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tv   News  RT  February 28, 2021 10:00am-10:31am EST

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as for the tragedy in los built to the people need in that little. in the day's headlines a constitutional clash just a day after our media president rejects a controversial order to sack the country's top general and send it back to the prime minister and sends it straight back to the president as as crowds continue to demand the premier steps down. and some of the top stories of the week stockpiles of the astra zeneca kobe vaccine go unused in europe amid claims over its effectiveness but it comes as the world health organization up warns of a lack of jobs in porn nations. and doctors in the u.k. reject plans to make code vaccines obligatory for frontline workers.
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welcome to the weekly here on our teacher national where we bring you the latest headline news and the top stories from the past week. a constitutional showdown is on the cards in our media after the president rejected an order by the prime minister to sack the country's top general it comes as crowds of the capital continue to demand the pm acquits thousands took to the streets for a 3rd day calling for the resignation of nicole and they're angry at his handling of last year's war with azerbaijan which many of you as a humiliating defeat although protests have been on and off since the war ended in november new demonstrations are up it on thursday in question defied a call by the military to resign and accuse the army of a coup attempt here's a quick recap of how the situations unfolded so. roominess the early months of army
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are no longer able to make adequate decisions in this fateful and critical situation for the armenian people given the current situation the own forces of armenia demand the resignation of the prime minister and the government. might want to also just officers generals do your job god borders and the territorial integrity of armenia this is my order and no one can disobey today we're holding this rally and will finish all actions will sit down at the negotiating table with the opposition for consultations on the elections both cowher are. all ready for consistency and to both of them. i'm a chef and just and asked their people in the square to go on the stand being the
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only the scientific community top politicians parties everyone is against nickel. we've made significant progress it has to quit he has betrayed the nation has to leave we've never had such a vile leader who treated us so badly we came to the square answering the call from our prime minister we stand with him to the end he must put an end to all this they're of course failing but this form of governmental transition is definitely not acceptable to me we came to see our prime minister of the republic square so the whole world knows that the people support him. her the. right in the streets the opposition a teaching of the pm to make camp. because. to stand $24.00 seventh's. and also they are preparing for the.
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goods for. the. anger has been brewing since november of last year every peace deal struck with azerbaijan concerning the disputed not going to cut back region armenians the agreement as a humiliating defeat for the country and stormed a government building in the arab and response r.g.c. kristan i spent time there at the height of the crisis and finally troubled past that's what's happening now. this whole process that has been brewing for months because it all stems from mean years and well nagorno-karabakh a defeat in last year's war with the armenian government the promise their people that they would come out victorious out of this clash with their by john over the issue of this disputed region of nagorno-karabakh so when i was there by john and i
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mean he signed a peace deal which russia effectively brokered it came for i mean eons for ordinary people as an absolute shock because according to that deal they had to concede 2 thirds of the going to care about to azerbaijan and that when it sparked that's when people started to come out to the streets passion and he tried to just push the blame on something else and at a certain point it was almost like he was trying to blame the military to blame the soldiers for not doing enough he obviously he retracted that he later he said that he did mean that but that's when the bad blood between him and the military started because i've been there and soldiers they did all they could they just they were overpowered militarily they were overpowered they had no response they had no answer to the drone problem because the drones they were just obliterating their positions which were absolutely not ready for you know their defense systems were not ready for that so that defeat and having to concede to the. the territories
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which are overwhelmingly populated by the ethnically armenian people that was absolutely devastating and through the course of all these months it seems and while it is obvious now passion and hasn't done enough to to do so back together the divisions in the armenian society just so back together to heal the wound this massive wall and cleared it does have a fair amount of support doesn't it i mean a call for supporters to come on to the streets and they did and how much support does he have exactly and why is that support there given what you've just said judging from what i see right now it very much reminds me as to what was happening there back in october in november basically i did see thousands of people turn out against a nickel passion on a given back then but again every single taxi driver that i would talk to back then he would tell me something along the lines well i don't know i don't know why people are so angry like a lot of people do support the prime minister after all remember he came into power
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as the man of the streets so to speak he was like you came with a with a crowd he came as part of a revolution himself so really the streets and the public support is all that he has to legitimize him as the country's leader that's why the his kneejerk reaction to the statement by the military was to call on his supporters to gather in the in the city center because this is what legitimizes him call passion and he's saying that it's an attempted military coup but again we haven't seen any military in the streets the general chief of staff he signed a letter along with some 40 other top officers generals they have called on him to resign but again they called in everybody to refrain from violence so to me it looks like the last world really the last warning literally the last warning to passion and it came as a complete surprise to passion and so he's trying to find this balance. he doesn't
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want to be more hardcore than he needs to be and he's trying to and it is clear that he did not have a plan for this he's just he just reacting on the world like something happens he reacts it well it's not like he had a he had a contingency plan for that at least it doesn't look like he had one to me. we discuss the latest developments with the vice president of the country's national assembly along with an armenian lieutenant general who is a veteran of previous wars and they're going to cut about the regime that for 30 years the military has been poorly managed in terms of equipment and maintenance this led to the army becoming weak and pushing and came to power without a team experience the prime minister was an absolute 0 in military affairs as well as in economics and politics and this management disorganization noncompliance with the mobilization plan the destruction of command and control systems and the dismissal of military officers all this led to the fact that the general staff lost
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all patience and demanded the supreme commanders resignation as he was destroying the army took a community. it's post-war turbulence when the military makes political statements it can only be called a military coup in the military must carry out its immediate task of protecting the borders of the republic politics is not a military matter our colleagues from other countries are emphasizing that this is unacceptable the prime minister has problems with a few military officials following the war and i must say the authorities and the prime minister are in control of the situation putting the blame on one person is wrong it's not fair and there are millions understand that and we all have our share of the blame thoughts. and the americans refusal to take the astra zeneca code vaccine was creating plenty of headlines this week the german leader put it down to age. i'm 66 years old and i do not belong to the group recommended for us
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to seneca asters that a vaccine is only approved in germany for under 60 five's and the chancellor statement is fueling growing questions about the effectiveness of the jab has led to reports of stockpiles of the new shots and it all comes as the world health organization warned that poor countries are being left empty handed when it comes to any vaccines with more here's peter all over. germany is facing a touch of cognitive dissonance when it comes to covert 19 vaccinations on the one hand politicians on the population are outraged at how slow the process of giving a vaccine to everyone in germany has been on the other hand vaccination centers like this one here in berlin at the old airport which only gives out the astra zeneca job well they've been struggling to get people to take up the offer that some sorts a line unused because not enough people enrolling or just not turning up for their appointment this is an absurd and unbearable situation as of last friday only 10
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percent of the vaccines available had been administered the astra zeneca job is only approved for use in under 60 five's in germany due to a lack of data on its effectiveness in older people it's being made available to health care staff but tales of reactions to the vaccine have seen some german states suspend its use. astra zeneca has been criticized because on the one hand it seems to be less effective than the messenger r.n.a. vaccines from beyond tech and moderna and on the other hand there have been reports of vaccine reactions both must continue to be well monitored is something quieter share there how can we do so vaccine and then find out a couple weeks months later that it's maybe not as efficient it was as it was promised i think this shows that the way the european union has been managing this whole vaccine campaign it was not only by the professionals that were supposed to
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be making decisions in the 1st place i think this is something which is and now it's backfiring of course we see a very small percentage of western europeans getting the vaccine it angela merkel spokes person even had to put out a post on social media encouraging people to take the astra zeneca vaccine because there's a worry that the doses germany has could end up going to waste. astra zeneca succeed in. that it prevents many infections and protects against serious illnesses vaccination can see. france has found itself in a similar position to germany when it comes to its citizens being unsure about the astra zeneca jab a general lack of vaccines across the european union added to growing fears about their safety i mean the 2 biggest eurozone economies germany and france vaccinated just 6 percent of their populations but the head of the world health organization wants rich countries to check before ordering more shots and made diet shortages in
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developing nations if there are no vaccines to buy moneys irrelevant currently some high income countries are into contracts with vaccine manufacturers that are undermine the deals that call vioxx hours in police and reduce the number of those this come by. we've already millions and millions of shares and we don't even know if these vaccines are safe and now that we've got these vaccines people don't want them so what do we do with that and there's no better be over of course if some kind of trees feel safe with these vaccines in they want them in their family who should and should should have them or sell them or or get into that to the countries who can't have vaccines staying in it in. some or as some call spots because there is refrigerated areas around there in your wild e.u. nations the did the ring over whether or not to get one of the main vaccines that are on offer poorer nations are running the risk of having no doses of any vaccine
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at all peter all over r.t. berlin the director of health and care at the red cross told us the consequences of death as going on use could be dire. it leaves a nasty cold that we have hundreds of thousands of those effective and safe vaccine lying go unused in the european countries when we have many else workers in the developing countries that are not getting any vaccine these are not only unethically is extremely sad because every vaccine that is not injected in the arm of a person is a potential death due to. 1000 so we really need to accelerate the distribution of vaccines and to do that one of the critical point. has been means information and mistrust in not only europe we have a lot of vaccine is around the world and i think there is
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a lot of work to be done to make sure that people understand that getting a vaccine that has a 60 percent efficacy rate is a great deal everybody should be going for that vaccine as long as the vaccine is safe i think has been demonstrated by the tree so there's no reason why those people should be at the clearing and not taking a vaccine they're putting themselves and their communities at risk besides creating problems for the rest of the world. the world should prepare for a new post pandemic reality and something world health organization special covert envoy told r.t. devon bar also warned of other dangerous strain spreading. as some who say we should be striving towards eliminating the virus completely others and i'm in this 2nd group to say that we must strive towards being able to live with the virus as a constant threat but putting in place a mix of defenses in our societies that mean that we hold the virus at bay
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at the center of that is vaccination which can protect people from getting seriously ill and dying but there's also how we behave there's also have governments create the conditions in which we can behave in a really helpful way but we're going to avoiding the virus and as international cooperation. i want to be clear you always need to have traction nations to get so that's good practice or even just for many years i've carried a little yellow book next to my passport which 'd indicates that i've had yellow fever vaccinations it includes tito's of the data i've received the vaccination who vaccinated me and very importantly will bacha number of vaccine i received i think i really think that's good practice now how the significance it used as possible
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for being able to get on a plane or get into a hotel or go into a building or go to a festival that's a different story and right now i don't think anybody is in a position to start saying to say to our vaccinations that it's will be used in practice it's early days on that. there has been as as most of your viewers will know a recent investigation into how this virus appeared through an independent scientific group that was set up under the auspices of the world gopher organization a joint independent group together with the chinese authorities and they are in the process of producing a report looking at 4 hypotheses about the origins and their report will detail where they got to in relation to each of these hypotheses finding out the origins of any kind of pathogen whether it's the one causing this corona virus
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pandemic or other pathogens for example like it or particular kinds of influenza these investigations that are difficult to do and as far as i'm concerned this is a process it's on track. it's very political and a lot of people are watching it and we have to wait until the report appears before the for the judgments could be made. still had a recovered covered patient tells r.t. about getting hundreds of death threats and being blamed for a lockdown restrictions we hear from him and our stories of after the break. is your media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere. direct. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallowness. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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welcome back to the weekly reported plans to make over jobs mandatory for frontline health care workers in the u.k. could be a legal that's a claim of industry lawmakers england's chief medical officer has already told health staff it's their duty to get a job and the national health service is reportedly considering making it obligatory for certain employee is and he just dr bob guilt says some of his colleagues see it as an attack on their autonomy the idea of making vaccination compulsory is very shortsighted you need to understand the dam if there has been done to the trust of the medical profession given the government's already chaotic and much criticized handling of the and demi we've already lost a 1000 health and social. work force due to the pandemic people have been working exhaustingly long hours have witnessed tragic scenes and to attack their
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professional judgment and autonomy by making this compulsory i think is another straw to break the camel's back u.k. medical chiefs say the number of coed patients has dropped and pressure on the health service is easing with that in mind dr bob gilligan believes mandatory inoculation could backfire if you make vaccination part of your terms of employment then what does a doctor do if you risk losing their job losing their profession that they've studied and worked so hard or or they comply it was quite a big stick to beat the profession with. i don't think anybody could argue against the evidence for vaccination and what the government should try to do is understand if there is significant reluctance why that is support those will provide the more information but not to coerce them it was the servo early on in the end there me
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which showed the vast majority or doctors certainly felt that the government had completely missed and or the krone virus and demick and that confidence nothing has really happened to improve that confidence in government it covered suffer and canada has warned of the stigma attached to getting the virus and claims it could be stopping people from reporting infections cronk received hundreds of death threats after it was revealed he caught the virus. people attacked me for no reason in new brunswick that's my hometown that's where i'm from there's a video that was on october 31st of me saying that i can taste or smell anything that you know creates allergies where i can't taste her mind you know my my nose gets blocked up and and that's what i was relating it to and that's why the 2nd day i booked a task like waited still there you know it might it could be covert i have to go out of the state so i'm just going to double check i'm pretty sure it's not because my spouse days prior tested negative for covert 191 of the guys i was on the trip
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with who came home early from calgary he tested also negative for over $1000.00 which he actually had symptoms so i was like ok there's there's probably a very slim chance that i have 1001 i was traveling from calgary back to new brunswick i was considered an essential worker so we were required to isolate and i didn't have symptoms at that time my symptoms didn't come to 31st and i was coming back to new brunswick on the 24th of october. after being infected people on social media began blaming him for subsequent public for struction a lot downs in the area he spoke to us about the dangers of public shaming. people are so right about having kobe not because of it's going to harm them but it's because they're worried of what the the population around them will think when you shame somebody and when you have this big stigma on people for having called it a lot of people who are sick you know that might have a sniffle or a sore throat or something they don't bother going to get tested because they they
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feel like they're going to be shamed so or shunned and so a lot of people end up hiding their symptoms that's an issue because then you're not getting a true number on cases and and you know you have people going around spreading the virus not knowingly the they have the virus because they are too worried about what people might think that they have the virus. now for some world news in brief riders have attacked police and damage shops and banks and the 2nd week of violence in spain over the jailing of rapper public. the musician was sentenced for insulting. the royal family and lyrics and tweets among other charges well that a dozen demonstrators have been arrested. 3 officers have been injured as hundreds of anti-lock down an anti-black scene protesters in ireland attacked police with fireworks and other objects police charged the crowds with the tongs and $23.00 people were arrested. and russia's space agency ross cosmos has launched its 1st ever satellite to monitor the frozen and vironment
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of the arctic the rocket carrying the satellite blasted off from baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan that's what you're seeing. everything from brand names to work relations and even family ties are showing signs of breakdown as u.s. political divides began to affect practically every section of society as artie's all quarter explains. if you take joe biden's word at face value you might think political polarization in america is no big deal the nation is not divine to this not nearly as divided as we make it out to be but if you take a look at what's actually going on in the streets well a different picture begins to appear.
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and according to the statistics your eyes are not deceiving you i think we're all aware of how political polarization has affected our elections and system of government but the impacts go far beyond the political arena it seems the facts contradict biden's feel good speeches about unity take the family the core structure of american society it's a real example of unity and something more important than political bickering with that in mind check out what one republican senators family had to say about his decision to support trump's impeachment we all thought really just gusted with you it is now most embarrassing to us that we are related to you you've been bearish the kings and family name ok as a politician his family cannot get around political talk at the dinner table but divorces parents disowning their children this is happening in ordinary american families it's tough my husband is
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a trump has caused such trying to date i feel like i want to divorce i'm a registered republican who is now an independent who voted democrat my republican family however has dug in they think i'm the crazy one they were more shocked to find out i hate to d.t. than they were to hear i was also known as none of my family members talk to me i'm so sorry for anyone who's lost family over politics it has. you could see it in the workplace where playing politics can get you fired and the spotlight of national news like the former what a burger employee who wore a black lives matter mask to the job i would say but that's an i mean in the style of clothing that i think you are they don't think it's a good if they think you probably shouldn't buy the wrong item either unless you want to incur the wrath of those who don't agree with you going to food for example is now being boycotted just because the boss praised donald trump so for a also under boycott because the company dropped its contract with
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a conservative beauty blogger who claims she was targeted for her political views and the head of my pillow is taking flak since he publicly supports the idea that the last presidential election was fraudulent the keyboard warriors have drawn their swords and retailers have even cut ties with the companies because of it so next time you think about buying a pillow think twice unless of course you want your family to fall apart. that's been our recap of just some of the stories that helped shape the world these last 7 days as always thanks for tuning in. the world is driven by dream shaped by one person those with.
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no dares thinks. we dare to ask. for spring garments this those books going to go. for your motion know in the early ninety's seventy's helmet a psychologist and 6 all just proposed to the west berlin senate a social experiment you wanted to live paedophiles adopt don't care for neglected boys experiment was approved. if it was used to do more vote. on what your. doctor came to believe that sex with older men would help with the boy's socialization over 30 years many children were handed over for
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paedophiles to raise just mentioned new questions are going to hold more the blog is over though it's worth looking for a little who can do the most relief workers or she didn't just awful good to see someone to go to the food. blown welcome to worlds apart according to my guest today a world is undergoing crises of crises and if you switch on the news or scroll through the us social media if you i'm definitely.


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