tv Cross Talk RT March 15, 2021 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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to discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my guess these men in the house though he is a professor at the university of southeastern europe way as well as author of the new book great power politics in the 4th industrial revolution and in budapest we crossed in georgia 70 well he is a podcast or i think both of which can be found on you tube and ron paul originally crossed out rules in effect that music can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it let's go to glenn 1st in. the biden ministration using media as telegraph to beat ministration is considering some cyber attacks in one form or another against russia remarkably they're telling the world they're going to do this here why is this a bad idea as i said in my introduction because i think there's a law of unintended consequences if we start down this path go ahead. well it's their craziest story and for many reasons like 1st the u.s.
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government has leaked to the media that it's launching a secret attack on iraqi government ever think about again if it is if it is secret i tell abroad and the reason is because russia haas probably attacked them again probably not in a clear evidence. and it will it again is probably it was behind a cyber attack against the u.s. again this is also very strange term mikasa. teaching as the cyber warfare and all for a few years is actually calling to confuse this topics is not. referring to cyber espionage and a cyber attack is very different it's sent it's like someone spying on their companies and you're on them it is very different concepts and lumping them together is a bit of a magic so it is a way and on many many levels and it's something that is unclear is this for domestic consumption or is this our own biden see it on the u.s. is back will assert ourselves on our show on global leadership. or eastern strategy
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at all who might not be in on behind the wheel definitely people coaching demonstration different ways what is clear is russia will have to respond and not doing so we can talk about how many consequences worse than it actually does retaliate so has to retaliate and the problem is there's no mechanism seminar for controlling this this no way to. control this conflict so it will very easily spin out of control so it is dangerous and problematic on i guess many many levels so bizarre george i mean since when and i guess i could answer my own question since when is most likely in a highly probable the billiton is a test to do engage in a in an action here and this is what they're doing your speech and we'll talk about how the brush again hoaxes blend into policy here but i mean this is the litmus test here this is so bizarre because. there can always be
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a retaliation and then there can be another attack i mean when where does this go and if you're hitting telecommunications how do you know when to stop once you have got to say ok i'm go it's this is so bizarre go ahead george. oh he's actually right because this cyber warfare is indeed completely destructive i mean there is absolutely no net gains for either side to engage in it that is something different from espionage i mean all states conduct espionage but simply just straw inc other countries networks simply goals ing. destruction and chaos for the other side there's really no end goal to this and as you say once you tamper with communications then you're already messing with the most important thing that your reading needs in a confrontation between the united states and russia the ability to communicate and
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to bring to an end any kind of conflict i mean remember the. frightening days of the cuban missile crisis in $1602.00 it was fortunate for the world that. moscow and washington were able to communicate and thus bring a potentially devastating confrontation to an end but suppose that the war against that communication system there wouldn't have been able to communicate and who knows how it might have ended up so this is an absolutely pointless at all levels glenn he did it my sense is this is domestic politics syrian because when it's happened is they need to talk about it numerous times the news programs and the russia gate hoaxes is bled into the policies of this is an extension of keeping the hoax alive and in a minute new application because the way it was leaked to the media.
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in secret in all this this is showing that be the bite ministration is keeping up their guard you know and you know and you know i mean a tough call with you in all this i mean is it is it richelle because you know if you if you work in the realm. most highly likely most probable let me know why you don't when you know it's the 3rd party some guy in his garage somewhere who knows where during their it's ok and particularly if you tell round over the next few weeks at a 3rd party over the next few weeks there is no me in those they will use that in the new york you need to do the new york during the you get it you see how crazy the since bill had. their will that's also i said it's possible that this is for the message audience because the message from washington ross said that well as for the general population this will not be noticed it will only be picked up by the kremlin luck or no russian security services so again if no one will notice it and
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its secret through i would you tell the general public the public the general public so i guess it's some of that reflects the domestic politics officer because i've been saying for a just an article in week on russia that he would get tough so either there has a domestic component but again it could also be a more an international component as well to allies same days that the world has moved on beyond the us it's you know how could reassert his global primacy so this could be a way of showing that we will take on rising powers head on but again it's the message was directed toward the russian government which are suppose to be the only one who knows about this or will let experienced it. i would have chosen a different medium than the new york times it seems to be a very wide again it's it is it is problematic for many reasons and who did this attack i mean it very well could be russia i mean the u.s. and russia do spy on each other it could also be foreign powers such as china and as you mentioned politics it by the wants to scale back the economic or it would
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make sense not to on finger at the chinese but again it could also be united states i mean before and on to accuse me of conspiracy if there is it is the job of intelligence agencies such as the cia to collect them from ish information and spreading from. this information i mean this is the job description and it's a legal document through easily it's done a straight this is actually the tools the cia has. you know demonstrated that the cia hacking tools they use a way to leave behind digital footprints that deliberately have const orse russia so of course not only the united states have these tools and we've got a good process well it's just whenever you sit probably there's reasons to be concerned because we all remember the big stories the hysteria about russia the tough the us electric grid and it turned out to be completely wrong and even by the u.s. only mission out to the story. not to be did you have evidence to have evidence that it wasn't true again as you point out this well after 5 years of russia getting the
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american president also changing. i think some healthy skepticism is reasonable although again i took my dog and it could very well be russia is just of this not only are these people these people are simply not reasonable on george you know the the fundamental problem with all of this is that if it was just confined to state actors then i could see a little bit of the logic to it and the bluster and you know and america's back you know on joe has been all that but the truth there is so many other actors that can be involved in this year and let's say somehow gets weak because somebody wants to pound their chest and say you know we got the ruthie's and then that's an admission that they did something and then the electricity grid in michigan goes down and they say well who did that you see when it could be anyone it could be someone in michigan for all we know not a foreign power so if it once it's no longer confined to state actors this is chaos
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go ahead yes yes yes and. we know that there had been these are ridiculous stories that. mention the. grit and you know all the talk about how the russian act you. west voting system a completely bogus you know that you are us that got into the russia but it really kinds of voting information systems so we know that you know there are all these nonsensical stories that are being brought about but what happens if there is some of this os the somewhere what happens if there is a meltdown in some house station well the 1st thing everyone's got back to russia i mean we already had a couple of winters ago rachel maddow album it was this very cold spell in the midwest like oh maybe russia behind all of this you know it would be in their interest to have all these grannies raising the debt so you know in the event of the such
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a disaster the really. civil airline is cracking in there because of some law in the air traffic control system it must be russia therefore let us escalate because that is an act of war i mean to say that they messed up with the ex not the control system and as a result you know who knows how many people died that's an act of war and america will be obligated to ritz barely a as an actor i think you're absolutely right england is really you know the what what is an active force in the eye of the holder at this point is we're really in new territory when it comes to this type of. weapon use but you know i think let's look at the origin since the solar winds you know because they were they were hacked and attacked apparently and when it became it's come out since that the password for that entire operation was solar wins 123 which was in turn that it worked there had released it onto the internet so now you have what's the population of the world that's on the internet any one of those people could have
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been involved in hacking solar wind this is why this is really you nonsensical because no one has explained to us what is your probability what is your evidence when the password itself was public knowledge. i know it's not yeah it's. a digital exploiting point you have to dig into this story because the mainstream media is not going to tell you these things ok if you're interested smart people do it that's why you need your times releases it because they're just a conduit for you know they're an anonymous sources i'm sorry keep going yeah no allowed i do agree with force you know there is a real need to set up rules doesn't apply punishment if those rules are broken in cyberspace the problem is we need to actually have a format for us all and the u.s. itself has been quite reluctant while sitting down with russia and coming out for some kind of a way on what rules to have and how they can be in force the problem is to continue
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the continued has a monica attitude odd united states which implies that the format for the force and the u.s. should not accept agreements based on mutual constraints instead the u.s. should instead police the rest of the world now this is very problematic because the u.s. is not some administrator or some teacher or some policeman who else who is you know fixing bad behavior they are also engaged in this and indeed you can also refer to the possibly just one of the worst cyber aggressors for a member of the south who are going to have to go to a break you know and is with the we believe i'll know you know agreement incapable is what led was not you know we've got a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion some real news day.
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as you read the stand and hear from us and. our own. little more. and our goods that are on our show at the fair are rather tough but are the 4 or 4 of them any good. i'm going to let them but i don't catch them then you cut them and keep and. i don't lose each other for truffle that it. doesn't have. to work then i'm modeling my machine little subtle it does show that they owned a lot of the. members set up around the hey how you want to do it. because it's whole food plus choice on yours or you have an unfair awesome time in syria says. the issue. of
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a. model for the name after the couple for mr hates it for jim and then oil for folks that are fairly in their court. well the pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. has emerged we don't have a turkey we don't have a back seat the whole world needs to be the chief. judge of this commentary crisis but is this a time to time so we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis not go on forever the challenge is creating the response has been so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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welcome back to cross uk where all things are considered i'm peter all about romantic we're talking about some real news. ok let's go to georgia now and change gears. by the mission is very very new very young. president the united states is. spoken to the nation once it was about this was called the coven a stimulus package that has almost nothing to do with coverage but nonetheless no schedule for the state of the union address and we know that that kemal harris the vice president is taking calls with foreign leaders and yes give one reason to give
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give pogs to see you know who's with who's head of ship here who's the captain of the outfit because it looks like the president is very distant distant and you know there we're not getting evidence to think otherwise george. yes it is indeed very strange because let's remember that during the the nomination process and then during the general election joe biden wrote sold to the public as a good old uncle joe the centrist the moderate the safe pair of hands but in fact this administration of which he presides and he just seems to me this strange elderly figure when was wearing a death mosque when it whenever he has he doesn't even physically look anything like you look fike 10 years ago so this strange figure who comes. just doesn't look as if he is in charge of anything because this is a very radical agenda that the this administration the story follow radical than
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that of barack obama who was seen to be in some ways someone from the liberal wing of the party unlike biden i mean we're talking about him one day changing in the electoral system we're talking about this $1.00 trillion dollar package which reintroduces. welfare payments to single mothers which was the abolition of which was the singular achievement of the new democrats of the 1990 s. the bill clinton era so that's just been abolished now. we have extraordinary immigration policy again far more drastic than anything barack obama visits that clearly planning on a mass and a safe and they've removed all of the restrictions on people coming into the country so and i think in foreign policy as well maybe it will come to that i think a very radical foreign policy is in the works so you then are if you ask how did we
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come about that this apparent moderate who was sold to us as a moderate is presiding over a very radical administration well george you if you look at the entire mind on joe biden's. in the senate and we used today's standards and measurements he's a conservative. democrat i'm running i'm sorry liberal republican that's why his voting record it's good only for him because. given the corpus of his political life and what we were sold during the campaign once was masts nice ok because george's ounce of will be right the things the executive orders that he signed and they end and we can talk about foreign policy in the border he had we have no idea of his thoughts on any of these issues during the campaign which maybe was intentional because they wanted the entitlement they got the end from but now
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the mask is coming down and that's really why i want to do this segment is because this is the joe biden we know i mean one of the 1st things he signs isn't you know with young women and a different definition of gender i mean he's never talked about that his entire political career but it's one of the 1st things he signs so who's making these decisions boos riding up these executive orders which he knew police audience well had none. well i'm not sure if this part of you know joe biden's. evolution as a politician or if it just as going you know beat him to want direction or. if he is this is simply an empty vessel being filled by a divided political party going in different directions i mean the whole idea comes of the model idea about joe biden's mental health it is an interesting also become a controversial issue because on the political left this i know this is a conspiracy in oregon the easiest series fully there but the conservative media
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and us is quite insistent that you know again he's i'm to mess all these he doesn't know much at all these his condition is the climbing quite rapidly and being influenced very much proud people's and it's all now again you can try to look for objects the ways of assessing this again he's out of the public for very long time this is again unusual also it's worth noting that i think if i'm not mistaken he hasn't had his own press conference now for much if anything he's more than 60 days and very very unusual. you can see that if if there was an expectation that. you know a camel hire some would have to step in and cover for him or even eventually replace him you can see very good indications on this i mean come out here is as you mentioned come all harris is taking over communication with 4 leaders they met with over the phone at least with mccrone franson on the hour always israel at the
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end this is very very unusual for an american vice presidents to do i'm not familiar with any instance of this before also i also reading the white house statements about this meetings and i found along with them to be very interesting like the white house writes president come all hurry spoke today wait a better president my car on the france expressed her commitment just strengthening bilateral ties and hers in. speaking on behalf of i came up. and. going to talk this is extraordinary how unusual to take a meeting so foreign leaders again why the reference to our commitment is not even speaking on his behalf in a more and also this morning reference us to the by the iris of ministration indicating some kind of a jewel in quote our ship so it is well it is unusual that silo. is mental health but if he was you know not fully there seems to be some strong indications that this could be the case well george today one could say this is
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being prudent you know you get around to speed you know that did it and i think that's a kind of a subliminal message that's being sent out here you know to get around to speed again you know when when major legislation is in the rose garden the president very often has the vice president there but other 2 other things no i mean you don't have very rarely does the vice president hover ok we have see a lot of hovering right now in a black mask ok again you can see they can sell this with that we doubt saying it we're just being prudent here or maybe this is what the plan was all along i don't know what are your thoughts but i think that that may well have been the plan all along not only does she everywhere and not only is it the case as going to doubt that in every statement of emanating from the bike demonstrations were always referred to as the biden harris administration which is something you know no one is you know 100 milliliter that going obama buy me
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a premier not be obama. but even more remarkably if you read the transcript of any speeches that biden the live as biden often misspeaks he often misread the teleprompter they transcript bucks in what he actually said and then puts in the correction next to it. this is it suggests the someone in the white house wants to show the world hey biden isn't really all that he's not even able to read the. script. that yet and that no question i think one has to say that the democrats don't believe that biden will last through sunday he won last through to the 2024 election but there are real questions about whether he will even last through to the midterms so they kind of actually waiting for harris to step in and they have to go back to who is radio
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running the show who has decided to pursue this very radical agenda and i think be to you and i have spoken in the past and we have some suspicions that it's barack obama and people that obama has planted into the white house such as biden susan susan rice biden's domestic policy advice well done you know what. george just stole my wind there but average susan rice is the worst name that comes up with me because she's been placed in the day as head of easy basically did the primary adviser for domestic policy which she's never really had any real formal experience but she's quote unquote a foreign policy person a deplorable one at that but that's that's her area but that it seems to me that you're wrecked pipeline to the obama orbit is everything that's going on in the in the bike ministration you know i'm sure this being sent out here i mean it seems like that's a strategically important place in his administration have been someone of that
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caliber that important in the position. well there was a biden's election campaign and he was not strong he would go back to normal as a normal. barack obama administration so again that this effort. is selling his presidency term for obama. you know that it is also very clearly in the communication was earlier on so again bringing on board a lot of the obama people seems. i guess naturally if he wants to go back to the obama years. again i. think joe biden did play a very important role and got in the army if that is true and also it is it is problematic because people differ get that if they did not care for trying to have to remember that he. and in terms of obama the american people sent let's go with trump just time let's go if this is
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a reality star let's roll the dice because. obama is not just popular as often he's ok the at least in the european media there's been very deep seated resentment towards this president special on the political right so that also recently obama was followed by trump so this is an effort to recreate that ministration it could be problematic although i would agree that i. don't like to speculate but if i would i would also not expect biden to finish this 1st term. but i would it would also expect that to try to get him so he starts stary face to be replaced simply because. you have to give him. are a small experience and legit a message you go on that she did not how much democratic support in the primaries had to wait joy i didn't want to retire early yeah one percent you know you had to drop now be before state right mary yes we're the ones that are into the presidency now it would not look good so i would expect at least game i know on the air before
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you replay. i guess i could be wrong but that's what i would expect given one year of college comes when he seconds george was called who called the strike on syria was calling this is. not the russian you think it's you know 15 seconds. i don't think that it is. i think that it but it's lloyd austin jake sullivan who of doing it. 1 but they can really take sullivan who is a whole. from the it went on to us in gator phone policy adviser so i would say that it's emanating from them ok gentlemen thank you very much want to thank my guests in oslo and in budapest and want to thank our viewers for watching us here r.t.c. next time remember. when
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do you admit it's full since frank c. program. furio put huge disparities in the way jobs to be sure. the german anglo americans policy selfishness was at a loss 'd is to keep the states as the starting pistol fodder in the country's general elections. to 10 years of war in syria we look at how the conflict has changed the lives of his people and what the future holds in store for the country discussing the situation in syria could be red cross director general.
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