tv News RT March 10, 2021 9:00am-9:30am EST
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top stories on this wednesday live on international just off the 5 pm here in the russian capital welcome to your program. european council president. has denied accusations of vaccine nationalism levelled at the bloc he also accused britain itself of export bans on shot supplies which has infuriated the government with more on this latest feud. well we wouldn't did what the relationship post breaks it was going to be like between london and brussels the u.k. in the e.u. the pandemics meant we've got to see that speeded up faster than real time and it looks pretty messy from here on out at the moment the latest incident involves a you council president child machelp he put out a statement and what she seemed to accuse the united kingdom of having an outright
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ban on exports in any covert vaccines that are manufactured in u.k. territory i am shocked when i hear the accusations of vaccination elysium against the e.u. the u.k. and the us have imposed an outright ban on the export of vaccines or vaccinate components produced on their territory but the e.u. has never stopped exporting the thing is the u.k. says they haven't got any such ban in place whatsoever the u.k. foreign secretary dominic robb rejected those claims and says that he's written to sharm michel for clarification on the e.u. council president's comments the british government has never blocked the exposed to a single vaccine any references to a u.k. export ban or any restrictions on vaccines are completely false clarification may well be necessary because later on tuesday evening michelle puts out a tweet always a way to make sure that the message gets across without any misunderstanding whatsoever in that tweet he didn't repeat the claims that britain had
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a ban on export of vaccines he also didn't retract any of the statements he made earlier on what he did was. essentially say that his statement it prodded the u.k. towards transparency when it comes to this vaccine issue that caused a lot of upset amongst conservative party m.p.'s in the u.k. who've been doing the rounds on the breakfast radio and t.v. saying that this is absolutely outrageous what we have though is a situation between the u.k. and the e.u. you look at it a little bit like a divorce or. we break up with one site that seems to be doing better than the other on one glaring issue and not if you vaccinations if we look at the united kingdom just under 35 percent of the population there have received at least one job of a covert vaccine in the e.u. that number is just on the 10 percent mark difference and what we've seen is these
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clashes over vaccines this isn't the 1st time this year that they've gone head to head on this back in january the e.u. for a short period anyway said that they would perhaps going to put in place controls on vaccines moving into northern island that would have caused a whole lot of mess that was eventually scrapped that idea. what we are seeing is vaccines becoming an increasingly important issue a little more on what we've seen in terms of the diplomatic fallout from these comments from charles michel the u.k. attempted to summon the e.u. on bassett if a talk on this some of them to the foreign office the problem is the u.k. currently doesn't recognize the e.u. ambassador to the u.k. not a good look the trouble seems like it will continue for a little while yet. deeper into the story now we're joined now with the independent political analyst of gilbert doctorow joining us live here on r.t. international good to see you today what do you make of this rao between the u.k.
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and the e.u. over vaccine export restrictions maybe a bit too early now but who do you think's in the right. well no one of the situation here in your particular him doesn't scale that's the largest the vaccination programs so that's going back to meet the public let's wait for the in a sense that's a little level of explanations seating and found it's just the door of commission presidents from the same let me see now there's a. system in spy michelle to try to relieve the pressure on his colleagues but the commission then is to to send up a smoke screen to set up a diversion from the gross incompetence. that is then seeing in the way the european institutions have handled the vaccination programs. the they are
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terribly envious here in brussels of the success the stunning success of britain they have to record it going its own way with scenes they have done everything possible to divert attention from their own inability to negotiate properly and. with proper priorities the pharmaceutical companies going back to work of the december the united states and britain both of which are rates of action nations far exceeded many times exceeding those of apartment the wealth or secure supplies of the earliest possible moment the e.u. was negotiating as if this were an aircraft carrier being built or some some other major program that is traditional ways without regard to the above prices and to the way lives are the put it risk by it. so they went for a price you know that is not they got very good prices and there are suppliers so you feel you're too out of the cost are costly to lay basically at the risk of
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people's safety gear but i want to i want to ask you though about the issue of exporting vaccines because italy recently blocked a shipment of 250000 astra zeneca shots to australia as a possible the e.u. should be a little bit more careful when blaming others of restricting exports. well now as we know from the information wars between western europe and russia over the last 10 years the the rock just here is where fences aggression and good assumes the other side reacts you pretend that you're the interim government not exactly what mr bashir was doing you make reference properly to the denial of export rights in italy towards australia which are covered there are going to cover the. charges being made from australia over the next year nationalism in the new show turns around and charges in the u.k. with exactly what the e.u. has done in the last 2 or 3 days. gilbert doctorow political analyst joining us
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live here on r.t. international thank you for your time today thank you but russia. legal and medical professionals have accused the british government of refusing to probe chronic failures in his handling of the pandemic have now arrange their own public covert inquiry it comes after the u.k. death toll from covert past 124000 the highest figure in europe that figure includes more than 40000 residents and hundreds of health care workers the lawyer chairing the inquiry michael mansfield says many of those fatalities could have been avoided. people's inquiry is the 1st inquiry of any kind that is taking place in to covert pandemic and the handling of it by the government right now the public want art and service particularly the bereaved of which there are thousands unfortunately but others who are the relatives of plainly the
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relatives of those who fortunately haven't died also have questions because of the been a lot of hospitalizations as well and it's no use waiting we need the answers now and they can be provided people have a very strong views about what should have happened in the 1st place and what is continuing not to happen many of the families do believe that their loved ones did die needlessly not everyone obviously but a large number particularly those who work on the front line who've been susceptible and everybody knows that it's being alleging from crisis to crisis that's no way to do it and so we need to know now because it's not going to be over in june the lockdown may be eased by then but of course the virus it still self will still be present somewhere in our room meantime
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a british woman has come forward asking for her father to be recognized as the country's 1st coronavirus victim. we just saw remember him as a father as a loving father as a lot of our he was a lovely man he would have done anything for you and we can't. understand but we need to learn some serious lessons from this so this doesn't happen again back in january 20 2083 year old peter to it passed away long before cave it became a national dynamic and when the concern was limited mostly to china the only just come about in china so we we were told you know without a shadow of doubt it was not in this country at the time so there was no why it was on our radar at the time the tipping point for me i think was the inability to get off the oxygen you struggle so much as time went by and we knew more more about covert and we saw these patients in hospital with the brain the. public health experts claim peter afterwards case lays bare the case failure to
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monitor the virus in its early stages and that there may have been many more deaths in the early months of 2020 than was 1st thought the 1st covert death in the u.k. was recorded on the 5th of march of 2020 weeks before the government succumbed to lockdown on the 23rd of march by that time the pandemic had already sunk its teeth into the country but jane's father passed on the 30th of january of 2020 and that was only days after the city of room where the 1st case of covert were detected went into lockdown she is now calling for the world health organization and the n.h.s. to publicly recognise the historical significance of her father's passing as the u.k.'s 1st private fatality just through that he should go down in history the part of history now isn't it you know it doesn't matter what you read in the books you know there's always that day of that 1st person and i think my dad should really have remembered well 20 or 20 years of covert 19 will go down in history as being
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totally unknown and president jane says it's not just about her father's. legacy but about correcting the official records but the government says there was little transmission present at the time of peter. every death is a tragedy there is no evidence that there was sustained transmission within the community in january 2020 we acted swiftly to curb coronavirus and at all times we have been guided by the best available evidence to deliver a strategy designed to protect the n.h.s. and save lives for jane doe questions still remain unanswered about what actually happened and if anything would have been different had the government acted sooner that the country. are german sister channel r.t. deutsche has filed a lawsuit against billed after the german tabloid claimed r.t. is reporting was actually spying for the kremlin artie's that saskia taylor has details. on the face of it
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a sin sation old story it's got all the words 7 to draw or read to read spawn i public enemy number one russia but a closer look and not sensation falls apart basically daniel lined up an r.t. to each employee claims he was essentially used as a spy for the channel and then all the information he was gathering on kremlin critic alex anan found me when he was recuperating in a bill and clinic for legit poisoning was being put straight into the hands of russian president vladimir putin since ational writes well i'm not quite because the evidence seems more taken from a manual called john ism water one than spying want to one as proof screenshots of a chat with editors i'll tell you these chats a common practice that the easiest way for reporters producers cameraman tech guys to coordinate and also tell you that pretty boring filled with the logistical stuff and despite claims his chart was pretty boring too yes he was also to go inside the
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shower take clinic one found he was schooled investigative journalism it's called trying to get ahead of other outlets so that you get the scoop in fact build was one of the most active moles inside the hospital as the head of our to do each reminds us to accuse us of spying and at the same time to post images of the every little step develop he makes including pictures of his garden to host a word if russian intelligence wanted to get any additional information they would buy a subscription to build plants and of course we want to remind our colleagues of german that you slay ssion that for now at least protect the media and lowering it to collect information and metis that are considered to be of public interest so bill does that it's rule journalism it's trying to get the latest on a top developing story our team does that it's been a tinge of hypocrisy that langdon's claim that this. while it was just filled with
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nefarious spying requests is also undermined by the fact that when he questions whether getting a hidden camera recording of what's inside the walls which is job military land is appropriate his boss writes clearly no i don't think so not exactly the most ruthless of spying attempts than evidence number 2 is the. agency ruptly 247 outside the shower take clinic yes that's true in fact for a long time it was live streamed on you tube talk about money to cover in the same way our tireless ruptly cameramen camped night and day outside the ecuadorian embassy in london to catch the truly sensational moment the jury and a son was dragged out we were the only ones to get these pictures and every outlet in the world was behind them they appreciate to drop his journalism back then but not now and the final damning allegation the anti employee in charge of lying does
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assignment was photographed with the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov at a public christmas party the hora never mind that this was one of hundreds of photos taken all of that that was hundreds including foreign journalists apparently this one photo is incontrovertibly proof that r t 2 each on the russian government are in cahoots you also have to ask yourself do you believe in coincidence not long ago on t.v. it's opening a channel in germany shortly after problem started headlined some dubbed a smear campaign a period. piece bank accounts in germany was shot fast forward and now are being labeled a kremlin spine like i said coincidence you decide for that part of colleagues in germany on convinced. what we see in germany today is a clear attempt to see this is an attempt that is being constrained to be that i
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was going to love those standing operation and in the media at every turn against me and to where the fools allegations and suppressing our journalistic freedoms and make impossible task this is what it means to be an alternative voice in germany that it's also walk mentioning that doesn't exactly have the best track record what between 20152028 was hit with 72 reprimands from the job and need to regulate so that's almost a thought of the whole in that time frame something to bear in mind when you jump head 1st into this latest offering from the top lawyer and offering that promise is spiced sensation a bombshell and a juicy spy story but actually delivers well a day in the life of any journalist anywhere in the world but if you hear on the program about russia's media regulators cracking down on twitter accusing it of
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spreading illegal content that story just. israel media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. aura maybe in the shallowness. joe biden famously said nothing will fundamentally change just appears to be the case when it comes to u.s. policy regarding the middle east because we asked the question what is the strategic value of the middle east who benefits from all these forever wars. good of you to join us today for your new year's russia's media regulator has slashed the speed with which twitter users kind of watch videos on photos on the site ultimately accusing the social network over people breaking the law just a bit earlier in the program i discussed the issue with author daniel hawk. well disagreements between twitter and the russian media and telecommunications regulator go back a number of years the social media giant has previously received both warnings and
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fines for failing to add here to russian laws and this slowing down of twitter here in russia is a step taken by the regulator to encourage share and pressure twitter to comply with those laws the slowdown will affect all mobile devices and half of non mobile devices in russia largely affecting videos and streaming services that action was taken because of twitter's apparent refusal to remove thousands of pieces of content largely relating to the protection of children that these requests go back several years and the regulator says if twitter does fail to comply and continues. to to not remove such images and such content further measures could be taken from 2017 to the present time to it does not remove contents inserting minors to commit suicide child pornography as well as information about the use of drugs in order to protect russian citizens centralise response measures have been taken and initial
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slowdown of the service speed if to it it continues to ignore the requirements of the law the measures will continue up to and including blocking of the service and or usually. taken this measure rather than opting for financial penalties to push to or to comply. both sides will be hoping these legal issues can be resolved before such action does need to be taken daniel does this seem to just be like some sort of internal the conflict between russia and twitter or does this perhaps spread beyond russia's borders this very much goes beyond russia's borders just one example if you take australia very recently the government there has said it's willing to take action against twitter if it fails to comply with a new code of conduct on the spread of this information on the platform as well as harassment and bullying twitters pushed back saying such regulations could give. the australian authorities to much oversight so this agreements there if you take the united states and europe issues that have gone far beyond that into
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a far darker territory where twitter's been accused of failing to tackle. relating to child sexual abuse child pornography in fact one of us the geisha in the u.k. found that twitter was responsible for over half of such content online relating to child abuse and this really raises 2 questions one why twitter in recent times has been very quick to moderate certain content largely political relating to political conspiracy theories for example yet fail to tackle content which is a much more direct and imminent threat to minors and secondly how exactly in an increasingly online media landscape and social media landscape the relationship between social media giants and government authorities are going to develop i spoke earlier with political commentator andrew walker who thinks social media giants use their monopoly position to ultimately disregard local laws. i have
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a significant amount of sympathy with the russian authorities and it's simply on this point of hypocrisy what we see all the time is twitter and indeed companies like facebook hound reading about their inability to deal with problems in terms of breaches of the law in terms of breached of their own terms of service when it comes to criminality but when it comes to the sides of politics they are perfectly happy to intervene politically and most of those can own can you see the facebook hold off a similar most people who want to tweeted that way could only use twitter pala words was effectively taken down and destroyed and so consequently it's not legal puts off these products there's no alternative and therefore these companies have way too much power and i think it's disturbing the idea that you can affect the other competent the publish the serious side material publishes child all over face and get away with it is just an old believable thought certainly if you were to tell somebody 20 years ago that was going to be the case they would laugh at you.
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the u.s. is urging the afghan government to share power with the taliban the revelation coming from a leaked us that at the kabul and what's being described as a last ditch effort before a deadline for the pentagon to quit the country is our correspondent kelly. it's america's longest war ever remember why the troops were 1st san into afghanistan to remove the taliban regime the taliban has been given the opportunity to surrender all the terrorists in afghanistan and to close down their camps and operations full warning has been given and time is running out the united states military has begun strikes against al qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the taliban regime and afghanistan this military action is a part of our campaign against terrorism.
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the past 2 administrations have promised to find an exit strategy our troops will continue coming home at a steady pace by 2014 this process of transition will be complete and the afghan people will be responsible for their own security we will end this war bring our troops home and by the end of next year america's war in afghanistan will be over from got pretty close even promising to set a withdrawal date. we should have the small remaining brave men and women serving in afghanistan home by christmas and have a moment at the end of the year joe biden seems to have come up with a new solution peaceful coexistence between the afghan government and the taliban a proposal that was leaked to the media would give america's longtime battlefield
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enemies significant control over the country now the taliban would get 50 percent representation in key executive bodies that would enable them to propose new legislation and help write the new constitution however the afghan government would get one extra member so they could be the deciding vote in exchange the taliban would agree to a total ceasefire and join the new military panel essentially being absorbed into the security forces of the country the taliban will cut any ties with foreign powers and quote not expand their force configurations or recruit new fighters in the linkletter the new u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken urged the afghan government to just accept this agreement i urge you to develop constructive positions on these written proposals many are currently anticipating yet another spring offensive more deaths and more killing however at this point it appears the united states is willing to hand power
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back to the very people they've been fighting for the past 20 years the proposed agreement has gotten a mixed reaction from afghan officials they can make a decision on their troops not on the people of afghanistan but will never accept the coerced and imposed peace. the weakness in the message of the u.s. state department is that they have not recognized afghanistan structure and it has coercive language and a coerced and tailored piece will not lead anywhere i think that if there is any lesson to be learned here it is never do anything like this ever again stop trying to overthrow governments in venezuela and elsewhere around the world immediately this is a tragedy however it plays out however long the troops remain for the people of afghanistan most of whom are very poorly represented by either the afghan government or the taliban and this deal could have been had over 90 years ago with
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a lot of people still alive and trillions of dollars on spent so the obvious number one lesson is never ever do this sort of thing it is immoral and it is criminal now in the past 20 years the war in afghanistan has looked pretty on winnable but it appears the new administration and the u.s. state department may have crafted the least painful way to bow out caleb mop and arts a new york it's been going to be sharing a time with us here on the international today do stick around though going underground coming your way next just in time. there are tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't commit i don't even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to the person who falsely fast actually came to believe the lie that
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they were told about their own behavior once a false confession is taken the case is closed nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that isn't. i'm after a time when you're watching another coronavirus lot an edition of going underground is this week could see hundreds of thousands in the british n.h.s. universal health care service walk out in protest against the bars johnson government proposing a possible real terms cut in pay this is who should be head of state is under the spotlight will strain lead to the u.k. to the caribbean after u.s. television interview with princess diana's son prince harry and his wife megan markel appeared to allege institutional royal family racism but 1st let's go straight to hackney in london to speak to n.h.s. i.c.u.
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nurse and one of the national organizers of the n.h.s. workers say new movement dave carr they've caught thanks so much for coming on i'd better just 1st start with how things are in the n.h.s. as regards kovi didn't britain obviously one of the worst hit in the world one of those countries it really go off there with the saying that cases will soar as the government takes quotes a very significant risks from next month yami are we seeing the obviously we doubled feed man of work i work in critical care we doubled the amount of the patients that we see to the n.h.s. and critical care we were how much of it would be a fast found fair description in the 2nd why are you hopefully with a vaccination in place that might not have the same devastating impact.
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