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tv   Going Underground  RT  February 17, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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up to 30000000 people in 600 cities worldwide protested against the nato nation war in iraq orchestrated in this country by labor prime minister tony blair in part 2 we'll hear from the rapper looking to replace arguable iraq war supporters of the current as london mayor in may but 1st let's speak to the award winning author of a new book on political lying peter oborne is the author of the assault on truth boris johnson donald trump and the emergence of a new moral barbarism and he joins me now from wilcher peter thanks so much for coming back on the show you know f. scott fitzgerald said keeping 2 opposing ideas in your head of the same time still functioning that's a 1st rate intelligence how come in this new ready for issue walk and chew gum at the same time so. yeah all of his job more than alive then one minute boris johnson is impressing you with his intellect when you are as close colleague the next minute he is this appalling almost unprecedented liar how do you keep these 2 ideas going in the. well i go through my time working for our strengths
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i say merced. or regional genius political mind art i know how to deal with and also i find a very straightforward colleague sorry totally is straightforward truly and a kind of liberal internationalists in many ways a nice. liberal internationalists in these politics so i. try to go to castle what has. to boris shots ring out. you mentioned liberal intervention liberal internationalist and liberal interventionist arguably after his record on yemen the world's worst humanitarian crisis i was you know i went yeah i've been very extensive ottley on the failure rates are 2 in surgery. you use the fact that we are an older united nations. and suv and that boris yeltsin didn't just do nothing to help the
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yemeni people during you know what genocide as far as well of course he would reject there was a lot of aid no i easily been given as well as muslims you know he said he's right there is no agents here but only in the problem is the british rejection. to reject the idea of what we're in japan to the investigation inciting war crimes that the heart of this work is the argument that people should not just law for the person before initial behavior on the part of the british prime minister why why do you think it's so important not to just find or a stone thrown or a funny politician well because he's our prime minister and prime minister is a very serious joke and if you fabricate the truth then
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you are lunch and like the people you're taking away that democratic rights that's one of the cool reasons why democracy needs troops now if you're looking at also crysis kitchen's rusher or sheaves china. eat we get used to the idea of appreciation and that's because there is not. just a chronic system are the same way we have it in britain. it operates on a different basis if you want to have a democracy and you're going to sell large british people in order to get elected or in order to justify your policies then. then i thought you were stealing the democratic rights but those countries reject the charges they're not democracies and in your book you say that putin's russia and she jinping china are places where it is a crime not to lie i mean as you do name check in the book of julian assange hunch
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is a worldwide symbol of from where i'm talking to you of the fact that it is a crime not to lie here in britain. is in jail because you know life stood up a great deal. said on your program but i suppose what i'm getting at here is that your drawing the the ancestry of lying in britain to the left i mean of all people men who is a revered figure is the person who beat the united states after its brutal war on that country you say you know the left for a license to be able to cover up his crimes. i mean why pick on what i think on the what i don't want to argue here is the there are 2 different person the logical traditions there's the left which because it sees itself
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as more virtuous than the lights believes that it has a license and i have which is honorable to law and to cheat and to deceive in order to make the world a better place i cite the example of soviet russia for instance where they were on lenin or star in which they felt the ends justify the means the rights as a difference is the best of the logical tradition namely that we should have served you cross a street in attempts to make sort of prove the world a new you know great john way june is we really need to just pay attention to the things we can affect like telling the truth slightly better be courteous enough friendships and so our people and to making sure again rolls their bellies are 2 different ways of seeing things you mentioned by the way the iraq war so the left tony blair from a left wing tradition he used that enormous lie about w.m.c.
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in order to justify the invasion of iraq with calamitous consequences that mr blair again united games 9 burlesque it was a massive stomping on troops justify the war that is an example of what i mean no worries knew what is very frightening as we now have the rights. using lives in order to win par i mean some of our viewers are going to bork at the lines in your book like in britain we have long prided ourselves that we do things differently do you mean pride your thought you said there's a tradition in britain of these things i mean you don't have to. 3 knowledge of the 800 year occupation of ireland let alone this week the anniversary of the mao in kenya to the bangor family and the lies have been part and parcel of the british tradition since time immemorial a feudal times to capitalist times who. i shall live dolly and i think we
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should all acknowledge that income like other countries of committee krantz us well and talking about very specifically is the history of parliament and political discourse and interest. and those 2 things i point to in the book when he made a procedural right arm of the other one is the ministerial code both of which explicitly say that ministers represent the government's use to say force and troops on the floor of the house of commons must come back and correct and i don't stray a very great deal of date so that since mr johnson became prime minister in july it was 2090 the number of full swords on met by mr john prime minister and his ministers and going through the roof sent a list of those of the speaker of the house or senate a list of them to mr johnson himself absent a list of the leader of the opposition sent a list to jacob race not a no response so it's become normal and acceptable to like it just wasn't your role
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or some traits it was not permissible to lie on the floor has been so 'd very beast you know i give examples of how people 8 ounces for lying on the floor house before until very recently. ok i'm going to go through hand so and from now listen i swear to you readers that we are so also in truth. i've done that job and i shall happily will our no i'm saying further back athletes time in the malaria merge and see the fun the n.h.s. the korea war ok let's not go back there specifically you've written and we'll get on to the lies that you allege i mean you sent the book to lindsay hoyle the speaker. an ardent supporter of the war in iraq norman fowler of course infamous since since it's in iraq anniversary time fowler of course is in the in of that or administration that supported saddam hussein. any reply from the
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speaker in the lords or the common sense received any response absolutely he's let us off for 2 weeks ago almost no response from the harald no response from the speaker of the lords. and i had a nice letter from caroline lucas the. senior the green party are now what about mr johnson's lies it's very hard sue nowhere star he lolis as i showed you only general election systematically jeremy call. you know georgia has got ones that want it to sort of disband the british army or the security services or not since may fabric change state spending triggers of the core age a lot about rex's you know don't you know there are no job no trade barriers more than our friends who couldn't one make the case that johnson didn't understand what the outcome of the negotiations were he didn't technically lie about the fact that
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ireland overthrew agreement that he set if you have a sense that was very telling film in 2 businessmen say you know if you get if somebody says you should ask for documents to do business with do trade with northern ireland so it's mean are 6 knots so that's a lie i mean i mean that some people watching and some people who support war as johnson would say this is there's very little difference to other election campaigns in previous times and the lies against corbin. who would say it was the lies from his own sign about anti semitism the war worse than little lies about spending plans in the labor manifesto anywhere. well this is a. mrs johnson is in a special position because he is the british prime minister. and i think we we if we have a political leader prime minister who lies to us we are being stripped of our them
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of our rights as votes and so a right to concentrates that is why i concentrate on mr johnson you know the example of the law is and i think this is really all points if there is i show how they use the course and complicit c. of the mainstream press to smear political opponents so i found this particularly disgusting because i believe that there were many may fail that much the time as journalists we have a duty to try and do our best so truth but i mean shock horror the profumo affair let alone what happened to the government scientist david kelly in the briefing room which i suppose you had there mark out is important campbell in the blair government i did i want to get on to you because you were a victim of this complicity you think in the book your 30 year career in mainstream media was and once the i wrote i try to expose johnson's lights out so we story in the book i try to get various papers the run piece about it and i
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try to get channel 4 to make a programme about strip. can do that but show open democracy to not only so well so nonprofit kind of website and then after that i think last year i wrote 2 pieces of mainstream papers circled mainstream papers you know and that was it and i'm not a want to try to sort of be. beat but it's not your place to be a specific artist and actually trusts nobody has been it is a very serious point that if someone has established it as you for the hill that is one article that you saw as a pivotal point where the entire firmament of journalism in this country said no the. idol offered pieces all around. so no she's the thought has been reviewed we have been the guardian of the it so yes it not be but of papers of
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review of the telegraph it was a review of the associated factors review of the b.b.c. he's not gone yet this is a book document so you have a prime minister of the day it's a bit short on systematic line and uses the mainstream press in order to get many of these rice know all entirely by the b.b.c. . he thought all these organisations really nice of you know you know by the way if you're pretty much. yeah i don't think we should have your and actually it clearly those institutions would defend themselves and say there's plenty of robust criticism of boris johnson his team normally coming the. advise it's all there it's something that you wrote that was this effectively not. not allowed and i suppose it's what's not allowed is calling boris johnson
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a liar. i think that was what was certainly in the. night you know. these these lights went on inspects. joined very large feature of the chap and the job you did wrong i should say 2 pieces i think piece by me during the campaign itself in the mirror on the election day right. but i sense that that's more just in my last sort of. peter will stop you there more from the award winning war through this although in truth of this break. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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i'm max kaiser with more of my guide to financial survival this is the hedge fund it's a device used by professional galley legs to earn money. that's right these has for us are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for what's keyser for. snakes human beings to change make it so i think you know the music yes i think is one of those lost parasitic there's going to make people uneasy really why should we be forced to buy time just because nature isn't. supposed to be in your brain when we get to choose that. welcome back i'm still here with award winning journalist and author of the assault on truth peter oborne we haven't touched trump which is another factor in this
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amazing. amazingly controversial they work as regards mainstream opinion you do mention the fact that your recounting of these lies they will have an effect on other members of the cabin the riches fanatic the child through the extract them because they have to stand up for them but how serious are the issues in this book as regards his dealing with coronavirus as people may realize if you're in britain know if you know what he outside britain your think britain is a. is the one of the worst hit countries in the world by a long long margin coronavirus. but if you watch british media now it's amazing worth on to there's been a great prime minister and his vaccinate in the country. compared to competitor well he does deserve all the media british government does deserve a great deal of credit for the. vaccine they only really well and search for a great long way you european contacts
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a nation and i think look at that when i wrote a book about the 1st 9 months i went pressing just chambre and the r i listen to chick fil a lies told during the coronavirus all the false notes so directly coronavirus and to make about. this they didn't. herd immunity situation and compare. mr johnson really with angela merkel and he's a very interesting comparison with angela merkel she was so steady she didn't try to say not. johnson it's the sort of language which is inappropriate over excites it far too or too mystic and not engaging with the nature of the trash you look at or. absolutely cautious sensible pragmatic and johnson is someone
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halfway between merkel and trump who course was the fasts bullshit or class of moms he is probably closer to trump in the in the sense that he doesn't have any he doesn't have a proper respect true or i just. well just finally i mean on the the masses on the people do they care obviously people are reading in watching reading few newspapers. today care that their politicians are lying to them the birthstone from presiding over are and his readers as the ever ever growing disparities of wealth food banks just where i'm speaking to you do they care or are they too busy trying to just live their daily lives to care what's happening i think is a very interesting underlying issue race here as the nature of truth itself changes we lost something very precious in our society
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a common ground common system of values a common sort of benchmark of troops and all we know moving into a different world where. there is some sort of tribal system ology where the truth is what your site says your service if your if your a if your a label person a left wing or that's your truth and the economy great because you just truth truth has become that sense a manifestation of power and the least truly scary terrified is that of course is what happens in all sorts areas sheets peter oborne thank you in the assault on truth is out now boris johnson launched his political career on the world stage when he became mayor of london now an insurgent candidate rapper drew minnesota looking to take the role going underground deputy editor charlie cook caught up with him and started by asking about his strategy of backing now the right nor left
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politics is what is going right in us into the ground without having the gender of no gender but your gender people right now nighty 1000000 of government funding has been to be directed to ensure fair elections however 31000000 of that is the input to what the mayor elections i want to know who all. these private firms and who are going to be the people not position to profit off of a pandemic once again but now with the name of the elections american lections as as as the device to enable these people to make profit just as we saw with the p.p. just as we saw with so many things from the government coming forward with a good good intention but the intention result in is something negative once again i'm trying to stop the selections dismember elections from being stolen from the people i don't try to make sure that it's democratic and fair we've been proven right no. so and you've been alleging on twitter that your voice in a way is being silenced just how you are and how the mayoral election works and how
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the pandemics the fact in them right now we are all indoors as you can see i'm following by the guidelines of government following by the guidelines of well been set however the people that want to vote for me to people that are independents you've got so many people from different backgrounds in this very actions not all that i agree you know trying to say but they all have a voice that's what democracy is and knowing that these people just let myself like i heard sean bailey a conservative guy is in trouble for something about tried to pull this in people's doors and breaking kovi guidelines i'm hearing people that cry rose getting in trouble with the far east for trying to come clean with his campaign bus but yet they the budget towards advertisement has gone up from the labor party has gone up for city con in this period i'm see mostly because pollsters we've got guys of cold
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feet and restrictions but yes a member of the london mayor of london he has a snap chat campaign going on a whole lot in a house this guy is not using i'm hearing is people trying to find out the information about being in the e.u. and what their rights are he's not using that as an advocacy for his now or even pushing it along that may initiate for him so so all of this amounts to unfair elections and democratic elections and that's why i came into this to do to make it fair oh i'm going to always point out to the people you're being rude does a ruse going on and the rules are no wonder also not say and not a plain day judy will play day and expose that they're that's why i'm here to do so were you saying is that you're not the only candidate who had trouble i mean see come out of the fleet deny that he's been part of any sort of malfeasance when it comes to the election draws about your manifesto what separates you from city gun.
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my manifesto maybe is made for the people and by the people of taken in so many suggestions so many symbols of so many me ins with the people and a range that all the way from transfer all all the way down to vironment and outs of homelessness that's all the facets are reporting even a crime if things that are ugly and taboo and i should be talking about how i know how to help i don't know what is the solution so well i'm good at tackling all of these problems but it's me because i'm part of it and see converse a that he's actually been tackling these issues during the current of his crisis he's presumably got plans to restart london once the coronavirus crisis is over it won't be your plan to kind of restart london. if you an assigned city call is run in a competent london asked the motorist how they feel about these new blockades on every road at each track to go down with city contracts and make
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a greener london into london that is making is making a lot of people really annoyed by the systems that is in implementing without asking the public via even considering the public is it's basically like i said a dictatorship right now in the city called well under a dictatorship to stop the dictatorship this is not a communist country we live in a country where we have got freedom you've got ressa do whatever you want to do and sidique khan can't be implemented in what he believes is right for london we ask in london and that's what he's doing under the guidelines of kovi so he would say he's challenging a lot of things because we haven't got to say we do not have a fair democratic elections right now i believe personally with breaking the human rights bills right now that's what i want to look into because we have procol what an article free the right to free elections the high contracting parties undertake the whole free elections at reasonable intervals by secret ballot under the conditions which will in short a free expression of the opinion of the people in the choice of legislation so
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right now the conditions what conditions have we got to have a democratic process we need to postpone to marry elections and so we have a more clear understanding of what's going on with the pandemic almost going on with our democracy and city condra buffed trump and he can't learn would you welcome joe biden if you imagine he came to london. well i will control bad it is just the same snake with a different face it makes no difference to both of the same put the same political system they both love the same thing it's just another side to the coin is the same coin you spend the same claim to make the same money so it's the same thing it doesn't mean because what he's wearing blue and he's way red what that day a different kettle of fish to sink out of the show if you want to write this is the same man that call away millions in costs or even millions of black men across america for pay crimes take it away from them that they're from their families
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breaking whole communities century in mid century in the market for himself so they can profit off of private private funding of a private prisons why would i ever welcome as a log to miss some of that as a city that damaging a community and on a generation. that man knows what's coming for we'll have to make a one date and let's widen out from london you're the only candidate i've seen it's been talking about things like smutty on foreign wars about julian assange and why do you think that you are one of the any candidates talking about these kind of wider global issues. only attended us as talking of these things because i pick out injustice where i see i don't pick and choose i see an injustice i speak out and i don't have like i said an agenda i don't have legion says we've big corporations. governing bodies that own armories and 1000000 pound policy makers as well the same
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situations that julian assange and people a seat of plates an injustice and that is just merely trying to highlight to the world the injustice he's not whistleblower he was not actually chelsea manning but yet he's condemned he's the one that is put on trial well i mean this man publicly hangover and everybody's watching it happen yeah michel i see understand the ethics of a robot understand the ethics of the world economy i understand the ethics of what's going on in the war i don't understand details and he's trying to make a change and it definitely nobody make a change for my people because of i would get another 3 years or 4 years a city called well people that i was that to happen again. would deny those things journalists or thank you. drill ministers speaking to going underground every other jolly cook there let's have a show we're back on saturday the eve of the birthday of madrid joined this podium jones founder of britain's 1st major black newspaper the west indies have until
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saturday people judging us by old law social media. imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century what are the chapters called gun violence school shootings homelessness 1st it was my job then it was my fear with dealing with my siblings i have nothing i have nothing that is not like i don't trust aloof or resources i look for jobs i look for everything i can to make this house. in iowa doing is. the road to the american dream paved with did refuse to use its this barrier idealized image of america needs americans to look pasta the deaths that happen every single day this is a modern history of the usa by america on r.t. . as the covies vaccine is being rolled out is
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absolutely necessary to take stock of the economic devastation left in the pandemics wage which is the fate of the working middle class will income inequality continue to priest how will the government intervention change the economy and finally does the phrase the new normal meaning. though do you trust your book in your. book with the. machine nice sort of beach well storm of the lower street view of us through. when you go to the movie way of feeling good in the video it appears. that it still has the soul of the disease
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and how many to choose to. be. unrest across spain over the jailing of pablo sal he's going to have a 9 month sentence for insulting the royal family and glorifying pro independence terrorism in his tweets out of their expose. some of the wall laws that struck the producers face accusations of child trafficking on forced labor we hear disturbing testimony. and piece of bug in your code were not given any future post how visible scars from machete accidents. it's called the players the country's covert curfew and legal brawling ministers misuse the laws and see power as.


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