tv News RT February 16, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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french lawmakers approve named separatism bill which critics say would all unfairly target muslims opponents to the bill for a day in. russian scientists develop the world's 1st test for the dead in the u.k. strain of corona virus that's led many countries to close their borders we hear from the head of the russian border 3. develop a new testing system and we kept in mind that if we need to detect all this we could do it if you have huge. concern grows over the economic impact facing germany kilometers of freight traffic. its borders.
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berlin's methods to contain the spread of coal but that's all ahead in the program . from moscow to the world this is r.t. international pleasure you with us o'neill we will get to those headlines stories in just a moment 1st let's go live to barcelona where protests have erupted there on the streets in support of her. police are earlier arrested the musician who had barak aided himself in a university with supporters after being charged with insulting the royal family state institutions and glorifying terrorism you're seeing quite a lot of smoke there on 'd the streets and looks like tear gas with the police trying to hold back some of the streets closing down in this. the center we've been
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having a bit of an issue with their connection there as you're seeing there as well just to say on that story it comes just days after pro independence parties in catalonia forced more than half of the vote in elections for the very 1st time so a powder keg situation right now in barcelona will try and return to the law and when we get a little bit more footage ok moving the program. after weeks of heated debate the french national assembly has voted in favor of into law a bill against separatism it was proposed to curb after a series of killings you'll remember the brutal beheading of a history teacher in a secondary school last october now critics say it unfairly targets the country's 5700000 muslims lawmakers in fact adopted over 300 amendments to the bill far from all the m.p.'s are happy with the finish will see it is you know it is absolute silence an absence in other words the existing separate as they call it is not the
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same. we have to discuss the issue of the territorial separatism through separatism and the vaccination campaign and separates of the rich on the what it takes it to the aim of this bill is precisely to reinforce our legislative arsenal to combat separatism and to allow the republic to act within the rule of law in this sense it's a battle plan not to go through to defend the principles of the republic verjuice religious extremism and its dramatic consequences is a serious challenge of our time it's a law that examines us and we have the means to respond to from the holy prophet good i hope you know a group regrets the repressive currents of the attacks as well as the absence of the social and economic aspects but serves the interest of integration of our fellow citizens. well this law is aimed at in trying the values of the french stock public it includes a tightening of rules around things such as religious teaching ringback to online
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a hate and it will also see chance sentences for doctors who perform genesee tests now the idea of this war was to stop islam ists from creating communities that reject the country's secular identity and also values of equality between men and women this is how the country's interior minister put it the bill provides concrete responses to the development of radical islam an ideology hostile to the principles and values on which the republic is founded this in law was debated for hours and hours in the national assembly will have claimed to be simple as you go through every section of it and more than 100 hours was spent on that in fact and there were more than $300.00 amendments made the despite all of that talking this rouer seen by some as being king to a witch hunt against muslims are shocking actually put in each presidential
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election particularly muslims are the focus of debates leave us alone leave islam alone the job of the more you think we're going to do it if we really want to fight against terrorism what's going on today has nothing to do with this quite on the contrary it will only make it worse than 50 have a minute it scares me it scares me for the youth because the problem is he has we wear a veil and yes we are muslim so what because we are muslims it doesn't mean that where is limits it is necessary to make the distinction. but no the bill has also to stop thinking about it problems and tensions with other countries you might remember that it was critical coverage in the english language to media the like to present my point towsley intervenes that he was unhappy about the past and it's also strained ties with countries such as yourself and turkey don't forget the approached. yes held across the room was in the book that we believe an effigy of president maxwell nickel for them such as the distance had to end with this crash
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and the suggestions that happen sooner or later the say it doesn't go far enough in this dissatisfaction with this you didn't include a ban on when and where it is allowed to make a headscarf in areas such as university so it does seem that nudity was really happy with it spike the fact that the past all that this to us reading this bill had being in the works spoke very long time over a year ago president it talks about creating a bill like this but it really came it shop focused following a spate of islam at a terror attacks in france last year it was of course the brutal beheading of history teacher samuel patty and then 3 people being slain as a church in nice really it's home to france to reflect just how it was going to target this issue that keeps rearing its head time and time again to be really interesting to see how this plays out now let's not forget though this is just the
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1st hurdle yes it's been represented by deputies in the national assembly but it now has to go to the senate where there is a suggestion that it will be strengthened even. more. russian scientists have developed the world's 1st test for the new corona virus strain that was originally detected in britain but deadlier variant has led to many countries closing their borders and yours are done of picks up the story for us. what this particular mutation more commonly known as the british strain has caused some alarm all over the world essentially one thing to understand about it while more aggressive as any other strain of the virus for the hosts body it is much more contagious and therefore it poses an increased risk of hospitalization and death and that's why russian scientists decided to single out this particular strain 1st . well developed in the new test in system we use the same approach as we did for
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the main test it is the same express method where you need about an hour to receive test results which is much faster than the classic v.c.r. testing we don't try to replace our main test it is not a method for mass diagnostics it's a tool for e.p.d. milage ical surveillance to control the spread of new strains however well developed in the new testing system we kept in mind that if we need to detect other strains we could do it in a short period of time. well one thing to understand about covert 19 is that it's a virus that well it mutates very easily adapting to different environments and so on that's why it is potentially very concerning because what if it develops and evolves into a version that kills people quicker so that's why europe is still on lockdown at least of some degree some countries of closed outside of the e.u. travel's some countries closed borders even with some of its e.u. neighbors and the move the virus exists and by the way there are no signs that it
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is going anywhere the movie versions of itself will create but the russians are saying that with this new technology they will be able to quickly identify and single out whatever new strain comes up. our justice system aims to detect a mutation in a protein that was 1st found in a strain in britain but later it was also found in south africa and brazil and strains as well initially we planned to use to test for surveillance now i do not exclude the possibility that detest can be used for differential diagnosis after grown a virus has been diagnosed in order to understand what kind of virus that person is infected with so the more scientists know about covert 19 the more information doctors have so they will be able to potentially at least tailor their treatment in accordance as to which strain a patient has and well make it more personal make it more individual and hopefully
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prevent more deaths. traffic crossing between germany and the czech republic as well as parts of austria has grown to a standstill it's occurring after berlin shut its borders 3 in the spread of the highly contagious u.k. variant of covalent or europe correspondent peter already takes a closer look at the repercussions. huge traffic jams tailing back from germany's borders with both the czech republic and austria this is after burley and introduced border checks on sunday evening following outbreaks of mutant coronavirus trains in both the czech republic and in parts of austria in the tirol region in particular they put in place these blocks at seeing the huge traffic jams isn't the only areas that could be happening as well stephens i bear to angola merkel spokes person the german government spokes person has said that they government it currently reviewing doing the same thing at the borders with france
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due to outbreaks in that country as well no movement on that decision just yet to close the borders between germany and france it has happened between austria at the czech republic and germany and so far the interior ministry here in berlin have acknowledged that situation is far from ideal skipped truly of course that our traffic jams and waits in times have increased at the borders at least that's what it was like when the federal police checked about 10000 people and turned away about 5000 on the rival well these traffic jams aren't just in convience they pose real problems for the german economy take the car industry for example that operates on just in time deliveries of supplies in order to work on the construction of automobiles just the shortest amount of delay well that can have a potentially huge knock on effect many parts for automobile production the german
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locations to deliver just in time or just in sequence directly to the some blue line from austria and the czech republic if the testing and controls of the border that result in long traffic jams many car plants in germany will have a breakdown of the supply chains and the subsequent production standstill on their hands the 1st assembly line. it's will come to a stop within a few hours in the absence of material supplies there's also diplomatic fallout from these border controls both vienna and brussels aren't happy with that they've been put in place there's been some particularly spicy language coming out of parts of austria germany though says it stands by the solution to put these checks in place for weeks but there is minister president marcos sorta hasn't missed a single opportunity to take a pot shot at the role these constant push europe's of remarks of disgraceful and don't do fits a minister president that's not the way to treat neighbors the truth is that the
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virus cannot be stopped by close borders i think it's wrong to return to europe with close boris' like we had in march $20000.00 and we're battling the mutated virus on the borders with the czech republican or strip the e.u. commission should support us and not throw a spanner in the works with cheap suggestions it seems relentless for germany at the moment not only dealing with the diplomatic fallout that comes from putting in place these checks they're also dealing with an outbreak of the virus in the west of the country as well as an ice cream factory and also pretty quick 210 out of 600 workers there have tested positive for covert 19 at least 2 of those it's been confirmed have tested positive for that mutated british variant of the corona virus so a lot going on a lot of stress is placed on the east those borders and in the west with a new outbreak as well when m.e.p.a. for the alternative for germany party ses the e.u.
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is approaching tackling the pandemic has laid bare its limitations. the european union showed that it is incapable to react to a unforeseeable situation it begin last began last year or when member states started to act close to union was unable or proper reaction. and then member states tried to give money and more competences to do european union because they wanted to stabilize the union to show to citizens hey the union is able to do it but the more money and more power we transferred from the national capital to brussels. the bigger where the the mistakes made in brussels the biggest mistake you have seen is that the member states gave debt power to organized of a keane's to brussels and to the european commission and the result is now that we have. a disaster in almost all developed countries more
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people. work seen and then in europe and germany is on the level of a developing country in terms of percentage of people who already got on what got lexan ated and. you see it from the early and 2020 until now the european union is unable to handle dust pandemic it is just able to spend money for nothing less keep attention on europe because in a bid to jumpstart its economy denmark is mulling plans to roll out controversial covert 19 vaccination passports we've heard of those a lot haven't we in the last few months while the practicalities are still under consideration there are fears it will mean vaccinations becoming compulsory in the country no one over instagram bloggers has been pondering the questions many are asking about the. but it was pretty hard to get well i
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read that a is going to introduce a vaccine possible for the cause of aids and that other countries might do. well it's not effectively making the vaccine compulsory tool to those who want to leave your country who want to turn off most things that are thought. of never being like the guy who's goodbye can i hear but i like to travel so you think. not sung songs no no i don't. want to ski. different countries you cuisines to the to do become a small. yes. rex nations to visit certain countries but not to leave their own country to to use the region because. police would fix one target which vaccine would you even name one which ones that. depends on where you live where these not just travel you know
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some companies talking about making vaccines compulsory for their employees. i will most people will and that's a good thing but some people don't want. to introduction not to those who think the mother. doesn't facebook has their truth decide to not just nod to the risk of 3 learned. the truth about their lives by the ship. fair enough but not all of them are like that. well yes some paper skeptical for understandable reasons but but that's not the point. well it doesn't matter what their reason me is they should have a choice if we go down the path of making medical procedures effectively compulsory where does that lead us or for you want to know. a new report by an american think tank has cast delegates on the effectiveness of
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the u.s. or forces rule in the fight against isis the study followed the military aviation field to significantly stem the spread of the islamist group so named caliphate saskia taylor has more you might remember not too long ago a humble man claiming a historic victory 'd. when i took it over was a mess now on the bottom that's exactly there is no red the ice is caliphate. has been decimated we have one good study says while washington so successfully defeated islamic state the reportedly it's now in the process of setting up a new military base to counter islamic state which is on the rise again so if indeed a us how busy returning to a little triangle between iraq syria and turkey it seems
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a good moment to ask how effective really was the west against the terror threat us trump or the pentagon full marks but read a recent report by the think time grant corporation which did a deep dive into us out against islamic state between 20142019 while does lente have room for improvement a little more aggressive in operations more just slightly accelerated the defeat of isis they're unlikely to have significantly altered the timeline the deep fighting operation inherent resolve affected arses finances but it could not affect us is main said dr gravity territory meaning the strategic attack did not play a decisive role in this operation was the probably made american taxpayers who saw 20 of the billions go towards operation inherent resolve in 2018 and 19 alone think is it really worth doing it all over again to be for the report does point to
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successful moments in washington's fight in iraq and syria but what stands out is that despite being much better funded than other operations in the middle east including the war in afghanistan that was a slew of errors including outdated techniques slow action uncoordinated intelligence gathering and unbelievably being out of practice. after decades of flying primarily overwatch mission since september the 11th the joint community's ability and capacity to plan and develop a deliberate strike operation in the deep areas actually feed this meant that many practitioners lacks experience in applying these processes to real world operations and the muscle memory to rapidly execute them and the conclusion the report comes to night the matches that last seen victorious tone of the pentagon nor does it exactly fill you with hope for any future campaigns deep strike operations help
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stress isis's finances and hasted its demise but what ultimately peripheral to the overall strategy ignoring this issue would be deeply problematic in the fight against a more capable adverse saree or in a more concise to our environment washington historically prefer to repeat the mistakes over and over again so whether they break with tradition this time and take up the report's recommendations is unclear what is horrifyingly clear though is that villages were bombed into oblivion thousands of civilian lives were lost along with all those taxpayers billions and it still wasn't enough something that becomes all the more horrifying when it looks like round 2 is on the cards. the turmoil surrounding the recent us presidential election appears to have had an impact on the political preferences of americans a poll shows support for
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a 3rd political party in the us is the highest it's been in nearly 2 decades according to the study significantly more than half of americans now support the idea it is the highest rate since the question 1st started being nationally by the gallup polling group 18 years ago the survey also saw a dramatic increase among republicans favoring a 3rd party but a decrease among democrats down from 52 percent in september to 46 percent. well to discuss what this means for us politics we're joined by done you make albums the executive director of the ron paul institute the u.s. green party's national co-chair tried her and cruz. editorial director up their reaction times online publication 17 year old very welcome to the program julio can we kick off with you. nearly 2 thirds of americans see the need for
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a 3rd party that's the highest percentage since this poll 1st began what's led to so many i thinking this way do you think. i think that there is a deep divide within the republican party that's actually the reason for this i think that in the republican party you have 2 factions you have a conservative. faction and then you have the establishment side the establishment side has really not been favorable to conservatives who see what's going on right now legislatively in america tantamount to basically having a you know party you basically have 2 progressive parties that are for big government they're for reckless spending and growing the size of government and all of these things that conservatives and libertarians have traditionally been against so i think that where president basically his expulsion if you want to call it that from the mainstream g.o.p. you see backlash against him from you know some of the leadership in the party
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people like mitch mcconnell mitt romney has always been opposed to president trump and these are the people that are seen as you know the leadership in a lot of sense as far as people having seniority within the party and i think that a lot of these people that were new voters that weren't be behind president see the g.o.p. basically as having failed him so i think a lot of those people probably were the respondents in the polls that have led to the spike in this in that number on that whether or not a 3rd party is actually good for their cause is debatable because generally 3rd parties are seen mostly as a spoiler in america done why is this not linking health and the number of 3rd parties who hold office remains in significant one is the when the polls suggest people do want to turn it. well the system is rigged against them in the united states and certainly my colleague from the green party understands this well this is them is rigged against libertarians and green party and others the democratic
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and republican party as the as the previous spoke or speaker mentioned they do collude they do share the same philosophy they're both part of the same warfare welfare state they stare the same view toward power the real problem is that government that politics has playing too big of a role in the lives of americans has become our national sport and that is the real problem in the united states try here in a similar point to you the number of public votes for 3rd party candidates it isn't a factor what's the biggest one reason for this is a consequence of the winner takes all system a lock of media coverage for 3rd party members or do policies such as your is simply not chime with the american voter. oh no we have the grit and parted united states has the best platform in america and you'll see that the democrats oft in the green new deal that's a green party policy. universal health care dollars are green party policies free
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college tuition those are great khali party policies but they get co-opted by the democrats but the democrats really can't implement those policies because of their allegiance to their donor base and that's the problem with both both parties also another reason why. just this past election we're in a pandemic we were required to go out and gather in some cases thousands and thousands of signatures while we're not even close by we're supposed to say 60 feet away from people. there's just bill coming up to h.r. one bill. of that democrats are pushing. that are using the language of voter protection but in it it hurts 3rd parties in presidential elections so there's a lot of leg lation that actually needs to be changed to make our elections more fair here in the us julio the poll also shows that more republicans as you are going through are in favor of
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a 3rd party democrats what's your take on if it did happen on the party actually splits surely that would just end every election to the democrats on a platter. yeah i think so and that's dangerous but one another element to this is that we're seeing the left the democrats are going far left radically left i mean you know if you look at the executive order signed into law by joe biden since he's become president i mean there are job killers you know this radical you know environmental platform that they're on you know as we're shut down the keystone pipeline it's giving our in our energy independence a way in it's going to wind up you know once they start regulating all these industries and they are going to turn their back on the unions that basically funded the democratic campaign this past election cycle you're going to have a lot of lost jobs you going to have a lot of democrats that are going to be upset with you know basically the policies
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that in a lot of ways they were lied to about as far as what they were going to do as far as to stimulate the economy so you may have people neither the democratic party and maybe protest vote i don't think the protests old would necessarily go to a republican party but if there is a new alternative it may go in there the only problem to that is a lot of people are seeing the seaview or the beacon behind that 3rd party maybe donald trump and i think a lot of democrats probably wouldn't want to vote for him so it's an interesting situation and just to pick up on what you say you're essentially up against a dominant 2 party system with donors extensive contacts stuff infrastructure all that comes of being the powerful entities and in politics is the best you're actually hoping for therefore to disrupt. well i think a strong message can change the world i think we learned something from ron paul's campaigns in 08 and 12 that basically started
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a libertarian revolution it hasn't and hasn't succeeded at the polling places per se but it if you think seeding in the minds and hearts of people on both the left and the right building a building a movement of people who are non partisan who are beyond partisan what trans partisan which is the idea is the best way to break up the monopoly that's held and shared by the republicans and democrats who are completely completely corrupt were not above cheating they cheat all the time they cheated dr paul a lot of his primaries there's plenty of cheating going on in 16 and 20 so the idea that what we have to do was build a grassroots movement to ignore the things that we don't share in common some of the things that are less and to focus on our shared values and ideologies try here in the last 30 seconds to you today power in the white house maybe beyond you and 3rd parties but arguably you can have more say these days in congress is that your focus. absolutely state parties governor governor races
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even here locally city council mayor races so we're going to start from the bottom up but we also have some lobbying that we have to do and i know 3rd parties don't want to do that but there's legislation that needs to be changed to make you make us elections more fair for everybody and give voters voters more choices at their brother well thank you all very much for coming on the program today enjoyed it dahlia mcadams executive director at the ron paul institute to us green party's national co-chair a try here and cruz and julio rivera editorial director of reactionary times thank you thank you much more great programs get their start in moments and i'm back after that at the top of the hour hope to catch you then buy from.
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