tv Sophie Co. Visionaries RT February 19, 2021 3:30am-4:00am EST
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what you go for it may sound like fashion realms of satire but anything reality of the grammys and i'm joined today that last more a philosopher a futurist and the current of esoteric and present ever has allowed her last extension foundation. that's more a philosopher feature is to current pastor and president democrat is social opera laugh extension foundation max it's really great tell you with us today welcome thank you so good to be here all right so why topic look what amazes me about career preservation is that it looks more like putting death on halt rather than simply freezing that body can you explain how it works yeah that's actually good so description the basic idea is i want to be an elegy if you go back to my $960.00 and you were walking around with some people or at them suddenly the overt start reading not so beating but then we were subsistence that there's nothing we could
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do today because we jump on them and do. the relation burst things on resuscitate them so what we say is almost dead but in 1960 but they stubs they're not so in our view when your body goes out on the dock declares you legally that's not the same to be biology it really means that given today's technology is medical techniques we don't know what else to do for you so what we saw used some of the rest of us were going to protect themselves against cold we're going to remove the book replace it with a century of medical grade and sixty's and then we come to some point across the street we don't stream we don't just but minus 320 fahrenheit minus one might be 6 ounces i thought so but you could literally bit decades and so actually one day to develop this technology can. revive you good condition to carol living. clara how much time on its specialists have to complete a all clear preservation procedures after the person is pronounced dead. well there's no real set time what we do know is the sooner we do it the best obviously
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the 1st stage very important because the war you are the 1st you want he's going to float up so the british want to cool people just like we do hospitals right now he calls over just surgeries straight people with gunshot wounds not the ringle brains that read it what she cool you down a bit and grease slows everything down for you 10 degrees c. drop in temperature everything slows down. so we're going to drop you don't not below freezing right away but as quickly as possible using 6 so sit waiting ice and ice both by restarting circulation respiration getting worse medications very quickly we want to bring you down closer musings about that can be done here about it so i think a recollection declaration of legal benefits will write it up and get it out but send receiving about city by minutes so we can go pretty fast and don't have to take time doing surgery to access the bus cruises don't remove as much water from the body as possible replacement discard taken solution medical grade antifreeze if you like and that's a few hours and slow down a little bit more once you get about minus 90 so really there isn't
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a limit but we know that if we don't reach you within instant that cool you know gets you were then about 16 to 24 hours the blood brain barrier breaks down and up democratic critic the brain which is not good because going won't last that. threats of this procedure that's called various cation right wing blood and amani quinta replaced with some sort of antifreeze which prevents eyes from damaging cells when the day arrives session the brain can day clear preserve a person back to life where these actually freeze their plays with blood anyway. most likely something. most days. this is not so do what they will have to do that we do it today actually incident surgeries and sudden experiments you can remove all the blood from somebody replace it with a sending based solution. like it was a lot of research going on that area right not a. lot of things and how can you possibly take the one below freezing and bring it
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back and i like to find out why she got of leads of people what your answer they who require reserves were just embryos and with time and of course we also crafters of corneas hot skin cells many of the tissue so the promise not to be caught reverses in principle if that were the logical of the brain and a whole body is very well it's not practical today to reverse that because of the speed you need to really want it doesn't need to be for impossible and it was not going to bring someone back in so we can fix the aging problems too because not bring you back is 90 year old just how people argue about it again so it's going to be a long time so all these problems and aging problem and of course it may never happen we're not going to seeing this investment we're just betting you also as we think. oh right so that in the satire right that i've read that the people who were mixed in the main quest into creator chamber has to wake up centuries after not that people there do we have a technological and maybe even legal way to freeze people who just blindly right now not people who are that we're no not really because the procedure we use we
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have to stop the has no be considered offsite so no we cannot do that the closest you can do there are certain jurisdictions and not in states plus encounter other countries let's let's not worry about someone at all which basically means you have to you don't is agreeing to not know what in 6 months and it's going to 6 months you can choose one to go yet with minister b. . stop your heart so that's actually very useful trust me i've done a couple of cases like that where we can actually schedule the car reservation procedure rather than rushing across the country across state to get to the bed so we can actually be there ready with our equipment and a person says i'm going to go next wednesday but what can you be there that we can stop immediately are doctors the clinton people that so that's the closest you can come to but what. so crayon it's as i understand it is built on the idea that in that future generations film figure out how to revive living organisms after death something that has so far deemed impossible so why didn't you make it happen what
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research exists out in the science of today that builds up those great expectations well just was not really i have to quote but it's not illegal this because in fact know almost everything it's the life you think about it there are people who are legally dead who donate their organs you may think the among their kidneys and those are still alive and you can be given to other people so i want to qualify if you're really that you know you're not going to come back with the true meaning so i guess your question is not ruins it opens wide as the research you know there's already mention on private embryos and universal which issues and reversing that we can do better but as a single tissue types there which is much use in a ball in recent organism so sorry i don't question the boundaries there's also some successful research research partners who actually license that part rejection fly out and they've been able to take a rabbit kidney which is now quite a large mass cryer preserve us hold this note for months we will be implanted in
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the rabbits and it functions so bessel right promising and there's a lot of research now into way to enable reversible preservation of human organs because you can imagine right now if you need a hospital alone it's very hard to get one when it's issued much of the flight across the country on ice and you may not make it inside and tens of thousands of people die every year because they can't get moment where you could cry residual games and lost little dramatic as needed so that's the goal and i think report events fireworks and use of don't do that so that's a pretty good evidence we also have other kinds of evidence. and using doing c.t. scans about patients brains that liquid mushrooms opera chip i don't feel that we could really tell how well we krycek and so now we can actually look at the scans and we can see how much nicer benny there isn't and is a white right in some cases the ignorance is not. good and young you know how long this way was because of the. girl so other kinds of studies you can do electronic resorts that he has that look no more and we can see an incident studies that the neurons and be connections between cells aren't but entirely good place at least
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and so what we know is that we preserve the structure of the brain that's that's where you know that's where your your mind is your memories are so really it's just a matter of how to be reversed the future and that really now it will set us back was it because it's in the future we think probably some kind of no medical device is not a robotic device is going to the cells was a matter what this was a look like the petals just like we have it or you're not trees of these big programs and there was a cheer at the damage actually. bring you back. ok so the whole idea of bringing someone to life after decades or hundreds of years of creating preservation can really work out in the end only the brain remains and dashed and i mean that touches so many are scientists and they all tell me that you have to spy on the side of a mass movements they still have no idea how our brain actually functions i mean how it functions exactly do you only know how brain tissues behave if it's stored
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at the measurer temperature of $196.00 degrees below 0 or $300.00 degrees below 0. yes we do what we know has nothing happening temperature it's so cold that you go through a phase transition where you become a consultant dom and minus 110 degree something like that and so there is actually in 0 metabolic activity whatsoever we know for sure that you will see in the movie when i switch on cruise as he's missed the dreams that doesn't happen in reality it is notable it gets in the no brain activity. so gets us consideration cause it raise their own dislodging molecules occasionally there's really nothing happening so we know that's the case and again with these scans and of the studies we can see we can look at the branches sure we can get biopsies that actually see a structure intact so i think part of the near side is you talking to are exaggerating being little modest because we do know a lot about the brain but what we know is that we know that everything is up short
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some memories maybe last 20 minutes or so while stored physical changes in the brain and we know from these electronic newsgroup studies that we opposite going along to get conditions so it's just like i'm about not general anesthesia and you don't remember the last 15 or 20 minutes but so long as we presume you're well enough and we have the repents laws you should have everything else the insight was a big test and most likely in reality it was going to be some damage many people and some loss and that's just it but you have to do with. ok so let's presume the technology's there right to wake you up after these korea's lee they are 100 years have you thought about what movie life to eke out to a completely different war of initially have yeah yeah a lot of this you know different levels that we're shooting think about we've actually fairly recently formed a group which focuses on exactly that question on the other end of the process because it's a long way off but it's important to think about now because frankly the thing that scares people most about this is that it might work and they say well i might come
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back in a future this radically different how my school we also don't know anybody so we have a group and so she addressing those issues very specifically having said remembrance of you preserve your ocean ships is going to take care of other at this point out was mission by the way to actually help rehabilitate people you know it's all coming out of a coma after a long time we've got just written about the dog going to get him some help us not swallow all of the audience so i think on the other nouns. something about futurism no you just focus the methods of study history and my view is that now the general questions we have no idea what will be like because we can't walk us that far and it's not possible but we can see general trends you can look back at human history and i know it's not hard to believe that the statement was complaining about how bad things are but this is the best time ever in human history we live longer we have more opportunities than ever and i think we see this trend over time with things do get better now we have these ups and downs occasionally but you can't really think the time in the past way you want to look if you really stick about the way the world's was when we didn't happen it's the easier one to her and sepsis when women couldn't vote when one thing was flames when we beat double relentlessly
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men the boss was a pretty awful place so by extension unless you get really messed things up i would think that the future is the comeback should be a pretty decent place to be utopia but it is a place where probably enjoy starting again and it does take the sense of the bench no doubt about it markedly not what i want to do to students the short the more because they just don't have that much of something to mention so it's also people to people who you know are not worried about having to restart things people change countries or make cultural shifts like this. would you be ready to do right now if the technology wasn't place. i know you want to do it unless i have to do it because you're sitting about a leak we must control what does the news not great being we want to control what does that need so it's it's a last resort areas or even the thing else is possible i'm hoping desperately that life extension science will get current boss that is running out rules on a console now maybe just maybe 4 years i might start gaining enough time so i won't
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need to because it was getting caught up nationalistic recently and so i think it's likely it will need to be curbs or no i don't want to do it it's just that i would rather not be buried in the ground was interactive so this is my back but what should matter then take a short break right now while we're back and continue trying to maximize or philosopher a futurist kerney master and present other areas of our current life extension foundation talking about is it possible to freeze ourselves and then come back to life stay with us. i'm max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is a hedge fund it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just adding more and more to them.
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totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for it was kaiser. in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. no no rush but i thought of stuff. on things. like american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. in the real. one by elsa store. so they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the. ground . if you are going to school
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you. know almost a 100 years later history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time went through russia. probable worst crime to go anywhere why not me. when i come here. into. and we're back with max moore a philosopher a futurist a current ambassador and president arose of our life extension nation so max well
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talking about the time for a minute you say bring in the person back to life after a career preservation is the matter of physics but technology right and that will one day will be in place i heard some scientists say this maintaining hundreds and even that thousands of years what time frame do you have in mind. i'm always very cautious in how i answer that because you know there are some people like to say well it's 30 years we'll have superintelligence all in 60 years who have this i don't know i think it's like asking someone in 1900 when we land on the moon. you know it's possible because it doesn't but it was in the 6 but he has to do the last small systems in the engines of which didn't exist so it's you know if i'm pressed i'll say i'm guessing it's partly you want proof you about for some other team so you fired $125.00 and i says at this close i want to go to big concerns that we broadcast and i could be well off well the decimal point is so far bringing people back to life from death frozen state isn't something that science knows how to do
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and nobody who is signing up today as well as nobody who is doing the freezing will naturally lead to the day when science figures it out which is already a big if right so there's a nobody really child competes here where you can guarantee alcoa or will even exist 10 years down the road and that all of the frozen up bodies one just disappears and where well that's a good question actually just specializing into particle not round magazine but you know it's what kind of organizations will produce more and outsource molds you know it was very carefully designed to last in a very long time going around sort of almost 49 years at this point we have certain structures in place you know nonprofit structure which tends to last longer needs more progress actions we have several different goals that now we have one board of directors that just looks up to the money that's used to pay people to be crimes and stay quiet reserved and eventually be revived so middle or levels of protection when you know don't like a lot of details on that and you know we we know people who are not legal know us
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to look at rats and send to bring people back because we want to bring back. the chamber co-founder he's working with one out she has been his partners or the other is for president so it's father's parents and so there's a pride about the small stakes but some people actually set up trusts and they can get nonsense of it and say you know it's not it's possible to revive me you can have that's the sound of this trust which is use no goodness money when we come back so that's kind of a lot of different ways that we can incentivize them. here's another thing that's bothered me in it all these lean hour everyone can afford the procedure right because so far for now this is something that is only open to affluent people what makes you think they want to say this way that it one becomes sort of like i don't know elite preserving barrier of sorts. well honestly ashland the best 2 depending on how you define it it's when i sign up for cracks and there's a report gratitude and it's this illness afforded by most people in western
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societies to put it that way mostly because or if you will just how does a chunk of cash $8000.00 for something the brain also wonder doesn't it all for you must be his life insurance policies and it's not a very large lump insurance policy so if you have you know there are reasonable income you can do that but yeah it's not cheap there are possible ways of making it less expensive as time goes on if you have economies of scale one of the directors wrote wrote a piece about preserving everyone now he results your vote for sarah soon industrialism was rich in his massive tax and you can imagine having tree of all people in a good center would be looking for that due to your costs during ways of doing that so hopefully we could reduce the cost but this never happens will cost in. what we call a standby and a transfer getting your team to the best. that can be expensive to get on with the surgery they'll be specific that didn't cost of course the upkeep which regression reducing the cost of that so it's not never going to be super cheap i don't think
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so we're not machines that make everything for us and we get that lucky but it's not it's not as expensive as people saying ok in that case if it's affordable for everyone. and if at some point like when cell phones for instance freezing yourself can be revived in the future will become commonplace once humanity be stack at some point with like a whole lot of frozen assets or is waiting to verify that we will be in us case for us and our children but also our dad. yeah i think though it lands you space. wondering about it and don't realize it's kind of odd to me that was still strong in the publishing world is a problem actually it now is remote in russia the polish not growing it's not growing anywhere used in europe it's still growing in one of western european countries so i don't think we'll have 40 percent what was published on our stopping growing will start to shrink so it is now $969.00 it was the peak for its o.c.
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that since i'm going down down down and even the un which is consistently over estimated population growth you can do you want to reject the ones mid range that sometimes measuring the century go up which will stop growing many question re shrinking by the cost of trying to shrink in quite quite drastically now so the problem the future of the population problem which is actually how to deal with an economically so i don't think there's any lack of room though because your room energy gets more abundant which it does i think what we would want to do that's so i'm not really worried about that as you. know there. is no sound like a very appealing idea especially if there's an asp ace for all of us and a future i also looking at data something reversable and i who send their e well why so many fall for it they don't have to hand isn't dying part of the way things are this planet i mean this circle of life are boring to leave down in the
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end a living creatures have their leg last. you know why should we accept that just because something as being that way this wrong time doesn't think should accept it mean that's slavery was considered a natural wrong so i'm very much of a society that it doesn't need us and syria good thing right we died a lot younger in the past is it natural to defeat zs or cancer or what have antiseptic so young don't you know. so is this nature of human beings to change natures that i think you know to see it best i think is what is lost paris and isn't this going to make people uneasy but really why should we why should we be fought. just because nature decides i'm not sure about your hot bowel will support something in your brain why don't we just choose that and the goal isn't to live forever and sorry we don't see an all around eternity because that's not for you disagree boss of what it's really saying that you should get to choose how long rather than it being an accident of nature that's what you meant maybe 750 years some of us don't want to do you had enough but i think you'd be less pretty your
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choice and the choice you know i'm stupid. you know this whole korea thing is basically our friend he but what religion offers ray the promise of an afterlife now because not prosecuting the judge's religion bill is there hope is very thinking i hope you know that there is no death like there is something after death is there i come back when there is like this attorney and it's not like i go x. finished a religion does the same thing like you you're saying well it's your body is dead there is something afterward so don't wear it and just let us make a difference there's a big difference if those of us know how many people say you know this where is religion so billions of people because they want certainty and we don't beast i was one of the british probably going to guarantee this will work it spends a lot of things in general and your particular case that people don't like but likable incidents like black uncertainty religions on a certain view would definitely go to know more though we don't have other neurons it's you know we don't guarantee what they will be like not guaranteed nigger's
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it's in front of him but so it really is much less but it requires a good understanding of science and technology behind it was like a religion and we made it like a religion we wanted to be a lot more successful as it was an industry an organization because we don't believe in doing it but we that would be unethical but you know with all respect i mean religions have existed for centuries you just starting you know to actually operate and you're saying you know and in the future sometime it's just a question of time we will have the answer of how to you know come back to the thrown out so that it's sterile ino to me sounds like. a religion where your promise is based on faith because you know people will freeze them solid those who choose to you are believing that they will come back here as you know now is not this going to do a favor to me i don't like the word space because i'm not i'm not religious a rationalist there is a difference when you go somewhere and say don't be so can we call him mom in one day was a matter of taste i don't think so it's
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a matter of knowing but there's excess you know if you just up it. for all you so hard not to get out the atmosphere we know how tough that is going to go wrong is the big right now life support systems but in principle it should be process work and it rolls britain's former royal 59 who said that space travel wasn't possible well he looked beautiful 10 years later we landed on the moon creational better because it's a matter of engineering science so you know i felt it wasn't it was space it will be a drop in cities but we do the opposite so we designed the treated that way because their relations are all rated at question so to go as we possibly question also you're right jason also across the sea just asking how we can do better looking at the research is going on so no i wouldn't make that comparison is all right max. for his really interesting chat it's been great talking to you good luck with everything. out we need to do this a couple of years and you have some you have tapes for me he know we're doing
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a lot of research right now so we're going to want to be using so you have a great day thanks a lot for her destiny thank you but back. forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. i robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about artificial intelligence and the point over you see is to create trusts.
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her take on areas johnson with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. the robot must protect its own existence as exclusive. the british and american governments have often been accused of destroying lives in their own interests or you see in this these techniques is the state devising methods to him to essentially destroy the personality of an individual. by scientific means this is how one doctor's theories were allegedly used in psychological warfare against prisoners deemed a danger to the state that was the foundation for the method of psychological interrogation psychological torture of the cia disseminated from within the us intelligence community and worldwide among our allies for the next 30 years meant
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other victims say they still live with the consequences today. seemed wrong why don't we all just don't call. me old but yet to say proud of this. to come out to. a close betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. she says to look for common ground. we're more politicized than ever we're more polarized than ever the 21st century when speed is measured in megabytes per 2nd. and of course you'd see him electronic mail electronic money electronic media infinite possibilities for
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exchanging information i mean me and missed going ish my misery nationwide freedom of speech and social media bends censorship and double standards who should judge what can be said online. but i want to. the internet audience know totals almost 4500000000 for most all of them are effective social network users but one wrong move on their pages deleted digital annihilation you don't exist anymore. god who runs the show on the web how can anyone stand up to the tech giants if he from the heads of state face the threat of being banned is there any limits to all that virtual power. does for a nudist but i was reasonable way. up to.
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the headlines this friday moscow has accused brussels of politicizing the fight against the pandemic as the kremlin head back a point for the national comments from the e.u. chief of the lion casting doubts over russia's back. we discuss the e.u. is ongoing criticism of the but make the with russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman . how can the aggressor put its facts into the world not without hiding it making it too expensive of blackmailing with it. and a campaign to boycott facebook gains momentum in australia that's off the tag joined block to news posts in the country something canberra.
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