tv News RT March 4, 2021 5:00am-5:31am EST
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the crazy thing is that $119.00 sars could be $21.00 of the. ways of attacking the body to deplete the body even more of that chemical which we need to fight infections. of nations being bombed into democracy biden's administration says no more u.s. backed regime change their old habits may die hard. protocol which is a probe into alleged israeli war crimes in palestine that israel hits back. because the i.c.c. i view with the international circus of clouds. so the discontinuation of books by famous children's author dr. phil stereotypes takes them to the top of the bestsellers on amazon. 64 percent of americans believe cancelled poses
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a threat to freedoms and put the issue of the divide. we have to keep in mind that a lot of people only want ideologies that simply want. well i would hate to live in a world where one people or heck even a group of people got to decide what was and wasn't racist and therefore what was and was not acceptable. either thanks so much for joining us this is our. washington says no more costly foreign military interventions with president biden strongly supporting nato bombing of yugoslavia in the ninety's and. advocating to supply ukraine with weapons we ask where the new slogan is likely to translate into a real policy shift we will incentivize democratic behavior. but we will not
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promote democracy through costly military interventions or by attempting to overthrow off regimes by force. we've tried these tactics in the past however well intentioned they haven't worked quite an interesting use of words but the pattern from the united states of intervening in the affairs of other countries destabilizing and overthrowing governments around the world is quite well known one looks at the history of iraq of libya afghanistan one looks throughout south and central america one can see many examples of the united states intervening in other countries affairs destabilizing and overthrowing governments and in fact in recent years we've heard many calls from u.s. leaders for governments around the world to be overthrown and for leaders to step down assad needs to go we will continue to work with our partners in the international community to press. the to leave the time has come for nicholas murderer to go what's interesting is that just a day ago we actually had
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a tweet from anthony blinken in which she gave full support to one guede 01 grade 0 is an individual in venezuela who has proclaimed himself to be the president and has been engaging in violent attempts to destabilize venezuela to overthrow the elected government there of even u.s. military contractors that have been involved in those military coup attempts so having anthony blinken you know you know voicing support for one great oh the unelected individual who claims to be venezuela's leader kind of flies in the face of his claim that the united states won't be using force now if there was one loophole you could say in anthony blinken remarks he did create a pretext in which the united states would be continuing to use force against governments of course we will never hesitate to use force when american lives and vital interests are at stake now what exactly would constitute such a threat he did not lay out any specific criteria so it seems that though the
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united states through its new secretary of state is announcing that no more force will be year. many wonder if this will simply be a changing of rhetoric looks like the united states will most likely be continuing its foreign policy activities but only time will tell he did leave that huge loophole where he said vital interests vital interests can mean almost anything the moon you name it it could be a vital interest to america if a politician wants to say that's the case you know trump certainly had his own style that was very bombastic and out there and other presidents have been more reserved in their or in their description of activities but when you look at the actual policies we've seen no change and i think it sounds like rhetoric not something that we can count on yet you know president trying started a trade war with china and now president biden's talking about well we're going to cooperate with other countries but we're also going to have trade agreements that
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protect our workers and do this and that which in the end probably means the exact same policies as a national trade war so i don't see biden tearing up a lot that is substantial i see him rebranding a lot of the same old thing. and he blinken has repeatedly echoed joe biden's america his back slogan but some of them questioning what exactly that means.
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america is back. america stands to save quite a lot of cash if it puts a stop to foreign military interventions a recent report found that the us had wasted billions of dollars on unserviceable or abandoned buildings and vehicles and its longest war afghanistan off the nearly $7800000000.00 in capital assets reviewed in his prior records special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction identified by a $2400000000.00 in assets that were used to rebound and had not been used for their intended purposes had deteriorated or were destroyed. the cigar report also
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found that since 2008 just over a $1000000000.00 of u.s. funded assets we used as a regionally intended only $340000000.00 worth of equipment is quote maintained in good condition the u.s. war in afghanistan started in 2001 but despite pledges from various presidents to withdraw troops from the war torn country there are still around 2 and a half 1000 u.s. soldiers there from back a from the answer coalition believes that american tax dollars could have been better spent. this is amazing levels of waste fraud and abuse and perhaps now it's you have $2400000000.00 of equipment that's no longer available to be used buildings that were constructed in can't be used because they're industry appear but this is are reflective of how the afghan war has gone from the beginning hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent.
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and i would say tens of billions of dollars have either been looted by american military personnel or their eyes in afghanistan or the money has been completely disregarded so it's fraud and it's abuse the reality is the american government the congress passes these giant military budgets almost a trillion dollars a year and there's no accountability at but if you have these huge bundles of money available to be spent then there's an incentive to make a contract with someone who's going to build a building and perhaps not really build it or build a building that's not needed take some of the money in the form of profit and give it to goes who made the contract for them in other words a kickback this is a big system of criminal activity and it is a form of corruption but because it's in the name of national security in the name
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of defense no one asks important questions. the international criminal court has no state probe into alleged war crimes by israel in palestine this includes the 2014 gaza war one of the deadliest conflicts between the 2 sides. the decision to open an investigation full of the painstaking problem and or examination undertaken by the office that lasted close to 5 years our central concern must be for the victims of crimes both palestinian and israeli arising from the long cycle of violence and insecurity that has caused deep suffering and despair on all sides kwaku.
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in february the trial chamber of the international criminal court determined that the hague court has jurisdiction for opening a criminal investigation into the activities of israel and the hamas leadership for alleged war crimes in east jerusalem gaza and the west bag the palestinians have said that this is a victory for the victims they say it's a landmark historic decision but as expected the israelis for some time has been campaigning against precisely what was announced today back in february the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu had this to say when the i.c.c. investigates israel for fake war crimes this is pure anti-semitism. as prime
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minister of israel are you sure we will fight this barrage of justice with our might what this means is that hundreds of israelis could find themselves on the wrong side of the law and we're talking here about the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu right on to his ministers and even ordinary soldiers the country's defense minister benny gantz has said that he's never been afraid of crossing over in the lines and this announcement doesn't make him feel for either the united states has been a longtime ally of israel and when the former president donald trump was in power he sanctioned the international criminal court after a tried to open an investigation in the palestinian territories now however under his successor joe biden it is possible that there is pressure to lift the sanctions and of course israel is lobbying against this what remains to be seen is just what comes out of this investigation michael you know neal discussed the investigation
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with the taliban that israel's former defense minister and current candidate for prime minister. this is a perversion of justice of any basic morals you know when one side or another the 2nd side has a right to self-defense the court is not a court you know they call it the i.c.c. i view it the international circus of clowns let me tell you something you know i thought in quite a few wars defending my family come us shoots rockets at israeli from within hospitals within homes within schools and then when we want to fight back then this i.c.c. thing tells us that we're immoral and if you are saying that the militants were based in hospitals on schools but by firing bach were actually schools and nurses and doctors where working civilians were killed there's very much a sense of proportionality to be to be held here isn't there an israel did not do
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is there you know if if someone is shooting your kids your kids from within the school how proportional are you going to react when there's a sense of self defense of course i agree with but in terms of doing that do you not prolong the war on the victims in israel as well as palestine making it even worse for future generations surely there's a stage where you have to say listen we're going to go after these people but we're not going to try to kill as many civilians as we did before oh no you're distorting things we never are out to kill civilians. being killed. oh they've been killed by their own government hamas which places rockets next to their children so yes let me but you know if your weapons ever places rockets from within civilians he is murdering his own people not israel there is an evil side that is an attack in there's a good side that's defending and the only side that holds any responsibility is the
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offender let me be very clear you know if there is a list of people. or going to the ha going to be at the top of the list we will never tied their hands of an israeli soldier while defending itself. i was on the scene a huge spike in sales of the classic dr seuss children's books so after the publisher decided to discontinue the series for containing what it said were racial stereotypes these books put 3 people in ways that were hurtful and wrong ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure dr seuss enterprises catalog represents and supports all communities and families the announcement that 6 books would be scrapped was made on the late author's birthday after the statement book sales on amazon skyrocketed by over 5000000 percent in 24 hours taking them to the top of the bestsellers. u.s.
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researches say that several books contain examples of white supremacist and negative portrayals of asian people including the depiction of a japanese character with a yellow face that was deemed to be racist the deals concluded that an image of 3 asian people carrying a white person was an example of white dominance but the story of the grinch one of dr seuss's most famous works that is still available. christmas was. christmas music fair. muschamp. and all of the stepdaughter supported the publishers decision but said dr seuss didn't have a racist bone in his body and a tour of director believes the author's relative had no option but to bow down to the work brigade. all this has been manufactured to the point where of course she's probably going to say something like that because it's the smart thing to say so
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that long term it doesn't damage the dr seuss brand going forward because let's face it i mean that's their families money maker they don't want to get canceled the imagery that people are kind of harking on and making a big deal about i guess could be considered by people who are extremely sensitive and probably looking for something to be upset about but i but again i think that this is an example of you know 1st world problems let's call it that when you've got nothing else to worry about then this is what you're going to focus on kind of nonsensical stuff and i think that the cancel culture the p.c. police we live in a time of phony outrage maybe i'm a little bit different maybe just whatever and i don't know if it's the way that i'm wired but i don't personally find offense to it but then again i don't walk around on line watching t.v.
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walking the streets looking for something to be offended by you know to me that's not really you know. something that we should be upset about like you know the anti-semitism of the 1930 s. in terminal is something that maraton bring dr seuss's books do not somehow he goes from being this great children's all sir that you know cream up with these great stories that if you know provided wonder to children for years to being some sort of are not here or something. this company this the people in america are getting tired of socal pencil culture according to a recent poll that story was the 1st. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world
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of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura maybe in the shallowness.
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will come back the rise of so-called council culture is being seen by some as such a threat to freedom of speech the one u.s. lawmakers even calling on congress to address the issue. council culture is a dangerous phenomenon and whether you agree or disagree with a view has been censored if cancel concert continues unchallenged it is not just the unpopular controversial viewpoints that are its risk. a recent poll found 64 percent of americans agree that boycotting or removing certain types of content does pose a threat to freedoms in the country and also included 80 percent of republicans consider cancer culture a threat only 48 percent of democrats to the issue itself has been highlighted by a number of high profile cases over the past year for example just last week i was on pulled a book by a conservative author that challenged the transgender movement to democrat
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representatives have called on cable companies to stop posting conservative leaning news channels and in 2020 an editor at the new york times resigned over an opinion piece by a republican senator that advocated the use of military force in protests we discuss these issues with a panel of guests the problem with cancel culture is that when we're looking into people's past 20 years ago 30 years ago in some cases what does it look like holding people responsible now for things that they have done i mean almost a generation ago can't people change can't people become better people as time goes on cancell culture does not allow for that have i said things that i think you know in 20 years maybe you'll look and say oh you should have said that well that's true and it makes us all need to be more mindful of how we conduct ourselves and what you say it's not ok to just speak so freely about people of different colors of different races socioeconomic status or handicaps we need to be mindful that our
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society is locals about so many types of people there are of course racist people out there is the best way to change their minds and improve race relations to simply silence anyone who goes against the narrative or should we actually be doing more to engage with those people and maybe explain why their actions might hurt others or try to change their opinions how many people have had their mind changed by being silenced it just doesn't seem like a long term strategy that will work on our society is largely built on racism our society is largely built wind things that are just i mean racism is some intel. to who america is that. people that racism seems anti american so who have people who want to do a little better instead she's all know this with my great great grandfather well hopefully her great great grandfather believe that black people were being and that they should have rights so you know we have to keep in mind that you have a lot of people holding on to ideologies that simply should no longer exist well i
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would hate to live in a world where one people or heck even a group of people got to decide what was and wasn't racist and therefore what was and was not acceptable in the public sphere that goes just intrinsically against the concept of freedom of expression which is essential if you hope to have a culture in a society where different people with different opinions can actually live peacefully together we're not going to continue to coddle racism in america that's simply not the role that we we should probably take it's best that we began to rip out all of the structures that are harmful whether they are on facebook or a mine in a park it's time to take those down and move forward and either you're with us or you're not. the f.b.i. director is labeled the capital of riot protestors domestic terrorists during a hearing at the senate judiciary committee he said the threat they pose to american society similar to that of islamic state that attack. that siege was criminal behavior plain and simple as behavior that we the f.b.i.
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view is domestic terrorism back in june of 2019 under my leadership we elevated racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism to our highest threat priority . on the same level with isis and homegrown violent strange. having focused on the f.b.i.'s handling of a report on the eve of the riots warning of possible violence you know i sort of passed the information on to the capitol police they deny they received it 5 people died as a result of the rioting cluing a police officer and a woman who was shot to she tried to enter the house chamber at b. i had christopher a also said that there's no evidence to suggest anti trump groups organized the right contrary to what some republicans believe earlier we spoke with jennifer the master and terror expert legal analyst. we cannot have an f.b.i. downplays violence against us like b.l.m.
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even if it's not the majority get there must equal justice under the law we must discuss threats equally clean when the george boy riots started were allowed to have thousands of people on the streets looting businesses burning down buildings thread mean threatening people arson all over it and so the kind of violence that we saw come from that you're looking at 2 side by sides if you haven't seen the report and seen this is a completely mostly peaceful protest with buildings on fire behind him and on the other side of the street and you're seen a guy with some horns walking around taking selfies with capital collies and one of those is being called horrific domestic terrorism the other one has been called mostly peaceful we have a problem it is concerning what when depending on your political ideology you can get away with literally burning down somebodies building burning down some piece of livelihood as long as you're part of the right political ideology. a local council new case called for
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a parliamentary inquiry into paying reparations for britain's involvement in the slave trade the proposal was approved by bristol council making it the 1st or 3rd outside london to do so a city councillor clear lake who proposed the measure believes that bristol hasn't managed to shake off the shadow of its past. bruce still militants grew reach through african slave months and this legacy is still with us not only in the buildings that surround us but also the rife inequalities of wealth bawa and opportunity across our city comes a month after protesters tore down the statue of slave trader edward colston and threw it into bristol arbor we put the sensitive issue of slavery reparations for the great. paul african and caribbean heritage pico constitutes one of the greatest crimes in human history the legacies of which are still being felt today so these are very real world consequences even today and i think that the. motion
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produced by bristol city council as a great slaving cool city boutiques well it's the call of the exploitation and genocide of millions of africans to drive a stick of i can send i'm sorry but what i'd like to know is where those reparations get paid to whose pockets to they go into how is that all managed i'd also like to know how that goes any way you talk about that you talk about the cult once it is this slave or it's i mean a slavery trite you talk about the consequences of that but actually those consequences today need to be addressed i mean money out for something that happened 100 years ago and will that we put a stop to it is not the also the also rapes to stop this device you talk about he did this he did that deitsch mind that they should apologize for this and we should focus on taking everybody as they are based on like their merits that character
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their contribution to society not taking up these things we continue continue doing that it will never end when we drove through a lot it's for you now it's reparations but what about me ok i might say i might i'm not i'm not saying i want reparations for what liking did biking state 1000 years ago why not where we draw draw a line i tell you where we draw the line we look to the future where we draw the line is where those crimes continue to present their legacies that's where we draw the line and nobody can doubt slavery the issue of why supremacism racism continue to a profound legacy not just here in the united kingdom but african caribbean peoples coming money will soak the rich. all over the world so those of the us where you can learn a little bit where you where to go see story transgressions by state parties so you can see that it really is well the joy of a nation. like ours money judge sauls just brought out to be funny just
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a little so i will all answer the question about where this money should go not quite i'm sure some of it could be regionally cultural artifacts that are stuck in a museum or there should be research today countries already funny a quick look at other stories from around the world man wielding an axe is injured 8 people in sweden 20 year old suspect was shot by officers and hospitalized police say they are investigating possible terror about the attack a number of the victims are in a serious condition according to a police spokesman incident itself happened in the town of vettel and 340 kilometers south of stop. and another new center greece is being rocked by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hundreds of buildings have been damaged in the quake which was felt as far away as albania and kosovo there's been no reports of serious injuries 36 people have been rescued from the rubble of their laps.
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that brings you right up to date don't forget though in the meantime you can check out plenty more news stories we're covering by heading to our website r.t. dot com. for commercial. in the early ninety's seventy's helmet a psychologist mixologist proposed to the west berlin senate a social experiment wanted to let paedophiles adopt and care for neglected boys experiment was a. all. girls . believe that sex with older men would help with the boy's socialization over 30 years many children. paedophiles to raise.
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boardrooms are. called. going to go to. i am max kaiser this is the kaiser report lots to cover today on the new era of inflation we're heading into a secular bull market for interest rates oh what does that mean hey. hey max well ok you know you and i have been talking about price signals in the absence of price signals and how that makes all of the markets dishonest really
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