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tv   Documentary  RT  March 17, 2021 1:30am-2:00am EDT

1:30 am
oh if they don't actually damage it they don't much like my job or. they would know. who done is going to be shot at. to show and i was going to i had this you know we would demanded that i'll. not lie going to move oil to. all of sudden shot up i learned that i had just moved on him a hug me. under the lid. born in. june and then have a good time of getting in on of. but then got disillusioned with their loved one her love dog a lot of the nation of the list. you know one long or so young so we are. blood and then just shown on our own washing the has it.
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have some of blue blood just go to the mind and all of the high has said no walk one wide that has us not at the very end and. a quantum one was overdue i would go with the last of all the out the. mark latham idea to divert the suicide the will. marchioness to buy just as loudly and everyone wanted to mark was found. on of a most awkward around $100.00 this. one just want to root out the. how the grid is going to be given to sort of and the. good of them a lot of the very. strange
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. things like. the idea i think you get i didn't get one idea. i dearly love the job. i'll. tell. you. i mean you're doing. a bit later on with us but joe didn't a shadow. can dish and on top of a town been invited to go out of the data to spins a spoke on. still the. little novel would do any good as far
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as shut up and kano down in there and phone home. and. you know what on home we say one idea when we should one home or i know i don't so i said no home. jus not what i saw by how i was little. and. this. sexual healing body if. it. will go. right for you know if it's cheap i thought jack i just did of all. those are the. both finish up that i think at this. but i think they don't know the status now that we can live. significant i
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think. of the 20th the job of nanny or she could well be good enough of a mix yeah you can head off the mother of a daughter to john and me a son of a kid us back with. the. new testament to enough. of what they had in the south of life have been just how good was still to. be good and good when you get it you have a choice so to. visit. to a. gun you. will miss we. are. right there are. gonna get kind of doubt that
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a good plan is that he shall get like a one many would be shot at this out of the shelter you had yesterday and she especially if no fight she should know by a bit of a shot at me so would i show why anyone would come over it i just said i in your opinion we are for yeah. yeah it has affected my our way i'm never caught it won't look at him with luck pulled him up i don't want to help him i let you know how what i what i was shocked by what osho to show what all the footage of an initiation what i think. i mean is there sure it will ever go. did you. know. how to. the fellow who was there and accept almost.
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you that you should be in it that. way. well yeah that was. the divisional right. to suicide. joe would do shit to see how well you. did was it. so you see you. threw a man die she. was that bloke who asked us if.
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we had to. die. so i bought. the. car that i said to them we still house it. to show kind of what he should have only highly he. talked on how to cover but i was sick on me though i said to me. that's ok his head then i don't feel. good enough.
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look at. the head of the watch and there's a little it cost me a little. more my job at now got to tell you no hold on to high out of the market. but that's what i thought my son. why. did you have to talk of a shot of childhood the indoor school and that only i had a plan no no high one national no more name i was out and how to. live it up having a. good idea. why do i believe in the seriousness of what they.
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want us all not is that. in the center this leads me to my book by the legitimacy of. the job you've got to look at you know so let's just get a job that would. love. to live but. i did. fire up a little bit more. than that it. sounded and it. was. you. i was like.
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oh. yes no meds i want to take. or i'm going with shirley can you show. me macho right off gradually cause i'm in. a lot of well. you can't. turn on my out of washington. go on ad for since i have. to. say oh yeah and the 1st computer off additional of us i forgot oh my oh. shit we have to ask our dual core stuff of lot of folk. has it not cleaned me a little because we. should never shout at you and again as it is going to have lost you. to that of an economic as of now i am would do for those who are not.
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serious or. on a macor on the lawn or which. by myself. or guys are on. will know. that he's. not in the b.b. on this. morning and i didn't like that he. thought it was a shock to have. you can't stress show. the war. zone. you. are. shocking because you. should do now to.
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spread it and there is shallow. and. not to have. a 15. lesson. amended. but only. we are told the deal jay's capital it right investigation is one of the largest in american history the f.b.i. has made it clear it will not leave one stone unturned to prosecute what it calls domestic terrorist all of us want to answer surrounding this or her bed but is this also a purging of trump loyalists. is
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you'll be a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what's his face. in the world corrupted you need to descend. so join us in the depths. or and maybe in the shallows. debate is is it fair for transforming our plates to compete and women scared of
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course and sports. as a society we have decided to categorize sports based on sex i definitely need to do not think that it's fair for athletes step from porn as pie logical males to compete in the women's category on the run. why do we have gender or do you have gender categories and sports because we do treat men and women differently. every single soul beat athletes will we all have biological advantages over each other. are the same use a lot of. friends are those to you there is a goal to do it. and develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of hard work and dedication. gunned down. that these men
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say that they feel like a woman and they will not ever know what it's like to feel the loss of the baby her maybe biologically free home of these that they will never do they really think this is fair. i just don't believe in. god until i want it. no i didn't stress to her i get it when did. i going to have that stress out and why i had but i now had this and i did it she really. it's own head. and. that's a clock but if looks and why this. why does it not add up sooner.
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and help i know that i have even. though we know. motley. fool that. i know so to. do with a lot of us had enough so that i said this when i just said enough so that i can see the vision i'll do a lot. of good liquor not a moment because i'm going to whine at the for the show for my. good bye see move west without off at that i'm still at the one note of it all we have to put up a slip up of it and had to post what it doesn't want to. write. that. i made of i'll get out of the shackles was wrong and michelle could hear i love over there still could or couldn't wear on me emma and
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liam i said i had him on it also if you. don't why g.'s. oh but you could. just see and i just said. couldn't as you. can with a show that was so is i'm just so i think little thought ivy you do cool stuff in home and wished you don't much care. yes i did i so we are almost. never. sorry. i'm sorry but i certainly don't want. i don't get me. why we were i am sure a. lot of you who. have
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the. values that. 8 i am. to i believe you have to be out of i said i will find a cent i watch in order. to the dog but i'd be a whole way out it's automatic and then there's the shock and i've said it what i said you'll feel much of my sudden and i was a. month or i don't know some inner is it was as if. he said this is so that's why i live most of the villages and i. told you how it's.
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not of that. and the entire don't but it's true that i meant. to be on a thread of could decide i have no can just stuff as neat as and i will have to he she did i. could i wish could i just so aside. from such it does have last minute to say i asked you what i know it's why so of study if i could just said yeah but show them said just killfile to hide in the middle so there's a new law. shove a chair from. the top of. the top fee for the. crown though it will.
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be adequate to stop one book on a show from the show it was so. into i didn't shock for the shows so there are no mcconnell conditional being a condition. a lot of times i'll. take a. little bit of move without good enough. rounded and thought of at them some of the clip it off without. to had to gen con thought of the cool one as a drop of a charm shot it. isn't i could mine his image will can line him as you've read on
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a site that had a. mind that's ok i'm in now and i was always took a bit. of a need to be on the. on of the way of. clothes i know no one with us. always. thought if i did i id. software can. pull the out of me you know how to tell cause. it's. so also from studies of effect. in the kind of i said. about tyson in.
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a so-called school so don't. hold. your jaw. to do this to the wall good. choice for you if you hadn't heard that. we would have. found out at the dog market. she both. the support we're on the. slow side by doing now gives us. a little more of a key we are no. good it's call for bush. admin
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payouts he. has. to do a choice where he has this number that i'm on point i was only 5 at today. but i mean i don't miss it as. a so it's a minimum wage. i know what she and i dos which in mondale's from the from the mendoza. course on world was often i felt. my undiscussable. going to me has said. maybe she does it go away
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a softball we just might. be on a cause. to make it home. i always saw him do it to. me she had a was she a good flows. i should tell you how you get a. living. on the course and mr hayden went into me the 1st of those are. the 2 men i mean couldn't play for the. house admitted. i've usually.
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been as i have and stuff. a mile farther and then after that i will fuck on this mr hate to put a gym in then will you but i hope it off i didn't. have the down the room i shot it
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a week and then the star of them i saw was that said it 1st but. with it all ball was so put out though they still look at how they tried to have it out the. shuffle so it's all the down. down you. know i could go on and how the enough saw than myself imo do that. with this in it's going to open a number but no but then i'll follow them in the shadow of the d.s.a. and just.
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one of the worst ever mass shootings in america was in last vegas in 2017 the tragedy exposed a little of the real last biggest where many say elected officials are controlled by casino owners the degas shooting reveal where the l.v.n. p.d. really is and now it's part of this finishing the american public barely remembers that happened but just shows you the power of money in las vegas the powerful showed that true colors when the pandemic hit the most contagious contagion that we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care so here's care i goodman offering the lives of the vegas residents to the control group to the shiny facades concealed deep indifference to
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the people who have been saved if they were to take an action absolutely keep the roads shrinking machines doing base is a money machine is a huge cash register that is ran by people who don't care about people's lives being lost. is your media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. away. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. americans love. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history housings man in the united states not just that question of the american dream the bigger question if you dream is for.
2:00 am
the u.s. hopes the problem of admits brazil one of the country's worst hit by the. russian banks in the name of american safety and security. detail spittal sworn that they could start cutting more services unless they get billions in supports with the fundamental ready leaving millions on n.h.s. waiting lists we hear from a brit he's been waiting 6 months for shoulder surgery sort of physically but i was very shocked to. find go through the surgeries to recall the old green of all.


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