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tv   News. Views. Hughes  RT  March 15, 2021 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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why do we have to have children kind of person sport because we do treat men and women differently. every single week after all we all have biological advantages are for each other. are a lot of things regardless of. here. and develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of hard work and dedication. that these men. don't want and they will not ever know what it's like to feel the loss of the baby there are many biological reality that they will never. really think this is. i still believe.
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this week one year ago our lives changed as companies sent workers home schools to not welcome students back in toilet paper and core ox became a commodity and for the 1st time in this generation the crisis was told to physically stay apart from each other rather than embrace each other for comfort our lives have changed and the new normal is still being defined so on today's show we're going to do and continue our in-depth coverage on the current virus now here's the catch part one of our special 6 aired on march 5th 2020 more than a year ago i am starting now hughes and you are watching news views he is in depth report tracking coronavirus on our to america.
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now last year following our 1st report of a virus out of the loop on china on february 17th 2020 even i could not have predicted the effects would be on the world shouted the bin ski from paris tells us how europe is still in lockdown one year later. now your own since your ip started its 1st looked are known for many feels as if we know much has changed restrictions are still the norm across the e.u. while some countries that had started to open back up like italy a once again closing non-essential services as a new wave of 93 quarters of its of the is now part of a look down here in florida the country has been under like this and for months now with some cities and towns also being put undue weekend to look around with further restrictions so far paresis me expects to level the restrictions but it's unclear how sustainable is concrete cases in the french capital are now some of the
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highest in the country and the r.t.c. using the hospitals are up for passage with patients now having to be transferred for care elsewhere when the e.u. announced in 2020 that it made these huge awarded a setback scenes from several companies there was a hope that this would be the light at the end of the tunnel but even that process has been. right companies have failed to deliver on contracts there have been been questions raised over the efficacy of some vaccines by european leaders and now several countries have halted the rollout of the astra zeneca job while investigations into whether it causes blood clots or north of being approved all of this adds to the concerns felt quite so that there are issues with the facts a nation program fronts has one if not the highest rate in europe of boxing skepticism with the french health minister recently having to almost beg health
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clinic is to get themselves a no kill $81.00 average across the e.u. around 11 percent of adults have had at least one dose but the woman fully slowed for rollout. it has led to some countries taking matters into their own hands they are now making the deals to buy. well some e.u. states is going this far is he from looking for acceptance from leaving the shores as they were destined to go to countries the austrian chancellor has described the european commission presiding over outback seem bizarre and failing to distribute jobs at creating to each country's population size now that is something that to know there is also pretty interesting that the european medical board this is the way it's been too slow to a proof vaccines this crisis has seen the e.u. and its countries break ranks to put the health of citizens 1st in each country
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rather than thinking of the e.u. as being a whole none of which pollutes well for the book the european commission has promised a dramatic increase in faxing deliveries by july but for many that is still too far away it is simply they say no good enough so that deep in ski talk to america from paris. now back here at home i walked around washington d.c. this week and it seems like more and more people are starting to emerge from isolation now this could be because of the growing availability of the vaccine her maybe just cabin fever is drawing people out with the 1st hint of spring or simply they have just watched everything available in their stream source but is it too soon you know it's a sign of confidence a desire going to set us back or to help us discuss we bring infectious disease expert dr bob are not thank you so much for joining us dr. ok so you know i have to
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ask you what do you think looking back on this year is the biggest lesson the medical community has learned from this time last year to you today. so i think the biggest lesson is that politics just plain don't work try to many countries around the world and we see every time people tried politics whether it be in the open up in texas in florida 6 or 7 months ago the whole sort of trunking campaign of not wearing masks and not getting backs it just didn't work the other lesson scottie is that this virus it's brilliant it's how smart all of us you know the fact that it's airborne as really escaped almost everybody you know we're really not looking at monitoring indoor spaces and we're not wearing good enough mass the mask has been terrible so the virus in every way has outsmarted us and it should well dr it sounds like you're actually kind of hesitant right now on the fact that we're opening up so quickly you do have texas and florida and many states and absolutely
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rolling back and saying we're 100 percent open it and now in the math randi i think sounds like you think this might be too thin. you know i think micro auster who said it best and that is where the why the storm it's ridiculous to think there are a way out you know our levels are where they were maybe 6 months ago which we thought were pretty high then you had this huge sort of christmas spike will the trial or what not and that certainly decline we have a very high levels of infection 1100 deaths a day 65000 cases of marriage a day it's crazy isn't going away out of this into the opening back up again i think this could be a huge backlash you know there's nothing that strange about the virus it's not any less lethal that it was people are still going to bars and restaurants and schools that don't have good air quality and the masking is a joke most places you know people wearing a below their nose or above their mouth very poor quality mass we need to have medical quality and 95 mass for everybody and we need to be closely monitoring
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indoor air spaces because we now know that that virus is sitting there so most like walking into a burning building without spoke to checkers were able to warn people that the virus is there ok but dr with that being said the highest numbers of deaths actually happened in january 27th almost 9 months after the entire country was shut down in january 6 weeks ago we had the highest amount of deaths that you have to go and it's continuing to take decreases then but for the last year we have been an absolute panic mode that you have to stay inside and all these strict rules we're dealing with but our highest amount of deaths occurred just 6 weeks ago out can you explain why we went under such strict restrictions the last year if we're just now dealing with what we're seeing is the highest death rate records within the past few weeks. you know it's really a question is could it you eat what you saw of course back in 1920 and what you had waves you had way one way to a 3 way for virus goes it comes back again or it is a clear explanation but i do think you know the largest travel the year was
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christmas there it is intermixed it was christmas we saw that huge spike a month later january it takes 28 days from the onset and do you have enough older people getting in the ice used to be able to show this but actually it's a huge mistake they were in any way over this or close to over you know we're burning some areas through a lot of people that now are have been infected and of course have some unity of the vaccine starting to take hold the best hope really is in israel we see the staggering staggering decline in the numbers of cases as you have so much of the population that has been vaccinated there so don't get me wrong i'm very hopeful of these vaccines are going to work but i'm quite concerned about the variants specifically b. 117 which we have here in ramallah and have a new england played such an you know decisive role in other parts of the world and i think that the booster vaccine in the summer and fall is going to the final coup de gras i hope for the virus well dr i want to thank you for an thought on the thing you mentioned the past viruses i don't remember pictures from the 1923 then
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where i am 30 are in her 3rd round but you know you never know it and they're back then. they did they did wear masks it's just that back then you know it's interesting a friend of mine at mass general her grandfather in china was the 1st one ever know in china that was nominated for a nobel prize and it was for masking back in 1000 hundreds for an epidemic back then so the idea has been around for a long time but to be clear you don't we need to have medical style masks for everybody 89 and 95 but at least at that level of active this well dr not thank you so much for joining us and you are and think. well some people might agree or disagree as a doctor and from the very beginning of my coworkers investigative draws have been swann has been one of those he's been covering this virus by going beyond the headlines and digging into the details then joins me now vin i know you were just listening to the doctor and i said medical professional that's a thing we've had
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a lot of medical professionals for the past year tell us everything so it's almost who do you trust but i got to talk to you not but about what just the doctor said but you know did you ever hear of a moment over the past year that you said what the heck am i listening to and who is coming up with these protocol. have i had a moment that a better question is have i had a moment when i didn't say what the heck am i listening to listen i think i think dr bob has a lot of good things to say and he's got a great smile so it's hard to even say what the heck are you talking about but some of the things he said and i'm not a doctor i should say that but as a journalist you can look at a lot of the numbers i mean dr bob's talking about israel and the great numbers they've had but he didn't mention a place like nicaragua by the way nicaragua as a country never locked down and never required masks in fact that president of the country said you don't have to wear a mask if you choose to you can you don't have to if you look at their numbers per 1000000 people the number of cases they've had they never got even close to places like the united states or italy where right now they're in that other lockdown and
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they immediately after may have last year flatlined in terms of new cases per day and it's remained that way we've seen that happen in some places as well so you can take a place like israel and say they've been very strict but you can also take places like nicaragua and say they weren't strict and they did great so there's a lot of conflicting information i think that's the hardest thing for people scottie is that it's there's so much information out there and so much back and forth and it's very confusing as to what is accurate and what is not well it confusion is one thing but you also talk about the accuracy being portrayed and whether it's being used to promote one agenda of another you know if you believe that the details of this virus especially last spring into into the summer when everybody was going into their homes that everything was shut down you think they were accurately portrayed to the general public no absolutely not listen that what the doctor said there about the how lethal this virus is let's talk about the numbers and the facts the numbers show that when it comes to covert 19 that
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99.6 percent of people who get 1000 recover from it 99.6 have a mild case of it point 4 percent have a severe or even deadly reaction to those and what the scientific numbers show it's been proven over. and over and over again we also know certain groups of people people who have preexisting conditions people who are morbidly obese and the elderly who are in poor physical condition are the most susceptible but we also know is that the majority of healthy people and the younger people young people and children are the least susceptible to it so what the media has told us as has been wrong from the get go and they continue to try to scare us like kids can't go back to school even though they are the least susceptible to become sick again from a virus that has a 99.6 percent survival rate that's not an opinion those are the facts of the numbers behind it but we rarely hear that we instead hear how deadly covert 90 minutes well as a journalist ben i watch
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a different this week in fact we're talking about the mental health of our students and him aside numbers that's something we've been screaming about even since last summer as a mom i'm watching that among my own children and their friend what do you think it's been the biggest challenge in covering the coronavirus over the last year it well i think that's it less i if i can just reiterate a couple numbers for people in the last year we have seen teen suicide and self harm rates increase nationally by 100 percent reported teen suicide and self harm has gone up 100 percent nationally but if you go to the most severe lockdown areas in the country so the doctor was talking about people being silly in florida texas go to new york new jersey new england that part of the country that had the most severe lockdown the numbers there have increased 300 percent for teen suicide and self harm it is important that we recognize that the effects of lockdown go far beyond just covert code it is not the only problem we have in society and we have
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teens who are isolated or people who are harming themselves as a result of lockdowns and on top of that i know we've got to go but the w.h.o. says that worldwide lockdowns have doubled world poverty doubled the. world poverty rate that for people such them back generations and for many people is in and of itself a deficit so you want to talk about wealth redistribution or even talk about the gap the wealth wealth gap we've just done it this past year lot more we could talk about there's been one i got to let you go but thank you so much for giving us all of the information. and when we return our 360 panel is going to discuss the other major story of 2020 which was the presidential election and which one was actually the cause or the effect. of.
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one of the worst mass shootings in america was in less vigorous in 2017 the tragedy exposed a little of the real last. election officials are controlled by can see you know not. reveal where. really and now it's partly because. the american public remembers that happens just shows you the power of money and. the powerful showed that true colors when the pandemic hits the most contagious contagion that we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care so. the lives of the vegas residents to the control group . deep indifference to the people. to take an action absolutely. huge cash is
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ran by people who don't care about people's lives. you know i can't say this enough and i have to emphasize it because i think in the future we're going to really want to look at who you can trust the news source because even before the mask mandates and social distancing were being enforced we and our team here are to mark i got to give him credit for it we're reporting on
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the 1st cases of kobe would come in tonight it states now this was as it was happening over in china and spreading across the world until it hit here at home on a large scale we have been on air every single day bringing you the top stories and making kit making sure that your family was well informed of the truth of what we knew about the virus and the vaccine as it continued to progress through the year are to correspond to natasha sweet has been a part of that team and is at the los angeles international airport where earth where some of the health officials believe it all started here in the united states . yeah that's right scotty we were here at l.a.x. in late january of last year when the centers for disease control and prevention confirmed the 1st case of the problems are worse here in the u.s. and one may not have fully understood the magnitude of the virus at the time health screenings began at major airports and since the pandemic was declared travelling has never been the same amount from washington state in his thirty's was believed to be the 1st case of cooper think team in the united states he was traveling from
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hong china where there was a pretty help break of pneumonia caused by the chronic virus which began in december of 2018 initially the man had no symptoms when he arrived to the airport in seattle on a wednesday however feelings of an illness began to set in the next day he went to a doctor on sunday a lab tests confirmed on monday he in fact was positive for coated 19 in february the 1st fatal cases of coated were seen in santa clara county california however both people reportedly did not have any recent travel history but still by march people who had the virus but did not display symptoms were continuing to. travel by air however things quickly change when lock downs were announced mid march some places like san francisco and los angeles even having curfews essential places like grocery stores remained open there was a limits on the number of people who could enter our store at once 6 feet of social distancing was required and people were forced to mask up as hospitalizations eased
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up in some areas throughout the country health officials warned of a 2nd wave of covert cases in the making some places saw stricter lockdown again in the fall the florida was the 1st state to remove their mask mandates opening at restaurants at full capacity by september the 1st round of vaccinations in the u.s. were given in december of health care workers the elderly and those at rest were fast tracked being put at the front of the line for inoculations then as supply began to spread by february other groups like farm workers and food workers as well as teachers are given the green light to get their shots we have designed a system statewide that can allow for roughly 3000000 that seems to be administered at any given day we're going to design it for an additional $14000000.00 total one year after the pandemic was declared in march of 2021 texas announced it would also end its mass mandate and open up businesses it is now time to open texas 100 percent several other states wyoming mississippi alabama arizona
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was for genya montana iowa south dakota and connecticut have followed similar measures as the economy tanked 3 stimulus checks later los angeles one of the most strict cities even saw the need to send children back to school in the u.s. there are 3 vaccines on the market but none are perfect the pfizer and madeira vaccines require 2 shots and are reportedly not made to guard against virus variants today. the blue jewel gave emergency use least to johnson and johnson school did 19 vaccine making it the photo vaccine to receive w 2 s. approval the johnson and johnson vaccine was fast tracked for approval 1st by the c.d.c. in february then by the w.h.o. in march while this vaccine does guard against the variance and only one shot is needed it has a much lower rate 66 percent of being effective overall however health officials
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say it's 100 percent effective in preventing kogut hospitalizations and death astra zeneca not available in the u.s. but in europe is now being questioned about its safety after people have died of blood clots well the world health organization expresses confidence in the vaccine germany is now following other countries like france and italy and discontinuing its use joint key decision has been taken in line with our european policy is to suspend as a precaution vaccinations with the astra zeneca vaccine while hoping it can resume quickly if the yemenis opinion allows or not with france is suspending the vaccine until tuesday afternoon that's when the european medicine agency publishes an opinion in germany there are 7 reported cases of blood clots in the brain 1600000 people there have received the vaccine now back here at home in the u.s. while the c.d.c. advises against non-essential air travel business is starting to pick back up again according to the t.s.a. for the majority of march they're seen about $1000000.00 people per day it still
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doesn't compare to the $2000000.00 that they normally see but it's the most that they've seen any year reporting for news because she was the toughest weeks are. thank you you know after a year of the world dealing with a pandemic i honestly do not know how i can ask any new questions which have not been asked before but also in this year it's been the questions not asked which are more valuable any subject would deal with the loss of human life should be handled with the utmost respect and questions should be framed with respect how. or has this sensitivity been manipulated for political reasons so those in charge would not ask the hard questions or to look at the pandemic from a political perspective we bring in our 360 panel from a georgia state representative da da can take over and republican strategist ned ryan thank you so much for joining me today. you know i'm going to call out and that's a hard question 1st ned was the coronavirus the reason why donald trump lost re-election . 0100 percent i mean scotty i don't think people really understand how close 2020
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was you take those 444-5000 votes to decide wisconsin arizona georgia is 37 electoral votes take him out of biden's common also and you end up with 826-9269 tie i mean this was razor thin so of course coronavirus was a massive impact on the 2020 lashes but there are a couple dynamics i want to highlight i mean trump obviously there were some problems of his own making and it even comes down to just showing some more basic empathy towards the actual virus in those suffering from it which which could have been done and he didn't do it quite like i wanted him to but i don't think he realized in time how much he was being politicized and weaponized against him and he didn't hit back like he should have there were some of us in may of last year saying ok we understand this is being weaponized and politicized against you hit back especially on democratic governors and their rust on policies not just cuomo but you look at whitmer you look at war you look at murphy you even look at newsome
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out in california where 40 to 42 percent of all the deaths have taken from covert have taken place in rest homes in assisted living based off of bad policies by democratic governors he should have used that hit back even harder but the last point i'll make on the scott is this i think people use coronavirus as an opportunity to push some of the electoral reform they've been wanting to push like mark elias and pushing universal mail in ballots and also allowed mark zuckerberg to come in with this coronavirus safety elections project and drop 350000000 into the center for tech and civic life and we know that 99.5 percent of that money was being used in blue counties in blue cities to boost the vote in these blue counties so absolutely coronavirus was a massive impact on the 2020 lections ok so dave here everything that ned sang you hear him put the numbers it would you act think back last spring pre-credit virus the economy was actually doing pretty well gas was at least a dollar cheaper in most areas of the united states things are looking pretty good for trump realize. and despite all of his twitter feed and the drama that you know
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goes into it so do you feel like from a democrat perspective do you think the mishandling of the crown of ours is one of the main reasons why we have joe biden as president today absolutely static any beginning a. speech or a tirade i actually a greek with him until he swishy he made it political political let me be very clear because it was a little not a united states issue this was a world pandemic and until we start talking about this like it was a world global pandemic that we will never get to the place where we need to be let me be very clear about this you have seen many countries literally have to shut down so we have to stop talking about this as though it were a democrat republican issue people were infected 25000000 americans were impacted and infected with the coronavirus disease where 500000 people dying so why do we still talk about this is though it was
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a red or blue issue only touching certain people based on political affiliation that is absolutely absurd and trump lost because he was he turned a deaf ear to it and tried to play it down that's why he lost the election because troops may have really don't think that joe biden would have had the momentum if president troubled have done what he needed to do and take care of the american people go for it ned you know i think the same thing in all of this scott is that we've lost we've lost sight of the facts and the data in the science of it all as your earlier guest was pointing out c.d.c. numbers 99.6 percent survivability rate and we're asking like this is the black plague or the black death and it's annihilating the population of course there are vulnerable people of course we could have taken measures but these massive lockdowns the fact that we've crushed we crushed our economy crushed generations of people's lives these young the younger generations what we have done to them is incredible and the devastation that we have literally lost a year of their lives i don't. no how long it will take to get it back and the rate
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of suicides this is incredible that we have a lot of to become politicized when the science and the data pointed to it directly opposite and how we should be approaching the scottie well and that's the thing and dean ad we're going to continue this conversation on the thought of it and like i said the ball is now the democrat courts d.c. and it's how they handle it it's going to be kind of what people why i'm sure going to far from their mind and 2022 thank you both for joining me wish we had more time thank you thank scotty well that is all for today show make sure you download this show and more on the part of the t.v. ad and we're going to see you right back here tomorrow have a great day. anyone else seem wrong. we'll just don't. let you
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get to see. just the attic. and in detroit. the trail. find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. americans love buying homes. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a home and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history l.a. housings men in the united states not just that old question of the american dream
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and the bigger question if you dream is for. france italy germany spain suspend the use of the u.k.'s astra zeneca covert vaccine over a blood clot fear. pick up despite the e.u. admitting further flaws in the vaccination program with member states outraged at the way the shots are being distributed. meanwhile more european countries consider russia splitting the vaccine with companies prepared to start their own production lines if the shot gets approved in the blog. and after a decade of devastating war in syria we look at how the conflict has changed lives and what the future may hold for the country. those are world news headlines for this hour on behalf of the international team thank you very much for watching and we hope you.


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