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tv   Keiser Report  RT  February 22, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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things. we hear to ask. rush or accuses the e.u. of meddling in its entirety the fact the balkan poses sanctions over the changing of opposition figure out of me in time for fraud. infiltrating russian language media leaked documents suggest the british government sought to boost negative coverage on we couldn't russia. while in england prime minister boris johnson hopes it's time lucky with the steps round to lifting the lake to snow town starting with schools next month despite persistently high new code but infections . and a renowned italian opera singer gets the sputnik the job while on tour mosco as
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a thug russian covert frank seen is registered in the country. well those are your headlines this hour but got the full stories and much more on auto come next it's the cars report. i am max kaiser this is the kaiser report just like forces of the universe or constellation shaping and shifting our realities so to geopolitics and we've got some more merging it come mama power ousts stacy right max well 1st of all you must notice that i am in my tropical outfit here because they are super tropical nice very breezy we're get ready go because i think it's far stein's in
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the tropics in the 2nd half that's right so our war by resort where for you and i kind of think it's you know somewhere over the rainbow all things are great so before that you know part of the reason why things were kind of not great in the world of wizard of oz was the wizard of oz themself and the wizard of oz which is the federal reserve bank i think has caused quite a lot of chaos with all of the money printing and here are some of the results so the money printing that has happened since 1971 remember we're 50 years into the u.s. dollar standard and the money printing hid a lot of the outsourcing of all these jobs that are sending all of our wealth creation potential and you know the manufacturing overseas to china and the argument and joe biden was one of the biggest proponents of this line of thinking was that china's going to eat our lunch come on man come on ray well china overtakes us as the biggest trading partner in the year 2020 china was the main
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partner for the e.u. this result was due to an increase of imports by 5.6 percent and exports by 2.2 percent according to euro stat the e use statistical office so of course like most people say they. trust chinese data but this is from the e.u. to cicle office and it almost drives exactly in fact there they show a bit more trade like $20000000000.00 worth more than china's own data shows so i mean it's in there but it's surpassed the amount that they trade with the us inflation exports fred wright said this is really the beginning of the changing of the guard you know we're now handing the baton off to china as the number one economy in the 21st century the numbers are there the statistics are there the relationships in your europe the you are there the relationship with the russian iran is there you know there and the relationship all over africa is also there
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well if you ever run a business what always ends up happening is your biggest customer you tend to prefer right there good they give you the most profit they help you build a nice pension for yourself a big house maybe buy maybe go caribbean vacationing like mits firesign the 2nd half so china is everybody's biggest customer there saudi arabia's biggest customer they're the biggest commodities customer they're the biggest customer of e.u. goods so the e.u. what the reason why they're the biggest customer is because of course europe is germany which has a lot of high value added precision technology sort of goods and china has been you know importing those massively this year so there were a lot of imports from germany and france with high tech sort of stuff right and so this is i'm curious to see going forward how the global culture changes because for decades always hollywood in the united states where the cultural touchstone of the
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world i was referred to brands and american for their cultural references i'm just curious to see how this is all going to play out the when the biggest box office work in the world to be chinese probably the biggest consumer brands in the world to be chinese. so this kiss will be very interesting shift yeah of course like the international language of the end of the internet and for travelers like tourists is english so i wonder if one day that will ever change to also include chinese or revert to chinese or something because it was that thousands of years ago by the way when they were the biggest empire in the world or the biggest superpower and for sure so anyway that's that's just the the 3 cities tap the story we've been talking about for over 10 years here this is just the data most american financial news has always been saying that don't worry about china it's there all the data is
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fake. max and i have had dan collins is our regular for the past over 10 years and he's always for the most part he was in china at the time and he was he was way ahead he was way more accurate just saying what the data is what he could see with his own 2 eyes all around him as he pointed out in a recent interview with us that when you tune into c.n.n. b.b.c. and bloomberg for your financial news and try to understand how to gauge your investment portfolio around the world like they can tell you don't worry don't worry don't worry it's all fake we can keep on sending our jobs there like they're some sort of magic that happens whereby they create all the wealth and they don't actually get to keep it all like somehow where that their one step get wealthy off of it well now we're seeing that i mean those are the facts right there they're the number one trading partner with the e.u. there is a you can't change that the way this will be noticed by the average american is in the prices of stuff yes and that's what we're getting to because the headline reads
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just one of many in us pass week con agra says it may implement price hikes to adjust for commodity price increases of ingredients to include edible oils pork this year right well there's 2 sides to that they 1st of all you have the component of global demand spurred by the global dominant economy china forcing the price of commodities higher which as the impact of forcing food at the store higher the other major component of that is all commodities including oil are priced in dollars that was one of the bargain struck after world war 2 during the print the woods agreement. and as the dollar down loses purchasing power all over the world that's a double whammy for the u.s. consumer because they're forced to use dollars that are losing purchasing power in
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a world where inflation for commodities are now entering a secular bull market and that's how you end up with an incredible gap down in living standards in the u.s. and i think that's something politicians are figuring they will just paper over with more money printing but that only exacerbates this negative circle right and you saw you know the unrest of course across america over the past year and that to us looks like in our 1st early days of kai's report when there was a lot of unrest across the arab world cross europe and that was a lot to do with commodity price increases essentially at the fundamental we have an american spring exactly so i mean the other thing that happened in the past week was biden did at a town hall and all his voters who you know all these young voters who went with the establishment who were like ok well we'll get rid of bernie sanders and take your guy but your guy will give us what bernie sanders whatever right so of course
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you know this 50 years track record with biden and he's always been one of the most right wing of all democrats including mike to the point where he was against desegregation he was against those bussing black students into white schools he was you know he was active voting against that so then that's on a cultural side but then you know he was always neo liberal always pro-war always pro banks and of course well it turned out at the town hall you know the students well people with student debts were like. i looks like you're only going to give us 10000 free money will you promise us 50000 say no no can't do 50000 not going to do 50000 maybe 10000 and he was qualifying it you have to be from the sort of income of the family you can't have gone to yale harvard or any of princeton or things like that like he was already qualifying all the free money he's not he says he
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can't do it now he got elected of course with these people i think wrongly at the time we were saying a big wrongly believing he was going to give them a bunch of free money well he's going to give them free money but not as much as they were hoping for yeah well the set up here is catastrophic because the amount the mop of peasants in america and there's over 250000000 now are clamoring for poison and that poison is more paper money yeah yeah and it's only kills our purchasing power which is going to put him back at the trough demanding from the president more paper money and this is not unique this has been played out throughout history for hundreds of years you made a film about it about the acid not in the french peasants demanded it from the french revolutionaries so that you know they took that confiscated catholic church lands and they backed it with they turned it into bonds and that was back in the paper and then they wanted more more and they were like storming the gates and
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demanding more paper and they didn't win it they officials didn't want to have to because they knew it was going to do what the people demanded it so yeah you have these ingredients for a cauldron of you know just. china rising that's if he said they shop we've talked about the us empire falling 50 years of debt it's ben you know the fat system was the most radical experiments in monetary history going back 5000 years so that experiment was tried a lot of people got rich off it it was a good thing for some but it seems to be falling apart if you if you look at the system and how they're trying it's harder and harder and takes more and more extreme measures to keep it from falling completely but you know once and once a collapse is set in motion it's very difficult from that sort of size whether it's a whole empire or quadrillions and derivatives like falling like it's hard to keep it back up right to profit back up and you're seeing that in these commodity prices
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you're seeing then like that the disturbance amongst the population the populations always sense that this stuff is coming something's coming something big is happening there's a tsunami coming right where the problem is going on to the experimental all paper money standard in 1971 that had never been tried ever in history and thanks to nixon to close the cold window temporarily as he said is that not only did it destroy the economy and destroy america's competitiveness yet but it destroyed america's moral fabric because nothing had any value at that point everything became financial i securitize commodified doctors went to wall street you know people who are going to starting to be priests instead want to wall street teachers want to wall street anyone who is part of any institutional that was part of the fabric of society in the moral high regard went to wall street and said this machine of paper money debasement and so we have the economy debased as well as people's moral integrity has been irreparably debased on mass in these united
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states there are demands for more money print saying the day after it emerged that he says he's he claims right now he's only going to print 10000 for every step. didn't which of course are mostly the vast majority of people student debt are the upper middle class upper class middle class like they're not the working class for the most part obviously there are exceptions they're working class people with big debts but for the most part it's just the bottom and that's why they say actually that if you just write off 10 there actually are studies about what which is the most effective amount to write off and it's mostly the working class if you write off 20000 under 10000 about 10000 under 25000 it helps them the most because if you do 50000 like they want for the most part working class kids don't have that much because they're not going to the elite universities so you're disadvantage in them against their upper middle class competitors like they're in
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the marketplace so anyway we also saw stocks slammed us producer prices soar by record in january starting to hit the stock market again that's the one indicator that all presidents look at the treasury secretary looks at and the fed they pretend you know as nomi prins recently told us like they pretend they're they care about employment and inflation and all that but all they care about is the stock market and that's why we've had over the past 2030 years we've had the economy will grow 2 or 3 percent a year whereas the stock market grows between 5 and 25 percent a year so that's the expects practitioner of that class of people demanding free money from their you know from the treasury and the fed whereas the town hall people who voted for biden expecting $50000.00 free money on $1.00 hand for this debt write off that now they're being told it's only $10000.00 and they expect on the other hand a $2000.00 stimulus they say now we're just going to give you $1400.00 so those
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people at the bottom are starting to get angry if they know they've seen it now for 10 years you could print free money and they want to be a revolution and remember let them eat bugs free to take a break. talk there let the maid bud's man himself but fire started out go away. the british and american governments have often been accused of destroying lives in their own interest or you see in this these techniques is the state devising methods to him to essentially destroy the personality of an individual. by scientific. this is how one doctor's theories were allegedly used in psychological warfare against prisoners deemed a danger to the state that was the foundation for the method of psychological interrogation psychological courtroom. disseminated within the u.s.
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intelligence community and worldwide among our allies for the next 30 years and how the victims say they still live with the consequences today. there are already strong signs the by the ministration is returning to the foreign policy of the obama years obama's foreign policies were hardly a success in this was the time of endless wars will divide the ministrations repeat the speak to me and drove on. it's been decades since the fall of spain's fascist regime but old wounds still haven't healed. me from you know. the bottom is above or. on the bus at us as mean older than us and i think ultimately you know thousands of newborn babies were torn from their mothers and given away and forced adoption i don't only want to use the other
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feaster but of my own role as a fellow mentor to this day mothers still search for grown children while adults look in hope for their birth parents. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time to go to an undisclosed tropical location and speak with the legendary mets fire stime let's 1st of all my 1st question as a boat you're sitting on are you on dry land i'm on dry land right now i've been on a boat for a couple weeks but my feet are dry. well you. got your sea legs in this tempestuous work at environment 1st of all like legendary stan druckenmiller he is very very sore at the u.s. dollar match what are your thoughts on this why wouldn't you be short the dollar i
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mean look when you look at the usa has become a corrupt while this tyrannical oligarchs be so you know the usa doesn't have rule of law it's a country based now on propaganda censorship social credit scores and cancel culture so most of the media is just information the biggest economic plunder is taking place in history right now free free speech is gone it's kind of washington westminster wall street hollywood are all pigs at the trough it's the end of empire stuff max you know it's all about i date identity politics in woo michael bloomberg larry fink who's at black rock who the stage federal reserve has outsourced everything to right now bill gates the dictator let them eat bugs i mean from vaccines to farmland bill gates owns it all so why would the dollar go higher it won't do so much debt in the system it's a problem over $300.00 trillion dollars of debt and they just keep printing
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printing and printing and giving money away so the dollar basically has declined since 1913 and we're about to see an implosion and the end of us dollar hegemony as we know it you know what i hate bugs i think that's a vote weighing slogan for sure. but you know you mentioned there were oligarchies ok let's let's talk about that for a 2nd because all of our kato many people and industrial concentration robber barrons that type of thing but this oligarch is all of our financial types on wall street who print money and just give us a taste of what kind of this new all 'd of archy looks like that well if we got a disorganized government we've got janet yellen who's a lifetime federal reserve employee almost 20 years the fed her policies caused the greatest wealth inequality in history now she's as treasury secretary she was given
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8 the most $8000000.00 in funds from the biggest banks and corporations in quote speaking fees which were nothing more than kickbacks legalized kickbacks one of the contributors was citadel you know citadel robin hood. so all of these banks put you know into his position yellen is there for the banks for the corporations not for the people in her policy has created the greatest wealth inequality gap in history and in midst economic mess that we're in that's going to cause the biggest financial crisis and disaster to come so this is the corporations that have taken over the we have no politicians they've all sold out now be the social media companies such as facebook twitter jack dorsey has sold themselves to china all of them are or are a big problem because they sit and stew the truth and the thought police are out there you can't even write the truce on that if it disagrees with the narrative or
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the scripted. story that the politicians want to get across the politicians or the pocket of china so unless you're on on line with them and spout their narrative you will be dismissed from the public discourse in totality yeah let's talk for a moment about japan right. we've known each other for many errors and we both have a career going back to was fair remember back in 89 to pamela's ruling the world the nikkei was at 40000 and then a crass spectacularly but these days. stand recompile is moving into china and japan and warren buffett just made a huge play in japan bought the big big big portions of 5 big industrial companies in japan and of course you are a banker in japan for many heirs so is what is the bear market japan over as a star what's all that going on in japan mats i don't know that the bear market so rude you can but they've had 35 years of economic malaise and this is the model
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that the west has developed in taken on board is 35 years of economic disaster and curve control i mean look this is the definition albert einstein's textbook definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting to achieve a different result unfortunately the people are being bamboozled about a lot of things they need to question everything that's happening to them and you need to look i mean look our president now our new president has he's executed almost 60 executive orders the more than all total 7 presidents the last totals the total sum of the past 7 presidents in the time he's been in office people don't really have a choice if think they have a choice but they don't have a choice he's all very bad max especially from an economic perspective we don't have growth all we have is money printing money printing and one of 2 ways very badly. in any hyperinflation state like zimbabwe or why i'm our
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republic it's not good it's not going to end well and and the middle class is being of disarray that right now the wealth inequality gap shows us that in people need to wake up and understand what's coming you know it was when i wrote my book which is what we've been discussing for a long time you know the game stop was an issue that people should have looked at right it should if they really want to punish people who should be buying physical silver and pushed that price right up to the moon because these e.t.s. larry fink in blackrock have e.t.s. are backed by nothing great project for the austrian paths craft for sure now imagine yield curve control of cars that's the short end that's called quantitative easing banks buying back their own paper they're now suggesting they're going to go into the long end of the market the 1020 and 30 year. segment of the market to try to keep rates from going higher so the question is number one while the basic sas for the cape race are going higher and number 2 are we now finally saying that the
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end of the myth of deflation and the beginning of the reality that's been whether us for quite some time and that is inflation which i've always argued that we've had selected asset class inflation why there is asset class and ration of look at some of the prices of equities and some of the valuation of property valuation what commercial real estate is going to collapse real estate prices will collapse i mean this is this is all fake you know you've got the entire economy propped up by money printing money printing is insidious it's dangerous i mean it will have its impact we just haven't seen it yet we're seeing now like we saw in 2016 we've discussed this or you're seeing meat prices increase but of course bill gates said let me run bill gates now knows about vaccines he has hoarding almost farmland in america i mean this is news he's not going to convert well he's the end of empire stuff
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people are going to give that up when they realise that we've been hammered with this whole political scam we knowing on and. it will need to protect themselves now to get into understanding that the us dollar to germany is finished and inflation will come roaring back and people need to expect new curve control will be a failure just like with that policy for the past 15 years has been a massive failure yet you keep repeating the same mistakes and same people in charge who have made the mistakes the clean up the mess that they made and they won't now let's talk about china for a 2nd and get your thoughts are they china is now that 80 years old largest trading partner china has passed the u.s. for the 1st time last year in foreign direct investment there are many china naysayers but the data just caves looking better and better for china we are thoughts on china they certainly have handled co-head crisis better than any other country and what i what i mean by that is that their g.d.p.
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is that bouncing back in a way that no other country is experiencing and i liken it to a post world war 2 era where the us kind of won that war there and their economy was intact and they became dominant the same psych china has won the covert war and that gives them a huge advantage going forward but what are your thoughts on china met well what i mean china i discussed knew about 2 years ago as a chinese massive problems in the world i mean he's used newsies you know good starting in china obviously you know i don't know if you can trust their g.d.p. numbers man or they've got a very tight relationship with hunter biden with the money that was transferred onto biden's out in the biden family it seems to be ignored by the mainstream media i think china has a big it dance in general lot of the you know they knew what was going on. before anybody else because that was the point of origin so do i think china will i think china surpassed lot of other countries and in china is the real compounding
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searching the united states and the real threat it seems to own most of the politicians in. the west from washington to westminster so this is really not a good situation that people are becoming reliant upon imports from china like in medical products and technology and as far as you know even met basic antibiotics or have all been outsourced to china this place is missy's a matter of national security it contra should it get back to the basic supply chains in the house rather than outsourcing everything i think that right now china is in the driver's seat it won the war or without a shot being fired against the rats finally morgan stanley is out with a report saying that the other major banks are saying that it is. bitcoin has displaced gold for their younger clients there seems to be a generational shift i know also over there at black rock they're saying
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a lot of money flows out of gold and typically. a last episode even last year this was heresy to say that because it beat gold and yet here we are in 2021 and gold is trading quite poorly because it of course skyrocketing the all time highs what's going on there match morgan stanleys mentioned in most of the banks have mentioned about commodities i mean commodities everybody thinks the modern needs are going to be a boon for the rest of the next couple years and it's in the coming decade i think commodities have been massively oversold i think people should really start looking at commodities as the undervalued asset classes of the future there are a lot of assets out there that are under priced and undervalued but many stocks right now look for a big correction in the stock market last time you had me on when it going was below 20000 i told you to buy i was right on that one i've got a lot of good calls coming up in terms of commodities and i'm in everything other
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than the stock market right now because valuations are too rich they're oh right a mess fires time thanks for mankind the report thanks max all right and that's going to do it for this edition of kaiser report with a max keiser and stacy everett want to thank our guests farsighted plight of ponce until next time by elf.
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we're more politicized than ever or more polarized than ever the 21st century when speed is measured in megabytes per 2nd. electronic mail electronic money electronic media infinite possibilities for exchanging information i mean. freedom of speech and social media censorship of double standards who should judge what can be said online. the internet audience know totals almost 4500000000 almost all of them are active
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social network users but one wrong move.


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