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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EST

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but i will. play this for the movie but i will reasonable way. in the headlines here on our t.v. russia becomes the 1st country to approve 3 homegrown coronavirus vaccines after coming back it's the green light. also this hour splits begin to emerge and europe over the u.s. role in the security of not everyone is convinced by president joe biden's mantra that america is back. it's time for us to take much more of the burden of foam putting too much dependent on us we need to. we can do. to be put to our borders. and there's no sign of protests dying down in spain as the country sees its 4th night of violent demonstrations over the arrest of a catalan rapper accused of glorifying terrorism.
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a very warm welcome to the program this saturday it's 5 pm here in the russian capital let's get started with your live news update. russia now has a hat trick of vaccines to tackle the coronavirus it comes after the approval of kovacs which was created by moscow's scientific center its developers believe it will also offer protection against new coronavirus variants our correspondent on a quarter of all the latest. well called me back is the 3rd vaccine to be registered for distribution here in russia making the country the 1st to reach that benchmark it was developed by moscow to mach of center for immuno biological research and it can be stored between 2 to 8 degrees celsius that makes the vaccine easier to store than others like the pfizer variant for example that needs to be stored at a colder temperature to prevent spoilage now called me that is also currently at
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the end of phase 2 testing and russia's prime minister is understandably looking to roll it out to the public soon. i want to start with some very good news a 3rd vaccine has been budgeted today was developed by the trauma called research center the 1st 120000 doses will already be available to the public by the middle of march today russia is the only country that already has 3 vaccines for the corona virus. actually it was developed in the field the new shot uses dead corona virus which was originally taken from a patient at the common market hospital in moscow region one of the 1st hospitals that actually treated kovan patients here in russia the shock of such as general director said his team looked at around $400.00 different samples of the virus a common arca until they found the one suitable for cultivation for a vaccine as for the clinical trials stage 3 is set to begin in march while those that have already been conducted or quite successful we haven't had any reports of any serious reactions to the new vaccine but very pleased with the preliminary
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results are very encouraging after the 2nd phase will see how the vaccine affects the immune system we found that 8587 percent of people develop bodies' by day 28. and it's also important to note just how much experience the true mark of center has in vaccine production in the past it's created a whole line of vaccines for polio yellow fever tick borne diseases and rabies to name just a few and even exports tens of millions of doses of these vaccines to over $100.00 countries around the world that's in exchange for funding that goes into more research projects like involving vaccinations russia's vaccination campaign has been going on for awhile now how's it going well january saw the start of russia's max vet a mass vaccination program and over 2000000 people have already gotten the shot so far i mean that's not too many considering russia's population of nearly 150000000 people but the tempo is definitely picking up russia's prime minister says that 4000 new vaccination points have opened around the country and over 10000000 new
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doses are currently in production and the good thing is that almost half of those numbers of vaccinated people are actually people over 60 years old we're talking about one of the high risk demographics back is russia's 3rd vaccine sputnik v an epi vaca rhona are already available in russia so now the goal is just mainly to get the public on board with the idea of getting this shot in the 1st place. president biden's america is back mantra has received a mixed reception at the online music security conference with not everyone convinced by washington's return to a lead role on the world stage as artist peter author with more. the munich security conference 2021 pretty much turned into biden fest 2021 to sum it up very says singley it was america is back china and russia can get stuffed and europe get behind us we're back leading all leading with diplomacy said at that
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time we will be back and i'm a man of my word america's back i speak today as president of the united states at the very start of my administration and i'm sending a clear message to the world america is back one of the voices though that strayed a little from the joe biden love in was not of a manual on the saying that perhaps europe should take a bit more of its own border security in its own hands and not rely so heavily on the united states i listened very carefully to the 2 prison biden and the common challenges i think it is time for us to take much more of the burden of our own protection when we speak about security at our borders it is normal and sometimes us could decide to be less involved if we are too much dependent on the us with a need to. we can put our substances situation to be no more protected our borders on russia joe biden said that president putin wanted to break up the european union
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in lines that we have heard before from previous administrations putin seeks to weaken european the european project and on nato on he wants to undermine the translated unity and our resolve straight out of the old playbook. from the u.s. presidents going all this one china he said that there was competition with china that was going to be stiff but it was something that he's administration cherished the idea of taking part in he also said that there needed to be rules for all particularly when it came to what he sees as the chinese government's interference in business there. what we heard from the u.s. president was that phrase again and again and again america is back it certainly seems to be the mantra of his administration he just simply admits and endless stream of cliches why can't we all work together let's work together when we work
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together with accomplish anything and they accompany this with with a great deal of very hostile rhetoric against against russia china and iran is tall for such detached from reality cliched and there are we on convince them i think us dominance and they're certainly diminished and i think the transatlantic alliance and their fleet diminished by trying to break that but the u.s. is much weaker than are going to was a preacher try but definitely lowered america's profile in the in the world that leaves the e.u. with little choice but to strike out on its own and conduct independent negotiations because of the china russia and around europe has got that they. point out. the munich security conference came hot on the heels of
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a nato defense ministers meeting where they announced thousands more boots on the ground in iraq bring you more on that later in the program. spain has suffered its 4th night of riots over the jailing of a camel and a rapper public was arrested for quote slandering the crown and glorifying terrorism protesters across the country to oppose his detention ruling it a violation of his right to free speech 80 people have been arrested since the demonstrations started and the unrest turned ugly or the country's prime minister denounced the violence as an attack on democracy barcelona based journalist i mean the commission reports from among the crowds in catalan capital. so they're screaming so peace through these problems have. already deferred today on the property even kept a long marston on the main seat to release the problem how so who was imprisoned
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and. screaming this is their aggression on the freedom of expression and they are. these. so the protesters have just destroyed one of the main banks of qatar long. as you can see behind me. they are getting quite aggressive and they're all the time provoking the police they are demanding the shops as you can see behind me there are rubbish containers on fire by the protesters there mostly teenagers playing the music becoming aggressive that provoking the police if that's guarded and it seems like it's going to last for another couple hours probably tomorrow also. u.k. companies are considering a much criticized no job no job policy that would make vaccination mandatory for
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employees but trade unions are threatening legal action and have asked the government to intervene. we think the power in the house to keep people safe and i say trade unions you know encouraging people to get that he was priority and work to get back to the same time we don't think given the so many people who have even a job that people should be. to mines for having had that we think you know we see. things in place we can't see that situation is just like. not solve the problem of how we need to make sure that it's part of a range of. danny's you know we looking at each workplace about how best we can implement things. some british firms have already warned they won't hire staff who refuse to have the job and other companies want existing employees to have vaccine
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passports the government does such moves is discriminatory but is leaving the final decision up to businesses more than $16000000.00 doses have now been delivered in the u.k. but there's a lower uptake among ethnic minority workers in the private community is in dollars and again told us why some people still have questions. i think most trading up today it's a very skeptical and i think this is what fuels people skepticism about you know whether they should get that sea of knots and we think it's possible to convince people of all the safety measures that need to be taken but that how we dress of the stock the best way to convince people about the vaccine being saved is if it isn't in the hands of the multinational drug companies but it's in public ownership only democratic control of audrey trade not to base working class people that you know that would reassure people rather than being in the hands of don't you know
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come down to the government. and when it comes to the crown a virus in the u.k. that was in london who missed going down to their local pub for a drink in the lockdown maybe in luck as one former bar manager has given a whole new meaning to the phrase a quick pint. basically it started with me and i got to live it an awful pint and i thought i really want to make what hospitality is about to people's doors i don't want to receive a flat warm clingfilm pipe so i pull out like a fresh pipe to them so i came up with the idea pop to do basically a white van appears and you're like what is this in europe in the park and you get your real tub and type ask deal with beautiful bear on top george and his business partner thin obtain the necessary licenses and refitted that pub on wheels now delivers pints of beer glasses of percent and cocktails to those in lockdown both through social media remaining instagram and just my friends from the hunks of the missing apparently thought we needed something like this to come in. strictly
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a delivery scheme and not take away the business requires customers to prepay for alcohol and the minimum order is 20 pounds the scheme is a growing success here in south east london but are you willing to pay 6 pounds for a pint at home. are such salute you find if you think about the amount of money that we've saved through not commuting and through not being at work i'm out of money that i would've spent daily just buying lunch from tesco on the takeaway do to be able to save that up and spend it on something i really enjoy like having a noise pub with my mates makes a difference the industry has been hard hit during the pandemic of the $40000.00 pubs are currently closed across the u.k. while 60 percent say they won't be able to reopen if the government seeks to outdoor service only later in the year and for many this might be the closest to a pub they might get for a while it's a bit like the pub why would you go buy a steak for $24.00 when you get one for 3 pound from aldi the idea is is that we
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bring a culture to you we create this sense of war we bring everyone down from their bedrooms into the kitchen to have a pint together so like a family going out to the pub the pipe is well it just tastes so delicious when it's on top as well with the prime minister announcing his roadmap to real. putting on monday there might be clarity on when pubs themselves will be back in business but to put some worried that the whole culture and community might be gone for good this venture seems to prove that the public spirit ends still hits the spots she has wanted andrew's u.k. love to. still had electricity bills skyrocket for texans as the state deals with the aftermath of deadly winter storms a story and more after this.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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welcome back to moscow court house rejected an appeal by russian opposition figure head against his sentence for parole violations earlier this month the kremlin critic was sentenced to almost 3 years and jail reporting from outside the court hears artie's modest if. while the the judge did reject their legs he devised these appeal to have the have the sentenced dismissed it did shorten the length of the sentence from 2 years and 8 months to 2 years and 6 months but elective on these defense made 2 major arguments one of them was that. after his alleged poisoning alexina volley. was recovering he was at
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a hospital he couldn't possibly have contacted these parole offices. made his whereabouts noon and the the judge neither the judge nor the prosecutors brought this argument they pointed out that over the past several years he has more than 50 parole violations any one of which was enough to land him with a very real jail time just to recap let's involved and his brother were given sentences for their role and embezzling a company in russia out of millions of rubles hundreds and thousands of dollars. he's brother was given. a jail sentence 3 and a half years alexina van that was given a suspended sentence followed by years of parole 6 years and all of parole as we found out he had violated the terms of his parole more than 50 times and in this case. the judge and the prosecutor said look after you had been released from
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hospital in germany. traveling across the country giving interviews taking part in sports and duty once in months did you contact the authorities your parole officer to make your whereabouts note the other argument that election of ali's defense used was that the european court of human rights had called his sentence this is jailed. and has called phased immediate release how. russian law the russian constitution says that russian little domestic law and double occasions trump international obligations just as they do in the united states or in china for example so the court does. circumstances and circumstances obligated to release elected deval and this was have the 1st of 2 court appearances by him today before he's said to serve out his jail sentence the 2nd appearance 2nd
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called session being about a libel case but a good selection of on the over his insults and allegations accusations against the will do 2 veteran in the veteran a sellout for example the who is the lot of resident amongst russians but even then election of on the was defied refusing to apologize. a deadly winter storm in the south of the us has killed at least 47 people and the most affected state texas millions are struggling to access clean water or countless households have been left without power president joe biden has approved a state of emergency in the area during the extreme for his energy usage has soared and power bills for many texans have skyrocketed in turn some residents have racked up electricity costs up to 10000 dollars are to scale up and explains how the
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recent disaster has laid bare infrastructure problems in the country once again. in texas a snow storm and extreme weather conditions are leading to an avalanche of problems in addition to the power going out the water pipes froze and then cracked open leaving millions without access to running water. not outside in here don't. hold those who still have water now being told it is not safe to drink or shower with this is starting to sound like 3rd world conditions and can't be happening in the usa right well actually it can u.s. infrastructure has been in decay for quite some time we've got some older houses some older apartment complexes that were built using p.v.c. 2030 years ago that is kind of a cold slap in the face if you want to call it that this is happening normally. you
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would go out to a place like this is not a busted pipeline and they would you know get the water out of the building run the fans you know to try and dry the place out but again in this case because they have so many calls they're not able to do that this did not start in texas in 2014 you had the flint water crisis when the city in michigan switched from the detroit water system to getting its water supply from the flint river but lead in the aging pipes soon leaked into the water supply causing serious problems for locals it took 5 years for the complaints to be listened to and the locals problems to be addressed inexplicable. and inexcusable families were notified things weren't shutdown. that shouldn't happen anywhere president obama took a sip of flints filtered tap water sharing to the people there that he cares i've got your bet several months ago on the campaign trail we heard joe biden promise that nothing like the flint water crisis would ever happen again we're going to
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create local jobs to rebuild roads to modernize our version. sure you could turn on the force a degree warmer comes out and when that happened it's true it will never happen again anywhere in america now biden's only been in office for a few weeks however plenty of presidents in recent u.s. history have been promising to fix up the country's infrastructure only to preside over it getting worse i want to be 1st when it comes to infrastructure around the world because businesses are going to come where there's good employers structure to move businesses to people services highways bridges tunnels airports schools hospitals we're going to rebuild our infrastructure texas is suffering today flint suffered back in 2014 and many can recall how in 2012 manhattan's power station exploded during hurricane sandy causing all kinds of blackouts officials are scrambling to manage the situation in texas biden has declared a state of emergency but the underlying question is when will the promises be kept
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up and r.t. new york. now we turn to some world news in brief police have fired water cannon and tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters in the chilean capital demonstrators were demanding economic reforms the resignation of the president and the release of those detained in the rallies the country has been rocked by protests for more than a year now. a german cities pay tribute to the victims of a deadly far right extremists on attack on the one year anniversary he opened fire near shisha bars injuring 5 and killing 9 a procession throughout the city after now show pictures of those who died. and monsoon floods have forced more than a 1000 people across the indonesian capital to flee to shelters rescue operations are underway as flood water levels reach 1.8 meters.
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it has announced it's posting thousands more troops to iraq insisting that will stop the country becoming a safe haven for terrorists the decision comes in the wake of a deadly rocket attack in northern iraq. today we decided to expand nato training mission in iraq to support the iraq it forces us to fight terrorism and assure that isis just not return the size so a mission will increase from 500 personnel to wrong 4000 and training activities from now include more iraq to security situations and areas beyond bugout former u.s. marine corps intelligence officer scott ritter told us who he thinks stands behind nato as ramp up in the middle east when you're beyond baghdad out in the boonies in remote facilities training iraqi security forces that are in constant contact with with with isis or other extremist enemies there will be losses in nato is not
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configured to do this that prepared politically to do this so then the question is who will provide the combat backup and that of course is the united states and once united states employs combat force in support of nato the 2 missions become intertwined and then nato which has made a big point of saying hey we're being invited by the iraqi government which is the opposite of that the situation currently exists regarding u.s. forces this is just a horrible situation that underscores 2 realities one that nato is not a politically mature organization capable of making independent decisions and has been pushed into this direction by the united states into the united states is in a dire situation where it can no longer unilaterally impose its will and it increasingly has to rely on partners and his nato to do the heavy lifting for the.
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globalism day for this hour but don't forget you can always have to our website r.t. dot com for the details on all of those stories and many more. the global seller markets approximately just under 2 trillion so certainly within a few months of evolving over silver it's on its way and my believe in 2021 get half way or so against the market capitalization of gold that it would be 4 trillion on its way to 10 trillion and then you know once it gets past all there's only the dollars left. the british and american governments have often been accused of destroying lives in their own interests or you see in this these techniques is the state devising methods to him to essentially destroy the personality of an individual. by
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scientific. this is how one doctor's theories were allegedly used in psychological warfare against prisoners deemed a danger to the state that was the foundation for the method of psychological interrogation psychological torture. disseminated within the u.s. intelligence community and worldwide among our allies for the next 30 years and how the victims say they still live with the consequences today. in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. no no rush for us though up at us yes we've got troops on things on your way. back home but i can merican suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. of the real. one
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by elsa store on her by doing. so they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the rear troops who were through during the night. if you. go through you. know almost 100 years later history is repeating itself great shorts time when suresh. probably the worst time to go anywhere why not me. i come here. is the news any deficiency in the last 4 years it was the fact that we had this
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transformational president with really grand aspirations that were broadly supported by the american people in the most populous present in this country's recent history were matched by the appointments that were made in the administration i think maybe with his background in business he might have underestimated the importance of personnel but having worked in the white house in the executive branch of government so much rests on personnel . joining me every day on the aisle excitement and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics. i'm sure i'll see that.
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this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss on principle in washington coming up u.s. treasury secretary janet yellen is pitching the buy the administration's major stimulus measures what sway could she have straight ahead check out her comments and what waves it could make plus we have a conversation with world renowned international investor jim rogers about a flurry of subjects including the economic recovery and the aftermath of the game stop trading 20 and a later because he is continuing hitting yet another record high along with a new milestone we'll go over the numbers with a pack show today so let's dive right in. and we lead the program here in the united states with talks regarding the next economic relief package u.s. treasury secretary janet yellen on 3rd.


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