tv News. Views. Hughes RT March 17, 2021 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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back at carlson highlighting the fact he never enlisted when leader of the u.s. space command calling carlson's show drama t.v. i remind everyone that his opinion which he has a right to is based off of actually 0 days of service in the armed forces pentagon spokesperson john kirby said the department of defense would not be taking advice from a talk show host or the chinese military kirby adding the military is better and more effective when representing all americans but senator ted cruz of texas says he's deeply troubled by the military for igniting political attacks to intimidate those who criticize their policy under the biden administration in a letter to u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin cruz points out military officials have launched attacks on carlson including through official d.o.d. platforms and accounts while in uniform crews asked for an in person meeting to discuss the matter but carlson isn't the only one being confronted by those in military uniforms former presented as michael f.q. said nicholas escorted members of the one national guard to congresswoman majority
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leader branch office after claims she said the u.s. territory was a foreign land green as a conservative and you know i think some support some on twitter question if it was only republicans being intimidated by the military and after senator ted cruz sent that letter to the pentagon several tweets from a marine corps twitter account in question were deleted reporting for news you choose the hottest week r.t. to discuss is a new policy and whether or not criticism is warranted we bring in our $360.00 panel to give both a female and a mel perspective on the current debate dr melanie burkholder is a retired u.s. secret service agent and republican strategist as well john jordan political commentator and former navy intelligence official welcome to the show. thank you thanks for having me thank you for melanoma start with you as a former female roles a former female in the service a part of law enforcement you know you obviously have to adapt with the environment
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you're in and you look at the changes that are being made by our united states military and you think they are welcomed by the women who are currently serving will help them do their job better and more probably help in recruiting more females to service. well that's a loaded question i have to say that as a secret service agent we go into training in a very para and militaristic training environment where they tend to want to break you down before they build you up and you do what you're told i mean i was in a training class of folks that could not do every physical element of the training that we were required to do and as a woman that was frustrating because we are very male oriented in the secret service there's a lot more min and there are women and that's ok but you know i just kind of went out there and did what i was asked to do and didn't measure it as form of gender i am a female so therefore i'm not expected to do what needed to be done to complete the mission are to be in the job so i think that's
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a job requirement than it's right it's irrelevant if you are female or male so that would be my $0.02 on that level well and john i want to bring in the specific of the things that you know our friend tucker carlson said at one point not make you specifically about against women in the military this is just about the changes that were being made why do you think the military or members of certain members of the military were sensitive to what the point that was being made. well this goes back to the obama administration the obama administration it started not by desertion is continuing in the troubled ministration did nothing to stop the politicization of the military and pretty soon we're going to have to use a russian term political some political. and commissar political correctness and this started with obama is what obama's secretary of the navy ray made us who was a disaster to the people who see the military as an opportunity for social engineering and experiments when in fact the purpose of the military is to keep the
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american public safe and like your other guest people to join the military are doing so to serve a higher cause and intend to for there to fulfill a mission and if standards are relaxed guess who pays the price the people were fighters to both male and female so the military should be about what's best for the mission and not so much as a reason or rationale for social engineering well that's a failure as it is a p.r. move melanie what do you stories like this do to the morale of not only law enforcement we see this conflict being happen to political pond possibly but also to the military when they're being seen these type of conflicting stories happening and groups being basically you just political pawns. well i think he's just exactly right it is that it is a political agenda and the military has historically been a political body so what they're supposed to do is destroy and kill the enemy regardless if they're family or male and what training and requirements they have
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need to be met and that needs to be something that needs to be examined right we don't need to do. soften the military if you will and i didn't i wasn't able to hear what you were talking about with tucker but what i meant or standing is that his intimation is that we are lowering the standards for the military based on women and listing and i just don't think that's necessary you going to do different jobs whatever job you have in the military is that job and you should have requirements to skill that job and if it's not combat or whatever you know if it's something different then you have a different set of standards and i think that's ok and it makes sense moving forward to say that you know these are your job requirements and we require you to do your job in the military and so that's what i would say to that here john this kind of gives you some remember it's a back on the campaign trail when they tried to make it out that the military did not like trump they tried to make it look that he was trashing the military point
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taking comments that he said that everybody who knew was going no trump did make those kind of allusions to it but in this case you take was what was supposedly said to make of you know an anti-military comment does this not kind of go back to that social engineer that you were talking about back in $93.00 with president clinton who introduced a major policy shift and it kind of denounced that this would be one of the 1st of many changes to the military and now it's being justified. well there are different parts of the military the military is comprised obviously of the men and women like moment melanie myself that have joined were commission or were enlisted and then there are even those that did it for a long time and then on top of then there's the admirals and some of the senior people who are often chosen oftentimes not always for political purposes and their political agendas and political leanings are taken into account and so you have this entrenched you do have an entrenched part of the uniform military which was raised in rank at the higher levels for political purposes and this is directly
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true in the navy with the secretary made because during the during the obama administration this never really got sorted out so there's that part of the military and then there's the rank and file so the trump was popular with many of the rank and file people but not with some of the entrenched people who had been promoted to senior ranks during the obama era well and thank you for kind of terrifying that side of it i want think both of you for your service you know i believe women can and should play a very strong role in our military they have throughout history and they do it in other countries and how they were living at this place right now are finding so many people are being deployed more than the last 4 years and in areas of contention i just don't know if this is the time we need to be debating what color nail polish our military is allowed to where there's a lot of different more pressing issues that i think that we should be concerned about but this is unfortunate when those things that have been that been placed on the agenda for convenience or for maybe distraction we will find out history will tell us thank you so much for your service and thank you for joining us. now back
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to our top story where the national guard is scheduled to surround and guard the u.s. capitol and farron fronsac joins us now from the steps the capitol talk about this idea of whether or not our soldiers are still there if there's any plan for them to bear track and go back home to their families. well scott a you and i both know we were here walking our dogs around the capitol about a couple months ago and the amount of soldiers that were here were astronomical right now there's only $2200.00 soldiers left here but just take a look and you can see the major difference it almost looks like a barren wasteland behind these capitol fences now last week nearly all of the national guardsmen from other states including my home state of illinois they all went back home except for the d.c. national guard who like you mentioned will be on watch until may now support for them to stay here has hit an all time rock bottom even from the chief of the national guard himself who says by keeping them here at the capitol they can't perform other domestic missions that right now they could and should be doing like
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helping with the cold vaccine distribution's well as far as lawmakers who are on board with the guard staying in d.c. the closest thing you have as far as them being on board with that comes from 2 representatives one of democrat one republican take a look at they're saying here in a joint statement we have reps adam mike smith and mike rogers saying that we are deeply troubled by the current level of security around the u.s. capitol more than 2 months after the january 6th attack the seat of our nation's democracy remains heavily protected by guardsmen and surrounded by a perimeter fence the present security posture is not warranted at this time now both agreed there should be some troops in the d.c. area but only on standby also agreeing with that statement a task force in charge of making recommendations they propose a permanent presence of the military who will be ready to go at a moment's notice now the question to you the taxpayer how much does this cost you and how much more is it going to cost you to keep these troops here till may well since the january 6th riots
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a national guardsmen from almost all of the 50 states they were deployed here to the capitol from january to march 14th their actual original release date that was $500000000.00 so now until may it's going to be another $500000000.00 on top of the already $500000000.00 that you the taxpayer paid for to put this fund. all around the capitol campus so to break that all down it's costing you the taxpayer $2600000.00 per day oh and on top of that you're also going to be paying all of these soldiers health insurance because it's a 30 plus day deployment now on top of all of this scottie sad news to report tonight there was one national guards member who actually died his name has been released take a look here 26 year old specialist justin green now from marcellus new york he was found unresponsive and in his hotel room police are investigating but they do not believe that any foul play happened but his death scotty adding more fuel to the argument by lawmakers to let these troops go home following reports that a lot of these men guard members were actually living in poor conditions having
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food that was not properly prepared so lawmakers again say that these members of answered the call to serve and while they don't you know they're not asking for a luxury 5 star hotel to stay and what they should at least have food that's safe to eat and proper working conditions while they're here now they will be here scott 23rd again costing you myself and every other american 500000000 dollars scottie thank you for and as we know there's a lot of people who need that money and it was there this weekend walking around the mall it was very very actually surreal to see as far back as there was and it's barbed wire and it's big military trucks and people are out there flying kites right next to it it really reminded me of some of the war zone pictures that we see from other countries happening right here in our nation's capital scary times that i hope will never have to see again once they go home thank you so much karen for being out there. things getting. and when we return it looks like president biden is going to announce the 1st major tax hike since 1992 but i wanted to and
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we are told the deal jay's capital it right investigation is one of the largest in american history the f.b.i. has made it clear it will not leave one stone unturned to prosecute what it calls domestic terrorists all of us want answers surrounding the bed but is this also a purging of trump loyalists. on the stand. that are in a lot of trouble and there are rather. the 4 or. i'm
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president biden is considering a major tax hike in his next economic plan this would be the 1st since 1982 and well and help fund a long term recovery program by targeting capital gain levies and large corporations now the increase in taxes would also include repealing portions of the $27.00 tax law which critics said critics said to benefit corporations and wealthy individuals now the new tax code is said to be more progressive and based off the promises joe biden made on the campaign trail and as of now white house economists say president biden does not intend to boost taxes on people earning less than $400000.00 a year so discuss elements of this potential proposal we bring in professor richard bolles thank you well we knew that we were going to have to raise they were after the money somewhere so i want to start with the estate tax because it's a big part of this bill what is this impact going to be if any on basically family farms or for that matter an individual who owns 20 or 30 acres and a half of the house happens to be $150000.00 and not just those you know it's easy
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to say the mansion of people in beverly hills but $400000.00 we talk about property and everything involved it can go pretty quickly especially we're talking about these large family farms. well i think you have to keep separate 2 things they sickly we currently have for the year 2021 an exemption of the 1st $11700000.00 that a person owns that is the federal government will not tax anything for the 1st $11700000.00 that you need when you die if we're talking about a couple that files their taxes jointly it's twice that or 23400000 dollars you would have to have an exceptionally large farm or an exceptionally and norma's oust to get anywhere near that since literally one percent of the american people or less have anything like that amount of money so
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even if he were to change and lower those levels unless he's going to do it by 80 or 90 percent and there's no indication that he is whatever he does here isn't going to affect the vast majority of the american people when it comes to an estate tax it's a little different for 'd states states have their own estate tax some states not all that can still impact you but that's not what mr biden is dealing with he's only dealing with the federal well that is a sigh of relief i know for a lot of people who watch the show because they obviously people don't realize that off so goes in a property as well as not just what's in the bank account but you know one thing that you think about it is kind of odd that the government wants to raise taxes on corporations after they just gave out a p.p.o. twice a billions of dollars in order to keep them in business and now want to raise taxes it's basically saying guess what we gave it to you now we're going to want to back . yeah you know here the issue is this so-called question of need
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the trump tax cut in december of 2017 made no effort to distinguish what corporations needed a tax cut and which ones didn't it gave it a blanket to everybody then when it came to who gets the $1400.00 checks that are going out this week suddenly the same congress decided needed was to be taken into account and they took those checks away from the $8000000.00 people that were scheduled to get them until they need to issue a rose ok now the p.p.o. given to people regardless of need but now the taxes come in which will distinguish because they tax and similar rate you pay more if you're big you pay less if you're smaller and if you're not making money you won't be hit by the tax at all so it's this wobbling between giving everyone and then saying all neat factors in and i
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think that's what you're seeing when i have to laugh the professor if i mean why even raise taxes i'm in cali why not just print print from the federal reserve that's are they doing it printing money and the government borrowing the money just like it did the last 15 minutes because we didn't know when they gave it out where they were going to get these numbers from so why was it ok to do then and now president members of congress are all of a sudden worried about having money to take in order to cover the bill that they've already spent. because they're caught in a bind you question exactly right you're caught they're caught in the bank the more you borrow and the more you print money the bigger is the debt of this country that deficits are enormous and that adds up to the national debt and they get attacked the government for having the debt go up ok if you don't want that debt go a lot don't borrow but then you have to raise the money basically with taxation given the way our government works so to avoid being criticized for the deficit
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they're going to raise taxes if they get criticized for raising taxes they'll go back to borrowing the money one way or the other they have to get the money to keep the system bowling because our economic system is now on life support from the government one way or the other which professor wolf you and i have a talk this entire year we knew this is possibly going to happen what else do you expect when you go several trillion dollars and that at some point you're going to have to pay up in some form it's funny that washington d.c. and those on capitol hill just didn't realize that was happening as they were signing those bills and we'll find out thank you so much for joining us thank you glad to be here. now remember in december where when there was those countless stories being done regarding the pressure being put on a georgia election officials by the trump campaign you know there was that one 3rd story that stated president trump told the investigator in georgia to find the
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fraud and said she would be a national hero if she did so well the recording of that exact phone call has now been released causing the washington post who initially ran the story to run a correction so to bring us all of the juicy details the steve malzberg hope to meet the press here on araa to america and steve i have to tell you i think a few years ago when you came on our to america and you were hired it was 1st stories alike of lists to actually call out those and correct the record you're correcting it back then now you can say i told you guys talk to me about this story specifically what was actually said on that recording. well of course a you had to correct it you said that the washington post reported that the chief investigator in the georgia secretary of state's office got a phone call from donald trump instructing hard to find the fraud and you'll be a national hero and the media read with that they picked up on the washington post
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story which was based on an anonymous source which is very important and that the implication was he was ordering her to fabricate fraud find the fraud when in fact he said look for it and told her where to look for it and didn't say it the hero he said you'd be praised when the real story comes out he wanted her to look in fulton county and we know that because the wall street journal got a hold of a recording of the phone call which nobody knew existed until now so the washington post ran a retraction c.n.n. reported on the washington post story back then ran a retraction a.b.c. and p.p.s. interesting lean up according to other media research center as of last night did not acknowledge any false reporting which they also did because. we reported on that washington post story but the thing here scotty is there were attraction never gets the notice i mean people are going to say oh a look at this i mean all we heard was you know trump could be implicated in it
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criminally in this but what he's doing he's ordering people to fix the election and of course now they say oh we screwed up but that's not how it happened by and no what is good to know is like when a front page story runs you know somebody did something to somebody and then they run a little box later i know we made a mistake nobody sees it nobody cares the pressure stays and this is the same thing as previous stories the whole russia gate nonsense was based on anonymous sources and was wrong the blanik story but you refer to in the previous segment in september the atlantic quoting an anonymous source said trump trashed our deceased troops he denied it he called it phony phony baloney and again all these you know unknown sources stories have to be called into question well and here's the thing see this is what makes it important because guess what even today there is a story coming out talking about an anonymous source where there was a report being released about different countries interfering in some way with our election 2020 but it wasn't enough like they did in 2016 once again by the time
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it's corrected into already too late and people have already moved on with their life the damage has already been done so why did this matter in december when the election was already over. well it battered the center because we had a senate race coming up as well in georgia and you know a very important senate race which resulted in you know the basically the democrats controlling the senate by virtue of the camilla harris 51st vote so that's that's that's why it mattered and you know and anything they would ever have done trump is tax returns we learned this is tax returns anonymous sources you know that the old i'll just put it out there now they miss them and they've got to come up with more anonymous sources well and i want people to remember that i would love to see a phallus fact check the fact checkers on this one to remember that when you're reading these stories go and i got to see a correction of this story if i happen to catch the back and a few weeks right it has gone on for thanks for joining us to look at your show this weekend thank you scotty you know steve one downside of having freedom of the
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press and this country is that this also gives the press freedom to not tell the truth which sadly we are finding happens way too often that's it for today's show i want you to stay healthy and happy and we're going to see you right back here tomorrow in the meantime follow me on twitter at patty and means you have tag team n.b.a. team and for this show and more download the portable dock to be at your apple or android device with you right back here tomorrow thanks for watching. debate is is it fair for transforming our plates to compete in women's sports. as a society we have decided to categorize sports based on sex i definitely do not think
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that it's fair for athletes. to compete in the women's category. come. on why do we have to have. because we do treat men and women differently. every single beat athletes we all have biological advantages over each other. are the same you thought your friends are the stuff you hear about to do it. and develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of hard work and dedication. gunned down. that these men say that they. will not ever know what it's like to feel the loss of. her maybe biological reality that they will never do they really think this is fair. i just don't
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believe at. least. one of the worst mass shootings in america was in 2017 the tragedy exposed a little of the real less. controlled by can see you know not. reveal. really and now it's part of the still machine. barely remembers that happens just shows you the power of money and lost. the powerful showed that trucco. knows when the pandemic hit the most contagious contagion there we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care so here's caroline goodman offering the lives of the vegas residents to the control group to the shiny facades conceal a deep indifference to the people could have been saved if they were to take an
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action absolutely key to registering and get a slot machines doing in vegas is a money machine is a huge cash register that is ran by people who don't care about people's lives being lost. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to get from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. debate is is it fair for transforming our plates to compete in women's categories and sport. as a society we have decided to categorize sports based on sex i definitely need to do not think that it's fair for athletes that when porn as pie logical males to compete in the women's category on the run. why do we have gender or do you
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have gender categories in sport because we do treat men and women differently. every single soul beat athletes we all have biological advantages over each other. are the thing means a lot to me and i think friends are those that need a little care for the cold to do it. and develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of hard work and dedication i'm gonna run down a little that these men say that they feel like to love it then they will not ever know what it's like to feel the loss of the baby her maybe biologically every home of these that they will never do they really think this is fair. i just don't believe it.
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u.s. health department openly admits to prevent brazil one of the country's worst hit by the pandemic from. cope with vaccines in the name of the american safety and security. you care hospitals more they could start to cut more services unless they get billions in support. leaving millions on the n.h.s. waiting lists we will be hearing from the british doctor this hour. as the 3rd coronavirus wave sweeps the e.u. we ask what lessons the book has learned over the past year to report criticizes europe's pandemic.
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