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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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they are using. to line their pockets. this time to supposedly discredit.
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allegations against a history teacher. has admitted she made the whole thing up as he was murdered by a terrorist last october. he has more on the case the revelations from the 13 year old. you know what that entailed and what sparked all of this is a class that he taught which was to do a civics getting the children to discuss issues in france as part of that class he decided to show the controversial images of the prophet mohammed now that sparked a chain of events that led to his death it started with a teenage girl a teenage girl who admits she lied about what she said she went home that day and said to her father that she had been asked to leave the class because she was
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a muslim and when she disagreed with the teacher she had been suspended from his class the 4 that was furious as you can imagine called to the school and demanded that samuel patty be struck off the teaching staff there to offer him to resign when that didn't work he started an online campaign which became a hate campaign towards samuel party describing the teachers being discriminatory against his daughter what's now emerged is that the 13 year old fabricated all of that she was sent in his class on the day that she showed those controversial images she hadn't been asked to leave because she was a muslim and she hadn't been suspended for the fact that she'd spoken back to the teacher she was in fact trying to cover up 1 for the fact that she had been playing truant that day so her father wouldn't find out a lawyer says that the things just spiraled out of control and she was lost in that
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. she lied she shouldn't have done that and she deeply regrets she never wished for mr death she never called his murder she never to be spilled headed. for the public to know if this 13 year old girl bears responsibility for her but not for the death of samuel patti. well the lawyer for some. patty's families say that they convinced about this they say that the valuations that she gave that she was a spokesperson for the individuals in the class are just not satisfactory everything in the investigation showed very early that she lied she was a spokes person a want of lies have events that never happened the sex the nation does not convince me and makes me rather angry because the facts are serious here tragic but it's also had much much wider consequences here in france it once again raised tensions
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between the muslim community and of the communities and the government here in france we saw in the weeks that followed his death that there was a crackdown or mosques that were deemed to have been radicalized there was a crackdown on muslim association fronts and that then led to diplomatic tensions between france and some muslim majority countries france even then brought forward legislation that it was working then decided to incur late watered happened with some real party and that draft legislation which is now being passed by the national assembly and will soon be discussed by the senate is looking at promoting the republican values of france but many people see it as being in anti muslim law so you know this was one lawyer one lie that not only left to teach it day but there's really uncovered
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a hornet's nest of problems here in france we spoke with france based journalist and political commentator. she thinks the school girl's father bears a large degree of responsibility for what happened. i think she also wrote some responsibility and it was really interesting is that i think father consulate quite a great deal of it 1st of all because the daughter knew exactly what would work with her father she knew that her father and the word had sympathy for the people who denounce islam for byron turns she put things to him so that he would literally erupt and it's more a question of what is acceptable and why would why would that thing be so easy accepted and whenever people said but she's lying he called them this lot of i think you know at the very least that child sponsibility which is not nil is shared with with her father and the girl whose father started the process towards marder
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that girl is still in school and we don't want to know her name i don't want her to be punished in in such a horrendous wage but i think that there's a kind of cowardice on one side and earned not on the other. i had a figure appeared commission says she's become a scapegoat for europe's extremely slow covert inoculation right and laid the blame on vaccine makers astra zeneca reporting next is peter all of a. well the e.u. commission are not happy at all with vaccine manufacture astra zeneca care it's got to do with deliveries of the jobs to the e.u. as a bloc they were told that for the 1st quarter of 2021 they'd receive 100000000 doses they have received 10000000 doses even i can do the mathematics there 90 percent is the shortfall the e.u. commission has come in for a lot of criticism over failures in logistics and planning in its vaccine program
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underlying the e.u. commission president though is saying that astra zeneca needs to bear some of the responsibility as well we see esther's any case delivering below 10 percent of what had been contracted for the 1st quarter we are tired of being the scapegoat the european commission president did say that we could see repeats of vaccines being blocked from leaving the european union we saw this last week when italy stopped a shipment of around 250000 doses of the astra zeneca job for heading to australia the australian trade minister called that vaccine protectionism what we don't want to see is a repeat of the well scramble we saw for resources at the beginning of the pandemic where everybody was trying to outbid everybody else when it came to mosques and p.p. and everything else on the line though has said yes there have been problems with the way the vaccine program is being rolled out there's been problems with the way
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the e.u. commission has handled things we aren't where we want to be in combating the virus we were late in granting authorization we were to optimistic about mass production and maybe we also took for granted that the doses orders would actually arrive on time we must ask ourselves why and what lessons we can draw from it even when you have vaccines there's still problems in austria they've suspended the use of one of the astra zeneca john. after one woman died and another person was taken seriously ill after they received it it's until a full investigation can be carried out as it stands at the moment they say there is no direct link between them having the vaccination and becoming ill but they want to make sure that that's definitely not the case when it comes to getting the vaccines into the country though there is one other avenue you that the european union could be looking at not importing them from the united states but in order to
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do that they're going to have to convince washington to overturn their own protectionist rules that don't allow vaccines to be exported outside of the u.s. . russia's dismissed claims of spreading disinformation about u.s. vaccines calling them nonsense the state department earlier flagged for russian websites supposedly trying to discredit the pfizer and maternal jabs in favor of sputnik v. has saskia taylor. the world changed big time over the last year but some things stay the same remember russia madelyne as well that our global engagement center has identified 4 russian online platforms that are directed by russian intelligence services and spread disinformation about 2 of the vaccines that have now been approved by the f.d.a. in this country we are aware of it we're monitoring and we are taking steps to
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address back just in time to wage over vaccine war because while hackings a bit passe in electing foreign presidents is a bit well not vaccines are where it's at in 2021 and when it became clear that american scientists might now vaccine the russian ones the kremlin bolts had no choice but to raise that disinform in heads again the emphasis on denigration pfizer is likely due to stay just as the 1st of besides it wouldn't be to see mass use resulting in a greater potential threat to sputniks market dominance who said to global pandemic couldn't be politicized now some would say these madness a bit late to the game i mean sputnik freeze already registered in around 40 countries many of which didn't even consider not because they'd been brainwashed by mean anti flies and notes left by undercover agents but because pfizer is
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logistically a much trickier vaccine it used to fall apart if it wasn't kept in specialized freezers minus 17 degrees celsius that's now been improved to minus $25.00 while sputnik v chills out to plus 8 and is around hof the price and then there are countries like iran which own exactly buddy buddy with the us so why buy their proxy when there's another one on the market without the political trauma. not tickle right well unfortunately political games and logic on friends and paranoia is alive and well it's nonsense russian special services have nothing to do with any criticism against vaccines if we treat every negative publication against the sputnik the vaccine as a result of efforts by american special services then we will go crazy because we see it every day every hour and in every anglo-saxon media the wall street
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journal's resurrected this information for the sake of a few critical articles just imagine what all means over madly as it would have had twin vent if i had got the onslaught of doubt criticism hate that sputnik we got back in the day the speed of the road now is a concern for some health professionals it's a new kind of global race that russia wants to lead there are concerns about its safety with questions of how much of it russia can produce now timing is everything the e.u. struggling with this vaccine rollout paid by production delays and shortages ready to help but may be so to block started the approval process now 5 in the us who obviously love healthy competition in a way that twitter labs pala or trump loves music is probably looking at that and seeing a chunk of that money party just fall away never mind that it's for the good of
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humanity the sputnik vaccine will not go back to russia it will save lives in slovakia i would never give it up our country is a fundamental part of the european union but i cannot turn down a quality vaccine that will save our people because it's made in russia i'm not a murderer you'll hear the good news is that 280000 doses of the vaccine arrived from russia and we need vaccinations 1st as possible under valving more people so. yes the pandemic might have changed the wild but some things never change madness dissin formation back in the game did you miss them. the european parliament has voted to strip catalan separatist leader colors put him on the 2 of his colleagues of their immunity paving the way for extradition to spain rory sushi earlier discussed developments with correspondent dan organs. these legal wranglings the question of diplomatic immunity has been hotly contested
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in the european parliament and that vote has now come through 248 against 400 m.p.'s for waiving diplomatic immunity all 3 individuals are wanted on charges of misuse of public funds and sedition in spain this means that madrid can now issue new european rest warrants potentially leading to the extradition and charges for that referendum in 2017 which madrid views as a legal and the organizers as criminal court will of course take a different view in his speech today you said this was an attack on freedom and a campaign of prosecution against him on his associates he asked for a new need to. been buried in. more than that. and the regime you know being democracy to me directly in case you can say will certainly view this as a victory that this question of presents a simmering. source of met many tensions between catalonia and madrid will be
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resolved internally on a national level as opposed to getting involvement from the e.u. states either regional level so certainly victory here for madrid you know some already saying that madrid trying to make an example of a man and his associates as well do you really think that madrid is is keen to put the politician on trial and potentially lock him up behind bars or for madrid the question of course and independence has been hugely sensitive 11 that's pretty much been off the table and when putin one became the 130 of president of catalonia he was the 1st to refuse to swear oath to swear loyalty to the spanish monarchy to the spanish constitution and it was on the his rule that in the september 27th scene laws were passed that enabled that referendum to go through the referendum was never completed madrid spent sent security forces in the region that of course resulted in these tensions between catalonia madrid of many years many decades
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coming to heads with a process clashes with security forces on the streets which shocked many who were following events around the world. we decided to sack the president vice president and other high ranking officials in the council on government.
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given the. proposal for a disease. because an independence movement is bigger than just carlos presume on should madrid succeed in getting mixed right in the charge potentially jailed as other activists have been this won't be the end of the question but by issuing this extradition request madrid is very keen to make an example of that they won't stand for somebody that goes against spanish laws and spanish constitution this is why for the last 2 years they've been trying so hard to win those legal battles that get back to spain way could face those charges and from a legal standpoint certainly this is something many around the world be following in many countries which have their own independence movements and tensions certainly this could set a president and something many will be watching very closely indeed. so knows the workings of that chamber that live now to david cohen who's a former european parliament m.p. for scotland welcome to the program mr coburn why do you think european parliament
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members have voted this why are a few of them a little rattled by what might be happening in their own countries. i was always terrified and european. because the unit we column entry immunity was very very flimsy and simple thought we could take it away so that meant that anybody who was your enemy or didn't like you could vote out your parliamentary immunity it was removed but that can happen to westminster the mother of all parliaments. sacrosanct but in the european parliament it isn't clear but it's very interesting because the european arrest warrant is now ineffectual in scotland or in britain as a whole and it cannot remove the. car on sati one of these people as it would under force and this is another advantage of grants that we have 3 of the european arrest warrant but if this were a brussels issue then that might hold a bit of water but as the spanish government points out this is
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a spanish sovereign issue the route between catalonia and madrid got nothing to do with brussels. absolutely brussels should not a defeat in the nation states of affairs and that's why i mean sunni and really did that with scotland continually interfering with scotland and trying to break up the united kingdom and also in northern ireland they've tried to do that as well and the. actually when it suits them and they get rid of it when it doesn't well it is simply not so on colors put it on seems to want to make it a brussels issue he says that it's the votes of major loss for european democracy. well you says if there is no such thing as european democracy and european union european union is completely opposed to democracy it's a bureau bureaucracy or a dictatorship by brussels which. supersedes everything else they should
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not a lot of. members of the european parliament insist if it's a cd is to simply be extradited just speed that's simply wrong what do you think belgium's moves are going to be on this because they've already rejected the arrest warrant haven't they because they say that you have a rebellion doesn't exist in belgium nor what you expect the belgians to do well and i think they'll probably do what they always do. they get so much invested in the european union that they will give in to. the european union and let them be extradited just mean ok david kipen thanks very much for joining us on r.t. . x. the united states is urging the afghan government to strike a power sharing deal with of the taliban that revelation comes from a link less as a kabul written by the u.s. secretary of state let's get an update live to new york kind of opens that high
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again caleb took us through this proposal would you from the by administration and also when portly how it's going down in afghanistan indeed well it's been over 20 years of war thousands of lives lost many hopes for a possible settlements that have been disappointed but now as the united states faces a may 1st deadline to withdraw its forces we have the new administration in washington d.c. the biden ministration putting forward a proposal for a power sharing agreement with the taliban anthony blinken the new secretary of state apparently had a message for the president of the taliban and that message was leaked to the press here is some of what was said. we are considering the food withdrawal of forces by may 1st as we consider other options even with the continuation of financial assistance from the united states to forces often american military withdrawal i'm
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concerned that the security situation will worsen and that the taliban could make rapid turns turold gains i'm making this clear so you understand the urgency of my tone regarding the cliques of work outlined in this letter so at this point the proposed power sharing agreement with the taliban would include giving the taliban forces the insurgents a 50 percent representation in key executive bodies that would give them the ability to basically draft legislation draft the constitution and apparently according to the deal they would even get one extra so that they would have the deciding vote now in addition to that they would be required to join a new military panel and in effect join with the afghan security forces become part of the official military and security forces of the country now in exchange for that the deal would require them to cut the military ties with foreign powers and
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not expand their force configurations or recruit new fighters now this is the very same taliban the united states has been fighting against since 2001 but this new deal would basically enable them to become part of the government and part of the military of afghanistan not surprisingly there has been some skepticism take a listen. we think the u.s. for its support they can make a decision on their troops not on the people of afghanistan. and now in february of 2020 the united states brokered a deal with the taliban that led to a permanent cease fire the number of u.s. troops in afghanistan was reduced from 130028600 at this point there are 2500 u.s. troops in afghanistan and they are scheduled to leave on may 1st so you know at this point people have been looking over the conflict in afghanistan 20 years well
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over 20 years the united states has been in the country there have been many hopes before for a settlement that would stabilize the country those hopes have been repeatedly disappointed but many are looking on and seeing this deal proposed by the biden ministration that would basically be a power sharing agreement bring the the taliban into the afghan government and give them quite a bit of influence within the government and within the security forces no deal like this has been proposed before but people are wondering if their hopes for peace will yet again be disappointed or if this could indeed be a way forward for stabilization of afghanistan. it really is quite the wish list isn't it given the sunni 7 weeks to end what was more than 2 decades of war right kind of moment in new york thank you for that. i spoke with peace activist david swanson he thinks the united states needs to draw lessons from those 2 decades of
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failure in afghanistan. i think that if there is any lesson to be learned here it is never do anything like this ever again stop trying to overthrow governments in venezuela and elsewhere around the world immediately this is a tragedy however it plays out however long the troops remain for the people of afghanistan most of whom are very poorly represented by either the afghan government or the taliban and this deal could have been had over 19 years ago with a lot of people still alive and trillions of dollars on spent so the obvious number one lesson is never ever do this sort of thing it is immoral and it is criminal. united states has officially admitted that sanctions against venezuela have failed to achieve any political goal president nicolas maduro is still in power despite years of american pressure but the white house says there are no plans to lift the
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embargo the united states is in no rush to leave sanctions but we need to recognize here that the you know actual sanctions over the last 4 years have not succeeded in achieving an electoral outcome of the country so really we could keep on with unilateral sanctions and stay in the situation for who knows how long are we actually could start sitting down with the international community to see how we can actually exert carbonated pressure and set clear expectations for the way forward. but as well as being under a u.s. economic blockade since $28.00 back then washington and its allies accused president but their own election rigging and recognized the opposition leader as interim leader the sanctions have devastated venezuela's already struggling economy in february the un special rapporteur on sanctions urged washington to lift the restrictions she called the situation in venezuela a humanitarian calamity with causing critical shortages of food medicine and
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electricity and the crisis in venezuela sparked an outflow of refugees with many heading towards the united states where the department of homeland security is now offering deportation relief and work permits to more than $300000.00 venezuelans wishing to remain in the country. the living conditions in venezuela reveal a country in turmoil unable to protect its own citizens it is in times of extraordinary and temporary circumstances like these that the united states steps forward to support eligible venezuelan nationals already present here while their home country seeks to right itself out of the current crises. i live now to daniel schorr city university of new york professor of latin american and caribbean studies welcome back to r.t. so the same breath we got washington saying the sanctions have failed but then they'll stay in place anyway what do you think the thinking behind that is thanks karl and this is an important political lesson that whether it's by the trial or 'd clinton is the same and. unwavering or against the venezuelan people this is
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collective punishment on 30000000 people of venezuela because they are strong against imperialism against the force recon issacson a big country and we've seen 5 and a half 1000000 venezuelans who've been forced to leave their own land because of the sanctions and basically with the by the ministration is during this saying that they're going to continue till punish the everyday people of venezuela. what about that offer of temporary legal residency for up to $320000.00 venezuelans currently in the u.s. it's a humanitarian gesture expects to. suspect something political behind yet this is certainly politicized immigration policy they did the same thing in the 1980 s. and ninety's we cubans so the statue of liberty had one hand up saying come wanting humans in our venezuelans and with the other hand the statue of liberty says to haitians in guatemala and stop right there or we will deport you so this is nothing
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to do with democracy or humanitarianism and everything to do with hypocrisy this is the battle of ideas this is to try to make socialism look like a failure of the world over so then c n n's in the foxes snap the photo ops and make it look like somehow the statue of liberty isn't bracing these quote unquote poor refugees from cuba war venezuela i suppose it would have been a bit of a tall order to expect the united states to just rip it all up and say ok let's just give up on the sanctions for now but do you think there's going to be any change of approach towards venezuela in the coming months. what the biden ministration might try to do is pivot towards cuba or iran they might try to take out recolonize venezuela by any means necessary 1st but quote unquote switch their policy towards another country so they can try to. push back and create a wedge in this bolivarian unity of course the cuban leadership is not going to
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fall for this but by now actually said in his campaign run that he was opens it talks. with the cubans but under the condition that they would turn their backs on venezuela which of course will never happen the cuban leadership is tried in in true but venezuela remains a massive prize in the international chess court so we see just how ruthless and fiercely u.s. imperialism continues to go after venezuela and what about the u.s. recognition of his venezuelan later that was done of the trump of ministration of course my joe biden decided to rethink the way it deals with him so far biden has continued this exhausted strategy even though many latin american countries in the european union no longer recognize one weigel one way though it has no legitimacy within venezuela and he's no longer even part of the national assembly he was voted out so washington continues to hang on to this hybrid war it's even the.


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