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tv   Boom Bust  RT  March 16, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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in. case to suspend the road on the continent and the w.h.o. the world of the recommendations will be so this is actually shaded we should take it is saving lives actually currently the data that we have just not allowed us to say there would be an additional risk to ask your zeneca vaccines in the field of. those who don't listen it has been used in massive was around 5500000 doses in the european union and nearly 10000000 in the united states and in this massive data signals could let us think that we are over the expected and normal level of thrombosis mole is in a general population. meanwhile a spokesperson for russian president vladimir putin has taken issue with the united states putting pressure on brazil to not use russia sputnik the vaccine in january the u.s. department of health and human services said in its annual report that its office of global affairs had made efforts to counter attempts by countries including russia to bolster their influence in south america now the report specifically
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mentions the russian vaccine saying quote examples include using a health officer to persuade brazil to reject the russian covert 19 vaccine while kremlin spokesman dmitri pest cop would not comment on the specifics of the report he did tell bloomberg quote this doesn't contribute a joint efforts to combat the corona virus globally adding we believe that there should be as many doses of vaccines as possible so that all countries including the poorest have the opportunity to stop the pandemic which should be noted that last week brazil had signed a deal to import 10000000 doses of the vaccine starting in april. so to more on all of this let's bring in our correspondent saya tabun. you know brenda all throughout the venn pandemic we heard wealthy nations promising 2 things right that there won't be a vaccine raise or countries are competing against each other and that people will be put 1st before profits but at the moment neither holds true 1st of the
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$381000000.00 vaccine doses administrate so far more than 50 percent of those vaccinations have gone to just 10 countries then there is a cost of the vaccine with the pharmaceutical companies have negotiated a different cause a different rate for every single country and i want to break to break those down for you for example the e.u. they have a 25 percent discount on the pfizer vaccine compared with the u.s. and u.k. since year and help fund that vaccine then if you look at astra zeneca vaccine the u.s. will pay $8.00 for 2 doses for the oxford funded vaccine compared with the e.u. and u.k. prices which is 45 percent cheaper but a country like south africa that's dealing right now with the very aggressive very end who are having a difficult time purchasing any vaccine they're going to be charging $12.00 for 2
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doses of the astra zeneca and then on the other side of the scale of more durness vaccine which was subsidized by the u.s. government cause 20 percent more on the european market and 60 percent more for the u.k. now the johnson and johnson vaccine is also much cheaper for the e.u. $8.50 plus each doses will go twice as far as the other brands since it's a single shot black see now only astra zeneca can compete with their pricing and while astra zeneca though and johnson and johnson have committed to not making a profit from the pen demick more during our and pfizer have not as. seneca has though reserved their right to declare when the company considers the pen demick phase over and take profits from later vaccine sales now this even though most governments brand actually funded the research for the vaccine and we started the
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segment talking about russia's speed make the vaccine how does that compare in price with some of these that were developed by private companies and in the u.s. and europe so the cost of to dos says the sputnik vaccine for all international markets will be less than $20.00 so we're talking about less than $10.00 per dollars only astra zeneca and johnson and johnson vaccine are cheaper now aside from the pricing their sputnik vaccine has a very high efficacy level and finally they have the extra vaccines to actually ready to ship to contraries whereas most other pharmaceutical companies don't even have enough to fill or earlier committed orders and that was exactly the case of brazil which has the 2nd highest death toll right now worldwide and they were struggling to buy any kind of vaccine which is why they turn to russia even though the u.s. department of health publicly confirmed that it had pressured brazil against perch
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and sing at the russian vaccine so this is an example where we're seeing politics over people brand or to correspond to sayto over thank you so much for keeping us up to date. so from more some more analysis on the state of the vaccines and the roll out let's bring in a real expert in the field dr william stafford the vaccine specialist at vanderbilt university medical center dr schaeffer always a pleasure to have you on. after several nations actually suspended use of this astra zeneca vaccine we're hearing a lot of experts say there's just no data to justify these decisions and we heard it there at the top of the show what do you make of this choice to stop using it is this more reactionary than based on science. well i don't know how much science there is i know the european medicines agency is investigating this very carefully as as as they said you know medical events occur an older people and we're vaccinating older people so if the vaccine is given on monday tuesday wednesday or
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thursday something may happen to that faxing recipient is that a causal relationship or is it just coincidental and that's the investigation that's currently ongoing what we've heard from the company is the rate of these blood clotting disorders is actually lower lower in the people who've received the vaccine then in the general population that would give the all clear to the vaccine but of course that comes from the company we wait to hear from the. european medicine agency and that report we hope will come by thursday and dr schaffner is that all concerning that they were getting all this negative attention might do lasting damage to public opinion of the astra zeneca an oxford university vaccine or the whole slate of vaccines we've been talking about for months. all of that
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print is a real already because there's been such a taint on this astra zeneca thanks even if it is given the old clear which we rather expect they're going to have to do a big public relations campaign to convince people to take that thanks that's going to be difficult and here it's about to go before the food and drug administration in our own country and we'll see what happens there you can be sure the f.d.a. and its advisory committee will take a good long look at those data and i mean is there any reason to believe that this is kind of an aside here but it may in the f.d.r. are they both in your opinion equally trust trustworthy when it comes to the efficacy of these vaccines the safety of these vaccines. i think they're quite comparable correct and they both have very very high standards and i certainly have more experience with the f.d.a. on this side of the pond and their external advisory committee is tough all the
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time they ask hard questions and the data have to be there to support the indications for the use of that actually and has actually began studying its vaccine on children aged 6 months to 11 years old in the united states and canada how important it is to prove the efficacy of a copan 1000 vaccine in children and are there are safety concerns with trials involving people so young. sure and that's why we start with adults ork down to adolescence then grade school children and then the preschoolers we do this in a very gradual way now the news that these trials and children to start it puts a smile on every parent's face because they would like to have their children protected it will help us open up our schools even more safely but we do this gradually make sure that it works and make sure both all that it's safe
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and doctors after one more question here before we go we spend a lot of time talking about the vaccine rollout in developed nations specifically here in the united states obviously and in europe but it is cold and going to be continue to be a problem worldwide if developing nations in the poorer nations don't readily have access to these drugs until everyone else is basically like well we're done back to back and you can have them know well there are a lot of people working with the world health organization the gates foundation an institution coal kovacs trying to make these vaccines more readily and more immediately available to the developing world this pandemic can't be over until it's over everywhere just vaccinating ourselves is not sufficient so we all need to pay attention to this it's just a humanitarian and sensible thing to do it helps them and it helps us to dr william schaffner always a pleasure to talk to you of acting specialist at the vanderbilt university medical
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center thanks for clearing so much of this up for us. i pleasure. and as the u.s. war on weiwei continues the telecom company has now announced that it will begin charging other smartphone makers a royalty to use its patented 5 g. technology by doing this the chinese technology firm looks to open a new revenue stream even as other parts of his business have taken a hit due to use u.s. sanctions now we're going to have ben swan on in the just a few minutes actually now i'm hearing that we do have them so joining me now to discuss just 2 months co-host and investigative journalist ben swan that's live t.v. for you about it that's. now been explained to us how this revenue stream works who is the client and what will they actually be getting. yeah there are really 2 big clients here that we're talking about we're talking about apple and we're talking about samsung get much bigger than that and essentially what you have is while we creating this 5 g. technology and holding by the way the most patterns of any telecom company in the
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world in terms of 5 g. technology they have the most patents and so what they're offering to do is to essentially license those patents out to apple and to samsung but in order to do that they're also going to get a much better price for that technology than their competitors who are their bigger biggest competitors qualcomm nokia and ericsson those companies also have 5 g. technology but they're charging much more for it and now always seems to have a couple of advantages over its competitors including its pricing structure what can you tell us about that. yeah the pricing structure is the kind of the whole point here look back but a year ago there was a huge battle between apple and qualcomm and that was over the fact that qualcomm's charging 7 dollars and 50 cents per iphone for apple to license its 5 g. technology it's pretty high price but while way is offering by the way for its more than $3400.00 patents which is i mean it outnumbers everybody else in the world in
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terms of what they have they have the most advanced patents they have the most of them they are offering them at $2.50 a phone i think about the cost difference that right $2.50 a phone versus a $750.00 you don't want a $5.00 difference for apple and for samsung for every phone for every device that they make so a lot of this has to do with the 5 the u.s. has done a pretty good job of trying to push while way out of the 5 g. space nokia ericsson qualcomm. while weight of course insists that they have superior technology they have better technology than the others but the reality is that in order to get those other companies to fight and push back against the u.s. government which they will do by the way you've got to are from a sweetheart of a price and that's what they're doing website. as you say if you think about the millions of phone samsung and apple cell worldwide and you know a $5.00 discount for the technology for them that's a win every time they're trying to shave cents off to make money when they look at
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$5.00 that's got of their life their eyes light up with the dollar signs for sure right now while we're on the subject of walk away there's actually been some new developments in the extradition case of while ways c.f.o. men ones oh what's going on there yeah yes kind of interesting here so as it is here is my notes we've been covering the story for a long time right main ones oh is essentially was detained when she was flew into canada she was held there her devices were searched and essentially she has been under house arrest ever since she's facing u.s. extradition to the novices trying to extradite her to the u.s. they say that while way was working to illegally bypass u.s. sanctions and and essentially work with as a telecommunications company the country of iran which they say is illegal and what they claim that kind of the core of their argument is that many longs though the c.f.o. and the rest of the while way was essentially trying to trick the bank h s b c into kind of working with them in order to funnel funds through iran and to
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conduct business in iraq so that's kind of the argument that's been made what's interesting is this kind of the latest argument that's being made is that h.s.b.c. was not detrimentally impacted in any way by. ship and more importantly h.s.b.c. is not a u.s. company while we it's not a u.s. company main ones it was not in the united states so why does the united states have anything to do with any of this that's the argument that her lawyers are now making co-hosted investigative journalist ben swan thank you so much you got. quick break here because when we come back we bring in a pail of the breakdown how markets are faring at the fed federal open market committee meets to discuss the state of the u.s. economy and as we get a break here the numbers of. one
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of the worst mass shootings in america was in less vegas in 2017 the tragedy exposed a little of the real last big many say elected officials are controlled by casino owners. reveal where. really and now it's part of the machine. american public barely remembers that it happened just shows you the power of money and. the powerful showed that true colors when the pandemic hit the most contagious contagion that we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care so here's caroline goodman. of the vegas residence the control group. deep indifference to the people by. taking action absolutely. machine. money machine huge
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cash is ran by people who don't care about people's lives being lost. kind of financial survival job today was all about money laundering 1st to visit this cash industry different. oh good it's a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in europe something in america something overseas in the cayman islands it will pull these
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banks are complicit in their tough talk received a softer didn't fall and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice laundry watch for max and for stacy beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again for max payne know what money laundering is highly illegal. watch guys record. debate is is it fair for transforming our plates to compete and women scatter cory's and sport. as a society we have decided to categorize sports based on sex i definitely need to do not think that it's fair for athletes step on porn as pie logical males to compete in the women's category on the run. why do we have gender in sport do you have gender categories in sport because we do treat men and women differently.
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every single soul beat athletes will we all have biological advantages over each other. barlow thing means a lot to me and i think friends are the supreme need a little here because i love to do it. and develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of hard work and dedication i'm gonna put on doubt. that these men say that they feel like a woman and they will not ever know what it's like to feel the loss of a baby there are many biological free home of these that they will never do they really think this is fair. i just don't believe it.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. high salacious for community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. wants is for. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the debt. or remain in the shadows. and welcome back news corp and facebook have come to terms on
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a deal for news content in australia weeks after the nation's government passed a law that would require tech companies to help cover the cost of journalism news corp said tuesday it had reached a multi-year agreement with the social media site that covers regional and major news publications the media company now has paid deals with facebook google and apple to provide access to its content meanwhile on the social media front russia will block twitter in one month unless the social media company removes ban content reports citing the nation's communications regulator moscow said last week it would slow down speeds of twitter inside the country for failure to remove specific banned content deputy head of the regulator said twitter could avoid being blocked within the country if it deletes the offending content which it says includes child pornography and material on illegal drugs and child suicide and with the surge in interest rates and the rebounding economy the spotlight is on the fed this week
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the big question is when will it consider unwinding its easy policies for more on this let's bring in michelle schneider she's a partner and director of research and education at market gauge dot com and blue bus co-host christiane i thank you both for being here michelle i want to start with you what do you expect to hear wednesday and what are the big highlights investors are looking for and how do they think the market will react to the federal chair drone pollen his minutes. well we can look at the reaction of the market today and what we saw was the eels on terms of the short term go up again yet the nasdaq shaking it off a little bit since that's the most sensitive right here and closing high on the day but not high enough for it to clear the 50 day moving average so i think there is some level of optimism and skepticism a combination in terms of what we're looking at for the fed they're clearly going to stay accommodative they're going to keep the federal funds rate near 0 they're
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probably going to say at least for the next couple years and replace that with securities purchases but they're whether or not they address that too hot subjects right now which are those yields based on inflation expectations i think that's what could drive the market one way or another tomorrow at this point power of course has been very dismissive of inflation saying that he expects it to be very very transience in terms of if it even appears at the same time now people are worried about a rate hike coming up if inflation does indeed get out of control so i think what the market's going to want to hear most tomorrow is what he's going to do about the short term yields isn't just going to let them go will there be a point where we talk about operation twist so it's more what he doesn't say in essence that might be more important than what he actually does say and christi what what are you what are you expecting out of drill powell on wednesday. well most likely we will get some sort of communication saying that it's still too early
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to change plans for interest rates and bond purchases i mean he's repeatedly in recent weeks said that he wants substantial further progress in the recovery before the central bank actually began scaling back its 120000000000 dollars month in on purchases so meanwhile we don't really expect the fed to raise rates until its goal of maximum point man and sustain 2 percent inflation happened and that's still a long ways away from where we're at now this was something that took a decade to achieve following the global financial crisis back in 2008 so these are the expectations but as we can see from the market no offense and masters are still a little skittish as they rotate on the high flying technicians and this is reflected in a spike in government debt yields particularly the 10 year treasury notes which is often kind of the canary in the coal mine for coming price increases and this could lead to some very real world consequences for people since lending rates for home mortgages and car loans there are linked to that so mortgage rates they've already begun to creep up which could cry some buyers out of an already hot housing market
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while existing home owners will also find it harder to refinance their lots and investors of course also want some be assurances from the fed that inflation is still under control and that the central bank will use all that stool so address anywhere in price increases and bond yields spikes so far paul has been noncommittal about specifics in terms of what tools he has left at his bozak you know michelle i want to kind of switch gears here for a 2nd specs have been hot over the last 12 months as these initial offerings quadrupled last year to $248.00 but it looks like short sellers are increasingly betting against specs what's the story there. oh it's like anything else that's no you have to really be able to discern between which facts are legitimate and which facts are putting out they're just fishing for money so for example one of the best trades that we did here are coming into 2020 was f.x. which turned into a mountain pass which was a spec that was based on rare earth merrill mine in california literally that went
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from 11 to 55 so that was a really good one churchill which is listed motors is starting to come its own way and today we had the announcement of in torah which is the current platform which to the tune of 10400000 dollars evaluation rif in tech acquisition went up a couple of percent on its. own it's basically debut today so i think then you have to really understand why you're to getting into whether or not it's in an area that's actually legitimate and try to do as much research as you can but i would just necessarily say ah fads over time to show itself because that can get you into a lot of trouble as well it does require a modicum of thought and research and christiane ahead on this before we go because when retreated from its record highs on monday india is actually reportedly considering banning cryptocurrency altogether with the latest there. breaking 60 k.
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was a huge deal for big quite as it's been just underneath it all been right up against her weeks now so that was a huge weekend from a client but his rally was really dampened by usa and you will recall is a lot making it completely illegal to possess trade or issue any cut the currency which would essentially cut off access to a massive market for the corrupt and the strait reuters reported that this bill would be one of the world's strictest policies against crypto currency which with essentially criminalized any sort of possession issuance mining transports everything so this was in line with january's government agenda that called for a banning of virtual currency such as while also at the same time building a framework for an official digital currency d.c. that's actually a bank backed by the bank of india so this bill would get holders up to 6 months to liquidate after which penalties will be levied so even though this is forthcoming a lot of news isn't in riyadh they are still in the best as they are they are driven by greed because this market is still expanding with over 20000 users on it since january and india boom bust because christiane michelle schneider of the
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market gauge group thank you both for your time. and that that at this time you can catch boom bust on demand on portable t.v. which surveillance more for the tablet through google play in the apple app store by searching portable t.v. but if you can also be downloaded on newer model samsung smart devices well as roku devices simply check out a portable t.v. we'll see you next time on behind us. it. seemed wrong all right old old just told. me to get to shape
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out just because get educated and and gain from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when you choose to look for common ground . as you read the stand. alone white house. i know this that i know there are a lot of trouble at the rather rough across the floor for a kid that. i'm going to let him but i don't cut him then you cut him and keep an eye on what i had flew to china for truffle that it. was
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a. little subtle in. the hay from the innocent. and the toefl place choice. and pay off the time in theory has said the truth is she ought to have a. model for that even after the whole fuck around with mr hate for jim and then the whole thing is are fairly mature for. the money. we're told the deal jase capital it right investigation is one of the largest in american history the f.b.i. has made it clear it will not leave one stone unturned to prosecute what it calls domestic terrorists all of us want to answer surrounding this bed but is this also a purging of trump loyalists.
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the. u.s. department of health ad midst of pressuring brazil against using the sputnik vbac seed over fears of russian and flu. and so in the region. major states suspend the use of the u.k.'s astra zeneca shock over a blood clot fears creating yet another headache for the blocks vaccination program . britain labels russia its number one threat and valves to deter and defend against the suppose a dangers emanating from moscow. and europe grapples with a 3rd coronavirus wave with many countries plunging back into lock downs to tackle surging infection rates.


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