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tv   News  RT  March 1, 2021 5:00am-5:30am EST

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we. ask. if i can use this our political unrest in our media is a crowd of protesters storm a government building in central europe. also in several countries in europe brought by violent protests a tightening of coronavirus. look into the plight of long. experience and health problems months after getting thrown a virus. the proposal by the israeli government to use electronic tags to ensure people self isolate but returning to the country has met with mixed reaction.
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good afternoon thanks for joining us this is r.t. international start with some breaking news for you this hour a group of protesters has stormed a government building this is in the center of the armenian capital comes as the city braces itself for 2 mass rallies both in support of and against the prime minister the nickel passion yeah he's been facing growing calls to step down over his handling of the nagorno karabakh conflict with azerbaijan we do hope expect to have a live update from our correspondent on the scene of that government building coming up later for you this hour.
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violent protests are broken out in ireland and denmark has people taken to the streets to demonstrate against strict coronavirus curbs. leave. feel. all those protests in several e.u. countries as there is an increasing transmission rates over 19 here in france the health minister has described the situation as. the epidemic with tens of thousands
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of new cases being registered every day now as a result of that over the weekend several times in france went into new weekend lockdowns and it does look as if that is going to be expanded there across the country here in paris the various discussing a mini 3 week lockdown it seems to many that the 50 that's been in place for several months now is more working but that's not the case according to the country's director general of health the situation is obviously very tense the government has taken strong braking measures particularly with the curfew the latter works very well well the e.u. of course is still having problems with its vaccine rollout it's been slow from the start only around 8 percent of adults have. latent across the book fall behind say their counterparts in the u.k. we're almost at 30 percent in there are still questions particularly over the astra zeneca vaccine the efficacy of which in older people had been questions not just by
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phones but also by germany and as a result of thoughts many people are refusing in those countries to have not particular vaccine. so much so that something to suggest up to 85 percent in germany have not been used and possibly around 90 percent of those haven't been used in france so much so that there are calls now to give those extra time since teen younger individuals who might accept vaccine we cannot afford the vaccine sitting around and not being used because some of those entitled to it rejected well as the e.u. is struggling to get the doses of the vaccines that people actually want to take some countries are now taking matters into their own hands let's take the czech republic for example which is declared a new nationwide state of emergency as the number of cases why is there so much so that they've decided that they might reach out and obtain the sputnik the
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vaccine from russia sees approval the state institute for drug control must examine the documentation and if they approve it the health ministry has to issue an exemption well the czech republic is not the only country that is already doing that hungry has been inoculated people with the sputnik the vaccine for the last month said to have an efficacy rate of around 92 percent but it hasn't yet been given regulatory approval he in europe but it seems as the vaccine continues to hold across the bloc countries now are deciding to make their own way. ok let's return to our breaking news story this hour a group of protesters stormed a government building in the center of the armenian capital yeah let's go live to the sea now correspondent rushkoff is on the ground there do you know. what is the latest. well we're still waiting
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for this situation to result from what we know so far of is that around a dozen of protesters stormed into the government building that is right behind me and from the footage that was taken at the scene we know that one of them was holding a bullhorn and he was calling for the resignation of the prime minister and he called pashtun and he and his supporters he's other members of the group who stormed into the building they were addressing specifically the employees of this building and we know that there are at least several ministries here the ministry of health care the ministry of energy the ministry of statistics all for meaning and to those people were urging the employees of the government to stop taking orders from the incumbent prime minister and he called pasha now and we also saw a police arrived that the police arrived at the scene and probably right now they're still inside the building so we're still waiting to see how the situation is going to progress and you know i should tell you that this is definitely is
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going to be a day full of tension and uncertainty because we have 2 major rallies scheduled for today they were announced both by the opposition and by the prime minister and of course chances are very high that the clashes between the group read between groups of protesters might arrive and that's exactly what happened here last week and year of on when again the opposition and prime minister both scheduled there are rallies at the same time at the same day and you know despite the. increasing calls to for the resignation of the prime minister nicola doesn't seem like he is going to back away that easily and he would simply given his power on the demand of the opposition and you know earlier today they were there was a nickel question on met with the members of the security council in a year of an end as many observers noted the. president and the head of the army
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general staff. were not invited and that is a sign i guess about the rift between the political elites between the army and you know among just regular people on the streets your meaning is just keeps widening. and many thanks our correspondent there on the spot. cough just to provide you with a little bit more context to the situation. the protests that we've seen coming largely against the prime minister some for of course as we mentioned they are a direct consequence of the conflicts last year we saw thousands of people killed in the conflict the military escalation between armenia and azerbaijan over the nagorno-karabakh region which ultimately sore armenia. losing ground and and having to concede defeat in a russian brokered peace treaty and the discontent with passing on the prime
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minister of armenia has subsequently grown to the point now that there are substantial protests taking place demanding his resignation they've been supported as well by that joint statement from senior members of the armenian military of course press union has resisted that and as we mentioned actually sacked chief of staff a move that was. overruled by the armenian president and subsequently what we have now is protests for the prime minister and against him in the situation is escalating now with protesters having just very recently taken control of the parliament building the protesters value to stay there until the promise to steps down no sign though at the moment of that happening. and to other news now around 150000000 people have been unfair. by corona virus 2 and a half 1000000 have died since the start of the pandemic but despite this relatively
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little is known about the long term effects of the disease also known as long cove it. examines the condition as part of his coronavirus documentary series. for more than a year now humanity has been dealing with code bit tricky just understands what symptoms have been identified with docs today only now do we start to understand that there is also a long coat that you can use names way between 5 and 50 percent of people struggle with this disease for much longer than expected people who have been treated at our hospital they are coming back and these situations are becoming even more common than simple i got sick this is very worrying.
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just like how same day precisely of comprehensible symptoms everything is just like in that cereal this is one of. the other will i thought that i was cured and everything would return to normal but unfortunately this was not the case and i started joking of the felt then i had to call a doctor again i realized that i couldn't walk more than 103150 meters you know you know i was getting tired immediately and i would get a burning me feeling in my chest or you for it would be logical they've complications off the cuff like a cut in the most severe cases of patients who lie like this in intensive care on ventilators but in fact this is not the case i mean people with these so-called recovery tell you a little monaco you had a young people are going to have never been even intensive and moreover i'm not even consulted her doctor has a ground. manner of i did not have any fever or a cough at all because.
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then i start to call fallen a lot and i got a very sore you're a pain in molasses there was a consciousness some symptoms were ending other were starting headaches and even congestion in my chest just by the non damage to my lonesome the ones. it was just an less they're going to it it is if you are sick with something but of what exactly. it definitely hits the nervous system that this is its main target then which way at the milk you are on board small from both these occur in the vessels of the brain little haemorrhages really all this becomes evident via very different symptoms sometimes rather obvious and sometimes not a headache is something understandable in this is not due to intoxication but due to covert micro bleeding and swelling. massive weakness is also what everyone describes and what is completely unusual for other diseases in the visual and hearing impairment dreams become weird you know even hallucinogenic and techie cardia can be terrible and completely inexplicable even young people can have it.
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even young people who do not have any heart pathologies they go through an e.c.g. an echo the doctors find nothing. all this made us realize that this is damage to the central nervous system so the brain sends you some kind of a signal by stay sick yes something like this. every day we see more and more patients for whom koby did not end with them leaving the hospital sometimes the consequences last for months and how long it will last is completely incomprehensible the most important thing here is not to miss the moment and see a doctor in time. in israel a government proposal to use electronic bracelets to insure people self isolate when returning from abroad has been met with a mixed reaction by israelis artie's polis live reports now from the airport where the program was launched. as you can see behind me it's largely deserted there are
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4 flights that are scheduled to arrive the softer noon and passengers on those flights will be part and parcel of a new pilot program that is being launched today and which is hugely controversial a year ago one would not have imagined that we'd be in the situation now when you arrive in israel you have one of 2 choices either you quarantine in an army hotel or you can go home and do a home quarantine for 10 days but now you have to go home with an electronic monitoring system this entails wearing an electronic bracelet either around will restore your ankle now this bracelet is part of a tracking system it's connected to a smartphone which is connected to a stick that is placed on one of the walls of a person's home the company monitoring the whole system will receive some kind of signal the moment the person steps foot out of the home so it's a way to try and stop people breaking home quarantine and it's also a way for the israelis to reopen the skies and return to some kind of normality the
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company that has designed the technology says that everything is safe and that people should not be worried in fact it is not as intrusive the stick knology as other apps that are currently being used in israel the company has also stressed the point that it's not monitoring any kind of personal information it's not according in the information and at the same time it's not taking pictures it's also said that the bracelet is to quote comfortable that it is efficient that people won't even know that they have it on them it's very light and it's waterproof they're actually gone so far as to call it a freedom bracelet saying that it gives passengers arriving in israel the choice to do an army hotel quarantine or a home quarantine having said all of that it still hasn't satisfied many people who are critical of the whole program asking travelers to choose between military force quarantine motel and an electronic bracelet i don't even know where to start with you. is a nightmare happening at warp speed and trialed in israel before its global debut
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these are launches pilot program to track returning passengers using electronic bracelets and the knesset passed a law allowing disclosing identities of unvaccinated to authorities watch how the pandemic continues to erode any semblance of civil rights now land and a border is here in israel have been closed since january and at this point in time they will remain close for at least a now the 2 weeks the only people being allowed into the country are stranded israelis aboard an independent organization the israel democracy institute is a watchdog and is why we eat about the direction in which this country is headed. the concern is that they rose in of the riots affected is not proportionate but rather extreme even in view of the current health challenge they stream changes in policy from one of a food open air port to complete closure without warning question and aware citizens who travelled abroad lawfully with the full expectation that they would be
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able to return and without giving them a chance to prepare accordingly creates intolerable human situations now the pilot system sees 100 tracking systems being issued there is a plan in place to expand this to a 1000 but that depends on legislation we've also heard from the health ministry that they haven't ruled out the possibility of a week introducing monitoring people's cell phones and that was something that the israeli internal security the shin bit was involved in last year but it also proved to be hugely controversial. israeli government's already passed a law that gives the authorities access to the personal data of unvaccinated people is expected to remain in force for 3 months the government insists the law is only designed to encourage vaccination and says the information will not be used for any other purpose this is what people on the streets of tel aviv though have to say about. this i'm concerned that the government. wants to share private medical
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information with institutes that are not relevant i see it as a major violation of civil rights i definitely all about it to let this information out a lot of that as an incentive to people to get back soon and as. taking us one step closer to normal life it's very simple and over 5 people because of him to get vaccinated and the door listings and basically the corner office and when we let them do it their way they doing it the doing it strikes by size of it under the influence your would rot in the streets and then and demonstrate how really help to them won't be discrimination between people who've had the vaccine in people who have and everybody should do it and then everything will be open to everybody. still to come donald trump makes his 1st public speech since leaving the white house that as opposed to just say he values the most popular republican presidential candidate for the 2024 elections that story after the break.
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join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see them. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. welcome back donald trump has returned to the political stage giving his 1st public speech since leaving the white house came as a recent poll suggested he still remains the most popular republican presidential candidate. was this speech was highly anticipated due to the fact that donald trump is not on social media giving us a piece of his mind any longer now trump did not say whether or not he would run for president in 2024 but he certainly left open the possibility and it is far from
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being over. i've made even decide to beat him for a 3rd time ok was now he started off by making clear he would not be starting his own political party he would remain with the republicans now a poll taken among attendees of the conservative political action conference indicated that a very solid majority said they would vote for him and wow the republican party has many elements within it that do not approve of donald trump among rank and file republican voters trump remains wildly popular where in the middle of a historic struggle for america's future america's culture and america's institutions borders and most cherished principles our security our prosperity had our very identity as americans is at stake like perhaps at no other time.
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so no matter how much the washington establishment of the powerful special interests may want to silence us let there be no doubt we will be victorious and america will be stronger and greater than ever before he also spoke about the issue of immigration he criticized the handling of the pandemic and gave a very harsh critique of the new administration so at this point people are looking on and saying that while democrats and others are saying that the country is healing and reunifying that doesn't really seem to be the case donald trump remains the center of republican party politics and the partisanship and division that gave birth to donald trump remains intact the last 4 years things have become more and more intense and even though donald trump is out of office the polarization of the country but certainly ask elated during his presidency is not going away the country remains intensely divided. now earlier we discussed term speech with conservative commentator jeff charles and with form
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a libertarian party fice chair often bora. if you chooses to run he's getting the nomination in 2024 the huge base of trump supporters is is it's young it's growing i mean it's just a larger and a more growing baze than the old guard that's kind of fading out all the people who are being you know silent through say face safe spaces or canceled or whatever all of those people are going to want a social group and a political group that speaks of their to their values right now the united states has become a divided cultural where political disagreements have shifted into the social sphere into the entertainment sphere cetera and now if you're a public figure of any kind or in many cases even if you're just a private citizen your political views put you at risk to all kinds of non political attacks because the political sphere has shifted out of the political arena we're seeing it as being more problematic division rather the kind of than the good and the healthy political debate that has shaped american culture since
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the beginning who was on this track even before trump and so will trump on the scene and even. when he's outside of office i mean this divided is still going to remain and i'm not sure when it will happen one when people will finally reconcile as far as fighting goes i mean that the media is going to protect them as much as possible but donald trump is going to be one of his most vocal detractors and i think we saw that tonight at the speech here noland orlando at sea so yeah he is going to be a constant thorn in bite inside biden won't be able to sneeze wrong without trump saying something about 4 years is not a short amount of time i think a lot can change between now and then maybe he'll decide that he doesn't want to run and that you'd rather support somebody to succeed him and maybe become more of the kingmaker role but i do think that even if in 2024 if he does decide to run he does stand a very good chance securing the nomination as long as he has still has the same energy that he yesterday. documentaries been released about they are not
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political act. it is a move says thanking it tankian the front man of rock band system of a down underground session with tons of discuss the project with the musician you can see the full interview after this bulletin for now here's a preview. the 1st 20 minutes are you know i'm not saying stand a rock human tree because there's an element of identity culture the armenian quarter of los angeles and hollywood and then suddenly 911 changes everything in the program right well it was kind of like that in our band's career as well because we launched our 2nd record toxicity right as 911 hit and it really changed the complete landscape our song was off the radio along with everyone else's song clear channel at the time had censored a lot of songs off the radio and yet we still had the number one record on billboard in the united states with a song called chop suey which talked about a self-righteous suicide you might have to remind people why on earth your music
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was banned after 911 because in the in this film i mean the idea that you specifically were questioning u.s. foreign policy and somehow you get accused of somehow supporting 911 i wrote an essay called understanding oil what i was trying to do is understand how something like this could happen in the 1st place and part of that was trying to unravel to 50 years of unjust propping up of dictators u.s. foreign policy and basically calling for a multilateral approach to deal with the issue not some jingoistic kind of you know cowboy response to the whole thing which is kind of what was going on with the invasion of afghanistan and iraq which you know iraq specifically had nothing to do with it and the whole pretense of weapons of mass destruction that never existed so you know it was a reaction to that at the time and knowing that this is just another this might
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serve as another ploy true. to turn into a resource acquisition type of thing for the us rather than truly bringing justice and that's what i was interested in and trying to understand it and it had a huge backlash back backlash because you know people were not ready for that there was a lot of reactionism going on a lot of flag waving a lot of. patriotism but also not really understanding what was going on you know there were a few artists that spoke out along with myself and donna spoke out maynard from tool spoke out the dixie chicks spoke out but it was a handful of artists and we all got backlash for. ok finally a quick recap for you of our breaking news story this hour which is that a group of protesters has stormed the government building in the center of the armenian capital calling on prime minister nicole passion yun to step down this comes ahead of 2 mass rallies both in support of and again especially on the
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shuttle for later today the recent political unrest in the country you sponsored by a public standoff between the pm and the country's military will be following the developing story throughout the day we'll keep you right to that. i'm nancy company to join my colleague jacqueline vega with updates in half an hour . or. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy one foundation let it be an arms race in this on all fronts very dramatic development the only thing i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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during the vietnam war u.s. forces also bombed to neighboring laos it was. a secret war. and for years the american people do not know. how much it is a. country per capita. human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this small agricultural country. even today kids in laos full victim to bombs dropped decades ago is the u.s. making amends for that tragedy and what help to the people need in that little land on.
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i'm after a tens unit watching another log an additional going underground is the united states assumes the presidency of the u.n. security council but how will the usa use its role to advance the nato military alliance allegations against nato nations are rife in a new documentary speaking truth to power charting the rise of platinum selling artists tankian of system of a down he joins me now from los angeles so welcome to this lockdown edition of going on the gotta tell me about truth to power in the old age old question and music change the world i sure hope so. truth to power is a documentary of an activist journey starting from when that activist myself does not have a large voice without music as.


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