tv News RT February 23, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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so join us in the. forum a bit in the shallows. russia slams the u.s. for undermining free trade unfair competition off the washington post about european companies pulling out of the stream to pipeline project in the face of u.s. sanctions. u.s. democrats demand cable and satellite providers justify hosting right wing media outlets a move republicans say is an attack on freedom of speech. israelis face being banned from public places and even jobs unless they've been vaccinated against but the so-called green passes are raising concerns over human rights. always that choice has a consequence and it shouldn't be that everybody. because some people make a bad choice i think it's absurd i think it's ridiculous basic human rights are being ignored here.
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french farmers dumb fertilizer and old tires outside government buildings to protest against the removal of made from school menus. global stories and international reaction 247 this is r.t. international from moscow on call in bright welcome to the program 1st russia is accusing washington of fun to mining free trade and putting its geopolitical interests above fair competition ripoffs all new u.s. sanctions against the stream to gas pipeline project revealed a total of 18 european companies have dropped out because of u.s. pressure across developments. from the very outset the u.s. has been hell burned on do you really ignored stream 2 so this time the u.s. state department has compiled and submitted a report to us congress kind of detailing the measures they have taken so far in
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this direction and how effective these measures have been this report by the way also comes at a very sensitive timing because the biden administration has been accused of world inaction of not being keen enough on preventing nordstrom too from coming to fruition this report is not yet available to the public but ned price the spokesman for the u.s. state department has revealed or that some 18 companies european companies have decided to pull out of the north stream to a mid u.s. pressure and when i say pressure i mean sanctions so far the united states has been sanctioning the russians of the u.s. for excuse me the e.u. firms have remained sort of in the clear but that's only so far this constant threat of sanctions coming from washington while it has always been and is still hanging over european firms so well 18 of them have decided that better safe than
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sorry and while they decided to cut ties with the project now when it comes to russia moscow has always been saying that the north that north stream too has nothing to do with with the united states that it is strictly a matter of relations between russia and europe and germany in particular because that's where the pipeline is going and all these efforts that the u.s. that the u.s. has been taking russia views it as world geo political warfare here is the latest reaction that we have on this the u.s. state department has acknowledged that america is undermining the principles of free trade and competition subjugating market laws to its own geopolitical interests and acting inspired of the wheel of silver nations but there's an added layer of irony to this story because remember how. they said that 18 companies have decided to cut ties with nordstrom to the right and the way this information was delivered to the media by price the spokesman for the state department one might
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you might be misled into thinking that all of that was achieved under the under the biden administration which turns out is not the case and it only came to light when price was confronted by a piece of matley over the issue of how to listen. strategy including the legislative strategy of the strategy of course congress is has been behind has been working to good effect. to the winding down all of this work was done of the previous administration and out of all the been months all these months. are you telling me that 'd i am all we. really is all of a sudden as all well you know. i am speaking for. the man. i am not oh i also being for the department of state ok the people who have been working miss the people who are working this now were the same people
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a month ago or the same people. 3 months ago so so essentially what happened there could easily be interpreted as the state department kind of trying and taking credit for what was achieved when donald trump was still president here price effectively confirming just that and again quite ironically because this is something that happened with the trumpet ministration at the very start of his presidency when basically the democrat leaning media they were just trying to pin all successes of his administration on the legacy of obama and his cabinet and so on and so forth but basically now this is all is revolver now around the nordstrom to project which is by the way 97 percent complete out of the total of the. well of 100 kilometers of the pipeline only if you doesn't are left to be well laid on the seabed so there is that and basically this whole thing germany for instance is very
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keen on finishing this project it has repeatedly said that they are very much interested in well flicking the on switch on the on the north stream to pipeline so effectively it pitches the u.s. against its ally in europe germany and we'll see who will come out of this victorious. west democrats are calling on cable and satellite t.v. providers to justify hosting channels labeled by them as spreading disinformation some purported news outlets have long been this information rumor mill some conspiracy theory hard but that produce content that leads to real harm yet to our knowledge the cable satellite and over the top companies that disseminate these media outlets to american viewers have done nothing in response to the misinformation by these outlets among the channels mentioned fox news the one american news network and newsmax t.v. the allegations are over their coverage of the 2020 presidential election and also
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the coronavirus pandemic republicans for their part of condemned the democrats for attacking free speech democrats are sending a message that is as clear as it is troubling these regulated entities will pay a price if the targeted newsrooms do not conform to democrats preferred political narratives this is a chilling transgression of the free speech rights that every media outlet in this country enjoys. legal and media analyst lionel claims it's all nonsense and it's not up to the democrats to decide what should be broadcast. since when is this a country serving who like. what if they say something that throwing the letter where that one there's always something wrong who says it's wrong who says it's misinformation the next time you are a spouse or a partner or a lover or relative if they say listen i want to talk to you as
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a no i don't want to talk to you why because you spout misinformation when you listen to that so why the name of god do we put up with this nonsense we are looking at it complete and total disintegration of the 1st amendment and freedom of speech because now we're saying oh no no no we want you to speak we just don't want to hear misinformation disinformation and bad information conspiracy theories unfounded. decides that since one is had a disqualifier on the dissemination of information my god i'm telling you right now you're not going to believe this but i'll bet you somewhere someplace somebody might think that what you and i are saying is dissent from a should want to be to shut us down if you don't like it go someplace else or clarify it this is the most frightening i have ever seen ever.
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israelis who refuse to get vaccinated against covert could be banned from jobs in most public places the new regulations are also facing fierce criticism as paula slayer now reports. this is high a corn street in tel aviv which runs parallel to the coastline it's where many of the city's hotels are located but right now things could not be quieter there are no tourists and the airport is closed this is one of the few hotels that is open but this is the closest we can go assuming you want to enter it you have to have what is called a green possible it's issued after persons received 2 facts summations 21 days a pos and in a month's time just opposite the hotel you won't be able to into shops like this you won't be able to enter supermarkets gym shopping same to synagogues in fact you won't be able to go just about anywhere in israel and you have a green passport it comes as the government steps up if it's to vaccinate the
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population it's being met with mixed reaction on the street i think it's necessary i think it's a good idea and we can't force everyone to vaccinate but always a choice has a consequence and it shouldn't be that everybody in israel suffers because some people make a bad choice i think it's absurd i think it's ridiculous basic human rights so being ignored here if i choose what to put into my body and i choose not to put a vaccine in myself i'm going to be. banished from getting into a soccer game getting into a mall taking my boy to a day trip it's ridiculous and so you know human rights are even more than and it's very easy to slide when you start even with the good intentions to do things like. too much government. and foresman so jews didn't plans to ban and vaccinated people from certain jobs and as well meant that anyone
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found forging vaccine certificates will be jailed a black market for counterfeit certificates disquieting on telegram already 100000 users have joined groups. that promote forgeries i think that the government should not be bad people from having jobs i think that the government should most definitely ban. people who put others at risk from jobs in which they can put others at risk more important than my job is my life and in my life is at stake if i don't take the vaccination so i would take the vaccination and if i get to keep my job because of it that it's an extra bonus. i understand if people take this this road in forward a certain document i wouldn't do it personally but i can completely understand this is a growing i think that the waivers so this gobies or make them or buy them should be
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punished vaccine has a tendency and skepticism have become a growing concern in recent weeks as israel's a world leading inoculation program slows down just under 2000000 israelis have not received either of the 2 shots and many say they don't plan to it's forcing the government to come up with new and same tips to encourage people to receive shots thank. you ladies and gentlemen we are very happy to host you in the world's 1st ever thanks to make sure. i do yeah i think there are a lot of people that are just. crazy. but
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the more people come because of kind of faith and i hope everyone will come to keep themselves safe. we spoke about the new measures with israeli political analyst have a go ask him who also warns that they breach fundamental freedoms freeing passports is not a good idea we should leave the people of their freedom of choice as long as they don't harm others it's really gets to the basic. of freedom of choice if somebody wants to get vaccinated i mean it's a good idea to do it i did it and most of my family members also but if someone chooses not to do it it's his rights not to be discriminated not to
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be a victim of a public bully for that which it should get back to on normal lives keeping in mind there are certain groups of people whose house should be especially protected and not to harm everybody not to harm our children not to harm our future not to harm my common. french farmers have done fertilizer and old tires outside government buildings in the city of l.a. all over the removal of meat from school menus. they also brought cows and goats to set up many farms in protest of the move by the city met however the authorities claim scrapping meat from school meals will actually help in the fight against the coronavirus the new health protocol cool to me to social distancing in school canteens a single meat free menu will serve students foster and streamlined meals for many
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parents a feeling of the move warning that families for more deprived communities in particular will suffer. yes in this is what i think that unfortunately it's a very political decision which could have been made with more consultation and in particular with the participation of parents for some families it is the only possibility to eat to have meat in their diet at least a few times a week. and we are depriving them of dietary diversity for me it's a restriction on our freedoms i don't understand how peace can intervene in questions of diet the way they do and if we have to respect their ideology they must respect our us so i'm absolutely against that. poor families who relied on canteens all schools to provide meat in meals to children will now have no more so we can say that the mayor of leone has absolutely no solidarity with less well off residents with working class families and that worries us. as for the farmers themselves they
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say the decision is just the latest to solve on their ability to earn a living. and farming is again targeted by what a minority of french people are saying and unfortunately for us it's another blow in our heads. and there look there's a view for us here in the city well now because they can't impose their ideas but force in particular me to school supposedly because of coronavirus and this is our taste and i had the french prison professors who want a higher education minister after her calls to draw a clear line between academic research activism and opinion and universities will take you through that after the break. seemed wrong but. just don't call. me. yet to stamp out just to become educated and in detroit because betrayal.
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welcome back amnesty international has changed his mind over describing russian opposition figure alexy developing as a prisoner of conscience is how the human rights organization labeled him when he was arrested in moscow on his return from germany last month the valley serving jail time for breaching the terms of a suspended sentence for fraud with more details on today's developments he has done a quarter. well it was through a leaked email on twitter that we 1st heard of amnesty international's decision to revoke russian opposition activist aleksei of all the status as a prisoner of conscience and r.t. has asked for confirmation from amnesty international with regards to this move but before we go any further let's take a look at what exactly that e-mail said amnesty international is no longer able to consider the lexan of only a prisoner of conscience given the fact that he advocated violence and discrimination and he has not retracted such statements but only was arrested last
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month a mediately upon his return to moscow from germany where he was receiving medical treatment to russia says that he violated a probationary sentence that was given to him back in 2014 and now he's facing 2 and a half years in a penal colony because of it now it's interesting that amnesty international decided to label the opposition activist a prisoner of conscience in the 1st place back in january because he doesn't exactly have a clean track record when it comes to conscientious acts i mean just last week a moscow court gave the man a nearly $12000.00 fine for insulting the 94 year old veteran of the 2nd world war he called him a traitor to the country we also know that never never made a secret about his feelings about the caucasus for example he said that russia needs to stop quote stop feeding the caucuses and there was another video that he came out with years ago in which he compared people from the caucasus to cockroaches in the video and that video actually is still up on the aleksey of all
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these official you tube channels so for those who know that information they can make their own judgment as to whether or not amnesty international's decision was correct or not. hundreds of top academics have signed an open letter demanding that a french minister quit the she call for an investigation into so-called islamic leftism in education it to become increasingly popular way to describe an alliance between progressives and muslims which some believe we can society. i think that islam leftism is eating away dollars society as a whole and universities are not immune and a part of our society sure so highlighted that the investigation aim to determine the difference between academic research and militant activism in opinion in universities the minister's remarks come on the back of legislation that critics say is anti islamic including a new law against radicalism that allowed greater oversight of mosques and religious schools in october another french minister claim to islam
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a leftism was wreaking havoc on the country's higher education facilities we asked people in paris what they thought about the proposed inquiry. we have to i think the government is open least lama phobic the media all say the same the bitterness towards muslims i think it's nonsense i believe that such aggression against muslims is an overreaction and it is completely incomprehensible i have a feeling that muslims have no right to live freely in france there is a confusion between the serbs extremists and the person who practices his religion peacefully so some french have this image of muslims as satirists or extremists and it is not right it was one of assistance from the police once again we're talking about using a strategy that we have known for a long time distraction and polemics it's exhausting it takes away my powers it makes me sick if i think of. it i don't want this concert i think it's the wrong
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word and by the growing movement but i don't really like that confusion. or one of the 600 academics who backed the open letter told us the minister's outburst is just the government's latest onslaught on academia. don't view. this as for those who signed the letter there were over 600 at the beginning now there are over 13000 from the university sphere who demand the mr quits because we are not mislead thing that she must understand the consequences of such her positions and of her actions during for years all the loss of projects were aimed at limiting higher education fran's i think the students have the right to choose theories to study at university i'm teaching the theory of colonialism the theory of young the theory of intersexuality and to have a group of students who are absolutely capable of recessing all the information they're given and if understanding it they are also capable of seeing the reasonable things in regards to life in france particularly in regards of the phenomena of structural racism or the phenomena of discrimination are sexism this
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theories are very useful and there is no need at all to regulate any of this area's . elsewhere around the world crowds of relit in the caucasus country of georgia after the arrest of opposition m.p. lee khamenei and his detention comes hours after parliament named a new prime minister his predecessor opposed to merely is arrest over fears of a political crisis the m.p. who is also the leader of the united national movement is accused of inciting violence dates back to protest. the fact that he was released on bail but had to wear a tracking bracelet but in november he refused to wear the device and bail was increased by $12000.00 but he refused to pay for. the killing of a 16 year old protester spoke further rallies in the myanmar city of yangon demonstrators walked over posters of a sniper who allegedly shot the boy last saturday police opened fire on anti coup demonstrators in mandalay bay killing 2 people and injuring more than 20 others.
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this leaves mt etna continues to erupt its fired lover more than a kilometer into the air and a huge plume of smoke now hangs above the peak of europe's most active volcano eruption also spewed out to lava flows although the authorities right now say there is no need for an evacuation. it's the 5th time mountain as a rough city in the last 7 days. and that is your news wrap so far this tuesday night from moscow thanks for joining us i'll have your next update after the kaiser report. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. theory dramatic development only mostly and. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very. time to sit down and
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talk. it's been decades since the fall of spain's fascist regime but old wounds still haven't healed. or. in the past at the source mean older than they seem to you know. of newborn babies were torn from their mothers and given away and forced adoption that only. to this day mothers still search for grown children. hope for their birth parents. were more politicized than ever or more polarized than ever the 21st century when
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speed is measured in megabytes per 2nd. electronic mail electronic money electronic media infinite possibilities for exchanging information. whilst freedom of speech and social media bends censorship of double standards who should judge what can be said online. the internet audience now totals almost 4500000000 for most all of them are active social network users put one wrong move on their pages deleted digital. nihilists don't exist anymore. not who runs the show on the web how can anyone stand up to the tech giants if he from the heads of state face the threat of being banned is there any limits to hold that virtual power of the postal before i look
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reasonable for a postcard nudist but i was reasonable way. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see of that. the british and american governments have often been accused of destroying lives in their own interests or you see in this these techniques is the state devising methods to end to essentially destroy the personality of an individual. by scientific means this is how one doctor's theories were allegedly used in psychological warfare against prisoners deemed a danger to the state that was the foundation for the method of psychological interrogation psychological torture of the cia disseminated from within the us
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intelligence community and worldwide among our allies for the next 30 years meant other victims say they still live with the consequences today. i am max kaiser this is the kaiser report just like forces of the universe or constellation shaping and shifting our realities so to geopolitics and we've got some emerging it come moment power ousts stacy right max well 1st of all you must notice that i am in my tropical outfit here because they are super tropical nice very breezy were get ready oh because i think it's far stein's in the tropics in the 2nd half that's right so our war my resort where for you and i kind
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of think it's you know somewhere over the rainbow all things are great so before that you know part of the reason why things were kind of not great in the world of wizard of oz was the wizard of oz himself and the wizard of oz which is the federal reserve bank i think has caused quite a lot of chaos with all of the money printing and here are some of the results so the money printing that has happened since 1971 remember we're 50 years into the u.s. dollar standard and the money printing hid a lot of the outsourcing of all these jobs that are sending all of our wealth creation potential and you know the manufacturing overseas to china and the argument and joe biden was one of the biggest proponents of this line of thinking was that china's going to eat our lunch come on man come on right well china overtakes us as biggest trading partner in the year 2020 china was the main
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partner for the e.u. this result was due to an increase of imports by 5.6 percent and exports by 2.2 percent according to euro stat the e.u.'s statistical office so of course like most people say they. trust chinese data but this is from the e.u. to cicle office and it almost drives exactly in fact there they show a bit more trade like $20000000000.00 worth more than china's own data shows so i mean it's in there but it's surpassed the amount that they trade with the u.s. inflation exports right wright said this is really the beginning of the changing of the guard you know were now handing the baton off to china as the number one economy in the 21st century the numbers are there the statistics are there the relationships in your europe the you are there the relationship with the russian iran is there you know there and the relationship all over africa is also there well if you have.
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