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a political opponent the order call of the pietschmann now before the senate is an unjust and blatantly unconstitutional of political vengeance i hope i will be proven wrong but it seems that impeachment based on partisan differences seems to be becoming the norm not the exception i hope against hope all you want but impeachment articles against joe biden were filed less than 30 hours into his presidency it is the norm but when it comes to trump hate his impeachment is the least they want for him some would much rather see him swinging from the gallows and if you dare to defend them oh boy your personality will be reduced to being a racist a white supremacist a traitor there are reports your house was graffitied. my
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entire family my business my law firm are under siege right now it's also feared now that after impeachment humiliation take 2 never trumpeters along with the democratic chums simply won't grudge against the former president slide one of the most bizarre goings it's happened senator tim kaine of virginia my own state senator has proposed. the democrats since they have never been able to introduce a shred of evidence to implicate the president in any the crime or misdemeanor whether they should do is introduce a bill of attainder based. on the 14th amendment in which they could simply lay boat and punish and sort of convicted punish. tromp for whatever they want and they wouldn't have to go through all of the business of it stab washing guilt or having proof or having due process this is the
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agent despots like henry be a penguin who executed all of his enemies with bills of attainder it just shows the desperation that they have and it also shows you know this is a former president he's not a sitting president and huge shows the tremendous this year all fear of the democrats over this man trump may feel like he's out of the woods but with the dems now holding both the oval office and congress they have the power to drag him right back into the swamp the. us state of mississippi could buy in a transgender athletes from within sport a bill in support of the move has to be considered by the states house of representatives after being passed by the senate last week and the move comes despite president biden issuing an executive order on his 1st day in office
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extending protection for transgender male border things to compete with women the states of montana north dakota and idaho have also said they will restrict come by that has to gender categories opponents of baden's order though say it poses a threat to the very existence of women sport. it's very disappointing because it just feels like such a war on really and when it specifically when it comes to sports where you know we really don't care how individuals identify what it really comes down to is once biological sex because in the arena of sport when sex matters we're talking about what's fair and it's not fair to discriminate against women and again we already know that they've been competing on the oystermen side so essentially by continuing with this unfair legislation this discriminatory legislation against women what we're doing is providing our male counterparts who's always always an advantage but
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we're giving them 2 opportunities and they can either continue to compete on the male side or come and choose to compete on the women's side just disappointing to see this administration including was so many women part of the administration that they would challenge you. as girls and women. a white house claims the order doesn't grant federal funding to allow bottles or co male athletes access to women's sports teams but it says all students should be able to learn without facing sec the school an asian including the right for transgender women to compete on female teams critics though say threatens women's rights and achievement. because a sporting for all the game is being rigged against women and in favor of biological men president biden is the latest man to do the reading which is strange coming from someone peeled as a defender a women i'm so disappointed over president biden's actions to force young girls like them to compete with biological males for access to it let's fix it will limit
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opportunity for so many competitors like my daughters it's bad policy and it's wrong for america we go to my legislation and all of the legislation imploded nationally it does not keep or prevent a biological boy or man from competing it just a clippers on which side that they must continue to compete in that is a side with their biology and we have to remember that sports is and foremost when when someone straight out or even a high school team or certainly an olympic team is about winning that's the most important thing is if we have activities that are important to our mental health there are many activities that we can all do for mental health but why would the mental health of a biological male be considered more important than the mental health of a biological female it just simply doesn't add up because it's not fair that we 1000. more than we value our women. it's been
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a decade since the arab spring made landfall in libya anti-government protests grew into a full blown civil war there which led to a massive nato led military intervention auntie's what i guess if examines the tomatoes pasta 10 years in the north african country. 10 years ago the arab spring made its impact in libya back then libya was a wealthy country ruled by a strongman yes but brics one of the most prosperous states in africa but people wanted more they wanted freedom democracy and they were willing to fight for it was. a good duffy held power for 4 decades he had outsmarted the intellectuals beat the ease limits to a pulp trash the liberals and ground down every rival he knew how to survive
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plus he had millions of people on his side and. it was. you know you and i were lucky that my grandfather's remains in here will die with him as a mother that i didn't know and sewed begad one of the 21st centuries worst geo political calamities it was careless rather against brother towns and villages for and against gadhafi regiments and warlords guards and tribes juki it out hoover who controls the oil in the cities the roods and the ports and still good dossie wouldn't fool what ultimately led to his devotees was his independence it was a pain in the backside for europe for america it wasn't that he was
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a dictator that he sponsored terror will that he suppress dissent look at saudi arabia obama crave close allies of the west was that he wouldn't play fetch a given in the middle finger to sue many decades and gotten away. with it until mot 2011 we will deny the regime arms cut off its supplies of cash assist the opposition. and work with other nations to hasten the day when gadhafi leaves power. after what happened in iraq and afghanistan everyone was naturally a little concerned about nato rushing in guns blazing so they tricked the u.n. they filed the resolution to establish quote a new flood exude in libya to protect civilians and state go to the proved they then said that gadhafi was the threat to civilians not just the jets q
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goggins blazing some of the 1st u.s. tomahawk missiles had been launched on libya we are at war once again and this 1st phase is to take out gadhafi air defenses we've just learned that the u.s. has fired its 1st missiles at libyan air defenses nato conducted almost 10000 on libya dropped thousands and thousands of bombs that another late had proved gadhafi forces that were also killed dozens and dozens of civilians according to human rights watch gadhafi was eventually caught he was tortured and murdered right there new cool it new trial. we came we saw mary died. she wasn't laughing when the same victorious rebels which she helped get rid of gadhafi stormed the american
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consulate the next year and murdered the u.s. ambassador that is perhaps when they finally realized what they had done it was another rock another of cadmus star and the fires that they lit blood to the east day marks the end of a. chapter for the people of libya. every year living in disaster disaster disaster disaster. libya's. in chaos anarchy a new truth thank you and jihad is wonderland displacement and destruction is it fair to say libya was better off under gadhafi. 10 years of endless war chaos war crimes today libya's g.d.p. is a 3rd of what it was in 2010 that's democracy school is the same as it was under
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gadhafi standard of living is down there is no press freedom and there's even more corruption it's a den of islam it's terrorism of narco traffic and the world's capital of slave markets you can buy a black male refugee adam auction for as little as 2 $100.00 and this day and age what we know is that migrants who fall into the hands of smugglers face a systematic malnutrition sexual abuse and even murder we're hearing about mass graves in the desert migrants are being sold in the market as a commodity if you go to the market and you can pay between $2500.00 to get a migrant that will work with you on your daily jobs or support your work the war still rages warlords and islam it's gangs and drugs traffickers and slave was still latin it you know and the oil giants italy's any france is to tell today
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matthew new problem pumping oil in the middle of a civil war i did forget to mention did not libya also happens to have the largest oil reserves in africa and the few years before they bombed libya into the ground gadhafi had hinted at potentially nationalizing all the oil production but no that's crazy talk isnt it. a number of experts we spoke to believe the nato intervention in libya spell disaster for the north african country. intervention by nato did not apply all that was supposed to civilians that turned into a regime change operation and instead of bringing us claim to be peace and say billeted in order and progress and development and democracy to the people of libya what president bodies all are all part of the libyan libyan people it's
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insecurity it's. actually returned to the periods even perhaps in some areas worse than it was in the early days of. resawing devastation. libya's institutions libya's infrastructure or through its social institutions we saw violence we still got eyes that were extreme islam keep in mind that the oil generated a good deal of wealth you have wall street firms like goldman sachs which were involved in business deals with the khadafi regime but with the ouster of the gadhafi regime they felt that they would be in their position to do that then you had the inexperience of the team in washington and inexperienced president surrounded by inexperienced aides like secretary of state hillary rodham clinton who was trying to. demonstrate.


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