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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  February 20, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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well america. hello welcome redacted the thanks for being here this is the comedy show where americans in america cover an american news are called foreign agents our own government accountability office has accidentally revealed how insane our idea of government accountability is how banana is our foreign policy is how ridiculous our government is and how bad knots are propaganda is and they did it all in one report on our sanctions about venezuela the government accountability office the g.a.o. is supposed to analyze government behavior and policies and critique them actually tell the citizenry how well our government of by and for the people is working is doing a good job or a bad job is benefiting all of us or is it failing to benefit us thank goodness we
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have a government accountability office or else no one would hold the government accountable is just one problem the government accountability office is the government so really it's our government analyzing whether they're doing a good job which is like a pit of vipers asked to hold themselves accountable i'm sure they do a great job nothing will get by them. so most recently the g.a.o. did an extensive report on whether our economic sanctions against venezuela are working are the sanctions having the impact we want them to have ostensibly that mbak just to harm the rulers of venezuela who are bad people secretly you and i know the real aim of the economic war is declared the average people of the country so that they go along with the u.s.
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backed coup but. don't tell anyone but initially. so in this new report 1st the g.a.o. tells us how venezuela's economy is doing since the economy's performance has declined steadily for almost a decade oh dear and fall and steeply since the imposition of u.s. sanctions starting in 2015. for example the economy declined from negative 6.2 percent gross domestic product growth in 2015 to negative 35 percent in 2019 and negative 25 percent in 2020. you notice a specific time when the economy really started to collapse perhaps it was the 35 percent drop in 2019 what happened before 290 that's right the trump administration put devastating sanctions on them wouldn't let coders do business
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with them and stole their oil companies sick go giving the money to one of noxious georgetown frat boy named. no seriously went to georgetown but in his defends he could judge sam adams better than anyone and i don't mean the beer so according to the g.a.o. report what did the us do at about the catastrophic impacts of our scientists u.s. agencies have sought input from humanitarian organizations to identify the potential negative humanitarian consequences of the sanctions related to venezuela and taken steps to mitigate these issues to follow that we sent e-mails to some humanitarian organizations to find out what we could do to help the venezuelans deal with us. it's like chopping off a guy's arm and then calling around to see if anyone recommends
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a certain kind of band-aid to put on his bloody stump because you can just use any bandaid those little bit circular ones those things don't cover well when one is as if you get hit by a pine needle and then does not go bandaid with the weird pain did you is that hanging off from one of the little pieces as if you had a real knuckle wound problem that regular band-aids couldn't possibly deal with then there's band-aid with cartoon characters on them which work just like regular band-aids but will get you beat up so really they're just a clever way to drum up more business for the band a company which is having trouble since the video games became popular kids don't run around outside or ride into walls on rush to go carts anymore they stay home and shoot people through the head on the t.v. screen the way god intended anyway the g.a.o. claims u.s. agencies to import on the harm caused by our sanctions well here's some harm
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a 2019 report showed that the u.s. sanctions had killed 40000 people in venezuela over the previous 2 years so it's much higher than that today and let's be honest who dies 1st when there's a lack of medicine and food the young and the very old yet you'll notice the g.a.o. did not title the report us kills tens of thousands of venezuelan babies and elderly tough to say why not maybe they wanted the report to be fun for the whole family. the g.a.o. says the us department of the treasury and state have also taken steps to mitigate negative consequences for example treasury issued licenses permitting various types of humanitarian assistance transactions in venezuela the department of treasury issued licenses to allow humanitarian assistance to the people who were killed or yeah well gee thanks i hope the department of treasury also give me
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a permission slip to help the guy i shot i was hoping to give him some humanitarian aid too i have to fill out the application with blue or black ink i already gave him a knuckle bandaid ending that should do it right but don't worry those permission slips are not all we're doing we are the united states of america after all no one is better at helping the victims of our aggression than us. treasury 2 also maintains a call center and email account through which organizations can receive assistance with compliance issues or other challenges related to sanctions that's right we maintain a call center so people can tell us how we feels to burn in the fires we set listen folks just call this number and let us know how you're doing we're here to watch really sometimes we'll send a bucket of veggies to the poor but usually we're just watching but then the
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government accountability office really put the smack down in their report and it is hard treasury does not systematically track and analyze information from these inquiries to identify trends or recurrent issues without collection analysis of this information treasury and its interagency partners may be limited in their ability to develop further actions to ensure that u.s. sanctions do not disrupt humanitarian assistance. yeah the main problem when we create an economic war on a country is that the call center we set up doesn't do a good job tracking the complaints that we plan to ignore this would be like if ads we're bombing iraq we put a suggestion box in the center of baghdad for any a rocky's who had critiques of the bombing and then the government accountability
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office criticized us for not keeping track of all the notes on partially burned shreds of paper in the suggestion box if we just had better data entry on that there are bombing of innocent civilians would be totally ethical and anyway here is the g.a.o. as final suggests they wrestle missed that treasury systematically track inquiries made to its call center and e-mail account including the specific sanctions program and the subject matter of the inquiry to identify trends and occurring issues treasury concurred with the g.a.o. as recommendation that's the entirety of what the g.a.o. recommends as we killed tens of thousands of venezuelans let's make sure to get those call records cleared up folks. to make us look bad even the nazis had a number exists with the help of i.b.m. so let's at least live up to the example set by the nazis i'm not sure i've ever.
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come across a better example of the moral bankruptcy corruption and record setting satire of our government we are blatantly and unabashedly trying to create a coup or a failed state in venezuela literally sending paramilitary forces to their shores in hopes of killing their leaders helping to attempt to drone bombings of their president but i have no fear we have a bother shatter to damage in their time on t.v. this sounds like a mani python sketch on acid during a fever dream and people are paid to do this to write these reports and they go home and they tell their children that they have a job they say yes honey i have a job and congress people then hold up this report as proof the look this is proof that we're doing something to help those harmed in venezuela this doesn't
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just prove the egregious and disgusting behavior of our government it shows in a full frontal manner the whole lay reus and meaninglessness and futility of these so-called government accountability office and it demonstrates that even the slightest attempt at achieving a modicum of empathy for our victims quickly unravels to reveal nothing but farce. coming to you from washington d.c. the belly the beast is redacted tonight. welcome only cameos take the newsroom behind i've got an update about our lovable neighbor to the south haiti you see haiti has been trying desperately to get out
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from under a long line of u.s. imposed dictators for the past few decades or are we call here in america and certainly so to suppress this story leanest the top chefs in our u.s. government sent the ruling puppet government a recipe it's like a hint of pepper spray a touch of nightstick to taste some freshly picked in prison mints from the herb garden and to drink a double shots of rubber bullets all served on a beautiful bit of organic let us have gone 3 to 0 this in weeks as covered by black alliance for peace haitians have been trying to kick out the latest u.s. backed dictator the lease who refused to leave office february 7th which marks the end of his term 5 years after an illegal election this move catapulted yet another intense episode in the historic struggle of the haitian masses against colonial
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intervention tens of thousands of haitians went to the street demanding democracy and into dictatorship. but rather than stand with the people of haiti to buy a new ministration supports the u.s. and un armed and trained haitian police mo east has the full support of these armed paramilitary forces who are committed to upholding the rule of the haitian ruling class that serves international capital that is why the by the administration supports us so while the biden gang claims that black lives matter they apparently only meant american black lives and let's face it even those are subject to substantial asians limited time offer void where prohibited subject to change without notice not legally binding if it's things that need work not to mention there are more black people locked up in our country right now than there were slaves before the emancipation so if they treat black americans this well is it any
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surprise our government treats black people from other countries even worse but if i had to list one thing that would certainly help decrease depression it would be getting rid of what remains of democracy as you may recall the trans-pacific partnership or t p p the largest corporate power grab ever conceived and the only one named after something to clean our way. i forgot about the multinational tax haven but spray anyway the t.p. pig was designed to get rid of that horrifying problem for corporations called democracy the democracy problem can sneak up on you when you least expect it if you're a corporation and you might be because the supreme court ruled they are people so if you are thanks for watching once you have a trade deal in place benefiting corporations nobody inside a country can vote to change it voting is to a multinational what the bluebonnet plague is to regular human it causes them to
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bleed from their eyes and excrete many of their favorite internal organs so the t.p. p.c. was designed to save multinationals from the horrible tragedy that is democracy the t.v. was secretly written by a team of lawyers lobbyists and the stuff growing and satans crotch it was done secretly because as it turns out the people of a country don't really live to hear that corporations have been quietly rigging the system so that they can destroy the environment and enslave said people and they dystopian techno fascist death scape people. sometimes obama plans to sign the us on to this corporate monstrosity forged in hell fire but couldn't get it done before the end of his reign donald trump then pulled out of the deal at which point it was never mentioned again and everyone was happy and the corporations gave up and they want
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a home like oil and gas representatives go home immediately after they're told no by a homeowner when asking to develop the oil underneath his house oh wait that's right they never give up and go home until they get that oil and all the birds in the area are dead or dead adjacent if the oil reps have to they'll buy the property next to yours and blast the mock rain out of industrial speakers until such time as you kill yourself or flee to quebec. when we pulled out of the d.p.p. the other 11 countries change the name of the deal to the comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership c p t p p and pretended as if it were never. this new trade deal is meant to achieve a happiness and kindness in puppy dogs files with their movement noses. kind of like how no one was afraid of charles manson after he changed his name to a swastika symbol but it gets better just a couple weeks ago the u.k.
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also asked to join the c p t p p despite the fact and i know i'm getting picky here it's called the trans pacific partnership you see british trade reps if this tennis ball is the earth the pacific ocean is here and your all. it's britain isn't much to do with the pacific ocean as they have to do with sipping pina coladas topless on a beach but they're still asking to join because they didn't want to get left behind you know how it is you turn your back for one minute and then the party happened without you and all your citizens don't get properly screwed by a fascist corporate the ocracy based on the religion of money. so the trade deal still exists without the us it wasn't even talked about during our 2020
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alexion even though i will bet you my underpants joe biden joins the c p t p p within the next year in fact last year biden says it's that 50 p.p. wasn't perfect but the idea behind it was a good one adding that the u.s. withdrawal put china in the driver's seat. the corporate takeover will be completed when he signs on and our garbage mainstream media won't even mention it in till the day it happens and i always keep my word so biden doesn't join the c.p.t. peeping in the next year i will send a pair of my used underwear to average i don't want you but if he does you owe me your undies don't ask me what i do with them it's a form of art it counts as art can spell picasso without. we're to go to a quick break but don't forget you can get all of our content any time at portable
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dot t.v. you can also listen to all of my content as a free podcast it's called moment of clarity on any pod cast platform i'll be right back with a lot more. in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. looking at the risk of no no rush but i thought i put a stop yes it got worse when things on your way. back home but i can merican suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. is that not the smug the real. one by elsa store or by doing. so they decided to leave everything behind and start
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a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the characters who were too thrilled if you're in the united. around great. golf you know going to go through you. know almost a 100 years later the history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time when suresh. probable worst time to go anywhere why not me. when i come here. is that there's any truth issue see in the last 4 years it was the fact that you know we had this transformational president. we really grand aspirations that were broadly supported by the american people in the most populous
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present and country's recent history and were matched by the appointments that were made in the administration i think maybe with his background in didn't he might have underestimated the importance of personality good interest having worked in the white house in the executive branch of government so much rests on personal . welcome back i'm still a camp you may have heard about a hack or possibly a disgruntled kansas city chiefs fan who recently hacked into a tampa bay area water treatment facility to poison its drinking water well now the incident has exposed a rather large cybersecurity threat to our nation's water supply for more we go to our most hydrated correspondent in oldsmar florida natalie mcgill bottoms up with
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seriously it is still going to drink that water come on lee i love the city of all the our witness the funny business they put a stop to it immediately plus what demons can a hacker do that hasn't already been done to florida water i mean i just the same something was already in the water when people voted for governor rod to say at this on purpose and when tom brady trusted a bunch of idiots to not drop the lumbar the trophy in the ocean. it's a fair point although they were drinking a lot more than water plus he has like 6 of those at his mega mansion so he didn't care but but there's no way this hacker didn't make americans 2nd guess the security of water treatment facilities everywhere yeah yeah well this much like the presence of face tom brady was a one time freak occurrence all right the city of old more otherwise is ironclad water treatment security they gave all employees remote access to chemicals the old one desktop screen with no fire wall well they relied on one shared password in a windows 7 operating system i mean how could he more secure than that seriously
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that's like leaving critical infrastructure security to a married couple who share a facebook profile with the password 123 pass exactly except was obviously way fewer trust issues plus it's not like the city is going to face any consequences for this they're not know who the water treatment facility is the face fines for poor cybersecurity the way electric utilities do this facility here in old mars would have 9000 water departments in the country that has all year to let the e.p.a. know they reviewed gaps in their security and they technically don't even have to show the e.p.a. any proof of their work so as a result the e.p.a. doesn't actually assess the quality of their action and because the agency doesn't possess the documents they are effectively beyond the reach of federal public records law so none of us can truly find out just how secure or insecure our water systems are in till they've already been breached well yeah or when your morning
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cup of coffee tastes like farts but the e.p.a. says it will cost $750000000000.00 to upgrade our nation's water systems which includes cyber security so the good news is all have high quality bread filters installed in our tongues before that happens and we'll have found the original hacker by then who i'm 100 percent convinced is patrick the homes you think the kansas city chiefs quarterback i hacked a water treatment facility really think about it and i'm a holmes i just spent hours getting sacked on my opponent's home turf so if i can't feel protected then no one will now i think that glass of water. in the states is better earlier is water supposed to give off a buzzing no. i told you what with no homes i need to find a bathroom. ok thanks ali. now it's time to get some of the stories that we missed here with me as a dad to correspondent and there's a lady they initially here i do and what you got so this week in the lone star
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state of texas at least 2000000 people have lost their power yeah because of a failure in the energy grid its health reason over there not texas is not help but there is a frost that is disrupting their energy system and it's pretty is very serious people have died people have died it's a very sad situation and unfortunately the governor there greg abbott is not really taking responsibility for it he's blaming it's believe it or not on windmills all that green technology that republican math. they're saying that it's the windmills are frozen and then the power hasn't been getting out which you know if i think about it that sounds like a lot of it sure doesn't it is full b.s. you know i can say that are very polite to clean it up for the kids right very small very small amounts of electricity come from windmills there have been some freezing but the majority of this is coming from fossil fuels which the state of
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texas has promoted and you know it's kind of hard to make this case that that's the problem when they've been supporting policies that have put fossil fuels at the forefront of the energy system in texas for over 20 years now. so the thing they're blaming now and this is spread to fox news tucker carlson as well in windmills even mainstream news sources are starting to take this up as well but there's just no validity to it that the green new deal has not passed at the federal level 1st so for them to name that is absurd it's like 15 percent of texas power comes from windmills and right they are actually over performing you know what it actually have to do with privatization and ask you a privatization and unfortunately now this is going to be a great excuse for these private utility companies to hike rates right because they can't get away. had normal circumstances but now that there's been all these outages they can say your price has got to go up and because they have monopolies in a lot of cities consumers are going to have
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a choice about right and because texas is privatized and they have their power grid it is only texas where as opposed to being connected to other areas right when they struggle in a time like this they are just shut out of what they are there are so well. again there you go again thank you you're going to campaigning for half that's right i'm i'm available what else to go well speaking of republican governors in the state of new york andrew cuomo is in some controversy he's been doing pretty well and how do you know i don't pandemic arrow right see wrote that book turns out that book was a little premature you're going to you can tell it's really we're going to have the pandemic when it's time to write a book in the middle of it i don't know how we did that yeah but the party left out of the book i assume i haven't read it is the fact that 15000 residents of nursing homes have died but the state the cuomo administration has only acknowledged 8700 of those deaths and the reason they've they've done that through the loophole
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they're not counting people who died in the hospital they have to die in the nursing home for them to be officially counted so it's a scandal and they're finding this 2nd elderly people and they're like dragging them to hospital and so they won't count on it exactly yeah they're burning a lot of gasoline with the ambulances the new york state but the attorney general there has actually some talk that they were hiding these numbers yes yeah and their excuse for that now that the attorney general has revealed this has been oh well we didn't know if the trump justice department was going to investigate this and try to make it look bad you know because they're republicans are going to politicize liberals still blame and not even after is not exactly thank you thank you. and here are your headlines from the future in 2 weeks you'll read government
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accountability office issues report recommending bombs dropped on afghanistan a whistle oh what a beautiful mornin as they fly toward target i think we'd all feel better with that and in mid march we'll learn any you representative clearly exhausted trying to explain to boris johnson why the u.k. can't join the ottoman empire and finally tomorrow you'll read. tax this man protects family by shooting icicles forming in the living room that'll show them i mean you've got to show them off and that's our show but you get my book bullet points and punch lines at least camp book dot com intro by chris hedges forward by jimmy door and check out the podcast version of this show called moment of clarity until next time goodnight you keep finding.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. what is true what's his fate. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the death. or a mate in the shallowness. or
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headline stories this hour russia becomes the 1st country to approve 3 homegrown parola virus vaccine after kovi gets the green light. also a trade unions raise the alarm. we think. people should be. president joe biden declares a major disaster in.


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