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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2021 10:00am-10:31am EST

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taking a shot on drug coated vaccines for baka becomes the 39th nation to sign up for supplies of putting me as a 2nd e.u. member about to prove the job and it comes of the walk itself struggles with vaccine shortages. also this hour keeping an eye on family and friends in new zealand says no one should be off limits when it comes to slithering on code would break the curse. plus the e.u. slap sanctions on 4 top russian officials over the arrest and prosecution of a couple of critic i can see them only moscow insists the opposition figurehead broke parole on the trial was fair and has vowed to reciprocate brussels moves.
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this is art international coming to you straight from the russian capital where it's just turned 6 pm welcome to the program. slovakia has become the 39th country to give the green light to russia's main vaccine it's a 2nd nation to register sputnik as the blocks vaccine shortages continue to mount . has more now on how europe's inoculation campaign is playing out. well there is dissent in the e.u. ranks who are now saying enough is enough with this slow rollout of the vaccine process that is being watched over by the e.u. let's take slovakia that's become the latest e.u. country to decide it needs to buy doses of the sputnik reback seen from russia it's made an order of around $2000000.00 doses it is the 2nd e.u. nation to do that however is already in new york relating its citizens with the
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sputnik the vaccine and the czech republic has also said that it is interested in possibly buying it now this iraqi in the pm said it was necessary to buy this vaccine to boost the inoculation program. buying this russian vaccine was the right thing to do it's trustworthy anyone who wants the job will get one in the next 2 months we will get 1000000 vaccines and then in may in june another 1000000 i believe that by meeting the deadlines and promised supplies russia will prove that it's a stable partner that we can rely on in these hard times since the coded $1000.00 pandemic does not pay attention to geopolitical issues and the protection of human life prevails above all else we've seen fit to buy a russian vaccine so that slovak's who wish to can get vaccinated well that vaccine is due to be used in the next 2 weeks it hasn't of course that regulatory approval by the european union's e m a this is the european medicines agency but in an emergency such as a pandemic if
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a country in the block decides that it gives approval of vaccine that hasn't been approved on that wide spectrum that can be used now the e.u. is wos according to it though or not something that's a problem within the block but something that's actually to do with russia the natives it seems that this will cause action diplomacy. because of such actions recently with some actors in particular once again christian. trying to discredit. that sector is why all all using this racial these 2. race to gain geopolitical. however it's clear that it's the e.u. zone countries that have been questioning the efficacy of vaccines that they may has approved let's take the astra zeneca vaccine for example now both france and
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germany raised questions about this vaccine president of france describing it as being quasi affective for the over 60 five's germany didn't recommend that it was given to the over 60 five's both have since made a u. turn and a singing a different turn poland on its part is apparently in discussions with china to potentially have the vaccine from that also another vaccine that has not been given approval by may well to move to the problems that the e.u. is facing austria and denmark and now in discussions with israel about potentially money fracturing vaccines in that country in a chance to to boost the production to get moved back seems to its citizens chancellor 1 of austria suggesting could say in his words it was needed because it was exactly like waiting for catch up. my danish colleague has made a good comparison i think she spoke of the catch up effect you probably all
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remember what ketchup bottle so used to be like were often took a long time before anything came out and then all of a sudden a whole torrent came out and it will be similar with vaccinations the e.u. is desperately trying to save face it's now launched a continent one project to try and boost the manufacturing of vaccines but for many in europe this is already too little too late and they feel that they really have to at this point go it alone. russia has now registered its 3rd vaccine against the virus coming back is expected to go on the market later this month and we had a chance to speak to the director of the center behind the shot. when you will put out of them can you explain what makes the kovi vaca vaccine different and uses a deactivated virus but what does that actually mean when the music was worded in the can we used a process called in activation which basically means killing the virus vaccines
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usually use a live virus or an already dead one we're dealing with an inactivated whole cell vaccine approach that we've been developing for many years all of the vaccines at the choo mock of center are based on this method a significant number of our vaccines form part of the russian national vaccination calendar school causing a lot of the book at the what how long did it take to develop the vaccine how did you test it. where are the missing but it took almost a year and that's a very short time no western company has ever managed to produce a vaccine like this in such a short time frame there are other technologies involved a key step was extracting the virus we went to various clinics and took blood samples from sick patients and tested for the presence of the virus one patient turned out to have a strain that was particularly amenable to our ends we were able to multi-line it and to cultivate it this was followed by the technological stages which manufactured the virus then purified it and then killed it the so-called in
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activation process as a result we get an industrial strain of the virus fit for mass production you know which from the give you go across to morse code doesn't ease the foreign manufacturers said it was impossible to create an effective vaccine in such a short period of time then the lancet magazine published these efficacy data and many more people wanted to buy our vaccine how will you convince the west that your vaccine is as effective. as you not to because it would but if you do not have to prove the prestige of our institution in the products it makes the institute is 60 years old and it's connected to the victory over polio and yellow fever and we deliver drugs for these diseases abroad so we don't need any promotion the pandemic has created something akin to a state of war so all our resources have been redirected towards launching the vaccine into civilian circulation it's not about convincing anyone everything we do meets the requirements of the world health organization with which we have close cooperation the state has the task of solving the civil circulation issue and of
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doing the promotion the 1st challenge is to obtain the product and then to get it out there where it was on march 1st of last year that the 1st case of corona virus was detected in a russian national a country has come a long way since then and can now boast 3 vaccines of its own and its arsenal against the pandemic.
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still to come in the program the enemy within new zealand can encourage a citizens to snitch on their loved ones and if lockdown rules are being broken details on that story in just a few minutes. european union has slapped sanctions on 4 top officials in moscow brussels say are responsible for the arrest and prosecution of kremlin critic alex and a volley the u.s. meanwhile has imposed measures of its own against more than a dozen entities in russia as well as 7 so far unnamed individuals claims nirvana's trial was fair saying he had broken his parole and has accused the west of meddling in its internal affairs and for more on this latest development we're joined in the studio again by r.t. is mond ghazi of so break down these sanctions for us well very the sanctions were doubts by both the europeans and the americans almost sybil to get the sense that this is something that they agreed on to to show
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a united front the american sanctions a slightly wider in scoop than the european sanctions so they're targeting for example 14 different and the process that they believe a complicit in all rather manufactured components full chemical and biological weapons 3 of those companies are in germany. one in switzerland 9 and 9 in russia but they're also they're also sanctioning 7 high profile officials they refused to say who for whatever reason but we can presume that you know it's the same old thing so restrictions including visa restrictions asset freezes travel bans. bag then there is europe which is targeting only for individuals targeting the heads of russia's law enforcement agencies arms the attorney general the head of russia's investigative committee committee the chief of the national guard in the federal penitentiary serves you you get the sense that there are sanctions coming
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from europe more symbolic because it's difficult to imagine the head of russia's penitentiary service deciding to go to europe trip now all times nevertheless they believe that these people the europeans especially that these people are complicit in facilitating if a zealot facilitated for the arrest of alexina valley upon his return from germany his sentencing 2 and a half years behind bars for violating the terms of his parole europe believes this is politically motivated this is unfair leaks in valley of course is serving. a sentence a suspended sentence for his role in defrauding embezzling hundreds of thousands dollars from a company in russia years ago said. it was a suspended sentence he was serving parole and under the terms of his parole he had to check in with the parole officer from time to time we learned recently that he
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had violated the terms of his parole move than 50 times according to. law enforcement in russia and the final straw what broke the camel's back was athanase release from the german hospital where he was being treated for a legit face alleged poisoning he then. spent months traveling around germany. exercising giving interviews to various outlets and he he wouldn't check in with his parole officer he called in once in the in months and that is what landed him the sentence this time europe. was incensed as it said it believes that his his conviction was politically motivated an attempt to silence the opposition and russia they also believe that it was the russian state behind the poisoning of alexina van that is you know the german position for example they say there's no reasonable alternative other than that it was russian law
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enforcement russian intelligence to try to poison election of on russia's response all the while has been show was something shows something to back up your claims and they've followed requests for data from biological samples the samples of legs in of on these blood for the data about what he was poisoned with. and they've been stonewalled this room you've been silence for months and months from germany from france from other european nations and here russia says that you know there's absolutely no proof that russia tried to poison lex in a vial of the russian state he may have been poisoned but but there's new there's no proof especially considering that he is his colleagues his supporters smuggled out a lot of evidence bottles on his clothes other things that they had gathered and then taken to germany and russia says that there will be there will be consequences
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that these sanctions are as they always do there will be a mirror response and russia leave this you know without without a response. we will definitely respond one of the basic rules of diplomacy with the prosody still holds to be frank there's not much i can say about this we have made up edition clear on multiple occasions regarding the illegitimate one sided sanctions which our american colleagues resort to with or without good reason most of the time without as well as e.u. officials who take their cue from the americans when they have nothing to back up their claims with about the poisoning of the valley when all those who treated him a carefully hiding the facts that could shed light on what actually happened to him and when at the same time instead of cooperating with russia they start punishing us well i think it does a disservice to those making such decisions as a response that it will come for sure the united states when it's
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announced its own sanctions it formulate them in a very interesting way so they say that the u.s. intelligence community. has high confidence high confidence which we've heard many times before that it was the f.s.b. russia's federal security bureau that was behind the poisoning of alexina van. so this is you know their opinion russia russia said repeatedly there's been no investigation there's been no court no trial there's been no evidence presented how how are you going to come out and say that it was the russian state behind this and they you know there's been anything but a united front even in the united states especially in europe i mean just several weeks ago we heard european. members of parliament you the euro parliament coming out and say why are we doing this why are we supporting alexina vanny who you know if he had been arrested in any other country but russia we wouldn't even be saying
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his name and this is jew to his his nationalist past so he's been being called you know saying very anti-semitic things anti muslim things homophobic things anti anti immigrant things easy has been headlining white nationalist marches for years and years and he was recently asked in an interview in germany. you the same person if you still hold the belief that you held 510 years ago an election of one who said yes on the same person ever and this is you know presumably why amnesty international for example recently decided to deprive him of the label of prisoner of conscious they they still say that you know he's a political prisoner they believe he's a political prisoner in the should be released but he's not a prisoner prisoner of conscious because of 'd the views that he holds which are.
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members of parliament the european parliament dubbed as vicious racist. amnesty international is no longer able to consider the lexan of only a prisoner of conscience given the fact that he advocated violence and discrimination and he has not retracted such statements this is obviously the opening salvo of the united states concurrently as it was announcing these sanctions so that there would be more to come for other reasons for going for whatever else. now we've just got to wait for russia's response and i'm sure that europe will come out and say that this is unwarranted. be following that closely of course artist modesty of joining us in the studio with that report thank you. friends family and neighbors no one should be off the snooping radar when it comes to cope and rule breakers at least according
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to new zealand's prime minister but as stitching become yet another symptom of the pandemic and karen investigates amid the many lockdowns thousands of face masks and gallons of hand sanitizer cove it has also encourage families and friends to reconnect check in more often to family quizzes but also question who we can really trust in new zealand kiwis have been encouraged to turn detective and report to any rule breakers they come across whether they be your friendly local greengrocer or your dear old grandma even with a full understanding of human fallibility it is not appropriate and it is not ok a members of the team of 5000000 to meet the rest of us down and it seems it's a proven practice remember last year when the shit number of do that is snitching on their neighbors was so overwhelming it crashed a police website we've had 4200 reports of people
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believing others were complying again it shows how. determined. to ensure that everyone complies with us convinced the idea of turning us into a world of informers is the key to compliance leaders across the globe competed for the most creative ways to encourages all to tell l a's matt opted for a cash incentive you know the old expression about snitches well in this case snitches get rewards we want to thank you for turning folks in and making sure we are all safe in washington police transformed a local up for residents into an express line to rat on your neighbor with government stay home stay healthy order in effect the bellevue police have developed an easy way for residents to report violations reports log into the my build view to generate a heat map showing where there are potentially illegal gatherings business activity
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and it's really such was the strength of the ole seeing army they decided to make it official and created 60000 jobs for those who felt the need to daub in others and no souls was spared in germany as even politicians felt the wrath of the school is you'd think the public might have been appalled by those measures but the enthusiasm was so overwhelming that some police stations in the u.k. were receiving so many calls that they had to create a separate special hotline for the hold of curtain twitching do gooders now there's nothing wrong with asking people to remain vigilant and helpful we all have to do our bit but what happens when code itself coughs it's lost in the pandemic fatherly blows over the curtain twitchers will just be left nervously twitching hoping to once again be friends and not enemies. political tensions are continuing to simmer in armenia just a day since huge crowds rallied in the capital or thousands in one part of europe
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and demanded the prime minister quit in another part of town the embattled pm addressed supporters vowing to take the country back to the polls. if the parliament agrees to the terms of an election we will accept the urgent actions because we are sure that our people are able to freely express themselves and choose a legitimate government in armenia. now called passion and also promise a referendum on a new constitution in an effort to win over his detractors but it seems that many working midst. the goods. strongly against the elections will hold the elections only when he leaves office will stun till the end to force the government out in a year there will be elections and people will choose who they want. but it doesn't mean what kind of elections should there be the country split in 2 i was in ukraine during the orange revolution they had a similar scenario the country was also divided they say we're staying for the people but who are the people the people are those living in the country and they
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don't need this division let's just recap what led armenia to the current political upheaval last week the prime minister faced calls by the country's military to step down following months of unrest it all stems from last year's conflict with neighboring azerbaijan which resulted in a peace deal that many armenians view as a humiliating defeat passion and turn accuse the military of an attempted coup and fired the country's top general that's part of mass rallies from both supporters and opponents of the prime minister we spoke to global relations analyst marco gas like about passions political future 'd. but what's going on here is that after the defeat in the government kind of. relation is looking for a strong leader and russia can only look strong if he stays in power otherwise. he is a lame duck who is weak on able to control the situation so that he can power until the elections is key to his chance of actually winning them i think the population
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is probably a little bit divided between the car pragmatists who feel that he. couldn't have done much better against the bijani forces and those who feel that he's generally cost that territory to armenia because of perhaps he is a pro washington or inflation because all he's watch essentially type is drones are destroyed the all mediums defense is in the going to cut a back but those same to appease drones will be shot down extremely successfully in syria i would live by the same kind of russian technology that he tried to blame only oh so the question is why didn't he use will why didn't he procure all the correct technology that would have. depended on media the armenians robot in the going about it against those drones that would depend against in syria. a white employee and no late liberal arts college in the us has quit or what she
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called an atmosphere of racial discrimination at the school 30 shot claims that all stemmed from an incident at a team building exercise i was required to attend training a professional development retreat and at the training i was asked to talk about my race in the context of my childhood i had asked i told my director beforehand that i'm uncomfortable talking about race in the workplace we're not expected to talk about why it's not legal to ask about race in a job interview so i'm not clear on why we're expected to talk about it as a part of our job so i just said i'm a coder woods talking about race and she said that's fine just don't talk about is say you're uncomfortable so that is exactly what i did at the workshop the facilitators later told our group that any white person who is resistant to discussing their skin color when requested is not actually uncomfortable what they are doing it is a power play it's called wafer gelati and it is power play. the president of the
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college dismissed the claims of a racially hostile environment as baseless but in her resignation letter shaw said the climate of the college shifted dramatically following an instant back in 20. 9 is eating lunch time working in the summer program so relaxing. like john is not like this happens way too often where people just feel like.
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despite the outcome of that investigation shell believes the probe simply stoked racial tensions at the college. college is very invested in talking about race in a way that i find is racially hostile and so i believe you for going to talk about race let's talk about it in a meaningful authentic manner which we're not they're not doing residence i've curriculum really is a critical in that teaches students that their identity is actually a social identity which is made up of immutable characteristics that is their race their gender their ethnicity but usually race at smith races a big one it's essentially telling them that their skin color is their destiny and it's also setting up this strange dynamic or i would could even call it
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a toxic dynamic between students of color and white students in which white students of color can only be free if white students confess their oppressor status or their white privilege as they call it. a dutch poet has pulled out of translating a poem by an african american author after criticism that a black translator wasn't picked for the job artista mr powell gives us his take on the story. amanda gorman a young black author recited her poem the hills we climate biden's inauguration in it she called for peace and unity and the togetherness of the american people and her poem inspired many including dutch author marie clueless reinfeldt who is the youngest winner of the international booker prize award and she was chosen to translate gorman's work into dutch at a time of for increased polarization amanda gorman shows in her young fellows the
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power of spoken warrant the power of frequency the power of someone who looks to the future instead of looking down when i was asked to translate well i could do was say yes and get behind her but it seems reinfeld underestimated the increasing polarization of today's perpetually offended society the announcement quickly caused an uproar why because gorman is black and reinbold who is translating her is white and as we know in 2041 that is just simply unacceptable naturally the mounting criticisms led brian bell to reject the assignment completely i'm shocked by the opera around mindful of meant in the dissemination of amanda garments message and i understand people who feel hurt by the choice so yet again the fragile her always offended at god what they wanted and turned a message about unity and peace into yet another racial and identity politics
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scandal and apparently from now on everything should just be segregated based on superficial features like race gender or skin color etc and if you're white and not waving the flag of surrender which is also white then you just might be a racist. that's a wrap up of the day's top news for now but don't forget you can always find us on the name of your favorite social media platforms like twitter and instagram for up to the minute reports. the or tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't commit i don't even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to you the person who falsely from fast actually came to believe the
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lie that they were told about their own behavior once a false confession a stake in the case is closed and nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that isn't. facts geysers financial survival. housing. oh you mean there's a down side artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away that's cause a report. in today's world of things that like there is no absence of people willing to talk and share their opinion but are we hearing from the people whose voice is the most important today we are going to look at a new social media platform woking to put your voice in the spotlight speaking of voices we heard donald trump's voice for 90 minutes.


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