tv Going Underground RT March 10, 2021 4:30am-5:01am EST
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joe biden famously said nothing will fundamentally change just appears to be the case when it comes to u.s. policy regarding the middle east we asked the question what is the strategic value of the middle east benefits from all these forever wars. i'm after a time when you're watching another coronavirus locked on a vision of going underground is this we could see hundreds of thousands in the british n.h.s. universal health care service walk out in protest against a mars johnson government proposing a possible real terms cut in pay this is who should be head of state is on the
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visible type of australia to the u.k. to the caribbean after us television interview princess diana some prince harry and his wife megan morkel appeared to allege institutional royal family racism but 1st let's go straight to hackney in london to speak to n.h.s. i.c.u. nurse and one of the national organizers of the n.h.s. workers say new movement dave carr they've caught thanks so much for coming on i'd better just 1st start with how things are in the n.h.s. as regards kovi didn't britain obviously one of the worst hit in the world one was countries it medical officer with the saying that cases will soar as the government takes quotes a very significant risks from next month. yeah i mean we've seen the obviously we double feed man of our work in critical care we double the amount of patients that we've seen in the n.h.s. and in critical care we were hammered i think will be a fat fat fat description in this in the 2nd wife hopefully with a vaccination in place that might not have the same devastating impact on us as the
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the 1st in the 2nd why it's had however we still have backs an eye to the whole population and a lot of the patients that we're seeing in i.c.u. we saw are not you in a 2nd why we're actually in those categories which are we often majority the cases i saw in art's year around the age of 45 to 65 so we know a lot of those patients are being vaccinated but alarm but i'm not holding my breath in anticipation of things that being a small decline in pandemic working off the date the barcode that we've seen from from the u.k. government in the last year i mean are you know as a health worker. to deal with the amount of death and suffering we've seen over the last year and a lot of it a huge amount very avoidable because of the why the pandemic was handled by the government is heartbreaking the government of course would deny that and boris johnson who moves who is actually in the hospital where you work even in your or
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your staff saved his life arguably he says what we have done is try to give them and he's referring to you and your colleagues as much as we can at the present time leaving aside the alleged incompetence of the government he's referring of course to this one percent pay rise for you and your colleagues and of course you had claps every week promoted on the b.b.c. as a gratitude for all the amazing work you've done. i think the 1st thing i'm going to say about the clapping is the tractor we got from the u.k. public was i think instrumental in keeping them around a lot and i thank the british public for coming out and clapping us it might ignite a huge difference so i'm around here in that 1st wife detracting from the prime minister and my hank up and richie soon as we found some extremely hypocritical i think johnson's stewardship of the whole pandemic has been shot in
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matt hank uk who is students the n.h.s. i think i've said before i think if i like he handled the pandemic i would but i wouldn't be now the job a long time ago sumac i think is the one i would reserve most in from for the moment because i think it spain d y that the government has played off the economy is going to the health of the nation is created the huge mess that we say in in the country at the moment status or sit by was an increase by saying ach it was you know people who are paid twice alights and the disastrous policies we outside help our you know that policy now research show in a 6 of a covert clusters in the 2nd in the 2nd wife kind directly from the ads help out policy getting people back to iraq to quickly schools back at the same time as people were encouraged to go back to work advise in the u.k.
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government not to go into the 2nd look down because it would affect the economy so we went into a lockdown lite that's cost lives and it shocks at the economy sure they'll say that as of an inquiry we'll thought all of that the former goldman sachs transfer or use me call of would say test track and isolate has been given billions 22000000000 and then in the budget in the small print 15000000000 pounds i mean do you really think that there is an i. ideological leveraging off coronavirus by this government to use it to further privatized the national health service but i would be staggered if i don't carry on with it with business as usual and used this as a as a crime to show you know a way of pushing things through often be that the crises that we just were just by you look at public health service which couldn't handle test prices nice like
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itself best might see it in the last 10 years since since the land's lancet reforms if you look at the die die hard incest rights an isolated system of the government 22000000000 it did not work you did not do it was sad to me just in people's lives you can test people you can find out whether or not they're positive but you need to be able to isolate and attract try snorts like part of that system wasn't ports plus the prime minister says it is working so it's out of my hank i'm just going to finish about this possibility of strike action i'm not sure whether some people will think civil disobedience may be better because the strike action a month health workers always tough 12 and a half percent they are c.n.n. royal college of nurses increase recommendation what would that put a stop to strike action and and what's the mental health of your colleagues now oh i'll tell you we are shattered we're exhausted but are also insulted and we feel undermined a lot of our law my colleagues are talking about leaving the service
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a lot of my colleagues have seen stuff that they shouldn't have done and you know some of my colleagues not insubstantial numbers of diet of coded whilst working in the front line with inadequate p.p. in some cases that wasn't supplied to me going by the u.k. government people at my hancock we have to ask ourselves what kind of well do we want to live in do we want to live in a world well you know health isn't valued the community is in value you know our elderly are valued our sick our vulnerable i'm finally doing the people that deliver that camera often see all of the ones you know. in their final stages of their life if they're not valued then what kind of society we live in what what what what what i really can't understand why we've been insulted like this by the government i think is absolutely disgraceful and that's why we will strike we've got people going to food banks you know i've got i know health workers are using the night bus to get into scenario early morning shift because they can't afford the chub we've got still hold them to account for the damage that they've done to
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the n.h.s. for the damage that i've done see them around and the wellbeing of health workers and city countless deaths that are on the hands of richie singh nightmare hancock and boris johnson you know they really do have blood on their hands just very briefly i know you calculate he'll be just pennies better off a day with a one percent rise when would a strike start what we're looking at mary's we're looking at ballots and becoming ballot ready so i think we're looking at a few months before we start that process this one percent which is a couch insults for me it's works out to around 90 p. and dice $313.00 pounds a year for other nurses and health workers who say even less than that they've got thank you well while n.h.s. stuff as it will pay cut tens of millions continue to be doled out to britain's royal family that has straight to act and say oh mine parked out of committee or before his in london pleasure thanks for coming on the show people of color enjoy
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racism in this country every every single day and poor people and your prejudice why should we feel sorry for a princess in california it's not necessarily a case of us feeling sorry for and princess from california but it's understanding that if a very very light skinned biracial woman from america can marry into the highest echelons in our british society and face that sort of racism that sort of discrimination. then what do we think is happening to the people who are darker than her who are very much you know british who are very much who have very very different socio economic positions to what she has while the palace or the firm is making margot cause it very quick to anonymously source stories in the so-called mainstream press saying that the firm is not institutionally racist it's like a piece of wood saying that it's not so surely. i don't i don't understand what
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that statement could possibly mean of course by design there is no way that the money key cannot be institutionally racist because the institution is built upon the oppression of black and brown people the greats that we see in britain would not exist if it were not for other countries being made not so great and those countries are still trying to crawl their way back to some kind of economical and integrity now you know i look at the very real history of the monarchy is cologne your representation and the present day impact it's having on us we still have something called the commonwealth what is common about the wealth when it's only kept kept by particular country and a particular family it makes no sense whatsoever we are still seeing the impact of colonialism in this very day more parishioners are still very much you know keeping their claws into the country of nigeria and the continent of africa as well as
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south and east asia we can still see that the monarchy hasn't gone anywhere colonialism hasn't really gone anywhere so by design the monarchy can claim to not be institutionally racist when that is what actually gave it its relevance. well the u.k. prime minister barres johnson refused to confirm or deny whether they were racist no doubt the queen would deny she's a racist but what do you think that on the eve of the mega mark all oprah winfrey interview it was a cynical ploy to have a commonwealth broadcast on the state mandated b.b.c. if i were to look at it as somebody who knows nothing at all seems rather suspect to me but if nothing else that celebration of commonwealth just goes to show the way that we are in a deep denial in britain about the very violent nature of colonialism and bethell of the monarchy why would anybody care what your stance and has to say about
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whether you know britain is racist or not or whether he in fact is racist insult we're talking about somebody who referred to black people having you know been pickaninny since he wrote it with watermelon smiles those tropes actually they're damaging in the day to day strength and certainly deny he's any kind of racist already there are a remarks in australia about the need to re-evaluate the commonwealth do you think that the center view could help catalyze events that would lead to the queen no longer being the titular head of state of all his former colonies it shirt we really need to have a conversation about why these why we need this representation why do we need the queen necessarily be the head of state and i love that you know people try to kind of extrapolate the woman from the from the monarch you know and they say you know she's like a grandmother to ask why should we want
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a grandmother to to look over us and you know watch over us no no because these are the same kinds of rhetoric that we saw that brought the winds russian aeration over here are only for them to not be treated with the respect that they deserve a landing papers were lost all because they believe that they will come into the. that quote unquote mob is live and to help rebuild it we have to get rid of this romance a seismic shock or sort of. perception when we are talking about the very real white supremacist violence of this institution ok we're late that the winter scandal is one that continues to reverberate there were resignations. over the deportation of people of color from the former colonies the thing is that very soon we may be hearing much more about the bullying allegations and inquiry into meghan marcos character far from the idea of britain becoming a republic or sent me
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a republican as its former colonies here anything to distract from the conversation that needs to be had between bullying or serious morning it's very serious bullying is very serious but also what would we call the commonwealth and if by any chance making happens the it would be and i do believe has to be so but if she was to be a bully surely she would bend it into the dynamic of this institution because they have gone on cheap and high consonants all centuries and there are some remarks by former prime minister malcolm turnbull in australia anywhere else we should be looking for as to where possible takedowns of the queen because of the magnum are going to be. i mean i'm hearing conversations about you know barbados and certain governments really considering within the caribbean removing the queen as the head of states and i think that these are very real conversations that need to be had i do you think we need to look at why we need this figurehead this specific
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figurehead when they are the media representation of all violence and i geographer thank you after the break we return to the ban demick in us where the myth that all countries are treating coronavirus in the same way actually came from. some control from middle class to homeless most some are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that either have some some health issues or have some of the other trick about luck the whole time. pay for a place to live and missing just a month's rent can get she was a victim of gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. better catch up real quick or you're going to have
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a judgment of possession against you and get addicted like anyone is homeless it is treated like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time it's not the case see how it is to be paul in the world's richest country. welcome back one year ago today she jinping general secretary of the chinese communist party made his 1st visit since the emergence of covert millions of now being killed by the effects of coronavirus around the world but you could be forgiven for thinking every country is dealing with the pandemic in the same way even though it has hit politically neo liberal nations just joining me now from sussex in the u.k. is peter baldwin well they're fighting the 1st wave where the coronavirus was
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tackled so differently across the globe peter welcome to going underground if you want u.k. so-called mainstream media might be forgiven for thinking that all countries in the world responded to the coronavirus pandemic pretty similarly tell me about how your book seems to demolish that seems to be quite obvious that their. missions varied quite dramatically given look it's basically the same problem the president sort of each each one of them i suppose the british government would say yeah actually we we didn't already worldwide coronavirus the same way because britain. as well meeting it is well beating now because of vaccination for instance in your book you say that there was a degree of crude populism that one can use to. miss test different countries ability to respond certainly those nations are ruled by populist leaders took different approaches and ursula not i seem since we're
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talking populism we're talking democracy and so there aren't democratic regimes around all that very well in the democratic regimes have had on the last one just like among your targets users create a span of responses well it's true the brits aren't little check about world getting various things that they were going to introduce ruby being trucked in traces don't lose them. there is a missing so they didn't handle things especially row up until the actually brawler which they seem to work on. a great example remember i mean specifically you are saying in this book that any idea that we might have that talk receive is where the main determinant of coronavirus response that's not true i mean of course he's worried by it just as much as other forms regimes do they have really you know then you know the line people say china or vietnam these communist party led
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countries and they did better because they can control society your book says no it is not. that it's not different types of government necessarily that determine the outcome of coronavirus casualties wrote trying to vietnam did reasonably well but so do you during democratic regimes because you and australia for one south korea and only dimensional populism i mean in a sense where again he made some sort of political or philosophical dimension because vaccination policy or to become a subject of discussion in britain which feeds into politics the idea of individual as an individual freedom i do think this idea of actually process works is going to be nearly the issue that some people are thinking about of the moment i mean we're all extra you know we need to driver's licenses and shooting licenses and licenses to be a plumber america restroom you know just about everything else martin martin you
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know why do you think therefore the prime minister morris johnson is a reluctant. he will come around very quickly he might. know should it be obvious that countries like cuba are would have has historically had far better health outcomes than say it's neighboring the united states should be obvious that countries like cuba would do better when it comes to responding to the virus. ok a country like cuba is in a very peculiar position. it's small it's insular it can regulate travel and you know it has its population are firmly under control it also has invested enormously high pressure of its g.d.p. in medical outcomes so it is does medically very roic compared to its neighboring us but in comparison to all its neighbors and indeed in comparison to most countries in the world so. yes the cubans do well on medical issues and they do especially well on issues that require clamping down on free movement. during the
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aids crisis you know they through it trying to be positive people basically into camps to make sure they didn't have contact with others and in this in this kind of as well you know they've come to our store with tens of thousands of medical instructors to make sure the people who are staying i say so say your opinion is that a talker autocratic rule has been a big factor i thought the whole point of the book was that it was. popular as in that was the enemy of coronavirus response and of the good outcomes and it didn't matter what type of government you had other words in that the point of the book. only obliquely. if you have a well equipped toolkit as most authorities do then obviously you have certain advantages respond to that doesn't mean that you can muster no i mean there are obviously a talker caesar to look to iran venezuela. i suppose one can argue about russia where iran and venezuela have done far better than britain or the united states so
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in a program hasn't. on deaths per capita britain is double yes yes overall not sure along with a bunch of a whale is not in the top 10 nor is iran the capital i don't know what about deliberate lies you say the u.k. fudged to to sticks with it 300 staff to track the pandemic obviously tracking trace as well who can i say she says essential for her being we are. the effect of the pandemic do you believe there were deliberate lies here in britain. i don't say were deliberate lies i think most countries and look for injuring or at least not having accuracy just expressed in the beginning why would they fudge the statistics it's as you allege here in britain well obviously the british government denies it's fudging any statistics every crumb every nation i think find you
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statistics at one point or another and you do say the islands. apart from perhaps britain they they have tended to do better i mean imagine new zealand an island nation is britain an outlier. yes. i mean look if you look at the countries that did best among democracies your small distant past would be a marginal politically consensual. but terribly densely populated. and islands and you know if you have for all of those 6 characteristics you're probably you know ahead of the game islands are easier to control the pacific i mean the small nations in the pacific ocean all shot down almost immediately and almost uniformly have had none or very few cases essent past a populated bit in the book you say population density doesn't really correlate
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with outcome india versus wade in or instance that alone of course the big megacities of china where a coronavirus comes in so much better than in. nato countries like britain you you keep on putting words in my mouth i don't think i said the density is not related i said it's not one of the primary outcomes but obviously more densely populated places tended to have it spread more quickly new york city being an obvious example i mean the difference between new york and south dakota you know how little of the cations in terms of how leaders fought the problem was either serious or not and how they responded so i wouldn't say don't cities certainly material it may not be equally material everywhere obviously if you're a country like china where you manage to get it under control and yes then the density of your other cities is going to be irrelevant but that doesn't mean the density is such as i think that is a that they it has no little correlation in the book i mean if you look at india
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most notably obviously mumbai and mega-cities in rwanda and they've done far better than india has an enormous really interesting question i suspect we're going to be studying india for years if not decades to come and i suspect the possible answer to the indian outcome is going to be our dream michael says that there is something about density microbial challenge and the robustness of human immune responses that help explain why the indians have been so much less to start to grow both becoming infected and to dying. and african countries infamous for i.m.f. loans and dense. relatively poor populations a you mention in the book the china use alternative medicines as well i'm not sure whether you. you mean in the book that almonds and ginger are. something to take in parallel with the vaccine or i have no opinion on the matter i'm not
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a medical person all i say in the book is that the chinese put forth t.c.m. traditional chinese medicine as a way of approaching the disease and in fact the t.c.m. doctors were encouraged and facilitated in treating the so yes the chinese made use of the current chinese ministration cs used t.c.m. very favorably it doesn't you would have something you know non trying to figure. not legitimize boy current scientific principles it sees it as a part of trying to ease a culture that should be relegated and it allowed it to do what it could. oh you don't really have much of a land of axes in china how do you see the intending concern here and in other european nations about. doubt about that seen as part of an unspirited theory conspiracy anti-vaccination one small part of the vaccinations
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more generally mean people can be anti virus leaders or countries and i think europe's the right is going to be a major problem as well actually rolls out there are no countries that are more skeptical of the axioms in general not just the one for cogen then western europe given all the work you've done in this book if there are new variant as there are reportedly you think the country will be better prepared or are there some countries that have an innocent mistakes made in the us where. a couple of things are that if new variants now lead to yet another major way i think populations as a whole in most countries are so tired of a lot of the governments are going to find it very difficult true post yet another series of locked out that's one aspect to it the other is that now that we have vaccines we know who work for the original variant the very easy and quick to tweak and so i think it is highly likely that we're going to have effective biomedical
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responses to these variants and now that we know how to produce them and we've learned a great deal about how to administer them we probably will be better able to roll out a vaccine booster or a new vaccine whatever it is going to take to to counter the very it's a problem is you know do you get more variants of spread more quickly than we could have been used to a vaccine that that's the real issue and some common. lockdown distancing separation the behavioral management aspects $100.00 marks against the other are going to be the only way i know. thank you that's if the show will be back on surveys the event. joe biden famously said nothing will fundamentally change just appears to be the case when it comes to u.s. policy regarding the middle east because we ask the question what is the strategic
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value of the middle east the benefits from all these forever wars. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or inmate in the shallow.
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headlines this wednesday the 10th of march cover ups failures and delays lawyers and doctors launch a people's covert inquiry after blasting the government for massive mistakes in the pandemic. many of the families do believe their loved ones did die needlessly not everyone in the large. medical authorities in france hold a huge reduction in procedures as hospitals fail to cope with a fresh coronavirus surge. and our sister channel r.t. dortch souza top german newspaper for claiming it was spying on russian opposition figure.
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