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tv   Documentary  RT  February 22, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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oh in the traditional motion picture story the villains are usually defeated the ending is a happy one. i can make no such promise for the picture you're about to watch the story isn't over. i remember the nurse bringing my father down and he gone from a man to this almost non human creature. piers he starts to try to get rid of the equipment that they used to put him in sensory isolation he's mumbling incoherently he's trying to remove his goggles he's trying to move his cuffs. over and over again that he's been coherent. he trusts ducked as he put on the lights in that time but some betrayed that trust . for the last 16 years is working for the british and american
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governments of least psychologically to destroy. the struggle for its entirety just simply to have your name. a monthly friend to spell real name. i don't know what the mistake is but i know. the way i'm scale of his role. to tell the story we need to get back to the 1950 s. when scottish psychiatry is stuck to ewen cameron experimenting on his own patients . as a paragon among us james caught with a normal mom world on rest we are seeing an enormous demand for knowledge concerning the effects of stress. on your stock just once a day just what the end of 5 agent he simply identified himself as undy there's just a matter of when they lifted the hood over my head. i see andrew standing in front
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of me in the middle of the desert in afghanistan. since he said. there's nothing i we the british government can do about your situation you have to cooperate with the americans they said what do you think about waterboarding i said i like it a lot of stuff but no thank. all the special parts of. those. in the past we have foolishly released hundreds and hundreds of dangerous
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terrorists. only to meet them again on the battlefield. i just signed an order to keep open the detention facilities in guantanamo bay. cuba dr and you in cameroon of montreal chairman of the organizing committee opened this 3rd world congress of psychiatry the. bees of a day. summing up to terminate. the imagination and drive us forward in this greatest of endeavor.
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to go see the memorial institute. where my father spent on and off for tragic years. was one year after my bar mitzvah i was 14 and i remember the christmas holidays that year with my father pacing singing series of crazy song from the i think the thirty's called merry seed oats and dozy goats in the lambs eat ivy over and over again and my being very puzzled and not understanding what was happening. which is how he ended up in $156.00 going to see cameron at the morial institute the. life for the most chilling experiments we have uncovered took place at this gothic estate called raven stray after way up in montreal.
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then a drug began to take hold very rapidly. things became very very and very frightening. i thought this was the coldest and most impersonal treatment that anybody could give to anybody in the world. i haven't ever had to talk about this publicly i don't like. to reflect dog but how. to her because it breaks my heart. my mom and dad both worked so i would go over to her house after school. but even as a young kid i remember being like that's my grandma you watch out you don't mess.
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she did suffer from postpartum depression which probably was misdiagnosed. and my mother was very thin milieu with montreal from having lived there so they chose the our own. by the 1950 s. the allen memorial institute was one of the world's leading psychiatric hospitals. its director cameron was the president of the american canadian and world psychiatric association my mother thought that dr cameron was god my mother thought dr cameron was god. i'm trying to decide if that's a photograph of cameron. you know it's very interesting that his
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is the only photograph in which there is no name. and that he was the founder of this place and that odd goes the 2nd 3rd 4th and cetera directors somehow do no harm guy forgotten. even cameron was born in breach of allan stirling share in 1001. the son of a presbyterian minister cameron soon outgrew scotland. in 1902 he became an american citizen. and driven cameron dreaming of winning the nobel prize. on the front teens of psychiatry. i think it's very easy for people to say that this is the story of one patient or one family and some people downplay it because of that. to see this only and simply as a horrendous experience that happened in montreal in the 1950 s.
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is to really miss the big picture. in 1951 britain america and canada to secret meeting in the ritz carlton hotel in montreal . 2 projects were discussed the 1st was the see a program. in spite of everything a man can do a falls into the hands of the enemy. if you were going was shot down an enemy territory. or pretty bad on the enemy lines. your 1st feeling might be one of helplessness as if suddenly the whole world dropped off from under you leaving you with the enemy's mercy. such a feeling is quite understandable for a minute or 2 to see it stuns for a survival evasion resistance and escape.
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but that was a hidden agenda of the meeting the primary objective was often so well i think that makes a good news against corruption. so it was a joke of leo mobilization psychology important states that research was dominant making the claim universities for the better part of the. research has begun similar experiments in a psychiatric hospital in the u.k. . in the us the cia had over 160 secret projects in 1000 institutions. $25000000.00 allocated to human experimentation it was code named kate. cameron's work at the allen memorial institute was one of the largest projects in
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m.k. ultra. you are in the angry person you're angry at the doctors your own group of the nurses why are you so. is it because you need to. come and began trialing post breaking. up with. my father would be forced to listen to his voices. voices low voices spaced voices faster slower. but i don't doubt that they were all.
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dr cameron had people listening to recordings he saw and eyes in the paper for how to learn a language while you sleep and it was a recording. of a voice speaking in spanish that you would put in your pillow. one of the things that the tapes said was you are an angry person you are angry at the doctors the nurses. said because. she had to listen to this over and over and over again i mean as many hours in a day that she could. came there was. no one. man who barely could talk. could really carry on
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a conversation who lay dying down on a couch all day mostly sleeping who. was in a different person. mabel transport bearing 407 korean prisoners of war docks in san francisco amid scenes of emotion in 953 american troops become returning from the korean war. thousands was suspected of having been brainwashed. communist fear gripped america we all know the atomic bomb is very dangerous so it's a maybe used against us we must get ready for it. with terror came a huge opportunity for an ambitious psychiatry's the american government we're now spending a $1000000000.00 a year on psychological. hundreds of thousands of people students test
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subjects. brainwashing a soldier. death. as a mesh to mock behind all the mind manipulation. it's been decades since the fall of spain's fascist regime but old wounds still haven't tailed orange you can go alone into the oven thought it was pretty famous. because for me from a go it may go freedom of the bottom is a bowl. in the us at the us as me noted that i notice that they seem question which we know. of newborn babies were told from their mothers and given away and forced adoption i don't know late but about even. to this day mothers still search for grown children. for their parents.
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life for many is only confusing. a very considerable up legation to undertake social engineering it will take bold climbing and brave hearts to develop this field. use all kinds of exotic techniques they were convinced that hypnosis could actually work and to hypnotize somebody in with them up and some do something that they ordinarily wouldn't do and then you could snap your fingers and forget all about her stuff. the dr cameron didn't set out to develop interrogation methods by his techniques proved useful to the cia. in $963.00 many of the psychological experiments were paid to fight for the 1st
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time in the queue got a counter intelligence manual a cia guy on how to torture. who bark is a curious name it's kryptonite it's the cia's name for itself and that was the foundation for the method of psychological interrogation psychological torture of the cia disseminated within the us intelligence community and worldwide among our allies for the next 30 years. within the decade that britain would be using these techniques on her own citizens. terrorist campaign continues on except. in the 1st 6 months of 971 over 300 homes ripped through northern island. to. come out comprehensively quickly enough with such restrictions the
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stuffs. the british government's response was to introduce internment without trial. on the 9th of august 971342 people was arrested. the suspected terrorists. just twenty's 3 years of age. and that's 3 30 in the morning waking up those are the mercy of a panelist almost and set up right in the bad only to discover that there was i had been awakened by a bottle of british army rifle took me in the stomach. at 6 it's up that morning my mother commanded bedroom she says better get up there's soldiers all right now hey she was the next single is that going to my head i'm
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told mailer's on her asked. is everybody commend the tell you what's happening i'd say there's shit and ball man and so many dead. was. on the porch were coming and from areas like armor in your area and the c.m. picture was a marriage and a man being arrested. because it looked like war had erupted in belfast. british intelligence used up to cameron's experiments in sensory overload and deprivation on that irish christmas. day or you see come on and i'm putting a bag over your head. overalls put on us spread eagled again lord for our own land. there's
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a good pistol in my head such sure plenty said and what the hell's going on. for you see in this piece techniques state devising methods to an essential destroy this now to that individual. by scientific. process it is one of the 1st to make the connection between the montreal experiment and the interrogation technique ceased. in 1970 he presented the b.b.c. documentary with an irish prisoner who by then. the hooded man. were subjected to a technique which is later come to be euphemistically known as interrogation that. let us try go to that region no she's only at the time i could feel everything of
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the different textures of the floor. they finish up with their insistence that a systems end says this and that and let's say your tips against the wall one look told and let's just position. it seems itself to be completely innocuous all you're doing is leaning forward against the wall why should this be a problem. but it is a polyp you have to retain the position so it becomes extremely painful when he doesn't appear to be painful from the point of view of the lay observer. after considerable experimentation it was found if individuals were placed without ice bondage that they would not only pos into a confused under extremely anxious state but they would sure some interesting phenomena. was the. and then i start to
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notice this noise. this high pitch beam and noise. it appears to come in through my her darren's through my body and. just shuttles right run in each time with the student body it touches every nerve center and nobody. starts to occupy my main to take children maybe in atlanta. the veracity of this noise. of the spear piercing them up and go down again wonder if you can imagine that and say you know who did this noise was exaggerated the 100 fold. they thought they were going to kill us they started saying the rosary on my fingers on the fingers got. a couldn't follow and all of ended up was
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a let me of him a. woman. was named as a ls all it was named as a l. o l s i. this combination of procedures which each in itself is extremely simple an extremely cheap to produce comes from the obstruction side to. the consequence of this. and that i. was a long time trauma to us post-traumatic stress disorder. on a member to claim the acceptance that the end result of this is my desk. i had this welcoming. of gas comin to bring it sooner rather than later.
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mother. just went everywhere everywhere to try and try and i. was. fortunate enough to get the phone number of brown folk or then prime minister to call it northern ireland. she running or and she sends her husband home my husband taken away. or it is because everybody's tonight and one maria is just basically says these are terrible times talk to him when he comes on the phone. in 1971 island to the u.k. to the european courts. they argue that the man had been hit by the british.
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the european court of human rights eventually decided that the hooded man had not been tortured but instead enjoyed inhuman and degrading treatment was. the global precedent set by this 978 judgement allowed governments around the world to. these techniques. on the 30th of july 2011 the forestry union.
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i just made up this is a for. we discussed the possibility of 3 in the k.s. to me it was. a little made in france my question and i a 70 year old grandfather. taking 71 i was one of the hooded men. we were through and named is. torture and health. to him inc this is probably one of the most notorious cases in human rights jurisprudence dogs in the street know about him in they know what happened to him in and protect her they know that it was torture. we have documents that made it very clear expressed the clear but those that. were not only authorized and the techniques but knew exactly what they were authorized and which was that of torture. they spoke to all
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of the men of their experience all of them seem to come to the white noise most of even the batemans and the machine that was used to create white noise and actually cost less than one pint to manufacture. a document and much the murdered race had communicated with the british prime minister regarding to torture you see the word on paper at that level. you know that plays it in tone and. through the act of making art is how i process my thoughts and ideas.
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i think about the family tree and i was thinking about. in our family something came in at a left field and broke a branch on our family tree. in 1977 the new york times broke the story. to your income or in the cia mind control program. one of the people reading this story. is husband. there are already strong signs the binding ministration is returning to the foreign policy of the obama years obama's foreign policies were hardly a success indeed this was the time of endless war will divide the initiation read
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them speak to me and grow up on. were more politicized than ever or more polarized than ever the 21st century when speed is measured in megabytes per 2nd. listed on their. resume electronic mail electronic money electronic media infinite possibilities for exchanging information i mean me and miss greyish my missing wife the freedom of speech and social media bends censorship and double standards who should judge what can be said online. the internet audience now totals almost 4500000000 almost all of them are active social network users but one wrong move from the pages deleted digital annihilation don't exist anymore. not who runs the show on the web how can anyone stand
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up to the tech giants if even the heads of state face the threat of being banned is there any limits to hold that virtual. nudist but i will if reasonable way. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being let's see. what is true what is great. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or and maybe the shallows. russia accuses the e.u. of meddling in its entirety as as the bloke imposes sanctions over the jailing of opposition figure aleksei deval ne who subbing time for fraud. infiltrating the russian language media leaked documents suggest the british government sought to boost negative coverage and we couldn't russia. while in england prime minister bars johnson hopes it's time lucky steps down to lifting the latest knock down starting with schools next month despite posts distantly high daily new code infection. and there were announced italian opera singer gets the sputnik v. job while i'm told and must go.


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